Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Topologies; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RAS_Node; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RAS_Nodes; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceUtils; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.SchedulingResult; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.SchedulingState; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.SchedulingStatus; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.Component; public class DefaultResourceAwareStrategy implements IStrategy { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultResourceAwareStrategy.class); private Cluster _cluster; private Topologies _topologies; private Map<String, List<String>> _clusterInfo; private RAS_Nodes _nodes; private TreeSet<ObjectResources> _sortedRacks = null; private Map<String, TreeSet<ObjectResources>> _rackIdToSortedNodes = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<ObjectResources>>(); public void prepare(SchedulingState schedulingState) { _cluster = schedulingState.cluster; _topologies = schedulingState.topologies; _nodes = schedulingState.nodes; _clusterInfo = schedulingState.cluster.getNetworkTopography(); LOG.debug(this.getClusterInfo()); } public SchedulingResult schedule(TopologyDetails td) { if (_nodes.getNodes().size() <= 0) { LOG.warn("No available nodes to schedule tasks on!"); return SchedulingResult.failure(SchedulingStatus.FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "No available nodes to schedule tasks on!"); } Collection<ExecutorDetails> unassignedExecutors = new HashSet<ExecutorDetails>( _cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(td)); Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> schedulerAssignmentMap = new HashMap<>(); LOG.debug("ExecutorsNeedScheduling: {}", unassignedExecutors); Collection<ExecutorDetails> scheduledTasks = new ArrayList<>(); List<Component> spouts = this.getSpouts(td); if (spouts.size() == 0) { LOG.error("Cannot find a Spout!"); return SchedulingResult.failure(SchedulingStatus.FAIL_INVALID_TOPOLOGY, "Cannot find a Spout!"); } //order executors to be scheduled List<ExecutorDetails> orderedExecutors = orderExecutors(td, unassignedExecutors); Collection<ExecutorDetails> executorsNotScheduled = new HashSet<>(unassignedExecutors); for (ExecutorDetails exec : orderedExecutors) { LOG.debug("\n\nAttempting to schedule: {} of component {}[ REQ {} ]", exec, td.getExecutorToComponent().get(exec), td.getTaskResourceReqList(exec)); scheduleExecutor(exec, td, schedulerAssignmentMap, scheduledTasks); } executorsNotScheduled.removeAll(scheduledTasks); LOG.debug("/* Scheduling left over task (most likely sys tasks) */"); // schedule left over system tasks for (ExecutorDetails exec : executorsNotScheduled) { scheduleExecutor(exec, td, schedulerAssignmentMap, scheduledTasks); } SchedulingResult result; executorsNotScheduled.removeAll(scheduledTasks); if (executorsNotScheduled.size() > 0) { LOG.error("Not all executors successfully scheduled: {}", executorsNotScheduled); schedulerAssignmentMap = null; result = SchedulingResult.failure(SchedulingStatus.FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, (td.getExecutors().size() - unassignedExecutors.size()) + "/" + td.getExecutors().size() + " executors scheduled"); } else { LOG.debug("All resources successfully scheduled!"); result = SchedulingResult.successWithMsg(schedulerAssignmentMap, "Fully Scheduled by DefaultResourceAwareStrategy"); } if (schedulerAssignmentMap == null) { LOG.error("Topology {} not successfully scheduled!", td.getId()); } return result; } /** * Schedule executor exec from topology td * * @param exec the executor to schedule * @param td the topology executor exec is a part of * @param schedulerAssignmentMap the assignments already calculated * @param scheduledTasks executors that have been scheduled */ private void scheduleExecutor(ExecutorDetails exec, TopologyDetails td, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> schedulerAssignmentMap, Collection<ExecutorDetails> scheduledTasks) { WorkerSlot targetSlot = this.findWorkerForExec(exec, td, schedulerAssignmentMap); if (targetSlot != null) { RAS_Node targetNode = this.idToNode(targetSlot.getNodeId()); if (!schedulerAssignmentMap.containsKey(targetSlot)) { schedulerAssignmentMap.put(targetSlot, new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>()); } schedulerAssignmentMap.get(targetSlot).add(exec); targetNode.consumeResourcesforTask(exec, td); scheduledTasks.add(exec); LOG.debug( "TASK {} assigned to Node: {} avail [ mem: {} cpu: {} ] total [ mem: {} cpu: {} ] on slot: {} on Rack: {}", exec, targetNode.getHostname(), targetNode.getAvailableMemoryResources(), targetNode.getAvailableCpuResources(), targetNode.getTotalMemoryResources(), targetNode.getTotalCpuResources(), targetSlot, nodeToRack(targetNode)); } else { LOG.error("Not Enough Resources to schedule Task {}", exec); } } /** * Find a worker to schedule executor exec on * * @param exec the executor to schedule * @param td the topology that the executor is a part of * @param scheduleAssignmentMap already calculated assignments * @return a worker to assign exec on. Returns null if a worker cannot be successfully found in cluster */ private WorkerSlot findWorkerForExec(ExecutorDetails exec, TopologyDetails td, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { WorkerSlot ws = null; // iterate through an ordered list of all racks available to make sure we cannot schedule the first executor in any rack before we "give up" // the list is ordered in decreasing order of effective resources. With the rack in the front of the list having the most effective resources. if (_sortedRacks == null) { _sortedRacks = sortRacks(td.getId(), scheduleAssignmentMap); } for (ObjectResources rack : _sortedRacks) { ws = this.getBestWorker(exec, td,, scheduleAssignmentMap); if (ws != null) { LOG.debug("best rack: {}",; break; } } return ws; } /** * Get the best worker to assign executor exec on a rack * * @param exec the executor to schedule * @param td the topology that the executor is a part of * @param rackId the rack id of the rack to find a worker on * @param scheduleAssignmentMap already calculated assignments * @return a worker to assign executor exec to. Returns null if a worker cannot be successfully found on rack with rackId */ private WorkerSlot getBestWorker(ExecutorDetails exec, TopologyDetails td, String rackId, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { if (!_rackIdToSortedNodes.containsKey(rackId)) { _rackIdToSortedNodes.put(rackId, sortNodes(this.getAvailableNodesFromRack(rackId), rackId, td.getId(), scheduleAssignmentMap)); } TreeSet<ObjectResources> sortedNodes = _rackIdToSortedNodes.get(rackId); double taskMem = td.getTotalMemReqTask(exec); double taskCPU = td.getTotalCpuReqTask(exec); for (ObjectResources nodeResources : sortedNodes) { RAS_Node n = _nodes.getNodeById(; if (n.getAvailableCpuResources() >= taskCPU && n.getAvailableMemoryResources() >= taskMem && n.getFreeSlots().size() > 0) { for (WorkerSlot ws : n.getFreeSlots()) { if (checkWorkerConstraints(exec, ws, td, scheduleAssignmentMap)) { return ws; } } } } return null; } /** * interface for calculating the number of existing executors scheduled on a object (rack or node) */ private interface ExistingScheduleFunc { int getNumExistingSchedule(String objectId); } /** * a class to contain individual object resources as well as cumulative stats */ static class AllResources { List<ObjectResources> objectResources = new LinkedList<ObjectResources>(); double availMemResourcesOverall = 0.0; double totalMemResourcesOverall = 0.0; double availCpuResourcesOverall = 0.0; double totalCpuResourcesOverall = 0.0; String identifier; public AllResources(String identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; } } /** * class to keep track of resources on a rack or node */ static class ObjectResources { String id; double availMem = 0.0; double totalMem = 0.0; double availCpu = 0.0; double totalCpu = 0.0; double effectiveResources = 0.0; public ObjectResources(String id) { = id; } @Override public String toString() { return; } } /** * Sorted Nodes * * @param availNodes a list of all the nodes we want to sort * @param rackId the rack id availNodes are a part of * @param topoId the topology that we are trying to schedule * @param scheduleAssignmentMap calculated assignments so far * @return a sorted list of nodes * <p> * Nodes are sorted by two criteria. 