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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.sentry.service.thrift;

import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer.Context;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEvent;
import org.apache.hive.hcatalog.messaging.HCatEventMessage.EventType;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONAddPartitionMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONAlterPartitionMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONAlterTableMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONCreateDatabaseMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONCreateTableMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONDropDatabaseMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONDropPartitionMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONDropTableMessage;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.messaging.json.SentryJSONMessageDeserializer;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryInvalidHMSEventException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryInvalidInputException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryNoSuchObjectException;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.PathsUpdate;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.PermissionsUpdate;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryMalformedPathException;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.UniquePathsUpdate;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.Updateable.Update;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.service.thrift.TPrivilegeChanges;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.persistent.SentryStore;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.thrift.SentryMetrics;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.thrift.TSentryAuthorizable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import static;
import static org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf.AuthzConfVars.AUTHZ_SYNC_CREATE_WITH_POLICY_STORE;
import static org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf.AuthzConfVars.AUTHZ_SYNC_DROP_WITH_POLICY_STORE;

 * NotificationProcessor processes various notification events generated from
 * the Hive MetaStore state change, and applies these changes to the complete
 * HMS Paths snapshot or delta update stored in Sentry using SentryStore.
 * <p>NotificationProcessor should not skip processing notification events for any reason.
 * If some notification events are to be skipped, appropriate logic should be added in
 * HMSFollower before invoking NotificationProcessor.
final class NotificationProcessor {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NotificationProcessor.class);
    private final SentryStore sentryStore;
    private final SentryJSONMessageDeserializer deserializer;
    private final String authServerName;
    // These variables can be updated even after object is instantiated, for testing purposes.
    private boolean syncStoreOnCreate = false;
    private boolean syncStoreOnDrop = false;
    private final boolean hdfsSyncEnabled;

     * Configuring notification processor.
     * @param sentryStore sentry backend store
     * @param authServerName Server that sentry is authorizing
     * @param conf sentry configuration
    NotificationProcessor(SentryStore sentryStore, String authServerName, Configuration conf) {
        this.sentryStore = sentryStore;
        deserializer = new SentryJSONMessageDeserializer();
        this.authServerName = authServerName;
        syncStoreOnCreate = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.get(AUTHZ_SYNC_CREATE_WITH_POLICY_STORE.getVar(),
        syncStoreOnDrop = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.get(AUTHZ_SYNC_DROP_WITH_POLICY_STORE.getVar(),
        hdfsSyncEnabled = SentryServiceUtil.isHDFSSyncEnabled(conf);

     * Split path into components on the "/" character.
     * The path should not start with "/".
     * This is consumed by Thrift interface, so the return result should be
     * {@code List<String>}
     * @param path input oath e.g. {@code foo/bar}
     * @return list of components, e.g. [foo, bar]
    private static List<String> splitPath(String path) {
        return (Lists.newArrayList(path.split("/")));

     * Constructs permission update to be persisted for drop event that can be persisted
     * from thrift object.
     * @param authorizable thrift object that is dropped.
     * @return update to be persisted
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException if the required fields are set in argument provided
    static Update getPermUpdatableOnDrop(TSentryAuthorizable authorizable) throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        PermissionsUpdate update = new PermissionsUpdate(SentryStore.INIT_CHANGE_ID, false);
        String authzObj = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(authorizable);
        return update;

    String getAuthServerName() {
        return authServerName;

     * Constructs permission update to be persisted for rename event that can be persisted from thrift
     * object.
     * @param oldAuthorizable old thrift object
     * @param newAuthorizable new thrift object
     * @return update to be persisted
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException if the required fields are set in arguments provided
    static Update getPermUpdatableOnRename(TSentryAuthorizable oldAuthorizable, TSentryAuthorizable newAuthorizable)
            throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        String oldAuthz = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(oldAuthorizable);
        String newAuthz = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(newAuthorizable);
        PermissionsUpdate update = new PermissionsUpdate(SentryStore.INIT_CHANGE_ID, false);
        TPrivilegeChanges privUpdate = update.addPrivilegeUpdate(PermissionsUpdate.RENAME_PRIVS);
        privUpdate.putToAddPrivileges(newAuthz, newAuthz);
        privUpdate.putToDelPrivileges(oldAuthz, oldAuthz);
        return update;

