Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tajo.engine.planner; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.tajo.SessionVars; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Column; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.SortSpec; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.SortSpecProto; import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf; import org.apache.tajo.engine.planner.enforce.Enforcer; import; import org.apache.tajo.engine.planner.physical.*; import org.apache.tajo.engine.query.QueryContext; import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoInternalError; import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.*; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.LogicalNodeDeserializer; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.DistinctGroupbyEnforcer; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.DistinctGroupbyEnforcer.DistinctAggregationAlgorithm; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.DistinctGroupbyEnforcer.MultipleAggregationStage; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.DistinctGroupbyEnforcer.SortSpecArray; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.EnforceProperty; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.SortEnforce; import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.SortedInputEnforce; import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.tajo.unit.StorageUnit; import org.apache.tajo.util.FileUtil; import org.apache.tajo.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.tajo.util.TUtil; import org.apache.tajo.worker.TaskAttemptContext; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import static org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.FragmentProto; import static org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.PartitionType; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.ColumnPartitionEnforcer.ColumnPartitionAlgorithm; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.EnforceProperty.EnforceType; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.GroupbyEnforce.GroupbyAlgorithm; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.JoinEnforce.JoinAlgorithm; public class PhysicalPlannerImpl implements PhysicalPlanner { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PhysicalPlannerImpl.class); private static final int UNGENERATED_PID = -1; protected final TajoConf conf; public PhysicalPlannerImpl(final TajoConf conf) { this.conf = conf; } public PhysicalExec createPlan(final TaskAttemptContext context, final LogicalNode logicalPlan) { PhysicalExec execPlan; try { execPlan = createPlanRecursive(context, logicalPlan, new Stack<>()); if (execPlan instanceof StoreTableExec || execPlan instanceof RangeShuffleFileWriteExec || execPlan instanceof HashShuffleFileWriteExec || execPlan instanceof ColPartitionStoreExec) { return execPlan; } else if (context.getDataChannel() != null) { return buildOutputOperator(context, logicalPlan, execPlan); } else { return execPlan; } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new TajoInternalError(ioe); } } private PhysicalExec buildOutputOperator(TaskAttemptContext context, LogicalNode plan, PhysicalExec execPlan) throws IOException { DataChannel channel = context.getDataChannel(); ShuffleFileWriteNode shuffleFileWriteNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(ShuffleFileWriteNode.class); shuffleFileWriteNode.setDataFormat(context.getDataChannel().getDataFormat()); shuffleFileWriteNode.setInSchema(plan.getOutSchema()); shuffleFileWriteNode.setOutSchema(plan.getOutSchema()); shuffleFileWriteNode.setShuffle(channel.getShuffleType(), channel.getShuffleKeys(), channel.getShuffleOutputNum()); shuffleFileWriteNode.setChild(plan); PhysicalExec outExecPlan = createShuffleFileWritePlan(context, shuffleFileWriteNode, execPlan); return outExecPlan; } private PhysicalExec createPlanRecursive(TaskAttemptContext ctx, LogicalNode logicalNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws IOException { PhysicalExec leftExec; PhysicalExec rightExec; switch (logicalNode.getType()) { case ROOT: LogicalRootNode rootNode = (LogicalRootNode) logicalNode; stack.push(rootNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, rootNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return leftExec; case EXPRS: EvalExprNode evalExpr = (EvalExprNode) logicalNode; return new EvalExprExec(ctx, evalExpr); case CREATE_TABLE: case INSERT: case STORE: StoreTableNode storeNode = (StoreTableNode) logicalNode; stack.push(storeNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, storeNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createStorePlan(ctx, storeNode, leftExec); case SELECTION: SelectionNode selNode = (SelectionNode) logicalNode; stack.push(selNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, selNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new SelectionExec(ctx, selNode, leftExec); case PROJECTION: ProjectionNode prjNode = (ProjectionNode) logicalNode; stack.push(prjNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, prjNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new ProjectionExec(ctx, prjNode, leftExec); case TABLE_SUBQUERY: { TableSubQueryNode subQueryNode = (TableSubQueryNode) logicalNode; stack.push(subQueryNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, subQueryNode.getSubQuery(), stack); stack.pop(); return new ProjectionExec(ctx, subQueryNode, leftExec); } case PARTITIONS_SCAN: case SCAN: leftExec = createScanPlan(ctx, (ScanNode) logicalNode, stack); return