Java tutorial
/* *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *distributed with this work for additional information *regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance *with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *software distributed under the License is distributed on an *"AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY *KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *specific language governing permissions and limitations *under the License. */ package org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.persist; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.base.MultitenantConstants; import org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.beans.BandwidthUsage; import org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.config.UsageAgentConfiguration; import org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.exception.UsageException; import org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.util.PublisherUtils; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Queue; public class UsageDataPersistenceTask implements Runnable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UsageDataPersistenceTask.class); private Queue<BandwidthUsage> usagePersistenceJobs; private UsageAgentConfiguration configuration; public UsageDataPersistenceTask(Queue<BandwidthUsage> jobs, UsageAgentConfiguration configuration) { usagePersistenceJobs = jobs; this.configuration = configuration; } public void run() { if (!usagePersistenceJobs.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Persisting Service and Web App bandwidth usage statistics"); } try { persistUsage(usagePersistenceJobs); } catch (UsageException e) { log.error("Error when persisting usage statistics.", e); } } } /** * this method create a Summarizer object for each tenant and call accumulate() method to * accumulate usage statistics * * @param jobQueue usage data persistence jobs * @throws org.apache.stratos.usage.agent.exception.UsageException * */ public void persistUsage(Queue<BandwidthUsage> jobQueue) throws UsageException { // create a map to hold summarizer objects against tenant id HashMap<Integer, Summarizer> summarizerMap = new HashMap<Integer, Summarizer>(); // if the jobQueue is not empty for (int i = 0; i < configuration.getUsageTasksNumberOfRecordsPerExecution() && !jobQueue.isEmpty(); i++) { // get the first element from the queue, which is a BandwidthUsage object BandwidthUsage usage = jobQueue.poll(); // get the tenant id int tenantId = usage.getTenantId(); //get the Summarizer object corresponds to the tenant id Summarizer summarizer = summarizerMap.get(tenantId); // when tenant invoke service for the first time, no corresponding summarizer object in // the map if (summarizer == null) { //create a Summarizer object and put to the summarizerMap summarizer = new Summarizer(); summarizerMap.put(tenantId, summarizer); } // now accumulate usage summarizer.accumulate(usage); } //Finished accumulating. Now publish the events // get the collection view of values in summarizerMap Collection<Summarizer> summarizers = summarizerMap.values(); // for each summarizer object call the publish method for (Summarizer summarizer : summarizers) { summarizer.publish(); } } /** * inner class Summarizer * this class is used to accumulate and publish usage statistics. * for each tenant this keeps a map to store BandwidthUsage values */ private static class Summarizer { private HashMap<String, BandwidthUsage> usageMap; public Summarizer() { usageMap = new HashMap<String, BandwidthUsage>(); } /** * the method to accumulate usage data * * @param usage BandwidthUsage */ public void accumulate(BandwidthUsage usage) { // get the measurement name of usage entry String key = usage.getMeasurement(); // get the existing value of measurement BandwidthUsage existingUsage = usageMap.get(key); // if this measurement is metered earlier add the new value to the existing value if (existingUsage != null) { existingUsage.setValue(existingUsage.getValue() + usage.getValue()); } else { // if this measurement is not metered previously we need to add it to the usageMap usageMap.put(key, usage); } } /** * this method reads usage items from the usageMap and call publish method to publish to * the BAM * * @throws UsageException */ public void publish() throws UsageException { // get the collection view of values in usageMap Collection<BandwidthUsage> usages = usageMap.values(); for (BandwidthUsage usage : usages) { try { // publish the usage entry if it is not the super-tenant if (MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID != usage.getTenantId()) { PublisherUtils.publish(usage); } } catch (UsageException e) { log.error("Error in publishing bandwidth usage data", e); } } } } }