Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript; import org.apache.sysml.hops.OptimizerUtils; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException; /** * This class allows users to invoke deep learning related operations * (such as conv2d, conv2d_backward_data, conv2d_backward_filter, maxpooling, maxpooling_backward, bias_add) * using multiple threads. * * The methods accept the input matrices as MatrixBlock and the parameters using ConvolutionParameters. * * To run in single thread, please set ConvolutionParameters.numThreads to 1. */ public class LibMatrixDNN { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LibMatrixDNN.class.getName()); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Useful flags for performance testing: private static boolean DISPLAY_STATISTICS = false; private static final boolean ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS = true; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum TaskType { MaxPooling_Forward, MaxPooling_Backward, // Alternate approaches that we tried but the performance was unsatisfactory be included: direct, non-looped im2col LoopedIm2ColConv2d, LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter, LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData, BiasAdd, ReluBackward } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static AtomicLong conv2dSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong conv2dDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong im2colSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong im2colDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0); private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime = new AtomicLong(0); public static void appendStatistics(StringBuilder sb) { if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS && (conv2dDenseCount.get() != 0 || conv2dSparseCount.get() != 0)) { sb.append("LibMatrixDNN dense count (conv/bwdF/bwdD/im2col/maxBwd):\t" + conv2dDenseCount.get() + "/" + conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount.get() + "/" + conv2dBwdDataDenseCount.get() + "/" + im2colDenseCount.get() + "/" + maxPoolBwdDenseCount.get() + ".\n"); sb.append("LibMatrixDNN sparse count (conv/bwdF/bwdD/im2col/maxBwd):\t" + conv2dSparseCount.get() + "/" + conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount.get() + "/" + conv2dBwdDataSparseCount.get() + "/" + im2colSparseCount.get() + "/" + maxPoolBwdSparseCount.get() + ".\n"); if (loopedConvMatMultTime.get() != 0 || loopedConvIm2ColTime.get() != 0) { sb.append("LibMatrixDNN conv(im2col/matmult), bwdF (im2col/matmult), bwdD (col2im/matmult) time:\t" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvIm2ColTime.get() * 1e-9) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvMatMultTime.get() * 1e-9) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime.get() * 1e-9) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime.get() * 1e-9) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime.get() * 1e-9) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime.get() * 1e-9) + " sec.\n"); } } } public static void resetStatistics() { conv2dDenseCount.set(0); conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount.set(0); conv2dBwdDataDenseCount.set(0); im2colDenseCount.set(0); maxPoolBwdDenseCount.set(0); conv2dSparseCount.set(0); conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount.set(0); conv2dBwdDataSparseCount.set(0); im2colSparseCount.set(0); maxPoolBwdSparseCount.set(0); loopedConvIm2ColTime.set(0); loopedConvMatMultTime.set(0); loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime.set(0); loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime.set(0); loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime.set(0); loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime.set(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of convolution operation * * @param filter filter used in conv2d * @param dout errors from next layer * @param outputBlock output errors * @param params convolution parameters * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public static void conv2dBackwardData(MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { params.input1 = filter; params.input2 = dout; params.output = outputBlock; if (filter.getNumRows() != params.K || filter.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.R * params.S || dout.getNumRows() != params.N || dout.getNumColumns() != params.K * params.P * params.Q) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter"); } if (params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported"); } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { if (filter.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) { conv2dBwdDataSparseCount.addAndGet(1); } else { conv2dBwdDataDenseCount.addAndGet(1); } } runConvTask(TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData, params); } /** * This method computes the backpropogation errors for filter of convolution operation * * @param input input image * @param dout errors from next layer * @param outputBlock output errors * @param params convolution parameters * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public static void conv2dBackwardFilter(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { params.input1 = input; params.input2 = dout; params.output = outputBlock; if (input.getNumRows() != params.N || input.