leftExec; case GROUP_BY: GroupbyNode grpNode = (GroupbyNode) logicalNode; stack.push(grpNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, grpNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createGroupByPlan(ctx, grpNode, leftExec); case WINDOW_AGG: WindowAggNode windowAggNode = (WindowAggNode) logicalNode; stack.push(windowAggNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, windowAggNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createWindowAgg(ctx, windowAggNode, leftExec); case DISTINCT_GROUP_BY: DistinctGroupbyNode distinctNode = (DistinctGroupbyNode) logicalNode; stack.push(distinctNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, distinctNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createDistinctGroupByPlan(ctx, distinctNode, leftExec); case HAVING: HavingNode havingNode = (HavingNode) logicalNode; stack.push(havingNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, havingNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new HavingExec(ctx, havingNode, leftExec); case SORT: SortNode sortNode = (SortNode) logicalNode; stack.push(sortNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, sortNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createSortPlan(ctx, sortNode, leftExec); case JOIN: JoinNode joinNode = (JoinNode) logicalNode; stack.push(joinNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, joinNode.getLeftChild(), stack); rightExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, joinNode.getRightChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return createJoinPlan(ctx, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case UNION: UnionNode unionNode = (UnionNode) logicalNode; stack.push(unionNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, unionNode.getLeftChild(), stack); rightExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, unionNode.getRightChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new UnionExec(ctx, leftExec, rightExec); case LIMIT: LimitNode limitNode = (LimitNode) logicalNode; stack.push(limitNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, limitNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new LimitExec(ctx, limitNode.getInSchema(), limitNode.getOutSchema(), leftExec, limitNode); case INDEX_SCAN: IndexScanNode indexScanNode = (IndexScanNode) logicalNode; leftExec = createIndexScanExec(ctx, indexScanNode); return leftExec; case CREATE_INDEX: CreateIndexNode createIndexNode = (CreateIndexNode) logicalNode; stack.push(createIndexNode); leftExec = createPlanRecursive(ctx, createIndexNode.getChild(), stack); stack.pop(); return new StoreIndexExec(ctx, createIndexNode, leftExec); default: return null; } } @VisibleForTesting public static long estimateSizeRecursive(TaskAttemptContext ctx, String[] tableIds) { long size = 0; for (String tableId : tableIds) { FragmentProto[] fragmentProtos = ctx.getTables(tableId); List<Fragment> fragments = FragmentConvertor.convert(ctx.getConf(), fragmentProtos); for (Fragment frag : fragments) { size += TablespaceManager.guessFragmentVolume(ctx.getConf(), frag); } } return size; } private boolean checkIfInMemoryInnerJoinIsPossible(TaskAttemptContext context, LogicalNode node, boolean left) throws IOException { String[] lineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(node); long volume = estimateSizeRecursive(context, lineage); return checkIfInMemoryInnerJoinIsPossible(context, lineage, volume, left); } @VisibleForTesting public boolean checkIfInMemoryInnerJoinIsPossible(TaskAttemptContext context, String[] lineage, long tableVolume, boolean left) throws IOException { boolean inMemoryInnerJoinFlag; QueryContext queryContext = context.getQueryContext(); if (queryContext.containsKey(SessionVars.INNER_HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT)) { inMemoryInnerJoinFlag = tableVolume <= context.getQueryContext() .getLong(SessionVars.INNER_HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT) * StorageUnit.MB; } else { inMemoryInnerJoinFlag = tableVolume <= context.getQueryContext() .getLong(SessionVars.HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT) * StorageUnit.MB; }"[%s] the volume of %s relations (%s) is %s and is %sfit to main maemory.", context.getTaskId().toString(), (left ? "Left" : "Right"), StringUtils.join(lineage), FileUtil.humanReadableByteCount(tableVolume, false), (inMemoryInnerJoinFlag ? "" : "not "))); return inMemoryInnerJoinFlag; } public PhysicalExec createJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode joinNode, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { switch (joinNode.getJoinType()) { case CROSS: return createCrossJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case INNER: return createInnerJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case LEFT_OUTER: return createLeftOuterJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case RIGHT_OUTER: return createRightOuterJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case FULL_OUTER: return createFullOuterJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case LEFT_SEMI: return createLeftSemiJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case RIGHT_SEMI: return createRightSemiJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case LEFT_ANTI: return createLeftAntiJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); case RIGHT_ANTI: return createRightAntiJoinPlan(context, joinNode, leftExec, rightExec); default: throw new PhysicalPlanningException("Cannot support join type: " + joinNode.getJoinType().name()); } } private PhysicalExec createCrossJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { default: // fallback algorithm LOG.error("Invalid Cross Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; PhysicalExec[] orderedChilds = switchJoinSidesIfNecessary(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); return new HashJoinExec(context, plan, orderedChilds[1], orderedChilds[0]); } } else {"Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In-memory Hash Join]"); // returns two PhysicalExec. smaller one is 0, and larger one is 1. PhysicalExec[] orderedChilds = switchJoinSidesIfNecessary(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); return new HashJoinExec(context, plan, orderedChilds[1], orderedChilds[0]); } } private PhysicalExec createInnerJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In-memory Hash Join]"); // returns two PhysicalExec. smaller one is 0, and larger one is 1. PhysicalExec[] orderedChilds = switchJoinSidesIfNecessary(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); return new HashJoinExec(context, plan, orderedChilds[1], orderedChilds[0]); case MERGE_JOIN:"Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Sort Merge Join]"); return createMergeInnerJoin(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); case HYBRID_HASH_JOIN: default: LOG.error("Invalid Inner Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback inner join algorithm: " +; return createMergeInnerJoin(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } else { return createBestInnerJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } /** * It returns two {@link org.apache.tajo.engine.planner.physical.PhysicalExec}s sorted in an ascending order of * their child relations' total volume. In other words, the smaller side is returned as 0's PhysicalExec, and * the larger side is returned as 1's PhysicalExec. */ @VisibleForTesting public PhysicalExec[] switchJoinSidesIfNecessary(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec left, PhysicalExec right) throws IOException { String[] leftLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(plan.getLeftChild()); String[] rightLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(plan.getRightChild()); long leftSize = estimateSizeRecursive(context, leftLineage); long rightSize = estimateSizeRecursive(context, rightLineage); PhysicalExec smaller; PhysicalExec larger; if (leftSize <= rightSize) { smaller = left; larger = right;"[%s] Left relations %s (%s) is smaller than Right relations %s (%s).", context.getTaskId().toString(), StringUtils.join(leftLineage), FileUtil.humanReadableByteCount(leftSize, false), StringUtils.join(rightLineage), FileUtil.humanReadableByteCount(rightSize, false))); } else { smaller = right; larger = left;"[%s] Right relations %s (%s) is smaller than Left relations %s (%s).", context.getTaskId().toString(), StringUtils.join(rightLineage), FileUtil.humanReadableByteCount(rightSize, false), StringUtils.join(leftLineage), FileUtil.humanReadableByteCount(leftSize, false))); } return new PhysicalExec[] { smaller, larger }; } private PhysicalExec createBestInnerJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { boolean inMemoryHashJoin = false; if (checkIfInMemoryInnerJoinIsPossible(context, plan.getLeftChild(), true) || checkIfInMemoryInnerJoinIsPossible(context, plan.getRightChild(), false)) { inMemoryHashJoin = true; } if (inMemoryHashJoin) {"Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In-memory Hash Join]"); // returns two PhysicalExec. smaller one is 0, and larger one is 1. PhysicalExec[] orderedChilds = switchJoinSidesIfNecessary(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); return new HashJoinExec(context, plan, orderedChilds[1], orderedChilds[0]); } else { return createMergeInnerJoin(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } private MergeJoinExec createMergeInnerJoin(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { SortSpec[][] sortSpecs = PlannerUtil.getSortKeysFromJoinQual(plan.getJoinQual(), leftExec.getSchema(), rightExec.getSchema()); SortNode leftSortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); leftSortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs[0]); leftSortNode.setInSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); leftSortNode.setOutSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec outerSort = new ExternalSortExec(context, leftSortNode, leftExec); SortNode rightSortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); rightSortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs[1]); rightSortNode.setInSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); rightSortNode.setOutSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec innerSort = new ExternalSortExec(context, rightSortNode, rightExec);"Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Merge Join]"); return new MergeJoinExec(context, plan, outerSort, innerSort, sortSpecs[0], sortSpecs[1]); } private PhysicalExec createLeftOuterJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Left Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); case MERGE_JOIN: //the right operand is too large, so we opt for merge join implementation"Left Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Merge Join]."); return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); default: LOG.error("Invalid Left Outer Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback to join algorithm: " + JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } else { return createBestLeftOuterJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } private static boolean isHashOuterJoinFeasible(TaskAttemptContext context, LogicalNode innerRelation) { String[] rightLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(innerRelation); long estimatedVolume = estimateSizeRecursive(context, rightLineage); QueryContext queryContext = context.getQueryContext(); if (queryContext.containsKey(SessionVars.OUTER_HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT)) { return estimatedVolume <= queryContext.getLong(SessionVars.OUTER_HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT) * StorageUnit.MB; } else { return estimatedVolume <= queryContext.getLong(SessionVars.HASH_JOIN_SIZE_LIMIT) * StorageUnit.MB; } } private PhysicalExec createBestLeftOuterJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { if (isHashOuterJoinFeasible(context, plan.getRightChild())) { // we can implement left outer join using hash join, using the right operand as the build relation"Left Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } else { //the right operand is too large, so we opt for merge join implementation"Left Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Merge Join]."); return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } private PhysicalExec createBestRightJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { //if the left operand is small enough => implement it as a left outer hash join with exchanged operators (note: // blocking, but merge join is blocking as well) if (isHashOuterJoinFeasible(context, plan.getLeftChild())) {"Right Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } else { return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } private PhysicalExec createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { //the left operand is too large, so opt for merge join implementation"Right Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Merge Join]."); SortSpec[][] sortSpecs2 = PlannerUtil.getSortKeysFromJoinQual(plan.getJoinQual(), leftExec.getSchema(), rightExec.getSchema()); SortNode leftSortNode2 = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); leftSortNode2.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs2[0]); leftSortNode2.setInSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); leftSortNode2.setOutSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec outerSort2 = new ExternalSortExec(context, leftSortNode2, leftExec); SortNode rightSortNode2 = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); rightSortNode2.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs2[1]); rightSortNode2.setInSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); rightSortNode2.setOutSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec innerSort2 = new ExternalSortExec(context, rightSortNode2, rightExec); return new RightOuterMergeJoinExec(context, plan, outerSort2, innerSort2, sortSpecs2[0], sortSpecs2[1]); } private PhysicalExec createRightOuterJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Right Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); case MERGE_JOIN: return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); default: LOG.error("Invalid Right Outer Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback to join algorithm: " + JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); return createRightOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } else { return createBestRightJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } private PhysicalExec createFullOuterJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN: return createFullOuterHashJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); case MERGE_JOIN: return createFullOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); default: LOG.error("Invalid Full Outer Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback to join algorithm: " + JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); return createFullOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } else { return createBestFullOuterJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } private HashFullOuterJoinExec createFullOuterHashJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { String[] leftLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(plan.getLeftChild()); String[] rightLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(plan.getRightChild()); long outerSize2 = estimateSizeRecursive(context, leftLineage); long innerSize2 = estimateSizeRecursive(context, rightLineage); PhysicalExec selectedRight; PhysicalExec selectedLeft; // HashJoinExec loads the smaller relation to memory. if (outerSize2 <= innerSize2) { selectedLeft = leftExec; selectedRight = rightExec; } else { selectedLeft = rightExec; selectedRight = leftExec; }"Full Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Hash Join]"); return new HashFullOuterJoinExec(context, plan, selectedRight, selectedLeft); } private MergeFullOuterJoinExec createFullOuterMergeJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { // if size too large, full outer merge join implementation"Full Outer Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [Merge Join]"); SortSpec[][] sortSpecs3 = PlannerUtil.getSortKeysFromJoinQual(plan.getJoinQual(), leftExec.getSchema(), rightExec.getSchema()); SortNode leftSortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); leftSortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs3[0]); leftSortNode.setInSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); leftSortNode.setOutSchema(leftExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec outerSort3 = new ExternalSortExec(context, leftSortNode, leftExec); SortNode rightSortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); rightSortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs3[1]); rightSortNode.setInSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); rightSortNode.setOutSchema(rightExec.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec innerSort3 = new ExternalSortExec(context, rightSortNode, rightExec); return new MergeFullOuterJoinExec(context, plan, outerSort3, innerSort3, sortSpecs3[0], sortSpecs3[1]); } private PhysicalExec createBestFullOuterJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { // The inner relation is always expected to be smaller than the outer relation. // (See GreedyHeuristicJoinOrderAlgorithm:::swapLeftAndRightIfNecessary(). // Thus, we need to evaluate only that the right table is able to be loaded or not. if (isHashOuterJoinFeasible(context, plan.getRightChild())) { return createFullOuterHashJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } else { return createFullOuterMergeJoinPlan(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } /** * Left semi join means that the left side is the IN side table, and the right side is the FROM side table. */ private PhysicalExec createLeftSemiJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); default: // TODO: implement sort-based semi join operator LOG.error("Invalid Left Semi Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback inner join algorithm: " +; return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } else {"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } /** * Left semi join means that the left side is the FROM side table, and the right side is the IN side table. */ private PhysicalExec createRightSemiJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); default: // TODO: implement sort-based semi join operator LOG.error("Invalid Left Semi Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback inner join algorithm: " +; return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } else {"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } /** * Left semi join means that the left side is the FROM side table, and the right side is the IN side table. */ private PhysicalExec createLeftAntiJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftAntiJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); default: // TODO: implement sort-based anti join operator LOG.error("Invalid Left Semi Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback inner join algorithm: " +; return new HashLeftAntiJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } else {"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftAntiJoinExec(context, plan, leftExec, rightExec); } } /** * Left semi join means that the left side is the FROM side table, and the right side is the IN side table. */ private PhysicalExec createRightAntiJoinPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, JoinNode plan, PhysicalExec leftExec, PhysicalExec rightExec) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, plan); if (property != null) { JoinAlgorithm algorithm = property.getJoin().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case IN_MEMORY_HASH_JOIN:"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); default: // TODO: implement sort-based anti join operator LOG.error("Invalid Left Semi Join Algorithm Enforcer: " +; LOG.error("Choose a fallback inner join algorithm: " +; return new HashLeftOuterJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } else {"Left Semi Join (" + plan.getPID() + ") chooses [In Memory Hash Join]."); return new HashLeftSemiJoinExec(context, plan, rightExec, leftExec); } } /** * Create a shuffle file write executor to store intermediate data into local disks. */ public PhysicalExec createShuffleFileWritePlan(TaskAttemptContext ctx, ShuffleFileWriteNode plan, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { plan.getOptions().set(StorageConstants.SHUFFLE_TYPE, PlannerUtil.getShuffleType(ctx.getDataChannel().getShuffleType())); switch (plan.getShuffleType()) { case HASH_SHUFFLE: case SCATTERED_HASH_SHUFFLE: return new HashShuffleFileWriteExec(ctx, plan, subOp); case RANGE_SHUFFLE: SortExec sortExec = PhysicalPlanUtil.findExecutor(subOp, SortExec.class); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = null; if (sortExec != null) { sortSpecs = sortExec.getSortSpecs(); } else { Column[] columns = ctx.getDataChannel().getShuffleKeys(); SortSpec specs[] = new SortSpec[columns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { specs[i] = new SortSpec(columns[i]); } } return new RangeShuffleFileWriteExec(ctx, plan, subOp, sortSpecs); case NONE_SHUFFLE: // if there is no given NULL CHAR property in the table property and the query is neither CTAS or INSERT, // we set DEFAULT NULL CHAR to the table property. if (!ctx.getQueryContext().containsKey(SessionVars.NULL_CHAR)) { plan.getOptions().set(StorageConstants.TEXT_NULL, TajoConf.ConfVars.