1) the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the node in descending order. * The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on the same node as the existing executors of the topology. * 2) the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a node in descending order * We calculate the resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability on the node by the resource availability of the entire rack * By doing this calculation, nodes that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned above will be ranked after nodes that have more balanced resource availability. * So we will be less likely to pick a node that have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another. */ private TreeSet<ObjectResources> sortNodes(List<RAS_Node> availNodes, String rackId, final String topoId, final Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { AllResources allResources = new AllResources("RACK"); List<ObjectResources> nodes = allResources.objectResources; final Map<String, String> nodeIdToRackId = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (RAS_Node ras_node : availNodes) { String nodeId = ras_node.getId(); ObjectResources node = new ObjectResources(nodeId); double availMem = ras_node.getAvailableMemoryResources(); double availCpu = ras_node.getAvailableCpuResources(); int freeSlots = ras_node.totalSlotsFree(); double totalMem = ras_node.getTotalMemoryResources(); double totalCpu = ras_node.getTotalCpuResources(); int totalSlots = ras_node.totalSlots(); node.availMem = availMem; node.totalMem = totalMem; node.availCpu = availCpu; node.totalCpu = totalCpu; nodes.add(node); allResources.availMemResourcesOverall += availMem; allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall += availCpu; allResources.totalMemResourcesOverall += totalMem; allResources.totalCpuResourcesOverall += totalCpu; } LOG.debug("Rack {}: Overall Avail [ CPU {} MEM {} ] Total [ CPU {} MEM {} ]", rackId, allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall, allResources.availMemResourcesOverall, allResources.totalCpuResourcesOverall, allResources.totalMemResourcesOverall); return sortObjectResources(allResources, new ExistingScheduleFunc() { @Override public int getNumExistingSchedule(String objectId) { //Get execs already assigned in rack Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs = new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>(); if (_cluster.getAssignmentById(topoId) != null) { for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : _cluster.getAssignmentById(topoId) .getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) { WorkerSlot workerSlot = entry.getValue(); ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey(); if (workerSlot.getNodeId().equals(objectId)) { execs.add(exec); } } } // get execs already scheduled in the current scheduling for (Map.Entry<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> entry : scheduleAssignmentMap.entrySet()) { WorkerSlot workerSlot = entry.getKey(); if (workerSlot.getNodeId().equals(objectId)) { execs.addAll(entry.getValue()); } } return execs.size(); } }); } /** * Sort racks * * @param topoId topology id * @param scheduleAssignmentMap calculated assignments so far * @return a sorted list of racks * Racks are sorted by two criteria. 1) the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the rack in descending order. * The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on the same rack as the existing executors of the topology. * 2) the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order * We calculate the resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability on the rack by the resource availability of the entire cluster * By doing this calculation, racks that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability. * So we will be less likely to pick a rack that have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another. */ TreeSet<ObjectResources> sortRacks(final String topoId, final Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { AllResources allResources = new AllResources("Cluster"); List<ObjectResources> racks = allResources.objectResources; final Map<String, String> nodeIdToRackId = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : _clusterInfo.entrySet()) { String rackId = entry.getKey(); List<String> nodeIds = entry.getValue(); ObjectResources rack = new ObjectResources(rackId); racks.add(rack); for (String nodeId : nodeIds) { RAS_Node node = _nodes.getNodeById(this.NodeHostnameToId(nodeId)); double availMem = node.getAvailableMemoryResources(); double availCpu = node.getAvailableCpuResources(); double totalMem = node.getTotalMemoryResources(); double totalCpu = node.getTotalCpuResources(); rack.availMem += availMem; rack.totalMem += totalMem; rack.availCpu += availCpu; rack.totalCpu += totalCpu; nodeIdToRackId.put(nodeId,; allResources.availMemResourcesOverall += availMem; allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall += availCpu; allResources.totalMemResourcesOverall += totalMem; allResources.totalCpuResourcesOverall += totalCpu; } } LOG.debug("Cluster