     * This function is only used for testing purposes.
     * @param value to be set
    void setSyncStoreOnCreate(boolean value) {
        syncStoreOnCreate = value;

     * This function is only used for testing purposes.
     * @param value to be set
    void setSyncStoreOnDrop(boolean value) {
        syncStoreOnDrop = value;

     * Processes the event and persist to sentry store.
     * @param event to be processed
     * @return true, if the event is persisted to sentry store. false, if the event is not persisted.
     * @throws Exception if there is an error processing the event.
    boolean processNotificationEvent(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug("Processing event with id:{} and Type:{}", event.getEventId(), event.getEventType());

        // Expose time used for each request time as a metric.
        // We use lower-case version of the event name.
        EventType eventType = EventType.valueOf(event.getEventType());
        Timer timer = SentryMetrics.getInstance()
                .getTimer(name(HMSFollower.class, eventType.toString().toLowerCase()));

        try (Context ignored = timer.time()) {
            switch (eventType) {
            case CREATE_DATABASE:
                return processCreateDatabase(event);
            case DROP_DATABASE:
                return processDropDatabase(event);
            case CREATE_TABLE:
                return processCreateTable(event);
            case DROP_TABLE:
                return processDropTable(event);
            case ALTER_TABLE:
                return processAlterTable(event);
            case ADD_PARTITION:
                return processAddPartition(event);
            case DROP_PARTITION:
                return processDropPartition(event);
            case ALTER_PARTITION:
                return processAlterPartition(event);
                LOGGER.error("Notification with ID:{} has invalid event type: {}", event.getEventId(),
                return false;

     * Processes "create database" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processCreateDatabase(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        SentryJSONCreateDatabaseMessage message = deserializer.getCreateDatabaseMessage(event.getMessage());
        String dbName = message.getDB();
        String location = message.getLocation();
        if ((dbName == null) || (location == null)) {
            LOGGER.error("Create database event " + "has incomplete information. dbName: {} location: {}",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(location, "null"));
            return false;

        if (syncStoreOnCreate) {
            dropSentryDbPrivileges(dbName, event);

        if (hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            List<String> locations = Collections.singletonList(location);
            addPaths(dbName, locations, event);

            return true;

        return false;

     * Processes "drop database" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processDropDatabase(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        SentryJSONDropDatabaseMessage dropDatabaseMessage = deserializer.getDropDatabaseMessage(event.getMessage());
        String dbName = dropDatabaseMessage.getDB();
        String location = dropDatabaseMessage.getLocation();
        if (dbName == null) {
            LOGGER.error("Drop database event has incomplete information: dbName = null");
            return false;
        if (syncStoreOnDrop) {
            dropSentryDbPrivileges(dbName, event);

        if (hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            List<String> locations = Collections.singletonList(location);
            removePaths(dbName, locations, event);
            return true;
        return false;

     * Processes "create table" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processCreateTable(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        SentryJSONCreateTableMessage createTableMessage = deserializer.getCreateTableMessage(event.getMessage());
        String dbName = createTableMessage.getDB();
        String tableName = createTableMessage.getTable();
        String location = createTableMessage.getLocation();
        if ((dbName == null) || (tableName == null) || (location == null)) {
                    "Create table event " + "has incomplete information."
                            + " dbName = %s, tableName = %s, location = %s",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(tableName, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(location, "null")));
            return false;
        if (syncStoreOnCreate) {
            dropSentryTablePrivileges(dbName, tableName, event);

        if (hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            String authzObj = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(dbName, tableName);
            List<String> locations = Collections.singletonList(location);
            addPaths(authzObj, locations, event);
            return true;

        return false;

     * Processes "drop table" notification event. It drops all partitions belongs to
     * the table as well. And applies its corresponding snapshot change as well
     * as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processDropTable(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        SentryJSONDropTableMessage dropTableMessage = deserializer.getDropTableMessage(event.getMessage());
        String dbName = dropTableMessage.getDB();
        String tableName = dropTableMessage.getTable();
        if ((dbName == null) || (tableName == null)) {
            LOGGER.error("Drop table event " + "has incomplete information. dbName: {}, tableName: {}",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(tableName, "null"));
            return false;
        if (syncStoreOnDrop) {
            dropSentryTablePrivileges(dbName, tableName, event);

        if (hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            String authzObj = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(dbName, tableName);
            removeAllPaths(authzObj, event);
            return true;

        return false;

