Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sqoop.repository.derby; import static org.apache.sqoop.repository.derby.DerbySchemaUpgradeQuery.*; import static org.apache.sqoop.repository.derby.DerbySchemaCreateQuery.*; import static org.apache.sqoop.repository.derby.DerbySchemaInsertUpdateDeleteSelectQuery.*; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.sqoop.common.Direction; import org.apache.sqoop.json.DriverBean; import org.apache.sqoop.model.InputEditable; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MConfig; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MConnector; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MDriver; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MDriverConfig; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MFromConfig; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MInput; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MJob; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MLink; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MLinkConfig; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MMapInput; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MStringInput; import org.apache.sqoop.model.MToConfig; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; /** * Abstract class with convenience methods for testing derby repository. */ abstract public class DerbyTestCase { public static final String DERBY_DRIVER = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"; public static final String JDBC_URL = "jdbc:derby:memory:myDB"; private Connection connection; @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() throws Exception { // Create link to the database Class.forName(DERBY_DRIVER).newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getStartJdbcUrl()); } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { // Close active link if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } try { // Drop in memory database DriverManager.getConnection(getStopJdbcUrl()); } catch (SQLException ex) { // Dropping Derby database leads always to exception } } void renameEntitiesForConnectionAndForm() throws Exception { // SQ_LINK schema upgrades // drop the constraint before rename and add it back later runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_CONSTRAINT_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_CONSTRAINT_2); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_CONSTRAINT_3); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_CONSTRAINT_4); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_TO_SQ_LINK); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_2); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_3); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_4); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_5); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_6); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_7); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_COLUMN_8); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_LINK_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINT); // SQ_LINK_INPUT schema upgrades runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT_TO_SQ_LINK_INPUT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT_COLUMN_2); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT_COLUMN_3); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_LINK_INPUT_CONSTRAINT); // SQ_CONFIG schema upgrades runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_FORM_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_TO_SQ_CONFIG); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_2); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_3); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_4); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_5); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_FORM_COLUMN_6); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_FORM_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINT); // SQ_INPUT schema upgrades runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_INPUT_FORM_COLUMN); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_INPUT_CONSTRAINT); // SQ_JOB schema upgrades runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_JOB_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_JOB_COLUMN_2); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_JOB_CONSTRAINT_FROM); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_JOB_CONSTRAINT_TO); } void renameConnectorToConfigurable() throws Exception { // SQ_CONNECTOR to SQ_CONFIGURABLE upgrade runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_LINK_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_DROP_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTION_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTOR_TO_SQ_CONFIGURABLE); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_LINK_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONFIGURABLE_ADD_COLUMN_SQC_TYPE); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_CONFIGURABLE_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_LINK_CONFIGURABLE_CONSTRAINT); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTION_CONSTRAINT); } /** *Create derby schema. FIX(SQOOP-1583): This code needs heavy refactoring. *Details are in the ticket. * *@throws Exception */ protected void createOrUpgradeSchema(int version) throws Exception { if (version > 0) { runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_SCHEMA_SQOOP); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTOR); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_FORM); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_INPUT); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_JOB); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_INPUT); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_SUBMISSION); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_COUNTER_GROUP); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_COUNTER); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_COUNTER_SUBMISSION); } if (version > 1) { runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_SYSTEM); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_ADD_COLUMN_ENABLED); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_COLUMN_ENABLED); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_ADD_COLUMN_CREATION_USER); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTION_ADD_COLUMN_UPDATE_USER); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_COLUMN_CREATION_USER); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_COLUMN_UPDATE_USER); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_SUBMISSION_ADD_COLUMN_CREATION_USER); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_SUBMISSION_ADD_COLUMN_UPDATE_USER); } if (version > 3) { runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_DIRECTION); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_FORM_RENAME_COLUMN_SQF_OPERATION_TO_SQF_DIRECTION); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_RENAME_COLUMN_SQB_CONNECTION_TO_SQB_FROM_CONNECTION); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_COLUMN_SQB_TO_CONNECTION); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_REMOVE_CONSTRAINT_SQB_SQN); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_CONSTRAINT_SQB_SQN_FROM); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_CONSTRAINT_SQB_SQN_TO); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_REMOVE_COLUMN_SQB_TYPE); renameEntitiesForConnectionAndForm(); // add the name constraint for job runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_JOB_ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME); // add the name constraint for link runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_LINK_ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_DROP_COLUMN_SQ_CFG_DIRECTION_VARCHAR); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS); for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) { runQuery(STMT_INSERT_DIRECTION, direction.toString()); } renameConnectorToConfigurable(); // add the name constraint for configurable runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONFIGURABLE_ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME); // add sq_config uniqueness constraint runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_CONFIG_ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME_TYPE_AND_CONFIGURABLE_ID); // add sq_input uniqueness constraint runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_INPUT_ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME_TYPE_AND_CONFIG_ID); // add submission table column name renames runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_JOB_SUBMISSION_COLUMN_1); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_RENAME_TABLE_SQ_JOB_SUBMISSION_COLUMN_2); // SQOOP-1804 runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_TABLE_SQ_INPUT_ADD_COLUMN_SQI_EDITABLE); runQuery(QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_SQ_INPUT_RELATION); runQuery(QUERY_UPGRADE_ADD_TABLE_SQ_LINK_INPUT_CONSTRAINT_2); } // deprecated repository version runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_SYSTEM(SQM_KEY, SQM_VALUE) VALUES('version', '" + version + "')"); // new repository version runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_SYSTEM(SQM_KEY, SQM_VALUE) VALUES('repository.version', '" + version + "')"); } protected void createOrUpgradeSchemaForLatestVersion() throws Exception { createOrUpgradeSchema(DerbyRepoConstants.LATEST_DERBY_REPOSITORY_VERSION); } /** *Run arbitrary query on derby memory repository. * *@param query * Query to execute *@throws Exception */ protected void runQuery(String query, Object... args) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = getDerbyDatabaseConnection().prepareStatement(query); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i] instanceof String) { stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) args[i]); } else if (args[i] instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) args[i]); } else { stmt.setString(i + 1, args[i].toString()); } } stmt.execute(); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } } /** *Run single, arbitrary insert query on derby memory repository. * *@param query * Query to execute *@return Long id of newly inserted row (-1 if none). *@throws Exception */ protected Long runInsertQuery(String query, Object... args) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = getDerbyDatabaseConnection().prepareStatement(query, PreparedStatement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i] instanceof String) { stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) args[i]); } else if (args[i] instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) args[i]); } else { stmt.setString(i + 1, args[i].toString()); } } if (!stmt.execute()) { ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();; return