Java tutorial
/* * $Id: 164684 2005-04-25 23:19:11Z niallp $ * * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.struts.upload; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils; /** * This class functions as a wrapper around HttpServletRequest to * provide working getParameter methods for multipart requests. Once * Struts requires Servlet 2.3, this class will definately be changed to * extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper instead of * implementing HttpServletRequest. Servlet 2.3 methods are implemented * to return <code>null</code> or do nothing if called on. Use * {@link #getRequest() getRequest} to retrieve the underlying HttpServletRequest * object and call on the 2.3 method there, the empty methods are here only * so that this will compile with the Servlet 2.3 jar. This class exists temporarily * in the process() method of ActionServlet, just before the ActionForward is processed * and just after the Action is performed, the request is set back to the original * HttpServletRequest object. */ public class MultipartRequestWrapper implements HttpServletRequest { /** Logging instance */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MultipartRequestWrapper.class); /** * The parameters for this multipart request */ protected Map parameters; /** * The underlying HttpServletRequest */ protected HttpServletRequest request; public MultipartRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; this.parameters = new HashMap(); } /** * Sets a parameter for this request. The parameter is actually * separate from the request parameters, but calling on the * getParameter() methods of this class will work as if they weren't. */ public void setParameter(String name, String value) { String[] mValue = (String[]) parameters.get(name); if (mValue == null) { mValue = new String[0]; } String[] newValue = new String[mValue.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(mValue, 0, newValue, 0, mValue.length); newValue[mValue.length] = value; parameters.put(name, newValue); } /** * Attempts to get a parameter for this request. It first looks in the * underlying HttpServletRequest object for the parameter, and if that * doesn't exist it looks for the parameters retrieved from the multipart * request */ public String getParameter(String name) { String value = request.getParameter(name); if (value == null) { String[] mValue = (String[]) parameters.get(name); if ((mValue != null) && (mValue.length > 0)) { value = mValue[0]; } } return value; } /** * Returns the names of the parameters for this request. * The enumeration consists of the normal request parameter * names plus the parameters read from the multipart request */ public Enumeration getParameterNames() { Enumeration baseParams = request.getParameterNames(); Vector list = new Vector(); while (baseParams.hasMoreElements()) { list.add(baseParams.nextElement()); } Collection multipartParams = parameters.keySet(); Iterator iterator = multipartParams.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { list.add(; } return Collections.enumeration(list); } public String[] getParameterValues(String name) { String[] value = request.getParameterValues(name); if (value == null) { value = (String[]) parameters.get(name); } return value; } /** * Returns the underlying HttpServletRequest for this wrapper */ public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } //WRAPPER IMPLEMENTATIONS OF SERVLET REQUEST METHODS public Object getAttribute(String name) { return request.getAttribute(name); } public Enumeration getAttributeNames() { return request.getAttributeNames(); } public String getCharacterEncoding() { return request.getCharacterEncoding(); } public int getContentLength() { return request.getContentLength(); } public String getContentType() { return request.getContentType(); } public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return request.getInputStream(); } public String getProtocol() { return request.getProtocol(); } public String getScheme() { return request.getScheme(); } public String getServerName() { return request.getServerName(); } public int getServerPort() { return request.getServerPort(); } public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException { return request.getReader(); } public String getRemoteAddr() { return request.getRemoteAddr(); } public String getRemoteHost() { return request.getRemoteHost(); } public void setAttribute(String name, Object o) { request.setAttribute(name, o); } public void removeAttribute(String name) { request.removeAttribute(name); } public Locale getLocale() { return request.getLocale(); } public Enumeration getLocales() { return request.getLocales(); } public boolean isSecure() { return request.isSecure(); } public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) { return request.getRequestDispatcher(path); } public String getRealPath(String path) { return request.getRealPath(path); } //WRAPPER IMPLEMENTATIONS OF HTTPSERVLETREQUEST METHODS public String getAuthType() { return request.getAuthType(); } public Cookie[] getCookies() { return request.getCookies(); } public long getDateHeader(String name) { return request.getDateHeader(name); } public String getHeader(String name) { return request.getHeader(name); } public Enumeration getHeaders(String name) { return request.getHeaders(name); } public Enumeration getHeaderNames() { return request.getHeaderNames(); } public int getIntHeader(String name) { return request.getIntHeader(name); } public String getMethod() { return request.getMethod(); } public String getPathInfo() { return request.getPathInfo(); } public String getPathTranslated() { return request.getPathTranslated(); } public String getContextPath() { return request.getContextPath(); } public String getQueryString() { return request.getQueryString(); } public String getRemoteUser() { return request.getRemoteUser(); } public boolean isUserInRole(String user) { return request.isUserInRole(user); } public Principal getUserPrincipal() { return request.getUserPrincipal(); } public String getRequestedSessionId() { return request.getRequestedSessionId(); } public String getRequestURI() { return request.getRequestURI(); } public String getServletPath() { return request.getServletPath(); } public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) { return request.getSession(create); } public HttpSession getSession() { return request.getSession(); } public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() { return request.isRequestedSessionIdValid(); } public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() { return request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL(); } public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() { return request.isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl(); } //SERVLET 2.3 METHODS /** * Implements the Servlet 2.3 <i>getParameterMap</i> method. */ public Map getParameterMap() { Map map = new HashMap(parameters); Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); map.put(name, request.getParameterValues(name)); } return map; } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.3 <i>setCharacterEncoding</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public void setCharacterEncoding(String encoding) { invokeRequestMethod("setCharacterEncoding", new Object[] { encoding }); } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.3 <i>getRequestURL</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public StringBuffer getRequestURL() { return (StringBuffer) invokeRequestMethod("getRequestURL", null); } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.3 <i>isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() { Object result = invokeRequestMethod("isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie", null); return (result == null) ? false : ((Boolean) result).booleanValue(); } //SERVLET 2.4 METHODS /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.4 <i>getLocalAddr</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public String getLocalAddr() { return (String) invokeRequestMethod("getLocalAddr", null); } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.4 <i>getLocalName</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public String getLocalName() { return (String) invokeRequestMethod("getLocalName", null); } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.4 <i>getLocalPort</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public int getLocalPort() { Object result = invokeRequestMethod("getLocalPort", null); return (result == null) ? 0 : ((Integer) result).intValue(); } /** * Use Reflection to invoke Servlet 2.4 <i>getRemotePort</i> * method on the wrapped Request. */ public int getRemotePort() { Object result = invokeRequestMethod("getRemotePort", null); return (result == null) ? 0 : ((Integer) result).intValue(); } /** * Convenience method which uses reflection to invoke a method * on the Request. */ private Object invokeRequestMethod(String name, Object[] args) { try { return MethodUtils.invokeExactMethod(request, name, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Method '" + name + "' not defined for javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest"); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error("Error invoking method '" + name + "' ", e.getTargetException()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("Error invoking method '" + name + "' ", e); } return null; } }