Overall Avail [ CPU {} MEM {} ] Total [ CPU {} MEM {} ]", allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall, allResources.availMemResourcesOverall, allResources.totalCpuResourcesOverall, allResources.totalMemResourcesOverall); return sortObjectResources(allResources, new ExistingScheduleFunc() { @Override public int getNumExistingSchedule(String objectId) { String rackId = objectId; //Get execs already assigned in rack Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs = new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>(); if (_cluster.getAssignmentById(topoId) != null) { for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : _cluster.getAssignmentById(topoId) .getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) { String nodeId = entry.getValue().getNodeId(); String hostname = idToNode(nodeId).getHostname(); ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey(); if (nodeIdToRackId.get(hostname) != null && nodeIdToRackId.get(hostname).equals(rackId)) { execs.add(exec); } } } // get execs already scheduled in the current scheduling for (Map.Entry<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> entry : scheduleAssignmentMap.entrySet()) { WorkerSlot workerSlot = entry.getKey(); String nodeId = workerSlot.getNodeId(); String hostname = idToNode(nodeId).getHostname(); if (nodeIdToRackId.get(hostname).equals(rackId)) { execs.addAll(entry.getValue()); } } return execs.size(); } }); } /** * Sort objects by the following two criteria. 1) the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the object (node or rack) in descending order. * The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology. * 2) the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order * We calculate the resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object * references a node or a rack. * By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability. * So we will be less likely to pick a rack that have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another. * * @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats * @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object * @return a sorted list of ObjectResources */ private TreeSet<ObjectResources> sortObjectResources(final AllResources allResources, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) { for (ObjectResources objectResources : allResources.objectResources) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall <= 0.0 || allResources.availMemResourcesOverall <= 0.0) { objectResources.effectiveResources = 0.0; } else { List<Double> values = new LinkedList<Double>(); //add cpu double cpuPercent = (objectResources.availCpu / allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall) * 100.0; values.add(cpuPercent); sb.append(String.format("CPU %f(%f%%) ", objectResources.availCpu, cpuPercent)); //add memory double memoryPercent = (objectResources.availMem / allResources.availMemResourcesOverall) * 100.0; values.add(memoryPercent); sb.append(String.format("MEM %f(%f%%) ", objectResources.availMem, memoryPercent)); objectResources.effectiveResources = Collections.min(values); } LOG.debug("{}: Avail [ {} ] Total [ CPU {} MEM {}] effective resources: {}",, sb.toString(), objectResources.totalCpu, objectResources.totalMem, objectResources.effectiveResources); } TreeSet<ObjectResources> sortedObjectResources = new TreeSet<ObjectResources>( new Comparator<ObjectResources>() { @Override public int compare(ObjectResources o1, ObjectResources o2) { int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(; int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(; if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) { return -1; } else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) { return 1; } else { if (o1.effectiveResources > o2.effectiveResources) { return -1; } else if (o1.effectiveResources < o2.effectiveResources) { return 1; } else { List<Double> o1_values = new LinkedList<Double>(); List<Double> o2_values = new LinkedList<Double>(); o1_values.add((o1.availCpu / allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall) * 100.0); o2_values.add((o2.availCpu / allResources.availCpuResourcesOverall) * 100.0); o1_values.add((o1.availMem / allResources.availMemResourcesOverall) * 100.0); o2_values.add((o2.availMem / allResources.availMemResourcesOverall) * 100.0); double o1_avg = ResourceUtils.avg(o1_values); double o2_avg = ResourceUtils.avg(o2_values); if (o1_avg > o2_avg) { return -1; } else if (o1_avg < o2_avg) { return 1; } else { return; } } } } }); sortedObjectResources.addAll(allResources.objectResources); LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources); return sortedObjectResources; } /** * Get the rack on which a node is a part of * * @param node the node to find out which rack its on * @return the rack id */ private String nodeToRack(RAS_Node node) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : _clusterInfo.