Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.syncope.core.sync.impl; import org.apache.syncope.core.sync.SyncUtilities; import static org.apache.syncope.core.sync.impl.AbstractSyncopeResultHandler.LOG; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.syncope.common.mod.AbstractSubjectMod; import; import org.apache.syncope.common.types.AuditElements; import org.apache.syncope.common.types.AuditElements.Result; import org.apache.syncope.common.types.ResourceOperation; import org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.beans.SyncTask; import org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.dao.NotFoundException; import org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.dao.UserDAO; import org.apache.syncope.core.propagation.PropagationException; import; import; import org.apache.syncope.core.sync.SyncActions; import org.apache.syncope.core.sync.SyncResult; import org.apache.syncope.core.util.AttributableUtil; import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncDelta; import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncDeltaType; import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncResultsHandler; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; public abstract class AbstractSubjectSyncResultHandler extends AbstractSyncopeResultHandler<SyncTask, SyncActions> implements SyncResultsHandler { @Autowired protected SyncUtilities syncUtilities; @Autowired protected AttributableTransformer attrTransformer; @Autowired protected UserDAO userDAO; protected abstract AttributableUtil getAttributableUtil(); protected abstract String getName(AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO); protected abstract AbstractSubjectTO getSubjectTO(long id); protected abstract AbstractSubjectMod getSubjectMod(AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO, SyncDelta delta); protected abstract AbstractSubjectTO create(AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO, SyncDelta _delta, SyncResult result); protected abstract AbstractSubjectTO link(AbstractSubjectTO before, SyncResult result, boolean unlink) throws Exception; protected abstract AbstractSubjectTO update(AbstractSubjectTO before, AbstractSubjectMod subjectMod, SyncDelta delta, SyncResult result) throws Exception; protected abstract void deprovision(Long id, boolean unlink) throws Exception; protected abstract void delete(Long id); @Override public boolean handle(final SyncDelta delta) { try { if (profile.getResults() == null) { profile.setResults(new ArrayList<SyncResult>()); } doHandle(delta, profile.getResults()); return true; } catch (JobExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Synchronization failed", e); return false; } } protected List<SyncResult> assign(final SyncDelta delta, final AttributableUtil attrUtil) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformCreate()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for create"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } final AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO = connObjectUtil.getSubjectTO(delta.getObject(), profile.getSyncTask(), attrUtil); subjectTO.getResources().add(profile.getSyncTask().getResource().getName()); final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.CREATE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); // Attributable transformation (if configured) AbstractSubjectTO transformed = attrTransformer.transform(subjectTO); LOG.debug("Transformed: {}", transformed); result.setName(getName(transformed)); if (profile.isDryRun()) { result.setId(0L); } else { SyncDelta _delta = delta; for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { _delta = action.beforeAssign(this.getProfile(), _delta, transformed); } create(transformed, _delta, attrUtil, "assign", result); } return Collections.singletonList(result); } protected List<SyncResult> create(final SyncDelta delta, final AttributableUtil attrUtil) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformCreate()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for create"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } final AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO = connObjectUtil.getSubjectTO(delta.getObject(), profile.getSyncTask(), attrUtil); // Attributable transformation (if configured) AbstractSubjectTO transformed = attrTransformer.transform(subjectTO); LOG.debug("Transformed: {}", transformed); final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.CREATE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); result.setName(getName(transformed)); if (profile.isDryRun()) { result.setId(0L); } else { SyncDelta _delta = delta; for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { _delta = action.beforeProvision(this.getProfile(), _delta, transformed); } create(transformed, _delta, attrUtil, "provision", result); } return Collections.<SyncResult>singletonList(result); } private void create(final AbstractSubjectTO subjectTO, final SyncDelta delta, final AttributableUtil attrUtil, final String operation, final SyncResult result) throws JobExecutionException { Object output; Result resultStatus; try { AbstractSubjectTO actual = create(subjectTO, delta, result); result.setName(getName(actual)); output = actual; resultStatus = Result.SUCCESS; for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.after(this.getProfile(), delta, actual, result); } } catch (PropagationException e) { // A propagation failure doesn't imply a synchronization failure. // The propagation exception status will be reported into the propagation task execution. LOG.error("Could not propagate {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } catch (Exception e) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); LOG.error("Could not create {} {} ", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } audit(operation, resultStatus, null, output, delta); } protected List<SyncResult> update(SyncDelta delta, final List<Long> subjects, final AttributableUtil attrUtil) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformUpdate()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for update"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } LOG.debug("About to update {}", subjects); List<SyncResult> updResults = new ArrayList<SyncResult>(); for (Long id : subjects) { LOG.debug("About to update {}", id); Object output; AbstractSubjectTO before = null; Result resultStatus; final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.UPDATE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); result.setId(id); before = getSubjectTO(id); if (before == null) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(String.format("Subject '%s(%d)' not found", attrUtil.getType().name(), id)); } else { result.setName(getName(before)); } if (!profile.isDryRun()) { if (before == null) { resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; output = null; } else { try { final AbstractSubjectMod attributableMod = getSubjectMod(before, delta); // Attribute value transformation (if configured) final AbstractSubjectMod actual = attrTransformer.transform(attributableMod); LOG.debug("Transformed: {}", actual); for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { delta = action.beforeUpdate(this.getProfile(), delta, before, attributableMod); } final AbstractSubjectTO updated = update(before, attributableMod, delta, result); for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.after(this.getProfile(), delta, updated, result); } output = updated; resultStatus = Result.SUCCESS; result.setName(getName(updated)); LOG.debug("{} {} successfully updated", attrUtil.getType(), id); } catch (PropagationException e) { // A propagation failure doesn't imply a synchronization failure. // The propagation exception status will be reported into the propagation task execution. LOG.error("Could not propagate {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } catch (Exception e) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); LOG.error("Could not update {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } } audit("update", resultStatus, before, output, delta); } updResults.add(result); } return updResults; } protected List<SyncResult> deprovision(SyncDelta delta, final List<Long> subjects, final AttributableUtil attrUtil, final boolean unlink) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformUpdate()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for update"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } LOG.debug("About to update {}", subjects); final List<SyncResult> updResults = new ArrayList<SyncResult>(); for (Long id : subjects) { LOG.debug("About to unassign resource {}", id); Object output; Result resultStatus; final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.DELETE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); result.setId(id); final AbstractSubjectTO before = getSubjectTO(id); if (before == null) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(String.format("Subject '%s(%d)' not found", attrUtil.getType().name(), id)); } if (!profile.isDryRun()) { if (before == null) { resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; output = null; } else { result.setName(getName(before)); try { if (unlink) { for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.beforeUnassign(this.getProfile(), delta, before); } } else { for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.beforeDeprovision(this.getProfile(), delta, before); } } deprovision(id, unlink); output = getSubjectTO(id); for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.after(this.getProfile(), delta, AbstractSubjectTO.class.cast(output), result); } resultStatus = Result.SUCCESS; LOG.debug("{} {} successfully updated", attrUtil.getType(), id); } catch (PropagationException e) { // A propagation failure doesn't imply a synchronization failure. // The propagation exception status will be reported into the propagation task execution. LOG.error("Could not propagate {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } catch (Exception e) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); LOG.error("Could not update {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } } audit(unlink ? "unassign" : "deprovision", resultStatus, before, output, delta); } updResults.add(result); } return updResults; } protected List<SyncResult> link(SyncDelta delta, final List<Long> subjects, final AttributableUtil attrUtil, final boolean unlink) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformUpdate()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for update"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } LOG.debug("About to update {}", subjects); final List<SyncResult> updResults = new ArrayList<SyncResult>(); for (Long id : subjects) { LOG.debug("About to unassign resource {}", id); Object output; Result resultStatus; final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.NONE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); result.setId(id); final AbstractSubjectTO before = getSubjectTO(id); if (before == null) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(String.format("Subject '%s(%d)' not found", attrUtil.getType().name(), id)); } if (!profile.isDryRun()) { if (before == null) { resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; output = null; } else { result.setName(getName(before)); try { if (unlink) { for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.beforeUnlink(this.getProfile(), delta, before); } } else { for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.beforeLink(this.getProfile(), delta, before); } } output = link(before, result, unlink); for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.after(this.getProfile(), delta, AbstractSubjectTO.class.cast(output), result); } resultStatus = Result.SUCCESS; LOG.debug("{} {} successfully updated", attrUtil.getType(), id); } catch (PropagationException e) { // A propagation failure doesn't imply a synchronization failure. // The propagation exception status will be reported into the propagation task execution. LOG.error("Could not propagate {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } catch (Exception e) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); LOG.error("Could not update {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), e); output = e; resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; } } audit(unlink ? "unlink" : "link", resultStatus, before, output, delta); } updResults.add(result); } return updResults; } protected List<SyncResult> delete(SyncDelta delta, final List<Long> subjects, final AttributableUtil attrUtil) throws JobExecutionException { if (!profile.getSyncTask().isPerformDelete()) { LOG.debug("SyncTask not configured for delete"); return Collections.<SyncResult>emptyList(); } LOG.debug("About to delete {}", subjects); List<SyncResult> delResults = new ArrayList<SyncResult>(); for (Long id : subjects) { Object output; Result resultStatus = Result.FAILURE; AbstractSubjectTO before = null; final SyncResult result = new SyncResult(); try { before = getSubjectTO(id); result.setId(id); result.setName(getName(before)); result.setOperation(ResourceOperation.DELETE); result.setSubjectType(attrUtil.getType()); result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.SUCCESS); if (!profile.isDryRun()) { for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { delta = action.beforeDelete(this.getProfile(), delta, before); } try { delete(id); output = null; resultStatus = Result.SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { result.setStatus(SyncResult.Status.FAILURE); result.setMessage(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); LOG.error("Could not delete {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), id, e); output = e; } for (SyncActions action : profile.getActions()) { action.after(this.getProfile(), delta, before, result); } audit("delete", resultStatus, before, output, delta); } delResults.add(result); } catch (NotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Could not find {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), id, e); } catch (UnauthorizedRoleException e) { LOG.error("Not allowed to read {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), id, e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not delete {} {}", attrUtil.getType(), id, e); } } return delResults; } /** * Look into SyncDelta and take necessary profile.getActions() (create / update / delete) on user(s)/role(s). * * @param delta returned by the underlying profile.getConnector() * @throws JobExecutionException in case of synchronization failure. */ protected final void doHandle(final SyncDelta delta, final Collection<SyncResult> syncResults) throws JobExecutionException { final AttributableUtil attrUtil = getAttributableUtil(); LOG.debug("Process {} for {} as {}", delta.getDeltaType(), delta.getUid().getUidValue(), delta.getObject().getObjectClass()); final String uid = delta.getPreviousUid() == null ? delta.getUid().getUidValue() : delta.getPreviousUid().getUidValue(); try { List<Long> subjectIds = syncUtilities.findExisting(uid, delta.getObject(), profile.getSyncTask().getResource(), attrUtil); if (subjectIds.size() > 1) { switch (profile.getResAct()) { case IGNORE: throw new IllegalStateException("More than one match " + subjectIds); case FIRSTMATCH: subjectIds = subjectIds.subList(0, 1); break; case LASTMATCH: subjectIds = subjectIds.subList(subjectIds.size() - 1, subjectIds.size()); break; default: // keep subjectIds as is } } if (SyncDeltaType.CREATE_OR_UPDATE == delta.getDeltaType()) { if (subjectIds.isEmpty()) { switch (profile.getSyncTask().getUnmatchingRule()) { case ASSIGN: profile.getResults().addAll(assign(delta, attrUtil)); break; case PROVISION: profile.getResults().addAll(create(delta, attrUtil)); break; default: // do nothing } } else { switch (profile.getSyncTask().getMatchingRule()) { case UPDATE: profile.getResults().addAll(update(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil)); break; case DEPROVISION: profile.getResults().addAll(deprovision(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil, false)); break; case UNASSIGN: profile.getResults().addAll(deprovision(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil, true)); break; case LINK: profile.getResults().addAll(link(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil, false)); break; case UNLINK: profile.getResults().addAll(link(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil, true)); break; default: // do nothing } } } else if (SyncDeltaType.DELETE == delta.getDeltaType()) { if (subjectIds.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("No match found for deletion"); } else { profile.getResults().addAll(delete(delta, subjectIds, attrUtil)); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); } } private void audit(final String event, final Result result, final Object before, final Object output, final Object... input) { notificationManager.createTasks(AuditElements.EventCategoryType.SYNCHRONIZATION, getAttributableUtil().getType().name().toLowerCase(), profile.getSyncTask().getResource().getName(), event, result, before, output, input); auditManager.audit(AuditElements.EventCategoryType.SYNCHRONIZATION, getAttributableUtil().getType().name().toLowerCase(), profile.getSyncTask().getResource().getName(), event, result, before, output, input); } }