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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.shindig.gadgets.rewrite;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.HttpRequest;
import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.parse.caja.CajaCssLexerParser;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class HTMLContentRewriterTest extends BaseRewriterTestCase {
    private HTMLContentRewriter rewriter;
    private HTMLContentRewriter rewriterNoOverrideExpires;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        ContentRewriterFeature overrideFeatureNoOverrideExpires = rewriterFeatureFactory
                .get(createSpecWithRewrite(".*", ".*exclude.*", null, HTMLContentRewriter.TAGS));
        ContentRewriterFeatureFactory factoryNoOverrideExpires = mockContentRewriterFeatureFactory(

        rewriterNoOverrideExpires = new HTMLContentRewriter(factoryNoOverrideExpires,
                new CssRequestRewriter(factoryNoOverrideExpires, new CajaCssLexerParser(),
                        new DefaultProxyingLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris)),
                new DefaultConcatLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris),
                new DefaultProxyingLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris));

        ContentRewriterFeature overrideFeature = rewriterFeatureFactory
                .get(createSpecWithRewrite(".*", ".*exclude.*", "3600", HTMLContentRewriter.TAGS));
        ContentRewriterFeatureFactory factory = mockContentRewriterFeatureFactory(overrideFeature);

        rewriter = new HTMLContentRewriter(factory,
                new CssRequestRewriter(factory, new CajaCssLexerParser(),
                        new DefaultProxyingLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris)),
                new DefaultConcatLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris),
                new DefaultProxyingLinkRewriterFactory(rewriterUris));

    public void testScriptsBasic() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Head should contain 1 script tag
        assertEquals("headScript1", wrapper.getValue("/html/head/script"));
        assertEquals(1, wrapper.getNodeList("/html/head/script").getLength());

        // Body should contain 11 script tags after rewrite
        assertEquals(11, wrapper.getNodeList("/html/body/script").getLength());

        assertEquals("bodyScript1", wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[1]"));

        // Second script should contain two concatenated urls
                        + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                        + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600" + "&"
                        + "&");

        assertEquals("bodyScript2", wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[3]"));

        // Fourth script should contain one concatenated url
                "" + "rewriteMime=text/javascript"
                        + "&" + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600"
                        + "&");

        // Fifth script should contain a retained comment
        assertEquals("<!-- retain-comment -->", wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[5]"));

        // An excluded URL between contiguous tags prevents them being concatentated
                        + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                        + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600" + "&");

        // Excluded URL is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[7]/@src"));

        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[8]/@src"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600" + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&");

        // Did it split the request
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[9]/@src"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&");

        // Handle long requests

        // Resume concating
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[11]/@src"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                + "&fp=1150739864&refresh=3600"
                + "&"
                + "&");

    public void testScriptsBasicNoCache() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null, false, true).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Second script should contain two concatenated urls with nocache
                        + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                        + "&fp=1150739864&nocache=1&refresh=3600" + "&"
                        + "&");

        // And check the last script
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[11]/@src"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                + "&fp=1150739864&nocache=1&refresh=3600"
                + "&"
                + "&");

    public void testScriptsBasicNoCacheAndDebug() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null, true, true).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Second script should contain two concatenated urls with nocache and debug
                        + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                        + "&fp=1150739864&debug=1&nocache=1&refresh=3600" + "&"
                        + "&");

        // and check the last script
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("/html/body/script[11]/@src"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/javascript&"
                + "&fp=1150739864&debug=1&nocache=1&refresh=3600"
                + "&"
                + "&");

    public void testScriptsForContainer() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        String text = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, MOCK_CONTAINER).getContent();
        // Verify that the correct concat base was used

    public void testLinksBasic() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Image is rewritten to proxy, relative path is resolved
                "" + ""
                        + "&");

        // Excluded image is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//img[2]/@src"));

        // Embed target is rewritten to proxy
                "" + ""
                        + "&");

        // Excluded embed is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//embed[2]/@src"));

    public void testLinksBasicNoOverrideExpires() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriterNoOverrideExpires, content, null).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Image is rewritten to proxy, relative path is resolved
                "" + ""
                        + "&");

        // Excluded image is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//img[2]/@src"));

        // Embed target is rewritten to proxy
                "" + ""
                        + "&");

        // Excluded embed is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//embed[2]/@src"));

    public void testLinksBasicNoCache() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null, false, true).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Image is rewritten to proxy, relative path is resolved
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("//img[1]/@src"), ""
                + ""
                + "&");

        // Excluded image is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//img[2]/@src"));

        // Embed target is rewritten to proxy
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("//embed[1]/@src"), ""
                + ""
                + "&");

        // Excluded embed is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//embed[2]/@src"));

    public void testLinksBasicNoCacheAndDebug() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        Document doc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null, true, true).getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // Image is rewritten to proxy, relative path is resolved
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("//img[1]/@src"), ""
                + ""
                + "&");

        // Excluded image is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//img[2]/@src"));

        // Embed target is rewritten to proxy
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("//embed[1]/@src"), ""
                + ""
                + "&");

        // Excluded embed is untouched
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//embed[2]/@src"));

    public void testLinksForContainer() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        String text = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, MOCK_CONTAINER).getContent();
        // Verify that the correct proxy base was used

    public void testStyleBasic() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        MutableContent mc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null);
        Document doc = mc.getDocument();

        XPathWrapper wrapper = new XPathWrapper(doc);

        // ALL style links and @import targets are rewritten to concat
        // Note that relative URLs are fully resolved
        assertEquals(wrapper.getValue("//link[1]/@href"), ""
                + "rewriteMime=text/css&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&"
                + "&");

        // Untouched link target
        assertEquals("", wrapper.getValue("//link[2]/@href"));

        // Untouched @import taget converted to a link
        assertEquals("/excluded/importedstyle2.css", wrapper.getValue("//link[3]/@href"));

        // Body should contain 1 style element
        assertEquals(1, wrapper.getNodeList("//style").getLength());

        // All @imports are stripped
        assertEquals("div { color : black; }", wrapper.getValue("//style[1]").trim());

    public void testStyleBasic2() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        String expected = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        MutableContent mc = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, null);
        assertEquals(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(mc.getContent()), StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(expected));

    public void testStyleForContainer() throws Exception {
        String content = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getClassLoader()
        String text = rewriteContent(rewriter, content, MOCK_CONTAINER).getContent();
        // Verify that the correct concat base was used

    public void testNoRewriteUnknownMimeType() {
        MutableContent mc = control.createMock(MutableContent.class);
        HttpRequest req = control.createMock(HttpRequest.class);
        assertFalse(rewriter.rewrite(req, fakeResponse, mc));