Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryAuthorizationConstants; import org.apache.sentry.service.common.ServiceConstants; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; /** * this test class includes tests to verify the behaviour of sentry server * when the HDFS sync feature is toggled on/off */ public class TestHDFSIntegrationTogglingConf extends TestHDFSIntegrationBase { private static long getSleepTimeAfterFollowerRestart(Configuration conf) { long followerInitDelay = conf.getLong(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INIT_DELAY_MILLS, ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INIT_DELAY_MILLS_DEFAULT); long followerInterval = conf.getLong(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INTERVAL_MILLS, ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INTERVAL_MILLS_DEFAULT); long refreshIntervalMillisec = conf.getInt(SentryAuthorizationConstants.CACHE_REFRESH_INTERVAL_KEY, SentryAuthorizationConstants.CACHE_REFRESH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT); return (followerInitDelay + followerInterval + refreshIntervalMillisec) * 2; } private static void enableHdfsSync(int serverIndex) throws Exception { Configuration newConfig = new Configuration(sentryConf); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.PROCESSOR_FACTORIES, "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryHDFSServiceProcessorFactory"); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_POLICY_STORE_PLUGINS, "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryPlugin"); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INIT_DELAY_MILLS, "1000"); sentryServer.restartHMSFollower(newConfig, serverIndex, getSleepTimeAfterFollowerRestart(newConfig)); } private static void disableHdfsSync(int serverIndex) throws Exception { Configuration newConfig = new Configuration(sentryConf); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.PROCESSOR_FACTORIES, ""); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_POLICY_STORE_PLUGINS, ""); newConfig.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMSFOLLOWER_INIT_DELAY_MILLS, "1000"); sentryServer.restartHMSFollower(newConfig, serverIndex, getSleepTimeAfterFollowerRestart(newConfig)); } @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { hdfsSyncEnabled = true; TestHDFSIntegrationBase.setup(); } /** * Test makes sure that the namenode is not synced with the new change to HMS when * processor and sentry_plugin for HDFS sync are not configured. * * @throws Throwable */ @Test public void testDisablingHDFSSync() throws Throwable { disableHdfsSync(0); dbNames = new String[] { "db1" }; roles = new String[] { "admin_role", "tab_role" }; admin = "hive"; Connection conn; Statement stmt; conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create role admin_role"); stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive"); stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role"); // db privileges stmt.execute("create database db1"); stmt.execute("create role tab_role"); stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume"); stmt.execute("create table db1.p2(id int)"); stmt.execute("use db1"); stmt.execute("grant all on table p2 to role tab_role"); stmt.execute("use default"); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", false); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false); verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false); //Enabling HDFS sync back in sentry server enableHdfsSync(0); } /** * Test makes sure that HDFS sync configurations in sentryserver are toggled multiple times. * <ul> * <li>When processor and sentry_plugin for HDFS sync are configured, * Namenode should have all the HMS path and permission updates.</li> * <li>When processor and sentry_plugin for HDFS sync are configured, * Namenode should not have the HMS path updates.</li> * <li>When processor and sentry_plugin for HDFS sync are configured again, * Namenode should not have the HMS path updates by getting HMS full snapshot * from sentry server.</li> * </ul> * * @throws Throwable */ @Test public void testEnablingDisablingHDFSSync() throws Throwable { dbNames = new String[] { "db1", "db6" }; roles = new String[] { "admin_role", "db_role", "tab_role", "p1_admin" }; admin = "hive"; Connection conn; Statement stmt; conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create role admin_role"); stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive"); stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role"); stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day " + "int)"); stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)"); // db privileges stmt.execute("create database db1"); stmt.execute("create role db_role"); stmt.execute("create role tab_role"); stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group hbase"); stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume"); stmt.execute("create table db1.p2(id int)"); stmt.execute("create role p1_admin"); stmt.execute("grant role p1_admin to group hbase"); // Verify default db is inaccessible initially verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false); stmt.execute("grant all on database db1 to role db_role"); stmt.execute("use db1"); stmt.execute("grant all on table p2 to role tab_role"); stmt.execute("use default"); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true); verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false); loadData(stmt); verifyHDFSandMR(stmt); //Disabling HDFS sync in sentry server disableHdfsSync(0); stmt.execute("revoke all on database db1 from role db_role"); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", false); // create a table and grant all to db_role stmt.execute("create database db6"); stmt.execute("grant all on database db6 to role db_role"); // verify that db_role does not have required ACL's as HDFS sync is disabled in sentry server. verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db6.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", false); //Create table in db6 and grant all privileges to tab role stmt.execute("use db6"); stmt.execute("create table db6.p1(id int)"); stmt.execute("grant all on table db6.p1 to role tab_role"); // verify that tab_role does not have required permissions verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db6.db/p1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false); //Enabling HDFS sync in sentry server enableHdfsSync(0); // As HDFS sync is re-enabled, sentry should take full snapshot and send it NN. // db_role and tab_role should have required privileges. // Checks below will make sure that sentry/NN have the updates that happened // to HMS objects when HDFS was disabled. verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db6.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true); verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db6.db/p1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } }