Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.slider.client; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.RegistryConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.binding.RegistryPathUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.RegistryPathStatus; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.RegistryOperations; import static org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.binding.RegistryUtils.*; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.binding.RegistryUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.exceptions.NoRecordException; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.Endpoint; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.ServiceRecord; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.yarn.YarnRegistryAttributes; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import org.apache.slider.api.ClusterDescription; import org.apache.slider.api.ClusterNode; import org.apache.slider.api.InternalKeys; import org.apache.slider.api.OptionKeys; import org.apache.slider.api.ResourceKeys; import org.apache.slider.api.SliderClusterProtocol; import org.apache.slider.api.proto.Messages; import org.apache.slider.common.Constants; import org.apache.slider.common.SliderExitCodes; import org.apache.slider.common.SliderKeys; import org.apache.slider.common.SliderXmlConfKeys; import org.apache.slider.common.params.AbstractActionArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionDiagnosticArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionExistsArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionInstallKeytabArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionInstallPackageArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionAMSuicideArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionCreateArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionEchoArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionFlexArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionFreezeArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionKillContainerArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionListArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionLookupArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionRegistryArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionResolveArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionStatusArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ActionThawArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.Arguments; import org.apache.slider.common.params.ClientArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.CommonArgs; import org.apache.slider.common.params.LaunchArgsAccessor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.AggregateConf; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.ConfTree; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.ConfTreeOperations; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.MapOperations; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.ResourcesInputPropertiesValidator; import org.apache.slider.core.conf.TemplateInputPropertiesValidator; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.BadClusterStateException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.BadCommandArgumentsException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.BadConfigException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.ErrorStrings; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.NoSuchNodeException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.SliderException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.UnknownApplicationInstanceException; import org.apache.slider.core.exceptions.WaitTimeoutException; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.AppMasterLauncher; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.ClasspathConstructor; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.CommandLineBuilder; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.JavaCommandLineBuilder; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.LaunchedApplication; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.RunningApplication; import org.apache.slider.core.launch.SerializedApplicationReport; import org.apache.slider.core.main.RunService; import org.apache.slider.core.persist.ApplicationReportSerDeser; import org.apache.slider.core.persist.ConfPersister; import org.apache.slider.core.persist.LockAcquireFailedException; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.SliderRegistryUtils; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.YarnAppListClient; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.ConfigFormat; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedConfigSet; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedConfiguration; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedConfigurationOutputter; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedExports; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedExportsOutputter; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.docstore.PublishedExportsSet; import org.apache.slider.core.registry.retrieve.RegistryRetriever; import org.apache.slider.core.zk.BlockingZKWatcher; import org.apache.slider.core.zk.ZKIntegration; import org.apache.slider.core.zk.ZKPathBuilder; import org.apache.slider.providers.AbstractClientProvider; import org.apache.slider.providers.SliderProviderFactory; import org.apache.slider.providers.agent.AgentKeys; import org.apache.slider.providers.slideram.SliderAMClientProvider; import org.apache.slider.server.appmaster.SliderAppMaster; import org.apache.slider.server.appmaster.rpc.RpcBinder; import; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.apache.slider.common.params.SliderActions.*; /** * Client service for Slider */ public class SliderClient extends AbstractSliderLaunchedService implements RunService, SliderExitCodes, SliderKeys, ErrorStrings, SliderClientAPI { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SliderClient.class); private ClientArgs serviceArgs; public ApplicationId applicationId; private String deployedClusterName; /** * Cluster opaerations against the deployed cluster -will be null * if no bonding has yet taken place */ private SliderClusterOperations sliderClusterOperations; protected SliderFileSystem sliderFileSystem; /** * Yarn client service */ private SliderYarnClientImpl yarnClient; private YarnAppListClient YarnAppListClient; private AggregateConf launchedInstanceDefinition; /** * The YARN registry service */ private RegistryOperations registryOperations; /** * Constructor */ public SliderClient() { super("Slider Client"); new HdfsConfiguration(); new YarnConfiguration(); } /** * This is called <i>Before serviceInit is called</i> * @param config the initial configuration build up by the * service launcher. * @param args argument list list of arguments passed to the command line * after any launcher-specific commands have been stripped. * @return the post-binding configuration to pass to the <code>init()</code> * operation. * @throws Exception */ @Override public Configuration bindArgs(Configuration config, String... args) throws Exception { config = super.bindArgs(config, args); serviceArgs = new ClientArgs(args); serviceArgs.parse(); // yarn-ify YarnConfiguration yarnConfiguration = new YarnConfiguration(config); return SliderUtils.patchConfiguration(yarnConfiguration); } @Override protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { Configuration clientConf = SliderUtils.loadClientConfigurationResource(); ConfigHelper.mergeConfigurations(conf, clientConf, CLIENT_RESOURCE, true); serviceArgs.applyDefinitions(conf); serviceArgs.applyFileSystemBinding(conf); // init security with our conf if (SliderUtils.isHadoopClusterSecure(conf)) { SliderUtils.forceLogin(); SliderUtils.initProcessSecurity(conf); } AbstractActionArgs coreAction = serviceArgs.getCoreAction(); if (coreAction.getHadoopServicesRequired()) { initHadoopBinding(); } super.serviceInit(conf); } /** * this is where the work is done. * @return the exit code * @throws Throwable anything that went wrong */ /* JDK7 @Override public int runService() throws Throwable { // choose the action String action = serviceArgs.getAction(); int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; String clusterName = serviceArgs.getClusterName(); // actions switch (action) { case ACTION_BUILD: exitCode = actionBuild(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionBuildArgs()); break; case ACTION_UPDATE: exitCode = actionUpdate(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionUpdateArgs()); break; case ACTION_CREATE: exitCode = actionCreate(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionCreateArgs()); break; case ACTION_FREEZE: exitCode = actionFreeze(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFreezeArgs()); break; case ACTION_THAW: exitCode = actionThaw(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionThawArgs()); break; case ACTION_DESTROY: exitCode = actionDestroy(clusterName); break; case ACTION_EXISTS: exitCode = actionExists(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionExistsArgs().live); break; case ACTION_FLEX: exitCode = actionFlex(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFlexArgs()); break; case ACTION_GETCONF: exitCode = actionGetConf(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionGetConfArgs()); break; case ACTION_HELP: case ACTION_USAGE:; break; case ACTION_KILL_CONTAINER: exitCode = actionKillContainer(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionKillContainerArgs()); break; case ACTION_AM_SUICIDE: exitCode = actionAmSuicide(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionAMSuicideArgs()); break; case ACTION_LIST: exitCode = actionList(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionListArgs()); break; case ACTION_REGISTRY: exitCode = actionRegistry( serviceArgs.getActionRegistryArgs()); break; case ACTION_STATUS: exitCode = actionStatus(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionStatusArgs()); break; case ACTION_VERSION: exitCode = actionVersion(); break; default: throw new SliderException(EXIT_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Unimplemented: " + action); } return exitCode; } */ /** * Launched service execution. This runs {@link #exec()} * then catches some exceptions and converts them to exit codes * @return an exit code * @throws Throwable */ @Override public int runService() throws Throwable { try { return exec(); } catch (FileNotFoundException nfe) { throw new NotFoundException(nfe, nfe.toString()); } catch (PathNotFoundException nfe) { throw new NotFoundException(nfe, nfe.toString()); } } /** * Execute the command line * @return an exit code * @throws Throwable on a failure */ public int exec() throws Throwable { // choose the action String action = serviceArgs.getAction(); int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; String clusterName = serviceArgs.getClusterName(); // actions if (ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionInstallPkg(serviceArgs.getActionInstallPackageArgs()); } else if (ACTION_INSTALL_KEYTAB.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionInstallKeytab(serviceArgs.getActionInstallKeytabArgs()); } else if (ACTION_BUILD.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionBuild(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionBuildArgs()); } else if (ACTION_CREATE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionCreate(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionCreateArgs()); } else if (ACTION_FREEZE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionFreeze(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFreezeArgs()); } else if (ACTION_THAW.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionThaw(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionThawArgs()); } else if (ACTION_DESTROY.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionDestroy(clusterName); } else if (ACTION_DIAGNOSTICS.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionDiagnostic(serviceArgs.getActionDiagnosticArgs()); } else if (ACTION_EXISTS.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionExists(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionExistsArgs()); } else if (ACTION_FLEX.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionFlex(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFlexArgs()); } else if (ACTION_HELP.equals(action)) {; } else if (ACTION_KILL_CONTAINER.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionKillContainer(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionKillContainerArgs()); } else if (ACTION_AM_SUICIDE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionAmSuicide(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionAMSuicideArgs()); } else if (ACTION_LIST.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionList(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionListArgs()); } else if (ACTION_LOOKUP.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionLookup(serviceArgs.getActionLookupArgs()); } else if (ACTION_REGISTRY.