     * Processes "alter table" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processAlterTable(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {

        if (!hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            return false;

        SentryJSONAlterTableMessage alterTableMessage = deserializer.getAlterTableMessage(event.getMessage());
        String oldDbName = alterTableMessage.getDB();
        String oldTableName = alterTableMessage.getTable();
        String newDbName = event.getDbName();
        String newTableName = event.getTableName();
        String oldLocation = alterTableMessage.getOldLocation();
        String newLocation = alterTableMessage.getNewLocation();

        if ((oldDbName == null) || (oldTableName == null) || (newDbName == null) || (newTableName == null)
                || (oldLocation == null) || (newLocation == null)) {
                    "Alter table event "
                            + "has incomplete information. oldDbName = %s, oldTableName = %s, oldLocation = %s, "
                            + "newDbName = %s, newTableName = %s, newLocation = %s",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(oldDbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(oldTableName, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(oldLocation, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(newDbName, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(newTableName, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(newLocation, "null")));
            return false;

        if ((oldDbName.equals(newDbName)) && (oldTableName.equals(newTableName))
                && (oldLocation.equals(newLocation))) {
                    "Alter table notification ignored as neither name nor "
                            + "location has changed: oldAuthzObj = %s, oldLocation = %s, newAuthzObj = %s, "
                            + "newLocation = %s",
                    oldDbName + "." + oldTableName, oldLocation, newDbName + "." + newTableName, newLocation));
            return false;

        if (!newDbName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldDbName) || !oldTableName.equalsIgnoreCase(newTableName)) {
            // Name has changed
            try {
                renamePrivileges(oldDbName, oldTableName, newDbName, newTableName);
            } catch (SentryNoSuchObjectException e) {
      "Rename Sentry privilege ignored as there are no privileges on the table:" + " {}.{}",
                        oldDbName, oldTableName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Could not process Alter table event. Event: {}", event.toString(), e);
                return false;
        String oldAuthzObj = oldDbName + "." + oldTableName;
        String newAuthzObj = newDbName + "." + newTableName;
        renameAuthzPath(oldAuthzObj, newAuthzObj, oldLocation, newLocation, event);
        return true;

     * Processes "add partition" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processAddPartition(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        if (!hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            return false;

        SentryJSONAddPartitionMessage addPartitionMessage = deserializer.getAddPartitionMessage(event.getMessage());
        String dbName = addPartitionMessage.getDB();
        String tableName = addPartitionMessage.getTable();
        List<String> locations = addPartitionMessage.getLocations();
        if ((dbName == null) || (tableName == null) || (locations == null)) {
                    "Create table event has incomplete information. "
                            + "dbName = %s, tableName = %s, locations = %s",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(tableName, "null"),
                    locations != null ? locations.toString() : "null"));
            return false;
        String authzObj = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(dbName, tableName);
        addPaths(authzObj, locations, event);
        return true;

     * Processes "drop partition" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processDropPartition(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        if (!hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            return false;

        SentryJSONDropPartitionMessage dropPartitionMessage = deserializer
        String dbName = dropPartitionMessage.getDB();
        String tableName = dropPartitionMessage.getTable();
        List<String> locations = dropPartitionMessage.getLocations();
        if ((dbName == null) || (tableName == null) || (locations == null)) {
                    "Drop partition event "
                            + "has incomplete information. dbName = %s, tableName = %s, location = %s",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(tableName, "null"),
                    locations != null ? locations.toString() : "null"));
            return false;
        String authzObj = SentryServiceUtil.getAuthzObj(dbName, tableName);
        removePaths(authzObj, locations, event);
        return true;

     * Processes "alter partition" notification event, and applies its corresponding
     * snapshot change as well as delta path update into Sentry DB.
     * @param event notification event to be processed.
     * @throws Exception if encounters errors while persisting the path change
    private boolean processAlterPartition(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        if (!hdfsSyncEnabled) {
            return false;

