Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.orc.*; import org.apache.orc.Reader.Options; import org.apache.orc.impl.BufferChunk; import org.apache.orc.impl.InStream; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.TableMeta; import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.EvalNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; public class OrcScanner extends FileScanner { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OrcScanner.class); private static final int DIRECTORY_SIZE_GUESS = 16 * 1024; protected final FileSystem fileSystem; private final long maxLength = Long.MAX_VALUE; protected final Path path; protected org.apache.orc.CompressionKind compressionKind; protected CompressionCodec codec; protected int bufferSize; private List<OrcProto.StripeStatistics> stripeStats; private int metadataSize; protected List<OrcProto.Type> types; private List<OrcProto.UserMetadataItem> userMetadata; private List<OrcProto.ColumnStatistics> fileStats; private List<StripeInformation> stripes; protected int rowIndexStride; private long contentLength, numberOfRows; private TimeZone timeZone; private List<Integer> versionList; //serialized footer - Keeping this around for use by getFileMetaInfo() // will help avoid cpu cycles spend in deserializing at cost of increased // memory footprint. private ByteBuffer footerByteBuffer; // Same for metastore cache - maintains the same background buffer, but includes postscript. // This will only be set if the file footer/metadata was read from disk. private ByteBuffer footerMetaAndPsBuffer; private OrcRecordReader recordReader; private long recordCount = 0; /** * Ensure this is an ORC file to prevent users from trying to read text * files or RC files as ORC files. * @param in the file being read * @param path the filename for error messages * @param psLen the postscript length * @param buffer the tail of the file * @throws IOException */ static void ensureOrcFooter(FSDataInputStream in, Path path, int psLen, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { int len = OrcFile.MAGIC.length(); if (psLen < len + 1) { throw new IOException("Malformed ORC file " + path + ". Invalid postscript length " + psLen); } int offset = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position() + buffer.limit() - 1 - len; byte[] array = buffer.array(); // now look for the magic string at the end of the postscript. if (!Text.decode(array, offset, len).equals(OrcFile.MAGIC)) { // If it isn't there, this may be the 0.11.0 version of ORC. // Read the first 3 bytes of the file to check for the header byte[] header = new byte[len]; in.readFully(0, header, 0, len); // if it isn't there, this isn't an ORC file if (!Text.decode(header, 0, len).equals(OrcFile.MAGIC)) { throw new IOException("Malformed ORC file " + path + ". Invalid postscript."); } } } /** * Build a version string out of an array. * @param version the version number as a list * @return the human readable form of the version string */ private static String versionString(List<Integer> version) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < version.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append('.'); } buffer.append(version.get(i)); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Check to see if this ORC file is from a future version and if so, * warn the user that we may not be able to read all of the column encodings. * @param log the logger to write any error message to * @param path the data source path for error messages * @param version the version of hive that wrote the file. */ static void checkOrcVersion(Log log, Path path, List<Integer> version) { if (version.size() >= 1) { int major = version.get(0); int minor = 0; if (version.size() >= 2) { minor = version.get(1); } if (major > OrcFile.Version.CURRENT.getMajor() || (major == OrcFile.Version.CURRENT.getMajor() && minor > OrcFile.Version.CURRENT.getMinor())) { log.warn(path + " was written by a future Hive version " + versionString(version) + ". This file may not be readable by this version of Hive."); } } } public OrcScanner(Configuration conf, Schema schema, TableMeta meta, Fragment fragment) throws IOException { super(conf, schema, meta, fragment); this.path = this.fragment.getPath(); this.fileSystem = this.path.getFileSystem(conf); } private static FileMetaInfo