Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils;
import org.apache.samza.Partition;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.config.Config;
import org.apache.samza.config.StorageConfig;
import org.apache.samza.config.TaskConfig;
import org.apache.samza.container.SamzaContainerMetrics;
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskInstanceMetrics;
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName;
import org.apache.samza.context.ContainerContext;
import org.apache.samza.context.JobContext;
import org.apache.samza.job.model.ContainerModel;
import org.apache.samza.job.model.TaskMode;
import org.apache.samza.job.model.TaskModel;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.Gauge;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistryMap;
import org.apache.samza.serializers.Serde;
import org.apache.samza.serializers.SerdeManager;
import org.apache.samza.system.IncomingMessageEnvelope;
import org.apache.samza.system.StreamMetadataCache;
import org.apache.samza.system.StreamSpec;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemAdmin;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemAdmins;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemConsumer;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemConsumers;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemConsumersMetrics;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemFactory;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamMetadata;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartition;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.samza.system.chooser.DefaultChooser;
import org.apache.samza.system.chooser.MessageChooser;
import org.apache.samza.system.chooser.RoundRobinChooserFactory;
import org.apache.samza.table.utils.SerdeUtils;
import org.apache.samza.task.TaskInstanceCollector;
import org.apache.samza.util.Clock;
import org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil;
import org.apache.samza.util.ScalaJavaUtil;
import org.apache.samza.util.Util;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions;
import scala.collection.JavaConverters;

 *  ContainerStorageManager is a per-container object that manages
 *  the restore of per-task partitions.
 *  It is responsible for
 *  a) performing all container-level actions for restore such as, initializing and shutting down
 *  taskStorage managers, starting, registering and stopping consumers, etc.
 *  b) performing individual task stores' restores in parallel.
 *  and
 *  c) restoring sideInputs.
 *  It provides bootstrap semantics for sideinputs -- the main thread is blocked until
 *  all sideInputSSPs have not caught up. Side input store flushes are not in sync with task-commit, although
 *  they happen at the same frequency.
 *  In case, where a user explicitly requests a task-commit, it will not include committing side inputs.
public class ContainerStorageManager {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainerStorageManager.class);
    private static final String RESTORE_THREAD_NAME = "Samza Restore Thread-%d";
    private static final String SIDEINPUTS_FLUSH_THREAD_NAME = "SideInputs Flush Thread";
    private static final String SIDEINPUTS_METRICS_PREFIX = "side-inputs-";
    // We use a prefix to differentiate the SystemConsumersMetrics for side-inputs from the ones in SamzaContainer

    /** Maps containing relevant per-task objects */
    private final Map<TaskName, Map<String, StorageEngine>> taskStores;
    private final Map<TaskName, TaskRestoreManager> taskRestoreManagers;
    private final Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics;
    private final Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector> taskInstanceCollectors;

    private final Map<String, SystemConsumer> storeConsumers; // Mapping from store name to SystemConsumers
    private final Map<String, StorageEngineFactory<Object, Object>> storageEngineFactories; // Map of storageEngineFactories indexed by store name
    private final Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams; // Map of changelog system-streams indexed by store name
    private final Map<String, Serde<Object>> serdes; // Map of Serde objects indexed by serde name (specified in config)
    private final SystemAdmins systemAdmins;

    private final StreamMetadataCache streamMetadataCache;
    private final SamzaContainerMetrics samzaContainerMetrics;

    /* Parameters required to re-create taskStores post-restoration */
    private final ContainerModel containerModel;
    private final JobContext jobContext;
    private final ContainerContext containerContext;

    private final File loggedStoreBaseDirectory;
    private final File nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory;
    private final Set<Path> storeDirectoryPaths; // the set of store directory paths, used by SamzaContainer to initialize its disk-space-monitor

    private final int parallelRestoreThreadPoolSize;
    private final int maxChangeLogStreamPartitions; // The partition count of each changelog-stream topic. This is used for validating changelog streams before restoring.

    /* Sideinput related parameters */
    private final Map<String, Set<SystemStream>> sideInputSystemStreams; // Map of side input system-streams indexed by store name
    private final Map<TaskName, Map<String, Set<SystemStreamPartition>>> taskSideInputSSPs;
    private final Map<SystemStreamPartition, TaskSideInputStorageManager> sideInputStorageManagers; // Map of sideInput storageManagers indexed by ssp, for simpler lookup for process()
    private final Map<String, SystemConsumer> sideInputConsumers; // Mapping from storeSystemNames to SystemConsumers
    private SystemConsumers sideInputSystemConsumers;
    private final Map<SystemStreamPartition, SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata> initialSideInputSSPMetadata = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // Recorded sspMetadata of the taskSideInputSSPs recorded at start, used to determine when sideInputs are caughtup and container init can proceed
    private volatile CountDownLatch sideInputsCaughtUp; // Used by the sideInput-read thread to signal to the main thread
    private volatile boolean shutDownSideInputRead = false;
    private final ScheduledExecutorService sideInputsFlushExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(
            new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat(SIDEINPUTS_FLUSH_THREAD_NAME).build());
    private ScheduledFuture sideInputsFlushFuture;
    private static final Duration SIDE_INPUT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
    private volatile Optional<Throwable> sideInputException = Optional.empty();

    private final Config config;

    public ContainerStorageManager(ContainerModel containerModel, StreamMetadataCache streamMetadataCache,
            SystemAdmins systemAdmins, Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams,
            Map<String, Set<SystemStream>> sideInputSystemStreams,
            Map<String, StorageEngineFactory<Object, Object>> storageEngineFactories,
            Map<String, SystemFactory> systemFactories, Map<String, Serde<Object>> serdes, Config config,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics, SamzaContainerMetrics samzaContainerMetrics,
            JobContext jobContext, ContainerContext containerContext,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector> taskInstanceCollectors, File loggedStoreBaseDirectory,
            File nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, int maxChangeLogStreamPartitions, SerdeManager serdeManager,
            Clock clock) {

        this.containerModel = containerModel;
        this.sideInputSystemStreams = new HashMap<>(sideInputSystemStreams);
        this.taskSideInputSSPs = getTaskSideInputSSPs(containerModel, sideInputSystemStreams);

        this.changelogSystemStreams = getChangelogSystemStreams(containerModel, changelogSystemStreams); // handling standby tasks"Starting with changelogSystemStreams = {} sideInputSystemStreams = {}",
                this.changelogSystemStreams, this.sideInputSystemStreams);

        this.storageEngineFactories = storageEngineFactories;
        this.serdes = serdes;
        this.loggedStoreBaseDirectory = loggedStoreBaseDirectory;
        this.nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory = nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory;

        // set the config
        this.config = config;

        this.taskInstanceMetrics = taskInstanceMetrics;

        // Setting the metrics registry
        this.samzaContainerMetrics = samzaContainerMetrics;

        this.jobContext = jobContext;
        this.containerContext = containerContext;

        this.taskInstanceCollectors = taskInstanceCollectors;

        // initializing the set of store directory paths
        this.storeDirectoryPaths = new HashSet<>();

        // Setting the restore thread pool size equal to the number of taskInstances
        this.parallelRestoreThreadPoolSize = containerModel.getTasks().size();

        this.maxChangeLogStreamPartitions = maxChangeLogStreamPartitions;
        this.streamMetadataCache = streamMetadataCache;
        this.systemAdmins = systemAdmins;

        // create taskStores for all tasks in the containerModel and each store in storageEngineFactories
        this.taskStores = createTaskStores(containerModel, jobContext, containerContext, storageEngineFactories,
                serdes, taskInstanceMetrics, taskInstanceCollectors);

        // create system consumers (1 per store system in changelogSystemStreams), and index it by storeName
        Map<String, SystemConsumer> storeSystemConsumers = createConsumers(
                        .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> Collections.singleton(e.getValue()))),
                systemFactories, config, this.samzaContainerMetrics.registry());
        this.storeConsumers = createStoreIndexedMap(this.changelogSystemStreams, storeSystemConsumers);

        // creating task restore managers
        this.taskRestoreManagers = createTaskRestoreManagers(systemAdmins, clock, this.samzaContainerMetrics);