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.H * params.W || dout.getNumRows() != params.N || dout.getNumColumns() != params.K * params.P * params.Q) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter"); } if (params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported"); } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { if (input.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) { conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount.addAndGet(1); } else { conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount.addAndGet(1); } } runConvTask(TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter, params); } /** * Performs the operation: ret += elem * @param ret left and output matrix * @param elem right matrix * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ private static void elementWiseInPlaceAddition(MatrixBlock ret, MatrixBlock elem) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (ret.getNumRows() != elem.getNumRows() || ret.getNumColumns() != elem.getNumColumns()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions"); } if (!ret.isInSparseFormat() && !elem.isInSparseFormat()) { for (int i = 0; i < ret.getNumRows() * ret.getNumColumns(); i++) { ret.denseBlock[i] += elem.denseBlock[i]; } } else if (!ret.isInSparseFormat() && elem.isInSparseFormat()) { if (!elem.isEmptyBlock()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = elem.sparseBlock.getIterator(); int numCol = ret.getNumColumns(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int index = ijv.getI() * numCol + ijv.getJ(); ret.denseBlock[index] += ijv.getV(); } } } else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse return format not supported"); } } /** * Performs the operation: ret += t(elem) * @param ret left and output matrix * @param elem right untransposed matrix * @param params convolution parameters * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ private static void elementWiseInPlaceTransposedAddition(MatrixBlock ret, MatrixBlock elem) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (ret.getNumRows() != elem.getNumColumns() || ret.getNumColumns() != elem.getNumRows()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions"); } int numRow = ret.getNumColumns(); if (!ret.isInSparseFormat() && !elem.isInSparseFormat()) { int iter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < elem.getNumRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < elem.getNumColumns(); j++, iter++) { int index = j * numRow + i; ret.denseBlock[index] += elem.denseBlock[iter]; } } } else if (!ret.isInSparseFormat() && elem.isInSparseFormat()) { if (!elem.isEmptyBlock()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = elem.sparseBlock.getIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int index = ijv.getJ() * numRow + ijv.getI(); ret.denseBlock[index] += ijv.getV(); } } } else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse return format not supported"); } } private static void doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData(int n, MatrixBlock dout_reshaped, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixBlock filter = params.input1; MatrixBlock dout = params.input2; doRotate180(n, 0, dout, dout_reshaped.denseBlock, params, true); dout_reshaped.recomputeNonZeros(); MatrixBlock temp = new MatrixBlock(params.P * params.Q, params.C * params.R * params.S, false); long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(dout_reshaped, filter, temp, false); long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; doCol2imOverSingleImage(n, temp, params); long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime.addAndGet(t2 - t1); loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime.addAndGet(t3 - t2); } } private static MatrixBlock doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter(int n, MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock, MatrixBlock dout_reshaped, MatrixBlock partialRetBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; doIm2col(n, im2ColOutBlock, params); im2ColOutBlock.recomputeNonZeros(); long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; doRotate180(n, 0, params.input2, dout_reshaped.denseBlock, params, true); dout_reshaped.recomputeNonZeros(); MatrixBlock temp = new MatrixBlock(params.C * params.R * params.S, params.K, false); long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(im2ColOutBlock, dout_reshaped, temp, false); long t4 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime.addAndGet(t4 - t3); loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime.addAndGet(t2 - t1); } if (!temp.isEmptyBlock()) elementWiseInPlaceTransposedAddition(partialRetBlock, temp); return partialRetBlock; } private static void computeTensorIndexes(int j, int[] ret, int H, int W) throws DMLRuntimeException { ret[0] = j / (H * W); ret[1] = (j - ret[0] * (H * W)) / W; ret[2] = j % W; } public static void conv2d(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { params.input1 = input; params.input2 = filter; params.output = outputBlock; if (input.getNumRows() != params.N || input.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.H * params.W || filter.getNumRows() != params.K || filter.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.R * params.S) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d"); } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { if (input.isInSparseFormat() || filter.isInSparseFormat()) { conv2dSparseCount.addAndGet(1); } else { conv2dDenseCount.addAndGet(1); } } if (!input.isInSparseFormat() && TEST_SPARSE_INPUT) { input.denseToSparse(); } if (!filter.isInSparseFormat() && TEST_SPARSE_FILTER) { filter.denseToSparse(); } runConvTask(TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2d, params); } private static void doLoopedIm2ColConv2d(int n, MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; doIm2col(n, im2ColOutBlock, params); im2ColOutBlock.recomputeNonZeros(); long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; MatrixBlock matMultOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.K, params.P * params.Q, false); LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(params.input2, im2ColOutBlock, matMultOutBlock, false); long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { loopedConvIm2ColTime.addAndGet(t2 - t1); loopedConvMatMultTime.addAndGet(t3 - t2); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copying is required as LibMatrixMult.matrixMult (and/or Java) is not pointer aware. // This is not required in Native implementation int destPos = n * params.K * params.P * params.Q; int length = params.K * params.P * params.Q; if (!matMultOutBlock.isEmptyBlock()) { if (matMultOutBlock.isInSparseFormat()) { // NOTE: Potential bottlenc to copy sparse matmult back to dense output Iterator<IJV> iter = matMultOutBlock.sparseBlock.getIterator(); final int outOffset = n * params.K * params.P * params.Q; while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int k = ijv.getI(); int p = ijv.getJ() / params.Q; int q = ijv.getJ() % params.Q; params.output.denseBlock[outOffset + k * params.P * params.Q + p * params.Q + q] = ijv.getV(); } } else System.arraycopy(matMultOutBlock.denseBlock, 0, params.output.denseBlock, destPos, length); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } /** * This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of maxpooling operation * * @param input input matrix * @param dout dout matrix * @param outputBlock output matrix * @param params convolution parameters * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public static void maxpoolingBackward(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { params.input1 = input; params.input2 = dout; params.output = outputBlock; if (input.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.H * params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K * params.P * params.Q); } if (dout.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.P * params.Q || dout.getNumRows() != params.N) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dout dimensions in maxpooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K * params.P * params.Q); } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && DISPLAY_STATISTICS) { if (input.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) { maxPoolBwdSparseCount.addAndGet(1); } else { maxPoolBwdDenseCount.addAndGet(1); } } if (params.output.isInSparseFormat()) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse maxpooling_backward is not supported"); fillIndexesArray(params); runConvTask(TaskType.MaxPooling_Backward, params); } private static void fillIndexesArray(ConvolutionParameters params) { params.start_indexes_h = new int[params.P]; params.end_indexes_h = new int[params.P]; params.start_indexes_w = new int[params.Q]; params.end_indexes_w = new int[params.Q]; for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h; final int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H); start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0); params.start_indexes_h[p] = start_index_h; params.end_indexes_h[p] = end_index_h; } for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) { int start_index_w = Math.max(q * params.stride_w - params.pad_w, 0); int end_index_w = Math.min(start_index_w + params.S, params.W); start_index_w = Math.max(start_index_w, 0); params.start_indexes_w[q] = start_index_w; params.end_indexes_w[q] = end_index_w; } } private static void doPoolingBackward(int n, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { double[] inputArray = null; if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); double[] doutArray = null; if (!params.input2.isInSparseFormat()) doutArray = params.input2.getDenseBlock(); double[] outputArray = null; if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat()) outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock(); else throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only dense output supported for pooling_backward"); if (inputArray != null) { if (doutArray != null) doPoolingBackwardDenseDense(n, inputArray, doutArray, outputArray, params); else doPoolingBackwardDenseSparse(n, inputArray, params.input2, outputArray, params); } else { if (doutArray != null) doPoolingBackwardSparseDense(n, doutArray, outputArray, params); else doPoolingBackwardSparseSparse(n, outputArray, params); } } private static void doPoolingBackwardSparseDense(int n, double[] doutArray, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions"); for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) { for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) { double inVal = doutArray[n * params.C * params.P * params.Q + c * params.P * params.Q + p * params.Q + q]; if (inVal != 0) { final int inputOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W + c * params.H * params.W; int maxIndex = getMaxIndexSparse(p, q, inputOffset, n, c, params.input1, params); outputArray[maxIndex] += inVal; } } } } } private static void doPoolingBackwardSparseSparse(int n, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions"); // params.input2.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller Iterator<IJV> iter = params.input2.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n + 1); int[] tensorIndexes = new int[3]; while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q); int c = tensorIndexes[0]; int p = tensorIndexes[1]; int q = tensorIndexes[2]; final int inputOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W + c * params.H * params.W; int maxIndex = getMaxIndexSparse(p, q, inputOffset, n, c, params.input1, params); outputArray[maxIndex] += ijv.getV(); } } private static void doPoolingBackwardDenseSparse(int n, double[] inputArray, MatrixBlock dout, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { // dout.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller Iterator<IJV> iter = dout.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n + 1); int[] tensorIndexes = new int[3]; while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q); int c = tensorIndexes[0]; int p = tensorIndexes[1]; int q = tensorIndexes[2]; final int inputOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W + c * params.H * params.W; int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(p, q, inputOffset, inputArray, params); outputArray[maxIndex] += ijv.getV(); } } private static void doPoolingBackwardDenseDense(int n, double[] inputArray, double[] doutArray, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) { for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) { final int inputOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W + c * params.H * params.W; final int outputOffset = n * params.C * params.P * params.Q + c * params.P * params.Q; for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) { int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(p, q, inputOffset, inputArray, params); outputArray[maxIndex] += doutArray[outputOffset + p * params.Q + q]; } } } } private static int getMaxIndexSparse(int p, int q, int inputOffset, int n, int c, MatrixBlock input, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (!input.isInSparseFormat()) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Only sparse format supported"); // input.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller Iterator<IJV> iter = input.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n + 1); int[] tensorIndexes = new int[3]; int start_index_h = params.start_indexes_h[p]; int end_index_h = params.end_indexes_h[p]; int start_index_w = params.start_indexes_w[q]; int end_index_w = params.end_indexes_w[q]; int maxIndex = inputOffset + start_index_h * params.W + start_index_w; double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE; // Find maxIndex double currDoutVal = -1; while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.H, params.W); if (c != tensorIndexes[0]) continue; int h = tensorIndexes[1]; int w = tensorIndexes[2]; if (h >= start_index_h && h < end_index_h && w >= start_index_w && w < end_index_w) { currDoutVal = ijv.getV(); if (maxVal < currDoutVal) { maxIndex = inputOffset + h * params.W + w; maxVal = currDoutVal; } } } return maxIndex; } private static int getMaxIndex(int p, int q, int inputOffset, double[] inputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) { int start_index_h = params.start_indexes_h[p]; int end_index_h = params.end_indexes_h[p]; int start_index_w = params.start_indexes_w[q]; int end_index_w = params.end_indexes_w[q]; int maxIndex = inputOffset + start_index_h * params.W + start_index_w; double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE; // Find maxIndex double currDoutVal = -1; for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) { for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) { currDoutVal = inputArray[inputOffset + h * params.W + w]; if (maxVal < currDoutVal) { maxIndex = inputOffset + h * params.W + w; maxVal = currDoutVal; } } } return maxIndex; } /** * This method computes the backpropagation errors for previous layer of relu operation * * @param input input matrix * @param dout errors from next layer * @param outputBlock output matrix * @param numThreads number of threads * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public static void reluBackward(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int numThreads) throws DMLRuntimeException { int N = input.getNumRows(); ConvolutionParameters params = new ConvolutionParameters(N, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, numThreads); params.input1 = input; params.input2 = dout; params.output = outputBlock; if (input.getNumRows() != dout.getNumRows() || input.getNumColumns() != dout.getNumColumns()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions for relu_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " != " + dout.getNumRows() + " || " + input.getNumColumns() + " != " + dout.getNumColumns()); } runConvTask(TaskType.ReluBackward, params); } private static void doReluBackward(int n, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { // (X > 0) * dout double[] outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock(); int numOutCols = params.input1.getNumColumns(); if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat() && !params.input2.isInSparseFormat()) { double[] inputArr = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); double[] doutArr = params.input2.getDenseBlock(); for (int i = n * numOutCols; i < (n + 1) * numOutCols; i++) { outputArray[i] = inputArr[i] > 0 ? doutArr[i] : 0; } } else { // Perform (X > 0) if (params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = params.input1.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n + 1); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int i = ijv.getI(); int j = ijv.getJ(); outputArray[i * numOutCols + j] = ijv.getV() > 0 ? 1 : 0; } } else { double[] inputArr = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); for (int i = n * numOutCols; i < (n + 1) * numOutCols; i++) { outputArray[i] = inputArr[i] > 0 ? 1 : 0; } } // Then perform (X > 0) * dout if (params.input2.isInSparseFormat()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = params.input2.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n + 1); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int i = ijv.getI(); int j = ijv.getJ(); outputArray[i * numOutCols + j] *= ijv.getV(); } } else { double[] doutArr = params.input2.getDenseBlock(); for (int i = n * numOutCols; i < (n + 1) * numOutCols; i++) { outputArray[i] *= doutArr[i]; } } } } /** * Performs the operation corresponding to the DML script: * ones = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=Hout*Wout) * output = input + matrix(bias %*% ones, rows=1, cols=F*Hout*Wout) * This operation is often followed by conv2d and hence we have introduced bias_add(input, bias) built-in function * * @param input input matrix * @param bias bias matrix * @param outputBlock output matrix * @param numThreads number of threads * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public static void biasAdd(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock bias, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int numThreads) throws DMLRuntimeException { int N = input.getNumRows(); int K = bias.getNumRows(); int PQ = input.getNumColumns() / K; ConvolutionParameters params = new ConvolutionParameters(N, PQ, -1, -1, K, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, numThreads); params.input1 = input; params.input2 = bias; params.output = outputBlock; if (!input.isInSparseFormat() && TEST_SPARSE_INPUT) { input.denseToSparse(); } if (!bias.isInSparseFormat() && TEST_SPARSE_FILTER) { bias.denseToSparse(); } if (bias.getNumColumns() != 1 || input.getNumColumns() % K != 0) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect inputs for bias_add: input[" + N + " X " + input.getNumColumns() + "] and bias[" + K + " X " + bias.getNumColumns() + "]"); } if (input.isEmptyBlock()) { double[] outputArray = outputBlock.getDenseBlock(); for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) fillBias(bias, outputArray, n, n + 1, N, K, PQ); } else { runConvTask(TaskType.BiasAdd, params); } } private static void doBiasAdd(int n1, int n2, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { double[] outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock(); int PQ = params.C; int numOutCols = params.input1.getNumColumns(); if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat() && !params.input2.isInSparseFormat()) { double[] inputArr = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); double[] biasArr = params.input2.getDenseBlock(); int K = params.K; int index = n1 * K * PQ; for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { for (int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) { outputArray[index] = inputArr[index] + biasArr[k]; } } } } else { fillBias(params.input2, outputArray, n1, n2, params.N, params.K, PQ); if (params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = params.input1.sparseBlock.getIterator(n1, n2); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int i = ijv.getI(); int j = ijv.getJ(); outputArray[i * numOutCols + j] += ijv.getV(); } } else { double[] inputArr = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); for (int i = n1 * numOutCols; i < n2 * numOutCols; i++) { outputArray[i] += inputArr[i]; } } } } private static void fillBias(MatrixBlock bias, double[] outputArray, int n1, int n2, int N, int K, int PQ) { if (bias.isInSparseFormat()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = bias.sparseBlock.getIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int k = ijv.getI(); double val = ijv.getV(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { int fromIndex = n * K * PQ + k * PQ; Arrays.fill(outputArray, fromIndex, fromIndex + PQ, val); } } } else { double[] biasArr = bias.getDenseBlock(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { int fromIndex = n * K * PQ + k * PQ; double val = biasArr[k]; Arrays.fill(outputArray, fromIndex, fromIndex + PQ, val); } } } } public static void maxpooling(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { params.input1 = input; params.output = outputBlock; if (input.getNumColumns() != params.C * params.H * params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K * params.P * params.Q); } fillIndexesArray(params); runConvTask(TaskType.MaxPooling_Forward, params); } private static void doPooling(int n, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { double[] inputArray = null; if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); double[] outputArray = null; if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat()) outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock(); else throw new DMLRuntimeException("Expected the output to be allocated in dense format"); final int inOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W; int out_index = n * params.C * params.P * params.Q; final int HW = params.H * params.W; if (inputArray != null) { for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) { final int inOffset1 = inOffset + c * HW; for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++, out_index++) { for (int h = params.start_indexes_h[p]; h < params.end_indexes_h[p]; h++) { for (int w = params.start_indexes_w[q]; w < params.end_indexes_w[q]; w++) { outputArray[out_index] = Math.max(outputArray[out_index], inputArray[inOffset1 + h * params.W + w]); } } } } } } else { // TODO: Optimize sparse maxpooling // Low priority after adding fused relu_maxpooling operator as output of conv2d expected to be dense for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) { for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++, out_index++) { for (int h = params.start_indexes_h[p]; h < params.end_indexes_h[p]; h++) { for (int w = params.start_indexes_w[q]; w < params.end_indexes_w[q]; w++) { double inVal = params.input1.quickGetValue(n, c * HW + h * params.W + w); outputArray[out_index] = Math.max(outputArray[out_index], inVal); } } } } } } } private static void doRotate180(int inputN, int outputN, MatrixBlock input, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params, boolean zeroOutSparseOutput) throws DMLRuntimeException { double[] inputArray = null; if (!input.isInSparseFormat()) inputArray = input.getDenseBlock(); if (outputArray == null) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse output is not supported for rotate180"); int outputOffset = outputN * params.K * params.P * params.Q; if (inputArray != null) { for (int k = 0; k < params.K; k++) { for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) { outputArray[outputOffset + p * params.Q * params.K + q * params.K + k] = inputArray[inputN * params.K * params.P * params.Q + k * params.P * params.Q + p * params.Q + q]; } } } } else { if (zeroOutSparseOutput) Arrays.fill(outputArray, 0); if (!input.isEmptyBlock()) { Iterator<IJV> iter = input.sparseBlock.getIterator(inputN, inputN + 1); int[] tensorIndexes = new int[3]; while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q); int k = tensorIndexes[0]; int p = tensorIndexes[1]; int q = tensorIndexes[2]; outputArray[outputOffset + p * params.Q * params.K + q * params.K + k] = ijv.getV(); } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static void addMatrixBlocks(int poolSize, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> im2ColOutBlocks, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> doutReshapedBlocks, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> partialRetBlocks) { for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++) { if (type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2d || type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter) { MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.C * params.R * params.S, params.P * params.Q, false); im2ColOutBlock.allocateDenseBlock(true); im2ColOutBlocks.add(im2ColOutBlock); } if (type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter) { MatrixBlock partialRetBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.K, params.C * params.R * params.S, false); partialRetBlock.allocateDenseBlock(true); partialRetBlocks.add(partialRetBlock); } if (type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData || type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter) { MatrixBlock doutReshapedBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.P * params.Q, params.K, false); doutReshapedBlock.allocateDenseBlock(true); doutReshapedBlocks.add(doutReshapedBlock); } } } // Methods to execute convolution-related tasks using multiple threads. private static void runConvTask(TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> im2ColOutBlocks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock>(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> doutReshapedBlocks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock>(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> partialRetBlocks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock>(); if (ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS && params.isOutputThreadSafe() && constrainedNumThreads > 1) { int poolSize = Math.min(constrainedNumThreads, params.N); addMatrixBlocks(poolSize, type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks); ArrayList<ConvTask> tasks = new ArrayList<ConvTask>(); int NSize = params.N - poolSize; if (NSize >= constrainedNumThreads) { for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) tasks.add(new ConvTask(n, n + 1, type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks)); } else { int numNTasks = (int) Math.ceil(((double) NSize) / constrainedNumThreads); for (int n = 0; n < NSize; n += numNTasks) { tasks.add(new ConvTask(n, Math.min(NSize, n + numNTasks), type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks)); } for (int n = NSize; n < params.N; n++) tasks.add(new ConvTask(n, n + 1, type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks)); } ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize); List<Future<Object>> taskret; try { taskret = pool.invokeAll(tasks); pool.shutdown(); for (Future<Object> task : taskret) { task.get(); } if (type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter) { for (MatrixBlock partialRetBlock : partialRetBlocks) { elementWiseInPlaceAddition(params.output, partialRetBlock); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing multi-threaded " +, e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing multi-threaded " +, e); } } else { addMatrixBlocks(1, type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks); ConvTask task = new ConvTask(0, 0, type, params, im2ColOutBlocks, doutReshapedBlocks, partialRetBlocks); try { for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) { task.n1 = n; task.n2 = n + 1;; } if (type == TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter) { for (MatrixBlock partialRetBlock : partialRetBlocks) { elementWiseInPlaceAddition(params.output, partialRetBlock); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing single-threaded " +, e); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The ConvTask allows the convolution operations (such s conv2d, conv2d_backward, maxpooling, etc) * to be executed in multi-thread manner. * */ private static class ConvTask implements Callable<Object> { public int n1; public int n2; ConvolutionParameters params; TaskType type; ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> im2ColOutBlocks; ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> partialRetBlocks; ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> doutReshapedBlocks; public ConvTask(int n1, int n2, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> im2ColOutBlocks, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> doutReshapedBlocks, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MatrixBlock> partialRetBlocks) { this.n1 = n1; this.n2 = n2; this.type = type; this.params = params; this.im2ColOutBlocks = im2ColOutBlocks; this.partialRetBlocks = partialRetBlocks; this.doutReshapedBlocks = doutReshapedBlocks; } @Override public Object call() throws DMLRuntimeException { switch (type) { case MaxPooling_Forward: { for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { doPooling(n, params); } break; } case MaxPooling_Backward: for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) doPoolingBackward(n, params); break; case BiasAdd: doBiasAdd(n1, n2, params); break; case ReluBackward: for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) doReluBackward(n, params); break; case LoopedIm2ColConv2d: { MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = im2ColOutBlocks.remove(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) doLoopedIm2ColConv2d(n, im2ColOutBlock, params); im2ColOutBlocks.add(im2ColOutBlock); if (params.bias != null) addBias(n1, n2, params); break; } case LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter: { MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = im2ColOutBlocks.remove(); MatrixBlock partialRetBlock = partialRetBlocks.remove(); MatrixBlock doutReshapedBlock = doutReshapedBlocks.remove(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) partialRetBlock = doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter(n, im2ColOutBlock, doutReshapedBlock, partialRetBlock, params); im2ColOutBlocks.add(im2ColOutBlock); partialRetBlocks.add(partialRetBlock); doutReshapedBlocks.add(doutReshapedBlock); break; } case LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData: { MatrixBlock doutReshapedBlock = doutReshapedBlocks.remove(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData(n, doutReshapedBlock, params); doutReshapedBlocks.add(doutReshapedBlock); break; } default: throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported ConvTask:" +; } return null; } } private static void addBias(int n1, int n2, ConvolutionParameters params) { int PQ = params.P * params.Q; int K = params.K; double[] outputArr = params.output.getDenseBlock(); if (!params.bias.isInSparseFormat()) { double[] biasArr = params.bias.getDenseBlock(); int index = n1 * K * PQ; for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { for (int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) { outputArr[index] += biasArr[k]; } } } } else { Iterator<IJV> iter = params.bias.getSparseBlockIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; int k = ijv.getI(); double val = ijv.getV(); for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) { int index = n * K * PQ + k * PQ; for (int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) { outputArr[index] += val; } } } } } // Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW private static void doCol2imOverSingleImage(int outputN, MatrixBlock input, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (input.rlen != params.P * params.Q || input.clen != params.C * params.R * params.S) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions"); } double[] outputArray = null; if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat()) outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock(); else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only dense output is implemented"); } if (!input.isInSparseFormat()) { double[] inputArray = input.getDenseBlock(); doCol2IMDenseInput(0, outputN, inputArray, outputArray, params); } else { if (!input.isEmptyBlock()) doCol2IMSparseInput(0, outputN, input.getSparseBlockIterator(), outputArray, params); } } private static void doCol2IMSparseInput(int inputN, int outputN, Iterator<IJV> inputIter, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { int[] tensorIndexes = new int[3]; while (inputIter.hasNext()) { IJV ijv =; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.R, params.S); int c = tensorIndexes[0]; int r = tensorIndexes[1]; int s = tensorIndexes[2]; computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getI(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q); int p = tensorIndexes[1]; int q = tensorIndexes[2]; if (inputN != tensorIndexes[0]) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect tensor indexes: " + inputN + " != " + tensorIndexes[0] + " <" + p + " " + q + " " + ijv.getI() + params.P + " " + params.Q + ">"); } int