extractMetaInfoFromFooter(FileSystem fs, Path path, long maxFileLength) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream file =; // figure out the size of the file using the option or filesystem long size; if (maxFileLength == Long.MAX_VALUE) { size = fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen(); } else { size = maxFileLength; } //read last bytes into buffer to get PostScript int readSize = (int) Math.min(size, DIRECTORY_SIZE_GUESS); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(readSize); assert buffer.position() == 0; file.readFully((size - readSize), buffer.array(), buffer.arrayOffset(), readSize); buffer.position(0); //read the PostScript //get length of PostScript int psLen = buffer.get(readSize - 1) & 0xff; ensureOrcFooter(file, path, psLen, buffer); int psOffset = readSize - 1 - psLen; OrcProto.PostScript ps = extractPostScript(buffer, path, psLen, psOffset); int footerSize = (int) ps.getFooterLength(); int metadataSize = (int) ps.getMetadataLength(); //check if extra bytes need to be read ByteBuffer fullFooterBuffer = null; int extra = Math.max(0, psLen + 1 + footerSize + metadataSize - readSize); if (extra > 0) { //more bytes need to be read, seek back to the right place and read extra bytes ByteBuffer extraBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(extra + readSize); file.readFully((size - readSize - extra), extraBuf.array(), extraBuf.arrayOffset() + extraBuf.position(), extra); extraBuf.position(extra); //append with already read bytes extraBuf.put(buffer); buffer = extraBuf; buffer.position(0); fullFooterBuffer = buffer.slice(); buffer.limit(footerSize + metadataSize); } else { //footer is already in the bytes in buffer, just adjust position, length buffer.position(psOffset - footerSize - metadataSize); fullFooterBuffer = buffer.slice(); buffer.limit(psOffset); } // remember position for later buffer.mark(); file.close(); return new FileMetaInfo(ps.getCompression().toString(), (int) ps.getCompressionBlockSize(), (int) ps.getMetadataLength(), buffer, ps.getVersionList(), org.apache.orc.OrcFile.WriterVersion.FUTURE, fullFooterBuffer); } public OrcRecordReader createRecordReader() throws IOException { return new OrcRecordReader(this.stripes, fileSystem, schema, targets, fragment, types, codec, bufferSize, rowIndexStride, buildReaderOptions(meta), conf, timeZone); } private static Options buildReaderOptions(TableMeta meta) { return new Options() .useZeroCopy(Boolean.parseBoolean(meta.getProperty(OrcConf.USE_ZEROCOPY.getAttribute(), String.valueOf(OrcConf.USE_ZEROCOPY.getDefaultValue())))) .skipCorruptRecords(Boolean.parseBoolean(meta.getProperty(OrcConf.SKIP_CORRUPT_DATA.getAttribute(), String.valueOf(OrcConf.SKIP_CORRUPT_DATA.getDefaultValue())))); } @Override public void init() throws IOException { FileMetaInfo footerMetaData = extractMetaInfoFromFooter(fileSystem, path, maxLength); this.footerMetaAndPsBuffer = footerMetaData.footerMetaAndPsBuffer; MetaInfoObjExtractor rInfo = new MetaInfoObjExtractor(footerMetaData.compressionType, footerMetaData.bufferSize, footerMetaData.metadataSize, footerMetaData.footerBuffer); this.footerByteBuffer = footerMetaData.footerBuffer; this.compressionKind = rInfo.compressionKind; this.codec = rInfo.codec; this.bufferSize = rInfo.bufferSize; this.metadataSize = rInfo.metadataSize; this.stripeStats = rInfo.metadata.getStripeStatsList(); this.types = rInfo.footer.getTypesList(); this.rowIndexStride = rInfo.footer.getRowIndexStride(); this.contentLength = rInfo.footer.getContentLength(); this.numberOfRows = rInfo.footer.getNumberOfRows(); this.userMetadata = rInfo.footer.getMetadataList(); this.fileStats = rInfo.footer.getStatisticsList(); this.versionList = footerMetaData.versionList; this.stripes = convertProtoStripesToStripes(rInfo.footer.getStripesList()); this.