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains(node.getHostname())) { return entry.getKey(); } } LOG.error("Node: {} not found in any racks", node.getHostname()); return null; } /** * get a list nodes from a rack * * @param rackId the rack id of the rack to get nodes from * @return a list of nodes */ private List<RAS_Node> getAvailableNodesFromRack(String rackId) { List<RAS_Node> retList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String node_id : _clusterInfo.get(rackId)) { retList.add(_nodes.getNodeById(this.NodeHostnameToId(node_id))); } return retList; } /** * sort components by the number of in and out connections that need to be made * * @param componentMap The components that need to be sorted * @return a sorted set of components */ private Set<Component> sortComponents(final Map<String, Component> componentMap) { Set<Component> sortedComponents = new TreeSet<Component>(new Comparator<Component>() { @Override public int compare(Component o1, Component o2) { int connections1 = 0; int connections2 = 0; for (String childId : (List<String>) ListUtils.union(o1.children, o1.parents)) { connections1 += (componentMap.get(childId).execs.size() * o1.execs.size()); } for (String childId : (List<String>) ListUtils.union(o2.children, o2.parents)) { connections2 += (componentMap.get(childId).execs.size() * o2.execs.size()); } if (connections1 > connections1) { return -1; } else if (connections1 < connections2) { return 1; } else { return; } } }); sortedComponents.addAll(componentMap.values()); return sortedComponents; } /** * Sort a component's neighbors by the number of connections it needs to make with this component * * @param thisComp the component that we need to sort its neighbors * @param componentMap all the components to sort * @return a sorted set of components */ private Set<Component> sortNeighbors(final Component thisComp, final Map<String, Component> componentMap) { Set<Component> sortedComponents = new TreeSet<Component>(new Comparator<Component>() { @Override public int compare(Component o1, Component o2) { int connections1 = o1.execs.size() * thisComp.execs.size(); int connections2 = o2.execs.size() * thisComp.execs.size(); if (connections1 > connections2) { return -1; } else if (connections1 < connections2) { return 1; } else { return; } } }); sortedComponents.addAll(componentMap.values()); return sortedComponents; } /** * Order executors based on how many in and out connections it will potentially need to make. * First order components by the number of in and out connections it will have. Then iterate through the sorted list of components. * For each component sort the neighbors of that component by how many connections it will have to make with that component. * Add an executor from this component and then from each neighboring component in sorted order. Do this until there is nothing left to schedule * * @param td The topology the executors belong to * @param unassignedExecutors a collection of unassigned executors that need to be unassigned. Should only try to assign executors from this list * @return a list of executors in sorted order */ private List<ExecutorDetails> orderExecutors(TopologyDetails td, Collection<ExecutorDetails> unassignedExecutors) { Map<String, Component> componentMap = td.getComponents(); List<ExecutorDetails> execsScheduled = new LinkedList<>(); Map<String, Queue<ExecutorDetails>> compToExecsToSchedule = new HashMap<>(); for (Component component : componentMap.values()) { compToExecsToSchedule.put(, new LinkedList<ExecutorDetails>()); for (ExecutorDetails exec : component.execs) { if (unassignedExecutors.contains(exec)) { compToExecsToSchedule.get(; } } } Set<Component> sortedComponents = sortComponents(componentMap); sortedComponents.addAll(componentMap.values()); for (Component currComp : sortedComponents) { Map<String, Component> neighbors = new HashMap<String, Component>(); for (String compId : (List<String>) ListUtils.union(currComp.children, currComp.parents)) { neighbors.put(compId, componentMap.get(compId)); } Set<Component> sortedNeighbors = sortNeighbors(currComp, neighbors); Queue<ExecutorDetails> currCompExesToSched = compToExecsToSchedule.get(; boolean flag = false; do { flag = false; if (!currCompExesToSched.isEmpty()) { execsScheduled.add(currCompExesToSched.poll()); flag = true; } for (Component neighborComp : sortedNeighbors) { Queue<ExecutorDetails> neighborCompExesToSched = compToExecsToSchedule.get(; if (!neighborCompExesToSched.isEmpty()) { execsScheduled.add(neighborCompExesToSched.poll()); flag = true; } } } while (flag); } return execsScheduled; } /** * Get a list of all the spouts in the topology * * @param td topology to get spouts from * @return a list of spouts */ private List<Component> getSpouts(TopologyDetails td) { List<Component> spouts = new ArrayList<>(); for (Component c : td.getComponents().values()) { if (c.type == Component.ComponentType.SPOUT) { spouts.add(c); } } return spouts; } /** * Get the remaining amount memory that can be assigned to a worker given the set worker max heap size * * @param ws the worker to get the remaining amount of memory that can be assigned to it * @param td the topology that has executors running on the worker * @param scheduleAssignmentMap the schedulings calculated so far * @return The remaining amount of memory */ private Double getWorkerScheduledMemoryAvailable(WorkerSlot ws, TopologyDetails td, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { Double memScheduleUsed = this.getWorkerScheduledMemoryUse(ws, td, scheduleAssignmentMap); return td.getTopologyWorkerMaxHeapSize() - memScheduleUsed; } /** * Get the amount of memory already assigned to a worker * * @param ws the worker to get the amount of memory assigned to a worker * @param td the topology that has executors running on the worker * @param scheduleAssignmentMap the schedulings calculated so far * @return the amount of memory */ private Double getWorkerScheduledMemoryUse(WorkerSlot ws, TopologyDetails td, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { Double totalMem = 0.0; Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs = scheduleAssignmentMap.get(ws); if (execs != null) { for (ExecutorDetails exec : execs) { totalMem += td.getTotalMemReqTask(exec); } } return totalMem; } /** * Checks whether we can schedule an Executor exec on the worker slot ws * Only considers memory currently. May include CPU in the future * * @param exec the executor to check whether it can be asssigned to worker ws * @param ws the worker to check whether executor exec can be assigned to it * @param td the topology that the exec is from * @param scheduleAssignmentMap the schedulings calculated so far * @return a boolean: True denoting the exec can be scheduled on ws and false if it cannot */ private boolean checkWorkerConstraints(ExecutorDetails exec, WorkerSlot ws, TopologyDetails td, Map<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> scheduleAssignmentMap) { boolean retVal = false; if (this.getWorkerScheduledMemoryAvailable(ws, td, scheduleAssignmentMap) >= td.getTotalMemReqTask(exec)) { retVal = true; } return retVal; } /** * Get the amount of resources available and total for each node * * @return a String with cluster resource info for debug */ private String getClusterInfo() { String retVal = "Cluster info:\n"; for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> clusterEntry : _clusterInfo.entrySet()) { String clusterId = clusterEntry.getKey(); retVal += "Rack: " + clusterId + "\n"; for (String nodeHostname : clusterEntry.getValue()) { RAS_Node node = this.idToNode(this.NodeHostnameToId(nodeHostname)); retVal += "-> Node: " + node.getHostname() + " " + node.getId() + "\n"; retVal += "--> Avail Resources: {Mem " + node.getAvailableMemoryResources() + ", CPU " + node.getAvailableCpuResources() + " Slots: " + node.totalSlotsFree() + "}\n"; retVal += "--> Total Resources: {Mem " + node.getTotalMemoryResources() + ", CPU " + node.getTotalCpuResources() + " Slots: " + node.totalSlots() + "}\n"; } } return retVal; } /** * hostname to Id * * @param hostname the hostname to convert to node id * @return the id of a node */ public String NodeHostnameToId(String hostname) { for (RAS_Node n : _nodes.getNodes()) { if (n.getHostname() == null) { continue; } if (n.getHostname().equals(hostname)) { return n.getId(); } } LOG.error("Cannot find Node with hostname {}", hostname); return null; } /** * Find RAS_Node for specified node id * * @param id the node/supervisor id to lookup * @return a RAS_Node object */ public RAS_Node idToNode(String id) { RAS_Node ret = _nodes.getNodeById(id); if (ret == null) { LOG.error("Cannot find Node with Id: {}", id); } return ret; } }