        SentryJSONAlterPartitionMessage alterPartitionMessage = deserializer
        String dbName = alterPartitionMessage.getDB();
        String tableName = alterPartitionMessage.getTable();
        String oldLocation = alterPartitionMessage.getOldLocation();
        String newLocation = alterPartitionMessage.getNewLocation();

        if ((dbName == null) || (tableName == null) || (oldLocation == null) || (newLocation == null)) {
                    "Alter partition event " + "has incomplete information. dbName = %s, tableName = %s, "
                            + "oldLocation = %s, newLocation = %s",
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(dbName, "null"), StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(tableName, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(oldLocation, "null"),
                    StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(newLocation, "null")));
            return false;

        if (oldLocation.equals(newLocation)) {
                    "Alter partition notification ignored as"
                            + "location has not changed: AuthzObj = %s, Location = %s",
                    dbName + "." + "." + tableName, oldLocation));
            return false;

        String oldAuthzObj = dbName + "." + tableName;
        renameAuthzPath(oldAuthzObj, oldAuthzObj, oldLocation, newLocation, event);
        return true;

     * Adds an authzObj along with a set of paths into the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping
     * as well as persist the corresponding delta path change to Sentry DB.
     * @param authzObj the given authzObj
     * @param locations a set of paths need to be added
     * @param event the NotificationEvent object from where authzObj and locations were obtained
    private void addPaths(String authzObj, Collection<String> locations, NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        // AuthzObj is case insensitive
        authzObj = authzObj.toLowerCase();

        UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
        Collection<String> paths = new HashSet<>(locations.size());
        // addPath and persist into Sentry DB.
        // Skip update if encounter malformed path.
        for (String location : locations) {
            String pathTree = getPath(location);
            if (pathTree == null) {
                LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : addPath, " + "authzObj : " + authzObj + ", " + "path : "
                        + location + "] - nothing to add" + ", " + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId()
                        + "]");
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : addPath, " + "authzObj : " + authzObj + ", " + "path : "
                        + location + ", " + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId() + "]");
        sentryStore.addAuthzPathsMapping(authzObj, paths, update);

     * Removes a set of paths map to a given authzObj from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping
     * as well as persist the corresponding delta path change to Sentry DB.
     * @param authzObj the given authzObj
     * @param locations a set of paths need to be removed
     * @param event the NotificationEvent object from where authzObj and locations were obtained
    private void removePaths(String authzObj, Collection<String> locations, NotificationEvent event)
            throws Exception {
        // AuthzObj is case insensitive
        authzObj = authzObj.toLowerCase();

        UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
        Collection<String> paths = new HashSet<>(locations.size());
        for (String location : locations) {
            String pathTree = getPath(location);
            if (pathTree == null) {
                LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : removePath, " + "authzObj : " + authzObj + ", " + "path : "
                        + location + "] - nothing to remove" + ", " + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId()
                        + "]");
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : removePath, " + "authzObj : " + authzObj + ", " + "path : "
                        + location + ", " + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId() + "]");
        sentryStore.deleteAuthzPathsMapping(authzObj, paths, update);

     * Removes a given authzObj and all paths belongs to it from the
     * authzObj -> [Paths] mapping as well as persist the corresponding
     * delta path change to Sentry DB.
     * @param authzObj the given authzObj to be deleted
     * @param event the NotificationEvent object from where authzObj and locations were obtained
    private void removeAllPaths(String authzObj, NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        // AuthzObj is case insensitive
        authzObj = authzObj.toLowerCase();

        LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : removeAllPaths, " + "authzObj : " + authzObj + ", "
                + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId() + "]");
        UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
        sentryStore.deleteAllAuthzPathsMapping(authzObj, update);

     * Renames a given authzObj and alter the paths belongs to it from the
     * authzObj -> [Paths] mapping as well as persist the corresponding
     * delta path change to Sentry DB.
     * @param oldAuthzObj the existing authzObj
     * @param newAuthzObj the new name to be changed to
     * @param oldLocation a existing path of the given authzObj
     * @param newLocation a new path to be changed to
     * @param event the NotificationEvent object from where authzObj and locations were obtained
    private void renameAuthzPath(String oldAuthzObj, String newAuthzObj, String oldLocation, String newLocation,
            NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        // AuthzObj is case insensitive
        oldAuthzObj = oldAuthzObj.toLowerCase();
        newAuthzObj = newAuthzObj.toLowerCase();
        String oldPathTree = getPath(oldLocation);
        String newPathTree = getPath(newLocation);

        LOGGER.debug("HMS Path Update [" + "OP : renameAuthzObject, " + "oldAuthzObj : " + oldAuthzObj + ", "
                + "newAuthzObj : " + newAuthzObj + ", " + "oldLocation : " + oldLocation + ", " + "newLocation : "
                + newLocation + ", " + "notification event ID: " + event.getEventId() + "]");

        // In the case of HiveObj name has changed
        if (!oldAuthzObj.equalsIgnoreCase(newAuthzObj)) {
            // Skip update if encounter malformed path for both oldLocation and newLocation.
            if ((oldPathTree != null) && (newPathTree != null)) {
                UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
                if (oldLocation.equals(newLocation)) {
                    //Only name has changed
                    // - Alter table rename for an external table
                    sentryStore.renameAuthzObj(oldAuthzObj, newAuthzObj, update);
                } else {
                    // Both name and location has changed
                    // - Alter table rename for managed table
                    sentryStore.renameAuthzPathsMapping(oldAuthzObj, newAuthzObj, oldPathTree, newPathTree, update);
            } else {
                updateAuthzPathsMapping(oldAuthzObj, oldPathTree, newAuthzObj, newPathTree, event);
        } else if (!oldLocation.equals(newLocation)) {
            // Only Location has changed, e.g. Alter table set location
            if ((oldPathTree != null) && (newPathTree != null)) {
                UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
                sentryStore.updateAuthzPathsMapping(oldAuthzObj, oldPathTree, newPathTree, update);
            } else {
                updateAuthzPathsMapping(oldAuthzObj, oldPathTree, newAuthzObj, newPathTree, event);
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("Update Notification for Auhorizable object {}, with no change, skipping", oldAuthzObj);
            throw new SentryInvalidHMSEventException(
                    "Update Notification for Authorizable object" + "with no change");

    private void updateAuthzPathsMapping(String oldAuthzObj, String oldPathTree, String newAuthzObj,
            String newPathTree, NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {
        if (oldPathTree != null) {
            UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
            sentryStore.deleteAuthzPathsMapping(oldAuthzObj, Collections.singleton(oldPathTree), update);
        } else if (newPathTree != null) {
            UniquePathsUpdate update = new UniquePathsUpdate(event, false);
            sentryStore.addAuthzPathsMapping(newAuthzObj, Collections.singleton(newPathTree), update);


     * Get path tree from a given path. It return null if encounters
     * SentryMalformedPathException which indicates a malformed path.
     * @param path a path
     * @return the path tree given a path.
    private String getPath(String path) {
        try {
            return PathsUpdate.parsePath(path);
        } catch (SentryMalformedPathException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Unexpected path while parsing {}", path, e);
        return null;

    private void dropSentryDbPrivileges(String dbName, NotificationEvent event) {
        try {
            TSentryAuthorizable authorizable = new TSentryAuthorizable(authServerName);
            sentryStore.dropPrivilege(authorizable, getPermUpdatableOnDrop(authorizable));
        } catch (SentryNoSuchObjectException e) {
  "Drop Sentry privilege ignored as there are no privileges on the database: {}", dbName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Could not process Drop database event." + "Event: " + event.toString(), e);

    private void dropSentryTablePrivileges(String dbName, String tableName, NotificationEvent event) {
        try {
            TSentryAuthorizable authorizable = new TSentryAuthorizable(authServerName);
            sentryStore.dropPrivilege(authorizable, getPermUpdatableOnDrop(authorizable));
        } catch (SentryNoSuchObjectException e) {
  "Drop Sentry privilege ignored as there are no privileges on the table: {}.{}", dbName,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Could not process Drop table event. Event: " + event.toString(), e);

    private void renamePrivileges(String oldDbName, String oldTableName, String newDbName, String newTableName)
            throws Exception {
        TSentryAuthorizable oldAuthorizable = new TSentryAuthorizable(authServerName);
        TSentryAuthorizable newAuthorizable = new TSentryAuthorizable(authServerName);
        Update update = getPermUpdatableOnRename(oldAuthorizable, newAuthorizable);
        sentryStore.renamePrivilege(oldAuthorizable, newAuthorizable, update);