h = p * params.stride_h + r - params.pad_h; int w = q * params.stride_w + s - params.pad_w; if (h >= 0 && h < params.H && w >= 0 && w < params.W) { int outIndex = outputN * params.C * params.H * params.W + c * params.H * params.W + h * params.W + w; outputArray[outIndex] += ijv.getV(); } } } // Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW if inputN == 0 // Or converts input: NPQ X CRS matrix and writes to N X CHW private static void doCol2IMDenseInput(int inputN, int outputN, double[] inputArray, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { final int outputNOffset = outputN * params.C * params.H * params.W; for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) { // h = p*params.stride_h + r - params.pad_h // = r + hOffset // Based on restrictions: h >= 0 and r >= 0 and h < params.H and r < params.R, we get // max(0, - hOffset) <= r < min(params.R, params.H - hOffset) final int hOffset = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h; final int rStart = Math.max(0, -hOffset); final int rEnd = Math.min(params.R, params.H - hOffset); for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) { // Using the same logic as above on following: // w = q*params.stride_w + s - params.pad_w final int wOffset = q * params.stride_w - params.pad_w; final int sStart = Math.max(0, -wOffset); final int sEnd = Math.min(params.S, params.W - wOffset); final int tempOffset = (inputN * params.P * params.Q + p * params.Q + q) * params.C * params.R * params.S; for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) { final int outOffset = outputNOffset + c * params.H * params.W; final int inputOffset = tempOffset + c * params.R * params.S; for (int r = rStart; r < rEnd; r++) { for (int s = sStart; s < sEnd; s++) { int inputIndex = inputOffset + r * params.S + s; int outIndex = outOffset + (hOffset + r) * params.W + wOffset + s; outputArray[outIndex] += inputArray[inputIndex]; } } } } } } private static void doIm2colDense(int n, double[] inputArray, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) { int CRS = params.C * params.R * params.S; final int nOffset = n * params.C * params.H * params.W; if (params.stride_h == 1 && params.stride_w == 1 && params.pad_h == 0 && params.pad_w == 0) { for (int c = 0; c < CRS; ++c) { int wOffset = c % params.S; int hOffset = (c / params.S) % params.R; int cInput = c / params.R / params.S; for (int h = 0; h < params.P; ++h) { int hPadded = h + hOffset; int outOffset = (c * params.P + h) * params.Q; int inputOffset = nOffset + (cInput * params.H + hPadded) * params.W; System.arraycopy(inputArray, inputOffset + wOffset, outputArray, outOffset, params.Q); int w = params.Q - 1; int wPadded = w + wOffset; if (hPadded < params.H && wPadded < params.W) outputArray[outOffset + w] = inputArray[inputOffset + wPadded]; else outputArray[outOffset + w] = 0; } } } else { for (int c = 0; c < CRS; ++c) { int wOffset = c % params.S; int hOffset = (c / params.S) % params.R; int cInput = c / params.R / params.S; for (int h = 0; h < params.P; ++h) { int outOffset = (c * params.P + h) * params.Q; int hPadded = h * params.stride_h - params.pad_h + hOffset; int inputOffset = nOffset + (cInput * params.H + hPadded) * params.W; if (hPadded < 0 || hPadded >= params.H) { Arrays.fill(outputArray, outOffset, outOffset + params.Q, 0); } else { for (int w = 0; w < params.Q; ++w) { int wPadded = w * params.stride_w - params.pad_w + wOffset; if (wPadded >= 0 && wPadded < params.W) outputArray[outOffset + w] = inputArray[inputOffset + wPadded]; else outputArray[outOffset + w] = 0; } } } } } } // Keeping this as a separate sparse method to allow for further dense optimizations private static void doIm2colSparse(int n, MatrixBlock input, double[] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) { int CRS = params.C * params.R * params.S; // final int nOffset = n * params.C*params.H*params.W; for (int c = 0; c < CRS; ++c) { int wOffset = c % params.S; int hOffset = (c / params.S) % params.R; int cInput = c / params.R / params.S; for (int h = 0; h < params.P; ++h) { int outOffset = (c * params.P + h) * params.Q; int hPadded = h * params.stride_h - params.pad_h + hOffset; int tempOffset = (cInput * params.H + hPadded) * params.W; // int inputOffset = nOffset + tempOffset; if (hPadded < 0 || hPadded >= params.H) { Arrays.fill(outputArray, outOffset, outOffset + params.Q, 0); } else { for (int w = 0; w < params.Q; ++w) { int wPadded = w * params.stride_w - params.pad_w + wOffset; if (wPadded >= 0 && wPadded < params.W) { // NOTE: Potential performance bottleneck as we have to do binary search to getValue outputArray[outOffset + w] = input.getValue(n, tempOffset + wPadded); } else outputArray[outOffset + w] = 0; } } } } } private static void doIm2col(int n, MatrixBlock output, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException { double[] inputArray = null; if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock(); double[] outputArray = null; if (!output.isInSparseFormat()) outputArray = output.getDenseBlock(); else throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse output is not supported for im2col"); if (inputArray != null) doIm2colDense(n, inputArray, outputArray, params); else doIm2colSparse(n, params.input1, outputArray, params); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used in integration tests. Please donot edit them public static boolean TEST_SPARSE_INPUT = false; public static boolean TEST_SPARSE_FILTER = false; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }