Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.synapse.transport.amqp.pollingtask; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.synapse.transport.amqp.*; import org.apache.synapse.transport.amqp.connectionfactory.AMQPTransportConnectionFactory; import org.apache.synapse.transport.amqp.ha.AMQPTransportReconnectHandler; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * The factory implementation for {@link AMQPTransportPollingTask}. Polling task(with multiple) * consumers will be deployed for each deployed service. */ public class AMQPTransportPollingTaskFactory { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AMQPTransportPollingTaskFactory.class); public static AMQPTransportPollingTask createPollingTaskForService(AxisService service, ScheduledExecutorService pool, AMQPTransportEndpoint endpoint, AMQPTransportConnectionFactory connectionFactory, AMQPTransportReconnectHandler haHandler) throws AxisFault { Map<String, String> svcParam = AMQPTransportUtils.getServiceStringParameters(service.getParameters()); Map<String, String> conFacParam = connectionFactory.getParameters(); AMQPTransportPollingTask pt = new AMQPTransportPollingTask(); pt.setServiceName(service.getName()); pt.setEndpoint(endpoint); pt.setPollingTaskScheduler(pool); pt.setHaHandler(haHandler); // set buffers to hold request/response messages for this task pt.setBuffers(new AMQPTransportBuffers()); String exchangeName = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalStringParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_EXCHANGE_NAME, svcParam, conFacParam); pt.setExchangeName(exchangeName); Boolean isDurable = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_EXCHANGE_IS_DURABLE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isDurable != null) { pt.setExchangeDurable(isDurable); } Boolean isAutoDelete = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_EXCHANGE_IS_AUTO_DELETE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isAutoDelete != null) { pt.setExchangeAutoDelete(isAutoDelete); } String exchangeType = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalStringParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_EXCHANGE_TYPE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (exchangeType != null) { if (exchangeName == null) { throw new AxisFault("Possible configuration error. No exchange name provided but " + "exchange type is set to '" + exchangeType + "'"); } pt.setExchangeType(exchangeType); } Boolean isInternalExchange = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_EXCHANGE_INTERNAL, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isInternalExchange != null) { if (exchangeName == null) { throw new AxisFault("Possible configuration error. No exchange name provided but " + "exchange restricted as " + (isInternalExchange ? "internal." : "external.")); } pt.setInternalExchange(isInternalExchange); } pt.setChannel(connectionFactory.getChannel()); pt.setConnectionFactoryName(connectionFactory.getName()); String responseConFac = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalStringParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_RESPONSE_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME, svcParam, conFacParam); if (responseConFac != null) { pt.setResponseConnectionFactory(responseConFac); } String consumerExchange = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalStringParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_BIND_EXCHANGE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (consumerExchange != null) { if (exchangeName != null && !consumerExchange.equals(exchangeName)) { log.warn("Possible configuration error? Exchange name is set to '" + exchangeName + "' and consumer's exchange name is set to '" + consumerExchange + "'"); } pt.setConsumerExchangeName(consumerExchange); } String bindingKeyString = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalStringParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_BINDING_KEYS, svcParam, conFacParam); if (bindingKeyString != null) { pt.setBindingsKeys( AMQPTransportUtils.split(bindingKeyString, AMQPTransportConstant.ROUTING_KEY_DELIMITER)); } String queueName = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalStringParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_QUEUE_NAME, svcParam, conFacParam); if (queueName == null) { queueName = service.getName(); // set the service name as the queue name for default. } pt.setQueueName(queueName); String configuredContentType = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalStringParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_CONFIGURED_CONTENT_TYPE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (configuredContentType != null) { pt.setConfiguredContentType(configuredContentType); } Boolean isQueueDurable = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalBooleanParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_QUEUE_DURABLE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isDurable != null) { pt.setQueueDurable(isQueueDurable); } Boolean isQueueRestricted = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_QUEUE_RESTRICTED, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isQueueRestricted != null) { pt.setQueueRestricted(isQueueRestricted); } Boolean isQueueAutoDelete = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_QUEUE_AUTO_DELETE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isQueueAutoDelete != null) { pt.setQueueAutoDelete(isQueueAutoDelete); } Boolean isBlockingMode = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalBooleanParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_OPERATE_ON_BLOCKING_MODE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isBlockingMode != null) { pt.setBlockingMode(isBlockingMode); } try { Integer noOfConsumers = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalIntParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_NO_OF_CONCURRENT_CONSUMERS, svcParam, conFacParam); if (noOfConsumers != null) { pt.setNoOfConcurrentConsumers(noOfConsumers); } } catch (AMQPTransportException e) { throw new AxisFault("Could not assign the number of concurrent consumers", e); } try { Integer dispatchingTask = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalIntParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_DISPATCHING_TASK_SIZE, svcParam, conFacParam); if (dispatchingTask != null) { pt.setNoOfDispatchingTask(dispatchingTask); } } catch (AMQPTransportException e) { throw new AxisFault("Could not assign number of dispatching task value", e); } Boolean isUseTx = AMQPTransportUtils .getOptionalBooleanParameter(AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_CONSUMER_TX, svcParam, conFacParam); if (isUseTx != null) { pt.setUseTx(isUseTx); } try { Integer initialDelay = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalIntParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_SCHEDULED_TASK_INITIAL_DELAY, svcParam, conFacParam); if (initialDelay != null) { pt.setScheduledTaskInitialDelay(initialDelay.intValue()); } } catch (AMQPTransportException e) { throw new AxisFault("Could not assign the scheduled task initial delay value", e); } try { Integer delay = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalIntParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_SCHEDULED_TASK_INITIAL_DELAY, svcParam, conFacParam); if (delay != null) { pt.setScheduledTaskDelay(delay.intValue()); } } catch (AMQPTransportException e) { throw new AxisFault("Could not assign the scheduled task delay value", e); } String timeUnit = AMQPTransportUtils.getOptionalStringParameter( AMQPTransportConstant.PARAMETER_SCHEDULED_TASK_TIME_UNIT, svcParam, conFacParam); if (timeUnit != null) { pt.setScheduledTaskTimeUnit(getTimeUnit(timeUnit)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("A polling task for the service '" + service.getName() + "' was produced with " + "following parameters.\n" + "Exchange Name: '" + pt.getExchangeName() + "'\n" + "Exchange Type: '" + pt.getExchangeType() + "'\n" + "Exchange Durable?: '" + pt.isExchangeDurable() + "'\n" + "Exchange AutoDelete?: '" + pt.isExchangeAutoDelete() + "\n" + "Is internal exchange: '" + pt.isInternalExchange() + "'\n" + "Consumer Exchange: " + pt.getConsumerExchangeName() + "'\n" + "Routing Keys: '" + bindingKeyString + "'\n" + "QueueName: '" + pt.getQueueName() + "'\n" + "Is queue durable: '" + pt.isQueueDurable() + "'\n" + "Is queue restricted: '" + pt.isQueueRestricted() + "'\n" + "Is queue auto deleted: '" + pt.isQueueAutoDelete() + "'\n" + "Is blocking mode: '" + pt.isBlockingMode() + "'\n" + "Number of concurrent consumers: '" + pt.getNoOfConcurrentConsumers() + "'\n" + "Number of dispatching task: '" + pt.getNoOfDispatchingTask() + "'"); } return pt; } private static TimeUnit getTimeUnit(String timeUnit) { if ("days".equals(timeUnit)) { return TimeUnit.DAYS; } else if ("hours".equals(timeUnit)) { return TimeUnit.HOURS; } else if ("minutes".equals(timeUnit)) { return TimeUnit.MINUTES; } else if ("seconds".equals(timeUnit)) { return TimeUnit.SECONDS; } else if ("milliseconds".equals(timeUnit)) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; } else { return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS; } } }