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package org.apache.shindig.gadgets.variables;

import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.variables.Substitutions.Type;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

public class SubstitutionsTest extends Assert {
    private Substitutions subst;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        subst = new Substitutions();

    public void testMessages() throws Exception {
        String msg = "Hello, __MSG_world__!";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "planet");
        assertEquals("Hello, planet!", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testBidi() throws Exception {
        String msg = "Hello, __BIDI_DIR__-world!";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.BIDI, "DIR", "rtl");
        assertEquals("Hello, rtl-world!", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testUserPref() throws Exception {
        String msg = "__UP_hello__, world!";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "hello", "Greetings");
        assertEquals("Greetings, world!", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testCorrectOrder() throws Exception {
        String msg = "__UP_hello__, __MSG_world__!";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "planet __BIDI_DIR__-__UP_planet__");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.BIDI, "DIR", "rtl");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "hello", "Greetings");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "planet", "Earth");
        assertEquals("Greetings, planet rtl-Earth!", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testIncorrectOrder() throws Exception {
        String msg = "__UP_hello__, __MSG_world__";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "planet __MSG_earth____UP_punc__");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "earth", "Earth");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "punc", "???");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "hello", "Greetings __MSG_foo____UP_bar__");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "foo", "FOO!!!");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "bar", "BAR!!!");
        assertEquals("Greetings __MSG_foo____UP_bar__, planet __MSG_earth__???", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testDanglingUnderScoresAreIgnored() throws Exception {
        String msg = "__MSG_hello__, var_msg + '__' + 'world __MSG_world__";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "hello", "Hello");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "World");

        assertEquals("Hello, var_msg + '__' + 'world World", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testComplexUnderscores() throws Exception {
        String msg = "__MSG_hello____________ten____________MSG_world______";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "hello", "Hello");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "World");

        assertEquals("Hello__________ten__________World____", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testMessageId() throws Exception {
        String msg = "Hello, __MODULE_ID__!";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MODULE, "ID", "123");
        assertEquals("Hello, 123!", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testOddNumberOfPrecedingUnderscores() throws Exception {
        String msg = "<div id='div___MODULE_ID__'/>";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MODULE, "ID", "123");
        assertEquals("<div id='div_123'/>", subst.substituteString(msg));

    public void testOddUnderscoresWithInvalidSubstFollowedByValidSubst() throws Exception {
        String msg = "<div id='div___HI_THERE__MODULE_ID___'/>";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MODULE, "ID", "123");
        assertEquals("<div id='div___HI_THERE123_'/>", subst.substituteString(msg));

    @Ignore("off by default, TODO add test logic")
    public void loadTest() throws Exception {
        String msg = "Random text and __UP_hello__, amongst other words __MSG_world__ stuff __weeeeee";
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "world", "planet __MSG_earth____UP_punc__");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "earth", "Earth");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "punc", "???");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "hello", "Greetings __MSG_foo____UP_bar__");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.MESSAGE, "foo", "FOO!!!");
        subst.addSubstitution(Type.USER_PREF, "bar", "BAR!!!");

        // Most real-world content contains very few substitutions.
        msg += StringUtils.repeat("foo ", 1000);

        String message = StringUtils.repeat(msg, 1000);

        long now = System.nanoTime();
        int cnt = 1000;
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
        long duration = System.nanoTime() - now;
        System.out.println("Duration: " + duration + " avg: " + duration / cnt);