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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.persistent;

import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.ACTION;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.AUTHORIZABLE_JOINER;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.COLUMN_NAME;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.DB_NAME;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.EMPTY_CHANGE_ID;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.EMPTY_NOTIFICATION_ID;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.EMPTY_PATHS_MAPPING_ID;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.GRANT_OPTION;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.INDEX_GROUP_ROLES_MAP;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.INDEX_USER_ROLES_MAP;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.KV_JOINER;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.jdo.FetchGroup;
import javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException;
import javax.jdo.JDOHelper;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory;
import javax.jdo.Query;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.sentry.SentryOwnerInfo;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryAccessDeniedException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryInvalidInputException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryNoSuchObjectException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentrySiteConfigurationException;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.PathUtils;
import org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants;
import org.apache.sentry.core.model.db.AccessConstants;
import org.apache.sentry.core.model.db.DBModelAuthorizable.AuthorizableType;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.PathsUpdate;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.UniquePathsUpdate;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.UpdateableAuthzPaths;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.service.thrift.TPrivilegePrincipalType;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MAuthzPathsMapping;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MAuthzPathsSnapshotId;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryChange;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryGroup;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryHmsNotification;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryPathChange;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryPermChange;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryPrivilege;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryGMPrivilege;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryRole;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryUser;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryVersion;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MSentryUtil;
import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.model.MPath;
import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.service.thrift.TPrivilegePrincipal;
import org.apache.sentry.api.common.ApiConstants.PrivilegeScope;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryActiveRoleSet;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryAuthorizable;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryGrantOption;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryGroup;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryMappingData;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryPrivilege;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryPrivilegeMap;
import org.apache.sentry.api.service.thrift.TSentryRole;
import org.apache.sentry.service.common.SentryOwnerPrivilegeType;
import org.apache.sentry.service.common.ServiceConstants.SentryPrincipalType;
import org.apache.sentry.service.common.ServiceConstants.ServerConfig;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;

import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.NULL_COL;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.SERVER_NAME;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.TABLE_NAME;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants.URI;
import static org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryUtils.isNULL;
import static org.apache.sentry.hdfs.Updateable.Update;
import static org.apache.sentry.service.common.ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_STATEMENT_BATCH_LIMIT;

 * SentryStore is the data access object for Sentry data. Strings
 * such as role and group names will be normalized to lowercase
 * in addition to starting and ending whitespace.
 * <p>
 * We have several places where we rely on transactions to support
 * read/modify/write semantics for incrementing IDs.
 * This works but using DB support is rather expensive and we can
 * user in-core serializations to help with this a least within a
 * single node and rely on DB for multi-node synchronization.
 * <p>
 * This isn't much of a problem for path updates since they are
 * driven by HMSFollower which usually runs on a single leader
 * node, but permission updates originate from clients
 * directly and may be highly concurrent.
 * <p>
 * We are internally serializing all permissions update anyway, so doing
 * partial serialization on every node helps. For this reason all
 * SentryStore calls that affect permission deltas are serialized.
 * <p>
 * See <a href="">SENTRY-1824</a>
 * for more detail.
public class SentryStore implements SentryStoreInterface {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SentryStore.class);

    // For counters, representation of the "unknown value"
    private static final long COUNT_VALUE_UNKNOWN = -1L;

    // Representation for unknown HMS notification ID
    private static final long NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN = -1L;

    private static final String EMPTY_GRANTOR_PRINCIPAL = "--";

    private static final Set<String> ALL_ACTIONS = Sets.newHashSet(AccessConstants.ALL, AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL,
            AccessConstants.SELECT, AccessConstants.INSERT, AccessConstants.ALTER, AccessConstants.CREATE,
            AccessConstants.DROP, AccessConstants.INDEX, AccessConstants.LOCK, AccessConstants.OWNER);

    // Now partial revoke just support action with SELECT,INSERT and ALL.
    // Now partial revoke just support action with SELECT,INSERT, and ALL.
    // e.g. If we REVOKE SELECT from a privilege with action ALL, it will leads to INSERT
    // e.g. If we REVOKE SELECT from a privilege with action ALL, it will leads to others individual
    // Otherwise, if we revoke other privilege(e.g. ALTER,DROP...), we will remove it from a role directly.
    private static final Set<String> PARTIAL_REVOKE_ACTIONS = Sets.newHashSet(AccessConstants.ALL,
            AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL.toLowerCase(), AccessConstants.SELECT, AccessConstants.INSERT);

    // Datanucleus property controlling whether query results are loaded at commit time
    // to make query usable post-commit
    private static final String LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT = "datanucleus.query.loadResultsAtCommit";

    private final PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;
    private Configuration conf;
    private final TransactionManager tm;

    // When it is true, execute DeltaTransactionBlock to persist delta changes.
    // When it is false, do not execute DeltaTransactionBlock
    private boolean persistUpdateDeltas;

     * counterWait is used to synchronize notifications between Thrift and HMSFollower.
     * Technically it doesn't belong here, but the only thing that connects HMSFollower
     * and Thrift API is SentryStore. An alternative could be a singleton CounterWait or
     * some factory that returns CounterWait instances keyed by name, but this complicates
     * things unnecessary.
     * <p>
     * Keeping it here isn't ideal but serves the purpose until we find a better home.
    private final CounterWait counterWait;

    // 5 min interval
    private final long printSnapshotPersistTimeInterval = 300000;

    private final boolean ownerPrivilegeWithGrant;

    public static Properties getDataNucleusProperties(Configuration conf)
            throws SentrySiteConfigurationException, IOException {
        Properties prop = new Properties();
        String jdbcUrl = conf.get(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_URL, "").trim();
                "Required parameter " + ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_URL + " is missed");
        String user = conf.get(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_USER, ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_USER_DEFAULT)
        //Password will be read from Credential provider specified using property
        // CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH("" in sentry-site.xml
        // it falls back to reading directly from sentry-site.xml
        char[] passTmp = conf.getPassword(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS);
        if (passTmp == null) {
            throw new SentrySiteConfigurationException("Error reading " + ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS);
        String pass = new String(passTmp);

        String driverName = conf.get(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_DRIVER,
        prop.setProperty(ServerConfig.JAVAX_JDO_URL, jdbcUrl);
        prop.setProperty(ServerConfig.JAVAX_JDO_USER, user);
        prop.setProperty(ServerConfig.JAVAX_JDO_PASS, pass);
        prop.setProperty(ServerConfig.JAVAX_JDO_DRIVER_NAME, driverName);

         * Oracle doesn't support "repeatable-read" isolation level and testing
         * showed issues with "serializable" isolation level for Oracle 12,
         * so we use "read-committed" instead.
         * JDBC URL always looks like jdbc:oracle:<drivertype>:@<database>
         *  we look at the second component.
         * The isolation property can be overwritten via configuration property.
        final String oracleDb = "oracle";
        if (prop.getProperty(ServerConfig.DATANUCLEUS_ISOLATION_LEVEL, "")
                .equals(ServerConfig.DATANUCLEUS_REPEATABLE_READ) && jdbcUrl.contains(oracleDb)) {
            String[] parts = jdbcUrl.split(":");
            if ((parts.length > 1) && parts[1].equals(oracleDb)) {
                // For Oracle JDBC driver, replace "repeatable-read" with "read-committed"
                prop.setProperty(ServerConfig.DATANUCLEUS_ISOLATION_LEVEL, "read-committed");

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : conf) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            if (key.startsWith(ServerConfig.SENTRY_JAVAX_JDO_PROPERTY_PREFIX)
                    || key.startsWith(ServerConfig.SENTRY_DATANUCLEUS_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) {
                key = StringUtils.removeStart(key, ServerConfig.SENTRY_DB_PROPERTY_PREFIX);
                prop.setProperty(key, entry.getValue());
        // Disallow operations outside of transactions
        prop.setProperty("datanucleus.NontransactionalRead", "false");
        prop.setProperty("datanucleus.NontransactionalWrite", "false");
        int batchSize = conf.getInt(SENTRY_STATEMENT_BATCH_LIMIT,
        prop.setProperty("datanucleus.rdbms.statementBatchLimit", Integer.toString(batchSize));

        int allocationSize = conf.getInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_DB_VALUE_GENERATION_ALLOCATION_SIZE,
        prop.setProperty("datanucleus.valuegeneration.increment.allocationSize", Integer.toString(allocationSize));
        return prop;

    public SentryStore(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        this.conf = conf;
        Properties prop = getDataNucleusProperties(conf);
        boolean checkSchemaVersion = conf

        // Schema verification should be set to false only for testing.
        // If it is set to false, appropriate datanucleus properties will be set so that
        // database schema is automatically created. This is desirable only for running tests.
        // Sentry uses <code>SentrySchemaTool</code> to create schema with the help of sql scripts.

        if (!checkSchemaVersion) {
            prop.setProperty("datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll", "true");
        pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(prop);
        tm = new TransactionManager(pmf, conf);
        long notificationTimeout = conf.getInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_NOTIFICATION_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS,
        counterWait = new CounterWait(notificationTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        ownerPrivilegeWithGrant = SentryOwnerPrivilegeType.ALL_WITH_GRANT.isConfSet(conf);

    public void setPersistUpdateDeltas(boolean persistUpdateDeltas) {
        this.persistUpdateDeltas = persistUpdateDeltas;

    public TransactionManager getTransactionManager() {
        return tm;

    public CounterWait getCounterWait() {
        return counterWait;

    // ensure that the backend DB schema is set
    void verifySentryStoreSchema(boolean checkVersion) throws Exception {
        if (!checkVersion) {
            setSentryVersion(SentryStoreSchemaInfo.getSentryVersion(), "Schema version set implicitly");
        } else {
            String currentVersion = getSentryVersion();
            if (!SentryStoreSchemaInfo.getSentryVersion().equals(currentVersion)) {
                throw new SentryAccessDeniedException("The Sentry store schema version " + currentVersion
                        + " is different from distribution version " + SentryStoreSchemaInfo.getSentryVersion());

    public synchronized void stop() {
        if (pmf != null) {

     * Get a single role with the given name inside a transaction
     * @param pm Persistence Manager instance
     * @param roleName Role name (should not be null)
     * @return single role with the given name
    public MSentryRole getRole(PersistenceManager pm, String roleName) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setFilter("this.roleName == :roleName");

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchPrivileges");

        return (MSentryRole) query.execute(roleName);

     * Get list of all roles. Should be called inside transaction.
     * @param pm Persistence manager instance
     * @return List of all roles
    public List<MSentryRole> getAllRoles(PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchGroups");

        return (List<MSentryRole>) query.execute();

     * Get a single user with the given name inside a transaction
     * @param pm Persistence Manager instance
     * @param userName User name (should not be null)
     * @return single user with the given name
    public MSentryUser getUser(PersistenceManager pm, String userName) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchPrivileges");

        return (MSentryUser) query.execute(userName);

     * Create a sentry user and persist it. User name is the primary key for the
     * user, so an attempt to create a user which exists fails with JDO exception.
     * @param userName: Name of the user being persisted.
     *    The name is normalized.
     * @throws Exception
    public void createSentryUser(final String userName) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedUserName = userName.trim();
            if (getUser(pm, trimmedUserName) != null) {
                throw new SentryAlreadyExistsException("User: " + trimmedUserName);
            pm.makePersistent(new MSentryUser(trimmedUserName, System.currentTimeMillis(), Sets.newHashSet()));
            return null;

     * Normalize the string values - remove leading and trailing whitespaces and
     * convert to lower case
     * @return normalized input
    private String trimAndLower(String input) {
        return input.trim().toLowerCase();

     * Create a sentry role and persist it. Role name is the primary key for the
     * role, so an attempt to create a role which exists fails with JDO exception.
     * @param roleName: Name of the role being persisted.
     *    The name is normalized.
     * @throws Exception
    public void createSentryRole(final String roleName) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
            if (getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName) != null) {
                throw new SentryAlreadyExistsException("Role: " + trimmedRoleName);
            pm.makePersistent(new MSentryRole(trimmedRoleName));
            return null;

     * Get count of object of the given class
     * @param tClass Class to count
     * @param <T> Class type
     * @return count of objects or -1 in case of error
    <T> Long getCount(final Class<T> tClass) {
        try {
            return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                Query query = pm.newQuery();
                query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
                Long result = (Long) query.execute();
                return result;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return COUNT_VALUE_UNKNOWN;

     * @return number of roles
    public Gauge<Long> getRoleCountGauge() {
        return () -> getCount(MSentryRole.class);

     * @return Number of privileges
    public Gauge<Long> getPrivilegeCountGauge() {
        return () -> getCount(MSentryPrivilege.class);

     * @return Number of privileges
    public Gauge<Long> getGenericModelPrivilegeCountGauge() {
        return () -> getCount(MSentryGMPrivilege.class);

     * @return number of groups
    public Gauge<Long> getGroupCountGauge() {
        return () -> getCount(MSentryGroup.class);

     * @return Number of users
    Gauge<Long> getUserCountGauge() {
        return () -> getCount(MSentryUser.class);

     * @return Number of authz objects persisted
    public Gauge<Long> getAuthzObjectsCountGauge() {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return getCount(MAuthzPathsMapping.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Cannot read AUTHZ_PATHS_MAPPING table", e);
                return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * @return Number of authz paths persisted
    public Gauge<Long> getAuthzPathsCountGauge() {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return getCount(MPath.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Cannot read AUTHZ_PATH table", e);
                return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * @return number of threads waiting for HMS notifications to be processed
    public Gauge<Integer> getHMSWaitersCountGauge() {
        return () -> counterWait.waitersCount();

     * @return current value of last processed notification ID
    public Gauge<Long> getLastNotificationIdGauge() {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return getLastProcessedNotificationID();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Can not read current notificationId", e);
                return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * @return ID of the path snapshot
    public Gauge<Long> getLastPathsSnapshotIdGauge() {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Can not read current paths snapshot ID", e);
                return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * @return Permissions change ID
    public Gauge<Long> getPermChangeIdGauge() {
        return new Gauge<Long>() {
            public Long getValue() {
                try {
                    return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPermChange.class));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Can not read current permissions change ID", e);
                    return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * @return Path change id
    public Gauge<Long> getPathChangeIdGauge() {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPathChange.class));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Can not read current path change ID", e);
                return NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;

     * Lets the test code know how many privs are in the db, so that we know
     * if they are in fact being cleaned up when not being referenced any more.
     * @return The number of rows in the db priv table.
    long countMSentryPrivileges() {
        return getCount(MSentryPrivilege.class);

    void clearAllTables() {
        try {
            tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
                return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // the method only for test, log the error and ignore the exception
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Removes all the information related to HMS Objects from sentry store.
    public void clearHmsPathInformation() throws Exception {"Clearing all the Path information");
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            // Data in MAuthzPathsSnapshotId.class is not cleared intentionally.
            // This data will help sentry retain the history of snapshots taken before
            // and help in picking appropriate ID even when hdfs sync is enabled/disabled.
            return null;

     * Purge a given delta change table, with a specified number of changes to be kept.
     * @param cls the class of a perm/path delta change {@link MSentryPermChange} or
     *            {@link MSentryPathChange}.
     * @param pm a {@link PersistenceManager} instance.
     * @param changesToKeep the number of changes the caller want to keep.
     * @param <T> the type of delta change class.
    <T extends MSentryChange> void purgeDeltaChangeTableCore(Class<T> cls, PersistenceManager pm,
            long changesToKeep) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(changesToKeep >= 0, "changes to keep must be a non-negative number");
        long lastChangedID = getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, cls);
        long maxIDDeleted = lastChangedID - changesToKeep;

        Query query = pm.newQuery(cls);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

        // It is an approximation of "SELECT ... LIMIT CHANGE_TO_KEEP" in SQL, because JDO w/ derby
        // does not support "LIMIT".
        // See:
        query.setFilter("changeID <= maxChangedIdDeleted");
        query.declareParameters("long maxChangedIdDeleted");
        long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(maxIDDeleted);
        if (numDeleted > 0) {
                    String.format("Purged %d of %s to changeID=%d", numDeleted, cls.getSimpleName(), maxIDDeleted));

     * Purge notification id table, keeping a specified number of entries.
     * @param pm a {@link PersistenceManager} instance.
     * @param changesToKeep  the number of changes the caller want to keep.
    protected void purgeNotificationIdTableCore(PersistenceManager pm, long changesToKeep) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(changesToKeep > 0,
                "You need to keep at least one entry in SENTRY_HMS_NOTIFICATION_ID table");
        long lastNotificationID = getLastProcessedNotificationIDCore(pm);
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryHmsNotification.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

