Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.TimeoutSuite; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.common.util.Pair; import org.apache.solr.common.util.TimeSource; import org.apache.solr.util.LogLevel; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; /** * */ @TimeoutSuite(millis = 4 * 3600 * 1000) @LogLevel("") public class TestLargeCluster extends SimSolrCloudTestCase { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); public static final int SPEED = 50; public static final int NUM_NODES = 100; static Map<String, List<CapturedEvent>> listenerEvents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); static AtomicInteger triggerFiredCount = new AtomicInteger(); static CountDownLatch triggerFiredLatch; static int waitForSeconds; @BeforeClass public static void setupCluster() throws Exception { configureCluster(NUM_NODES, TimeSource.get("simTime:" + SPEED)); } @Before public void setupTest() throws Exception { waitForSeconds = 5; triggerFiredCount.set(0); triggerFiredLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); listenerEvents.clear(); } public static class TestTriggerListener extends TriggerListenerBase { @Override public void init(SolrCloudManager cloudManager, AutoScalingConfig.TriggerListenerConfig config) { super.init(cloudManager, config); } @Override public synchronized void onEvent(TriggerEvent event, TriggerEventProcessorStage stage, String actionName, ActionContext context, Throwable error, String message) { List<CapturedEvent> lst = listenerEvents.computeIfAbsent(, s -> new ArrayList<>()); lst.add(new CapturedEvent(cluster.getTimeSource().getTime(), context, config, stage, actionName, event, message)); } } public static class TestTriggerAction extends TriggerActionBase { @Override public void process(TriggerEvent event, ActionContext context) throws Exception { triggerFiredCount.incrementAndGet(); triggerFiredLatch.countDown(); } } @Test public void testBasic() throws Exception { SolrClient solrClient = cluster.simGetSolrClient(); String setTriggerCommand = "{" + "'set-trigger' : {" + "'name' : 'node_lost_trigger'," + "'event' : 'nodeLost'," + "'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," + "'enabled' : true," + "'actions' : [" + "{'name':'compute','class':'" + ComputePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'execute','class':'" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'test','class':'" + TestTriggerAction.class.getName() + "'}" + "]" + "}}"; SolrRequest req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand); NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); String setListenerCommand = "{" + "'set-listener' : " + "{" + "'name' : 'foo'," + "'trigger' : 'node_lost_trigger'," + "'stage' : ['STARTED','ABORTED','SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED']," + "'beforeAction' : ['compute', 'execute']," + "'afterAction' : ['compute', 'execute']," + "'class' : '" + TestTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" + "}" + "}"; req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand); response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(5000); // pick a few random nodes List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); int limit = 75; for (String node : cluster.getClusterStateProvider().getLiveNodes()) { nodes.add(node); if (nodes.size() > limit) { break; } } Collections.shuffle(nodes, random()); // create collection on these nodes String collectionName = "testBasic"; CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 5, 5, 5, 5); create.setMaxShardsPerNode(1); create.setAutoAddReplicas(false); create.setCreateNodeSet(String.join(",", nodes)); create.process(solrClient);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 30 * nodes.size(), TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(5, 15)) + "ms"); int KILL_NODES = 8; // kill off a number of nodes for (int i = 0; i < KILL_NODES; i++) { cluster.simRemoveNode(nodes.get(i), false); } // should fully recover"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 90 * KILL_NODES, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(5, 15)) + "ms");"OP COUNTS: " + cluster.simGetOpCounts()); long moveReplicaOps = cluster.simGetOpCount(; // simulate a number of flaky nodes int FLAKY_NODES = 10; int flakyReplicas = 0; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 10; cnt++) { for (int i = KILL_NODES; i < KILL_NODES + FLAKY_NODES; i++) { flakyReplicas += cluster.getSimClusterStateProvider().simGetReplicaInfos(nodes.get(i)).stream() .filter(r -> r.getState().equals(Replica.State.ACTIVE)).count(); cluster.simRemoveNode(nodes.get(i), false); } cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(waitForSeconds) * 2); for (int i = KILL_NODES; i < KILL_NODES + FLAKY_NODES; i++) { final String nodeId = nodes.get(i); cluster.submit(() -> cluster.getSimClusterStateProvider().simRestoreNode(nodeId)); } }"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 30 * nodes.size(), TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(5, 15)) + "ms"); long newMoveReplicaOps = cluster.simGetOpCount(;"==== Flaky replicas: {}. Additional MOVEREPLICA count: {}", flakyReplicas, (newMoveReplicaOps - moveReplicaOps)); // flaky nodes lead to a number of MOVEREPLICA that is non-zero but lower than the number of flaky replicas assertTrue("there should be new MOVERPLICA ops", newMoveReplicaOps - moveReplicaOps > 0); assertTrue("there should be less than flakyReplicas=" + flakyReplicas + " MOVEREPLICA ops", newMoveReplicaOps - moveReplicaOps < flakyReplicas); } @Test public void testAddNode() throws Exception { SolrClient solrClient = cluster.simGetSolrClient(); String setTriggerCommand = "{" + "'set-trigger' : {" + "'name' : 'node_added_trigger'," + "'event' : 'nodeAdded'," + "'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," + "'enabled' : true," + "'actions' : [" + "{'name':'compute','class':'" + ComputePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'execute','class':'" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}" + "]" + "}}"; SolrRequest req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand); NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); // create a collection with more than 1 replica per node String collectionName = "testNodeAdded"; CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", NUM_NODES / 10, NUM_NODES / 10, NUM_NODES / 10, NUM_NODES / 10); create.setMaxShardsPerNode(5); create.setAutoAddReplicas(false); create.process(solrClient);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 20 * NUM_NODES, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(NUM_NODES / 10, NUM_NODES / 10 * 3)) + " ms"); int numAddNode = NUM_NODES / 5; List<String> addNodesList = new ArrayList<>(numAddNode); for (int i = 0; i < numAddNode; i++) { addNodesList.add(cluster.simAddNode()); cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(5000); } List<SolrInputDocument> systemColl = cluster.simGetSystemCollection(); int startedEventPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < systemColl.size(); i++) { SolrInputDocument d = systemColl.get(i); if (!"node_added_trigger".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.source_s"))) { continue; } if ("NODEADDED".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.type_s")) && "STARTED".equals(d.getFieldValue("stage_s"))) { startedEventPos = i; break; } } assertTrue("no STARTED event", startedEventPos > -1); SolrInputDocument startedEvent = systemColl.get(startedEventPos); int lastIgnoredPos = startedEventPos; // make sure some replicas have been moved assertTrue("no MOVEREPLICA ops?", cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA") > 0);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 20 * NUM_NODES, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(NUM_NODES / 10, NUM_NODES / 10 * 3)) + " ms"); int count = 50; SolrInputDocument finishedEvent = null; long lastNumOps = cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA"); while (count-- > 0) { cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(150000); long currentNumOps = cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA"); if (currentNumOps == lastNumOps) { int size = systemColl.size() - 1; for (int i = size; i > lastIgnoredPos; i--) { SolrInputDocument d = systemColl.get(i); if (!"node_added_trigger".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.source_s"))) { continue; } if ("SUCCEEDED".equals(d.getFieldValue("stage_s"))) { finishedEvent = d; break; } } break; } else { lastNumOps = currentNumOps; } } assertTrue("did not finish processing changes", finishedEvent != null); long delta = (Long) finishedEvent.getFieldValue("event.time_l") - (Long) startedEvent.getFieldValue("event.time_l");"#### System stabilized after " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(delta) + " ms"); assertTrue("unexpected number of MOVEREPLICA ops", cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA") > 1); } @Test public void testNodeLost() throws Exception { doTestNodeLost(waitForSeconds, 5000, 0); } // Renard R5 series - evenly covers a log10 range private static final int[] renard5 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 }; private static final int[] renard5x = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 40, 63, 100 }; private static final int[] renard5xx = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 40, 63, 100, 158, 251, 398, 631, 1000, 1585, 2512, 3981, 6310, 10000 }; // Renard R10 series private static final double[] renard10 = new double[] { 1, 1.3, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3.2, 4, 5, 6.3, 7.9, 10 }; private static final double[] renard10x = new double[] { 1, 1.3, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3.2, 4, 5, 6.3, 7.9, 10, 12.6, 15.8, 20, 25.1, 31.6, 39.8, 50.1, 63.1, 79.4, 100 }; private static final AtomicInteger ZERO = new AtomicInteger(0); //@Test public void benchmarkNodeLost() throws Exception { List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (int wait : renard5x) { for (int delay : renard5x) { SummaryStatistics totalTime = new SummaryStatistics(); SummaryStatistics ignoredOurEvents = new SummaryStatistics(); SummaryStatistics ignoredOtherEvents = new SummaryStatistics(); SummaryStatistics startedOurEvents = new SummaryStatistics(); SummaryStatistics startedOtherEvents = new SummaryStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (cluster != null) { cluster.close(); } setupCluster(); setUp(); setupTest(); long total = doTestNodeLost(wait, delay * 1000, 0); totalTime.addValue(total); // get event counts Map<String, Map<String, AtomicInteger>> counts = cluster.simGetEventCounts(); Map<String, AtomicInteger> map = counts.remove("node_lost_trigger"); startedOurEvents.addValue(map.getOrDefault("STARTED", ZERO).get()); ignoredOurEvents.addValue(map.getOrDefault("IGNORED", ZERO).get()); int otherStarted = 0; int otherIgnored = 0; for (Map<String, AtomicInteger> m : counts.values()) { otherStarted += m.getOrDefault("STARTED", ZERO).get(); otherIgnored += m.getOrDefault("IGNORED", ZERO).get(); } startedOtherEvents.addValue(otherStarted); ignoredOtherEvents.addValue(otherIgnored); } results.add(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%d\t%d\t%4.0f\t%4.0f\t%4.0f\t%4.0f\t%6.0f\t%6.0f\t%6.0f\t%6.0f\t%6.0f", wait, delay, startedOurEvents.getMean(), ignoredOurEvents.getMean(), startedOtherEvents.getMean(), ignoredOtherEvents.getMean(), totalTime.getMin(), totalTime.getMax(), totalTime.getMean(), totalTime.getStandardDeviation(), totalTime.getVariance())); } }"===== RESULTS ======");"waitFor\tdelay\tSTRT\tIGN\toSTRT\toIGN\tmin\tmax\tmean\tstdev\tvar"); results.forEach(s ->; } private long doTestNodeLost(int waitFor, long killDelay, int minIgnored) throws Exception { SolrClient solrClient = cluster.simGetSolrClient(); String setTriggerCommand = "{" + "'set-trigger' : {" + "'name' : 'node_lost_trigger'," + "'event' : 'nodeLost'," + "'waitFor' : '" + waitFor + "s'," + "'enabled' : true," + "'actions' : [" + "{'name':'test','class':'" + TestTriggerAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'compute','class':'" + ComputePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'execute','class':'" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}" + "]" + "}}"; SolrRequest req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand); NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); // create a collection with 1 replica per node String collectionName = "testNodeLost"; CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", NUM_NODES / 5, NUM_NODES / 10); create.setMaxShardsPerNode(5); create.setAutoAddReplicas(false); create.process(solrClient);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 20 * NUM_NODES, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(NUM_NODES / 5, NUM_NODES / 10)) + " ms"); // start killing nodes int numNodes = NUM_NODES / 5; List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<>(cluster.getLiveNodesSet().get()); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { // this may also select a node where a replica is moved to, so the total number of // MOVEREPLICA may vary cluster.simRemoveNode(nodes.get(i), false); cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(killDelay); } // wait for the trigger to fire boolean await = triggerFiredLatch.await(10 * waitFor * 1000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertTrue("trigger did not fire within timeout, " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, await); List<SolrInputDocument> systemColl = cluster.simGetSystemCollection(); int startedEventPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < systemColl.size(); i++) { SolrInputDocument d = systemColl.get(i); if (!"node_lost_trigger".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.source_s"))) { continue; } if ("NODELOST".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.type_s")) && "STARTED".equals(d.getFieldValue("stage_s"))) { startedEventPos = i; break; } } assertTrue("no STARTED event: " + systemColl + ", " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, startedEventPos > -1); SolrInputDocument startedEvent = systemColl.get(startedEventPos); int ignored = 0; int lastIgnoredPos = startedEventPos; for (int i = startedEventPos + 1; i < systemColl.size(); i++) { SolrInputDocument d = systemColl.get(i); if (!"node_lost_trigger".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.source_s"))) { continue; } if ("NODELOST".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.type_s"))) { if ("IGNORED".equals(d.getFieldValue("stage_s"))) { ignored++; lastIgnoredPos = i; } } } assertTrue("should be at least " + minIgnored + " IGNORED events, " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, ignored >= minIgnored); // make sure some replicas have been moved assertTrue("no MOVEREPLICA ops? " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA") > 0);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 20 * NUM_NODES, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(NUM_NODES / 5, NUM_NODES / 10)) + " ms"); int count = 50; SolrInputDocument finishedEvent = null; long lastNumOps = cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA"); while (count-- > 0) { cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(150000); long currentNumOps = cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA"); if (currentNumOps == lastNumOps) { int size = systemColl.size() - 1; for (int i = size; i > lastIgnoredPos; i--) { SolrInputDocument d = systemColl.get(i); if (!"node_lost_trigger".equals(d.getFieldValue("event.source_s"))) { continue; } if ("SUCCEEDED".equals(d.getFieldValue("stage_s"))) { finishedEvent = d; break; } } break; } else { lastNumOps = currentNumOps; } } assertTrue("did not finish processing changes, " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, finishedEvent != null); long delta = (Long) finishedEvent.getFieldValue("event.time_l") - (Long) startedEvent.getFieldValue("event.time_l"); delta = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(delta);"#### System stabilized after " + delta + " ms"); long ops = cluster.simGetOpCount("MOVEREPLICA"); assertTrue("unexpected number of MOVEREPLICA ops: " + ops + ", " + "waitFor=" + waitFor + ", killDelay=" + killDelay + ", minIgnored=" + minIgnored, ops >= 40); return delta; } @Test //@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "") public void testSearchRate() throws Exception { SolrClient solrClient = cluster.simGetSolrClient(); String setTriggerCommand = "{" + "'set-trigger' : {" + "'name' : 'search_rate_trigger'," + "'event' : 'searchRate'," + "'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," + "'rate' : 1.0," + "'enabled' : true," + "'actions' : [" + "{'name':'compute','class':'" + ComputePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'execute','class':'" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}," + "{'name':'test','class':'" + TestTriggerAction.class.getName() + "'}" + "]" + "}}"; SolrRequest req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand); NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); String setListenerCommand1 = "{" + "'set-listener' : " + "{" + "'name' : 'srt'," + "'trigger' : 'search_rate_trigger'," + "'stage' : ['FAILED','SUCCEEDED']," + "'class' : '" + TestTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" + "}" + "}"; req = createAutoScalingRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand1); response = solrClient.request(req); assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success"); String collectionName = "testSearchRate"; CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 2, 10); create.process(solrClient);"Ready after " + waitForState(collectionName, 300, TimeUnit.SECONDS, clusterShape(2, 10)) + " ms"); // collect the node names for shard1 Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<>(); cluster.getSimClusterStateProvider().getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName).getSlice("shard1") .getReplicas().forEach(r -> nodes.add(r.getNodeName())); String metricName = "QUERY./select.requestTimes:1minRate"; // simulate search traffic cluster.getSimClusterStateProvider().simSetShardValue(collectionName, "shard1", metricName, 40, true); boolean await = triggerFiredLatch.await(20000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertTrue("The trigger did not fire at all", await); // wait for listener to capture the SUCCEEDED stage cluster.getTimeSource().sleep(2000); assertEquals(listenerEvents.toString(), 1, listenerEvents.get("srt").size()); CapturedEvent ev = listenerEvents.get("srt").get(0); assertEquals(TriggerEventType.SEARCHRATE, ev.event.getEventType()); Map<String, Number> m = (Map<String, Number>) ev.event.getProperty("node"); assertNotNull(m); assertEquals(nodes.size(), m.size()); assertEquals(nodes, m.keySet()); m.forEach((k, v) -> assertEquals(4.0, v.doubleValue(), 0.01)); List<TriggerEvent.Op> ops = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>) ev.event.getProperty(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS); assertNotNull(ops); assertEquals(3, ops.size()); ops.forEach(op -> { assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.ADDREPLICA, op.getAction()); assertEquals(1, op.getHints().size()); Pair<String, String> hint = (Pair<String, String>) op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD); assertNotNull(hint); assertEquals(collectionName, hint.first()); assertEquals("shard1", hint.second()); }); } }