Java tutorial
/* *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *distributed with this work for additional information *regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance *with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *software distributed under the License is distributed on an *"AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY *KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *specific language governing permissions and limitations *under the License. */ package org.apache.stratos.usage.api; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.stratos.usage.beans.*; import org.apache.stratos.usage.util.Util; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.stratos.common.constants.UsageConstants; import org.apache.stratos.common.util.CommonUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.service.RegistryService; import org.apache.stratos.usage.util.DataAccessObject; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserRealm; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.tenant.TenantManager; import java.util.*; public class TenantUsageRetriever { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TenantUsageRetriever.class); private static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME = "Stratos"; private static final String METERING_ENDPOINT = "local://services/MeteringQueryDS"; private static final String TOTAL_LABEL = "Total"; public static final int REG_BANDWIDTH_INDEX = 0; public static final int SVC_BANDWIDTH_INDEX = 1; public static final int WEBAPP_BANDWIDTH_INDEX = 2; public static final int API_CALL_STATS = 3; private RegistryService registryService; private DataAccessObject dao; public TenantUsageRetriever(RegistryService registryService, ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { // we are loading the essentials from the constructors in order to restrict the users // to use the usage retrievers. this.registryService = registryService; this.dao = new DataAccessObject(); } public TenantDataCapacity getDataCapacity(int tenantId, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, boolean currentMonth) throws Exception { TenantDataCapacity dataCapacity = null; if (currentMonth) { dataCapacity = dao.getTenantDataCapacity(tenantId); } else { //we don't have a way to see the registry usage of last months yet } return dataCapacity; } /** * This returns the number of users in a given tenant * @param tenantId Tenant ID * @return Number of users * @throws RegistryException */ public int getCurrentUserCount(int tenantId) throws RegistryException { UserRealm userRealm = registryService.getUserRealm(tenantId); int usersCount; try { String[] users = userRealm.getUserStoreManager().listUsers("*", -1); usersCount = users.length; } catch (UserStoreException e) { String msg = "Error in getting the current users."; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } return usersCount; } public BandwidthStatistics[][] getBandwidthStatistics(int tenantId, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, boolean currentMonth) throws Exception { //return the bandwidth usage of a user for a given period BandwidthStatistics[] stats; if (currentMonth) { //get from daily usage stats List<BandwidthStatistics> bwsList = new ArrayList<BandwidthStatistics>(); bwsList = dao.getDailyBandwidthStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate); //next we'll get from the houlry stats to get the stats which are not yet //summarized to the daily stats table Calendar startHour = Calendar.getInstance(); startHour.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Calendar endHour = Calendar.getInstance(); bwsList.addAll(dao.getHourlyBandwidthStats(tenantId, startHour, endHour)); stats = convertBWListToArray(bwsList); } else { //get from monthly usage stats Calendar monthCal = (Calendar) endDate.clone(); monthCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); stats = convertBWListToArray(dao.getMonthlyBandwidthStats(tenantId, monthCal)); } // store the statistics in a temporary map. This is because, we are getting the server name // from the URL and there might be two distinct URL gives same server name. // For example, http://esb.a.b/ and http://esb.c.d/ both will give the server name as "esb" // Hence, the value should be accumulated value HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics> regBwMap = new HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics>(); HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics> svcBwMap = new HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics>(); HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics> webappBwMap = new HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics>(); if (stats != null) { for (BandwidthStatistics stat : stats) { //Proceed only if incoming bandwidth or outgoing bandwidth is not zero if (stat.getIncomingBandwidth() == 0 && stat.getOutgoingBandwidth() == 0) { continue; } //TODO: fix the extractServiceUrl method properly String serverName = extractServiceNameFromUrl(stat.getServerUrl()); String bandwidthName = stat.getKey(); HashMap<String, BandwidthStatistics> bwMap; if (bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.REGISTRY_INCOMING_BW) || bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.REGISTRY_OUTGOING_BW)) { bwMap = regBwMap; } else if (bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.SERVICE_INCOMING_BW) || bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.SERVICE_OUTGOING_BW)) { bwMap = svcBwMap; } else if (bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.WEBAPP_INCOMING_BW) || bandwidthName.equals(UsageConstants.WEBAPP_OUTGOING_BW)) { bwMap = webappBwMap; } else { log.warn("Unable to identify bandwidth name " + bandwidthName); continue; } //find whether the map already has this key; If not, insert a new one BandwidthStatistics reqStat = bwMap.get(serverName); if (reqStat == null) { reqStat = new BandwidthStatistics(serverName); bwMap.put(serverName, reqStat); } // Update the service specific statistics reqStat.setIncomingBandwidth(reqStat.getIncomingBandwidth() + stat.getIncomingBandwidth()); reqStat.setOutgoingBandwidth(reqStat.getOutgoingBandwidth() + stat.getOutgoingBandwidth()); } } //Convert to array and return it BandwidthStatistics[][] returnValue = new BandwidthStatistics[3][]; Collection<BandwidthStatistics> values = regBwMap.values(); returnValue[REG_BANDWIDTH_INDEX] = values.toArray(new BandwidthStatistics[values.size()]); values = svcBwMap.values(); returnValue[SVC_BANDWIDTH_INDEX] = values.toArray(new BandwidthStatistics[values.size()]); values = webappBwMap.values(); returnValue[WEBAPP_BANDWIDTH_INDEX] = values.toArray(new BandwidthStatistics[values.size()]); return returnValue; } public APIManagerUsageStats[] getAPIManagerUsageStats(int tenantId, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, boolean currentMonth) throws Exception { //return the bandwidth usage of a user for a given period APIManagerUsageStats[] stats; if (currentMonth) { //get from daily usage stats List<APIManagerUsageStats> bwsList = new ArrayList<APIManagerUsageStats>(); bwsList = dao.getDailyAPIManagerUsageStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate); //next we'll get from the houlry stats to get the stats which are not yet //summarized to the daily stats table Calendar startHour = Calendar.getInstance(); startHour.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Calendar endHour = Calendar.getInstance(); bwsList.addAll(dao.getHourlyAPIManagerUsageStats(tenantId, startHour, endHour)); stats = convertAPIStatListToArray(bwsList); } else { //get from monthly usage stats Calendar monthCal = (Calendar) endDate.clone(); monthCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); stats = convertAPIStatListToArray(dao.getMonthlyAPIManagerUsageStats(tenantId, monthCal)); } HashMap<String, APIManagerUsageStats> statMap = new HashMap<String, APIManagerUsageStats>(); if (stats != null) { for (APIManagerUsageStats stat : stats) { if (stat.getRequestCount() == 0) { continue; } String serverName = extractServiceNameFromUrl(stat.getServerUrl()); String statName = stat.getKey(); HashMap<String, APIManagerUsageStats> statsHashMap; if (statName.equals("API-Call")) { statsHashMap = statMap; } else { log.warn("Unable to identify bandwidth name " + statName); continue; } //find whether the map already has this key; If not, insert a new one APIManagerUsageStats reqStat = statsHashMap.get(serverName); if (reqStat == null) { reqStat = new APIManagerUsageStats(serverName); statsHashMap.put(serverName, reqStat); } reqStat.setRequestCount(stat.getRequestCount()); } } //Convert to array and return it APIManagerUsageStats[] returnValue = new APIManagerUsageStats[0]; Collection<APIManagerUsageStats> values = statMap.values(); returnValue = values.toArray(new APIManagerUsageStats[values.size()]); return returnValue; } public RequestStatistics[] getRequestStatistics(int tenantId, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, boolean currentMonth) throws Exception { RequestStatistics[] stats; if (currentMonth) { //get from daily usage stats List<RequestStatistics> rsList = new ArrayList<RequestStatistics>(); rsList = dao.getDailyRequestStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate); //next we'll get from the houlry stats to get the stats which are not yet //summarized to the daily stats table Calendar startHour = Calendar.getInstance(); startHour.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Calendar endHour = Calendar.getInstance(); rsList.addAll(dao.getHourlyRequestStats(tenantId, startHour, endHour)); stats = convertRSListToArray(rsList); } else { //get from monthly usage stats Calendar monthCal = (Calendar) endDate.clone(); monthCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); stats = convertRSListToArray(dao.getMonthlyRequestStats(tenantId, monthCal)); } // store the statistics in a temporary map. This is because, we are getting the server name // from the URL and there might be two distinct URL gives same server name. // For example, http://esb.a.b/ and http://esb.c.d/ both will give the server name as "esb" // Hence, the value should be accumulated value HashMap<String, RequestStatistics> tempReqStatMap = new HashMap<String, RequestStatistics>(); if (stats != null) { for (RequestStatistics stat : stats) { //Proceed only if request count is not zero if (stat.getRequestCount() == 0) { continue; } String serverName = extractServiceNameFromUrl(stat.getKey()); //find whether the map already has this key; If not, insert a new one RequestStatistics reqStat = tempReqStatMap.get(serverName); if (reqStat == null) { reqStat = new RequestStatistics(serverName); tempReqStatMap.put(serverName, reqStat); } // Update the service specific statistics reqStat.setRequestCount(reqStat.getRequestCount() + stat.getRequestCount()); reqStat.setResponseCount(reqStat.getResponseCount() + stat.getResponseCount()); reqStat.setFaultCount(reqStat.getFaultCount() + stat.getFaultCount()); } } //Convert to array and return it Collection<RequestStatistics> values = tempReqStatMap.values(); return values.toArray(new RequestStatistics[values.size()]); } public CartridgeStatistics[] getCartridgeStatistics(int tenantId, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, boolean currentMonth) throws Exception { CartridgeStatistics[] stats; /*if (currentMonth) { //get from daily usage stats List<CartridgeStatistics> csList = new ArrayList<CartridgeStatistics>(); csList = dao.getDailyCartridgeStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate); //next we'll get from the houlry stats to get the stats which are not yet //summarized to the daily stats table Calendar startHour = Calendar.getInstance(); startHour.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startHour.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Calendar endHour = Calendar.getInstance(); csList.addAll(dao.getHourlyCartridgeStats(tenantId, startHour, endHour)); stats = convertCSListToArray(csList); } else { //get from monthly usage stats Calendar monthCal = (Calendar) endDate.clone(); monthCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); monthCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); stats = convertCSListToArray(dao.getMonthlyCartridgeStats(tenantId, monthCal)); }*/ List<CartridgeStatistics> csList = new ArrayList<CartridgeStatistics>(); csList = dao.getHourlyCartridgeStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate); stats = convertCSListToArray(csList); //Add a comment explaining following logic later HashMap<String, CartridgeStatistics> tempCartridgeStatMap = new HashMap<String, CartridgeStatistics>(); if (stats != null) { for (CartridgeStatistics stat : stats) { //Proceed only if request count is not zero if (stat.getCartridgeHours() == 0) { continue; } //find whether the map already has this key; If not, insert a new one CartridgeStatistics cartridgeStat = tempCartridgeStatMap.get(stat.getKey()); if (cartridgeStat == null) { cartridgeStat = new CartridgeStatistics(stat.getKey()); tempCartridgeStatMap.put(stat.getKey(), cartridgeStat); } // Update the service specific statistics cartridgeStat.setCartridgeHours(cartridgeStat.getCartridgeHours() + stat.getCartridgeHours()); cartridgeStat.setInstanceId(stat.getInstanceId()); } } //Convert to array and return it Collection<CartridgeStatistics> values = tempCartridgeStatMap.values(); return values.toArray(new CartridgeStatistics[values.size()]); } public TenantUsage getTenantUsage(int tenantId, String yearMonth) throws Exception { //get the domain name TenantManager tenantManger = Util.getRealmService().getTenantManager(); String domain = tenantManger.getDomain(tenantId); TenantUsage tenantUsage = new TenantUsage(tenantId, domain); //Get the startDate, endDate from yearMonth String Date date = CommonUtil.getDateFromMonthString(yearMonth); Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance(); startDate.setTime(date); Calendar endDate = (Calendar) startDate.clone(); endDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); //Calculate whether the yearMonth fits to current month; if the current date is less than // endDate, then we treat it as current month boolean isCurrentMonth = (Calendar.getInstance().compareTo(endDate) <= 0); //get the data capacity TenantDataCapacity capacity; try { capacity = getDataCapacity(tenantId, startDate, endDate, isCurrentMonth); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error in getting data capacity from metering service."; log.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg, e); } tenantUsage.setRegistryCapacity(capacity); //get the service request statistics RequestStatistics[] reqStats = null; try { reqStats = getRequestStatistics(tenantId, startDate, endDate, isCurrentMonth); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error in getting request statistics from metering service."; log.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg, e); } tenantUsage.setRequestStatistics(reqStats); //Calculate total Request statistics RequestStatistics totalReqStat = new RequestStatistics(TOTAL_LABEL); long totalReq = 0; long totalRes = 0; long totalFault = 0; if (reqStats != null) { for (RequestStatistics stat : reqStats) { totalReq += stat.getRequestCount(); totalRes += stat.getResponseCount(); totalFault += stat.getFaultCount(); } totalReqStat.setRequestCount(totalReq); totalReqStat.setResponseCount(totalRes); totalReqStat.setFaultCount(totalFault); } tenantUsage.setTotalRequestStatistics(totalReqStat); //get Bandwidth statistics BandwidthStatistics[][] bwStats = null; try { bwStats = getBandwidthStatistics(tenantId, startDate, endDate, isCurrentMonth); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error in getting bandwidth statistics from metering service."; log.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg, e); } tenantUsage.setRegistryBandwidthStatistics(bwStats[REG_BANDWIDTH_INDEX]); tenantUsage.setServiceBandwidthStatistics(bwStats[SVC_BANDWIDTH_INDEX]); tenantUsage.setWebappBandwidthStatistics(bwStats[WEBAPP_BANDWIDTH_INDEX]); //get the total bandwidths int index = 0; for (BandwidthStatistics[] bwArray : bwStats) { long incomingBandwidth = 0; long outgoingBandwidth = 0; for (BandwidthStatistics bandwidth : bwArray) { incomingBandwidth += bandwidth.getIncomingBandwidth(); outgoingBandwidth += bandwidth.getOutgoingBandwidth(); } BandwidthStatistics total = new BandwidthStatistics(TOTAL_LABEL); total.setIncomingBandwidth(incomingBandwidth); total.setOutgoingBandwidth(outgoingBandwidth); switch (index) { case REG_BANDWIDTH_INDEX: tenantUsage.setTotalRegistryBandwidth(total); break; case SVC_BANDWIDTH_INDEX: tenantUsage.setTotalServiceBandwidth(total); break; case WEBAPP_BANDWIDTH_INDEX: tenantUsage.setTotalWebappBandwidth(total); break; } ++index; } // the users count will be calculated only if the yearMonth is the current yearMonth if (isCurrentMonth) { int usersCount = getCurrentUserCount(tenantId); tenantUsage.setNumberOfUsers(usersCount); } // get the API invocation data APIManagerUsageStats[] apiStats = null; try { apiStats = getAPIManagerUsageStats(tenantId, startDate, endDate, isCurrentMonth); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error in getting bandwidth statistics from metering service."; log.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg, e); } tenantUsage.setApiManagerUsageStats(apiStats); //retrieving cartridge hours CartridgeStatistics[] cartridgeStatistics = getCartridgeStatistics(tenantId, startDate, endDate, isCurrentMonth); tenantUsage.setCartridgeStatistics(cartridgeStatistics); long totalCartridgeHours = 0; if (cartridgeStatistics != null && cartridgeStatistics.length > 0) { for (CartridgeStatistics cs : cartridgeStatistics) { totalCartridgeHours += cs.getCartridgeHours(); } } CartridgeStatistics totalCS = new CartridgeStatistics(); totalCS.setCartridgeHours(totalCartridgeHours); tenantUsage.setTotalCartridgeHours(totalCS); return tenantUsage; } /** * @param serviceURL * @return service name * <p/> * Extract the stratos service part from URL; expecting the URL as * protocol://service.domain:port/tenant-domain/ or service.domain:port/tenant * We are interested in "service" part only */ private String extractServiceNameFromUrl(String serviceURL) { if (serviceURL == null || serviceURL.equals("")) { //No service URL is given, so return a default value return DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME; } int startIndex = serviceURL.indexOf("://"); //exclude protocol:// part if (startIndex != -1) { // protocol://service.domain:port/tenant-domain/ case startIndex += 3; } else { //service.domain:port/tenant case startIndex = 0; } int endIndex = serviceURL.indexOf('.', startIndex); //take upto first "." if (endIndex == -1) { // "." is not there; search for ":" endIndex = serviceURL.indexOf(':', startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) { //Still could not find ":", then search for "/" endIndex = serviceURL.indexOf('/', startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) { //Noting is there, so take the whole service URL endIndex = serviceURL.length(); } } } return serviceURL.substring(startIndex, endIndex); } /** * @return Instance Usages Statics Array that contains data * @throws Exception when back end error occurs */ public InstanceUsageStatics[] getInstanceUsages() throws Exception { //TODO: implement return null; /*InstanceUsageStat[] instanceData = meteringStub.getInstanceUsageStats(); if (instanceData == null || instanceData.length == 0) { return null; } InstanceUsageStatics[] returnValue = new InstanceUsageStatics[instanceData.length]; int elementID = 0; for (InstanceUsageStat iu : instanceData) { InstanceUsageStatics iu1 = new InstanceUsageStatics(); iu1.setInstanceID(iu.getInstanceId().intValue()); iu1.setInstanceURL(iu.getServerURL()); iu1.setStartTime(iu.getStartTimestamp()); iu1.setStopTime(iu.getStopTimestamp()); iu1.setRunning(iu.getIsRunning()); returnValue[elementID] = iu1; elementID = elementID + 1; } return returnValue; */ } private BandwidthStatistics[] convertBWListToArray(List<BandwidthStatistics> bwsList) { BandwidthStatistics[] bwsArray = new BandwidthStatistics[bwsList.size()]; bwsArray = bwsList.toArray(bwsArray); return bwsArray; } private APIManagerUsageStats[] convertAPIStatListToArray(List<APIManagerUsageStats> bwsList) { APIManagerUsageStats[] bwsArray = new APIManagerUsageStats[bwsList.size()]; bwsArray = bwsList.toArray(bwsArray); return bwsArray; } private RequestStatistics[] convertRSListToArray(List<RequestStatistics> rsList) { RequestStatistics[] rsArray = new RequestStatistics[rsList.size()]; rsArray = rsList.toArray(rsArray); return rsArray; } private CartridgeStatistics[] convertCSListToArray(List<CartridgeStatistics> csList) { CartridgeStatistics[] csArray = new CartridgeStatistics[csList.size()]; csArray = csList.toArray(csArray); return csArray; } }