        // It is an approximation of "SELECT ... LIMIT CHANGE_TO_KEEP" in SQL, because JDO w/ derby
        // does not support "LIMIT".
        // See:
        query.setFilter("notificationId <= maxNotificationIdDeleted");
        query.declareParameters("long maxNotificationIdDeleted");
        long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(lastNotificationID - changesToKeep);
        if (numDeleted > 0) {
  "Purged {} of {}", numDeleted, MSentryHmsNotification.class.getSimpleName());

     * Purge delta change tables, {@link MSentryPermChange} and {@link MSentryPathChange}.
     * The number of deltas to keep is configurable
    public void purgeDeltaChangeTables() {
        final int changesToKeep = conf.getInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_DELTA_KEEP_COUNT,
                ServerConfig.SENTRY_DELTA_KEEP_COUNT_DEFAULT);"Purging MSentryPathUpdate and MSentyPermUpdate tables, leaving {} entries", changesToKeep);
        try {
            tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                purgeDeltaChangeTableCore(MSentryPermChange.class, pm, changesToKeep);
      "MSentryPermChange table has been purged.");
                purgeDeltaChangeTableCore(MSentryPathChange.class, pm, changesToKeep);
      "MSentryPathUpdate table has been purged.");
                return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Delta change cleaning process encountered an error", e);

     * Purge hms notification id table , {@link MSentryHmsNotification}.
     * The number of notifications id's to be kept is based on configuration
    public void purgeNotificationIdTable() {
        final int changesToKeep = conf.getInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_HMS_NOTIFICATION_ID_KEEP_COUNT,
        LOGGER.debug("Purging MSentryHmsNotification table, leaving {} entries", changesToKeep);
        try {
            tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                purgeNotificationIdTableCore(pm, changesToKeep);
                return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("MSentryHmsNotification cleaning process encountered an error", e);

    public void alterSentryRoleGrantPrivileges(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges)
            throws Exception {
        alterSentryGrantPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, roleName, privileges, null);

     * Grant privileges to a principal and update sentry perm change table accordingly
     * Iterate over each thrift privilege object and create the MSentryPrivilege equivalent object
     * @param type
     * @param name
     * @param privileges
     * @param updatesToPersist
     * @throws Exception
    synchronized void alterSentryGrantPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType type, final String name,
            final Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges, final List<Update> updatesToPersist) throws Exception {

        execute(updatesToPersist, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedEntityName = trimAndLower(name);

            for (TSentryPrivilege privilege : privileges) {
                // Alter sentry Role and grant Privilege.
                MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege = alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(pm, type, trimmedEntityName, privilege);

                if (mPrivilege != null) {
                    // update the privilege to be the one actually updated.
                    convertToTSentryPrivilege(mPrivilege, privilege);
            return null;

    public void alterSentryRoleGrantPrivileges(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges,
            final Map<TSentryPrivilege, Update> privilegesUpdateMap) throws Exception {

        alterSentryGrantPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, roleName, privileges,
                new ArrayList<>(privilegesUpdateMap.values()));

     * Find the privilege in entityPrivileges that matches the input privilege.
     * Function contains() only returns if there is a match, but does not return matching privilege
     * in entityPrivileges.
     * inputPrivilege contains all privilege fields except the roles and users information.
     * we need to find the privilege with all users and roles that matches the inputPrivilege.
     * @param entityPrivileges the privileges to search, which is fetched from DB, containing
     * associated users and/or roles
     * @param inputPrivilege input privilege to match. It is constructed in memory, does not contain
     * associated users and/or roles
     * @return matched privilege in entityPrivileges. When there is no match, return null
    private MSentryPrivilege findMatchPrivilege(Set<MSentryPrivilege> entityPrivileges,
            MSentryPrivilege inputPrivilege) {

        for (MSentryPrivilege entityPrivilege : entityPrivileges) {
            if (entityPrivilege.equals(inputPrivilege)) {
                return entityPrivilege;

        return null;

     * For the TSentryPrivilege object create a corresponding MSentryPrivilege object
     * If ALL is being granted and SELECT/INSERT already exist, the older
     * privielges need to be deleted first in order to prevent having overlapping privileges
     * @param pm
     * @param type
     * @param entityName
     * @param privilege
     * @return
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    private MSentryPrivilege alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(PersistenceManager pm, SentryPrincipalType type,
            String entityName, TSentryPrivilege privilege)
            throws SentryNoSuchObjectException, SentryInvalidInputException {
        MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege = null;

        entityName = entityName.trim();
        if (type.equals(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE)) {
            entityName = entityName.toLowerCase();

        PrivilegePrincipal mEntity = getEntity(pm, entityName, type);
        if (mEntity == null) {
            if (type == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                throw noSuchRole(entityName);
            } else if (type == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                // User might not exist. Creating one.
                mEntity = new MSentryUser(entityName, System.currentTimeMillis(), Sets.newHashSet());

        if (privilege.getPrivilegeScope().equalsIgnoreCase(
                && StringUtils.isBlank(privilege.getURI())) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("cannot grant URI privileges to Null or EMPTY location");

        if ((!isNULL(privilege.getColumnName()) || !isNULL(privilege.getTableName())
                || !isNULL(privilege.getDbName()))
                && !AccessConstants.OWNER.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege.getAction())) {
            // If Grant is for ALL and individual privileges already exists (i.e. insert/select/create..)
            // need to remove it and GRANT ALL..
            if (AccessConstants.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege.getAction())
                    || AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege.getAction())) {
                dropPrivilegesForGrantAll(pm, mEntity, privilege);
            } else {
                // If Grant is for Either INSERT/SELECT and ALL already exists..
                // do nothing..
                TSentryPrivilege tAll = new TSentryPrivilege(privilege);
                MSentryPrivilege mAll1 = findMatchPrivilege(mEntity.getPrivileges(),
                MSentryPrivilege mAll2 = findMatchPrivilege(mEntity.getPrivileges(),
                if (mAll1 != null) {
                    return null;
                if (mAll2 != null) {
                    return null;

        mPrivilege = getMSentryPrivilege(privilege, pm);
        if (mPrivilege == null) {
            mPrivilege = convertToMSentryPrivilege(privilege);
        } else {

        return mPrivilege;

     * Drop all individual privileges from the privilege entity that form the grant all operation.
     * @param pm The PersistenceManager to persist the changes.
     * @param principal The Sentry principal from where to drop the privileges.
     * @param privilege The Sentry privilege that has the authorizable object from where to drop the privileges.
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException If an error occurs when dropping the privileges.
    private void dropPrivilegesForGrantAll(PersistenceManager pm, PrivilegePrincipal principal,
            TSentryPrivilege privilege) throws SentryInvalidInputException {

        // Re-use this object to search for the specific privilege
        TSentryPrivilege tNotAll = new TSentryPrivilege(privilege);

        for (String action : ALL_ACTIONS) {
            // These privileges do not form part of the grant all operation.
            // For instance, a role/user may have the OWNER and ALL privileges together.
            if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(AccessConstants.OWNER)) {

            // Set the action to search in the set of privileges of the entity

            MSentryPrivilege mAction = findMatchPrivilege(principal.getPrivileges(),
            if (mAction != null) {
                persistPrivilege(pm, mAction);

     * Alter a given sentry user to grant a set of privileges.
     * Internally calls alterSentryGrantPrivileges.
     * @param userName User name
     * @param privileges Set of privileges
     * @throws Exception
    public void alterSentryUserGrantPrivileges(final String userName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges)
            throws Exception {

        try {
            MSentryUser userEntry = getMSentryUserByName(userName, false);
            if (userEntry == null) {
        } catch (SentryAlreadyExistsException e) {
            // the user may be created by other thread, so swallow the exception and proceed

        alterSentryGrantPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.USER, userName, privileges, null);

     * Alter a give sentry user/role to set owner privilege, as well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * Creates User, if it is not already there.
     * Internally calls alterSentryGrantPrivileges.
     * @param principalName principalType name to which permissions should be granted.
     * @param entityType Principal Type
     * @param privilege Privilege to be granted
     * @param update DeltaTransactionBlock
     * @throws Exception
    public void alterSentryGrantOwnerPrivilege(final String principalName, SentryPrincipalType entityType,
            final TSentryPrivilege privilege, final Update update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            // Alter sentry Role and grant Privilege.
            MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege = alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(pm, entityType, principalName, privilege);

            if (mPrivilege != null) {
                // update the privilege to be the one actually updated.
                convertToTSentryPrivilege(mPrivilege, privilege);
            return null;

     * Get the user entry by user name
     * @param userName the name of the user
     * @return the user entry
     * @throws Exception if the specified user does not exist
    public MSentryUser getMSentryUserByName(final String userName) throws Exception {
        return getMSentryUserByName(userName, true);

     * Get the user entry by user name
     * @param userName the name of the user
     * @param throwExceptionIfNotExist true: throw exception if user does not exist; false: return null
     * @return the user entry or null
     * @throws Exception if the specified user does not exist and throwExceptionIfNotExist is true
    MSentryUser getMSentryUserByName(final String userName, boolean throwExceptionIfNotExist) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(new TransactionBlock<MSentryUser>() {
            public MSentryUser execute(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
                String trimmedUserName = userName.trim();
                MSentryUser sentryUser = getUser(pm, trimmedUserName);
                if (sentryUser == null) {
                    if (throwExceptionIfNotExist) {
                        throw noSuchUser(trimmedUserName);
                    } else {
                        return null;
                return sentryUser;

     * Alter a given sentry user to revoke a set of privileges.
     * Internally calls alterSentryRevokePrivileges.
     * @param userName the given user name
     * @param tPrivileges a Set of privileges
     * @throws Exception
    public void alterSentryUserRevokePrivileges(final String userName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivileges)
            throws Exception {
        alterSentryRevokePrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.USER, userName, tPrivileges, null);

    public void alterSentryRoleRevokePrivileges(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivileges)
            throws Exception {
        alterSentryRevokePrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, roleName, tPrivileges, null);

     * Revoke privileges from a principal and update sentry perm change table accordingly
     * Iterate over each thrift privilege object and delete the MSentryPrivilege equivalent object
     * and also all the children privilege objects
     * @param type
     * @param principalName
     * @param privileges
     * @param updatesToDelete
     * @throws Exception
    synchronized void alterSentryRevokePrivileges(SentryPrincipalType type, final String principalName,
            final Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges, final List<Update> updatesToDelete) throws Exception {
        execute(updatesToDelete, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedEntityName = safeTrimLower(principalName);

            for (TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege : privileges) {
                alterSentryRevokePrivilegeCore(pm, type, trimmedEntityName, tPrivilege);
            return null;

    public void alterSentryRoleRevokePrivileges(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivileges,
            final Map<TSentryPrivilege, Update> privilegesUpdateMap) throws Exception {

        alterSentryRevokePrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, roleName, tPrivileges,
                new ArrayList<>(privilegesUpdateMap.values()));

     * For the TSentryPrivilege object delete a corresponding MSentryPrivilege object
     * Also delete the corresponding child privileges
     * @param pm
     * @param type
     * @param entityName
     * @param privilege
     * @return
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    private void alterSentryRevokePrivilegeCore(PersistenceManager pm, SentryPrincipalType type, String entityName,
            TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege) throws SentryNoSuchObjectException, SentryInvalidInputException {
        if (entityName == null) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("Null entityName");

        entityName = entityName.trim();
        if (type.equals(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE)) {
            entityName = entityName.toLowerCase();

        PrivilegePrincipal mEntity = getEntity(pm, entityName, type);
        if (mEntity == null) {
            if (type == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                throw noSuchRole(entityName);
            } else if (type == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                throw noSuchUser(entityName);
        if (tPrivilege.getPrivilegeScope().equalsIgnoreCase(
                && StringUtils.isBlank(tPrivilege.getURI())) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("cannot revoke URI privileges from Null or EMPTY location");

        // make sure to drop all equivalent privileges
        LOGGER.debug("tPrivilege to drop: {}", tPrivilege.toString());
        MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege = getMSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege, pm);
        if (mPrivilege == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("mPrivilege is null");
            mPrivilege = convertToMSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege);
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("mPrivilege is found: {}", mPrivilege.toString());
            mPrivilege = pm.detachCopy(mPrivilege);

        Set<MSentryPrivilege> privilegeGraph = new HashSet<>();
        Set<String> allEquivalentActions = getAllEquivalentActions(mPrivilege.getAction());
        for (String equivalentAction : allEquivalentActions) {
            MSentryPrivilege newActionPrivilege = new MSentryPrivilege(mPrivilege);
            if (newActionPrivilege.getGrantOption() != null) {
            } else {
                MSentryPrivilege mTure = new MSentryPrivilege(newActionPrivilege);
                MSentryPrivilege mFalse = new MSentryPrivilege(newActionPrivilege);

        // Get the privilege graph
        populateChildren(pm, type, Sets.newHashSet(entityName), mPrivilege, privilegeGraph);
        for (MSentryPrivilege childPriv : privilegeGraph) {
            revokePrivilege(pm, tPrivilege, mEntity, childPriv);
        persistEntity(pm, type, mEntity);

     * Roles/Users can be granted ALL, SELECT, and INSERT on tables. When
     * a role/user has ALL and SELECT or INSERT are revoked, we need to remove the ALL
     * privilege and add SELECT (INSERT was revoked) or INSERT (SELECT was revoked).
    private void revokePartial(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege requestedPrivToRevoke,
            PrivilegePrincipal mEntity, MSentryPrivilege currentPrivilege) throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        MSentryPrivilege persistedPriv = getMSentryPrivilege(convertToTSentryPrivilege(currentPrivilege), pm);
        if (persistedPriv == null) {
            // The privilege corresponding to the currentPrivilege doesn't exist in the persistent
            // store, so we create a fake one for the code below. The fake one is not associated with
            // any role and shouldn't be stored in the persistent storage.
            persistedPriv = convertToMSentryPrivilege(convertToTSentryPrivilege(currentPrivilege));

        if (requestedPrivToRevoke.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(AccessConstants.ALL)
                || requestedPrivToRevoke.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL)) {
            if ((!persistedPriv.getRoles().isEmpty() || !persistedPriv.getUsers().isEmpty()) && mEntity != null) {
                persistPrivilege(pm, persistedPriv);
        } else {

            Set<String> addActions = new HashSet<String>();
            for (String actionToAdd : PARTIAL_REVOKE_ACTIONS) {
                if (!requestedPrivToRevoke.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(actionToAdd)
                        && !currentPrivilege.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(actionToAdd)
                        && !AccessConstants.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(actionToAdd)
                        && !AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(actionToAdd)) {

            if (mEntity != null) {
                revokePrivilegeAndGrantPartial(pm, mEntity, currentPrivilege, persistedPriv, addActions);

     * Persists the changes in principal
     * @param pm persistence manager
     * @param type Type of privilege principal
     * @param principal privilege principal to persist
    private void persistEntity(PersistenceManager pm, SentryPrincipalType type, PrivilegePrincipal principal) {
        if (type == SentryPrincipalType.USER && isUserStale((MSentryUser) principal)) {

    private boolean isUserStale(MSentryUser user) {
        if (user.getPrivileges().isEmpty() && user.getRoles().isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    private void persistPrivilege(PersistenceManager pm, MSentryPrivilege privilege) {
        if (isPrivilegeStale(privilege)) {


    private boolean isPrivilegeStale(MSentryPrivilege privilege) {
        if (privilege.getUsers().isEmpty() && privilege.getRoles().isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    private boolean isPrivilegeStale(MSentryGMPrivilege privilege) {
        if (privilege.getRoles().isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    private void revokePrivilegeAndGrantPartial(PersistenceManager pm, PrivilegePrincipal mEntity,
            MSentryPrivilege currentPrivilege, MSentryPrivilege persistedPriv, Set<String> addActions)
            throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        // If table / URI, remove ALL
        persistedPriv = getMSentryPrivilege(convertToTSentryPrivilege(persistedPriv), pm);
        if (persistedPriv != null) {
            persistPrivilege(pm, persistedPriv);
        persistedPriv = getMSentryPrivilege(convertToTSentryPrivilege(currentPrivilege), pm);
        if (persistedPriv != null && mEntity.getPrivileges().contains(persistedPriv)) {
            persistPrivilege(pm, persistedPriv);
            // add decomposed actions
            for (String addAction : addActions) {
                TSentryPrivilege tSentryPrivilege = convertToTSentryPrivilege(currentPrivilege);
                persistedPriv = getMSentryPrivilege(tSentryPrivilege, pm);
                if (persistedPriv == null) {
                    persistedPriv = convertToMSentryPrivilege(tSentryPrivilege);

     * Revoke privilege from role
    private void revokePrivilege(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege, PrivilegePrincipal mEntity,
            MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege) throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        if (PARTIAL_REVOKE_ACTIONS.contains(mPrivilege.getAction())) {
            // if this privilege is in partial revoke actions
            // we will do partial revoke
            revokePartial(pm, tPrivilege, mEntity, mPrivilege);
        } else {
            // otherwise,
            // we will revoke it from role directly
            MSentryPrivilege persistedPriv = getMSentryPrivilege(convertToTSentryPrivilege(mPrivilege), pm);
            if (persistedPriv != null) {
                persistPrivilege(pm, persistedPriv);

     * Explore Privilege graph and collect child privileges.
     * The responsibility to commit/rollback the transaction should be handled by the caller.
    private void populateChildren(PersistenceManager pm, SentryPrincipalType entityType, Set<String> entityNames,
            MSentryPrivilege priv, Collection<MSentryPrivilege> children) throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        if (!isNULL(priv.getServerName()) || !isNULL(priv.getDbName()) || !isNULL(priv.getTableName())) {
            // Get all TableLevel Privs
            Set<MSentryPrivilege> childPrivs = getChildPrivileges(pm, entityType, entityNames, priv);
            for (MSentryPrivilege childPriv : childPrivs) {
                // Only recurse for table level privs..
                if (!isNULL(childPriv.getDbName()) && !isNULL(childPriv.getTableName())
                        && !isNULL(childPriv.getColumnName())) {
                    populateChildren(pm, entityType, entityNames, childPriv, children);
                // The method getChildPrivileges() didn't do filter on "action",
                // if the action is not "All", it should judge the action of children privilege.
                // For example: a user has a privilege All on Col1?,
                // if the operation is REVOKE INSERT on table?
                // the privilege should be the child of table level privilege.
                // but the privilege may still have other meaning, likes "SELECT, CREATE etc. on Col1".
                // and the privileges like "SELECT, CREATE etc. on Col1" should not be revoke.
                if (!priv.isActionALL()) {
                    if (childPriv.isActionALL()) {
                        // If the child privilege is All, we should convert it to the same
                        // privilege with parent
                    // Only include privilege that imply the parent privilege.
                    if (!priv.implies(childPriv)) {

    private Set<MSentryPrivilege> getChildPrivileges(PersistenceManager pm, SentryPrincipalType entityType,
            Set<String> entityNames, MSentryPrivilege parent) throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        // Column and URI do not have children
        if (!isNULL(parent.getColumnName()) || !isNULL(parent.getURI())) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = null;
        if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
            paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addRolesFilter(query, null, entityNames).add(SERVER_NAME,
        } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
            paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addUsersFilter(query, null, entityNames).add(SERVER_NAME,
        } else {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("entityType" + entityType + " is not valid");

        if (!isNULL(parent.getDbName())) {
            paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, parent.getDbName());
            if (!isNULL(parent.getTableName())) {
                paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, parent.getTableName()).addNotNull(COLUMN_NAME);
            } else {
        } else {
            // Add condition dbName != NULL || URI != NULL

        query.setResult("privilegeScope, serverName, dbName, tableName, columnName," + " URI, action, grantOption");
        List<Object[]> privObjects = (List<Object[]>) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
        Set<MSentryPrivilege> privileges = new HashSet<>(privObjects.size());
        for (Object[] privObj : privObjects) {
            String scope = (String) privObj[0];
            String serverName = (String) privObj[1];
            String dbName = (String) privObj[2];
            String tableName = (String) privObj[3];
            String columnName = (String) privObj[4];
            String URI = (String) privObj[5];
            String action = (String) privObj[6];
            Boolean grantOption = (Boolean) privObj[7];
            MSentryPrivilege priv = new MSentryPrivilege(scope, serverName, dbName, tableName, columnName, URI,
                    action, grantOption);
        return privileges;

     * Drop a given sentry user.
     * @param userName the given user name
     * @throws Exception
    public void dropSentryUser(final String userName) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(new TransactionBlock<Object>() {
            public Object execute(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                dropSentryUserCore(pm, userName);
                return null;

     * Drop a given sentry user. As well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param userName the given user name
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void dropSentryUser(final String userName, final Update update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, new TransactionBlock<Object>() {
            public Object execute(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                dropSentryUserCore(pm, userName);
                return null;

    private void dropSentryUserCore(PersistenceManager pm, String userName) throws SentryNoSuchObjectException {
        String lUserName = userName.trim();
        MSentryUser sentryUser = getUser(pm, lUserName);
        if (sentryUser == null) {
            throw noSuchUser(lUserName);
        removePrivilegesForUser(pm, sentryUser);

     * Removes all the privileges associated with
     * a particular user. After this dis-association if the
     * privilege doesn't have any users associated it will be
     * removed from the underlying persistence layer.
     * @param pm Instance of PersistenceManager
     * @param sentryUser User for which all the privileges are to be removed.
    private void removePrivilegesForUser(PersistenceManager pm, MSentryUser sentryUser) {
        List<MSentryPrivilege> privilegesCopy = new ArrayList<>(sentryUser.getPrivileges());


        removeStaledPrivileges(pm, privilegesCopy);

     * Return the privileges on the authorizable object specified in tPriv, and including
     * privileges on the child authorizable objects.
     * @param tPriv the privilege that specifies the authorizable object to find its privileges
     * @param pm persistant manager
     * @return  the privileges on the authorizable object specified in tPriv
    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivileges(TSentryPrivilege tPriv, PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();
        paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, tPriv.getServerName()).add("action", tPriv.getAction());

        if (!isNULL(tPriv.getDbName())) {
            paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, tPriv.getDbName());
            if (!isNULL(tPriv.getTableName())) {
                paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, tPriv.getTableName());
                if (!isNULL(tPriv.getColumnName())) {
                    paramBuilder.add(COLUMN_NAME, tPriv.getColumnName());
        } else if (!isNULL(tPriv.getURI())) {
            // if db is null, uri is not null
            paramBuilder.add(URI, tPriv.getURI(), true);


        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRolesUsers");

        return (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());

     * Return the privileges on the authorizable object specified in tPriv, and not including
     * privileges on the child authorizable objects.
     * @param tPriv the privilege that specifies the authorizable object to find its privileges
     * @param pm persistant manager
     * @return  the privileges on the authorizable object specified in tPriv
    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivilegesExactMatch(TSentryPrivilege tPriv, PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();
        paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, tPriv.getServerName()).add("action", tPriv.getAction())
                .add(DB_NAME, tPriv.getDbName()).add(TABLE_NAME, tPriv.getTableName())
                .add(COLUMN_NAME, tPriv.getColumnName()).add(URI, tPriv.getURI(), true);

        return (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());

    private MSentryPrivilege getMSentryPrivilege(TSentryPrivilege tPriv, PersistenceManager pm) {
        Boolean grantOption = null;
        if (tPriv.getGrantOption().equals(TSentryGrantOption.TRUE)) {
            grantOption = true;
        } else if (tPriv.getGrantOption().equals(TSentryGrantOption.FALSE)) {
            grantOption = false;

        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();
        paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, tPriv.getServerName()).add(DB_NAME, tPriv.getDbName())
                .add(TABLE_NAME, tPriv.getTableName()).add(COLUMN_NAME, tPriv.getColumnName())
                .add(URI, tPriv.getURI(), true).add(ACTION, tPriv.getAction()).addObject(GRANT_OPTION, grantOption);

        LOGGER.debug("getMSentryPrivilege query filter: {}", paramBuilder.toString());

        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        return (MSentryPrivilege) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());

    private Set<String> getAllEquivalentActions(String inputAction) {
        if (AccessConstants.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(inputAction)
                || AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(inputAction)) {
            return Sets.newHashSet(AccessConstants.ALL, AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL,

        return Sets.newHashSet(inputAction);

     * Drop a given sentry role.
     * @param roleName the given role name
     * @throws Exception
    public void dropSentryRole(final String roleName) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            dropSentryRoleCore(pm, roleName);
            return null;

     * Drop a given sentry role. As well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param roleName the given role name
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void dropSentryRole(final String roleName, final Update update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            dropSentryRoleCore(pm, roleName);
            return null;

    private void dropSentryRoleCore(PersistenceManager pm, String roleName) throws SentryNoSuchObjectException {
        String lRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
        MSentryRole sentryRole = getRole(pm, lRoleName);
        if (sentryRole == null) {
            throw noSuchRole(lRoleName);
        removePrivileges(pm, sentryRole);

     * Removes all the privileges associated with
     * a particular role. After this dis-association if the
     * privilege doesn't have any roles associated it will be
     * removed from the underlying persistence layer.
     * @param pm Instance of PersistenceManager
     * @param sentryRole Role for which all the privileges are to be removed.
    private void removePrivileges(PersistenceManager pm, MSentryRole sentryRole) {
        List<MSentryPrivilege> privilegesCopy = new ArrayList<>(sentryRole.getPrivileges());
        List<MSentryGMPrivilege> gmPrivilegesCopy = new ArrayList<>(sentryRole.getGmPrivileges());

        // with SENTRY-398 generic model

        removeStaledPrivileges(pm, privilegesCopy);
        removeStaledGMPrivileges(pm, gmPrivilegesCopy);

    private void removeStaledPrivileges(PersistenceManager pm, List<MSentryPrivilege> privilegesCopy) {
        List<MSentryPrivilege> stalePrivileges = new ArrayList<>(0);
        for (MSentryPrivilege privilege : privilegesCopy) {
            if (isPrivilegeStale(privilege)) {
        if (!stalePrivileges.isEmpty()) {

    private void removeStaledGMPrivileges(PersistenceManager pm, List<MSentryGMPrivilege> privilegesCopy) {
        List<MSentryGMPrivilege> stalePrivileges = new ArrayList<>(0);
        for (MSentryGMPrivilege privilege : privilegesCopy) {
            if (isPrivilegeStale(privilege)) {
        if (!stalePrivileges.isEmpty()) {

     * Assign a given role to a set of groups.
     * @param grantorPrincipal grantorPrincipal currently is not used.
     * @param roleName the role to be assigned to the groups.
     * @param groupNames the list of groups to be added to the role,
     * @throws Exception
    public void alterSentryRoleAddGroups(final String grantorPrincipal, final String roleName,
            final Set<TSentryGroup> groupNames) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            alterSentryRoleAddGroupsCore(pm, roleName, groupNames);
            return null;

     * Assign a given role to a set of groups. As well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param grantorPrincipal grantorPrincipal currently is not used.
     * @param roleName the role to be assigned to the groups.
     * @param groupNames the list of groups to be added to the role,
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void alterSentryRoleAddGroups(final String grantorPrincipal, final String roleName,
            final Set<TSentryGroup> groupNames, final Update update) throws Exception {

        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            alterSentryRoleAddGroupsCore(pm, roleName, groupNames);
            return null;

    private void alterSentryRoleAddGroupsCore(PersistenceManager pm, String roleName, Set<TSentryGroup> groupNames)
            throws SentryNoSuchObjectException {

        // All role names are stored in lowercase.
        String lRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
        MSentryRole role = getRole(pm, lRoleName);
        if (role == null) {
            throw noSuchRole(lRoleName);

        // Add the group to the specified role if it does not belong to the role yet.
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
        query.setFilter("this.groupName == :groupName");
        List<MSentryGroup> groups = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (TSentryGroup tGroup : groupNames) {
            String groupName = tGroup.getGroupName().trim();
            MSentryGroup group = (MSentryGroup) query.execute(groupName);
            if (group == null) {
                group = new MSentryGroup(groupName, System.currentTimeMillis(), Sets.newHashSet(role));

    public void alterSentryRoleAddUsers(final String roleName, final Set<String> userNames) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            alterSentryRoleAddUsersCore(pm, roleName, userNames);
            return null;

    private void alterSentryRoleAddUsersCore(PersistenceManager pm, String roleName, Set<String> userNames)
            throws SentryNoSuchObjectException {
        String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
        MSentryRole role = getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName);
        if (role == null) {
            throw noSuchRole(trimmedRoleName);
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
        query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");
        List<MSentryUser> users = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (String userName : userNames) {
            userName = userName.trim();
            MSentryUser user = (MSentryUser) query.execute(userName);
            if (user == null) {
                user = new MSentryUser(userName, System.currentTimeMillis(), Sets.newHashSet(role));

    public void alterSentryRoleDeleteUsers(final String roleName, final Set<String> userNames) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
            MSentryRole role = getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName);
            if (role == null) {
                throw noSuchRole(trimmedRoleName);
            } else {
                Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
                query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");
                List<MSentryUser> usersToSave = Lists.newArrayList();
                List<MSentryUser> usersToDelete = Lists.newArrayList();
                for (String userName : userNames) {
                    userName = userName.trim();
                    MSentryUser user = (MSentryUser) query.execute(userName);
                    if (user != null) {

                        if (isUserStale(user)) {
                        } else {

            return null;

     * Revoke a given role to a set of groups.
     * @param roleName the role to be assigned to the groups.
     * @param groupNames the list of groups to be added to the role,
     * @throws Exception
    public void alterSentryRoleDeleteGroups(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryGroup> groupNames)
            throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
            MSentryRole role = getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName);
            if (role == null) {
                throw noSuchRole(trimmedRoleName);
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
            query.setFilter("this.groupName == :groupName");
            List<MSentryGroup> groups = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (TSentryGroup tGroup : groupNames) {
                String groupName = tGroup.getGroupName().trim();
                MSentryGroup group = (MSentryGroup) query.execute(groupName);
                if (group != null) {
            return null;

     * Revoke a given role to a set of groups. As well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param roleName the role to be assigned to the groups.
     * @param groupNames the list of groups to be added to the role,
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void alterSentryRoleDeleteGroups(final String roleName, final Set<TSentryGroup> groupNames,
            final Update update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
            MSentryRole role = getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName);
            if (role == null) {
                throw noSuchRole(trimmedRoleName);

            // Remove the group from the specified role if it belongs to the role.
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
            query.setFilter("this.groupName == :groupName");
            List<MSentryGroup> groups = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (TSentryGroup tGroup : groupNames) {
                String groupName = tGroup.getGroupName().trim();
                MSentryGroup group = (MSentryGroup) query.execute(groupName);
                if (group != null) {
            return null;

    public MSentryRole getMSentryRoleByName(final String roleName) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            String trimmedRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
            MSentryRole sentryRole = getRole(pm, trimmedRoleName);
            if (sentryRole == null) {
                throw noSuchRole(trimmedRoleName);
            return sentryRole;

     * Gets the MSentryPrivilege from sentry persistent storage based on TSentryPrivilege
     * provided
     * Method is currently used only in test framework
     * @param tPrivilege
     * @return MSentryPrivilege if the privilege is found in the storage
     * null, if the privilege is not found in the storage.
     * @throws Exception
    MSentryPrivilege findMSentryPrivilegeFromTSentryPrivilege(final TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> getMSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege, pm));

     * Returns a list with all the privileges in the sentry persistent storage
     * Method is currently used only in test framework
     * @return List of all sentry privileges in the store
     * @throws Exception
    List<MSentryPrivilege> getAllMSentryPrivileges() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> getAllMSentryPrivilegesCore(pm));

     * Method Returns all the privileges present in the persistent store as a list.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @returns list of all the privileges in the persistent store
    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getAllMSentryPrivilegesCore(PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        return (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.execute();

    private boolean hasAnyServerPrivileges(final Set<String> roleNames, final String serverName) throws Exception {
        if (roleNames == null || roleNames.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
            QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addRolesFilter(query, null, roleNames);
            paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, serverName);
            Long numPrivs = (Long) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
            return numPrivs > 0;

    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivileges(final SentryPrincipalType entityType,
            final Set<String> entityNames, final TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        if (entityNames == null || entityNames.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
            QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = null;
            if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addRolesFilter(query, null, entityNames);
            } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addUsersFilter(query, null, entityNames);
            } else {
                throw new SentryInvalidInputException("entityType" + entityType + " is not valid");

            if (authHierarchy != null && authHierarchy.getServer() != null) {
                paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, authHierarchy.getServer());
                if (authHierarchy.getDb() != null) {
                    paramBuilder.addNull(URI).newChild().add(DB_NAME, authHierarchy.getDb()).addNull(DB_NAME);
                    if (authHierarchy.getTable() != null
                            && !AccessConstants.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(authHierarchy.getTable())) {
                        if (!AccessConstants.SOME.equalsIgnoreCase(authHierarchy.getTable())) {
                            paramBuilder.addNull(URI).newChild().add(TABLE_NAME, authHierarchy.getTable())
                        if (authHierarchy.getColumn() != null
                                && !AccessConstants.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(authHierarchy.getColumn())
                                && !AccessConstants.SOME.equalsIgnoreCase(authHierarchy.getColumn())) {
                            paramBuilder.addNull(URI).newChild().add(COLUMN_NAME, authHierarchy.getColumn())
                if (authHierarchy.getUri() != null) {
                            .addCustomParam("(:authURI.startsWith(URI))", "authURI", authHierarchy.getUri());

            if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRoles");
            } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchUsers");

            List<MSentryPrivilege> result = (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query
            return result;

    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivilegesByAuth(final SentryPrincipalType entityType,
            final Set<String> entityNames, final TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
            QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();

            if (entityNames == null || entityNames.isEmpty()) {
                if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                } else {
                    throw new SentryInvalidInputException("entityType: " + entityType + " is invalid");
            } else {
                if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                    QueryParamBuilder.addRolesFilter(query, paramBuilder, entityNames);
                } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                    QueryParamBuilder.addUsersFilter(query, paramBuilder, entityNames);
                } else {
                    throw new SentryInvalidInputException("entityType" + entityType + " is not valid");
            if (authHierarchy.getServer() != null) {
                paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, authHierarchy.getServer());
                if (authHierarchy.getDb() != null) {
                    paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, authHierarchy.getDb()).addNull(URI);
                    if (authHierarchy.getTable() != null) {
                        paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, authHierarchy.getTable());
                    } else {
                } else if (authHierarchy.getUri() != null) {
                            "authURI", authHierarchy.getUri());
                } else {
            } else {
                // if no server, then return empty result
                return Collections.emptyList();

            if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
                FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRoles");
            } else if (entityType == SentryPrincipalType.USER) {
                FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchUsers");

            List<MSentryPrivilege> result = (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query
            return result;

     * List the Owner privileges for an authorizable
     * @param pm persistance manager
     * @param authHierarchy Authorizable
     * @return privilege list
     * @throws Exception
    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryOwnerPrivilegesByAuth(PersistenceManager pm,
            final TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();
        if (authHierarchy.getServer() != null) {
            paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, authHierarchy.getServer());
            if (authHierarchy.getDb() != null) {
                paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, authHierarchy.getDb()).addNull(URI);
                if (authHierarchy.getTable() != null) {
                    paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, authHierarchy.getTable());
                } else {
            } else if (authHierarchy.getUri() != null) {
                        "authURI", authHierarchy.getUri());
            } else {
            paramBuilder.add(ACTION, AccessConstants.OWNER);
        } else {
            // if no server, then return empty result
            return Collections.emptyList();

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRolesUsers");

        List<MSentryPrivilege> result = (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
        return result;

    private Set<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivilegesByUserName(String userName) throws Exception {
        MSentryUser mSentryUser = getMSentryUserByName(userName);
        return mSentryUser.getPrivileges();

     * Gets sentry privilege objects for a given userName from the persistence layer
     * @param userName : userName to look up
     * @return : Set of thrift sentry privilege objects
     * @throws Exception

    public Set<TSentryPrivilege> getAllTSentryPrivilegesByUserName(String userName) throws Exception {
        return convertToTSentryPrivileges(getMSentryPrivilegesByUserName(userName));

     * Get all privileges associated with the authorizable and roles from input roles or input groups
     * @param groups the groups to get roles, then get their privileges
     * @param activeRoles the roles to get privileges
     * @param authHierarchy the authorizables
     * @param isAdmin true: user is admin; false: is not admin
     * @return the privilege map. The key is role name
     * @throws Exception
    public TSentryPrivilegeMap listSentryPrivilegesByAuthorizable(Set<String> groups,
            TSentryActiveRoleSet activeRoles, TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy, boolean isAdmin) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> resultPrivilegeMap = Maps.newTreeMap();
        Set<String> roles = getRolesToQuery(groups, null, new TSentryActiveRoleSet(true, null));

        if (activeRoles != null && !activeRoles.isAll()) {
            // need to check/convert to lowercase here since this is from user input
            for (String aRole : activeRoles.getRoles()) {

        // An empty 'roles' is a treated as a wildcard (in case of admin role)..
        // so if not admin, don't return anything if 'roles' is empty..
        if (isAdmin || !roles.isEmpty()) {
            List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = getMSentryPrivilegesByAuth(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, roles,
            for (MSentryPrivilege priv : mSentryPrivileges) {
                for (MSentryRole role : priv.getRoles()) {
                    TSentryPrivilege tPriv = convertToTSentryPrivilege(priv);
                    if (resultPrivilegeMap.containsKey(role.getRoleName())) {
                    } else {
                        Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivSet = Sets.newTreeSet();
                        resultPrivilegeMap.put(role.getRoleName(), tPrivSet);
        return new TSentryPrivilegeMap(resultPrivilegeMap);

     * List the Owners for an authorizable
     * @param authorizable Authorizable
     * @return List of owner for an authorizable
     * @throws Exception
    public List<SentryOwnerInfo> listOwnersByAuthorizable(TSentryAuthorizable authorizable) throws Exception {
        List<SentryOwnerInfo> ownerInfolist = new ArrayList<>();
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = getMSentryOwnerPrivilegesByAuth(pm, authorizable);
            for (MSentryPrivilege priv : mSentryPrivileges) {
                for (PrivilegePrincipal user : priv.getUsers()) {
                    ownerInfolist.add(new SentryOwnerInfo(user.getPrincipalType(), user.getPrincipalName()));
                for (PrivilegePrincipal role : priv.getRoles()) {
                    ownerInfolist.add(new SentryOwnerInfo(role.getPrincipalType(), role.getPrincipalName()));
            return ownerInfolist;

     * Get all privileges associated with the authorizable and input users
     * @param userNames the users to get their privileges
     * @param authHierarchy the authorizables
     * @param isAdmin true: user is admin; false: is not admin
     * @return the privilege map. The key is user name
     * @throws Exception
    public TSentryPrivilegeMap listSentryPrivilegesByAuthorizableForUser(Set<String> userNames,
            TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy, boolean isAdmin) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> resultPrivilegeMap = Maps.newTreeMap();

        // An empty 'userNames' is a treated as a wildcard (in case of admin role)..
        // so if not admin, don't return anything if 'roles' is empty..
        if (isAdmin || ((userNames != null) && (!userNames.isEmpty()))) {
            List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = getMSentryPrivilegesByAuth(SentryPrincipalType.USER,
                    userNames, authHierarchy);
            for (MSentryPrivilege priv : mSentryPrivileges) {
                for (MSentryUser user : priv.getUsers()) {
                    TSentryPrivilege tPriv = convertToTSentryPrivilege(priv);
                    if (resultPrivilegeMap.containsKey(user.getUserName())) {
                    } else {
                        Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivSet = Sets.newTreeSet();
                        resultPrivilegeMap.put(user.getUserName(), tPrivSet);
        return new TSentryPrivilegeMap(resultPrivilegeMap);

    private Set<MSentryPrivilege> getMSentryPrivilegesByRoleName(String roleName) throws Exception {
        MSentryRole mSentryRole = getMSentryRoleByName(roleName);
        return mSentryRole.getPrivileges();

     * Gets sentry privilege objects for a given roleName from the persistence layer
     * @param roleName : roleName to look up
     * @return : Set of thrift sentry privilege objects
     * @throws Exception

    public Set<TSentryPrivilege> getAllTSentryPrivilegesByRoleName(String roleName) throws Exception {
        return convertToTSentryPrivileges(getMSentryPrivilegesByRoleName(roleName));

     * Gets sentry privilege objects for criteria from the persistence layer
     * @param principalType : the type of the principalprincipal (required)
     * @param principalNames : principal names to look up (required)
     * @param authHierarchy : filter push down based on auth hierarchy (optional)
     * @return : Set of thrift sentry privilege objects
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException

    public Set<TSentryPrivilege> getTSentryPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType principalType, Set<String> principalNames,
            TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        if (authHierarchy.getServer() == null) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("serverName cannot be null !!");
        if (authHierarchy.getTable() != null && authHierarchy.getDb() == null) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("dbName cannot be null when tableName is present !!");
        if (authHierarchy.getColumn() != null && authHierarchy.getTable() == null) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("tableName cannot be null when columnName is present !!");
        if (authHierarchy.getUri() == null && authHierarchy.getDb() == null) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("One of uri or dbName must not be null !!");
        return convertToTSentryPrivileges(getMSentryPrivileges(principalType, principalNames, authHierarchy));

     * Return set of roles corresponding to the groups provided.<p>
     * If groups contain a null group, return all available roles.<p>
     * Everything is done in a single transaction so callers get a
     * fully-consistent view of the roles, so this can be called at the same tie as
     * some other method that modifies groups or roles.<p>
     * <em><b>NOTE:</b> This function is performance-critical, so before you modify it, make
     * sure to measure performance effect. It is called every time when PolicyClient
     * (Hive or Impala) tries to get list of roles.
     * </em>
     * @param groupNames Set of Sentry groups. Can contain {@code null}
     *                  in which case all roles should be returned
     * @param checkAllGroups If false, raise SentryNoSuchObjectException
     *                      if one of the groups is not available, otherwise
     *                      ignore non-existent groups
     * @return Set of TSentryRole toles corresponding to the given set of groups.
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if one of the groups is not present and
     * checkAllGroups is not set.
     * @throws Exception if DataNucleus operation fails.
    public Set<TSentryRole> getTSentryRolesByGroupName(final Set<String> groupNames, final boolean checkAllGroups)
            throws Exception {
        if (groupNames.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            // Pre-allocate large sets for role names and results.
            // roleNames is used to avoid adding the same role mutiple times into
            // result. The result is set, but comparisons between TSentryRole objects
            // is more expensive then String comparisons.
            Set<String> roleNames = new HashSet<>(1024);
            Set<TSentryRole> result = new HashSet<>(1024);

            for (String group : groupNames) {
                if (group == null) {
                    // Special case - return all roles
                    List<MSentryRole> roles = getAllRoles(pm);
                    for (MSentryRole role : roles) {
                    return result;

                // Find group by name and all roles belonging to this group
                String trimmedGroup = group.trim();
                Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
                query.setFilter("this.groupName == :groupName");

                FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryGroup.class, "fetchRoles");

                MSentryGroup mGroup = (MSentryGroup) query.execute(trimmedGroup);
                //TODO - Below is not optimized
                if (mGroup != null) {
                    // For each unique role found, add a new TSentryRole version of the role to result.
                    for (MSentryRole role : mGroup.getRoles()) {
                        String roleName = role.getRoleName();
                        if (roleNames.add(roleName)) {
                } else if (!checkAllGroups) {
                    throw noSuchGroup(trimmedGroup);
            return result;

    public Set<String> getRoleNamesForGroups(final Set<String> groups) throws Exception {
        if ((groups == null) || groups.isEmpty()) {
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getRoleNamesForGroupsCore(pm, groups);

    private Set<String> getRoleNamesForGroupsCore(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> groups) {
        return convertToRoleNameSet(getRolesForGroups(pm, groups));

    public Set<String> getRoleNamesForUsers(final Set<String> users) throws Exception {
        if ((users == null) || users.isEmpty()) {
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getRoleNamesForUsersCore(pm, users);

    private Set<String> getRoleNamesForUsersCore(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> users) {
        return convertToRoleNameSet(getRolesForUsers(pm, users));

    public Set<TSentryRole> getTSentryRolesByUserNames(final Set<String> users) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            Set<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles = getRolesForUsers(pm, users);
            // Since {@link MSentryRole#getGroups()} is lazy-loading,
            // the conversion should be done before transaction is committed.
            return convertToTSentryRoles(mSentryRoles);

    public Set<MSentryRole> getRolesForGroups(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> groups) {
        Set<MSentryRole> result = Sets.newHashSet();
        if (groups != null) {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryGroup.class, "fetchRoles");

            List<MSentryGroup> sentryGroups = (List) query.execute(groups.toArray());
            if (sentryGroups != null) {
                for (MSentryGroup sentryGroup : sentryGroups) {
        return result;

    private Set<MSentryRole> getRolesForUsers(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> users) {
        Set<MSentryRole> result = Sets.newHashSet();
        if (users != null) {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchRoles");

            List<MSentryUser> sentryUsers = (List) query.execute(users.toArray());
            if (sentryUsers != null) {
                for (MSentryUser sentryUser : sentryUsers) {
        return result;

    public Set<TSentryPrivilege> listSentryPrivilegesByUsersAndGroups(Set<String> groups, Set<String> users,
            TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet, TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        return convertToTSentryPrivileges(
                listSentryPrivilegesForProviderCore(groups, users, roleSet, authHierarchy));

    Set<String> listAllSentryPrivilegesForProvider(Set<String> groups, Set<String> users,
            TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet) throws Exception {
        return listSentryPrivilegesForProvider(groups, users, roleSet, null);

    public Set<String> listSentryPrivilegesForProvider(Set<String> groups, Set<String> users,
            TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet, TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        Set<String> result = Sets.newHashSet();
        Set<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = listSentryPrivilegesForProviderCore(groups, users, roleSet,
        for (MSentryPrivilege priv : mSentryPrivileges) {
        return result;

    private Set<MSentryPrivilege> listSentryPrivilegesForProviderCore(Set<String> groups, Set<String> users,
            TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet, TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy) throws Exception {
        Set<MSentryPrivilege> privilegeSet = Sets.newHashSet();
        Set<String> rolesToQuery = getRolesToQuery(groups, users, roleSet);
        privilegeSet.addAll(getMSentryPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, rolesToQuery, authHierarchy));
        privilegeSet.addAll(getMSentryPrivileges(SentryPrincipalType.USER, users, authHierarchy));
        return privilegeSet;

    public boolean hasAnyServerPrivileges(Set<String> groups, Set<String> users, TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet,
            String server) throws Exception {
        Set<String> rolesToQuery = getRolesToQuery(groups, users, roleSet);
        if (hasAnyServerPrivileges(rolesToQuery, server)) {
            return true;

        return hasAnyServerPrivilegesForUser(users, server);

    private boolean hasAnyServerPrivilegesForUser(final Set<String> userNames, final String serverName)
            throws Exception {
        if (userNames == null || userNames.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return tm.executeTransaction(new TransactionBlock<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean execute(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
                pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
                Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
                query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
                QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addUsersFilter(query, null, userNames);
                paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, serverName);
                Long numPrivs = (Long) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
                return numPrivs > 0;

    private Set<String> getRolesToQuery(final Set<String> groups, final Set<String> users,
            final TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            Set<String> activeRoleNames = toTrimedLower(roleSet.getRoles());

            Set<String> roleNames = Sets.newHashSet();
            roleNames.addAll(toTrimedLower(getRoleNamesForGroupsCore(pm, groups)));
            roleNames.addAll(toTrimedLower(getRoleNamesForUsersCore(pm, users)));
            return roleSet.isAll() ? roleNames : Sets.intersection(activeRoleNames, roleNames);

    static String toAuthorizable(MSentryPrivilege privilege) {
        List<String> authorizable = new ArrayList<>(4);
        authorizable.add(KV_JOINER.join(, privilege.getServerName()));
        if (isNULL(privilege.getURI())) {
            if (!isNULL(privilege.getDbName())) {
                authorizable.add(KV_JOINER.join(, privilege.getDbName()));
                if (!isNULL(privilege.getTableName())) {
                            KV_JOINER.join(, privilege.getTableName()));
                    if (!isNULL(privilege.getColumnName())) {
        } else {
            authorizable.add(KV_JOINER.join(, privilege.getURI()));
        if (!isNULL(privilege.getAction()) && !privilege.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(AccessConstants.ALL)) {
            authorizable.add(KV_JOINER.join(SentryConstants.PRIVILEGE_NAME.toLowerCase(), privilege.getAction()));

        if (privilege.getGrantOption()) {
            // include grant option field when it is true
                    .add(KV_JOINER.join(SentryConstants.GRANT_OPTION.toLowerCase(), privilege.getGrantOption()));

        return AUTHORIZABLE_JOINER.join(authorizable);

    public static Set<String> toTrimedLower(Set<String> s) {
        if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        Set<String> result = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (String v : s) {
        return result;

     * Converts model object(s) to thrift object(s).
     * Additionally does normalization
     * such as trimming whitespace and setting appropriate case. Also sets the create
     * time.

    private Set<TSentryPrivilege> convertToTSentryPrivileges(Collection<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges) {
        if (mSentryPrivileges.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges = new HashSet<>(mSentryPrivileges.size());
        for (MSentryPrivilege mSentryPrivilege : mSentryPrivileges) {
        return privileges;

    private Set<TSentryRole> convertToTSentryRoles(Set<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles) {
        if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        Set<TSentryRole> roles = new HashSet<>(mSentryRoles.size());
        for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryRoles) {
        return roles;

    private Set<String> convertToRoleNameSet(Set<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles) {
        if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        Set<String> roleNameSet = new HashSet<>(mSentryRoles.size());
        for (MSentryRole role : mSentryRoles) {
        return roleNameSet;

    private TSentryRole convertToTSentryRole(MSentryRole mSentryRole) {
        String roleName = mSentryRole.getRoleName().intern();
        Set<MSentryGroup> groups = mSentryRole.getGroups();
        Set<TSentryGroup> sentryGroups = new HashSet<>(groups.size());
        for (MSentryGroup mSentryGroup : groups) {
            TSentryGroup group = convertToTSentryGroup(mSentryGroup);

        return new TSentryRole(roleName, sentryGroups, EMPTY_GRANTOR_PRINCIPAL);

    private TSentryGroup convertToTSentryGroup(MSentryGroup mSentryGroup) {
        return new TSentryGroup(mSentryGroup.getGroupName().intern());

    TSentryPrivilege convertToTSentryPrivilege(MSentryPrivilege mSentryPrivilege) {
        TSentryPrivilege privilege = new TSentryPrivilege();
        convertToTSentryPrivilege(mSentryPrivilege, privilege);
        return privilege;

    private void convertToTSentryPrivilege(MSentryPrivilege mSentryPrivilege, TSentryPrivilege privilege) {
        if (mSentryPrivilege.getGrantOption() != null) {
        } else {

     * Converts thrift object to model object. Additionally does normalization
     * such as trimming whitespace and setting appropriate case.
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    private MSentryPrivilege convertToMSentryPrivilege(TSentryPrivilege privilege)
            throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        MSentryPrivilege mSentryPrivilege = new MSentryPrivilege();
        if (!privilege.getGrantOption().equals(TSentryGrantOption.UNSET)) {
        } else {
        return mSentryPrivilege;

    static String safeTrim(String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        return s.trim();

    static String safeTrimLower(String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        return s.trim().toLowerCase();

    String getSentryVersion() throws Exception {
        MSentryVersion mVersion = getMSentryVersion();
        return mVersion.getSchemaVersion();

    void setSentryVersion(final String newVersion, final String verComment) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            MSentryVersion mVersion;
            try {
                mVersion = getMSentryVersion();
                if (newVersion.equals(mVersion.getSchemaVersion())) {
                    // specified version already in there
                    return null;
            } catch (SentryNoSuchObjectException e) {
                // if the version doesn't exist, then create it
                mVersion = new MSentryVersion();
            return null;

    private MSentryVersion getMSentryVersion() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            try {
                Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryVersion.class);
                List<MSentryVersion> mSentryVersions = (List<MSentryVersion>) query.execute();
                if (mSentryVersions.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new SentryNoSuchObjectException("Matching Version");
                if (mSentryVersions.size() > 1) {
                    throw new SentryAccessDeniedException("Metastore contains multiple versions");
                return mSentryVersions.get(0);
            } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
                if (e.getCause() instanceof MissingTableException) {
                    throw new SentryAccessDeniedException(
                            "Version table not found. " + "The sentry store is not set or corrupt ");
                } else {
                    throw e;

     * Drop the given privilege from all entities.
     * @param tAuthorizable the given authorizable object.
     * @throws Exception
    public void dropPrivilege(final TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            dropPrivilegeCore(pm, tAuthorizable);

            return null;

     * Drop the given privilege from all entities. As well as persist the corresponding
     * permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param tAuthorizable the given authorizable object.
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update.
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void dropPrivilege(final TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable, final Update update)
            throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            dropPrivilegeCore(pm, tAuthorizable);

            return null;

    private void dropPrivilegeCore(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable) throws Exception {

        // Drop the give privilege for all possible actions from all entities.
        TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege = toSentryPrivilege(tAuthorizable);

        try {
            if (isMultiActionsSupported(tPrivilege)) {
                for (String privilegeAction : ALL_ACTIONS) {
                    dropPrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, new TSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege));
            } else {
                dropPrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, new TSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege));
        } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("Failed to get privileges: " + e.getMessage());

     * Updates the owner privileges by revoking owner privileges to an authorizable and adding new
     * privilege based on the arguments provided.
     * @param tAuthorizable Authorizable to which owner privilege should be granted.
     * @param ownerName
     * @param principalType
     * @param updates Delta Updates.
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void updateOwnerPrivilege(final TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable, String ownerName,
            SentryPrincipalType principalType, final List<Update> updates) throws Exception {
        execute(updates, pm -> {
            if (principalType == null) {
      "Invalid principal Type");
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            TSentryPrivilege tOwnerPrivilege = toSentryPrivilege(tAuthorizable);

            revokeOwnerPrivilegesCore(pm, tAuthorizable);

            try {
                if (ownerPrivilegeWithGrant) {
                //Granting the privilege.
                alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(pm, principalType, ownerName, tOwnerPrivilege);
                return null;
            } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
                throw new SentryInvalidInputException(
                        "Failed to grant owner privilege on Authorizable : " + tAuthorizable.toString() + " to "
                                + principalType.toString() + ": " + ownerName + " " + e.getMessage());

     * Revokes all the owner privileges granted to an authorizable
     * @param tAuthorizable authorizable for which owner privilege should be revoked.
     * @param updates
     * @throws Exception
    void revokeOwnerPrivileges(final TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable, final List<Update> updates)
            throws Exception {
        execute(updates, pm -> {
            revokeOwnerPrivilegesCore(pm, tAuthorizable);
            return null;

    public void revokeOwnerPrivilegesCore(PersistenceManager pm, final TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable)
            throws Exception {
        TSentryPrivilege tOwnerPrivilege = toSentryPrivilege(tAuthorizable);

        // Finding owner privileges and removing them.
        List<MSentryPrivilege> mOwnerPrivileges = getMSentryPrivilegesExactMatch(tOwnerPrivilege, pm);
        for (MSentryPrivilege mOwnerPriv : mOwnerPrivileges) {
            Set<MSentryUser> users;
            users = mOwnerPriv.getUsers();
            // Making sure of removing stale users.
            for (MSentryUser user : users) {
                persistEntity(pm, SentryPrincipalType.USER, user);

     * Rename the privilege for all entities. Drop the old privilege name and create the new one.
     * @param oldTAuthorizable the old authorizable name needs to be renamed.
     * @param newTAuthorizable the new authorizable name
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    public void renamePrivilege(final TSentryAuthorizable oldTAuthorizable,
            final TSentryAuthorizable newTAuthorizable) throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            renamePrivilegeCore(pm, oldTAuthorizable, newTAuthorizable);
            return null;

     * Rename the privilege for all entities. Drop the old privilege name and create the new one.
     * As well as persist the corresponding permission change to MSentryPermChange table in a
     * single transaction.
     * @param oldTAuthorizable the old authorizable name needs to be renamed.
     * @param newTAuthorizable the new authorizable name
     * @param update the corresponding permission delta update.
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    public synchronized void renamePrivilege(final TSentryAuthorizable oldTAuthorizable,
            final TSentryAuthorizable newTAuthorizable, final Update update) throws Exception {

        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            renamePrivilegeCore(pm, oldTAuthorizable, newTAuthorizable);
            return null;

    private void renamePrivilegeCore(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryAuthorizable oldTAuthorizable,
            final TSentryAuthorizable newTAuthorizable) throws Exception {
        TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege = toSentryPrivilege(oldTAuthorizable);
        TSentryPrivilege newPrivilege = toSentryPrivilege(newTAuthorizable);

        renamePrivilegeCore(pm, tPrivilege, newPrivilege);

        renamePrivilegeCore(pm, tPrivilege, newPrivilege);

    private void renamePrivilegeCore(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege,
            final TSentryPrivilege newPrivilege) throws Exception {

        try {
            // In case of tables or DBs, check all actions
            if (isMultiActionsSupported(tPrivilege)) {
                for (String privilegeAction : ALL_ACTIONS) {
                    renamePrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, tPrivilege, newPrivilege);
            } else {
                renamePrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, tPrivilege, newPrivilege);
        } catch (JDODataStoreException e) {
            throw new SentryInvalidInputException("Failed to get privileges: " + e.getMessage());

    // Currently INSERT/SELECT/ALL are supported for Table and DB level privileges
    private boolean isMultiActionsSupported(TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege) {
        return tPrivilege.getDbName() != null;


    // wrapper for dropOrRename
    private void renamePrivilegeForAllEntities(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege,
            TSentryPrivilege newPrivilege) throws SentryNoSuchObjectException, SentryInvalidInputException {
        dropOrRenamePrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, tPrivilege, newPrivilege);

     * Drop given privilege from all entities
     * @param tPrivilege
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    private void dropPrivilegeForAllEntities(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege)
            throws SentryNoSuchObjectException, SentryInvalidInputException {
        dropOrRenamePrivilegeForAllEntities(pm, tPrivilege, null);

     * Drop given privilege from all entities Create the new privilege if asked
     * @param tPrivilege
     * @param pm
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException
     * @throws SentryInvalidInputException
    private void dropOrRenamePrivilegeForAllEntities(PersistenceManager pm, TSentryPrivilege tPrivilege,
            TSentryPrivilege newTPrivilege) throws SentryNoSuchObjectException, SentryInvalidInputException {
        Collection<PrivilegePrincipal> entitySet = new HashSet<>();
        List<MSentryPrivilege> mPrivileges = getMSentryPrivileges(tPrivilege, pm);
        for (MSentryPrivilege mPrivilege : mPrivileges) {
        // Dropping the privilege
        if (newTPrivilege == null) {
            for (PrivilegePrincipal principal : entitySet) {
                alterSentryRevokePrivilegeCore(pm, principal.getPrincipalType(), principal.getPrincipalName(),
        // Renaming privilege
        MSentryPrivilege parent = getMSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege, pm);
        if (parent != null) {
            // When all the roles associated with that privilege are revoked, privilege
            // will be removed from the database.
            // parent is an JDO object which is associated with privilege data in the database.
            // When the associated row is deleted in database, JDO should be not be
            // dereferenced. If object has to be used even after that it should have been detached.
            parent = pm.detachCopy(parent);
        for (PrivilegePrincipal principal : entitySet) {
            // When all the privilege associated for a user are revoked, user will be removed from the database.
            // JDO object should be not used when the associated database entry is removed. Application should use
            // a detached copy instead.
            PrivilegePrincipal detachedEntity = pm.detachCopy(principal);
            // 1. get privilege and child privileges
            Collection<MSentryPrivilege> privilegeGraph = new HashSet<>();
            if (parent != null) {
                populateChildren(pm, detachedEntity.getPrincipalType(),
                        Sets.newHashSet(detachedEntity.getPrincipalName()), parent, privilegeGraph);
            } else {
                populateChildren(pm, detachedEntity.getPrincipalType(),
                        Sets.newHashSet(detachedEntity.getPrincipalName()), convertToMSentryPrivilege(tPrivilege),
            // 2. revoke privilege and child privileges
            alterSentryRevokePrivilegeCore(pm, detachedEntity.getPrincipalType(), detachedEntity.getPrincipalName(),
            // 3. add new privilege and child privileges with new tableName
            for (MSentryPrivilege mPriv : privilegeGraph) {
                TSentryPrivilege tPriv = convertToTSentryPrivilege(mPriv);
                if (newTPrivilege.getPrivilegeScope().equals( {
                } else if (newTPrivilege.getPrivilegeScope().equals( {
                    // the DB name could change, so set its value
                alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(pm, detachedEntity.getPrincipalType(),
                        detachedEntity.getPrincipalName(), tPriv);

    private TSentryPrivilege toSentryPrivilege(TSentryAuthorizable tAuthorizable)
            throws SentryInvalidInputException {
        TSentryPrivilege tSentryPrivilege = new TSentryPrivilege();
        PrivilegeScope scope;
        if (!isNULL(tSentryPrivilege.getColumnName())) {
            scope = PrivilegeScope.COLUMN;
        } else if (!isNULL(tSentryPrivilege.getTableName())) {
            scope = PrivilegeScope.TABLE;
        } else if (!isNULL(tSentryPrivilege.getDbName())) {
            scope = PrivilegeScope.DATABASE;
        } else if (!isNULL(tSentryPrivilege.getURI())) {
            scope = PrivilegeScope.URI;
        } else {
            scope = PrivilegeScope.SERVER;
        return tSentryPrivilege;

     * <p>
     * Convert different forms of empty strings to @NULL_COL and return all other input strings unmodified.
     * <p>
     * Possible empty strings:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>null</li>
     *   <li>empty string ("")</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * This function is used to create proper MSentryPrivilege objects that are saved in the Sentry database from the user
     * supplied privileges (TSentryPrivilege). This function will ensure that the data we are putting into the database is
     * always consistent for various types of input from the user. Without this one can save a column as an empty string
     * or null or @NULL_COLL specifier.
     * <p>
     * @param s string input, and can be null.
     * @return original string if it is non-empty and @NULL_COL for empty strings.
    public static String toNULLCol(String s) {
        return Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s) ? NULL_COL : s;

     * <p>
     * Convert different forms of empty strings to an empty string("") and return all other input strings unmodified.
     * <p>
     * Possible empty strings:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>null</li>
     *   <li>empty string ("")</li>
     *   <li>@NULL_COLL</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * This function is used to create TSentryPrivilege objects and is essential in maintaining backward compatibility
     * for reading the data that is saved in the sentry database. And also to ensure the backward compatibility of read the
     * user passed column data (@see TSentryAuthorizable conversion to TSentryPrivilege)
     * <p>
     * @param s string input, and can be null.
     * @return original string if it is non-empty and "" for empty strings.
    private static String fromNULLCol(String s) {
        return isNULL(s) ? "" : s;

     * Retrieves an up-to-date sentry permission snapshot.
     * <p>
     * It reads hiveObj to &lt role, privileges &gt mapping from {@link MSentryPrivilege}
     * table and role to groups mapping from {@link MSentryGroup}.
     * It also gets the changeID of latest delta update, from {@link MSentryPathChange}, that
     * the snapshot corresponds to.
     * @return a {@link PathsImage} contains the mapping of hiveObj to
     *         &lt role, privileges &gt and the mapping of role to &lt Groups &gt.
     *         For empty image returns
     *         {@link org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants#EMPTY_CHANGE_ID}
     *         and empty maps.
     * @throws Exception
    public PermissionsImage retrieveFullPermssionsImage() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            // curChangeID could be 0, if Sentry server has been running before
            // enable SentryPlugin(HDFS Sync feature).
            long curChangeID = getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPermChange.class);
            Map<String, List<String>> roleImage = retrieveFullRoleImageCore(pm);
            Map<String, Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String>> privilegeMap = retrieveFullPrivilegeImageCore(pm);

            return new PermissionsImage(roleImage, privilegeMap, curChangeID);

     * Retrieves an up-to-date sentry privileges snapshot from {@code MSentryPrivilege} table.
     * The snapshot is represented by mapping of hiveObj to role privileges.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @return a mapping of hiveObj to &lt role, privileges &gt
     * @throws Exception
    private Map<String, Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String>> retrieveFullPrivilegeImageCore(PersistenceManager pm)
            throws Exception {
        pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

        Map<String, Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String>> retVal = new HashMap<>();
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

        QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();

        query.setOrdering("serverName ascending, dbName ascending, tableName ascending");

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRolesUsers");

        List<MSentryPrivilege> privileges = (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query
        for (MSentryPrivilege mPriv : privileges) {
            String authzObj = mPriv.getDbName();
            if (!isNULL(mPriv.getTableName())) {
                authzObj = authzObj + "." + mPriv.getTableName();
            Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String> pUpdate = retVal.get(authzObj);
            if (pUpdate == null) {
                pUpdate = new HashMap<>();
                retVal.put(authzObj, pUpdate);
            for (MSentryRole mRole : mPriv.getRoles()) {
                pUpdate = addPrivilegeEntry(mPriv, TPrivilegePrincipalType.ROLE, mRole.getRoleName(), pUpdate);
            for (MSentryUser mUser : mPriv.getUsers()) {
                pUpdate = addPrivilegeEntry(mPriv, TPrivilegePrincipalType.USER, mUser.getUserName(), pUpdate);
        return retVal;

    private static Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String> addPrivilegeEntry(MSentryPrivilege mPriv,
            TPrivilegePrincipalType tEntityType, String principal, Map<TPrivilegePrincipal, String> update) {
        TPrivilegePrincipal tPrivilegePrincipal = new TPrivilegePrincipal(tEntityType, principal);
        String existingPriv = update.get(tPrivilegePrincipal);
        String action = mPriv.getAction().toUpperCase();
        String newAction = mPriv.getAction().toUpperCase();
        if (action.equals(AccessConstants.OWNER)) {
            // Translate owner privilege to actual privilege.
            newAction = AccessConstants.ACTION_ALL;

        if (existingPriv == null) {
            update.put(tPrivilegePrincipal, newAction);
        } else {
            update.put(tPrivilegePrincipal, existingPriv + "," + newAction);
        return update;

     * Retrieves an up-to-date sentry role snapshot from {@code MSentryGroup} table.
     * The snapshot is represented by a role to groups map.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @return a mapping of Role to &lt Groups &gt
     * @throws Exception
    private Map<String, List<String>> retrieveFullRoleImageCore(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
        pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryGroup.class, "fetchRoles");

        List<MSentryGroup> groups = (List<MSentryGroup>) query.execute();
        if (groups.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, List<String>> retVal = new HashMap<>();
        for (MSentryGroup mGroup : groups) {
            for (MSentryRole role : mGroup.getRoles()) {
                List<String> rUpdate = retVal.get(role.getRoleName());
                if (rUpdate == null) {
                    rUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
                    retVal.put(role.getRoleName(), rUpdate);
        return retVal;

     * Retrieves an up-to-date hive paths snapshot.
     * The image only contains PathsDump in it.
     * <p>
     * It reads hiveObj to paths mapping from {@link MAuthzPathsMapping} table and
     * gets the changeID of latest delta update, from {@link MSentryPathChange}, that
     * the snapshot corresponds to.
     * @param prefixes path of Sentry managed prefixes. Ignore any path outside the prefix.
     * @return an up-to-date hive paths snapshot contains mapping of hiveObj to &lt Paths &gt.
     *         For empty image return
     *         {@link org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.SentryConstants#EMPTY_CHANGE_ID}
     *         and a empty map.
     * @throws Exception
    public PathsUpdate retrieveFullPathsImageUpdate(final String[] prefixes) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            long curImageID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
            long curChangeID = getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPathChange.class);
            PathsUpdate pathUpdate = new PathsUpdate(curChangeID, curImageID, true);
            // We ignore anything in the update and set it later to the assembled PathsDump
            UpdateableAuthzPaths authzPaths = new UpdateableAuthzPaths(prefixes);
            // Extract all paths and put them into authzPaths
            retrieveFullPathsImageCore(pm, curImageID, authzPaths);
            return pathUpdate;

     * Extract all paths and convert them into HMSPaths obect
     * @param pm Persistence manager
     * @param currentSnapshotID Image ID we are interested in
     * @param pathUpdate Destination for result
    private void retrieveFullPathsImageCore(PersistenceManager pm, long currentSnapshotID,
            UpdateableAuthzPaths pathUpdate) {
        // Query for all MAuthzPathsMapping objects matching the given image ID
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MAuthzPathsMapping.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setFilter("this.authzSnapshotID == currentSnapshotID");
        query.declareParameters("long currentSnapshotID");

        // Get path in batch to improve performance. The fectch groups are defined in package.jdo
        Collection<MAuthzPathsMapping> authzToPathsMappings = (Collection<MAuthzPathsMapping>) query

        // Walk each MAuthzPathsMapping object, get set of paths and push them all
        // into HMSPaths object contained in UpdateableAuthzPaths.
        for (MAuthzPathsMapping authzToPaths : authzToPathsMappings) {
            String objName = authzToPaths.getAuthzObjName();
            // Convert path strings to list of components
            for (String path : authzToPaths.getPathStrings()) {
                String[] pathComponents = PathUtils.splitPath(path);
                List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(pathComponents.length);
                Collections.addAll(paths, pathComponents);
                pathUpdate.applyAddChanges(objName, Collections.singletonList(paths));

     * Delete all stored HMS notifications starting from given ID.<p>
     * The purpose of the function is to clean up notifications in cases
     * were we recover from HMS notifications resets.
     * @param pm Persistent manager instance
     * @param id initial ID. All notifications starting from this ID and above are
     *          removed.
    private void deleteNotificationsSince(PersistenceManager pm, long id) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryHmsNotification.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setFilter("notificationId >= currentNotificationId");
        query.declareParameters("long currentNotificationId");
        long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(id);
        if (numDeleted > 0) {
  "Purged {} notification entries starting from {}", numDeleted, id);

     * Persist an up-to-date HMS snapshot into Sentry DB in a single transaction with its latest
     * notification ID
     * @param authzPaths paths to be be persisted
     * @param notificationID the latest notificationID associated with the snapshot
     * @throws Exception
    public void persistFullPathsImage(final Map<String, Collection<String>> authzPaths, final long notificationID)
            throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {

            int totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist = authzPaths.size();
            int totalNumberOfPathsToPersist = authzPaths.values().stream().mapToInt(Collection::size).sum();
            int objectsPersistedCount = 0, pathsPersistedCount = 0;

            logPersistingFullSnapshotState(totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist, totalNumberOfPathsToPersist,
                    objectsPersistedCount, pathsPersistedCount);

            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            deleteNotificationsSince(pm, notificationID + 1);
            // persist the notification ID
            pm.makePersistent(new MSentryHmsNotification(notificationID));

            // persist the full snapshot
            long snapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
            long nextObjectId = getNextAuthzObjectID(pm);
            long nextSnapshotID = snapshotID + 1;
            pm.makePersistent(new MAuthzPathsSnapshotId(nextSnapshotID));
  "Attempting to commit new HMS snapshot with ID = {}", nextSnapshotID);

            long lastProgressTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> authzPath : authzPaths.entrySet()) {
                MAuthzPathsMapping mapping = new MAuthzPathsMapping(nextSnapshotID, nextObjectId++,
                        authzPath.getKey(), authzPath.getValue());
                pathsPersistedCount = pathsPersistedCount + authzPath.getValue().size();

                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if ((currentTime - lastProgressTime) > printSnapshotPersistTimeInterval) {

                    logPersistingFullSnapshotState(totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist, totalNumberOfPathsToPersist,
                            objectsPersistedCount, pathsPersistedCount);

                    lastProgressTime = currentTime;
            return null;

    public void logPersistingFullSnapshotState(int totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist, int totalNumberOfPathsToPersist,
            int objectsPersistedCount, int pathsPersistedCount) {
                "Persisting HMS Paths on Snapshot: "
                        + "authz_objs_persisted=%d(%.2f%%) authz_paths_persisted=%d(%.2f%%) "
                        + "authz_objs_total=%d authz_paths_total=%d",
                totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist > 0
                        ? 100 * ((double) objectsPersistedCount / totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist)
                        : 0,
                totalNumberOfPathsToPersist > 0 ? 100 * ((double) pathsPersistedCount / totalNumberOfPathsToPersist)
                        : 0,
                totalNumberOfObjectsToPersist, totalNumberOfPathsToPersist));

     * Get the Next object ID to be persisted
     * Always executed in the transaction context.
     * @param pm The PersistenceManager object.
     * @return the Next object ID to be persisted. It returns 0 if no rows are found.
    private static long getNextAuthzObjectID(PersistenceManager pm) {
        return getMaxPersistedIDCore(pm, MAuthzPathsMapping.class, "authzObjectId", EMPTY_PATHS_MAPPING_ID) + 1;

     * Get the last authorization path snapshot ID persisted.
     * Always executed in the transaction context.
     * @param pm The PersistenceManager object.
     * @return the last persisted snapshot ID. It returns 0 if no rows are found.
    private static long getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(PersistenceManager pm) {
        return getMaxPersistedIDCore(pm, MAuthzPathsSnapshotId.class, "authzSnapshotID", EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID);

     * Get the last authorization path snapshot ID persisted.
     * Always executed in the non-transaction context.
     * This is used for metrics, so no retries are attempted.
     * @return the last persisted snapshot ID. It returns 0 if no rows are found.
    long getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(SentryStore::getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID);

     * Adds the authzObj and with a set of paths into the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * As well as persist the corresponding delta path change to MSentryPathChange
     * table in a single transaction.
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param paths a set of paths need to be added into the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public void addAuthzPathsMapping(final String authzObj, final Collection<String> paths,
            final UniquePathsUpdate update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            addAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, authzObj, paths);
            return null;

     * Adds the authzObj and with a set of paths into the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * If the given authzObj already exists in the mapping, only need to add the new paths
     * into its mapping.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param paths a set of paths need to be added into the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping
    private void addAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, String authzObj, Collection<String> paths) {
        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.warn("AuthzObj: {} cannot be persisted if paths snapshot ID does not exist yet.", authzObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, authzObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping == null) {
            mAuthzPathsMapping = new MAuthzPathsMapping(currentSnapshotID, getNextAuthzObjectID(pm), authzObj,
        } else {

     * Deletes a set of paths belongs to given authzObj from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * As well as persist the corresponding delta path change to MSentryPathChange
     * table in a single transaction.
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param paths a set of paths need to be deleted from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
    public void deleteAuthzPathsMapping(final String authzObj, final Collection<String> paths,
            final UniquePathsUpdate update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            deleteAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, authzObj, paths);
            return null;

     * Deletes a set of paths belongs to given authzObj from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param paths a set of paths need to be deleted from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if cannot find the existing authzObj or path.
    private void deleteAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, String authzObj, Collection<String> paths) {
        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.error("No paths snapshot ID is found. Cannot delete authzoObj: {}", authzObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, authzObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping != null) {
            mAuthzPathsMapping.deletePersistent(pm, paths);
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("nonexistent authzObj: {} on current paths snapshot ID #{}", authzObj, currentSnapshotID);

     * Deletes all entries of the given authzObj from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * As well as persist the corresponding delta path change to MSentryPathChange
     * table in a single transaction.
     * @param authzObj an authzObj to be deleted
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
    public void deleteAllAuthzPathsMapping(final String authzObj, final UniquePathsUpdate update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            deleteAllAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, authzObj);
            return null;

     * Deletes the entry of the given authzObj from the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param authzObj an authzObj to be deleted
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if cannot find the existing authzObj
    private void deleteAllAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, String authzObj) {
        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.error("No paths snapshot ID is found. Cannot delete authzoObj: {}", authzObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, authzObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping != null) {
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("nonexistent authzObj: {} on current paths snapshot ID #{}", authzObj, currentSnapshotID);

     * Renames the existing authzObj to a new one in the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * And updates its existing path with a new path, while keeps the rest of its paths
     * untouched if there is any. As well as persist the corresponding delta path
     * change to MSentryPathChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param oldObj the existing authzObj
     * @param newObj the new name to be changed to
     * @param oldPath a existing path of the given authzObj
     * @param newPath a new path to be changed to
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
    public void renameAuthzPathsMapping(final String oldObj, final String newObj, final String oldPath,
            final String newPath, final UniquePathsUpdate update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            renameAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, oldObj, newObj, oldPath, newPath);
            return null;

     * Renames the existing authzObj to a new one in the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
     * And updates its existing path with a new path, while keeps the rest of its paths
     * untouched if there is any.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param oldObj the existing authzObj
     * @param newObj the new name to be changed to
     * @param oldPath a existing path of the given authzObj
     * @param newPath a new path to be changed to
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if cannot find the existing authzObj or path.
    private void renameAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, String oldObj, String newObj, String oldPath,
            String newPath) {
        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.error("No paths snapshot ID is found. Cannot rename authzoObj: {}", oldObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, oldObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping != null) {
            mAuthzPathsMapping.deletePersistent(pm, Collections.singleton(oldPath));
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("nonexistent authzObj: {} on current paths snapshot ID #{}", oldObj, currentSnapshotID);

     * Renames the existing authzObj to a new one in the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping,
     * but keeps its paths mapping as-is. As well as persist the corresponding delta path
     * change to MSentryPathChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param oldObj the existing authzObj
     * @param newObj the new name to be changed to
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
    public void renameAuthzObj(final String oldObj, final String newObj, final UniquePathsUpdate update)
            throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            renameAuthzObjCore(pm, oldObj, newObj);
            return null;

     * Renames the existing authzObj to a new one in the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping,
     * but keeps its paths mapping as-is.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param oldObj the existing authzObj
     * @param newObj the new name to be changed to
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if cannot find the existing authzObj.
    private void renameAuthzObjCore(PersistenceManager pm, String oldObj, String newObj) {
        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.error("No paths snapshot ID is found. Cannot rename authzoObj: {}", oldObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, oldObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping != null) {
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("nonexistent authzObj: {} on current paths snapshot ID #{}", oldObj, currentSnapshotID);

     * Tells if there are any records in MAuthzPathsMapping
     * @return true if there are no entries in <code>MAuthzPathsMapping</code>
     * false if there are entries
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean isAuthzPathsMappingEmpty() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return isTableEmptyCore(pm, MAuthzPathsMapping.class);

     * Tells if there are any records in MSentryHmsNotification
     * @return true if there are no entries in <code>MSentryHmsNotification</code>
     * false if there are entries
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean isHmsNotificationEmpty() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return isTableEmptyCore(pm, MSentryHmsNotification.class);

     * Tells if there are any records in MAuthzPathsMapping
     * @return true if there are no entries in <code>MAuthzPathsMapping</code>
     * false if there are entries
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean isAuthzPathsSnapshotEmpty() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return isTableEmptyCore(pm, MAuthzPathsMapping.class);

     * Updates authzObj -> [Paths] mapping to replace an existing path with a new one
     * given an authzObj. As well as persist the corresponding delta path change to
     * MSentryPathChange table in a single transaction.
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param oldPath the existing path maps to the given authzObj
     * @param newPath a new path to replace the existing one
     * @param update the corresponding path delta update
     * @throws Exception
    public void updateAuthzPathsMapping(final String authzObj, final String oldPath, final String newPath,
            final UniquePathsUpdate update) throws Exception {
        execute(update, pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            updateAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, authzObj, oldPath, newPath);
            return null;

     * Updates authzObj -> [Paths] mapping to replace an existing path with a new one
     * given an authzObj.
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param authzObj an authzObj
     * @param oldPath the existing path maps to the given authzObj
     * @param newPath a non-empty path to replace the existing one
     * @throws SentryNoSuchObjectException if no such path found
     *        in the authzObj -> [Paths] mapping.
    private void updateAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, String authzObj, String oldPath,
            String newPath) {

        long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);
        if (currentSnapshotID <= EMPTY_PATHS_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
            LOGGER.error("No paths snapshot ID is found. Cannot update authzoObj: {}", authzObj);

        MAuthzPathsMapping mAuthzPathsMapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, currentSnapshotID, authzObj);
        if (mAuthzPathsMapping == null) {
            mAuthzPathsMapping = new MAuthzPathsMapping(currentSnapshotID, getNextAuthzObjectID(pm), authzObj,
        } else {
            mAuthzPathsMapping.deletePersistent(pm, Collections.singleton(oldPath));

     * Get the Collection of MPath associated with snapshot id and authzObj
     * @param authzSnapshotID Snapshot ID
     * @param authzObj Object name
     * @return Path mapping for object provided.
     * @throws Exception
    Set<MPath> getMAuthzPaths(long authzSnapshotID, String authzObj) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            MAuthzPathsMapping mapping = null;
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(true); // No need to detach objects
            mapping = getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(pm, authzSnapshotID, authzObj);
            if (mapping != null) {
                Set<MPath> paths = mapping.getPathsPersisted();
                return paths;
            } else {
                return Collections.emptySet();

     * Get the MAuthzPathsMapping object from authzObj
    private MAuthzPathsMapping getMAuthzPathsMappingCore(PersistenceManager pm, long authzSnapshotID,
            String authzObj) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MAuthzPathsMapping.class);
        query.setFilter("this.authzSnapshotID == authzSnapshotID && this.authzObjName == authzObjName");
        query.declareParameters("long authzSnapshotID, java.lang.String authzObjName");
        return (MAuthzPathsMapping) query.execute(authzSnapshotID, authzObj);

     * Checks if the table associated with class provided is empty
     * @param pm PersistenceManager
     * @param clazz class
     * @return True is the table is empty
     * False if it not.
    private boolean isTableEmptyCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class clazz) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(clazz);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        // setRange is implemented efficiently for MySQL, Postgresql (using the LIMIT SQL keyword)
        // and Oracle (using the ROWNUM keyword), with the query only finding the objects required
        // by the user directly in the datastore. For other RDBMS the query will retrieve all
        // objects up to the "to" record, and will not pass any unnecessary objects that are before
        // the "from" record.
        query.setRange(0, 1);
        return ((List<?>) query.execute()).isEmpty();

     * Generic method used to query the maximum number (or ID) of a column from a specified class.
     * @param pm The PersistenceManager object.
     * @param clazz The class name to query.
     * @param columnName The column name to query.
     * @return the maximum number persisted on the class. It returns NULL if the class has no rows.
    private static long getMaxPersistedIDCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class clazz, String columnName,
            long defaultValue) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(clazz);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setResult(String.format("max(%s)", columnName));
        Long maxValue = (Long) query.execute();
        return (maxValue != null) ? maxValue : defaultValue;

    List<MPath> getMPaths() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            long currentSnapshotID = getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);

            Query query = pm.newQuery("SQL",
                    "SELECT p.PATH_NAME FROM AUTHZ_PATH p "
                            + "JOIN AUTHZ_PATHS_MAPPING a ON a.AUTHZ_OBJ_ID = p.AUTHZ_OBJ_ID "
                            + "WHERE a.AUTHZ_SNAPSHOT_ID = ?");
            return (List<MPath>) query.execute(currentSnapshotID);

     * Get the total number of entries in AUTHZ_PATH table.
     * @return  number of entries in AUTHZ_PATH table.
    long getPathCount() {
        return getCount(MPath.class);

     * Method detects orphaned privileges
     * @return True, If there are orphan privileges
     * False, If orphan privileges are not found.
     * non-zero value if an orphan is found.
     * <p>
     * Method currently used only by tests.
     * <p>

    Boolean findOrphanedPrivileges() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> findOrphanedPrivilegesCore(pm));

    Boolean findOrphanedPrivilegesCore(PersistenceManager pm) {
        //Perform a SQL query to get things that look like orphans
        List<MSentryPrivilege> results = getAllMSentryPrivilegesCore(pm);
        List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>(results.size());
        for (MSentryPrivilege orphan : results) {
        if (idList.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        //For each potential orphan, verify it's really a orphan.
        // Moment an orphan is identified return 1 indicating an orphan is found.
        pm.refreshAll(); // Try to ensure we really have correct objects
        for (Object id : idList) {
            MSentryPrivilege priv = (MSentryPrivilege) pm.getObjectById(id);
            if (priv.getRoles().isEmpty()) {
                return true;
        return false;

    /** get mapping datas for [group,role], [user,role] with the specific roles */
    public List<Map<String, Set<String>>> getGroupUserRoleMapList(final Collection<String> roleNames)
            throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects

            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
            List<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles;

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchGroupsUsers");

            if ((roleNames == null) || roleNames.isEmpty()) {
                mSentryRoles = (List<MSentryRole>) query.execute();
            } else {
                QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder(QueryParamBuilder.Op.OR);
                paramBuilder.addSet("roleName == ", roleNames, true);
                mSentryRoles = (List<MSentryRole>) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
            Map<String, Set<String>> groupRolesMap = getGroupRolesMap(mSentryRoles);
            Map<String, Set<String>> userRolesMap = getUserRolesMap(mSentryRoles);
            List<Map<String, Set<String>>> mapsList = new ArrayList<>();
            mapsList.add(INDEX_GROUP_ROLES_MAP, groupRolesMap);
            mapsList.add(INDEX_USER_ROLES_MAP, userRolesMap);
            return mapsList;

    private Map<String, Set<String>> getGroupRolesMap(Collection<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles) {
        if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, Set<String>> groupRolesMap = new HashMap<>();
        // change the List<MSentryRole> -> Map<groupName, Set<roleName>>
        for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryRoles) {
            Set<MSentryGroup> groups = mSentryRole.getGroups();
            for (MSentryGroup group : groups) {
                String groupName = group.getGroupName();
                Set<String> rNames = groupRolesMap.get(groupName);
                if (rNames == null) {
                    rNames = new HashSet<>();
                groupRolesMap.put(groupName, rNames);
        return groupRolesMap;

    private Map<String, Set<String>> getUserRolesMap(Collection<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles) {
        if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, Set<String>> userRolesMap = new HashMap<>();
        // change the List<MSentryRole> -> Map<userName, Set<roleName>>
        for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryRoles) {
            Set<MSentryUser> users = mSentryRole.getUsers();
            for (MSentryUser user : users) {
                String userName = user.getUserName();
                Set<String> rNames = userRolesMap.get(userName);
                if (rNames == null) {
                    rNames = new HashSet<>();
                userRolesMap.put(userName, rNames);
        return userRolesMap;

    // get all mapping data for [role,privilege]
    Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getRoleNameTPrivilegesMap() throws Exception {
        return getRoleNameTPrivilegesMap(null, null);

     * @return Privileges granted to Authoriable and it's children.
     * If the authorizable is server, returns all the privileges granted on that server
     * If the authorizable is database,returns all the privileges granted on that database and also the tables and
     * the columns in it.
     * If the authorizable is an URI, returns all the privileges granted on URI's with the given prefix.
    public List<MSentryPrivilege> getPrivilegesForAuthorizables(List<TSentryAuthorizable> authHierarchyList)
            throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> getPrivilegesForAuthorizables(pm, authHierarchyList));

     * @return Privileges granted to Authoriables and it's children.
     * If the authorizable is server, returns all the privileges granted on that server
     * If the authorizable is database,returns all the privileges granted on that database and also the tables and
     * the columns in it.
     * If the authorizable is an URI, returns all the privileges granted on URI's with the given prefix.
     * If the authHierarchyList is Null or Empty, all the privileges in the sentry store are returned.
    private List<MSentryPrivilege> getPrivilegesForAuthorizables(PersistenceManager pm,
            List<TSentryAuthorizable> authHierarchyList) throws Exception {
        List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = Lists.newArrayList();
        pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchPrincipals");

        // When the list is empty or NULL return every thing.
        if (authHierarchyList == null || authHierarchyList.isEmpty()) {
            mSentryPrivileges.addAll((List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.execute());
            return mSentryPrivileges;

        for (TSentryAuthorizable authHierarchy : authHierarchyList) {
            QueryParamBuilder authParamBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder(QueryParamBuilder.Op.AND);
            if (authHierarchy.getServer() != null) {
                authParamBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, authHierarchy.getServer());
                if (authHierarchy.getDb() != null) {
                    authParamBuilder.add(DB_NAME, authHierarchy.getDb()).addNull(URI);
                    if (authHierarchy.getTable() != null) {
                        authParamBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, authHierarchy.getTable());
                        if (authHierarchy.getColumn() != null) {
                            authParamBuilder.add(COLUMN_NAME, authHierarchy.getColumn());
                } else if (authHierarchy.getUri() != null) {
                            .addCustomParam("(URI.startsWith(:authURI))", "authURI", authHierarchy.getUri());

                    .addAll((List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.executeWithMap(authParamBuilder.getArguments()));
        return mSentryPrivileges;

     * @return mapping data for [role,privilege] with the specific auth object
    public Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getRoleNameTPrivilegesMap(final String dbName, final String tableName)
            throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
            QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();

            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(dbName)) {
                paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, dbName);
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) {
                paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, tableName);
            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRoles");

            List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges = (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query
            return getRolePrivilegesMap(mSentryPrivileges);

    private Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getRolePrivilegesMap(
            Collection<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges) {
        if (mSentryPrivileges.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        // change the List<MSentryPrivilege> -> Map<roleName, Set<TSentryPrivilege>>
        Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> rolePrivilegesMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (MSentryPrivilege mSentryPrivilege : mSentryPrivileges) {
            TSentryPrivilege privilege = convertToTSentryPrivilege(mSentryPrivilege);
            for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryPrivilege.getRoles()) {
                String roleName = mSentryRole.getRoleName();
                Set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges = rolePrivilegesMap.get(roleName);
                if (privileges == null) {
                    privileges = new HashSet<>();
                rolePrivilegesMap.put(roleName, privileges);
        return rolePrivilegesMap;

     * @return Set of all role names, or an empty set if no roles are defined
    public Set<String> getAllRoleNames() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getAllRoleNamesCore(pm);

     * Get set of all role names
     * Should be executed inside transaction
     * @param pm PersistenceManager instance
     * @return Set of all role names, or an empty set if no roles are defined
    private Set<String> getAllRoleNamesCore(PersistenceManager pm) {
        List<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles = getAllRoles(pm);
        if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        return rolesToRoleNames(mSentryRoles);

     * Get all groups as a map from group name to group
     * @param pm PersistenceManager instance
     * @return map of group names to group data for each group
    private Map<String, MSentryGroup> getGroupNameTGroupMap(PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
        List<MSentryGroup> mSentryGroups = (List<MSentryGroup>) query.execute();
        if (mSentryGroups.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, MSentryGroup> existGroupsMap = new HashMap<>(mSentryGroups.size());
        // change the List<MSentryGroup> -> Map<groupName, MSentryGroup>
        for (MSentryGroup mSentryGroup : mSentryGroups) {
            existGroupsMap.put(mSentryGroup.getGroupName(), mSentryGroup);
        return existGroupsMap;

     * Get all users as a map from user name to user
     * @param pm PersistenceManager instance
     * @return map of user names to user data for each user
    private Map<String, MSentryUser> getUserNameToUserMap(PersistenceManager pm) {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
        List<MSentryUser> users = (List<MSentryUser>) query.execute();
        if (users.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();
        Map<String, MSentryUser> existUsersMap = new HashMap<>(users.size());
        // change the List<MSentryUser> -> Map<userName, MSentryUser>
        for (MSentryUser user : users) {
            existUsersMap.put(user.getUserName(), user);
        return existUsersMap;

    Map<String, MSentryRole> getRolesMap() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            List<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles = getAllRoles(pm);
            if (mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptyMap();
            Map<String, MSentryRole> existRolesMap = new HashMap<>(mSentryRoles.size());
            // change the List<MSentryRole> -> Map<roleName, Set<MSentryRole>>
            for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryRoles) {
                existRolesMap.put(mSentryRole.getRoleName(), mSentryRole);

            return existRolesMap;

    Map<String, MSentryGroup> getGroupNameToGroupMap() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(this::getGroupNameTGroupMap);

    Map<String, MSentryUser> getUserNameToUserMap() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(this::getUserNameToUserMap);

    List<MSentryPrivilege> getPrivilegesList() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
            return (List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.execute();

     * Import the sentry mapping data.
     * @param tSentryMappingData
     *        Include 2 maps to save the mapping data, the following is the example of the data
     *        structure:
     *        for the following mapping data:
     *        user1=role1,role2
     *        user2=role2,role3
     *        group1=role1,role2
     *        group2=role2,role3
     *        role1=server=server1->db=db1
     *        role2=server=server1->db=db1->table=tbl1,server=server1->db=db1->table=tbl2
     *        role3=server=server1->url=hdfs://localhost/path
     *        The GroupRolesMap in TSentryMappingData will be saved as:
     *        {
     *        TSentryGroup(group1)={role1, role2},
     *        TSentryGroup(group2)={role2, role3}
     *        }
     *        The UserRolesMap in TSentryMappingData will be saved as:
     *        {
     *        TSentryUser(user1)={role1, role2},
     *        TSentryGroup(user2)={role2, role3}
     *        }
     *        The RolePrivilegesMap in TSentryMappingData will be saved as:
     *        {
     *        role1={TSentryPrivilege(server=server1->db=db1)},
     *        role2={TSentryPrivilege(server=server1->db=db1->table=tbl1),
     *        TSentryPrivilege(server=server1->db=db1->table=tbl2)},
     *        role3={TSentryPrivilege(server=server1->url=hdfs://localhost/path)}
     *        }
     * @param isOverwriteForRole
     *        The option for merging or overwriting the existing data during import, true for
     *        overwriting, false for merging
    public void importSentryMetaData(final TSentryMappingData tSentryMappingData, final boolean isOverwriteForRole)
            throws Exception {
        tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            TSentryMappingData mappingData = lowercaseRoleName(tSentryMappingData);
            Set<String> roleNames = getAllRoleNamesCore(pm);

            Map<String, Set<TSentryGroup>> importedRoleGroupsMap = covertToRoleNameTGroupsMap(
            Map<String, Set<String>> importedRoleUsersMap = covertToRoleUsersMap(mappingData.getUserRolesMap());
            Set<String> importedRoleNames = importedRoleGroupsMap.keySet();
            // if import with overwrite role, drop the duplicated roles in current DB first.
            if (isOverwriteForRole) {
                dropDuplicatedRoleForImport(pm, roleNames, importedRoleNames);
                // refresh the roleNames for the drop role
                roleNames = getAllRoleNamesCore(pm);

            // Empty roleNames is most likely the COllections.emptySet().
            // We are going to modify roleNames below, so create an actual set.
            if (roleNames.isEmpty()) {
                roleNames = new HashSet<>();

            // import the mapping data for [role,privilege], the roleNames will be updated
            importRolePrivilegeMapping(pm, roleNames, mappingData.getRolePrivilegesMap());
            // import the mapping data for [role,group], the roleNames will be updated
            importRoleGroupMapping(pm, roleNames, importedRoleGroupsMap);
            // import the mapping data for [role,user], the roleNames will be updated
            importRoleUserMapping(pm, roleNames, importedRoleUsersMap);
            return null;

    // covert the Map[group->roles] to Map[role->groups]
    private Map<String, Set<TSentryGroup>> covertToRoleNameTGroupsMap(Map<String, Set<String>> groupRolesMap) {
        if (groupRolesMap == null || groupRolesMap.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, Set<TSentryGroup>> roleGroupsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : groupRolesMap.entrySet()) {
            Set<String> roleNames = entry.getValue();
            if (roleNames != null) {
                for (String roleName : roleNames) {
                    Set<TSentryGroup> tSentryGroups = roleGroupsMap.get(roleName);
                    if (tSentryGroups == null) {
                        tSentryGroups = new HashSet<>();
                    tSentryGroups.add(new TSentryGroup(entry.getKey()));
                    roleGroupsMap.put(roleName, tSentryGroups);
        return roleGroupsMap;

    // covert the Map[user->roles] to Map[role->users]
    private Map<String, Set<String>> covertToRoleUsersMap(Map<String, Set<String>> userRolesMap) {
        if (userRolesMap == null || userRolesMap.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<String, Set<String>> roleUsersMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : userRolesMap.entrySet()) {
            Set<String> roleNames = entry.getValue();
            if (roleNames != null) {
                for (String roleName : roleNames) {
                    Set<String> users = roleUsersMap.get(roleName);
                    if (users == null) {
                        users = new HashSet<>();
                    roleUsersMap.put(roleName, users);
        return roleUsersMap;

    private void importRoleGroupMapping(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> existRoleNames,
            Map<String, Set<TSentryGroup>> importedRoleGroupsMap) throws Exception {
        if (importedRoleGroupsMap == null || importedRoleGroupsMap.keySet() == null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<TSentryGroup>> entry : importedRoleGroupsMap.entrySet()) {
            createRoleIfNotExist(pm, existRoleNames, entry.getKey());
            alterSentryRoleAddGroupsCore(pm, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    private void importRoleUserMapping(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> existRoleNames,
            Map<String, Set<String>> importedRoleUsersMap) throws Exception {
        if (importedRoleUsersMap == null || importedRoleUsersMap.keySet() == null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : importedRoleUsersMap.entrySet()) {
            createRoleIfNotExist(pm, existRoleNames, entry.getKey());
            alterSentryRoleAddUsersCore(pm, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    // drop all duplicated with the imported role
    private void dropDuplicatedRoleForImport(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> existRoleNames,
            Set<String> importedRoleNames) throws Exception {
        Set<String> duplicatedRoleNames = Sets.intersection(existRoleNames, importedRoleNames);
        for (String droppedRoleName : duplicatedRoleNames) {
            dropSentryRoleCore(pm, droppedRoleName);

    // change all role name in lowercase
    private TSentryMappingData lowercaseRoleName(TSentryMappingData tSentryMappingData) {
        Map<String, Set<String>> sentryGroupRolesMap = tSentryMappingData.getGroupRolesMap();
        Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> sentryRolePrivilegesMap = tSentryMappingData.getRolePrivilegesMap();

        Map<String, Set<String>> newSentryGroupRolesMap = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> newSentryRolePrivilegesMap = new HashMap<>();
        // for mapping data [group,role]
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : sentryGroupRolesMap.entrySet()) {
            Collection<String> lowcaseRoles = Collections2.transform(entry.getValue(),
                    new Function<String, String>() {
                        public String apply(String input) {
                            return input.toLowerCase();
            newSentryGroupRolesMap.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<>(lowcaseRoles));

        // for mapping data [role,privilege]
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> entry : sentryRolePrivilegesMap.entrySet()) {
            newSentryRolePrivilegesMap.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());

        return tSentryMappingData;

    // import the mapping data for [role,privilege]
    private void importRolePrivilegeMapping(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> existRoleNames,
            Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> sentryRolePrivilegesMap) throws Exception {
        if (sentryRolePrivilegesMap != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> entry : sentryRolePrivilegesMap.entrySet()) {
                // if the rolenName doesn't exist, create it and add it to existRoleNames
                createRoleIfNotExist(pm, existRoleNames, entry.getKey());
                // get the privileges for the role
                Set<TSentryPrivilege> tSentryPrivileges = entry.getValue();
                for (TSentryPrivilege tSentryPrivilege : tSentryPrivileges) {
                    alterSentryGrantPrivilegeCore(pm, SentryPrincipalType.ROLE, entry.getKey(), tSentryPrivilege);

    private void createRoleIfNotExist(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> existRoleNames, String roleName)
            throws Exception {
        String lowerRoleName = trimAndLower(roleName);
        // if the rolenName doesn't exist, create it.
        if (!existRoleNames.contains(lowerRoleName)) {
            // update the exist role name set
            // Create role in the persistent storage
            pm.makePersistent(new MSentryRole(trimAndLower(roleName)));

     * Return set of rolenames from a collection of roles
     * @param roles - collection of roles
     * @return set of role names for each role in collection
    public static Set<String> rolesToRoleNames(final Iterable<MSentryRole> roles) {
        Set<String> roleNames = new HashSet<>();
        for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : roles) {
        return roleNames;

     * Return exception for nonexistent role
     * @param roleName Role name
     * @return SentryNoSuchObjectException with appropriate message
    private static SentryNoSuchObjectException noSuchRole(String roleName) {
        return new SentryNoSuchObjectException("Role " + roleName);

     * Return exception for nonexistent user
     * @param userName User name
     * @return SentryNoSuchObjectException with appropriate message
    private static SentryNoSuchObjectException noSuchUser(String userName) {
        return new SentryNoSuchObjectException("nonexistent user " + userName);

     * Return exception for nonexistent group
     * @param groupName Group name
     * @return SentryNoSuchObjectException with appropriate message
    private static SentryNoSuchObjectException noSuchGroup(String groupName) {
        return new SentryNoSuchObjectException("Group " + groupName);


     * Return exception for nonexistent update
     * @param changeID change ID
     * @return SentryNoSuchObjectException with appropriate message
    private SentryNoSuchObjectException noSuchUpdate(final long changeID) {
        return new SentryNoSuchObjectException("nonexistent update + " + changeID);

     * Gets the last processed change ID for perm/path delta changes.
     * @param pm the PersistenceManager
     * @param changeCls the class of a delta c
     * @return the last processed changedID for the delta changes. If no
     *         change found then return 0.
    static <T extends MSentryChange> Long getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class<T> changeCls) {
        return getMaxPersistedIDCore(pm, changeCls, "changeID", EMPTY_CHANGE_ID);

     * Gets the last processed Notification ID
     * <p>
     * As the table might have zero or one record, result of the query
     * might be null OR instance of MSentryHmsNotification.
     * @param pm the PersistenceManager
     * @return EMPTY_NOTIFICATION_ID(0) when there are no notifications processed.
     * else  last NotificationID processed by HMSFollower
    static Long getLastProcessedNotificationIDCore(PersistenceManager pm) {
        return getMaxPersistedIDCore(pm, MSentryHmsNotification.class, "notificationId", EMPTY_NOTIFICATION_ID);

     * Set the notification ID of last processed HMS notification and remove all
     * subsequent notifications stored.
    public void setLastProcessedNotificationID(final Long notificationId) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug("Persisting Last Processed Notification ID {}", notificationId);
        tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            deleteNotificationsSince(pm, notificationId + 1);
            return pm.makePersistent(new MSentryHmsNotification(notificationId));

     * Set the notification ID of last processed HMS notification.
    public void persistLastProcessedNotificationID(final Long notificationId) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug("Persisting Last Processed Notification ID {}", notificationId);
        tm.executeTransaction(pm -> pm.makePersistent(new MSentryHmsNotification(notificationId)));

     * Gets the last processed change ID for perm delta changes.
     * Internally invoke {@link #getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(PersistenceManager, Class)}
     * @return latest perm change ID.
    public Long getLastProcessedPermChangeID() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPermChange.class);

     * Gets the last processed change ID for path delta changes.
     * @return latest path change ID.
    public Long getLastProcessedPathChangeID() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, MSentryPathChange.class);

     * Get the notification ID of last processed path delta change.
     * @return the notification ID of latest path change. If no change
     *         found then return 0.
    public Long getLastProcessedNotificationID() throws Exception {
        long notificationId = tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            long notificationId1 = getLastProcessedNotificationIDCore(pm);
            return notificationId1;
        LOGGER.debug("Retrieving Last Processed Notification ID {}", notificationId);
        return notificationId;

     * Gets the last processed HMS snapshot ID for path delta changes.
     * @return latest path change ID.
    public long getLastProcessedImageID() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return getCurrentAuthzPathsSnapshotID(pm);

     * Get the MSentryPermChange object by ChangeID.
     * @param changeID the given changeID.
     * @return MSentryPermChange
    public MSentryPermChange getMSentryPermChangeByID(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPermChange.class);
            query.setFilter("this.changeID == id");
            query.declareParameters("long id");
            List<MSentryPermChange> permChanges = (List<MSentryPermChange>) query.execute(changeID);
            if (permChanges == null) {
                throw noSuchUpdate(changeID);
            if (permChanges.size() > 1) {
                throw new Exception("Inconsistent permission delta: " + permChanges.size()
                        + " permissions for the same id, " + changeID);

            return permChanges.get(0);

     * Fetch all {@link MSentryChange} in the database.
     * @param cls the class of the Sentry delta change.
     * @return a list of Sentry delta changes.
     * @throws Exception
    private <T extends MSentryChange> List<T> getMSentryChanges(final Class<T> cls) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(cls);
            return (List<T>) query.execute();

     * Fetch all {@link MSentryPermChange} in the database. It should only be used in the tests.
     * @return a list of permission changes.
     * @throws Exception
    List<MSentryPermChange> getMSentryPermChanges() throws Exception {
        return getMSentryChanges(MSentryPermChange.class);

     * Fetch all {@link MSentryHmsNotification} in the database. It should only be used in the tests.
     * @return a list of notifications ids.
     * @throws Exception
    List<MSentryHmsNotification> getMSentryHmsNotificationCore() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryHmsNotification.class);
            return (List<MSentryHmsNotification>) query.execute();

    * Checks if any MSentryChange object exists with the given changeID.
    * @param pm PersistenceManager
    * @param changeCls class instance of type {@link MSentryChange}
    * @param changeID changeID
    * @return true if found the MSentryChange object, otherwise false.
    * @throws Exception
    private <T extends MSentryChange> Boolean changeExistsCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class<T> changeCls,
            final long changeID) throws Exception {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(changeCls);
        query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
        query.setFilter("this.changeID == id");
        query.declareParameters("long id");
        List<T> changes = (List<T>) query.execute(changeID);
        return !changes.isEmpty();

     * Checks if any MSentryPermChange object exists with the given changeID.
     * @param changeID
     * @return true if found the MSentryPermChange object, otherwise false.
     * @throws Exception
    public Boolean permChangeExists(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return changeExistsCore(pm, MSentryPermChange.class, changeID);

     * Checks if any MSentryPathChange object exists with the given changeID.
     * @param changeID
     * @return true if found the MSentryPathChange object, otherwise false.
     * @throws Exception
    public Boolean pathChangeExists(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
            return changeExistsCore(pm, MSentryPathChange.class, changeID);

     * Gets the MSentryPathChange object by ChangeID.
     * @param changeID the given changeID
     * @return the MSentryPathChange object with corresponding changeID.
     * @throws Exception
    public MSentryPathChange getMSentryPathChangeByID(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPathChange.class);
            query.setFilter("this.changeID == id");
            query.declareParameters("long id");
            List<MSentryPathChange> pathChanges = (List<MSentryPathChange>) query.execute(changeID);
            if (pathChanges == null) {
                throw noSuchUpdate(changeID);
            if (pathChanges.size() > 1) {
                throw new Exception(
                        "Inconsistent path delta: " + pathChanges.size() + " paths for the same id, " + changeID);

            return pathChanges.get(0);

     * Fetch all {@link MSentryPathChange} in the database. It should only be used in the tests.
    List<MSentryPathChange> getMSentryPathChanges() throws Exception {
        return getMSentryChanges(MSentryPathChange.class);

     * Gets a list of MSentryChange objects greater than or equal to the given changeID.
     * @param changeID
     * @return a list of MSentryChange objects. It can returns an empty list.
     * @throws Exception
    private <T extends MSentryChange> List<T> getMSentryChangesCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class<T> changeCls,
            final long changeID) throws Exception {
        Query query = pm.newQuery(changeCls);
        query.setFilter("this.changeID >= t");
        query.declareParameters("long t");
        query.setOrdering("this.changeID ascending");
        return (List<T>) query.execute(changeID);

     * Gets a list of MSentryPathChange objects greater than or equal to the given changeID.
     * If there is any path delta missing in {@link MSentryPathChange} table, an empty list is returned.
     * @param changeID  Requested changeID
     * @return a list of MSentryPathChange objects. May be empty.
     * @throws Exception
    public List<MSentryPathChange> getMSentryPathChanges(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            // 1. We first rextrieve the entire list of latest delta changes since the changeID
            List<MSentryPathChange> pathChanges = getMSentryChangesCore(pm, MSentryPathChange.class, changeID);
            // 2. We then check for consistency issues with delta changes
            if (validateDeltaChanges(changeID, pathChanges)) {
                // If everything is in order, return the delta changes
                return pathChanges;

            // Looks like delta change validation failed. Return an empty list.
            return Collections.emptyList();

     * Gets a list of MSentryPermChange objects greater than or equal to the given ChangeID.
     * If there is any path delta missing in {@link MSentryPermChange} table, an empty list is returned.
     * @param changeID Requested changeID
     * @return a list of MSentryPathChange objects. May be empty.
     * @throws Exception
    public List<MSentryPermChange> getMSentryPermChanges(final long changeID) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            // 1. We first retrieve the entire list of latest delta changes since the changeID
            List<MSentryPermChange> permChanges = getMSentryChangesCore(pm, MSentryPermChange.class, changeID);
            // 2. We then check for consistency issues with delta changes
            if (validateDeltaChanges(changeID, permChanges)) {
                // If everything is in order, return the delta changes
                return permChanges;

            // Looks like delta change validation failed. Return an empty list.
            return Collections.emptyList();

     * Validate if the delta changes are consistent with the requested changeID.
     * <p>
     *   1. Checks if the first delta changeID matches the requested changeID
     *   (This verifies the delta table still has entries starting from the changeID) <br/>
     *   2. Checks if there are any holes in the list of delta changes <br/>
     * </p>
     * @param changeID Requested changeID
     * @param changes List of delta changes
     * @return True if the delta changes are all consistent otherwise returns False
    public <T extends MSentryChange> boolean validateDeltaChanges(final long changeID, List<T> changes) {
        if (changes.isEmpty()) {
            // If database has nothing more recent than CHANGE_ID return True
            return true;

        // The first delta change from the DB should match the changeID
        // If it doesn't, then it means the delta table no longer has entries starting from the
        // requested CHANGE_ID
        if (changes.get(0).getChangeID() != changeID) {
                    "Starting delta change from %s is off from the requested id. "
                            + "Requested changeID: %s, Missing delta count: %s",
                    changes.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName(), changeID,
                    changes.get(0).getChangeID() - changeID));
            return false;

        // Check for holes in the delta changes.
        if (!MSentryUtil.isConsecutive(changes)) {
            String pathChangesIds = MSentryUtil.collapseChangeIDsToString(changes);
                    "Certain delta is missing in %s! The table may get corrupted. "
                            + "Start changeID %s, Current size of elements = %s. path changeID list: %s",
                    changes.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName(), changeID, changes.size(), pathChangesIds));
            return false;

        return true;

     * Execute actual Perm/Path action transaction, e.g dropSentryRole, and persist corresponding
     * Update in a single transaction if persistUpdateDeltas is true.
     * Note that this method only applies to TransactionBlock that
     * does not have any return value.
     * <p>
     * Failure in any TransactionBlock would cause the whole transaction
     * to fail.
     * @param update
     * @param transactionBlock
     * @throws Exception
    private void execute(Update update, TransactionBlock<Object> transactionBlock) throws Exception {
        execute(update != null ? Collections.singletonList(update) : Collections.emptyList(), transactionBlock);

     * Execute multiple delta updates in a single transaction.
     * Note that this method only applies to TransactionBlock that
     * does not have any return value.
     * <p>
     * Failure in any TransactionBlock would cause the whole transaction
     * to fail.
     * @param updates list of delta updates
     * @throws Exception
    private void execute(List<Update> updates, TransactionBlock<Object> transactionBlock) throws Exception {
        // Currently this API is used to update the owner privilege. This needs two DeltaTransactionBlock's to record
        // revoking/granting owner privilege and one TransactionBlock to perform actual permission change.
        // Default size of tbs is picked accordingly.
        List<TransactionBlock<Object>> tbs = new ArrayList<>(3);
        if (persistUpdateDeltas && updates != null && updates.size() > 0) {
            for (Update update : updates) {
                tbs.add(new DeltaTransactionBlock(update));

     * Checks if a notification was already processed by searching for the hash value
     * on the MSentryPathChange table.
     * @param hash A SHA-1 hex hash that represents a unique notification
     * @return True if the notification was already processed; False otherwise
    public boolean isNotificationProcessed(final String hash) throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransactionWithRetry(pm -> {
            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPathChange.class);
            query.setFilter("this.notificationHash == hash");
            query.declareParameters("java.lang.String hash");
            MSentryPathChange changes = (MSentryPathChange) query.execute(hash);

            return changes != null;

     * Get a single principal with the given name and type inside a transaction
     * @param pm Persistence Manager instance
     * @param name Role/user name (should not be null)
     * @param type Type of principal
     * @return single PrivilegePrincipal with the given name and type
    public PrivilegePrincipal getEntity(PersistenceManager pm, String name, SentryPrincipalType type) {
        Query query;

        if (type == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
            query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
            query.setFilter("this.roleName == :roleName");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchPrivileges");
        } else {
            query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
            query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchPrivileges");
        return (PrivilegePrincipal) query.execute(name);

     * Returns all roles and privileges found on the Sentry database.
     * @return A mapping between role and privileges in the form [roleName, set<privileges>].
     *         If a role does not have privileges, then an empty set is returned for that role.
     *         If no roles are found, then an empty map object is returned.
    public Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getAllRolesPrivileges() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            // No need to detach objects

            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchPrivileges");

            List<MSentryRole> mSentryRoles = (List<MSentryRole>) query.execute();
            if (mSentryRoles == null || mSentryRoles.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptyMap();

            // Transform the list of privileges to a map [roleName, set<privileges>]
            Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> allRolesPrivileges = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (MSentryRole mSentryRole : mSentryRoles) {
                // convertToTSentryPrivileges returns an empty set in case is null
                Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivileges = convertToTSentryPrivileges(mSentryRole.getPrivileges());
                allRolesPrivileges.put(mSentryRole.getRoleName(), tPrivileges);

            return allRolesPrivileges;

     * Returns all users and privileges found on the Sentry database.
     * @return A mapping between user and privileges in the form [userName, set<privileges>].
     *         If a user does not have privileges, then an empty set is returned for that user.
     *         If no users are found, then an empty map object is returned.
    public Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getAllUsersPrivileges() throws Exception {
        return tm.executeTransaction(pm -> {
            // No need to detach objects

            Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
            query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");

            FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchPrivileges");

            List<MSentryUser> mSentryUsers = (List<MSentryUser>) query.execute();
            if (mSentryUsers == null || mSentryUsers.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptyMap();

            // Transform the list of privileges to a map [userName, set<privileges>]
            Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> allUsersPrivileges = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (MSentryUser mSentryUser : mSentryUsers) {
                // convertToTSentryPrivileges returns an empty set in case is null
                Set<TSentryPrivilege> tPrivileges = convertToTSentryPrivileges(mSentryUser.getPrivileges());
                allUsersPrivileges.put(mSentryUser.getUserName(), tPrivileges);

            return allUsersPrivileges;