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionRegistry(serviceArgs.getActionRegistryArgs()); } else if (ACTION_RESOLVE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionResolve(serviceArgs.getActionResolveArgs()); } else if (ACTION_STATUS.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionStatus(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionStatusArgs()); } else if (ACTION_UPDATE.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionUpdate(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionUpdateArgs()); } else if (ACTION_VERSION.equals(action)) { exitCode = actionVersion(); } else if (SliderUtils.isUnset(action)) { throw new SliderException(EXIT_USAGE, serviceArgs.usage()); } else { throw new SliderException(EXIT_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Unimplemented: " + action); } return exitCode; } /** * Perform everything needed to init the hadoop binding. * This assumes that the service is already in inited or started state * @throws IOException * @throws SliderException */ protected void initHadoopBinding() throws IOException, SliderException { // validate the client SliderUtils.validateSliderClientEnvironment(null); //create the YARN client yarnClient = new SliderYarnClientImpl(); yarnClient.init(getConfig()); if (getServiceState() == STATE.STARTED) { yarnClient.start(); } addService(yarnClient); YarnAppListClient = new YarnAppListClient(yarnClient, getUsername(), getConfig()); // create the filesystem sliderFileSystem = new SliderFileSystem(getConfig()); } /** * Delete the zookeeper node associated with the calling user and the cluster * TODO: YARN registry operations **/ @VisibleForTesting public boolean deleteZookeeperNode(String clusterName) throws YarnException, IOException { String user = getUsername(); String zkPath = ZKIntegration.mkClusterPath(user, clusterName); Exception e = null; try { Configuration config = getConfig(); ZKIntegration client = getZkClient(clusterName, user); if (client != null) { if (client.exists(zkPath)) {"Deleting zookeeper path {}", zkPath); } client.deleteRecursive(zkPath); return true; } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { e = ignored; } catch (KeeperException ignored) { e = ignored; } catch (BadConfigException ignored) { e = ignored; } if (e != null) { log.debug("Unable to recursively delete zk node {}", zkPath); log.debug("Reason: ", e); } return false; } /** * Create the zookeeper node associated with the calling user and the cluster */ @VisibleForTesting public String createZookeeperNode(String clusterName, Boolean nameOnly) throws YarnException, IOException { String user = getUsername(); String zkPath = ZKIntegration.mkClusterPath(user, clusterName); if (nameOnly) { return zkPath; } Configuration config = getConfig(); ZKIntegration client = getZkClient(clusterName, user); if (client != null) { try { client.createPath(zkPath, "", ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); return zkPath; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Unable to create default zk node {}", zkPath, e); } catch (KeeperException e) { log.warn("Unable to create default zk node {}", zkPath, e); } } return null; } /** * Gets a zookeeper client, returns null if it cannot connect to zookeeper **/ protected ZKIntegration getZkClient(String clusterName, String user) throws YarnException { String registryQuorum = lookupZKQuorum(); ZKIntegration client = null; try { BlockingZKWatcher watcher = new BlockingZKWatcher(); client = ZKIntegration.newInstance(registryQuorum, user, clusterName, true, false, watcher); client.init(); watcher.waitForZKConnection(2 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { client = null; log.warn("Unable to connect to zookeeper quorum {}", registryQuorum, e); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Unable to connect to zookeeper quorum {}", registryQuorum, e); } return client; } @Override public int actionDestroy(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException { // verify that a live cluster isn't there SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); //no=op, it is now mandatory. verifyBindingsDefined(); verifyNoLiveClusters(clustername, "Destroy"); // create the directory path Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(clustername); // delete the directory; FileSystem fs = sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem(); boolean exists = fs.exists(clusterDirectory); if (exists) { log.debug("Application Instance {} found at {}: destroying", clustername, clusterDirectory); boolean deleted = fs.delete(clusterDirectory, true); if (!deleted) { log.warn("Filesystem returned false from delete() operation"); } if (!deleteZookeeperNode(clustername)) { log.warn("Unable to perform node cleanup in Zookeeper."); } if (fs.exists(clusterDirectory)) { log.warn("Failed to delete {}", clusterDirectory); } } else { log.debug("Application Instance {} already destroyed", clustername); } // rm the registry entry do not let this block the destroy operations String registryPath = SliderRegistryUtils.registryPathForInstance(clustername); try { getRegistryOperations().delete(registryPath, true); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error deleting registry entry {}: {} ", registryPath, e, e); } catch (SliderException e) { log.warn("Error binding to registry {} ", e, e); } List<ApplicationReport> instances = findAllLiveInstances(clustername); // detect any race leading to cluster creation during the check/destroy process // and report a problem. if (!instances.isEmpty()) { throw new SliderException(EXIT_APPLICATION_IN_USE, clustername + ": " + E_DESTROY_CREATE_RACE_CONDITION + " :" + instances.get(0)); }"Destroyed cluster {}", clustername); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionAmSuicide(String clustername, ActionAMSuicideArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { SliderClusterOperations clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clustername); clusterOperations.amSuicide(args.message, args.exitcode, args.waittime); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public AbstractClientProvider createClientProvider(String provider) throws SliderException { SliderProviderFactory factory = SliderProviderFactory.createSliderProviderFactory(provider); return factory.createClientProvider(); } /** * Create the cluster -saving the arguments to a specification file first * @param clustername cluster name * @return the status code * @throws YarnException Yarn problems * @throws IOException other problems * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException bad arguments. */ public int actionCreate(String clustername, ActionCreateArgs createArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { actionBuild(clustername, createArgs); Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(clustername); AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(clustername, clusterDirectory); try { checkForCredentials(getConfig(), instanceDefinition.getAppConf()); } catch (IOException e) { sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().delete(clusterDirectory, true); throw e; } return startCluster(clustername, createArgs); } private void checkForCredentials(Configuration conf, ConfTree tree) throws IOException { if (tree.credentials == null || tree.credentials.size() == 0) {"No credentials requested"); return; } for (Entry<String, List<String>> cred : tree.credentials.entrySet()) { String provider = cred.getKey(); List<String> aliases = cred.getValue(); if (aliases == null || aliases.size() == 0) { continue; } Configuration c = new Configuration(conf); c.set(CredentialProviderFactory.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH, provider); CredentialProvider credentialProvider = CredentialProviderFactory.getProviders(c).get(0); Set<String> existingAliases = new HashSet<String>(credentialProvider.getAliases()); for (String alias : aliases) { if (!existingAliases.contains(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) { throw new IOException("Specified credentials have not been " + "initialized in provider " + provider + ": " + alias); } } } } @Override public int actionBuild(String clustername, AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs buildInfo) throws YarnException, IOException { buildInstanceDefinition(clustername, buildInfo, false, false); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionInstallKeytab(ActionInstallKeytabArgs installKeytabInfo) throws YarnException, IOException { Path srcFile = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(installKeytabInfo.folder)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( "A valid destination keytab sub-folder name is required (e.g. 'security').\n" + CommonArgs.usage(serviceArgs, ACTION_INSTALL_KEYTAB)); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(installKeytabInfo.keytabUri)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("A valid local keytab location is required."); } else { File keytabFile = new File(installKeytabInfo.keytabUri); if (!keytabFile.exists() || keytabFile.isDirectory()) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( "Unable to access supplied keytab file at " + keytabFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { srcFile = new Path(keytabFile.toURI()); } } Path pkgPath = sliderFileSystem.buildKeytabInstallationDirPath(installKeytabInfo.folder); sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().mkdirs(pkgPath); sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().setPermission(pkgPath, new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE)); Path fileInFs = new Path(pkgPath, srcFile.getName());"Installing keytab {} at {} and overwrite is {}.", srcFile, fileInFs, installKeytabInfo.overwrite); if (sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().exists(fileInFs) && !installKeytabInfo.overwrite) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( "Keytab exists at " + fileInFs.toUri().toString() + ". Use --overwrite to overwrite."); } sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().copyFromLocalFile(false, installKeytabInfo.overwrite, srcFile, fileInFs); sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().setPermission(fileInFs, new FsPermission(FsAction.READ_WRITE, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionInstallPkg(ActionInstallPackageArgs installPkgInfo) throws YarnException, IOException { Path srcFile = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty( { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("A valid application type name is required (e.g. HBASE).\n" + CommonArgs.usage(serviceArgs, ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE)); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(installPkgInfo.packageURI)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("A valid application package location required."); } else { File pkgFile = new File(installPkgInfo.packageURI); if (!pkgFile.exists() || pkgFile.isDirectory()) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( "Unable to access supplied pkg file at " + pkgFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { srcFile = new Path(pkgFile.toURI()); } } Path pkgPath = sliderFileSystem.buildPackageDirPath(; sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().mkdirs(pkgPath); Path fileInFs = new Path(pkgPath, srcFile.getName());"Installing package {} at {} and overwrite is {}.", srcFile, fileInFs, installPkgInfo.replacePkg); if (sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().exists(fileInFs) && !installPkgInfo.replacePkg) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( "Pkg exists at " + fileInFs.toUri().toString() + ". Use --replacepkg to overwrite."); } sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().copyFromLocalFile(false, installPkgInfo.replacePkg, srcFile, fileInFs); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionUpdate(String clustername, AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs buildInfo) throws YarnException, IOException { buildInstanceDefinition(clustername, buildInfo, true, true); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * Build up the AggregateConfiguration for an application instance then * persists it * @param clustername name of the cluster * @param buildInfo the arguments needed to build the cluster * @param overwrite true if existing cluster directory can be overwritten * @param liveClusterAllowed true if live cluster can be modified * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ public void buildInstanceDefinition(String clustername, AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs buildInfo, boolean overwrite, boolean liveClusterAllowed) throws YarnException, IOException { // verify that a live cluster isn't there SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); verifyBindingsDefined(); if (!liveClusterAllowed) { verifyNoLiveClusters(clustername, "Create"); } Configuration conf = getConfig(); String registryQuorum = lookupZKQuorum(); Path appconfdir = buildInfo.getConfdir(); // Provider String providerName = buildInfo.getProvider(); requireArgumentSet(Arguments.ARG_PROVIDER, providerName); log.debug("Provider is {}", providerName); SliderAMClientProvider sliderAM = new SliderAMClientProvider(conf); AbstractClientProvider provider = createClientProvider(providerName); InstanceBuilder builder = new InstanceBuilder(sliderFileSystem, getConfig(), clustername); AggregateConf instanceDefinition = new AggregateConf(); ConfTreeOperations appConf = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations(); ConfTreeOperations resources = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations(); ConfTreeOperations internal = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations(); //initial definition is set by the providers sliderAM.prepareInstanceConfiguration(instanceDefinition); provider.prepareInstanceConfiguration(instanceDefinition); //load in any specified on the command line if (buildInfo.resources != null) { try { resources.mergeFile(buildInfo.resources, new ResourcesInputPropertiesValidator()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BadConfigException(e, "incorrect argument to %s: \"%s\" : %s ", Arguments.ARG_RESOURCES, buildInfo.resources, e.toString()); } } if (buildInfo.template != null) { try { appConf.mergeFile(buildInfo.template, new TemplateInputPropertiesValidator()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BadConfigException(e, "incorrect argument to %s: \"%s\" : %s ", Arguments.ARG_TEMPLATE, buildInfo.template, e.toString()); } } //get the command line options ConfTree cmdLineAppOptions = buildInfo.buildAppOptionsConfTree(); ConfTree cmdLineResourceOptions = buildInfo.buildResourceOptionsConfTree(); appConf.merge(cmdLineAppOptions); // put the role counts into the resources file Map<String, String> argsRoleMap = buildInfo.getComponentMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> roleEntry : argsRoleMap.entrySet()) { String count = roleEntry.getValue(); String key = roleEntry.getKey(); log.debug("{} => {}", key, count); resources.getOrAddComponent(key).put(ResourceKeys.COMPONENT_INSTANCES, count); } //all CLI role options Map<String, Map<String, String>> appOptionMap = buildInfo.getCompOptionMap(); appConf.mergeComponents(appOptionMap); //internal picks up core. values only internal.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "slider."); internal.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "internal."); //copy over role. and yarn. values ONLY to the resources if (PROPAGATE_RESOURCE_OPTION) { resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "component."); resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "role."); resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "yarn."); resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "component.", true); resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "yarn.", true); resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "role.", true); } // resource component args appConf.merge(cmdLineResourceOptions); resources.merge(cmdLineResourceOptions); resources.mergeComponents(buildInfo.getResourceCompOptionMap()); builder.init(providerName, instanceDefinition); builder.propagateFilename(); builder.propagatePrincipals(); builder.setImageDetailsIfAvailable(buildInfo.getImage(), buildInfo.getAppHomeDir()); builder.setQueue(buildInfo.queue); String quorum = buildInfo.getZKhosts(); if (SliderUtils.isUnset(quorum)) { quorum = registryQuorum; } if (isUnset(quorum)) { throw new BadConfigException("No Zookeeper quorum defined"); } ZKPathBuilder zkPaths = new ZKPathBuilder(getAppName(), getUsername(), clustername, registryQuorum, quorum); String zookeeperRoot = buildInfo.getAppZKPath(); if (isSet(zookeeperRoot)) { zkPaths.setAppPath(zookeeperRoot); } else { String createDefaultZkNode = appConf.getGlobalOptions().getOption(AgentKeys.CREATE_DEF_ZK_NODE, "false"); if (createDefaultZkNode.equals("true")) { String defaultZKPath = createZookeeperNode(clustername, false); log.debug("ZK node created for application instance: {}", defaultZKPath); if (defaultZKPath != null) { zkPaths.setAppPath(defaultZKPath); } } else { // create AppPath if default is being used String defaultZKPath = createZookeeperNode(clustername, true); log.debug("ZK node assigned to application instance: {}", defaultZKPath); zkPaths.setAppPath(defaultZKPath); } } builder.addZKBinding(zkPaths); //then propagate any package URI if (buildInfo.packageURI != null) { appConf.set(AgentKeys.PACKAGE_PATH, buildInfo.packageURI); } propagatePythonExecutable(conf, instanceDefinition); // make any substitutions needed at this stage replaceTokens(appConf.getConfTree(), getUsername(), clustername); // providers to validate what there is AggregateConf instanceDescription = builder.getInstanceDescription(); validateInstanceDefinition(sliderAM, instanceDescription, sliderFileSystem); validateInstanceDefinition(provider, instanceDescription, sliderFileSystem); try { persistInstanceDefinition(overwrite, appconfdir, builder); } catch (LockAcquireFailedException e) { log.warn("Failed to get a Lock on {} : {}", builder, e); throw new BadClusterStateException("Failed to save " + clustername + ": " + e); } } protected void persistInstanceDefinition(boolean overwrite, Path appconfdir, InstanceBuilder builder) throws IOException, SliderException, LockAcquireFailedException { builder.persist(appconfdir, overwrite); } @VisibleForTesting public static void replaceTokens(ConfTree conf, String userName, String clusterName) throws IOException { Map<String, String> newglobal = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : { newglobal.put(entry.getKey(), replaceTokens(entry.getValue(), userName, clusterName)); }; Map<String, List<String>> newcred = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : conf.credentials.entrySet()) { List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String v : entry.getValue()) { resultList.add(replaceTokens(v, userName, clusterName)); } newcred.put(replaceTokens(entry.getKey(), userName, clusterName), resultList); } conf.credentials.clear(); conf.credentials.putAll(newcred); } private static String replaceTokens(String s, String userName, String clusterName) throws IOException { return s.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${USER}"), userName).replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${USER_NAME}"), userName) .replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${CLUSTER_NAME}"), clusterName); } public FsPermission getClusterDirectoryPermissions(Configuration conf) { String clusterDirPermsOct = conf.get(CLUSTER_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS, DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS); return new FsPermission(clusterDirPermsOct); } /** * Verify that the Resource Manager is configured (on a non-HA cluster). * with a useful error message * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException the exception raised on an invalid config */ public void verifyBindingsDefined() throws BadCommandArgumentsException { InetSocketAddress rmAddr = SliderUtils.getRmAddress(getConfig()); if (!getConfig().getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_HA_ENABLED, false) && !SliderUtils.isAddressDefined(rmAddr)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("No valid Resource Manager address provided in the argument " + Arguments.ARG_MANAGER + " or the configuration property " + YarnConfiguration.RM_ADDRESS + " value :" + rmAddr); } } /** * Load and start a cluster specification. * This assumes that all validation of args and cluster state * have already taken place * * @param clustername name of the cluster. * @param launchArgs launch arguments * @return the exit code * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ private int startCluster(String clustername, LaunchArgsAccessor launchArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(clustername); AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(clustername, clusterDirectory); LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = launchApplication(clustername, clusterDirectory, instanceDefinition, serviceArgs.isDebug()); applicationId = launchedApplication.getApplicationId(); if (launchArgs.getOutputFile() != null) { // output file has been requested. Get the app report and serialize it ApplicationReport report = launchedApplication.getApplicationReport(); SerializedApplicationReport sar = new SerializedApplicationReport(report); sar.submitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ApplicationReportSerDeser serDeser = new ApplicationReportSerDeser();, launchArgs.getOutputFile()); } int waittime = launchArgs.getWaittime(); if (waittime > 0) { return waitForAppRunning(launchedApplication, waittime, waittime); } else { // no waiting return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } /** * Load the instance definition. It is not resolved at this point * @param name cluster name * @param clusterDirectory cluster dir * @return the loaded configuration * @throws IOException * @throws SliderException * @throws UnknownApplicationInstanceException if the file is not found */ public AggregateConf loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(String name, Path clusterDirectory) throws IOException, SliderException { try { AggregateConf definition = InstanceIO.loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(sliderFileSystem, clusterDirectory); definition.setName(name); return definition; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw UnknownApplicationInstanceException.unknownInstance(name, e); } } /** * Load the instance definition. * @param name cluster name * @param resolved flag to indicate the cluster should be resolved * @return the loaded configuration * @throws IOException IO problems * @throws SliderException slider explicit issues * @throws UnknownApplicationInstanceException if the file is not found */ public AggregateConf loadInstanceDefinition(String name, boolean resolved) throws IOException, SliderException { Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(name); AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(name, clusterDirectory); if (resolved) { instanceDefinition.resolve(); } return instanceDefinition; } /** * * @param clustername name of the cluster * @param clusterDirectory cluster dir * @param instanceDefinition the instance definition * @param debugAM enable debug AM options * @return the launched application * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ public LaunchedApplication launchApplication(String clustername, Path clusterDirectory, AggregateConf instanceDefinition, boolean debugAM) throws YarnException, IOException { deployedClusterName = clustername; SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); verifyNoLiveClusters(clustername, "Launch"); Configuration config = getConfig(); lookupZKQuorum(); boolean clusterSecure = SliderUtils.isHadoopClusterSecure(config); //create the Slider AM provider -this helps set up the AM SliderAMClientProvider sliderAM = new SliderAMClientProvider(config); instanceDefinition.resolve(); launchedInstanceDefinition = instanceDefinition; ConfTreeOperations internalOperations = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations(); MapOperations internalOptions = internalOperations.getGlobalOptions(); ConfTreeOperations resourceOperations = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations(); ConfTreeOperations appOperations = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations(); Path generatedConfDirPath = createPathThatMustExist( internalOptions.getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_GENERATED_CONF_PATH)); Path snapshotConfPath = createPathThatMustExist( internalOptions.getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT_CONF_PATH)); // cluster Provider AbstractClientProvider provider = createClientProvider( internalOptions.getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_PROVIDER_NAME)); // make sure the conf dir is valid; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(instanceDefinition.toString()); } MapOperations sliderAMResourceComponent = resourceOperations.getOrAddComponent(SliderKeys.COMPONENT_AM); MapOperations resourceGlobalOptions = resourceOperations.getGlobalOptions(); // add the tags if available Set<String> applicationTags = provider.getApplicationTags(sliderFileSystem, appOperations.getGlobalOptions().get(AgentKeys.APP_DEF)); AppMasterLauncher amLauncher = new AppMasterLauncher(clustername, SliderKeys.APP_TYPE, config, sliderFileSystem, yarnClient, clusterSecure, sliderAMResourceComponent, resourceGlobalOptions, applicationTags); ApplicationId appId = amLauncher.getApplicationId(); // set the application name; amLauncher.setKeepContainersOverRestarts(true); int maxAppAttempts = config.getInt(KEY_AM_RESTART_LIMIT, 0); amLauncher.setMaxAppAttempts(maxAppAttempts); sliderFileSystem.purgeAppInstanceTempFiles(clustername); Path tempPath = sliderFileSystem.createAppInstanceTempPath(clustername, appId.toString() + "/am"); String libdir = "lib"; Path libPath = new Path(tempPath, libdir); sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().mkdirs(libPath); log.debug("FS={}, tempPath={}, libdir={}", sliderFileSystem.toString(), tempPath, libPath); // set local resources for the application master // local files or archives as needed // In this scenario, the jar file for the application master is part of the local resources Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = amLauncher.getLocalResources(); // look for the configuration directory named on the command line boolean hasServerLog4jProperties = false; Path remoteConfPath = null; String relativeConfDir = null; String confdirProp = System.getProperty(SliderKeys.PROPERTY_CONF_DIR); if (confdirProp == null || confdirProp.isEmpty()) { log.debug("No local configuration directory provided as system property"); } else { File confDir = new File(confdirProp); if (!confDir.exists()) { throw new BadConfigException(E_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND, confDir); } Path localConfDirPath = SliderUtils.createLocalPath(confDir); remoteConfPath = new Path(clusterDirectory, SliderKeys.SUBMITTED_CONF_DIR); log.debug("Slider configuration directory is {}; remote to be {}", localConfDirPath, remoteConfPath); SliderUtils.copyDirectory(config, localConfDirPath, remoteConfPath, null); File log4jserver = new File(confDir, SliderKeys.LOG4J_SERVER_PROP_FILENAME); hasServerLog4jProperties = log4jserver.isFile(); } // the assumption here is that minimr cluster => this is a test run // and the classpath can look after itself boolean usingMiniMRCluster = getUsingMiniMRCluster(); if (!usingMiniMRCluster) { log.debug("Destination is not a MiniYARNCluster -copying full classpath"); // insert conf dir first if (remoteConfPath != null) { relativeConfDir = SliderKeys.SUBMITTED_CONF_DIR; Map<String, LocalResource> submittedConfDir = sliderFileSystem.submitDirectory(remoteConfPath, relativeConfDir); SliderUtils.mergeMaps(localResources, submittedConfDir); } } // build up the configuration // IMPORTANT: it is only after this call that site configurations // will be valid. propagatePrincipals(config, instanceDefinition); // validate security data /* // turned off until tested SecurityConfiguration securityConfiguration = new SecurityConfiguration(config, instanceDefinition, clustername); */ Configuration clientConfExtras = new Configuration(false); // then build up the generated path. FsPermission clusterPerms = getClusterDirectoryPermissions(config); SliderUtils.copyDirectory(config, snapshotConfPath, generatedConfDirPath, clusterPerms); // standard AM resources sliderAM.prepareAMAndConfigForLaunch(sliderFileSystem, config, amLauncher, instanceDefinition, snapshotConfPath, generatedConfDirPath, clientConfExtras, libdir, tempPath, usingMiniMRCluster); //add provider-specific resources provider.prepareAMAndConfigForLaunch(sliderFileSystem, config, amLauncher, instanceDefinition, snapshotConfPath, generatedConfDirPath, clientConfExtras, libdir, tempPath, usingMiniMRCluster); // now that the site config is fully generated, the provider gets // to do a quick review of them. log.debug("Preflight validation of cluster configuration"); sliderAM.preflightValidateClusterConfiguration(sliderFileSystem, clustername, config, instanceDefinition, clusterDirectory, generatedConfDirPath, clusterSecure); provider.preflightValidateClusterConfiguration(sliderFileSystem, clustername, config, instanceDefinition, clusterDirectory, generatedConfDirPath, clusterSecure); // TODO: consider supporting apps that don't have an image path Path imagePath = SliderUtils.extractImagePath(sliderFileSystem, internalOptions); if (sliderFileSystem.maybeAddImagePath(localResources, imagePath)) { log.debug("Registered image path {}", imagePath); } // build the environment amLauncher.putEnv(SliderUtils.buildEnvMap(sliderAMResourceComponent)); ClasspathConstructor classpath = SliderUtils.buildClasspath(relativeConfDir, libdir, getConfig(), usingMiniMRCluster); amLauncher.setClasspath(classpath); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("AM classpath={}", classpath); log.debug("Environment Map:\n{}", SliderUtils.stringifyMap(amLauncher.getEnv())); log.debug("Files in lib path\n{}", sliderFileSystem.listFSDir(libPath)); } // rm address InetSocketAddress rmSchedulerAddress; try { rmSchedulerAddress = SliderUtils.getRmSchedulerAddress(config); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadConfigException("%s Address invalid: %s", YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS, config.get(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS)); } String rmAddr = NetUtils.getHostPortString(rmSchedulerAddress); JavaCommandLineBuilder commandLine = new JavaCommandLineBuilder(); // insert any JVM options); sliderAM.addJVMOptions(instanceDefinition, commandLine); // enable asserts if the text option is set commandLine.enableJavaAssertions(); // if the conf dir has a, switch to that if (hasServerLog4jProperties) { commandLine.sysprop(SYSPROP_LOG4J_CONFIGURATION, LOG4J_SERVER_PROP_FILENAME); commandLine.sysprop(SYSPROP_LOG_DIR, ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR); } // add the AM sevice entry point commandLine.add(SliderAppMaster.SERVICE_CLASSNAME); // create action and the cluster name commandLine.add(ACTION_CREATE, clustername); // debug if (debugAM) { commandLine.add(Arguments.ARG_DEBUG); } // set the cluster directory path commandLine.add(Arguments.ARG_CLUSTER_URI, clusterDirectory.toUri()); if (!isUnset(rmAddr)) { commandLine.add(Arguments.ARG_RM_ADDR, rmAddr); } if (serviceArgs.getFilesystemBinding() != null) { commandLine.add(Arguments.ARG_FILESYSTEM, serviceArgs.getFilesystemBinding()); } /** * pass the registry binding */ addConfOptionToCLI(commandLine, config, REGISTRY_PATH, DEFAULT_REGISTRY_PATH); addMandatoryConfOptionToCLI(commandLine, config, RegistryConstants.KEY_REGISTRY_ZK_QUORUM); if (clusterSecure) { // if the cluster is secure, make sure that // the relevant security settings go over /* addConfOptionToCLI(commandLine, config, KEY_SECURITY); */ addConfOptionToCLI(commandLine, config, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY); } // write out the path output commandLine.addOutAndErrFiles(STDOUT_AM, STDERR_AM); String cmdStr =; log.debug("Completed setting up app master command {}", cmdStr); amLauncher.addCommandLine(commandLine); // the Slider AM gets to configure the AM requirements, not the custom provider sliderAM.prepareAMResourceRequirements(sliderAMResourceComponent, amLauncher.getResource()); // Set the priority for the application master int amPriority = config.getInt(KEY_YARN_QUEUE_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_YARN_QUEUE_PRIORITY); amLauncher.setPriority(amPriority); // Set the queue to which this application is to be submitted in the RM // Queue for App master String amQueue = config.get(KEY_YARN_QUEUE, DEFAULT_YARN_QUEUE); String suppliedQueue = internalOperations.getGlobalOptions().get(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_QUEUE); if (!SliderUtils.isUnset(suppliedQueue)) { amQueue = suppliedQueue;"Using queue {} for the application instance.", amQueue); } if (amQueue != null) { amLauncher.setQueue(amQueue); } // submit the application LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = amLauncher.submitApplication(); return launchedApplication; } private void propagatePythonExecutable(Configuration config, AggregateConf instanceDefinition) { String pythonExec = config.get(SliderXmlConfKeys.PYTHON_EXECUTABLE_PATH); if (pythonExec != null) { instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions() .putIfUnset(SliderXmlConfKeys.PYTHON_EXECUTABLE_PATH, pythonExec); } } /** * Wait for the launched app to be accepted in the time * and, optionally running. * <p> * If the application * * @param launchedApplication application * @param acceptWaitMillis time in millis to wait for accept * @param runWaitMillis time in millis to wait for the app to be running. * May be null, in which case no wait takes place * @return exit code: success * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ public int waitForAppRunning(LaunchedApplication launchedApplication, int acceptWaitMillis, int runWaitMillis) throws YarnException, IOException { assert launchedApplication != null; int exitCode; // wait for the submit state to be reached ApplicationReport report = launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.ACCEPTED, new Duration(acceptWaitMillis)); // may have failed, so check that if (SliderUtils.hasAppFinished(report)) { exitCode = buildExitCode(report); } else { // exit unless there is a wait if (runWaitMillis != 0) { // waiting for state to change Duration duration = new Duration(runWaitMillis * 1000); duration.start(); report = launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, duration); if (report != null && report.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) { exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { exitCode = buildExitCode(report); } } else { exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; } } return exitCode; } /** * Propagate any critical principals from the current site config down to the HBase one. * @param config config to read from * @param clusterSpec cluster spec */ private void propagatePrincipals(Configuration config, AggregateConf clusterSpec) { String dfsPrincipal = config.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY); if (dfsPrincipal != null) { String siteDfsPrincipal = OptionKeys.SITE_XML_PREFIX + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY; clusterSpec.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions().putIfUnset(siteDfsPrincipal, dfsPrincipal); } } private boolean addConfOptionToCLI(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, Configuration conf, String key) { String val = conf.get(key); return defineIfSet(cmdLine, key, val); } private String addConfOptionToCLI(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, Configuration conf, String key, String defVal) { String val = conf.get(key, defVal); define(cmdLine, key, val); return val; } /** * Add a <code>-D key=val</code> command to the CLI * @param cmdLine command line * @param key key * @param val value */ private void define(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, String key, String val) { Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null, "null key"); Preconditions.checkArgument(val != null, "null value"); cmdLine.add(Arguments.ARG_DEFINE, key + "=" + val); } /** * Add a <code>-D key=val</code> command to the CLI if <code>val</code> * is not null * @param cmdLine command line * @param key key * @param val value */ private boolean defineIfSet(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, String key, String val) { Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null, "null key"); if (val != null) { define(cmdLine, key, val); return true; } else { return false; } } private void addMandatoryConfOptionToCLI(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, Configuration conf, String key) throws BadConfigException { if (!addConfOptionToCLI(cmdLine, conf, key)) { throw new BadConfigException("Missing configuration option: " + key); } } /** * Create a path that must exist in the cluster fs * @param uri uri to create * @return the path * @throws FileNotFoundException if the path does not exist */ public Path createPathThatMustExist(String uri) throws SliderException, IOException { return sliderFileSystem.createPathThatMustExist(uri); } /** * verify that a live cluster isn't there * @param clustername cluster name * @param action * @throws SliderException with exit code EXIT_CLUSTER_LIVE * if a cluster of that name is either live or starting up. */ public void verifyNoLiveClusters(String clustername, String action) throws IOException, YarnException { List<ApplicationReport> existing = findAllLiveInstances(clustername); if (!existing.isEmpty()) { throw new SliderException(EXIT_APPLICATION_IN_USE, action + " failed for " + clustername + ": " + E_CLUSTER_RUNNING + " :" + existing.get(0)); } } public String getUsername() throws IOException { return RegistryUtils.currentUser(); } /** * Get the name of any deployed cluster * @return the cluster name */ public String getDeployedClusterName() { return deployedClusterName; } @VisibleForTesting public void setDeployedClusterName(String deployedClusterName) { this.deployedClusterName = deployedClusterName; } /** * ask if the client is using a mini MR cluster * @return true if they are */ private boolean getUsingMiniMRCluster() { return getConfig().getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.IS_MINI_YARN_CLUSTER, false); } /** * Get the application name used in the zookeeper root paths * @return an application-specific path in ZK */ private String getAppName() { return "slider"; } /** * Wait for the app to start running (or go past that state) * @param duration time to wait * @return the app report; null if the duration turned out * @throws YarnException YARN or app issues * @throws IOException IO problems */ @VisibleForTesting public ApplicationReport monitorAppToRunning(Duration duration) throws YarnException, IOException { return monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, duration); } /** * Build an exit code for an application from its report. * If the report parameter is null, its interpreted as a timeout * @param report report application report * @return the exit code * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ private int buildExitCode(ApplicationReport report) throws IOException, YarnException { if (null == report) { return EXIT_TIMED_OUT; } YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState(); FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus(); switch (state) { case FINISHED: if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {"Application has completed successfully"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else {"Application finished unsuccessfully." + "YarnState = {}, DSFinalStatus = {} Breaking monitoring loop", state, dsStatus); return EXIT_YARN_SERVICE_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR; } case KILLED:"Application did not finish. YarnState={}, DSFinalStatus={}", state, dsStatus); return EXIT_YARN_SERVICE_KILLED; case FAILED:"Application Failed. YarnState={}, DSFinalStatus={}", state, dsStatus); return EXIT_YARN_SERVICE_FAILED; default: //not in any of these states return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } /** * Monitor the submitted application for reaching the requested state. * Will also report if the app reaches a later state (failed, killed, etc) * Kill application if duration!= null & time expires. * Prerequisite: the applicatin was launched. * @param desiredState desired state. * @param duration how long to wait -must be more than 0 * @return the application report -null on a timeout * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ @VisibleForTesting public ApplicationReport monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState desiredState, Duration duration) throws YarnException, IOException { LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = new LaunchedApplication(applicationId, yarnClient); return launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(desiredState, duration); } @Override public ApplicationReport getApplicationReport() throws IOException, YarnException { return getApplicationReport(applicationId); } @Override public boolean forceKillApplication(String reason) throws YarnException, IOException { if (applicationId != null) { new LaunchedApplication(applicationId, yarnClient).forceKill(reason); return true; } return false; } /** * List Slider instances belonging to a specific user. This will include * failed and killed instances; there may be duplicates * @param user user: "" means all users, null means "default" * @return a possibly empty list of Slider AMs */ @VisibleForTesting public List<ApplicationReport> listSliderInstances(String user) throws YarnException, IOException { return YarnAppListClient.listInstances(user); } /** * A basic list action to list live instances * @param clustername cluster name * @return success if the listing was considered successful * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ public int actionList(String clustername) throws IOException, YarnException { ActionListArgs args = new ActionListArgs(); = true; return actionList(clustername, args); } /** * Implement the list action. * @param clustername List out specific instance name * @param args Action list arguments * @return 0 if one or more entries were listed * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException * @throws UnknownApplicationInstanceException if a specific instance * was named but it was not found */ @Override @VisibleForTesting public int actionList(String clustername, ActionListArgs args) throws IOException, YarnException { verifyBindingsDefined(); boolean live =; String state = args.state; boolean verbose = args.verbose; if (live && !state.isEmpty()) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException( Arguments.ARG_LIVE + " and " + Arguments.ARG_STATE + " are exclusive"); } // flag to indicate only services in a specific state are to be listed boolean listOnlyInState = live || !state.isEmpty(); YarnApplicationState min, max; if (live) { min = YarnApplicationState.NEW; max = YarnApplicationState.RUNNING; } else if (!state.isEmpty()) { YarnApplicationState stateVal = extractYarnApplicationState(state); min = max = stateVal; } else { min = YarnApplicationState.NEW; max = YarnApplicationState.KILLED; } // get the complete list of persistent instances Map<String, Path> persistentInstances = sliderFileSystem.listPersistentInstances(); if (persistentInstances.isEmpty() && isUnset(clustername)) { // an empty listing is a success if no cluster was named log.debug("No application instances found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // and those the RM knows about List<ApplicationReport> instances = listSliderInstances(null); SliderUtils.sortApplicationsByMostRecent(instances); Map<String, ApplicationReport> reportMap = SliderUtils.buildApplicationReportMap(instances, min, max); log.debug("Persisted {} deployed {} filtered[{}-{}] & de-duped to {}", persistentInstances.size(), instances.size(), min, max, reportMap.size()); if (isSet(clustername)) { // only one instance is expected // resolve the persistent value Path persistent = persistentInstances.get(clustername); if (persistent == null) { throw unknownClusterException(clustername); } // create a new map with only that instance in it. // this restricts the output of results to this instance persistentInstances = new HashMap<String, Path>(); persistentInstances.put(clustername, persistent); } // at this point there is either the entire list or a stripped down instance int listed = 0; for (String name : persistentInstances.keySet()) { ApplicationReport report = reportMap.get(name); if (!listOnlyInState || report != null) { // list the details if all were requested, or the filtering contained // a report listed++; String details = instanceDetailsToString(name, report, verbose); print(details); } } return listed > 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FALSE; } /** * Convert the instance details of an application to a string * @param name instance name * @param report the application report * @param verbose verbose output * @return a string */ String instanceDetailsToString(String name, ApplicationReport report, boolean verbose) { // format strings String staticf = "%-30s"; String reportedf = staticf + " %10s %-40s"; String livef = reportedf + " %s"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(200); if (report == null) { builder.append(String.format(staticf, name)); } else { // there's a report to look at String appId = report.getApplicationId().toString(); String state = report.getYarnApplicationState().toString(); if (report.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) { // running: there's a URL builder.append(String.format(livef, name, state, appId, report.getTrackingUrl())); } else { builder.append(String.format(reportedf, name, state, appId)); } if (verbose) { builder.append('\n'); builder.append(SliderUtils.appReportToString(report, "\n ")); } } builder.append('\n'); return builder.toString(); } /** * Extract the state of a Yarn application --state argument * @param state state argument * @return the application state * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException if the argument did not match * any known state */ private YarnApplicationState extractYarnApplicationState(String state) throws BadCommandArgumentsException { YarnApplicationState stateVal; try { stateVal = YarnApplicationState.valueOf(state.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Unknown state: " + state); } return stateVal; } /** * Is an application active: accepted or running * @param report the application report * @return true if it is running or scheduled to run. */ public boolean isApplicationActive(ApplicationReport report) { return report.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING || report.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.ACCEPTED; } /** * Implement the islive action: probe for a cluster of the given name existing * @return exit code */ @Override @VisibleForTesting public int actionFlex(String name, ActionFlexArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); SliderUtils.validateClusterName(name); log.debug("actionFlex({})", name); Map<String, Integer> roleInstances = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, String> roleMap = args.getComponentMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> roleEntry : roleMap.entrySet()) { String key = roleEntry.getKey(); String val = roleEntry.getValue(); try { roleInstances.put(key, Integer.valueOf(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Requested count of role %s" + " is not a number: \"%s\"", key, val); } } return flex(name, roleInstances); } @Override public int actionExists(String name, boolean checkLive) throws YarnException, IOException { ActionExistsArgs args = new ActionExistsArgs(); = checkLive; return actionExists(name, args); } public int actionExists(String name, ActionExistsArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); SliderUtils.validateClusterName(name); boolean checkLive =; log.debug("actionExists({}, {}, {})", name, checkLive, args.state); //initial probe for a cluster in the filesystem Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(name); if (!sliderFileSystem.getFileSystem().exists(clusterDirectory)) { throw unknownClusterException(name); } String state = args.state; if (!checkLive && SliderUtils.isUnset(state)) {"Application {} exists", name); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //test for liveness/state boolean inDesiredState = false; ApplicationReport instance; instance = findInstance(name); if (instance == null) {"Application {} not running", name); return EXIT_FALSE; } if (checkLive) { // the app exists, check that it is not in any terminated state YarnApplicationState appstate = instance.getYarnApplicationState(); log.debug(" current app state = {}", appstate); inDesiredState = appstate.ordinal() < YarnApplicationState.FINISHED.ordinal(); } else { // scan for instance in single --state state List<ApplicationReport> userInstances = yarnClient.listInstances(""); state = state.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); YarnApplicationState desiredState = extractYarnApplicationState(state); ApplicationReport foundInstance = yarnClient.findAppInInstanceList(userInstances, name, desiredState); if (foundInstance != null) { // found in selected state: success inDesiredState = true; // mark this as the instance to report instance = foundInstance; } } SliderUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier report = new SliderUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier(instance); if (!inDesiredState) { //cluster in the list of apps but not running"Application {} found but is in wrong state {}", name, instance.getYarnApplicationState()); log.debug("State {}", report); return EXIT_FALSE; } else { log.debug("Application instance is in desired state");"Application {} is {}\n{}", name, instance.getYarnApplicationState(), report); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } @Override public int actionKillContainer(String name, ActionKillContainerArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { String id =; if (SliderUtils.isUnset(id)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Missing container id"); }"killingContainer {}:{}", name, id); SliderClusterOperations clusterOps = new SliderClusterOperations(bondToCluster(name)); try { clusterOps.killContainer(id); } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { throw new BadClusterStateException("Container %s not found in cluster %s", id, name); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public String actionEcho(String name, ActionEchoArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { String message = args.message; if (message == null) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("missing message"); } SliderClusterOperations clusterOps = new SliderClusterOperations(bondToCluster(name)); return clusterOps.echo(message); } /** * Get at the service registry operations * @return registry client -valid after the service is inited. */ public YarnAppListClient getYarnAppListClient() { return YarnAppListClient; } /** * Find an instance of an application belonging to the current user * @param appname application name * @return the app report or null if none is found * @throws YarnException YARN issues * @throws IOException IO problems */ private ApplicationReport findInstance(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException { return YarnAppListClient.findInstance(appname); } private RunningApplication findApplication(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException { ApplicationReport applicationReport = findInstance(appname); return applicationReport != null ? new RunningApplication(yarnClient, applicationReport) : null; } /** * find all live instances of a specific app -if there is >1 in the cluster, * this returns them all. State should be running or less * @param appname application name * @return the list of all matching application instances */ private List<ApplicationReport> findAllLiveInstances(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException { return YarnAppListClient.findAllLiveInstances(appname); } /** * Connect to a Slider AM * @param app application report providing the details on the application * @return an instance * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ private SliderClusterProtocol connect(ApplicationReport app) throws YarnException, IOException { try { return RpcBinder.getProxy(getConfig(), yarnClient.getRmClient(), app, Constants.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, Constants.RPC_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SliderException(SliderExitCodes.EXIT_TIMED_OUT, e, "Interrupted waiting for communications with the Slider AM"); } } @Override @VisibleForTesting public int actionStatus(String clustername, ActionStatusArgs statusArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); String outfile = statusArgs.getOutput(); ClusterDescription status = getClusterDescription(clustername); String text = status.toJsonString(); if (outfile == null) {; } else { File(outfile).getAbsoluteFile()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionVersion() { SliderVersionInfo.loadAndPrintVersionInfo(log); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionFreeze(String clustername, ActionFreezeArgs freezeArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); int waittime = freezeArgs.getWaittime(); String text = freezeArgs.message; boolean forcekill = freezeArgs.force; log.debug("actionFreeze({}, reason={}, wait={}, force={})", clustername, text, waittime, forcekill); //is this actually a known cluster? sliderFileSystem.locateInstanceDefinition(clustername); ApplicationReport app = findInstance(clustername); if (app == null) { // exit early"Cluster {} not running", clustername); // not an error to stop a stopped cluster return EXIT_SUCCESS; } log.debug("App to stop was found: {}:\n{}", clustername, new SliderUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier(app)); if (app.getYarnApplicationState().ordinal() >= YarnApplicationState.FINISHED.ordinal()) {"Cluster {} is a terminated state {}", clustername, app.getYarnApplicationState()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // IPC request for a managed shutdown is only possible if the app is running. // so we need to force kill if the app is accepted or submitted if (!forcekill && app.getYarnApplicationState().ordinal() < YarnApplicationState.RUNNING.ordinal()) {"Cluster {} is in a pre-running state {}. Force killing it", clustername, app.getYarnApplicationState()); forcekill = true; } LaunchedApplication application = new LaunchedApplication(yarnClient, app); applicationId = application.getApplicationId(); if (forcekill) { // escalating to forced kill application.kill("Forced stop of " + clustername + ": " + text); } else { try { SliderClusterProtocol appMaster = connect(app); Messages.StopClusterRequestProto r = Messages.StopClusterRequestProto.newBuilder().setMessage(text) .build(); appMaster.stopCluster(r); log.debug("Cluster stop command issued"); } catch (YarnException e) { log.warn("Exception while trying to terminate {}: {}", clustername, e); return EXIT_FALSE; } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception while trying to terminate {}: {}", clustername, e); return EXIT_FALSE; } } //wait for completion. We don't currently return an exception during this process //as the stop operation has been issued, this is just YARN. try { if (waittime > 0) { ApplicationReport applicationReport = application.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.FINISHED, new Duration(waittime * 1000)); if (applicationReport == null) {"application did not shut down in time"); return EXIT_FALSE; } } // JDK7 } catch (YarnException | IOException e) { } catch (YarnException e) { log.warn("Exception while waiting for the application {} to shut down: {}", clustername, e); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception while waiting for the application {} to shut down: {}", clustername, e); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionThaw(String clustername, ActionThawArgs thaw) throws YarnException, IOException { SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); verifyBindingsDefined(); // see if it is actually running and bail out; verifyNoLiveClusters(clustername, "Start"); //start the cluster return startCluster(clustername, thaw); } /** * Implement flexing * @param clustername name of the cluster * @param roleInstances map of new role instances * @return EXIT_SUCCESS if the #of nodes in a live cluster changed * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ public int flex(String clustername, Map<String, Integer> roleInstances) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); SliderUtils.validateClusterName(clustername); Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(clustername); AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(clustername, clusterDirectory); ConfTreeOperations resources = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : roleInstances.entrySet()) { String role = entry.getKey(); int count = entry.getValue(); resources.getOrAddComponent(role).put(ResourceKeys.COMPONENT_INSTANCES, Integer.toString(count)); log.debug("Flexed cluster specification ( {} -> {}) : \n{}", role, count, resources); } SliderAMClientProvider sliderAM = new SliderAMClientProvider(getConfig()); AbstractClientProvider provider = createClientProvider(instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations() .getGlobalOptions().getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_PROVIDER_NAME)); // slider provider to validate what there is validateInstanceDefinition(sliderAM, instanceDefinition, sliderFileSystem); validateInstanceDefinition(provider, instanceDefinition, sliderFileSystem); int exitCode = EXIT_FALSE; // save the specification try { InstanceIO.updateInstanceDefinition(sliderFileSystem, clusterDirectory, instanceDefinition); } catch (LockAcquireFailedException e) { // lock failure log.debug("Failed to lock dir {}", clusterDirectory, e); log.warn("Failed to save new resource definition to {} : {}", clusterDirectory, e); } // now see if it is actually running and tell it about the update if it is ApplicationReport instance = findInstance(clustername); if (instance != null) {"Flexing running cluster"); SliderClusterProtocol appMaster = connect(instance); SliderClusterOperations clusterOps = new SliderClusterOperations(appMaster); clusterOps.flex(instanceDefinition.getResources());"application instance size updated"); exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; } else {"No running instance to update"); } return exitCode; } /** * Validate an instance definition against a provider. * @param provider the provider performing the validation * @param instanceDefinition the instance definition * @throws SliderException if invalid. */ protected void validateInstanceDefinition(AbstractClientProvider provider, AggregateConf instanceDefinition, SliderFileSystem fs) throws SliderException { try { provider.validateInstanceDefinition(instanceDefinition, fs); } catch (SliderException e) { //problem, reject it"Error {} validating application instance definition ", e.getMessage()); log.debug("Error validating application instance definition ", e);; throw e; } } /** * Load the persistent cluster description * @param clustername name of the cluster * @return the description in the filesystem * @throws IOException any problems loading -including a missing file */ @VisibleForTesting public AggregateConf loadPersistedClusterDescription(String clustername) throws IOException, SliderException, LockAcquireFailedException { Path clusterDirectory = sliderFileSystem.buildClusterDirPath(clustername); ConfPersister persister = new ConfPersister(sliderFileSystem, clusterDirectory); AggregateConf instanceDescription = new AggregateConf(); persister.load(instanceDescription); return instanceDescription; } /** * Connect to a live cluster and get its current state * @param clustername the cluster name * @return its description */ @VisibleForTesting public ClusterDescription getClusterDescription(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException { SliderClusterOperations clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clustername); return clusterOperations.getClusterDescription(); } /** * Connect to the cluster and get its current state * @return its description */ @VisibleForTesting public ClusterDescription getClusterDescription() throws YarnException, IOException { return getClusterDescription(getDeployedClusterName()); } /** * List all node UUIDs in a role * @param role role name or "" for all * @return an array of UUID strings * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ @VisibleForTesting public String[] listNodeUUIDsByRole(String role) throws IOException, YarnException { return createClusterOperations().listNodeUUIDsByRole(role); } /** * List all nodes in a role. This is a double round trip: once to list * the nodes in a role, another to get their details * @param role component/role to look for * @return an array of ContainerNode instances * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ @VisibleForTesting public List<ClusterNode> listClusterNodesInRole(String role) throws IOException, YarnException { return createClusterOperations().listClusterNodesInRole(role); } /** * Get the details on a list of uuids * @param uuids uuids to ask for * @return a possibly empty list of node details * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ @VisibleForTesting public List<ClusterNode> listClusterNodes(String[] uuids) throws IOException, YarnException { if (uuids.length == 0) { // short cut on an empty list return new LinkedList<ClusterNode>(); } return createClusterOperations().listClusterNodes(uuids); } /** * Get a node from the AM * @param uuid uuid of node * @return deserialized node * @throws IOException IO problems * @throws NoSuchNodeException if the node isn't found */ @VisibleForTesting public ClusterNode getNode(String uuid) throws IOException, YarnException { return createClusterOperations().getNode(uuid); } /** * Get the instance definition from the far end */ @VisibleForTesting public AggregateConf getLiveInstanceDefinition() throws IOException, YarnException { return createClusterOperations().getInstanceDefinition(); } /** * Bond to a running cluster * @param clustername cluster name * @return the AM RPC client * @throws SliderException if the cluster is unkown */ private SliderClusterProtocol bondToCluster(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException { verifyBindingsDefined(); if (clustername == null) { throw unknownClusterException("(undefined)"); } ApplicationReport instance = findInstance(clustername); if (null == instance) { throw unknownClusterException(clustername); } return connect(instance); } /** * Create a cluster operations instance against a given cluster * @param clustername cluster name * @return a bonded cluster operations instance * @throws YarnException YARN issues * @throws IOException IO problems */ private SliderClusterOperations createClusterOperations(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException { SliderClusterProtocol sliderAM = bondToCluster(clustername); return new SliderClusterOperations(sliderAM); } /** * Create a cluster operations instance against the active cluster * -returning any previous created one if held. * @return a bonded cluster operations instance * @throws YarnException YARN issues * @throws IOException IO problems */ public SliderClusterOperations createClusterOperations() throws YarnException, IOException { if (sliderClusterOperations == null) { sliderClusterOperations = createClusterOperations(getDeployedClusterName()); } return sliderClusterOperations; } /** * Wait for an instance of a named role to be live (or past it in the lifecycle) * @param role role to look for * @param timeout time to wait * @return the state. If still in CREATED, the cluster didn't come up * in the time period. If LIVE, all is well. If >LIVE, it has shut for a reason * @throws IOException IO * @throws SliderException Slider * @throws WaitTimeoutException if the wait timed out */ @VisibleForTesting public int waitForRoleInstanceLive(String role, long timeout) throws WaitTimeoutException, IOException, YarnException { return createClusterOperations().waitForRoleInstanceLive(role, timeout); } /** * Generate an exception for an unknown cluster * @param clustername cluster name * @return an exception with text and a relevant exit code */ public UnknownApplicationInstanceException unknownClusterException(String clustername) { return UnknownApplicationInstanceException.unknownInstance(clustername); } @Override public String toString() { return "Slider Client in state " + getServiceState() + " and Slider Application Instance " + deployedClusterName; } /** * Get all YARN applications * @return a possibly empty list * @throws YarnException * @throws IOException */ @VisibleForTesting public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications() throws YarnException, IOException { return yarnClient.getApplications(); } @VisibleForTesting public ApplicationReport getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException { return new LaunchedApplication(appId, yarnClient).getApplicationReport(); } /** * The configuration used for deployment (after resolution) * @return */ @VisibleForTesting public AggregateConf getLaunchedInstanceDefinition() { return launchedInstanceDefinition; } @Override public int actionResolve(ActionResolveArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException { // as this is an API entry point, validate // the arguments args.validate(); RegistryOperations operations = getRegistryOperations(); String path = SliderRegistryUtils.resolvePath(args.path); ServiceRecordMarshal serviceRecordMarshal = new ServiceRecordMarshal(); try { if (args.list) { File destDir = args.destdir; if (destDir != null) { destDir.mkdirs(); } Map<String, ServiceRecord> recordMap; Map<String, RegistryPathStatus> znodes; try { znodes = statChildren(registryOperations, path); recordMap = extractServiceRecords(registryOperations, path, znodes.values()); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { // treat the root directory as if if is always there if ("/".equals(path)) { znodes = new HashMap<String, RegistryPathStatus>(0); recordMap = new HashMap<String, ServiceRecord>(0); } else { throw e; } } // subtract all records from the znodes map to get pure directories"Entries: {}", znodes.size()); for (String name : znodes.keySet()) { println(" " + name); } println("");"Service records: {}", recordMap.size()); for (Entry<String, ServiceRecord> recordEntry : recordMap.entrySet()) { String name = recordEntry.getKey(); ServiceRecord instance = recordEntry.getValue(); String json = serviceRecordMarshal.toJson(instance); if (destDir == null) { println(name); println(json); } else { String filename = RegistryPathUtils.lastPathEntry(name) + ".json"; File jsonFile = new File(destDir, filename); SliderUtils.write(jsonFile, serviceRecordMarshal.toBytes(instance), true); } } } else { // resolve single entry ServiceRecord instance = resolve(path); File outFile = args.out; if (args.destdir != null) { outFile = new File(args.destdir, RegistryPathUtils.lastPathEntry(path)); } if (outFile != null) { SliderUtils.write(outFile, serviceRecordMarshal.toBytes(instance), true); } else { println(serviceRecordMarshal.toJson(instance)); } } // TODO JDK7 } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { // no record at this path throw new NotFoundException(e, path); } catch (NoRecordException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e, path); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } @Override public int actionRegistry(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { // as this is also a test entry point, validate // the arguments registryArgs.validate(); try { if (registryArgs.list) { actionRegistryList(registryArgs); } else if (registryArgs.listConf) { // list the configurations actionRegistryListConfigsYarn(registryArgs); } else if (registryArgs.listExports) { // list the exports actionRegistryListExports(registryArgs); } else if (SliderUtils.isSet(registryArgs.getConf)) { // get a configuration PublishedConfiguration publishedConfiguration = actionRegistryGetConfig(registryArgs); outputConfig(publishedConfiguration, registryArgs); } else if (SliderUtils.isSet(registryArgs.getExport)) { // get a export group PublishedExports publishedExports = actionRegistryGetExport(registryArgs); outputExport(publishedExports, registryArgs); } else { // it's an unknown command, ACTION_DIAGNOSTICS)); return EXIT_USAGE; } // JDK7 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"{}", e); log.debug("{}", e, e); return EXIT_NOT_FOUND; } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {"{}", e); log.debug("{}", e, e); return EXIT_NOT_FOUND; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * Registry operation * * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * @return the instances (for tests) * @throws YarnException YARN problems * @throws IOException Network or other problems */ @VisibleForTesting public Collection<ServiceRecord> actionRegistryList(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { String serviceType = registryArgs.serviceType; String name =; RegistryOperations operations = getRegistryOperations(); Collection<ServiceRecord> serviceRecords; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { String path = serviceclassPath(currentUser(), serviceType); try { Map<String, ServiceRecord> recordMap = listServiceRecords(operations, path); if (recordMap.isEmpty()) { throw new UnknownApplicationInstanceException("No applications registered under " + path); } serviceRecords = recordMap.values(); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { throw new NotFoundException(path, e); } } else { ServiceRecord instance = lookupServiceRecord(registryArgs); serviceRecords = new ArrayList<ServiceRecord>(1); serviceRecords.add(instance); } for (ServiceRecord serviceRecord : serviceRecords) { logInstance(serviceRecord, registryArgs.verbose); } return serviceRecords; } @Override public int actionDiagnostic(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) { try { if (diagnosticArgs.client) { actionDiagnosticClient(diagnosticArgs); } else if (diagnosticArgs.application) { actionDiagnosticApplication(diagnosticArgs); } else if (diagnosticArgs.yarn) { actionDiagnosticYarn(diagnosticArgs); } else if (diagnosticArgs.credentials) { actionDiagnosticCredentials(); } else if (diagnosticArgs.all) { actionDiagnosticAll(diagnosticArgs); } else if (diagnosticArgs.level) { actionDiagnosticIntelligent(diagnosticArgs); } else { // it's an unknown option, ACTION_DIAGNOSTICS)); return EXIT_USAGE; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString()); return EXIT_FALSE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } private void actionDiagnosticIntelligent(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws YarnException, IOException, URISyntaxException { // not using member variable clustername because we want to place // application name after --application option and member variable // cluster name has to be put behind action String clusterName =; if (SliderUtils.isUnset(clusterName)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("application name must be provided with --name option"); } try { SliderUtils.validateClientConfigFile();"Slider-client.xml is accessible"); } catch (IOException e) { // we are catching exceptions here because those are indication of // validation result, and we need to print them here log.error("validation of slider-client.xml fails because: " + e.toString(), e); return; } SliderClusterOperations clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clusterName); // cluster not found exceptions will be thrown upstream ClusterDescription clusterDescription = clusterOperations.getClusterDescription();"Slider AppMaster is accessible"); if (clusterDescription.state == ClusterDescription.STATE_LIVE) { AggregateConf instanceDefinition = clusterOperations.getInstanceDefinition(); String imagePath = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations() .get(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_APPLICATION_IMAGE_PATH); // if null, that means slider uploaded the agent tarball for the user // and we need to use where slider has put if (imagePath == null) { ApplicationReport appReport = findInstance(clusterName); Path path1 = sliderFileSystem.getTempPathForCluster(clusterName); Path subPath = new Path(path1, appReport.getApplicationId().toString() + "/agent"); imagePath = subPath.toString(); } try { SliderUtils.validateHDFSFile(sliderFileSystem, imagePath + "/" + AGENT_TAR);"Slider agent package is properly installed"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("can not find agent package: " + e.toString()); return; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("can not open agent package: " + e.toString()); return; } String pkgTarballPath = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions() .getMandatoryOption(AgentKeys.APP_DEF); try { SliderUtils.validateHDFSFile(sliderFileSystem, pkgTarballPath);"Application package is properly installed"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("can not find application package: {}", e); return; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("can not open application package: {} ", e); return; } } } private void actionDiagnosticAll(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws IOException, YarnException { // assign application name from param to each sub diagnostic function actionDiagnosticClient(diagnosticArgs); actionDiagnosticApplication(diagnosticArgs); actionDiagnosticSlider(diagnosticArgs); actionDiagnosticYarn(diagnosticArgs); actionDiagnosticCredentials(); } private void actionDiagnosticCredentials() throws BadConfigException, IOException { if (SliderUtils.isHadoopClusterSecure(SliderUtils.loadClientConfigurationResource())) { String credentialCacheFileDescription = null; try { credentialCacheFileDescription = SliderUtils.checkCredentialCacheFile(); } catch (BadConfigException e) { log.error("The credential config is not valid: " + e.toString()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to read the credential file: " + e.toString()); throw e; }"Credential cache file for the current user: " + credentialCacheFileDescription); } else {"the cluster is not in secure mode"); } } private void actionDiagnosticYarn(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws IOException, YarnException { JSONObject converter = null;"the node in the YARN cluster has below state: "); List<NodeReport> yarnClusterInfo; try { yarnClusterInfo = yarnClient.getNodeReports(NodeState.RUNNING); } catch (YarnException e1) { log.error("Exception happened when fetching node report from the YARN cluster: " + e1.toString()); throw e1; } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("Network problem happened when fetching node report YARN cluster: " + e1.toString()); throw e1; } for (NodeReport nodeReport : yarnClusterInfo) {; } if (diagnosticArgs.verbose) { Writer configWriter = new StringWriter(); try { Configuration.dumpConfiguration(yarnClient.getConfig(), configWriter); } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("Network problem happened when retrieving YARN config from YARN: " + e1.toString()); throw e1; } try { converter = new JSONObject(configWriter.toString());"the configuration of the YARN cluster is: " + converter.toString(2)); } catch (JSONException e) { log.error("JSONException happened during parsing response from YARN: " + e.toString()); } } } private void actionDiagnosticSlider(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { // not using member variable clustername because we want to place // application name after --application option and member variable // cluster name has to be put behind action String clusterName =; if (SliderUtils.isUnset(clusterName)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("application name must be provided with --name option"); } SliderClusterOperations clusterOperations; AggregateConf instanceDefinition = null; try { clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clusterName); instanceDefinition = clusterOperations.getInstanceDefinition(); } catch (YarnException e) { log.error("Exception happened when retrieving instance definition from YARN: " + e.toString()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Network problem happened when retrieving instance definition from YARN: " + e.toString()); throw e; } String imagePath = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations() .get(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_APPLICATION_IMAGE_PATH); // if null, it will be uploaded by Slider and thus at slider's path if (imagePath == null) { ApplicationReport appReport = findInstance(clusterName); Path path1 = sliderFileSystem.getTempPathForCluster(clusterName); Path subPath = new Path(path1, appReport.getApplicationId().toString() + "/agent"); imagePath = subPath.toString(); }"The path of slider agent tarball on HDFS is: " + imagePath); } private void actionDiagnosticApplication(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { // not using member variable clustername because we want to place // application name after --application option and member variable // cluster name has to be put behind action String clusterName =; if (SliderUtils.isUnset(clusterName)) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("application name must be provided with --name option"); } SliderClusterOperations clusterOperations; AggregateConf instanceDefinition = null; try { clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clusterName); instanceDefinition = clusterOperations.getInstanceDefinition(); } catch (YarnException e) { log.error("Exception happened when retrieving instance definition from YARN: " + e.toString()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Network problem happened when retrieving instance definition from YARN: " + e.toString()); throw e; } String clusterDir = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions().get(AgentKeys.APP_ROOT); String pkgTarball = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions().get(AgentKeys.APP_DEF); String runAsUser = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions().get(AgentKeys.RUNAS_USER);"The location of the cluster instance directory in HDFS is: " + clusterDir);"The name of the application package tarball on HDFS is: " + pkgTarball);"The runas user of the application in the cluster is: " + runAsUser); if (diagnosticArgs.verbose) {"App config of the application: " + instanceDefinition.getAppConf().toJson());"Resource config of the application: " + instanceDefinition.getResources().toJson()); } } private void actionDiagnosticClient(ActionDiagnosticArgs diagnosticArgs) throws SliderException, IOException { try { String currentCommandPath = SliderUtils.getCurrentCommandPath(); SliderVersionInfo.loadAndPrintVersionInfo(log); String clientConfigPath = SliderUtils.getClientConfigPath(); String jdkInfo = SliderUtils.getJDKInfo(); println("The slider command path: %s", currentCommandPath); println("The slider-client.xml used by current running command path: %s", clientConfigPath); println(jdkInfo); // security info Configuration config = getConfig(); if (SliderUtils.isHadoopClusterSecure(config)) { println("Hadoop Cluster is secure"); println("Login user is %s", UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser()); println("Current user is %s", UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser()); } else { println("Hadoop Cluster is insecure"); } // verbose? if (diagnosticArgs.verbose) { // do the environment Map<String, String> env = System.getenv(); Set<String> envList = ConfigHelper.sortedConfigKeys(env.entrySet()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Environment variables:\n"); for (String key : envList) { builder.append(key).append("=").append(env.get(key)).append("\n"); } println(builder.toString()); // Java properties builder = new StringBuilder("JVM Properties\n"); Map<String, String> props = SliderUtils.sortedMap(SliderUtils.toMap(System.getProperties())); for (Entry<String, String> entry : props.entrySet()) { builder.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } println(builder.toString()); // then the config println("Slider client configuration:\n" + ConfigHelper.dumpConfigToString(config)); } SliderUtils.validateSliderClientEnvironment(log); } catch (SliderException e) { log.error(e.toString()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.toString()); throw e; } } /** * Log a service record instance * @param instance record * @param verbose verbose logging of all external endpoints */ private void logInstance(ServiceRecord instance, boolean verbose) { if (!verbose) {"{}", instance.get(YarnRegistryAttributes.YARN_ID, "")); } else {"{}: ", instance.get(YarnRegistryAttributes.YARN_ID, "")); logEndpoints(instance); } } /** * Log the external endpoints of a service record * @param instance service record instance */ private void logEndpoints(ServiceRecord instance) { List<Endpoint> endpoints = instance.external; for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {; } } /** * list configs available for an instance * * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * @throws YarnException YARN problems * @throws IOException Network or other problems */ public void actionRegistryListConfigsYarn(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { ServiceRecord instance = lookupServiceRecord(registryArgs); RegistryRetriever retriever = new RegistryRetriever(instance); PublishedConfigSet configurations = retriever.getConfigurations(!registryArgs.internal); PrintStream out = null; try { if (registryArgs.out != null) { out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(registryArgs.out)); } else { out = System.out; } for (String configName : configurations.keys()) { if (!registryArgs.verbose) { out.println(configName); } else { PublishedConfiguration published = configurations.get(configName); out.printf("%s: %s\n", configName, published.description); } } } finally { if (registryArgs.out != null && out != null) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } } /** * list exports available for an instance * * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * @throws YarnException YARN problems * @throws IOException Network or other problems */ public void actionRegistryListExports(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { ServiceRecord instance = lookupServiceRecord(registryArgs); RegistryRetriever retriever = new RegistryRetriever(instance); PublishedExportsSet exports = retriever.getExports(!registryArgs.internal); PrintStream out = null; boolean streaming = false; try { if (registryArgs.out != null) { out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(registryArgs.out)); streaming = true; log.debug("Saving output to {}", registryArgs.out); } else { out = System.out; } log.debug("Number of exports: {}", exports.keys().size()); for (String exportName : exports.keys()) { if (streaming) { log.debug(exportName); } if (!registryArgs.verbose) { out.println(exportName); } else { PublishedExports published = exports.get(exportName); out.printf("%s: %s\n", exportName, published.description); } } } finally { if (streaming) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } } /** * list configs available for an instance * * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * @throws YarnException YARN problems * @throws IOException Network or other problems * @throws FileNotFoundException if the config is not found */ @VisibleForTesting public PublishedConfiguration actionRegistryGetConfig(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { ServiceRecord instance = lookupServiceRecord(registryArgs); RegistryRetriever retriever = new RegistryRetriever(instance); boolean external = !registryArgs.internal; PublishedConfigSet configurations = retriever.getConfigurations(external); PublishedConfiguration published = retriever.retrieveConfiguration(configurations, registryArgs.getConf, external); return published; } /** * get a specific export group * * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * * @throws YarnException YARN problems * @throws IOException Network or other problems * @throws FileNotFoundException if the config is not found */ @VisibleForTesting public PublishedExports actionRegistryGetExport(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws YarnException, IOException { ServiceRecord instance = lookupServiceRecord(registryArgs); RegistryRetriever retriever = new RegistryRetriever(instance); boolean external = !registryArgs.internal; PublishedExportsSet exports = retriever.getExports(external); PublishedExports published = retriever.retrieveExports(exports, registryArgs.getExport, external); return published; } /** * write out the config. If a destination is provided and that dir is a * directory, the entry is written to it with the name provided + extension, * else it is printed to standard out. * @param published published config * @param registryArgs registry Arguments * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException * @throws IOException */ private void outputConfig(PublishedConfiguration published, ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws BadCommandArgumentsException, IOException { // decide whether or not to print String entry = registryArgs.getConf; String format = registryArgs.format; ConfigFormat configFormat = ConfigFormat.resolve(format); if (configFormat == null) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Unknown/Unsupported format %s ", format); } PublishedConfigurationOutputter outputter = PublishedConfigurationOutputter.createOutputter(configFormat, published); boolean print = registryArgs.out == null; if (!print) { File outputPath = registryArgs.out; if (outputPath.isDirectory()) { // creating it under a directory outputPath = new File(outputPath, entry + "." + format); } log.debug("Destination path: {}", outputPath);; } else { print(outputter.asString()); } } /** * write out the config * @param published * @param registryArgs * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException * @throws IOException */ private void outputExport(PublishedExports published, ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws BadCommandArgumentsException, IOException { // decide whether or not to print String entry = registryArgs.getExport; String format = ConfigFormat.JSON.toString(); ConfigFormat configFormat = ConfigFormat.resolve(format); if (configFormat == null || configFormat != ConfigFormat.JSON) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Unknown/Unsupported format %s . Only JSON is supported.", format); } PublishedExportsOutputter outputter = PublishedExportsOutputter.createOutputter(configFormat, published); boolean print = registryArgs.out == null; if (!print) { File destFile; destFile = registryArgs.out; if (destFile.isDirectory()) { // creating it under a directory destFile = new File(destFile, entry + "." + format); }"Destination path: {}", destFile);; } else { print(outputter.asString()); } } /** * Look up an instance * @return instance data * @throws SliderException other failures * @throws IOException IO problems or wrapped exceptions */ private ServiceRecord lookupServiceRecord(ActionRegistryArgs registryArgs) throws SliderException, IOException { String user; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(registryArgs.user)) { user = RegistryPathUtils.encodeForRegistry(registryArgs.user); } else { user = currentUser(); } String path = servicePath(user, registryArgs.serviceType,; return resolve(path); } /** * Look up a service record of the current user * @param serviceType service type * @param id instance ID * @return instance data * @throws UnknownApplicationInstanceException no path or service record * at the end of the path * @throws SliderException other failures * @throws IOException IO problems or wrapped exceptions */ public ServiceRecord lookupServiceRecord(String serviceType, String id) throws IOException, SliderException { String path = servicePath(currentUser(), serviceType, id); return resolve(path); } /** * * Look up an instance * @param path path * @return instance data * @throws NotFoundException no path/no service record * at the end of the path * @throws SliderException other failures * @throws IOException IO problems or wrapped exceptions */ public ServiceRecord resolve(String path) throws IOException, SliderException { try { return getRegistryOperations().resolve(path); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e.getPath().toString(), e); } catch (NoRecordException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e.getPath().toString(), e); } } /** * List instances in the registry for the current user * @return a list of slider registry instances * @throws IOException Any IO problem ... including no path in the registry * to slider service classes for this user * @throws SliderException other failures */ public Map<String, ServiceRecord> listRegistryInstances() throws IOException, SliderException { Map<String, ServiceRecord> recordMap = listServiceRecords(getRegistryOperations(), serviceclassPath(currentUser(), SliderKeys.APP_TYPE)); return recordMap; } /** * List instances in the registry * @return the instance IDs * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException */ public List<String> listRegisteredSliderInstances() throws IOException, YarnException { try { Map<String, ServiceRecord> recordMap = listServiceRecords(getRegistryOperations(), serviceclassPath(currentUser(), SliderKeys.APP_TYPE)); return new ArrayList<String>(recordMap.keySet()); /// JDK7 } catch (YarnException | IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (YarnException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Start the registry if it is not there yet * @return the registry service * @throws SliderException * @throws IOException */ private synchronized RegistryOperations maybeStartYarnRegistry() throws SliderException, IOException { if (registryOperations == null) { registryOperations = startRegistryOperationsService(); } return registryOperations; } @Override public RegistryOperations getRegistryOperations() throws SliderException, IOException { return maybeStartYarnRegistry(); } /** * Output to standard out/stderr (implementation specific detail) * @param src source */ @SuppressWarnings("UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr") private static void print(CharSequence src) { System.out.append(src); } /** * Output to standard out/stderr with a newline after * @param message message */ private static void println(String message) { print(message); print("\n"); } /** * Output to standard out/stderr with a newline after, formatted * @param message message * @param args arguments for string formatting */ private static void println(String message, Object... args) { print(String.format(message, args)); print("\n"); } /** * Implement the lookup action. * @param args Action arguments * @return 0 if the entry was found * @throws IOException * @throws YarnException * @throws UnknownApplicationInstanceException if a specific instance * was named but it was not found */ @VisibleForTesting public int actionLookup(ActionLookupArgs args) throws IOException, YarnException { verifyBindingsDefined(); try { ApplicationId id = ConverterUtils.toApplicationId(; ApplicationReport report = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(id); SerializedApplicationReport sar = new SerializedApplicationReport(report); ApplicationReportSerDeser serDeser = new ApplicationReportSerDeser(); if (args.outputFile != null) {, args.outputFile); } else { println(serDeser.toJson(sar)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadCommandArgumentsException(e, "%s : %s", args, e); } catch (ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException notFound) { throw new NotFoundException(notFound, notFound.toString()); } catch (ApplicationNotFoundException notFound) { throw new NotFoundException(notFound, notFound.toString()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }