Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.response.transform; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestInfo; import org.apache.solr.response.BinaryQueryResponseWriter; import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestSubQueryTransformer extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private static int peopleMultiplier; private static int deptMultiplier; @BeforeClass public static void beforeTests() throws Exception { System.setProperty("enable.update.log", "false"); initCore("solrconfig-basic.xml", "schema-docValuesJoin.xml"); peopleMultiplier = atLeast(1); deptMultiplier = atLeast(1); int id = 0; for (int p = 0; p < peopleMultiplier; p++) { assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "name_s", "john", "title_s", "Director", "dept_ss_dv", "Engineering", "dept_i", "0", "dept_is", "0"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "name_s", "mark", "title_s", "VP", "dept_ss_dv", "Marketing", "dept_i", "1", "dept_is", "1"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "name_s", "nancy", "title_s", "MTS", "dept_ss_dv", "Sales", "dept_i", "2", "dept_is", "2"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "name_s", "dave", "title_s", "MTS", "dept_ss_dv", "Support", "dept_ss_dv", "Engineering", "dept_i", "3", "dept_is", "3", "dept_is", "0"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "name_s", "tina", "title_s", "VP", "dept_ss_dv", "Engineering", "dept_i", "0", "dept_is", "0"))); if (rarely()) { assertU(commit("softCommit", "true")); } } for (int d = 0; d < deptMultiplier; d++) { assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id, "id_i", "" + id++, "dept_id_s", "Engineering", "text_t", "These guys develop stuff", "salary_i_dv", "1000", "dept_id_i", "0"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id++, "id_i", "" + id++, "dept_id_s", "Marketing", "text_t", "These guys make you look good", "salary_i_dv", "1500", "dept_id_i", "1"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id, "id_i", "" + id++, "dept_id_s", "Sales", "text_t", "These guys sell stuff", "salary_i_dv", "1600", "dept_id_i", "2"))); assertU(add(doc("id", "" + id, "id_i", "" + id++, "dept_id_s", "Support", "text_t", "These guys help customers", "salary_i_dv", "800", "dept_id_i", "3"))); if (rarely()) { assertU(commit("softCommit", "true")); } } assertU(commit()); } @Test public void testJohnOrNancySingleField() throws Exception { //System.out.println("p "+peopleMultiplier+" d "+deptMultiplier); assertQ("subq1.fl is limited to single field", req("q", "name_s:(john nancy)", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,depts:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "depts.fl", "text_t", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/../result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys develop stuff'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='nancy']/../result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys sell stuff'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[1]/result[@name='depts']/doc[1]/*)=1", "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[1]/result[@name='depts']/doc[" + deptMultiplier + "]/*)=1", "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[" + peopleMultiplier + "]/result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "']/doc[1]/*)=1", "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[" + peopleMultiplier + "]/result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "']/doc[" + deptMultiplier + "]/*)=1" ); } final String[] johnAndNancyParams = new String[] { "q", "name_s:(john nancy)", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,depts:[subquery]", "fl", "dept_i_dv,depts_i:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "depts.fl", "text_t", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + deptMultiplier, "depts_i.q", "{!term f=dept_id_i v=$row.dept_i_dv}", "depts_i.fl", "text_t", // multi val subquery param check "depts_i.fl", "dept_id_s_dv", "depts_i.indent", "true", "depts_i.rows", "" + deptMultiplier }; @Test public void testTwoSubQueriesAndByNumberWithTwoFields() throws Exception { final SolrQueryRequest johnOrNancyTwoFL = req(johnAndNancyParams); assertQ("call subquery twice a row, once by number, with two fls via multival params", johnOrNancyTwoFL, "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/../result[@name='depts']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys develop stuff'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/../result[@name='depts_i']/doc/str[@name='dept_id_s_dv'][.