Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.sysml.utils.lite; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar.JarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar.JarArchiveInputStream; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well1024a; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation; /** * Builds a light-weight SystemML jar file based on loaded classes and * additional resources. Additionally generates maven assembly dependency sets * that are used by the lite.xml assembly. Note that the jar file automatically * built by createLiteJar will only contain required SystemML classes, whereas * the assembly jar file (built by lite.xml) includes all SystemML classes. All * log4j classes are included in both the automatic jar and the assembly jar. * All commons-math3 classes are included by default in both the automatic jar * and the assembly jar, but this can be switched using createLiteJar to only * include the detected required commons-math3 classes. * */ public class BuildLite { /** * Default lite jar path and name. */ public static final String DEFAULT_LITE_JAR_LOCATION = "systemml-lite.jar"; /** * File within the lite jar that can be used to identify execution from the * lite jar. */ public static final String LITE_JAR_IDENTIFIER_FILE = "META-INF/systemml-lite.txt"; /** * The lite jar path and name. */ private static String liteJarLocation = DEFAULT_LITE_JAR_LOCATION; /** * Additional resources that should be added to the lite jar file. This can * include resources such as service files and shutdown hooks that aren't * detected by query to the classloader. */ public static List<String> additionalResources = new ArrayList<>(); static { // avoid "No FileSystem for scheme: file" error in JMLC additionalResources.add("META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem"); // shutdown hook class additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/util/ShutdownHookManager$2.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/log/metrics/EventCounter.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/util/GenericOptionsParser.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/token/Token.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/token/TokenIdentifier.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/Groups$CachedGroups.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/commons/cli/OptionValidator.class"); additionalResources.add("org/apache/commons/cli/Util.class"); additionalResources.add(""); } /** * Map jars to the additional resources files in order to build the * dependency sets required by lite.xml. */ public static SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets = new TreeMap<>(); static { SortedSet<String> hadoopCommonResources = new TreeSet<>(); hadoopCommonResources.add("META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/util/ShutdownHookManager$2.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/log/metrics/EventCounter.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/util/GenericOptionsParser.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/token/Token.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/token/TokenIdentifier.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add("org/apache/hadoop/security/Groups$CachedGroups.class"); hadoopCommonResources.add(""); additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets.put("hadoop-common", hadoopCommonResources); SortedSet<String> commonsCliResources = new TreeSet<String>(); commonsCliResources.add("org/apache/commons/cli/OptionValidator.class"); commonsCliResources.add("org/apache/commons/cli/Util.class"); additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets.put("commons-cli", commonsCliResources); } /** * Scan project *.java files for these packages/classes that should * definitely be included in the lite jar. */ public static List<String> additionalPackages = new ArrayList<>(); static { // math3, lang3, io, etc. additionalPackages.add("org.apache.commons"); } /** * Exclude classes of the following packages from the lite jar. */ public static List<String> packagesToExclude = new ArrayList<>(); static { packagesToExclude.add("com.sun.proxy"); // these can be added if test suite code is run packagesToExclude.add("org.junit"); packagesToExclude.add("org.apache.spark"); packagesToExclude.add("org.apache.sysml.test"); packagesToExclude.add("scala"); } /** * The base source directory to scan for classes to potentially load. */ private static final String BASE_SRC_DIR = "src/main"; /** * The detected classes and their jar files, where the jar names are keys in * a sorted map and sorted sets of the class names are the values in the * sorted map. */ public static SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> jarsAndClasses = new TreeMap<>(); /** * The jar dependencies and their sizes for comparison purposes. */ public static SortedMap<String, Long> jarSizes = new TreeMap<>(); /** * Dummy logger to fill in log4j info for things such as the jar sizes. * Usually not needed. */ protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BuildLite.class); private static boolean includeAllCommonsMath3 = true; /** * Create lite jar file using the default path and file name as the * destination. All commons-math3 classes will be included. * * @throws Exception * if exception occurs building jar */ public static void createLiteJar() throws Exception { createLiteJar(null, true); } /** * Create lite jar file using the default path and file name as the * destination, specifying whether all commons-math3 classes should be * included in the jar or only the detected required subset. * * @param allCommonsMath3 * if true, include all commons-math3 classes. if false, include * only required subset in jar built * @throws Exception * if exception occurs building jar */ public static void createLiteJar(boolean allCommonsMath3) throws Exception { createLiteJar(null, allCommonsMath3); } /** * Create lite jar file specifying the destination path and file name as a * string. * * @param jarFileDestination * the path and file name for the lite jar * @param allCommonsMath3 * if true, include all commons-math3 classes. if false, include * only required subset in jar built * @throws Exception * if exception occurs building jar */ public static void createLiteJar(String jarFileDestination, boolean allCommonsMath3) throws Exception { if (jarFileDestination != null) { liteJarLocation = jarFileDestination; } includeAllCommonsMath3 = allCommonsMath3; scanJavaFilesForClassesToLoad(); List<Class<?>> loadedClasses = getLoadedClasses(); displayLoadedClasses(loadedClasses); excludePackages(loadedClasses); displayLoadedClasses(loadedClasses); groupLoadedClassesByJarAndClass(loadedClasses); List<String> log4jClassPathNames = getLog4jClassPathNames(); displayLog4JClassPathNames(log4jClassPathNames); List<String> commonsMath3ClassPathNames = null; if (includeAllCommonsMath3) { commonsMath3ClassPathNames = getCommonsMath3ClassPathNames(); displayCommonsMath3ClassPathNames(commonsMath3ClassPathNames); } displayJarsAndClasses(); Set<String> consolidatedClassPathNames = consolidateClassPathNames(loadedClasses, log4jClassPathNames, commonsMath3ClassPathNames); createJarFromConsolidatedClassPathNames(consolidatedClassPathNames); createDependencySets(); displayJarSizes(); liteJarStats(); } /** * Exclude selected packages from the loaded classes. * * @param loadedClasses * classes that have been loaded by the classloader */ private static void excludePackages(List<Class<?>> loadedClasses) { System.out.println("\nExcluding selected packages"); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < loadedClasses.size(); i++) { Class<?> clazz = loadedClasses.get(i); String className = clazz.getName(); for (String packageToExclude : packagesToExclude) { if (className.startsWith(packageToExclude)) { System.out.println(" #" + ++count + ": Excluding " + className); loadedClasses.remove(i); i--; } } } } /** * Statistics about the lite jar such as jar size. */ private static void liteJarStats() { File f = new File(liteJarLocation); if (f.exists()) { Long jarSize = f.length(); String jarSizeDisplay = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(jarSize); System.out.println("\nFinished creating " + liteJarLocation + " (" + jarSizeDisplay + " [" + NumberFormat.getInstance().format(jarSize) + " bytes])"); } else { System.out.println(liteJarLocation + " could not be found"); } } /** * Consolidate the loaded classes and all the log4j classes and potentially * all the commons-math3 classes. * * @param loadedClasses * the loaded classes * @param log4jClassPathNames * the log4j class names * @param commonsMath3ClassPathNames * the commons-math3 class names * @return the set of unique class names that combines the loaded classes * and the log4j classes */ private static Set<String> consolidateClassPathNames(List<Class<?>> loadedClasses, List<String> log4jClassPathNames, List<String> commonsMath3ClassPathNames) { SortedSet<String> allClassPathNames = new TreeSet<>(log4jClassPathNames); if (includeAllCommonsMath3) { System.out.println( "\nConsolidating loaded class names, log4j class names, and commons-math3 class names"); allClassPathNames.addAll(commonsMath3ClassPathNames); } else { System.out.println("\nConsolidating loaded class names and log4j class names"); } for (Class<?> clazz : loadedClasses) { String loadedClassPathName = clazz.getName(); loadedClassPathName = loadedClassPathName.replace(".", "/"); loadedClassPathName = loadedClassPathName + ".class"; allClassPathNames.add(loadedClassPathName); } return allClassPathNames; } /** * Build a lite jar based on the consolidated class names. * * @param consolidateClassPathNames * the consolidated class names * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs */ private static void createJarFromConsolidatedClassPathNames(Set<String> consolidateClassPathNames) throws IOException { System.out.println("\nCreating " + liteJarLocation + " file"); ClassLoader cl = BuildLite.class.getClassLoader(); Manifest mf = new Manifest(); Attributes attr = mf.getMainAttributes(); attr.putValue("" + Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); File file = new File(liteJarLocation); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(fos, mf)) { int numFilesWritten = 0; for (String classPathName : consolidateClassPathNames) { writeMessage(classPathName, ++numFilesWritten); InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(classPathName); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); JarEntry je = new JarEntry(classPathName); jos.putNextEntry(je); jos.write(bytes); } writeIdentifierFileToLiteJar(jos, ++numFilesWritten); writeAdditionalResourcesToJar(jos, numFilesWritten); } } /** * Write an identifier file to the lite jar that can be used to identify * that the lite jar is being used. * * @param jos * output stream to the jar being written * @param numFilesWritten * the number of files written to the jar so far * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs */ private static void