rs.getLong(1); } } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } return -1L; } protected Connection getDerbyDatabaseConnection() { return connection; } protected String getJdbcUrl() { return JDBC_URL; } protected String getStartJdbcUrl() { return JDBC_URL + ";create=true"; } protected String getStopJdbcUrl() { return JDBC_URL + ";drop=true"; } protected void loadConnectorAndDriverConfigVersion2() throws Exception { // Connector entry runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION)" + "VALUES('A', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.A', '1.0-test')"); String connector = "1"; int index = 0; // Connector config entries for (String operation : new String[] { "null", "'IMPORT'", "'EXPORT'" }) { String type; if (operation.equals("null")) { type = "LINK"; } else { type = "JOB"; } String configName = "C1" + type + index; runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_FORM" + "(SQF_CONNECTOR, SQF_OPERATION, SQF_NAME, SQF_TYPE, SQF_INDEX) " + "VALUES(" + connector + ", " + operation + ",'" + configName + "'," + "'" + type + "'," + " 0)"); configName = "C2" + type + index; runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_FORM" + "(SQF_CONNECTOR, SQF_OPERATION, SQF_NAME, SQF_TYPE, SQF_INDEX) " + "VALUES(" + connector + ", " + operation + ",'" + configName + "'," + "'" + type + "'," + " 1)"); index++; } // Driver config entries runQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_FORM" + "(SQF_CONNECTOR, SQF_OPERATION, SQF_NAME, SQF_TYPE, SQF_INDEX) VALUES" + "(NULL, 'IMPORT', 'output', 'JOB', 0)," + "(NULL, 'IMPORT', 'throttling', 'JOB', 1)," + "(NULL, 'EXPORT', 'input', 'JOB', 0)," + "(NULL, 'EXPORT', 'throttling', 'JOB', 1)," + "(NULL, NULL, 'security', 'LINK', 0)"); // Connector input entries for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // First config runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_FORM, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH)" + " VALUES('I1', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_FORM, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH)" + " VALUES('I2', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30)"); // Second config runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_FORM, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH)" + " VALUES('I3', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_FORM, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH)" + " VALUES('I4', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30)"); } // Driver input entries. runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT (SQI_NAME, SQI_FORM, SQI_INDEX," + " SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_ENUMVALS)" + " VALUES ('security.maxConnections',11,0,'INTEGER','false',NULL,NULL)," + "('input.inputDirectory',9,0,'STRING','false',255,NULL)," + "('throttling.extractors',8,0,'INTEGER','false',NULL,NULL)," + "('throttling.loaders',8,1,'INTEGER','false',NULL,NULL)," + "('output.storageType',7,0,'ENUM','false',NULL,'HDFS')," + "('output.outputFormat',7,1,'ENUM','false',NULL,'TEXT_FILE,SEQUENCE_FILE')," + "('output.compression',7,2,'ENUM','false',NULL,'NONE,DEFAULT,DEFLATE,GZIP,BZIP2,LZO,LZ4,SNAPPY')," + "('output.outputDirectory',7,3,'STRING','false',255,NULL)," + "('throttling.extractors',10,0,'INTEGER','false',NULL,NULL)," + "('throttling.loaders',10,1,'INTEGER','false',NULL,NULL)"); } protected void addConnectorA() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('A', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.A', '1.0-test', 'CONNECTOR')"); // insert 2 directions for connector A runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS(SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION)" + "VALUES(1, 1)");// FROM runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS(SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION)" + "VALUES(1, 2)");// TO // insert the 2 link configs // NOTE: link config has no direction runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'l1', 'LINK', 0)");// SQ_CFG_INDEX holds the ordering of // the config for each type runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'l2', 'LINK', 1)"); // insert 2 FROM JOB configs runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'from1', 'JOB', 0)"); // insert the config direction for the from1-config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(3, 1)"); runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'from2', 'JOB', 1)"); // insert the config direction for the from2-config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(4, 1)"); // insert 2 TO JOB configs runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'to1', 'JOB', 0)"); // insert the config direction for the to1-config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(5, 2)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'to2', 'JOB', 1)"); // insert the config direction for the to2-config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(6, 2)"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // First config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I1', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I2', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); // Second config runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I3', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I4', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); } } protected void loadConnectorAndDriverConfigVersion4() throws Exception { Long configId; runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('A', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.A', '1.0-test', 'CONNECTOR')"); for (String connector : new String[] { "1" }) { // Directions runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS(SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION)" + "VALUES(" + connector + ", 1)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS(SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION)" + "VALUES(" + connector + ", 2)"); // connector configs with connectorId as 1 // all config names have to be unique per type int index = 0; for (String direction : new String[] { null, "1", "2" }) { String type; if (direction == null) { type = "LINK"; } else { type = "JOB"; } String configName = "C1" + type + index; configId = runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(" + connector + ", '" + configName + "', '" + type + "', 0)"); if (direction != null) { runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(" + configId + ", " + direction + ")"); } configName = "C2" + type + index; configId = runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(" + connector + ", '" + configName + "', '" + type + "', 1)"); if (direction != null) { runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG_DIRECTIONS" + "(SQ_CFG_DIR_CONFIG, SQ_CFG_DIR_DIRECTION) " + "VALUES(" + configId + ", " + direction + ")"); } index++; } } // insert a driver runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('SqoopDriver', 'org.apache.sqoop.driver.Driver', '1.0-test', 'DRIVER')"); // driver config with driverId as 2 for (String type : new String[] { "JOB" }) { runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(2" + ", 'd1', '" + type + "', 0)"); runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(2" + ", 'd2', '" + type + "', 1)"); } // Input entries // Connector LINK config: 0-3 // Connector job (FROM) config: 4-7 // Connector job (TO) config: 8-11 // Driver JOB config: 12-15 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // First config inputs with config ids 1,3, 5, 7 runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I1', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'USER_ONLY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I2', " + (i * 2 + 1) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); // Second config inputs with config ids 2, 4,,6 8 runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I3', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'USER_ONLY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I4', " + (i * 2 + 2) + ", 1, 'MAP', false, 30, 'USER_ONLY')"); } } /** *Load testing connector and driver config into repository. * *@param version * system version (2 or 4) *@throws Exception */ protected void loadConnectorAndDriverConfig(int version) throws Exception { switch (version) { case 2: loadConnectorAndDriverConfigVersion2(); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: loadConnectorAndDriverConfigVersion4(); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Invalid connector and framework version: " + version); } } protected void loadConnectorAndDriverConfig() throws Exception { loadConnectorAndDriverConfig(DerbyRepoConstants.LATEST_DERBY_REPOSITORY_VERSION); } /** *Load testing link objects into repository. * *@param version * system version (2 or 4) *@throws Exception */ public void loadConnectionsOrLinks(int version) throws Exception { switch (version) { case 2: // Insert two connections - CA and CB runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTION(SQN_NAME, SQN_CONNECTOR) " + "VALUES('CA', 1)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTION(SQN_NAME, SQN_CONNECTOR) " + "VALUES('CB', 1)"); for (String ci : new String[] { "1", "2" }) { for (String i : new String[] { "1", "3", "15" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTION_INPUT" + "(SQNI_CONNECTION, SQNI_INPUT, SQNI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } } break; case 4: case 5: case 6: // Insert two links - CA and CB // Connector 1 has one link config runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_LINK(SQ_LNK_NAME, SQ_LNK_CONFIGURABLE) " + "VALUES('CA', 1)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_LINK(SQ_LNK_NAME, SQ_LNK_CONFIGURABLE) " + "VALUES('CB', 1)"); for (String ci : new String[] { "1", "2" }) { for (String i : new String[] { "1", "3", "13", "15" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_LINK_INPUT" + "(SQ_LNKI_LINK, SQ_LNKI_INPUT, SQ_LNKI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } } break; default: throw new AssertionError("Invalid connector and framework version: " + version); } } public void loadLinksForLatestVersion() throws Exception { loadConnectionsOrLinks(DerbyRepoConstants.LATEST_DERBY_REPOSITORY_VERSION); } /** *Load testing job objects into repository. * *@param version * system version (2 or 4) *@throws Exception */ public void loadJobs(int version) throws Exception { int index = 0; switch (version) { case 2: for (String type : new String[] { "IMPORT", "EXPORT" }) { for (String name : new String[] { "JA", "JB" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB(SQB_NAME, SQB_CONNECTION, SQB_TYPE)" + " VALUES('" + type + "_" + name + "', 1, '" + type + "')"); } } // Import inputs for (String ci : new String[] { "1", "2" }) { for (String i : new String[] { "5", "7", "17", "19" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB_INPUT" + "(SQBI_JOB, SQBI_INPUT, SQBI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } } // Export inputs for (String ci : new String[] { "3", "4" }) { for (String i : new String[] { "9", "11" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB_INPUT" + "(SQBI_JOB, SQBI_INPUT, SQBI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } } break; case 4: case 5: case 6: for (String name : new String[] { "JA", "JB", "JC", "JD" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB(SQB_NAME, SQB_FROM_LINK, SQB_TO_LINK)" + " VALUES('" + name + index + "', 1, 1)"); } // Odd IDs inputs have values for (String ci : new String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }) { for (String i : new String[] { "5", "9", "13" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB_INPUT" + "(SQBI_JOB, SQBI_INPUT, SQBI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } for (String i : new String[] { "7", "11", "15" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB_INPUT" + "(SQBI_JOB, SQBI_INPUT, SQBI_VALUE) " + "VALUES(" + ci + ", " + i + ", 'Value" + i + "')"); } } break; default: throw new AssertionError("Invalid connector and framework version: " + version); } } /** *testing job with non unique name objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueJobsInVersion4() throws Exception { int index = 0; // insert JAs for (String name : new String[] { "JA", "JA", "JA", "JA" }) { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_JOB(SQB_NAME, SQB_FROM_LINK, SQB_TO_LINK)" + " VALUES('" + name + index + "', 1, 1)"); } } /** *testing link with non unique name objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueLinksInVersion4() throws Exception { // Insert two links - CA and CA runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_LINK(SQ_LNK_NAME, SQ_LNK_CONFIGURABLE) " + "VALUES('CA', 1)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_LINK(SQ_LNK_NAME, SQ_LNK_CONFIGURABLE) " + "VALUES('CA', 1)"); } /** *testing configurable with non unique name objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueConfigurablesInVersion4() throws Exception { // Insert two configurable - CB and CB runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('CB', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.B', '1.0-test', 'CONNECTOR')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('CB', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.B', '1.0-test', 'CONNECTOR')"); } /** *testing config with non unique name/type objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueConfigNameTypeInVersion4() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); } /** *testing input with non unique name/type objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueInputNameTypeInVersion4() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH,SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I1', 1, 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('I1', 1, 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'CONNECTOR_ONLY')"); } /** *testing config with non unique name/type objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueConfigNameButUniqueTypeInVersion4() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'JOB', 0)"); } /** *testing config with non unique name/type objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueConfigNameAndTypeButUniqueConfigurableInVersion4() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(2, 'C1', 'LINK', 1)"); } /** *testing input with non unique name/type objects into repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadNonUniqueInputNameAndTypeButUniqueConfigInVersion4() throws Exception { runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(1, 'C1', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIG" + "(SQ_CFG_CONFIGURABLE, SQ_CFG_NAME, SQ_CFG_TYPE, SQ_CFG_INDEX) " + "VALUES(2, 'C2', 'LINK', 0)"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('C1.A', 1, 0, 'STRING', false, 30, 'ANY')"); runInsertQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_INPUT" + "(SQI_NAME, SQI_CONFIG, SQI_INDEX, SQI_TYPE, SQI_STRMASK, SQI_STRLENGTH, SQI_EDITABLE)" + " VALUES('C1.A', 2, 1, 'STRING', false, 30, 'ANY')"); } public void loadJobsForLatestVersion() throws Exception { loadJobs(DerbyRepoConstants.LATEST_DERBY_REPOSITORY_VERSION); } /** *Add a second connector for testing with multiple connectors */ public void addConnectorB() throws Exception { // Connector entry Long connectorId = runInsertQuery( "INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONFIGURABLE(SQC_NAME, SQC_CLASS, SQC_VERSION, SQC_TYPE)" + "VALUES('B', 'org.apache.sqoop.test.B', '1.0-test', 'CONNECTOR')"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS (SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION) VALUES (" + connectorId + ", 1)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_CONNECTOR_DIRECTIONS (SQCD_CONNECTOR, SQCD_DIRECTION) VALUES (" + connectorId + ", 2)"); } /** *Load testing submissions into the repository. * *@throws Exception */ public void loadSubmissions() throws Exception { runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_COUNTER_GROUP " + "(SQG_NAME) " + "VALUES" + "('gA'), ('gB')"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_COUNTER " + "(SQR_NAME) " + "VALUES" + "('cA'), ('cB')"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_SUBMISSION" + "(SQS_JOB, SQS_STATUS, SQS_CREATION_DATE, SQS_UPDATE_DATE," + " SQS_EXTERNAL_ID, SQS_EXTERNAL_LINK, SQS_ERROR_SUMMARY," + " SQS_ERROR_DETAILS)" + "VALUES " + "(1, 'RUNNING', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', 'job_1'," + "NULL, NULL, NULL)," + "(2, 'SUCCEEDED', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', '2012-01-02 01:01:01', 'job_2'," + " NULL, NULL, NULL)," + "(3, 'FAILED', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', '2012-01-03 01:01:01', 'job_3'," + " NULL, NULL, NULL)," + "(4, 'UNKNOWN', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', '2012-01-04 01:01:01', 'job_4'," + " NULL, NULL, NULL)," + "(1, 'RUNNING', '2012-01-01 01:01:01', '2012-01-05 01:01:01', 'job_5'," + " NULL, NULL, NULL)"); runQuery("INSERT INTO SQOOP.SQ_COUNTER_SUBMISSION " + "(SQRS_GROUP, SQRS_COUNTER, SQRS_SUBMISSION, SQRS_VALUE) " + "VALUES" + "(1, 1, 4, 300)"); } protected MConnector getConnector() { return getConnector(true, true); } protected MConnector getConnectorWithIncorrectOverridesAttribute() { return getBadConnector(true, true); } protected MConnector getConnectorWithIncorrectOverridesAttribute2() { return getBadConnector2(true, true); } protected MConnector getConnectorWithMultipleOverridesAttribute() { return getConnectorWithMultipleOverrides(true, true); } protected MConnector getConnectorWithMultipleOverrides(boolean from, boolean to) { MFromConfig fromConfig = null; MToConfig toConfig = null; if (from) { fromConfig = getMultipleOverridesFromConfig(); } if (to) { toConfig = getToConfig(); } return new MConnector("A", "org.apache.sqoop.test.A", "1.0-test", getLinkConfig(), fromConfig, toConfig); } protected MConnector getBadConnector(boolean from, boolean to) { MFromConfig fromConfig = null; MToConfig toConfig = null; if (from) { fromConfig = getBadFromConfig(); } if (to) { toConfig = getToConfig(); } return new MConnector("A", "org.apache.sqoop.test.A", "1.0-test", getLinkConfig(), fromConfig, toConfig); } protected MConnector getBadConnector2(boolean from, boolean to) { MFromConfig fromConfig = null; MToConfig toConfig = null; if (from) { fromConfig = getNonExistentOverridesFromConfig(); } if (to) { toConfig = getToConfig(); } return new MConnector("A", "org.apache.sqoop.test.A", "1.0-test", getLinkConfig(), fromConfig, toConfig); } protected MConnector getConnector(boolean from, boolean to) { MFromConfig fromConfig = null; MToConfig toConfig = null; if (from) { fromConfig = getFromConfig(); } if (to) { toConfig = getToConfig(); } return new MConnector("A", "org.apache.sqoop.test.A", "1.0-test", getLinkConfig(), fromConfig, toConfig); } protected MDriver getDriver() { return new MDriver(getDriverConfig(), DriverBean.CURRENT_DRIVER_VERSION); } protected MDriver getBadDriver() { return new MDriver(getBadDriverConfig(), DriverBean.CURRENT_DRIVER_VERSION); } protected void fillLink(MLink link) { List<MConfig> configs = link.getConnectorLinkConfig().getConfigs(); ((MStringInput) configs.get(0).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value1"); ((MStringInput) configs.get(1).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value2"); } protected void fillJob(MJob job) { List<MConfig> configs = job.getFromJobConfig().getConfigs(); ((MStringInput) configs.get(0).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value1"); ((MStringInput) configs.get(1).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value2"); configs = job.getToJobConfig().getConfigs(); ((MStringInput) configs.get(0).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value1"); ((MStringInput) configs.get(1).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value2"); configs = job.getDriverConfig().getConfigs(); ((MStringInput) configs.get(0).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value13"); ((MStringInput) configs.get(1).getInputs().get(0)).setValue("Value15"); } protected MLinkConfig getLinkConfig() { return new MLinkConfig(getConfigs("l1", "l2")); } protected MFromConfig getFromConfig() { return new MFromConfig(getConfigs("from1", "from2")); } protected MFromConfig getBadFromConfig() { return new MFromConfig(getBadConfigs("from1", "from2")); } protected MFromConfig getMultipleOverridesFromConfig() { return new MFromConfig(getMultipleOverrideConfigs("from1", "from2")); } protected MFromConfig getNonExistentOverridesFromConfig() { return new MFromConfig(getBadConfigsWithNonExistingInputOverrides("from1", "from2")); } protected MToConfig getToConfig() { return new MToConfig(getConfigs("to1", "to2")); } protected MDriverConfig getDriverConfig() { return new MDriverConfig(getConfigs("d1", "d2")); } protected MDriverConfig getBadDriverConfig() { return new MDriverConfig(getBadConfigsWithSelfOverrides("d1", "d2")); } protected List<MConfig> getConfigs(String configName1, String configName2) { List<MConfig> configs = new LinkedList<MConfig>(); List<MInput<?>> inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); MInput input = new MStringInput("I1", false, InputEditable.ANY, "I2", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I2", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName1, inputs)); inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); input = new MStringInput("I3", false, InputEditable.ANY, "I4", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I4", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I3"); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName2, inputs)); return configs; } protected List<MConfig> getBadConfigs(String configName1, String configName2) { List<MConfig> configs = new LinkedList<MConfig>(); List<MInput<?>> inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); // I1 overrides another user_only attribute, hence a bad config MInput input = new MStringInput("I1", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I2", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I2", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I1"); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName1, inputs)); inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); input = new MStringInput("I3", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY, (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I4", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName2, inputs)); return configs; } protected List<MConfig> getBadConfigsWithSelfOverrides(String configName1, String configName2) { List<MConfig> configs = new LinkedList<MConfig>(); List<MInput<?>> inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); // I1 overrides another user_only attribute, hence a bad config MInput input = new MStringInput("I1", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I2", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I2", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I2"); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName1, inputs)); inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); input = new MStringInput("I3", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY, (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I4", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName2, inputs)); return configs; } protected List<MConfig> getMultipleOverrideConfigs(String configName1, String configName2) { List<MConfig> configs = new LinkedList<MConfig>(); List<MInput<?>> inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); // I1 overrides another user_only attribute, hence a bad config MInput input = new MStringInput("I1", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I2", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I2", false, InputEditable.ANY, "I1,I3"); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I3", false, InputEditable.CONNECTOR_ONLY, "I1"); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName1, inputs)); inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); input = new MStringInput("I3", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY, (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I4", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName2, inputs)); return configs; } protected List<MConfig> getBadConfigsWithNonExistingInputOverrides(String configName1, String configName2) { List<MConfig> configs = new LinkedList<MConfig>(); List<MInput<?>> inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); // I1 overrides another user_only attribute, hence a bad config MInput input = new MStringInput("I1", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "I2", (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I2", false, InputEditable.USER_ONLY, "Foo"); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName1, inputs)); inputs = new LinkedList<MInput<?>>(); input = new MStringInput("I3", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY, (short) 30); inputs.add(input); input = new MMapInput("I4", false, InputEditable.ANY, StringUtils.EMPTY); inputs.add(input); configs.add(new MConfig(configName2, inputs)); return configs; } /** *Find out number of entries in given table. * *@param table * Table name *@return Number of rows in the table *@throws Exception */ protected long countForTable(String table) throws Exception { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = getDerbyDatabaseConnection().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table);; return rs.getLong(1); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } } /** *Assert row count for given table. * *@param table * Table name *@param expected * Expected number of rows *@throws Exception */ protected void assertCountForTable(String table, long expected) throws Exception { long count = countForTable(table); assertEquals(expected, count); } /** *Printout repository content for advance debugging. * *This method is currently unused, but might be helpful in the future, so I'm *letting it here. * *@throws Exception */ protected void generateDatabaseState() throws Exception { for (String tbl : new String[] { "SQ_CONNECTOR", "SQ_CONFIG", "SQ_INPUT", "SQ_LINK", "SQ_LINK_INPUT", "SQ_JOB", "SQ_JOB_INPUT" }) { generateTableState("SQOOP." + tbl); } } /** *Printout one single table. * *@param table * Table name *@throws Exception */ protected void generateTableState(String table) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; ResultSetMetaData rsmt = null; try { ps = getDerbyDatabaseConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + table); rs = ps.executeQuery(); rsmt = rs.getMetaData(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); System.out.println("Table " + table + ":"); for (int i = 1; i <= rsmt.getColumnCount(); i++) { sb.append("| ").append(rsmt.getColumnName(i)).append(" "); } sb.append("|"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); while ( { sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsmt.getColumnCount(); i++) { sb.append("| ").append(rs.getString(i)).append(" "); } sb.append("|"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } System.out.println(""); } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } } }