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 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.callables;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.clients.CloudControllerClient;
import org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.context.AppDomainContext;
import org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.state.check.TerminatingInstancesStateChecker;
import org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.util.AutoscaleUtil;
import org.apache.stratos.mediator.autoscale.lbautoscale.util.AutoscalerTaskDSHolder;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

/** Take auto-scaling decisions for each service domain, sub domain combination **/
public class AutoscaleDeciderCallable implements Callable<Boolean> {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AutoscaleDeciderCallable.class);
    private String domain;
    private String subDomain;
    private CloudControllerClient client;
    private AppDomainContext appDomainContext;
    private ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig;
    private String clusterStr;

    public AutoscaleDeciderCallable(String domain, String subDomain, CloudControllerClient client,
            AppDomainContext appCtxt) {
        this.domain = domain;
        this.subDomain = subDomain;
        this.client = client;
        this.appDomainContext = appCtxt;
        clusterStr = AutoscaleUtil.domainSubDomainString(domain, subDomain);

    public Boolean call() throws Exception {

        // expire tokens
        if (appDomainContext != null) {

            serviceConfig = appDomainContext.getServiceConfig();

            if (!appDomainContext.canMakeScalingDecision()) {
                return true;

            long average = appDomainContext.getAverageRequestsInFlight();
            int runningAppInstances = appDomainContext.getRunningInstanceCount();
            int terminatingAppInstances = appDomainContext.getTerminatingInstanceCount();

            int maxRPS = serviceConfig.getMaxRequestsPerSecond();
            double taskInterval = AutoscalerTaskDSHolder.getInstance().getWholeLoadBalancerConfig()
                    .getLoadBalancerConfig().getAutoscalerTaskInterval() / (double) 1000;
            double aur = serviceConfig.getAlarmingUpperRate();
            double alr = serviceConfig.getAlarmingLowerRate();
            double scaleDownFactor = serviceConfig.getScaleDownFactor();

            // scale up early
            double maxhandleableReqs = maxRPS * taskInterval * aur;
            // scale down slowly
            double minhandleableReqs = maxRPS * taskInterval * alr * scaleDownFactor;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(clusterStr + ": Average requests in flight: " + average + " **** Handleable requests: "
                        + (runningAppInstances * maxhandleableReqs));
            if (average > (runningAppInstances * maxhandleableReqs) && maxhandleableReqs > 0) {

                // estimate number of instances we might want to spawn
                int requiredInstances = (int) Math.ceil(average / maxhandleableReqs);

                log.debug(clusterStr + " : Required instance count: " + requiredInstances);

                // current average is higher than that can be handled by current nodes.
                scaleUp(requiredInstances - runningAppInstances);
            } else if (terminatingAppInstances == 0 && average < ((runningAppInstances - 1) * minhandleableReqs)) {
                // current average is less than that can be handled by (current nodes - 1).

        return true;

    private void scaleDown() {

        int runningInstances = appDomainContext.getRunningInstanceCount();
        //        int pendingInstances = appDomainContext.getPendingInstanceCount();
        int terminatingInstances = appDomainContext.getTerminatingInstanceCount();
        int minAppInstances = serviceConfig.getMinAppInstances();
        //        int serverStartupDelay = AutoscalerTaskDSHolder
        //                                            .getInstance()
        //                                            .getWholeLoadBalancerConfig()
        //                                            .getLoadBalancerConfig()
        //                                            .getServerStartupDelay();

        if ((runningInstances - terminatingInstances) > minAppInstances) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Scale Down - " + clusterStr + ". Running instances:" + runningInstances
                        + ". Terminating instances: " + terminatingInstances + ". Min instances:"
                        + minAppInstances);
            // ask to scale down
            try {
                if (client.terminateInstance(domain, subDomain)) {

                    Thread th = new Thread(
                            new TerminatingInstancesStateChecker(appDomainContext, domain, subDomain));

                    //                        log.debug(clusterStr +": There's an instance who's in shutting down state " +
                    //                            "(but still not left ELB), hence we should wait till " +
                    //                            "it leaves the cluster.");
                    //                        int totalWaitedTime = 0;
                    //                        log.debug(clusterStr +": Task will wait maximum of (milliseconds) : " +
                    //                            serverStartupDelay +
                    //                                ", to let the member leave the cluster.");
                    //                        // for each sub domain, get the clustering group management agent
                    //                        GroupManagementAgent agent =
                    //                            AutoscalerTaskDSHolder.getInstance().getAgent()
                    //                                .getGroupManagementAgent(domain,
                    //                                    subDomain);
                    //                        // we give some time for the server to be terminated, we'll check time to time
                    //                        // whether the instance has actually left the cluster.
                    //                        while (agent.getMembers().size() == runningInstances &&
                    //                            totalWaitedTime < serverStartupDelay) {
                    //                            try {
                    //                                Thread.sleep(AutoscaleConstants.INSTANCE_REMOVAL_CHECK_TIME);
                    //                            } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
                    //                            }
                    //                            totalWaitedTime += AutoscaleConstants.INSTANCE_REMOVAL_CHECK_TIME;
                    //                        }
                    //                        log.debug(clusterStr+ " : task waited for (milliseconds) : " + totalWaitedTime);
                    //                        // we recalculate number of alive instances
                    //                        runningInstances = agent.getMembers().size();
                    //                        appDomainContext.setRunningInstanceCount(runningInstances);
                    //                        log.debug(clusterStr+" : New running instance count: " + runningInstances);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Instance termination failed for " + clusterStr, e);


    private void scaleUp(int requiredInstanceCount) {

        int maxAppInstances = serviceConfig.getMaxAppInstances();
        //        int instancesPerScaleUp = serviceConfig.getInstancesPerScaleUp();
        //        int runningInstances = appDomainContext.getRunningInstanceCount();
        //        int pendingInstances = appDomainContext.getPendingInstanceCount();
        int totalInstanceCount = appDomainContext.getInstances();

        log.debug(AutoscaleUtil.domainSubDomainString(domain, subDomain)
                + " - Total Running/Pending instance count: " + totalInstanceCount);

        if (maxAppInstances > totalInstanceCount) {

            int availableQuotaOfInstances = maxAppInstances - totalInstanceCount;

            log.debug(AutoscaleUtil.domainSubDomainString(domain, subDomain) + " - Available Quota of Instances: "
                    + availableQuotaOfInstances);

            requiredInstanceCount = requiredInstanceCount <= availableQuotaOfInstances ? requiredInstanceCount
                    : availableQuotaOfInstances;

            log.debug(clusterStr + " - Going to start " + requiredInstanceCount + " instance/s.");

            AutoscaleUtil.runInstances(client, appDomainContext, domain, subDomain, requiredInstanceCount);

        } else if (totalInstanceCount > maxAppInstances) {
            log.fatal("Number of running instances has over reached the maximum limit of " + maxAppInstances
                    + " of " + clusterStr);

        //        int failedInstances = 0;
        //        if (runningInstances < maxAppInstances && pendingInstances == 0) {
        //            log.debug(clusterStr + " - Going to start " +
        //                    requiredInstanceCount + " instance/s. Running instances:" + runningInstances);
        //                AutoscaleUtil.runInstances(client, appDomainContext, domain, subDomain,
        //                    requiredInstanceCount);

        //            if (successfullyStarted != instancesPerScaleUp) {
        //                failedInstances = instancesPerScaleUp - successfullyStarted;
        //                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        //                    log.debug(successfullyStarted +
        //                        " instances successfully started and\n" + failedInstances +
        //                        " instances failed to start for " + clusterStr);
        //                }
        //            }
        //            // we increment the pending instance count
        //            // appDomainContext.incrementPendingInstances(instancesPerScaleUp);
        //            else {
        //                log.debug("Successfully started " + successfullyStarted +
        //                    " instances of " + clusterStr);
        //            }