$TEXT_NULL.defaultVal); } return new StoreTableExec(ctx, plan, subOp); default: throw new IllegalStateException(ctx.getDataChannel().getShuffleType() + " is not supported yet."); } } /** * Create a executor to store a table into HDFS. This is used for CREATE TABLE .. * AS or INSERT (OVERWRITE) INTO statement. */ public PhysicalExec createStorePlan(TaskAttemptContext ctx, StoreTableNode plan, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { if (plan.getPartitionMethod() != null) { switch (plan.getPartitionMethod().getPartitionType()) { case COLUMN: return createColumnPartitionStorePlan(ctx, plan, subOp); default: throw new IllegalStateException( plan.getPartitionMethod().getPartitionType() + " is not supported yet."); } } else { return new StoreTableExec(ctx, plan, subOp); } } private PhysicalExec createColumnPartitionStorePlan(TaskAttemptContext context, StoreTableNode storeTableNode, PhysicalExec child) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, storeTableNode); if (property != null) { ColumnPartitionAlgorithm algorithm = property.getColumnPartition().getAlgorithm(); switch (algorithm) { case HASH_PARTITION: return createHashColumnPartitionStorePlan(context, storeTableNode, child); case SORT_PARTITION: // default algorithm default: return createSortBasedColumnPartitionStorePlan(context, storeTableNode, child); } } else { // default algorithm is sorted-based column partition return createSortBasedColumnPartitionStorePlan(context, storeTableNode, child); } } private PhysicalExec createHashColumnPartitionStorePlan(TaskAttemptContext context, StoreTableNode storeTableNode, PhysicalExec child) throws IOException {"The planner chooses [Hash-based Column Partitioned Store] algorithm"); return new HashBasedColPartitionStoreExec(context, storeTableNode, child); } private PhysicalExec createSortBasedColumnPartitionStorePlan(TaskAttemptContext context, StoreTableNode storeTableNode, PhysicalExec child) throws IOException { Column[] partitionKeyColumns = storeTableNode.getPartitionMethod().getExpressionSchema().toArray(); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = new SortSpec[partitionKeyColumns.length]; if (storeTableNode.getType() == NodeType.INSERT) { InsertNode insertNode = (InsertNode) storeTableNode; for (int i = 0; i < partitionKeyColumns.length; i++) { for (Column column : partitionKeyColumns) { int id = insertNode.getTableSchema().getColumnId(column.getQualifiedName()); sortSpecs[i++] = new SortSpec(insertNode.getProjectedSchema().getColumn(id), true, false); } } } else if (storeTableNode.getType() == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE) { int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < partitionKeyColumns.length; j++) { int id = storeTableNode.getOutSchema().getRootColumns().size() + j; Column column = storeTableNode.getInSchema().getColumn(id); sortSpecs[i++] = new SortSpec(column, true, false); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < partitionKeyColumns.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i] = new SortSpec(partitionKeyColumns[i], true, false); } } SortNode sortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); sortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs); sortNode.setInSchema(child.getSchema()); sortNode.setOutSchema(child.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec sortExec = new ExternalSortExec(context, sortNode, child);"The planner chooses [Sort-based Column Partitioned Store] algorithm"); return new SortBasedColPartitionStoreExec(context, storeTableNode, sortExec); } private boolean checkIfSortEquivalance(TaskAttemptContext ctx, ScanNode scanNode, Stack<LogicalNode> node) { Enforcer enforcer = ctx.getEnforcer(); List<EnforceProperty> property = enforcer.getEnforceProperties(EnforceType.SORTED_INPUT); if (property != null && property.size() > 0 && node.peek().getType() == NodeType.SORT) { SortNode sortNode = (SortNode) node.peek(); SortedInputEnforce sortEnforcer = property.get(0).getSortedInput(); boolean condition = scanNode.getTableName().equals(sortEnforcer.getTableName()); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = LogicalNodeDeserializer.convertSortSpecs(sortEnforcer.getSortSpecsList()); return condition && TUtil.checkEquals(sortNode.getSortKeys(), sortSpecs); } else { return false; } } public PhysicalExec createScanPlan(TaskAttemptContext ctx, ScanNode scanNode, Stack<LogicalNode> node) throws IOException { // check if an input is sorted in the same order to the subsequence sort operator. if (checkIfSortEquivalance(ctx, scanNode, node)) { if (ctx.getTable(scanNode.getCanonicalName()) == null) { return new SeqScanExec(ctx, scanNode, null); } FragmentProto[] fragments = ctx.getTables(scanNode.getCanonicalName()); return new ExternalSortExec(ctx, (SortNode) node.peek(), scanNode, fragments); } else { Enforcer enforcer = ctx.getEnforcer(); // check if this table is broadcasted one or not. boolean broadcastFlag = false; if (enforcer != null && enforcer.hasEnforceProperty(EnforceType.BROADCAST)) { List<EnforceProperty> properties = enforcer.getEnforceProperties(EnforceType.BROADCAST); for (EnforceProperty property : properties) { broadcastFlag |= scanNode.getCanonicalName().equals(property.getBroadcast().getTableName()); } } if (scanNode instanceof PartitionedTableScanNode && ((PartitionedTableScanNode) scanNode).getInputPaths() != null && ((PartitionedTableScanNode) scanNode).getInputPaths().length > 0) { if (broadcastFlag) { PartitionedTableScanNode partitionedTableScanNode = (PartitionedTableScanNode) scanNode; List<Fragment> fileFragments = new ArrayList<>(); FileTablespace space = TablespaceManager.get(scanNode.getTableDesc().getUri()); for (Path path : partitionedTableScanNode.getInputPaths()) { fileFragments.addAll(Arrays.asList(space.split(scanNode.getCanonicalName(), path))); } FragmentProto[] fragments = FragmentConvertor.toFragmentProtoArray(conf, fileFragments.toArray(new Fragment[fileFragments.size()])); ctx.addFragments(scanNode.getCanonicalName(), fragments); return new PartitionMergeScanExec(ctx, scanNode, fragments); } } if (ctx.getTable(scanNode.getCanonicalName()) == null) { return