='Engineering'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='nancy']/../result[@name='depts_i']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys sell stuff'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='nancy']/../result[@name='depts_i']/doc/str[@name='dept_id_s_dv'][.='Sales'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[" + peopleMultiplier + "]/result[@name='depts_i']/doc[" + deptMultiplier + "]/str[@name='dept_id_s_dv'][.='Engineering'])=1", "count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/..)[" + peopleMultiplier + "]/result[@name='depts_i']/doc[" + deptMultiplier + "]/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys develop stuff'])=1"); } @Test public void testRowsStartForSubqueryAndScores() throws Exception { String johnDeptsIds = h .query(req(new String[] { "q", "{!join from=dept_ss_dv to=dept_id_s}name_s:john", "wt", "csv", "csv.header", "false", "fl", "id", "rows", "" + deptMultiplier, "sort", "id_i desc" })); ArrayList<Object> deptIds = Collections.list(new StringTokenizer(johnDeptsIds)); final int a = random().nextInt(deptMultiplier + 1); final int b = random().nextInt(deptMultiplier + 1); final int start = Math.min(a, b); final int toIndex = Math.max(a, b); List<Object> expectIds = deptIds.subList(start, toIndex); ArrayList<String> assertions = new ArrayList<>(); // count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/../result[@name='depts'])[1]/doc/str[@name='id']) // random().nextInt(peopleMultiplier); assertions.add("count((//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/.." + "/result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "'][@start='" + start + "'])[" + (random().nextInt(peopleMultiplier) + 1) + "]/doc/str[@name='id'])=" + (toIndex - start)); // System.out.println(expectIds); for (int i = 0; i < expectIds.size(); i++) { // (//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/../result[@name='depts'])[1]/doc[1]/str[@name='id']='15' String ithDoc = "(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='john']/.." + "/result[@name='depts'][@numFound='" + deptMultiplier + "'][@start='" + start + "'])[" + (random().nextInt(peopleMultiplier) + 1) + "]/doc[" + (i + 1) + "]"; assertions.add(ithDoc + "/str[@name='id'][.='" + expectIds.get(i) + "']"); // let's test scores right there assertions.add(ithDoc + "/float[@name='score'][.='" + expectIds.get(i) + ".0']"); } String[] john = new String[] { "q", "name_s:john", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,depts:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "+{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}^=0 _val_:id_i", "depts.fl", "id", "depts.fl", "score", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + (toIndex - start), "depts.start", "" + start }; assertQ(req(john), assertions.toArray(new String[] {})); } @Test public void testThreeLevel() throws Exception { List<String> asserts = new ArrayList<>(); // dave works in both dept, get his coworkers from both for (String dept : new String[] { "Engineering", "Support" }) { //dept_id_s_dv">Engineering ArrayList<Object> deptWorkers = Collections.list(new StringTokenizer(h.query(req("q", "dept_ss_dv:" + dept, //dept_id_i_dv "wt", "csv", "csv.header", "false", "fl", "name_s_dv", "rows", "" + peopleMultiplier * 3, // dave has three coworkers in two depts "sort", "id desc")))); // System.out.println(deptWorkers); // looping dave clones for (int p : new int[] { 1, peopleMultiplier }) { // looping dept clones for (int d : new int[] { 1, deptMultiplier }) { // looping coworkers int wPos = 1; for (Object mate : deptWorkers) { // (/response/result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='dave']/..)[1] // /result[@name='subq1']/doc/str[@name='dept_id_s_dv'][.='Engineering']/.. // /result[@name='neighbours']/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='tina'] asserts.add("((/response/result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='dave']/..)[" + p + "]" + "/result[@name='subq1']/doc/str[@name='dept_id_s_dv'][.='" + dept + "']/..)[" + d + "]" + "/result[@name='neighbours']/doc[" + wPos + "]/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='" + mate + "']"); wPos++; } } } } //System.out.println(asserts); assertQ("dave works at both dept with other folks", // System.out.println(h.query( req(new String[] { "q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery]", "rows", "" + peopleMultiplier, "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "subq1.fl", "dept_id_i_dv,text_t,dept_id_s_dv,neighbours:[subquery]", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2), "subq1.neighbours.q", //flipping via numbers random().nextBoolean() ? "{!terms f=dept_ss_dv v=$row.dept_id_s_dv}" : "{!terms f=dept_is v=$row.dept_id_i_dv}", "subq1.neighbours.fl", "name_s_dv", "subq1.neighbours.rows", "" + peopleMultiplier * 3 }, "subq1.neighbours.sort", "id desc")//, , asserts.toArray(new String[] {}) // ) ); } @Test public void testNoExplicitName() throws Exception { String[] john = new String[] { "q", "name_s:john", "indent", "true", "fl", "name_s_dv," + "[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "+{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}^=0 _val_:id_i", "depts.fl", "id", "depts.fl", "score", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + deptMultiplier, "depts.start", "0" }; assertQEx("no prefix, no subquery", req(john), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST); assertQEx("no prefix, no subsubquery", req("q", "name_s:john", "indent", "true", "fl", "name_s_dv," + "depts:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "+{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}^=0 _val_:id_i", "depts.fl", "id", "depts.fl", "score", "depts.fl", "[subquery]", // <- here is a trouble "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + deptMultiplier, "depts.start", "0"), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST); } @Test public void testDupePrefix() throws Exception { assertQEx("subquery name clash", req(new String[] { "q", "name_s:(john nancy)", "indent", "true", "fl", "name_s_dv,depts:[subquery]", "fl", "depts:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (2 * peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "depts.fl", "text_t", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + deptMultiplier, "depts_i.q", "{!term f=dept_id_i v=$depts_i.row.dept_i_dv}", "depts_i.fl", "text_t", // multi val subquery param check "depts_i.fl", "dept_id_s_dv", "depts_i.indent", "true", "depts_i.rows", "" + deptMultiplier }), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST); } @Test public void testJustJohnJson() throws Exception { final SolrQueryRequest johnTwoFL = req(johnAndNancyParams); ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(johnTwoFL.getParams()); params.set("q", "name_s:john"); johnTwoFL.setParams(params); assertJQ(johnTwoFL, "/response/docs/[0]/depts/docs/[0]=={text_t:\"These guys develop stuff\"}", "/response/docs/[" + (peopleMultiplier - 1) + "]/depts/docs/[" + (deptMultiplier - 1) + "]=={text_t:\"These guys develop stuff\"}", "/response/docs/[0]/depts_i/docs/[0]=={dept_id_s_dv:\"Engineering\", text_t:\"These guys develop stuff\"}", // seem like key order doesn't matter , well "/response/docs/[" + (peopleMultiplier - 1) + "]/depts_i/docs/[" + (deptMultiplier - 1) + "]==" + "{text_t:\"These guys develop stuff\", dept_id_s_dv:\"Engineering\"}"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testJustJohnJavabin() throws Exception { final SolrQueryRequest johnTwoFL = req(johnAndNancyParams); ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(johnTwoFL.getParams()); params.set("q", "name_s:john"); params.set("wt", "javabin"); johnTwoFL.setParams(params); final NamedList<Object> unmarshalled; { SolrCore core = johnTwoFL.getCore(); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); SolrRequestInfo.setRequestInfo(new SolrRequestInfo(johnTwoFL, rsp)); SolrQueryResponse response = h.queryAndResponse(johnTwoFL.getParams().get(CommonParams.QT), johnTwoFL); BinaryQueryResponseWriter responseWriter = (BinaryQueryResponseWriter) core .getQueryResponseWriter(johnTwoFL); ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); responseWriter.write(bytes, johnTwoFL, response); unmarshalled = (NamedList<Object>) new JavaBinCodec() .unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes.toByteArray())); johnTwoFL.close(); SolrRequestInfo.clearRequestInfo(); } SolrDocumentList resultDocs = (SolrDocumentList) (unmarshalled.get("response")); { Map<String, String> engText = new HashMap<>(); engText.put("text_t", "These guys develop stuff"); Map<String, String> engId = new HashMap<>(); engId.put("text_t", "These guys develop stuff"); engId.put("dept_id_s_dv", "Engineering"); for (int docNum : new int[] { 0, peopleMultiplier - 1 }) { SolrDocument employeeDoc = resultDocs.get(docNum); assertEquals("john", employeeDoc.getFieldValue("name_s_dv")); for (String subResult : new String[] { "depts", "depts_i" }) { SolrDocumentList subDoc = (SolrDocumentList) employeeDoc.getFieldValue(subResult); for (int deptNum : new int[] { 0, deptMultiplier - 1 }) { SolrDocument deptDoc = subDoc.get(deptNum); Object expectedDept = (subResult.equals("depts") ? engText : engId); assertTrue("" + expectedDept + " equals to " + deptDoc, expectedDept.equals(deptDoc)); } } } } } @Test public void testExceptionPropagation() throws Exception { final SolrQueryRequest r = req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "depts:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "depts.q", "{!lucene}(", "depts.fl", "text_t", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2), "depts.logParamsList", "q,fl,rows,subq1.row.dept_ss_dv"); // System.out.println(h.query(r)); assertQEx("wrong subquery", r, ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST); assertQEx("", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "depts:[subquery]", "rows", "1", "depts.q", "{!lucene}", "depts.fl", "text_t", "depts.indent", "true", "depts.rows", "NAN", "depts.logParamsList", "q,fl,rows,subq1.row.dept_ss_dv"), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST); } @Test public void testMultiValue() throws Exception { String[] happyPathAsserts = new String[] { "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='dave']/../result[@name='subq1']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys develop stuff'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='dave']/../result[@name='subq1']/doc/str[@name='text_t'][.='These guys help customers'])=" + (peopleMultiplier * deptMultiplier), "//result[@numFound=" + peopleMultiplier + "]" }; Random random1 = random(); assertQ("dave works at both, whether we set a default separator or both", req(new String[] { "q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", (random().nextBoolean() ? "name_s_dv,dept_ss_dv" : "*") + ",subq1:[subquery " + ((random1.nextBoolean() ? "" : "separator=,")) + "]", "rows", "" + peopleMultiplier, "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv " + ((random1.nextBoolean() ? "" : "separator=,")) + "}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2), "subq1.logParamsList", "q,fl,rows,row.dept_ss_dv" }), happyPathAsserts); assertQ("even via numbers", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_is_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_i v=$row.dept_is_dv}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), happyPathAsserts); assertQ("even if we set a separator both", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery separator=\" \"]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv separator=\" \"}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), happyPathAsserts); String[] noMatchAtSubQ = new String[] { "count(//result/doc/str[@name='name_s_dv'][.='dave']/../result[@name='subq1'][@numFound=0])=" + (peopleMultiplier), "//result[@numFound=" + peopleMultiplier + "]" }; assertQ("different separators, no match", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv separator=\" \"}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), noMatchAtSubQ); assertQ("and no matter where", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery separator=\" \"]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), noMatchAtSubQ); assertQ("setting a wrong parser gets you nowhere", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!term f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), noMatchAtSubQ); assertQ("but it luckily works with default query parser, but it's not really reliable", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv,subq1:[subquery separator=\" \"]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!lucene df=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), happyPathAsserts); assertQ("even lucene qp can't help at any separator but space", req("q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", "dept_ss_dv,name_s_dv," + "subq1:[subquery " + (random().nextBoolean() ? "" : "separator=" + ((random().nextBoolean() ? "" : ","))) + "]", "rows", "" + (peopleMultiplier), "subq1.q", "{!lucene df=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMultiplier * 2)), noMatchAtSubQ); } static String[] daveMultiValueSearchParams(Random random, int peopleMult, int deptMult) { return new String[] { "q", "name_s:dave", "indent", "true", "fl", (random().nextBoolean() ? "name_s_dv" : "*") + //"dept_ss_dv, ",subq1:[subquery " + ((random.nextBoolean() ? "" : "separator=,")) + "]", "rows", "" + peopleMult, "subq1.q", "{!terms f=dept_id_s v=$row.dept_ss_dv " + ((random.nextBoolean() ? "" : "separator=,")) + "}", "subq1.fl", "text_t", "subq1.indent", "true", "subq1.rows", "" + (deptMult * 2), "subq1.logParamsList", "q,fl,rows,row.dept_ss_dv" }; } }