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone( meta.getProperty(StorageConstants.TIMEZONE, StorageUtil.TAJO_CONF.getSystemTimezone().getID())); this.recordReader = createRecordReader(); super.init(); } @Override public Tuple next() throws IOException { Tuple next =; if (next != null) { recordCount++; } return next; } @Override public void reset() throws IOException { // TODO: improve this this.close(); recordReader = createRecordReader(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (recordReader != null) { recordReader.close(); inputStats.setNumBytes(recordReader.getNumBytes()); inputStats.setNumRows(recordCount); } } @Override public boolean isProjectable() { return true; } @Override public boolean isSelectable() { return false; } @Override public void setFilter(EvalNode filter) { // TODO: implement this } @Override public float getProgress() { return inited ? recordReader.getProgress() : super.getProgress(); } @Override public boolean isSplittable() { return true; } private static OrcProto.PostScript extractPostScript(ByteBuffer bb, Path path, int psLen, int psAbsOffset) throws IOException { // TODO: when PB is upgraded to 2.6, newInstance(ByteBuffer) method should be used here. assert bb.hasArray(); CodedInputStream in = CodedInputStream.newInstance(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + psAbsOffset, psLen); OrcProto.PostScript ps = OrcProto.PostScript.parseFrom(in); checkOrcVersion(LOG, path, ps.getVersionList()); // Check compression codec. switch (ps.getCompression()) { case NONE: break; case ZLIB: break; case SNAPPY: break; case LZO: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown compression"); } return ps; } private static OrcProto.Footer extractFooter(ByteBuffer bb, int footerAbsPos, int footerSize, CompressionCodec codec, int bufferSize) throws IOException { bb.position(footerAbsPos); bb.limit(footerAbsPos + footerSize); return OrcProto.Footer.parseFrom(InStream.createCodedInputStream("footer", Lists.newArrayList(new BufferChunk(bb, 0)), footerSize, codec, bufferSize)); } private static OrcProto.Metadata extractMetadata(ByteBuffer bb, int metadataAbsPos, int metadataSize, CompressionCodec codec, int bufferSize) throws IOException { bb.position(metadataAbsPos); bb.limit(metadataAbsPos + metadataSize); return OrcProto.Metadata.parseFrom(InStream.createCodedInputStream("metadata", Lists.newArrayList(new BufferChunk(bb, 0)), metadataSize, codec, bufferSize)); } /** * MetaInfoObjExtractor - has logic to create the values for the fields in ReaderImpl * from serialized fields. * As the fields are final, the fields need to be initialized in the constructor and * can't be done in some helper function. So this helper class is used instead. * */ private static class MetaInfoObjExtractor { final org.apache.orc.CompressionKind compressionKind; final CompressionCodec codec; final int bufferSize; final int metadataSize; final OrcProto.Metadata metadata; final OrcProto.Footer footer; MetaInfoObjExtractor(String codecStr, int bufferSize, int metadataSize, ByteBuffer footerBuffer) throws IOException { this.compressionKind = org.apache.orc.CompressionKind.valueOf(codecStr); this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.codec = OrcUtils.createCodec(compressionKind); this.metadataSize = metadataSize; int position = footerBuffer.position(); int footerBufferSize = footerBuffer.limit() - footerBuffer.position() - metadataSize; this.metadata = extractMetadata(footerBuffer, position, metadataSize, codec, bufferSize); this.footer = extractFooter(footerBuffer, position + metadataSize, footerBufferSize, codec, bufferSize); footerBuffer.position(position); } } public static class StripeInformationImpl implements org.apache.orc.StripeInformation { private final OrcProto.StripeInformation stripe; public StripeInformationImpl(OrcProto.StripeInformation stripe) { this.stripe = stripe; } @Override public long getOffset() { return stripe.getOffset(); } @Override public long getLength() { return stripe.getDataLength() + getIndexLength() + getFooterLength(); } @Override public long getDataLength() { return stripe.getDataLength(); } @Override public long getFooterLength() { return stripe.getFooterLength(); } @Override public long getIndexLength() { return stripe.getIndexLength(); } @Override public long getNumberOfRows() { return stripe.getNumberOfRows(); } @Override public String toString() { return "offset: " + getOffset() + " data: " + getDataLength() + " rows: " + getNumberOfRows() + " tail: " + getFooterLength() + " index: " + getIndexLength(); } } private static List<StripeInformation> convertProtoStripesToStripes(List<OrcProto.StripeInformation> stripes) { List<StripeInformation> result = new ArrayList<>(stripes.size()); for (OrcProto.StripeInformation info : stripes) { result.add(new StripeInformationImpl(info)); } return result; } }