Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.common.params;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;

 * Parameters used across many handlers
public interface CommonParams {

     * Override for the concept of "NOW" to be used throughout this request, 
     * expressed as milliseconds since epoch.  This is primarily used in 
     * distributed search to ensure consistent time values are used across 
     * multiple sub-requests.
    String NOW = "NOW";

     * Specifies the TimeZone used by the client for the purposes of 
     * any DateMath rounding that may take place when executing the request
    String TZ = "TZ";

    /** the Request Handler (formerly known as the Query Type) - which Request Handler should handle the request */
    String QT = "qt";

    /** the response writer type - the format of the response */
    String WT = "wt";

    /** query string */
    String Q = "q";

    /** rank query */
    String RQ = "rq";

    /** distrib string */
    String DISTRIB = "distrib";

    /** sort order */
    String SORT = "sort";

    /** Lucene query string(s) for filtering the results without affecting scoring */
    String FQ = "fq";

    /** zero based offset of matching documents to retrieve */
    String START = "start";
    int START_DEFAULT = 0;

    /** number of documents to return starting at "start" */
    String ROWS = "rows";
    int ROWS_DEFAULT = 10;

    // SOLR-4228 start
    /** handler value for SolrPing */
    String PING_HANDLER = "/admin/ping";

    /** "action" parameter for SolrPing */
    String ACTION = "action";

    /** "disable" value for SolrPing action */
    String DISABLE = "disable";

    /** "enable" value for SolrPing action */
    String ENABLE = "enable";

    /** "ping" value for SolrPing action */
    String PING = "ping";
    // SOLR-4228 end

    /** stylesheet to apply to XML results */
    String XSL = "xsl";

    /** version parameter to check request-response compatibility */
    String VERSION = "version";

    /** query and init param for field list */
    String FL = "fl";

    /** default query field */
    String DF = "df";

    /** Transformer param -- used with XSLT */
    String TR = "tr";

    /** whether to include debug data for all components pieces, including doing explains*/
    String DEBUG_QUERY = "debugQuery";

     * Whether to provide debug info for specific items.
     * @see #DEBUG_QUERY
    String DEBUG = "debug";

     * {@link #DEBUG} value indicating an interest in debug output related to timing
    String TIMING = "timing";
     * {@link #DEBUG} value indicating an interest in debug output related to the results (explains)
    String RESULTS = "results";
     * {@link #DEBUG} value indicating an interest in debug output related to the Query (parsing, etc.)
    String QUERY = "query";
     * {@link #DEBUG} value indicating an interest in debug output related to the distributed tracking
    String TRACK = "track";
     * boolean indicating whether score explanations should structured (true), 
     * or plain text (false)
    String EXPLAIN_STRUCT = "debug.explain.structured";

    /** another query to explain against */
    String EXPLAIN_OTHER = "explainOther";

    /** If the content stream should come from a URL (using URLConnection) */
    String STREAM_URL = "stream.url";

    /** If the content stream should come from a File (using FileReader) */
    String STREAM_FILE = "stream.file";

    /** If the content stream should come directly from a field */
    String STREAM_BODY = "stream.body";

     * Explicitly set the content type for the input stream
     * If multiple streams are specified, the explicit contentType
     * will be used for all of them.  
    String STREAM_CONTENTTYPE = "stream.contentType";

     * Whether or not the search may be terminated early within a segment.
    String SEGMENT_TERMINATE_EARLY = "segmentTerminateEarly";

     * Timeout value in milliseconds.  If not set, or the value is >= 0, there is no timeout.
    String TIME_ALLOWED = "timeAllowed";

    /** 'true' if the header should include the handler name */
    String HEADER_ECHO_HANDLER = "echoHandler";

    /** include the parameters in the header **/
    String HEADER_ECHO_PARAMS = "echoParams";

    /** include header in the response */
    String OMIT_HEADER = "omitHeader";
    String CORES_HANDLER_PATH = "/admin/cores";
    String COLLECTIONS_HANDLER_PATH = "/admin/collections";
    String INFO_HANDLER_PATH = "/admin/info";
    String CONFIGSETS_HANDLER_PATH = "/admin/configs";
    String AUTHZ_PATH = "/admin/authorization";
    String AUTHC_PATH = "/admin/authentication";
    String ZK_PATH = "/admin/zookeeper";
    String ZK_STATUS_PATH = "/admin/zookeeper/status";
    String SYSTEM_INFO_PATH = "/admin/info/system";
    String METRICS_PATH = "/admin/metrics";
    String METRICS_HISTORY_PATH = "/admin/metrics/history";
    String AUTOSCALING_PATH = "/admin/autoscaling";
    String AUTOSCALING_HISTORY_PATH = "/admin/autoscaling/history";
    String AUTOSCALING_DIAGNOSTICS_PATH = "/admin/autoscaling/diagnostics";
    String AUTOSCALING_SUGGESTIONS_PATH = "/admin/autoscaling/suggestions";

    String STATUS = "status";

    String OK = "OK";
    String FAILURE = "FAILURE";

    String APISPEC_LOCATION = "apispec/";
    String INTROSPECT = "/_introspect";

    /** valid values for: <code>echoParams</code> */
    enum EchoParamStyle {

        public static EchoParamStyle get(String v) {
            if (v != null) {
                v = v.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
                if (v.equals("EXPLICIT")) {
                    return EXPLICIT;
                if (v.equals("ALL")) {
                    return ALL;
                if (v.equals("NONE")) { // the same as nothing...
                    return NONE;
            return null;

    /** which parameters to log (if not supplied all parameters will be logged) **/
    String LOG_PARAMS_LIST = "logParamsList";

    String EXCLUDE = "ex";
    String TAG = "tag";
    String TERMS = "terms";
    String OUTPUT_KEY = "key";
    String FIELD = "f";
    String VALUE = "v";
    String THREADS = "threads";
    String TRUE = Boolean.TRUE.toString();
    String FALSE = Boolean.FALSE.toString();

    /** document type in {@link CollectionAdminParams#SYSTEM_COLL} collection. **/
    String TYPE = "type";

    /** Used as a local parameter on queries.  cache=false means don't check any query or filter caches.
     * cache=true is the default.
    String CACHE = "cache";

    /** Used as a local param on filter queries in conjunction with cache=false.  Filters are checked in order, from
     * smallest cost to largest. If cost&gt;=100 and the query implements PostFilter, then that interface will be used to do post query filtering.
    String COST = "cost";

     * Request ID parameter added to the request when using debug=track
    String REQUEST_ID = "rid";

     * Request Purpose parameter added to each internal shard request when using debug=track
    String REQUEST_PURPOSE = "requestPurpose";

     * When querying a node, prefer local node's cores for distributed queries.
     * @deprecated Use {@code ShardParams.SHARDS_PREFERENCE}
    @Deprecated // SOLR-14035
    String PREFER_LOCAL_SHARDS = "preferLocalShards";

    String JAVABIN = "javabin";

    String JSON = "json";

    String PATH = "path";

    String NAME = "name";
    String VALUE_LONG = "val";

    String VERSION_FIELD = "_version_";

    String FAIL_ON_VERSION_CONFLICTS = "failOnVersionConflicts";

    String ID = "id";
    String JSON_MIME = "application/json";

    String JAVABIN_MIME = "application/javabin";

    String FILE = "file";
    String FILES = "files";

    String CHILDDOC = "_childDocuments_";