writeIdentifierFileToLiteJar(JarOutputStream jos, int numFilesWritten) throws IOException { writeMessage(LITE_JAR_IDENTIFIER_FILE, numFilesWritten); JarEntry je = new JarEntry(LITE_JAR_IDENTIFIER_FILE); jos.putNextEntry(je); String created = "Created " + (new Date()); String userName = System.getProperty(""); if (userName != null) { created = created + " by " + userName; } jos.write(created.getBytes()); } /** * Write the additional resources to the jar. * * @param jos * output stream to the jar being written * @param numFilesWritten * the number of files written to the jar so far * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs */ private static void writeAdditionalResourcesToJar(JarOutputStream jos, int numFilesWritten) throws IOException { for (String resource : additionalResources) { writeMessage(resource, ++numFilesWritten); JarEntry je = new JarEntry(resource); jos.putNextEntry(je); ClassLoader cl = BuildLite.class.getClassLoader(); InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(resource); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); jos.write(bytes); } } /** * Output message about the resource being written to the lite jar. * * @param resource * the path to the resource * @param numFilesWritten * the number of files written to the jar so far */ private static void writeMessage(String resource, int numFilesWritten) { System.out.println(" #" + numFilesWritten + ": Writing " + resource + " to " + liteJarLocation); } /** * Obtain a list of all log4j classes in the referenced log4j jar file. * * @return list of all the log4j classes in the referenced log4j jar file * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException * if a ClassNotFoundException occurs */ private static List<String> getLog4jClassPathNames() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return getAllClassesInJar(ThrowableInformation.class); } /** * Obtain a list of all commons-math3 classes in the referenced * commons-math3 jar file. * * @return list of all the commons-math3 classes in the referenced * commons-math3 jar file * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException * if a ClassNotFoundException occurs */ private static List<String> getCommonsMath3ClassPathNames() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return getAllClassesInJar(Well1024a.class); } /** * Obtain a list of all classes in a jar file corresponding to a referenced * class. * * @param classInJarFile * @return list of all the commons-math3 classes in the referenced * commons-math3 jar file * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException * if a ClassNotFoundException occurs */ private static List<String> getAllClassesInJar(Class<?> classInJarFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { List<String> classPathNames = new ArrayList<>(); String jarLocation = classInJarFile.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); File f = new File(jarLocation); try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); JarArchiveInputStream jais = new JarArchiveInputStream(fis)) { while (true) { JarArchiveEntry jae = jais.getNextJarEntry(); if (jae == null) { break; } String name = jae.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".class")) { classPathNames.add(name); } } } String jarName = jarLocation.substring(jarLocation.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); addClassPathNamesToJarsAndClasses(jarName, classPathNames); return classPathNames; } /** * Add jar and classes to the map of jars and their classes. * * @param log4jJar * the log4j jar file * @param classPathNames * the list of log4j classes */ private static void addClassPathNamesToJarsAndClasses(String jar, List<String> classPathNames) { for (String classPathName : classPathNames) { String className = classPathName.substring(0, classPathName.length() - 6); className = className.replace("/", "."); addJarAndClass(jar, className); } } /** * Dislay all the log4j classes * * @param log4jClassPathNames * the list of log4j classes */ private static void displayLog4JClassPathNames(List<String> log4jClassPathNames) { int numClasses = 0; System.out.println("\nAll log4j class files:"); for (String classPathName : log4jClassPathNames) { numClasses++; System.out.println(" #" + numClasses + ": " + classPathName); } } /** * Dislay all the commons-math3 classes * * @param commonsMath3ClassPathNames * the list of commons-math3 classes */ private static void displayCommonsMath3ClassPathNames(List<String> commonsMath3ClassPathNames) { int numClasses = 0; System.out.println("\nAll commons-math3 class files:"); for (String classPathName : commonsMath3ClassPathNames) { numClasses++; System.out.println(" #" + numClasses + ": " + classPathName); } } /** * Obtain a list of all the classes that have been loaded by the * classloader. * * @return a list of all the classes that have been loaded by the * classloader * @throws NoSuchFieldException * if NoSuchFieldException occurs * @throws SecurityException * if SecurityException occurs * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if IllegalArgumentException occurs * @throws IllegalAccessException * if IllegalAccessException occurs */ private static List<Class<?>> getLoadedClasses() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { ClassLoader cl = BuildLite.class.getClassLoader(); Class<?> clClazz = cl.getClass(); while (clClazz != java.lang.ClassLoader.class) { clClazz = clClazz.getSuperclass(); } Field f = clClazz.getDeclaredField("classes"); f.setAccessible(true); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<Class<?