Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.servicemix.jbi.runtime.impl; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext; import javax.jbi.servicedesc.ServiceEndpoint; import javax.jbi.JBIException; import; import javax.jbi.messaging.DeliveryChannel; import javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api.Endpoint; import org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api.NMR; import org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api.internal.InternalEndpoint; import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.runtime.impl.utils.DOMUtil; import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.runtime.impl.utils.WSAddressingConstants; import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.runtime.impl.utils.URIResolver; import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.runtime.ComponentWrapper; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; public abstract class AbstractComponentContext implements ComponentContext, MBeanNames { public static final String INTERNAL_ENDPOINT = "jbi.internal"; public static final String EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT = "jbi.external"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractComponentContext.class); protected DeliveryChannel dc; protected ComponentRegistryImpl componentRegistry; protected MBeanServer mbeanServer; protected InitialContext initialContext; protected Object transactionManager; public AbstractComponentContext(ComponentRegistryImpl componentRegistry) { this.componentRegistry = componentRegistry; if (componentRegistry.getEnvironment() != null) { MBeanServer mbs = componentRegistry.getEnvironment().getMBeanServer(); if (componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy() != null) { this.mbeanServer = new MBeanServerWrapper(mbs, componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy()); } else { this.mbeanServer = mbs; } this.mbeanServer = componentRegistry.getEnvironment().getMBeanServer(); this.initialContext = componentRegistry.getEnvironment().getNamingContext(); this.transactionManager = componentRegistry.getEnvironment().getTransactionManager(); } } public NMR getNmr() { return componentRegistry.getNmr(); } public ServiceEndpoint getEndpoint(QName serviceName, String endpointName) { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME, serviceName.toString()); props.put(Endpoint.ENDPOINT_NAME, endpointName); props.put(INTERNAL_ENDPOINT, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); List<Endpoint> endpoints = getNmr().getEndpointRegistry().query(props); if (endpoints.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<String, ?> p = getNmr().getEndpointRegistry().getProperties(endpoints.get(0)); return new ServiceEndpointImpl(p); } public Document getEndpointDescriptor(ServiceEndpoint endpoint) throws JBIException { if (endpoint instanceof ServiceEndpointImpl) { Map<String, ?> props = ((ServiceEndpointImpl) endpoint).getProperties(); if (props != null) { String url = (String) props.get(Endpoint.WSDL_URL); if (url != null) { InputStream is = null; try { is = new URL(url).openStream(); return DOMUtil.parseDocument(is); } catch (Exception e) { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { // Ignore } } } } } } return null; } public ServiceEndpoint[] getEndpoints(QName interfaceName) { Map<String, Object> props = null; if (interfaceName != null) { props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(Endpoint.INTERFACE_NAME, interfaceName.toString()); } return queryInternalEndpoints(props); } protected ServiceEndpoint[] queryInternalEndpoints(Map<String, Object> props) { return doQueryServiceEndpoints(props, false); } protected ServiceEndpoint[] queryExternalEndpoints(Map<String, Object> props) { return doQueryServiceEndpoints(props, true); } protected ServiceEndpoint[] doQueryServiceEndpoints(Map<String, Object> props, boolean external) { List<Endpoint> endpoints = doQueryEndpoints(props, external); List<ServiceEndpoint> ses = new ArrayList<ServiceEndpoint>(); for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) { ServiceEndpoint se = getServiceEndpoint(endpoint); if (se != null) { ses.add(se); } } return ses.toArray(new ServiceEndpoint[ses.size()]); } protected List<Endpoint> doQueryEndpoints(Map<String, Object> props, boolean external) { if (props == null) { props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } props.put(external ? EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT : INTERNAL_ENDPOINT, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); List<Endpoint> endpoints = getNmr().getEndpointRegistry().query(props); return endpoints; } protected ServiceEndpoint getServiceEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint) { if (endpoint instanceof InternalEndpoint) { endpoint = ((InternalEndpoint) endpoint).getEndpoint(); } if (endpoint instanceof ServiceEndpoint) { ServiceEndpoint se = (ServiceEndpoint) endpoint; if (se.getServiceName() != null && se.getEndpointName() != null) { return se; } } else { Map<String, ?> epProps = getNmr().getEndpointRegistry().getProperties(endpoint); QName serviceName = getServiceQNameFromProperties(epProps); String endpointName = epProps.get(Endpoint.ENDPOINT_NAME) != null ? (String) epProps.get(Endpoint.ENDPOINT_NAME) : null; if (serviceName != null && endpointName != null) { return new ServiceEndpointImpl(epProps); } } return null; } protected QName getServiceQNameFromProperties(Map<String, ?> epProps) { QName svcName = null; if (epProps != null && epProps.containsKey(Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME)) { Object prop = epProps.get(Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME); if (prop instanceof QName) { svcName = (QName) prop; } else if (prop instanceof String && prop.toString().trim().length() > 0) { svcName = QName.valueOf((String) prop); } } return svcName; } public ServiceEndpoint[] getEndpointsForService(QName serviceName) { if (serviceName == null) { // invalid throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method needs a non-null serviceName parameter!"); } Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME, serviceName.toString()); return queryInternalEndpoints(props); } public ServiceEndpoint[] getExternalEndpoints(QName interfaceName) { Map<String, Object> props = null; if (interfaceName != null) { props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(Endpoint.INTERFACE_NAME, interfaceName.toString()); } return queryExternalEndpoints(props); } public ServiceEndpoint[] getExternalEndpointsForService(QName serviceName) { if (serviceName == null) { // invalid throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method needs a non-null serviceName parameter!"); } Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME, serviceName.toString()); return queryExternalEndpoints(props); } public DeliveryChannel getDeliveryChannel() throws MessagingException { return dc; } public Logger getLogger(String suffix, String resourceBundleName) throws MissingResourceException, JBIException { try { String name = suffix != null ? getComponentName() + suffix : getComponentName(); return Logger.getLogger(name, resourceBundleName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JBIException("A logger can not be created using resource bundle " + resourceBundleName); } } public MBeanNames getMBeanNames() { return this; } public MBeanServer getMBeanServer() { return mbeanServer; } public InitialContext getNamingContext() { return initialContext; } public Object getTransactionManager() { return transactionManager; } public ObjectName createCustomComponentMBeanName(String customName) { ObjectName name = null; if (componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy() != null) { try { Nameable nameable = new Nameable() { public String getName() { return getComponentName(); } public String getParent() { return null; } public String getMainType() { return null; } public String getSubType() { return null; } public String getVersion() { return null; } public Class getPrimaryInterface() { return null; } }; name = componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy().getManagedObjectName(nameable, customName, ObjectName.class); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } return name; } public String getJmxDomainName() { String name = null; if (this.componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy() != null) { try { name = componentRegistry.getManagementStrategy().getManagedObjectName(null, null, String.class); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } return name; } public ServiceEndpoint resolveEndpointReference(DocumentFragment epr) { for (ComponentWrapper component : componentRegistry.getServices()) { ServiceEndpoint se = component.getComponent().resolveEndpointReference(epr); if (se != null) { return se; } } ServiceEndpoint se = resolveInternalEPR(epr); if (se != null) { return se; } return resolveStandardEPR(epr); } /** * <p> * Resolve an internal JBI EPR conforming to the format defined in the JBI specification. * </p> * * <p>The EPR would look like: * <pre> * <jbi:end-point-reference xmlns:jbi="" * jbi:end-point-name="endpointName" * jbi:service-name="foo:serviceName" * xmlns:foo="urn:FooNamespace"/> * </pre> * </p> * * @author Maciej Szefler m s z e f l e r @ g m a i l . c o m * @param epr EPR fragment * @return internal service endpoint corresponding to the EPR, or <code>null</code> * if the EPR is not an internal EPR or if the EPR cannot be resolved */ public ServiceEndpoint resolveInternalEPR(DocumentFragment epr) { if (epr == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resolveInternalEPR(epr) called with null epr."); } NodeList nl = epr.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element el = (Element) n; // Namespace should be "" if (el.getNamespaceURI() == null || !el.getNamespaceURI().equals(ServiceEndpointImpl.JBI_NAMESPACE)) { continue; } if (el.getLocalName() == null || !el.getLocalName().equals(ServiceEndpointImpl.JBI_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE)) { continue; } String serviceName = el.getAttributeNS(el.getNamespaceURI(), ServiceEndpointImpl.JBI_SERVICE_NAME); // Now the DOM pain-in-the-you-know-what: we need to come up with QName for this; // fortunately, there is only one place where the xmlns:xxx attribute could be, on // the end-point-reference element! QName serviceQName = DOMUtil.createQName(el, serviceName); String endpointName = el.getAttributeNS(el.getNamespaceURI(), ServiceEndpointImpl.JBI_ENDPOINT_NAME); return getEndpoint(serviceQName, endpointName); } return null; } /** * Resolve a standard EPR understood by ServiceMix container. * Currently, the supported syntax is the WSA one, the address uri * being parsed with the following possiblities: * jbi:endpoint:service-namespace/service-name/endpoint * jbi:endpoint:service-namespace:service-name:endpoint * * The full EPR will look like: * <epr xmlns:wsa=""> * <wsa:Address>jbi:endpoint:</wsa:Address> * </epr> * * BCs should also be able to resolve such EPR but using their own URI parsing, * for example: * <epr xmlns:wsa=""> * <wsa:Address></wsa:Address> * </epr> * * or * <epr xmlns:wsa=""> * <wsa:Address>jms://activemq/queue/FOO.BAR?persistent=true</wsa:Address> * </epr> * * Note that the separator should be same as the one used in the namespace * depending on the namespace: * => '/' * urn:foo:bar => ':' * * The syntax is the same as the one that can be used to specifiy a target * for a JBI exchange with the restriction that it only allows the * endpoint subprotocol to be used. * * @param epr the xml fragment to resolve * @return the resolved endpoint or <code>null</code> */ public ServiceEndpoint resolveStandardEPR(DocumentFragment epr) { try { NodeList children = epr.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i) { Node n = children.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element elem = (Element) n; String[] namespaces = new String[] { WSAddressingConstants.WSA_NAMESPACE_200508, WSAddressingConstants.WSA_NAMESPACE_200408, WSAddressingConstants.WSA_NAMESPACE_200403, WSAddressingConstants.WSA_NAMESPACE_200303 }; NodeList nl = null; for (String ns : namespaces) { NodeList tnl = elem.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, WSAddressingConstants.EL_ADDRESS); if (tnl.getLength() == 1) { nl = tnl; break; } } if (nl != null) { Element address = (Element) nl.item(0); String uri = DOMUtil.getElementText(address); if (uri != null) { uri = uri.trim(); if (uri.startsWith("endpoint:")) { uri = uri.substring("endpoint:".length()); String[] parts = URIResolver.split3(uri); return getEndpoint(new QName(parts[0], parts[1]), parts[2]); } else if (uri.startsWith("service:")) { uri = uri.substring("service:".length()); String[] parts = URIResolver.split2(uri); return getEndpoint(new QName(parts[0], parts[1]), parts[1]); } } // TODO should we support interface: and operation: here? } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Unable to resolve EPR: " + e); } return null; } }