Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A <code>FacetingAccumulator</code> manages the StatsCollectors and Expressions for facets. */ public class FacetingAccumulator extends BasicAccumulator implements FacetValueAccumulator { public static final String MISSING_VALUE = "(MISSING)"; protected boolean basicsAndFieldFacetsComputed; protected int leafNum; protected LeafReaderContext leaf; protected final AnalyticsRequest analyticsRequest; protected final Map<String, Map<String, Expression[]>> fieldFacetExpressions; protected final Map<String, Map<String, Expression[]>> rangeFacetExpressions; protected final Map<String, Map<String, Expression[]>> queryFacetExpressions; protected final Map<String, Map<String, StatsCollector[]>> fieldFacetCollectors; protected final Map<String, Map<String, StatsCollector[]>> rangeFacetCollectors; protected final Map<String, Map<String, StatsCollector[]>> queryFacetCollectors; protected final List<FieldFacetAccumulator> facetAccumulators; protected final Set<String> hiddenFieldFacets; /** the current value of this stat field */ protected final SolrQueryRequest queryRequest; protected List<RangeFacetRequest> rangeFacets = null; protected List<QueryFacetRequest> queryFacets = null; protected long queryCount; public FacetingAccumulator(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, DocSet docs, AnalyticsRequest request, SolrQueryRequest queryRequest) throws IOException { // The parent Basic Accumulator keeps track of overall stats while // the Faceting Accumulator only manages the facet stats super(searcher, docs, request); this.analyticsRequest = request; this.queryRequest = queryRequest; basicsAndFieldFacetsComputed = false; List<FieldFacetRequest> fieldFreqs = request.getFieldFacets(); List<RangeFacetRequest> rangeFreqs = request.getRangeFacets(); List<QueryFacetRequest> queryFreqs = request.getQueryFacets(); this.fieldFacetExpressions = new TreeMap<>(); this.rangeFacetExpressions = new LinkedHashMap<>(rangeFreqs.size()); this.queryFacetExpressions = new LinkedHashMap<>(queryFreqs.size()); this.fieldFacetCollectors = new LinkedHashMap<>(fieldFreqs.size()); this.rangeFacetCollectors = new LinkedHashMap<>(rangeFreqs.size()); this.queryFacetCollectors = new LinkedHashMap<>(queryFreqs.size()); this.facetAccumulators = new ArrayList<>(); this.hiddenFieldFacets = new HashSet<>(); /** * For each field facet request add a bucket to the {@link Expression} map and {@link StatsCollector} map. * Field facets are computed during the initial collection of documents, therefore * the FieldFacetAccumulators are created initially. */ for (FieldFacetRequest freq : fieldFreqs) { final FieldFacetRequest fr = (FieldFacetRequest) freq; if (fr.isHidden()) { hiddenFieldFacets.add(fr.getName()); } final SchemaField ff = fr.getField(); final FieldFacetAccumulator facc = FieldFacetAccumulator.create(searcher, this, ff); facetAccumulators.add(facc); fieldFacetExpressions.put(freq.getName(), new TreeMap<String, Expression[]>()); fieldFacetCollectors.put(freq.getName(), new TreeMap<String, StatsCollector[]>()); } /** * For each range and query facet request add a bucket to the corresponding * {@link Expression} map and {@link StatsCollector} map. * Range and Query Facets are computed in the post processing, so the accumulators * are not created initially. */ for (RangeFacetRequest freq : rangeFreqs) { if (rangeFacets == null) rangeFacets = new ArrayList<>(); rangeFacets.add(freq); rangeFacetExpressions.put(freq.getName(), new LinkedHashMap<String, Expression[]>()); rangeFacetCollectors.put(freq.getName(), new LinkedHashMap<String, StatsCollector[]>()); } for (QueryFacetRequest freq : queryFreqs) { if (queryFacets == null) queryFacets = new ArrayList<>(); queryFacets.add(freq); queryFacetExpressions.put(freq.getName(), new LinkedHashMap<String, Expression[]>()); queryFacetCollectors.put(freq.getName(), new LinkedHashMap<String, StatsCollector[]>()); } this.queryCount = 0l; } public static FacetingAccumulator create(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, DocSet docs, AnalyticsRequest request, SolrQueryRequest queryRequest) throws IOException { return new FacetingAccumulator(searcher, docs, request, queryRequest); } /** * Update the readers for the {@link BasicAccumulator}, field facets and field facet {@link StatsCollector}s. * @param context The context to read documents from. * @throws IOException if there is an error setting the next reader */ @Override protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { super.doSetNextReader(context); for (Map<String, StatsCollector[]> valueList : fieldFacetCollectors.values()) { for (StatsCollector[] statsCollectorList : valueList.values()) { for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectorList) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } } for (FieldFacetAccumulator fa : facetAccumulators) { fa.getLeafCollector(context); } } /** * Updates the reader for all of the range facet {@link StatsCollector}s. * @param context The context to read documents from. * @throws IOException if there is an error setting the next reader */ public void setRangeStatsCollectorReaders(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { super.getLeafCollector(context); for (Map<String, StatsCollector[]> rangeList : rangeFacetCollectors.values()) { for (StatsCollector[] statsCollectorList : rangeList.values()) { for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectorList) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } } } /** * Updates the reader for all of the query facet {@link StatsCollector}s. * @param context The context to read documents from. * @throws IOException if there is an error setting the next reader */ public void setQueryStatsCollectorReaders(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { super.getLeafCollector(context); for (Map<String, StatsCollector[]> queryList : queryFacetCollectors.values()) { for (StatsCollector[] statsCollectorList : queryList.values()) { for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectorList) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } } } /** * Called from Analytics stats, adds documents to the field * facets and the super {@link BasicAccumulator}. */ @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { for (FieldFacetAccumulator fa : facetAccumulators) { fa.collect(doc); } super.collect(doc); } /** * Given a document, fieldFacet field and facetValue, adds the document to the * {@link StatsCollector}s held in the bucket corresponding to the fieldFacet field and facetValue. * Called during initial document collection. */ @Override public void collectField(int doc, String facetField, String facetValue) throws IOException { Map<String, StatsCollector[]> map = fieldFacetCollectors.get(facetField); StatsCollector[] statsCollectors = map.get(facetValue); // If the facetValue has not been seen yet, a StatsCollector array is // created and associated with that bucket. if (statsCollectors == null) { statsCollectors = statsCollectorArraySupplier.get(); map.put(facetValue, statsCollectors); fieldFacetExpressions.get(facetField).put(facetValue, makeExpressions(statsCollectors)); for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.collect(doc); } } /** * Given a document, rangeFacet field and range, adds the document to the * {@link StatsCollector}s held in the bucket corresponding to the rangeFacet field and range. * Called during post processing. */ @Override public void collectRange(int doc, String facetField, String range) throws IOException { Map<String, StatsCollector[]> map = rangeFacetCollectors.get(facetField); StatsCollector[] statsCollectors = map.get(range); // If the range has not been seen yet, a StatsCollector array is // created and associated with that bucket. if (statsCollectors == null) { statsCollectors = statsCollectorArraySupplier.get(); map.put(range, statsCollectors); rangeFacetExpressions.get(facetField).put(range, makeExpressions(statsCollectors)); for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.collect(doc); } } /** * Given a document, queryFacet name and query, adds the document to the * {@link StatsCollector}s held in the bucket corresponding to the queryFacet name and query. * Called during post processing. */ @Override public void collectQuery(int doc, String facetName, String query) throws IOException { Map<String, StatsCollector[]> map = queryFacetCollectors.get(facetName); StatsCollector[] statsCollectors = map.get(query); // If the query has not been seen yet, a StatsCollector array is // created and associated with that bucket. if (statsCollectors == null) { statsCollectors = statsCollectorArraySupplier.get(); map.put(query, statsCollectors); queryFacetExpressions.get(facetName).put(query, makeExpressions(statsCollectors)); for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.setNextReader(context); } } for (StatsCollector statsCollector : statsCollectors) { statsCollector.collect(doc); } } /** * A comparator to compare expression values for field facet sorting. */ public static class EntryComparator implements Comparator<Entry<String, Expression[]>> { private final Comparator<Expression> comp; private final int comparatorExpressionPlace; public EntryComparator(Comparator<Expression> comp, int comparatorExpressionPlace) { this.comp = comp; this.comparatorExpressionPlace = comparatorExpressionPlace; } @Override public int compare(Entry<String, Expression[]> o1, Entry<String, Expression[]> o2) { return[comparatorExpressionPlace], o2.getValue()[comparatorExpressionPlace]); } } /** * Finalizes the statistics within the each facet bucket before exporting; */ @Override public void compute() { if (!basicsAndFieldFacetsComputed) { super.compute(); for (Map<String, StatsCollector[]> f : fieldFacetCollectors.values()) { for (StatsCollector[] arr : f.values()) { for (StatsCollector b : arr) { b.compute(); } } } basicsAndFieldFacetsComputed = true; } } /** * Finalizes the statistics within the a specific query facet before exporting; */ public void computeQueryFacet(String facet) { Map<String, StatsCollector[]> f = queryFacetCollectors.get(facet); for (StatsCollector[] arr : f.values()) { for (StatsCollector b : arr) { b.compute(); } } } /** * Finalizes the statistics within the a specific range facet before exporting; */ public void computeRangeFacet(String facet) { Map<String, StatsCollector[]> f = rangeFacetCollectors.get(facet); for (StatsCollector[] arr : f.values()) { for (StatsCollector b : arr) { b.compute(); } } } /** * Returns the value of an expression to use in a range or query facet. * @param expressionName the name of the expression * @param fieldFacet the facet field * @param facetValue the facet value * @return String String representation of pivot value */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "rawtypes" }) public String getResult(String expressionName, String fieldFacet, String facetValue) { if (facetValue.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT) && !facetValue.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { try { String[] pivotStr = ExpressionFactory.getArguments( facetValue.substring(facetValue.indexOf('(') + 1, facetValue.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { facetValue = getResult(pivotStr[0]); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { facetValue = getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } if (fieldFacetExpressions.get(fieldFacet) != null) { Expression[] facetExpressions = fieldFacetExpressions.get(fieldFacet).get(facetValue); for (int count = 0; count < expressionNames.length; count++) { if (expressionName.equals(expressionNames[count])) { Comparable value = facetExpressions[count].getValue(); if (value.getClass().equals(Date.class)) { return ((Date) value).toInstant().toString(); } else { return value.toString(); } } } } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Field Facet Pivot expression " + expressionName + " not found."); } /** * Returns the value of an expression to use in a range or query facet. * @param currentFacet the name of the current facet * @param expressionName the name of the expression * @param queryFacet the facet query * @param facetValue the field value * @return String String representation of pivot value */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "rawtypes" }) public String getQueryResult(String currentFacet, String expressionName, String queryFacet, String facetValue) { if (facetValue.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT) && !facetValue.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { try { String[] pivotStr = ExpressionFactory.getArguments( facetValue.substring(facetValue.indexOf('(') + 1, facetValue.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { facetValue = getResult(pivotStr[0]); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { facetValue = getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } if (facetValue.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { try { String[] pivotStr = ExpressionFactory.getArguments( facetValue.substring(facetValue.indexOf('(') + 1, facetValue.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { facetValue = getResult(pivotStr[0]); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { facetValue = getQueryResult(currentFacet, pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + facetValue + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } if (queryFacetExpressions.get(queryFacet) != null) { Expression[] facetExpressions = queryFacetExpressions.get(queryFacet).get(facetValue); for (int count = 0; count < expressionNames.length; count++) { if (expressionName.equals(expressionNames[count])) { Comparable value = facetExpressions[count].getValue(); if (value.getClass().equals(Date.class)) { return ((Date) value).toInstant().toString(); } else { return value.toString(); } } } } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Field Facet Pivot expression " + expressionName + " not found."); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NamedList<?> export() { final NamedList<Object> base = (NamedList<Object>) super.export(); NamedList<NamedList<?>> facetList = new NamedList<>(); // Add the field facet buckets to the output base.add("fieldFacets", facetList); for (FieldFacetRequest freq : request.getFieldFacets()) { final String name = freq.getName(); if (hiddenFieldFacets.contains(name)) { continue; } final Map<String, Expression[]> buckets = fieldFacetExpressions.get(name); final NamedList<Object> bucketBase = new NamedList<>(); Iterable<Entry<String, Expression[]>> iter = buckets.entrySet(); final FieldFacetRequest fr = (FieldFacetRequest) freq; final FacetSortSpecification sort = fr.getSort(); final int limit = fr.getLimit(); final int offset = fr.getOffset(); final boolean showMissing = fr.showsMissing(); if (!showMissing) { buckets.remove(MISSING_VALUE); } // Sorting the buckets if a sort specification is provided if (sort != null && buckets.values().iterator().hasNext()) { int sortPlace = Arrays.binarySearch(expressionNames, sort.getStatistic()); final Expression first = buckets.values().iterator().next()[sortPlace]; final Comparator<Expression> comp = (Comparator<Expression>) first.comparator(sort.getDirection()); final List<Entry<String, Expression[]>> sorted = new ArrayList<>(buckets.size()); Iterables.addAll(sorted, iter); Collections.sort(sorted, new EntryComparator(comp, sortPlace)); iter = sorted; } // apply the limit if (limit > AnalyticsContentHandler.DEFAULT_FACET_LIMIT) { if (offset > 0) { iter = Iterables.skip(iter, offset); } iter = Iterables.limit(iter, limit); } // Export each expression in the bucket. for (Entry<String, Expression[]> bucket : iter) { bucketBase.add(bucket.getKey(), export(bucket.getValue())); } facetList.add(name, bucketBase); } // Add the range facet buckets to the output facetList = new NamedList<>(); base.add("rangeFacets", facetList); for (RangeFacetRequest freq : request.getRangeFacets()) { final String name = freq.getName(); final Map<String, Expression[]> buckets = rangeFacetExpressions.get(name); final NamedList<Object> bucketBase = new NamedList<>(); Iterable<Entry<String, Expression[]>> iter = buckets.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Expression[]> bucket : iter) { bucketBase.add(bucket.getKey(), export(bucket.getValue())); } facetList.add(name, bucketBase); } // Add the query facet buckets to the output facetList = new NamedList<>(); base.add("queryFacets", facetList); for (QueryFacetRequest freq : request.getQueryFacets()) { final String name = freq.getName(); final Map<String, Expression[]> buckets = queryFacetExpressions.get(name); final NamedList<Object> bucketBase = new NamedList<>(); Iterable<Entry<String, Expression[]>> iter = buckets.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Expression[]> bucket : iter) { bucketBase.add(bucket.getKey(), export(bucket.getValue())); } facetList.add(name, bucketBase); } return base; } /** * Exports a list of expressions as a NamedList * @param expressionArr an array of expressions * @return named list of expressions */ public NamedList<?> export(Expression[] expressionArr) { NamedList<Object> base = new NamedList<>(); for (int count = 0; count < expressionArr.length; count++) { if (!hiddenExpressions.contains(expressionNames[count])) { base.add(expressionNames[count], expressionArr[count].getValue()); } } return base; } /** * Processes the query and range facets. * Must be called if range and/or query facets are supported. */ @Override public void postProcess() throws IOException { super.compute(); for (Map<String, StatsCollector[]> f : fieldFacetCollectors.values()) { for (StatsCollector[] arr : f.values()) { for (StatsCollector b : arr) { b.compute(); } } } basicsAndFieldFacetsComputed = true; final Filter filter = docs.getTopFilter(); if (rangeFacets != null) { processRangeFacets(filter); } if (queryFacets != null) { processQueryFacets(filter); } } /** * Initiates the collecting of query facets * @param filter the base filter to work against * @throws IOException if searching failed */ public void processQueryFacets(final Filter filter) throws IOException { for (QueryFacetRequest qfr : queryFacets) { for (String query : qfr.getQueries()) { if (query.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT) && !query.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { try { String[] pivotStr = ExpressionFactory.getArguments( query.substring(query.indexOf('(') + 1, query.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { query = getResult(pivotStr[0]); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { query = getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + query + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + query + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } else if (query.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { try { String[] pivotStr = ExpressionFactory.getArguments( query.substring(query.indexOf('(') + 1, query.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 3) { query = getQueryResult(qfr.getName(), pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + query + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + query + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } QueryFacetAccumulator qAcc = new QueryFacetAccumulator(this, qfr.getName(), query); final Query q; try { q = QParser.getParser(query, queryRequest).getQuery(); } catch (SyntaxError e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid query '" + query + "'", e); } // The searcher sends docIds to the QueryFacetAccumulator which forwards // them to <code>collectQuery()</code> in this class for collection. Query filtered = new BooleanQuery.Builder().add(q, Occur.MUST).add(filter, Occur.FILTER).build();, qAcc); computeQueryFacet(qfr.getName()); queryCount++; } } } @Override public long getNumQueries() { return queryCount; } /** * Initiates the collecting of range facets * @param filter the base filter to use * @throws IOException if searching fails */ public void processRangeFacets(final Filter filter) throws IOException { for (RangeFacetRequest rfr : rangeFacets) { String[] pivotStr; String start = rfr.getStart(); if (start.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Query result requests can not be used in Range Facets"); } else if (start.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT)) { try { pivotStr = ExpressionFactory .getArguments(start.substring(start.indexOf('(') + 1, start.indexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { rfr.setStart(getResult(pivotStr[0])); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { rfr.setStart(getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2])); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + start + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + start + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } String end = rfr.getEnd(); if (end.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Query result requests can not be used in Range Facets"); } else if (end.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT)) { try { pivotStr = ExpressionFactory .getArguments(end.substring(end.indexOf('(') + 1, end.indexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { rfr.setEnd(getResult(pivotStr[0])); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { rfr.setEnd(getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2])); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + end + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + end + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } String[] gaps = rfr.getGaps(); for (int count = 0; count < gaps.length; count++) { String gap = gaps[count]; if (gap.contains(AnalyticsParams.QUERY_RESULT)) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Query result requests can not be used in Range Facets"); } else if (gap.contains(AnalyticsParams.RESULT)) { try { pivotStr = ExpressionFactory .getArguments(gap.substring(gap.indexOf('(') + 1, gap.indexOf(')')).trim()); if (pivotStr.length == 1) { gaps[count] = getResult(pivotStr[0]); } else if (pivotStr.length == 3) { gaps[count] = getResult(pivotStr[0], pivotStr[1], pivotStr[2]); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + gap + " has an invalid amount of arguments."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Result request " + gap + " is invalid. Lacks parentheses.", e); } } } // Computes the end points of the ranges in the rangeFacet final RangeEndpointCalculator<? extends Comparable<?>> rec = RangeEndpointCalculator.create(rfr); final SchemaField sf = rfr.getField(); // Create a rangeFacetAccumulator for each range and // collect the documents for that range. for (FacetRange range : rec.getRanges()) { final String upper; final String lower; String facetValue = ""; if (range.lower == null) { facetValue = "(*"; lower = null; } else { lower = range.lower; facetValue = ((range.includeLower) ? "[" : "(") + range.lower; } facetValue += " TO "; if (range.upper == null) { upper = null; facetValue += "*)"; } else { upper = range.upper; facetValue += range.upper + ((range.includeUpper) ? "]" : ")"); } Query q = sf.getType().getRangeQuery(null, sf, lower, upper, range.includeLower, range.includeUpper); RangeFacetAccumulator rAcc = new RangeFacetAccumulator(this, rfr.getName(), facetValue); // The searcher sends docIds to the RangeFacetAccumulator which forwards // them to <code>collectRange()</code> in this class for collection. Query filtered = new BooleanQuery.Builder().add(q, Occur.MUST).add(filter, Occur.FILTER).build();, rAcc); computeRangeFacet(sf.getName()); } } } }