>> classes = (Vector<Class<?>>) f.get(cl); List<Class<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(classes); return list; } /** * Group the classes by jar file. Also, obtain the jar file sizes for * comparison purposes. * * @param loadedClasses * the list of loaded classes */ private static void groupLoadedClassesByJarAndClass(List<Class<?>> loadedClasses) { for (Class<?> clazz : loadedClasses) { String pathToClass = getPathToClass(clazz); if (pathToClass == null) { addJarAndClass("?", clazz.getName()); } else if (pathToClass.endsWith(".jar")) { String jarName = pathToClass.substring(pathToClass.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); addJarAndClass(jarName, clazz.getName()); // for comparison purposes if (!jarSizes.containsKey(jarName)) { String jarPath = pathToClass; File jarFile = new File(jarPath); long fileLength = jarFile.length(); jarSizes.put(jarName, fileLength); } } else if (pathToClass.contains("systemml")) { addJarAndClass("SystemML", clazz.getName()); } else { addJarAndClass("Other", clazz.getName()); } } } /** * Add a jar and class to the map of jars to their sets of classes. * * @param jarName * the name of the jar file * @param className * the name of the class */ private static void addJarAndClass(String jarName, String className) { if (jarsAndClasses.containsKey(jarName)) { SortedSet<String> classNames = jarsAndClasses.get(jarName); classNames.add(className); } else { SortedSet<String> classNames = new TreeSet<>(); classNames.add(className); jarsAndClasses.put(jarName, classNames); } } /** * Display the list of loaded classes. * * @param loadedClasses * the list of loaded classes */ private static void displayLoadedClasses(List<Class<?>> loadedClasses) { int numClasses = 0; System.out.println("\nLoaded classes:"); for (Class<?> clazz : loadedClasses) { numClasses++; System.out.println(" #" + numClasses + ": " + clazz + " (" + getPathToClass(clazz) + ")"); } } /** * Obtain the file system path to the location of a class. * * @param clazz * the class * @return the file system path to the location of a class */ private static String getPathToClass(Class<?> clazz) { try { return clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) { return null; } } /** * Display the required classes grouped by their jar files. * * @throws IOException * if IOException occurs */ private static void displayJarsAndClasses() throws IOException { ClassLoader cl = BuildLite.class.getClassLoader(); System.out.println("\nRequired Classes Grouped by Jar:"); Set<String> jarNames = jarsAndClasses.keySet(); int numClasses = 0; for (String jarName : jarNames) { SortedSet<String> classNames = jarsAndClasses.get(jarName); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int totalBytesUncompressed = 0; for (String className : classNames) { String classNamePath = className.replace(".", "/") + ".class"; InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(classNamePath); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); int numBytes = bytes.length; numClasses++; sb.append(" #" + numClasses + " " + className + " [" + NumberFormat.getInstance().format(numBytes) + " bytes])\n"); totalBytesUncompressed += numBytes; } System.out.println("Jar: " + jarName + " [" + NumberFormat.getInstance().format(totalBytesUncompressed) + " bytes uncompressed]"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } /** * Examine all java source files for additional classes to load. A * relatively easy though not perfect way to do this is to look for imports * of specified packages. * * @throws IOException * if IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException * if ClassNotFoundException occurs */ private static void scanJavaFilesForClassesToLoad() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { System.out.println("\nScanning java files for additional classes to load"); int totalMatches = 0; SortedSet<String> uniqueMatches = new TreeSet<>(); File base = new File(BASE_SRC_DIR); List<File> javaFiles = (List<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(base, new String[] { "java" }, true); for (File javaFile : javaFiles) { String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(javaFile); for (String additionalPackage : additionalPackages) { String s = "import " + additionalPackage + "(.*?);"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(content); while (m.find()) { totalMatches++; String match =; String matchClass = additionalPackage + match; uniqueMatches.add(matchClass); } } } System.out.println("Total matches found from scan: " + totalMatches); int uniqueMatchesSize = uniqueMatches.size(); System.out.println("Unique matches found from scan: " + uniqueMatchesSize); int numMatches = 0; for (String matchClass : uniqueMatches) { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(matchClass); String pathToClass = getPathToClass(clazz); System.out.println(" #" + ++numMatches + ": Loaded " + clazz.getName() + " from " + pathToClass); } } /** * Display a list of the jar dependencies twice. The first display lists the * jars, which can be useful when assembling information for the LICENSE * file. The second display lists the jars and their sizes, which is useful * for gauging the size decrease offered by the lite jar file. */ private static void displayJarSizes() { System.out.println("\nIndividual Jar Dependencies (for Comparison):"); Set<String> jarNames = jarSizes.keySet(); for (String jarName : jarNames) { System.out.println(jarName); } System.out.println(); Long totalSize = 0L; int count = 0; for (String jarName : jarNames) { Long jarSize = jarSizes.get(jarName); String jarSizeDisplay = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(jarSize); System.out.println(" #" + ++count + ": " + jarName + " (" + jarSizeDisplay + " [" + NumberFormat.getInstance().format(jarSize) + " bytes])"); totalSize = totalSize + jarSize; } String totalSizeDisplay = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(totalSize); System.out.println("Total Size of Jar Dependencies: " + totalSizeDisplay + " [" + NumberFormat.getInstance().format(totalSize) + " bytes]"); } /** * Generate maven assembly dependency sets that can be used by the lite.xml * assembly. * * @throws IOException * if IOException occurs */ private static void createDependencySets() throws IOException { System.out.println("\nCreating maven dependency sets"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\t<dependencySets>\n"); Set<String> jarNames = jarsAndClasses.keySet(); for (String jarName : jarNames) { String s = generateDependencySet(jarName, jarsAndClasses.get(jarName)); sb.append(s); } sb.append(generateSystemMLDependencySet()); sb.append("\t</dependencySets>\n"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); final String liteXml = "src/assembly/lite.xml"; File f = new File(liteXml); if (f.exists()) { System.out.println("Found '" + liteXml + "', so updating dependencySets in the file."); String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(f); int start = s.indexOf("\t<dependencySets>"); int end = s.indexOf("</dependencySets>") + "</dependencySets>".length() + 1; String before = s.substring(0, start); String after = s.substring(end); String newS = before + sb.toString() + after; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, newS); } } /** * Generate a maven assembly dependency set that can be used by the lite.xml * assembly. Note that additional resources can be added to the jar by the * additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets entries. * * @param jarName * the name of the jar file * @param classNames * a set of the classes in the jar file * @return a string representation of the dependency set consisting of the * resources in the jar file */ private static String generateDependencySet(String jarName, SortedSet<String> classNames) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String jarNameNoVersion = null; if ("SystemML".equalsIgnoreCase(jarName)) { jarNameNoVersion = "systemml"; return ""; // handle in generateSystemMLDependencySet() } else { jarNameNoVersion = jarName.substring(0, jarName.lastIndexOf("-")); } sb.append("\t\t<dependencySet>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<includes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t<include>*:" + jarNameNoVersion + "</include>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t</includes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<unpackOptions>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t<includes>\n"); Set<String> jarsWithAdditionalFileMappings = additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets.keySet(); if (jarsWithAdditionalFileMappings.contains(jarNameNoVersion)) { SortedSet<String> additionalResourceFiles = additionalJarToFileMappingsForDependencySets .get(jarNameNoVersion); for (String resourceFile : additionalResourceFiles) { sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<include>" + resourceFile + "</include>\n"); } } if (jarName.startsWith("log4j")) { sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<include>**/*.class</include>\n"); } else if (includeAllCommonsMath3 && (jarName.startsWith("commons-math3"))) { sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<include>**/*.class</include>\n"); } else { for (String className : classNames) { String classFileName = className.replace(".", "/") + ".class"; sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<include>" + classFileName + "</include>\n"); } } sb.append("\t\t\t\t</includes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t</unpackOptions>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<scope>compile</scope>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<unpack>true</unpack>\n"); sb.append("\t\t</dependencySet>\n"); sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } private static String generateSystemMLDependencySet() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\t\t<dependencySet>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<includes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t<include>*:systemml*</include>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t</includes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<unpackOptions>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t<excludes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<exclude>META-INF/DEPENDENCIES</exclude>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<exclude>META-INF/maven/**</exclude>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<exclude>kernels/**</exclude>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t<exclude>lib/**</exclude>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t\t</excludes>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t</unpackOptions>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<outputDirectory>.</outputDirectory>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<scope>compile</scope>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<unpack>true</unpack>\n"); sb.append("\t\t</dependencySet>\n"); return sb.toString(); } }