Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript; import org.apache.sysml.conf.ConfigurationManager; import org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.StagingFileUtils; import; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MetaDataFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRConfigurationNames; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.LocalFileUtils; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.MapReduceTool; import org.apache.sysml.utils.Statistics; /** * MR job class for submitting parfor result merge MR jobs. * */ public class ResultMergeRemoteMR extends ResultMerge { public static final byte COMPARE_TAG = 'c'; public static final byte DATA_TAG = 'd'; private long _pfid = -1; private int _numMappers = -1; private int _numReducers = -1; private int _replication = -1; //private int _max_retry = -1; private boolean _jvmReuse = false; public ResultMergeRemoteMR(MatrixObject out, MatrixObject[] in, String outputFilename, long pfid, int numMappers, int numReducers, int replication, int max_retry, boolean jvmReuse) { super(out, in, outputFilename); _pfid = pfid; _numMappers = numMappers; _numReducers = numReducers; _replication = replication; //_max_retry = max_retry; _jvmReuse = jvmReuse; } @Override public MatrixObject executeSerialMerge() throws DMLRuntimeException { //graceful degradation to parallel merge return executeParallelMerge(_numMappers); } @Override public MatrixObject executeParallelMerge(int par) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject moNew = null; //always create new matrix object (required for nested parallelism) if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("ResultMerge (remote, mr): Execute serial merge for output " + _output.hashCode() + " (fname=" + _output.getFileName() + ")"); try { //collect all relevant inputs Collection<String> srcFnames = new LinkedList<>(); ArrayList<MatrixObject> inMO = new ArrayList<>(); for (MatrixObject in : _inputs) { //check for empty inputs (no iterations executed) if (in != null && in != _output) { //ensure that input file resides on disk in.exportData(); //add to merge list srcFnames.add(in.getFileName()); inMO.add(in); } } if (!srcFnames.isEmpty()) { //ensure that outputfile (for comparison) resides on disk _output.exportData(); //actual merge MetaDataFormat metadata = (MetaDataFormat) _output.getMetaData(); MatrixCharacteristics mcOld = metadata.getMatrixCharacteristics(); String fnameCompare = _output.getFileName(); if (mcOld.getNonZeros() == 0) fnameCompare = null; //no compare required executeMerge(fnameCompare, _outputFName, srcFnames.toArray(new String[0]), metadata.getInputInfo(), metadata.getOutputInfo(), mcOld.getRows(), mcOld.getCols(), mcOld.getRowsPerBlock(), mcOld.getColsPerBlock()); //create new output matrix (e.g., to prevent potential export<->read file access conflict moNew = new MatrixObject(_output.getValueType(), _outputFName); OutputInfo oiOld = metadata.getOutputInfo(); InputInfo iiOld = metadata.getInputInfo(); MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(mcOld.getRows(), mcOld.getCols(), mcOld.getRowsPerBlock(), mcOld.getColsPerBlock()); mc.setNonZeros(computeNonZeros(_output, inMO)); MetaDataFormat meta = new MetaDataFormat(mc, oiOld, iiOld); moNew.setMetaData(meta); } else { moNew = _output; //return old matrix, to prevent copy } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex); } //LOG.trace("ResultMerge (local, file): Executed serial merge for output "+_output.getVarName()+" (fname="+_output.getFileName()+") in "+time.stop()+"ms"); return moNew; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "deprecation" }) protected void executeMerge(String fname, String fnameNew, String[] srcFnames, InputInfo ii, OutputInfo oi, long rlen, long clen, int brlen, int bclen) throws DMLRuntimeException { String jobname = "ParFor-RMMR"; long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; JobConf job = new JobConf(ResultMergeRemoteMR.class); job.setJobName(jobname + _pfid); //maintain dml script counters Statistics.incrementNoOfCompiledMRJobs(); //warning for textcell/binarycell without compare boolean withCompare = (fname != null); if ((oi == OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo || oi == OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo) && !withCompare && ResultMergeLocalFile.ALLOW_COPY_CELLFILES) LOG.warn("Result merge for " + OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(oi) + " without compare can be realized more efficiently with LOCAL_FILE than REMOTE_MR."); try { Path pathCompare = null; Path pathNew = new Path(fnameNew); ///// //configure the MR job if (withCompare) { FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(pathNew, job); pathCompare = new Path(fname).makeQualified(fs); MRJobConfiguration.setResultMergeInfo(job, pathCompare.toString(), ii, LocalFileUtils.getWorkingDir(LocalFileUtils.CATEGORY_RESULTMERGE), rlen, clen, brlen, bclen); } else MRJobConfiguration.setResultMergeInfo(job, "null", ii, LocalFileUtils.getWorkingDir(LocalFileUtils.CATEGORY_RESULTMERGE), rlen, clen, bclen, bclen); //set mappers, reducers, combiners job.setMapperClass(ResultMergeRemoteMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(ResultMergeRemoteReducer.class); if (oi == OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo) { job.setMapOutputKeyClass(MatrixIndexes.