new SeqScanExec(ctx, scanNode, null); } FragmentProto[] fragments = ctx.getTables(scanNode.getCanonicalName()); return new SeqScanExec(ctx, scanNode, fragments); } } public PhysicalExec createGroupByPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, GroupbyNode groupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, groupbyNode); if (property != null) { GroupbyAlgorithm algorithm = property.getGroupby().getAlgorithm(); if (algorithm == GroupbyAlgorithm.HASH_AGGREGATION) { return createInMemoryHashAggregation(context, groupbyNode, subOp); } else { return createSortAggregation(context, property, groupbyNode, subOp); } } return createBestAggregationPlan(context, groupbyNode, subOp); } private PhysicalExec createInMemoryHashAggregation(TaskAttemptContext ctx, GroupbyNode groupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException {"The planner chooses [Hash Aggregation]"); return new HashAggregateExec(ctx, groupbyNode, subOp); } private PhysicalExec createSortAggregation(TaskAttemptContext ctx, EnforceProperty property, GroupbyNode groupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { Column[] grpColumns = groupbyNode.getGroupingColumns(); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = new SortSpec[grpColumns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < grpColumns.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i] = new SortSpec(grpColumns[i], true, false); } if (property != null) { List<CatalogProtos.SortSpecProto> sortSpecProtos = property.getGroupby().getSortSpecsList(); List<SortSpec> enforcedSortSpecList = Lists.newArrayList(); int i = 0; outer: for (SortSpecProto sortSpecProto : sortSpecProtos) { SortSpec enforcedSortSpecs = new SortSpec(sortSpecProto); for (Column grpKey : grpColumns) { // if this sort key is included in grouping columns, skip it. if (enforcedSortSpecs.getSortKey().equals(grpKey)) { continue outer; } } enforcedSortSpecList.add(enforcedSortSpecs); } sortSpecs = ObjectArrays.concat(sortSpecs, TUtil.toArray(enforcedSortSpecList, SortSpec.class), SortSpec.class); } SortNode sortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); sortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs); sortNode.setInSchema(subOp.getSchema()); sortNode.setOutSchema(subOp.getSchema()); ExternalSortExec sortExec = new ExternalSortExec(ctx, sortNode, subOp);"The planner chooses [Sort Aggregation] in (" + StringUtils.join(sortSpecs) + ")"); return new SortAggregateExec(ctx, groupbyNode, sortExec); } private PhysicalExec createBestAggregationPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, GroupbyNode groupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { Column[] grpColumns = groupbyNode.getGroupingColumns(); if (grpColumns.length == 0) { return createInMemoryHashAggregation(context, groupbyNode, subOp); } String[] outerLineage = PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(groupbyNode.getChild()); long estimatedSize = estimateSizeRecursive(context, outerLineage); final long threshold = context.getQueryContext().getLong(SessionVars.HASH_GROUPBY_SIZE_LIMIT) * StorageUnit.MB; // if the relation size is less than the threshold, // the hash aggregation will be used."Aggregation:estimatedSize=" + estimatedSize + ", threshold=" + threshold); if (estimatedSize <= threshold) {"The planner chooses [Hash Aggregation]"); return createInMemoryHashAggregation(context, groupbyNode, subOp); } else { return createSortAggregation(context, null, groupbyNode, subOp); } } public PhysicalExec createWindowAgg(TaskAttemptContext context, WindowAggNode windowAggNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { PhysicalExec child = subOp; if (windowAggNode.hasPartitionKeys()) { Column[] grpColumns = windowAggNode.getPartitionKeys(); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = new SortSpec[grpColumns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < grpColumns.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i] = new SortSpec(grpColumns[i], true, false); } SortNode sortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); sortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs); sortNode.setInSchema(subOp.getSchema()); sortNode.setOutSchema(subOp.getSchema()); child = new ExternalSortExec(context, sortNode, subOp);"The planner chooses [Sort Aggregation] in (" + StringUtils.join(sortSpecs) + ")"); } return new WindowAggExec(context, windowAggNode, child); } public PhysicalExec createDistinctGroupByPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, DistinctGroupbyNode distinctNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { Enforcer enforcer = context.getEnforcer(); EnforceProperty property = getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(enforcer, distinctNode); if (property != null) { if (property.getDistinct().getIsMultipleAggregation()) { MultipleAggregationStage stage = property.getDistinct().getMultipleAggregationStage(); if (stage == MultipleAggregationStage.FIRST_STAGE) { return new DistinctGroupbyFirstAggregationExec(context, distinctNode, subOp); } else if (stage == MultipleAggregationStage.SECOND_STAGE) { return new DistinctGroupbySecondAggregationExec(context, distinctNode, createSortExecForDistinctGroupby(context, distinctNode, subOp, 2)); } else { return new DistinctGroupbyThirdAggregationExec(context, distinctNode, createSortExecForDistinctGroupby(context, distinctNode, subOp, 3)); } } else { DistinctAggregationAlgorithm algorithm = property.getDistinct().getAlgorithm(); if (algorithm == DistinctAggregationAlgorithm.HASH_AGGREGATION) { return createInMemoryDistinctGroupbyExec(context, distinctNode, subOp); } else { return createSortAggregationDistinctGroupbyExec(context, distinctNode, subOp, property.getDistinct()); } } } else { return createInMemoryDistinctGroupbyExec(context, distinctNode, subOp); } } private SortExec createSortExecForDistinctGroupby(TaskAttemptContext context, DistinctGroupbyNode distinctNode, PhysicalExec subOp, int phase) throws IOException { SortNode sortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); //2 phase: seq, groupby columns, distinct1 keys, distinct2 keys, //3 phase: groupby columns, seq, distinct1 keys, distinct2 keys, List<SortSpec> sortSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); if (phase == 2) { sortSpecs.add(new SortSpec(distinctNode.getTargets().get(0).getNamedColumn())); } for (Column eachColumn : distinctNode.getGroupingColumns()) { sortSpecs.add(new SortSpec(eachColumn)); } if (phase == 3) { sortSpecs.add(new SortSpec(distinctNode.getTargets().get(0).getNamedColumn())); } for (GroupbyNode eachGroupbyNode : distinctNode.getSubPlans()) { for (Column eachColumn : eachGroupbyNode.getGroupingColumns()) { sortSpecs.add(new SortSpec(eachColumn)); } } sortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs.toArray(new SortSpec[sortSpecs.size()])); sortNode.setInSchema(distinctNode.getInSchema()); sortNode.setOutSchema(distinctNode.getInSchema()); ExternalSortExec sortExec = new ExternalSortExec(context, sortNode, subOp); return sortExec; } private PhysicalExec createInMemoryDistinctGroupbyExec(TaskAttemptContext ctx, DistinctGroupbyNode distinctGroupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp) throws IOException { return new DistinctGroupbyHashAggregationExec(ctx, distinctGroupbyNode, subOp); } private PhysicalExec createSortAggregationDistinctGroupbyExec(TaskAttemptContext ctx, DistinctGroupbyNode distinctGroupbyNode, PhysicalExec subOp, DistinctGroupbyEnforcer enforcer) throws IOException { List<GroupbyNode> groupbyNodes = distinctGroupbyNode.getSubPlans(); SortAggregateExec[] sortAggregateExec = new SortAggregateExec[groupbyNodes.size()]; List<SortSpecArray> sortSpecArrays = enforcer.getSortSpecArraysList(); int index = 0; for (GroupbyNode eachGroupbyNode : groupbyNodes) { SortSpecArray sortSpecArray = sortSpecArrays.get(index); SortSpec[] sortSpecs = new SortSpec[sortSpecArray.getSortSpecsList().size()]; int sortIndex = 0; for (SortSpecProto eachProto : sortSpecArray.getSortSpecsList()) { sortSpecs[sortIndex++] = new SortSpec(eachProto); } SortNode sortNode = LogicalPlan.createNodeWithoutPID(SortNode.class); sortNode.setSortSpecs(sortSpecs); sortNode.setInSchema(subOp.getSchema()); sortNode.setOutSchema(eachGroupbyNode.getInSchema()); ExternalSortExec sortExec = new ExternalSortExec(ctx, sortNode, subOp); sortAggregateExec[index++] = new SortAggregateExec(ctx, eachGroupbyNode, sortExec); } return new DistinctGroupbySortAggregationExec(ctx, distinctGroupbyNode, sortAggregateExec); } public PhysicalExec createSortPlan(TaskAttemptContext context, SortNode sortNode, PhysicalExec child) throws IOException { // check if it is a distributed merge sort // If so, it does need to create a sort executor because // the sort executor is created at the scan planning if (child instanceof SortExec) { SortExec childSortExec = (SortExec) child; if (TUtil.checkEquals(sortNode.getSortKeys(), childSortExec.getSortSpecs())) { return child; } } return new ExternalSortExec(context, sortNode, child); } public PhysicalExec createIndexScanExec(TaskAttemptContext ctx, IndexScanNode annotation) throws IOException { //TODO-general Type Index Preconditions.checkNotNull(ctx.getTable(annotation.getCanonicalName()), "Error: There is no table matched to %s", annotation.getCanonicalName()); FragmentProto[] fragments = ctx.getTables(annotation.getTableName()); Preconditions.checkState(fragments.length == 1); return new BSTIndexScanExec(ctx, annotation, fragments[0], annotation.getIndexPath(), annotation.getKeySchema(), annotation.getPredicates()); } public static EnforceProperty getAlgorithmEnforceProperty(Enforcer enforcer, LogicalNode node) { if (enforcer == null) { return null; } EnforceType type; if (node.getType() == NodeType.JOIN) { type = EnforceType.JOIN; } else if (node.getType() == NodeType.GROUP_BY) { type = EnforceType.GROUP_BY; } else if (node.getType() == NodeType.DISTINCT_GROUP_BY) { type = EnforceType.DISTINCT_GROUP_BY; } else if (node.getType() == NodeType.SORT) { type = EnforceType.SORT; } else if (node instanceof StoreTableNode && ((StoreTableNode) node).hasPartition() && ((StoreTableNode) node).getPartitionMethod().getPartitionType() == PartitionType.COLUMN) { type = EnforceType.COLUMN_PARTITION; } else { return null; } if (enforcer.hasEnforceProperty(type)) { List<EnforceProperty> properties = enforcer.getEnforceProperties(type); EnforceProperty found = null; for (EnforceProperty property : properties) { if (type == EnforceType.JOIN && property.getJoin().getNodeId() == node.getPID()) { found = property; } else if (type == EnforceType.GROUP_BY && property.getGroupby().getNodeId() == node.getPID()) { found = property; } else if (type == EnforceType.DISTINCT_GROUP_BY && property.getDistinct().getNodeId() == node.getPID()) { found = property; } else if (type == EnforceType.SORT && property.getSort().getNodeId() == node.getPID()) { found = property; } else if (type == EnforceType.COLUMN_PARTITION && property.getColumnPartition().getNodeId() == node.getPID()) { found = property; } } return found; } else { return null; } } }