Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permission and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sentry.hdfs; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.AclEntryStatusFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.AclFeature; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeAttributeProvider; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeAttributes; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.XAttrFeature; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; public class SentryINodeAttributesProvider extends INodeAttributeProvider implements Configurable { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SentryINodeAttributesProvider.class); static class SentryAclFeature extends AclFeature { public SentryAclFeature(ImmutableList<AclEntry> entries) { super(AclEntryStatusFormat.toInt(entries)); } } class SentryPermissionEnforcer implements AccessControlEnforcer { private final AccessControlEnforcer ace; SentryPermissionEnforcer(INodeAttributeProvider.AccessControlEnforcer ace) { this.ace = ace; } @Override public void checkPermission(String fsOwner, String supergroup, UserGroupInformation callerUgi, INodeAttributes[] inodeAttrs, INode[] inodes, byte[][] pathByNameArr, int snapshotId, String path, int ancestorIndex, boolean doCheckOwner, FsAction ancestorAccess, FsAction parentAccess, FsAction access, FsAction subAccess, boolean ignoreEmptyDir) throws AccessControlException { String[] pathElems = getPathElems(pathByNameArr); if (pathElems != null && (pathElems.length > 1) && ("".equals(pathElems[0]))) { pathElems = Arrays.copyOfRange(pathElems, 1, pathElems.length); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Enforcing Permission : + " + Lists.newArrayList(fsOwner, supergroup, callerUgi.getShortUserName(), Arrays.toString(callerUgi.getGroupNames()), Arrays.toString(pathElems), ancestorAccess, parentAccess, access, subAccess, ignoreEmptyDir)); } ace.checkPermission(fsOwner, supergroup, callerUgi, inodeAttrs, inodes, pathByNameArr, snapshotId, path, ancestorIndex, doCheckOwner, ancestorAccess, parentAccess, access, subAccess, ignoreEmptyDir); } private String[] getPathElems(byte[][] pathByName) { String[] retVal = new String[pathByName.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pathByName.length; i++) { retVal[i] = (pathByName[i] != null) ? DFSUtil.bytes2String(pathByName[i]) : ""; } return retVal; } } public class SentryINodeAttributes implements INodeAttributes { private final INodeAttributes defaultAttributes; private final String[] pathElements; public SentryINodeAttributes(INodeAttributes defaultAttributes, String[] pathElements) { this.defaultAttributes = defaultAttributes; this.pathElements = pathElements; } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { return defaultAttributes.isDirectory(); } @Override public byte[] getLocalNameBytes() { return defaultAttributes.getLocalNameBytes(); } @Override public String getUserName() { return isSentryManaged(pathElements) ? SentryINodeAttributesProvider.this.user : defaultAttributes.getUserName(); } @Override public String getGroupName() { return isSentryManaged(pathElements) ? : defaultAttributes.getGroupName(); } @Override public FsPermission getFsPermission() { FsPermission permission; if (!isSentryManaged(pathElements)) { permission = defaultAttributes.getFsPermission(); } else { FsPermission returnPerm = SentryINodeAttributesProvider.this.permission; // Handle case when prefix directory is itself associated with an // authorizable object (default db directory in hive) // An executable permission needs to be set on the the prefix directory // in this case.. else, subdirectories (which map to other dbs) will // not be travesible. for (String[] prefixPath : authzInfo.getPathPrefixes()) { if (Arrays.equals(prefixPath, pathElements)) { returnPerm = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) (returnPerm.toShort() | 0x01)); break; } } permission = returnPerm; } return permission; } @Override public short getFsPermissionShort() { return getFsPermission().toShort(); } @Override public long getPermissionLong() { PermissionStatus permissionStatus = new PermissionStatus(getUserName(), getGroupName(), getFsPermission()); // No other way to get the long permission currently return new INodeDirectory(0L, null, permissionStatus, 0L).getPermissionLong(); } /** * Returns hadoop acls if * - Not managed * - Not stale and not an auth obj * Returns hive:hive * - If stale * Returns sentry acls * - Otherwise, if not stale and auth obj **/ @Override public AclFeature getAclFeature() { AclFeature aclFeature; String p = Arrays.toString(pathElements); boolean isPrefixed = false; boolean isStale = false; boolean hasAuthzObj = false; Map<String, AclEntry> aclMap = null; // If path is not under prefix, return hadoop acls. if (!authzInfo.isUnderPrefix(pathElements)) { isPrefixed = false; aclFeature = defaultAttributes.getAclFeature(); } else if (!authzInfo.doesBelongToAuthzObject(pathElements)) { // If path is not managed, return hadoop acls. isPrefixed = true; aclFeature = defaultAttributes.getAclFeature(); } else { // If path is managed, add original hadoop permission if originalAuthzAsAcl