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(TaggedMatrixCell.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(NullWritable.class); job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); } else if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo) { job.setMapOutputKeyClass(MatrixIndexes.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(TaggedMatrixCell.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(MatrixIndexes.class); job.setOutputValueClass(MatrixCell.class); } else if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo) { //setup partitioning, grouping, sorting for composite key (old API) job.setPartitionerClass(ResultMergeRemotePartitioning.class); //partitioning job.setOutputValueGroupingComparator(ResultMergeRemoteGrouping.class); //grouping job.setOutputKeyComparatorClass(ResultMergeRemoteSorting.class); //sorting job.setMapOutputKeyClass(ResultMergeTaggedMatrixIndexes.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(TaggedMatrixBlock.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(MatrixIndexes.class); job.setOutputValueClass(MatrixBlock.class); } //set input format job.setInputFormat(ii.inputFormatClass); //set the input path Path[] paths = null; if (withCompare) { paths = new Path[srcFnames.length + 1]; paths[0] = pathCompare; for (int i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) paths[i] = new Path(srcFnames[i - 1]); } else { paths = new Path[srcFnames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) paths[i] = new Path(srcFnames[i]); } FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, paths); //set output format job.setOutputFormat(oi.outputFormatClass); //set output path MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(fnameNew); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, pathNew); ////// //set optimization parameters //set the number of mappers and reducers //job.setNumMapTasks( _numMappers ); //use default num mappers long reducerGroups = _numReducers; if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo) reducerGroups = Math.max(rlen / brlen, 1) * Math.max(clen / bclen, 1); else //textcell/binarycell reducerGroups = Math.max((rlen * clen) / StagingFileUtils.CELL_BUFFER_SIZE, 1); job.setNumReduceTasks((int) Math.min(_numReducers, reducerGroups)); //disable automatic tasks timeouts and speculative task exec job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASK_TIMEOUT, 0); job.setMapSpeculativeExecution(false); //set up preferred custom serialization framework for binary block format if (MRJobConfiguration.USE_BINARYBLOCK_SERIALIZATION) MRJobConfiguration.addBinaryBlockSerializationFramework(job); //set up custom map/reduce configurations DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig(); MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config); //enables the reuse of JVMs (multiple tasks per MR task) if (_jvmReuse) job.setNumTasksToExecutePerJvm(-1); //unlimited //enables compression - not conclusive for different codecs (empirically good compression ratio, but significantly slower) //job.set(MRConfigurationNames.MR_MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, "true"); //job.set(MRConfigurationNames.MR_MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS_CODEC, ""); //set the replication factor for the results job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, _replication); //set the max number of retries per map task // disabled job-level configuration to respect cluster configuration // note: this refers to hadoop2, hence it never had effect on mr1 //job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.MR_MAP_MAXATTEMPTS, _max_retry); //set unique working dir MRJobConfiguration.setUniqueWorkingDir(job); ///// // execute the MR job JobClient.runJob(job); //maintain dml script counters Statistics.incrementNoOfExecutedMRJobs(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex); } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters("MR-Job_" + jobname, t1 - t0); } } }