true. isPrefixed = true; hasAuthzObj = true; aclMap = new HashMap<String, AclEntry>(); if (originalAuthzAsAcl) { String user = defaultAttributes.getUserName(); String group = defaultAttributes.getGroupName(); FsPermission perm = defaultAttributes.getFsPermission(); addToACLMap(aclMap, createAclEntries(user, group, perm)); } else { // else add hive:hive addToACLMap(aclMap, createAclEntries(user, group, permission)); } if (!authzInfo.isStale()) { // if not stale return sentry acls. isStale = false; addToACLMap(aclMap, authzInfo.getAclEntries(pathElements)); aclFeature = new SentryAclFeature(ImmutableList.copyOf(aclMap.values())); } else { // if stale return hive:hive isStale = true; aclFeature = new SentryAclFeature(ImmutableList.copyOf(aclMap.values())); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("### getAclEntry \n[" + (p == null ? "null" : p) + "] : [" + "isPreifxed=" + isPrefixed + ", isStale=" + isStale + ", hasAuthzObj=" + hasAuthzObj + ", origAuthzAsAcl=" + originalAuthzAsAcl + "]\n" + "[" + (aclMap == null ? "null" : aclMap) + "]\n"); } return aclFeature; } @Override public XAttrFeature getXAttrFeature() { return defaultAttributes.getXAttrFeature(); } @Override public long getModificationTime() { return defaultAttributes.getModificationTime(); } @Override public long getAccessTime() { return defaultAttributes.getAccessTime(); } } private boolean started; private SentryAuthorizationInfo authzInfo; private String user; private String group; private FsPermission permission; private boolean originalAuthzAsAcl; private Configuration conf; public SentryINodeAttributesProvider() { } private boolean isSentryManaged(final String[] pathElements) { return authzInfo.isSentryManaged(pathElements); } @VisibleForTesting SentryINodeAttributesProvider(SentryAuthorizationInfo authzInfo) { this.authzInfo = authzInfo; } @Override public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.conf = conf; } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return conf; } @Override public void start() { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Provider already started"); } started = true; try { if (!conf.getBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ACLS_ENABLED_KEY, false)) { throw new RuntimeException("HDFS ACLs must be enabled"); } Configuration conf = new Configuration(this.conf); conf.addResource(SentryAuthorizationConstants.CONFIG_FILE, true); user = conf.get(SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_USER_KEY, SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_USER_DEFAULT); group = conf.get(SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_GROUP_KEY, SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_GROUP_DEFAULT); permission = FsPermission .createImmutable((short) conf.getLong(SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_PERMISSION_KEY, SentryAuthorizationConstants.HDFS_PERMISSION_DEFAULT)); originalAuthzAsAcl = conf.getBoolean(SentryAuthorizationConstants.INCLUDE_HDFS_AUTHZ_AS_ACL_KEY, SentryAuthorizationConstants.INCLUDE_HDFS_AUTHZ_AS_ACL_DEFAULT);"Starting");"Config: hdfs-user[{}] hdfs-group[{}] hdfs-permission[{}] " + "include-hdfs-authz-as-acl[{}]", new Object[] { user, group, permission, originalAuthzAsAcl }); if (authzInfo == null) { authzInfo = new SentryAuthorizationInfo(conf); } authzInfo.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } @Override public void stop() { LOG.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Stopping"); authzInfo.stop(); } @Override public INodeAttributes getAttributes(String[] pathElements, INodeAttributes inode) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(pathElements); if (pathElements.length == 0) { return inode; } pathElements = "".equals(pathElements[0]) && pathElements.length > 1 ? Arrays.copyOfRange(pathElements, 1, pathElements.length) : pathElements; return isSentryManaged(pathElements) ? new SentryINodeAttributes(inode, pathElements) : inode; } @Override public AccessControlEnforcer getExternalAccessControlEnforcer(AccessControlEnforcer defaultEnforcer) { return new SentryPermissionEnforcer(defaultEnforcer); } private static void addToACLMap(Map<String, AclEntry> map, Collection<AclEntry> entries) { for (AclEntry ent : entries) { String key = (ent.getName() == null ? "" : ent.getName()) + ent.getScope() + ent.getType(); AclEntry aclEntry = map.get(key); if (aclEntry == null) { map.put(key, ent); } else { map.put(key, new AclEntry.Builder().setName(ent.getName()).setScope(ent.getScope()) .setType(ent.getType()) .setPermission(ent.getPermission().or(aclEntry.getPermission())).build()); } } } private static List<AclEntry> createAclEntries(String user, String group, FsPermission permission) { List<AclEntry> list = new ArrayList<AclEntry>(); AclEntry.Builder builder = new AclEntry.Builder(); FsPermission fsPerm = new FsPermission(permission); builder.setName(user); builder.setType(AclEntryType.USER); builder.setScope(AclEntryScope.ACCESS); builder.setPermission(fsPerm.getUserAction()); list.add(; builder.setName(group); builder.setType(AclEntryType.GROUP); builder.setScope(AclEntryScope.ACCESS); builder.setPermission(fsPerm.getGroupAction()); list.add(; builder.setName(null); return list; } }