        // create side input storage managers
        sideInputStorageManagers = createSideInputStorageManagers(clock);

        // create side Input consumers indexed by systemName
        this.sideInputConsumers = createConsumers(this.sideInputSystemStreams, systemFactories, config,

        // create SystemConsumers for consuming from taskSideInputSSPs, if sideInputs are being used
        if (sideInputsPresent()) {

            scala.collection.immutable.Map<SystemStream, SystemStreamMetadata> inputStreamMetadata = streamMetadataCache
                            .flatMap(Set::stream).collect(Collectors.toSet())).toSet(), false);

            SystemConsumersMetrics sideInputSystemConsumersMetrics = new SystemConsumersMetrics(
                    samzaContainerMetrics.registry(), SIDEINPUTS_METRICS_PREFIX);
            // we use the same registry as samza-container-metrics

            MessageChooser chooser = DefaultChooser.apply(inputStreamMetadata, new RoundRobinChooserFactory(),
                    config, sideInputSystemConsumersMetrics.registry(), systemAdmins);

            sideInputSystemConsumers = new SystemConsumers(chooser,
                    ScalaJavaUtil.toScalaMap(this.sideInputConsumers), systemAdmins, serdeManager,
                    sideInputSystemConsumersMetrics, SystemConsumers.DEFAULT_NO_NEW_MESSAGES_TIMEOUT(),
                    SystemConsumers.DEFAULT_DROP_SERIALIZATION_ERROR(), SystemConsumers.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MS(),
                    ScalaJavaUtil.toScalaFunction(() -> System.nanoTime()));


     * Add all side inputs to a map of maps, indexed first by taskName, then by sideInput store name.
     * @param containerModel the containerModel to use
     * @param sideInputSystemStreams the map of store to side input system stream
     * @return taskSideInputSSPs map
    private Map<TaskName, Map<String, Set<SystemStreamPartition>>> getTaskSideInputSSPs(
            ContainerModel containerModel, Map<String, Set<SystemStream>> sideInputSystemStreams) {
        Map<TaskName, Map<String, Set<SystemStreamPartition>>> taskSideInputSSPs = new HashMap<>();

        containerModel.getTasks().forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
            sideInputSystemStreams.keySet().forEach(storeName -> {
                Set<SystemStreamPartition> taskSideInputs = taskModel.getSystemStreamPartitions().stream()
                        .filter(ssp -> sideInputSystemStreams.get(storeName).contains(ssp.getSystemStream()))
                taskSideInputSSPs.putIfAbsent(taskName, new HashMap<>());
                taskSideInputSSPs.get(taskName).put(storeName, taskSideInputs);
        return taskSideInputSSPs;

     * For each standby task, we remove its changeLogSSPs from changelogSSP map and add it to the task's taskSideInputSSPs.
     * The task's sideInputManager will consume and restore these as well.
     * @param containerModel the container's model
     * @param changelogSystemStreams the passed in set of changelogSystemStreams
     * @return A map of changeLogSSP to storeName across all tasks, assuming no two stores have the same changelogSSP
    private Map<String, SystemStream> getChangelogSystemStreams(ContainerModel containerModel,
            Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams) {

        if (MapUtils.invertMap(changelogSystemStreams).size() != changelogSystemStreams.size()) {
            throw new SamzaException("Two stores cannot have the same changelog system-stream");

        Map<SystemStreamPartition, String> changelogSSPToStore = new HashMap<>();
                .forEach((storeName, systemStream) -> containerModel.getTasks().forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
                            new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream, taskModel.getChangelogPartition()), storeName);

        getTasks(containerModel, TaskMode.Standby).forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
            changelogSystemStreams.forEach((storeName, systemStream) -> {
                SystemStreamPartition ssp = new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream,
                this.taskSideInputSSPs.putIfAbsent(taskName, new HashMap<>());
                this.sideInputSystemStreams.put(storeName, Collections.singleton(ssp.getSystemStream()));
                this.taskSideInputSSPs.get(taskName).put(storeName, Collections.singleton(ssp));

        // changelogSystemStreams correspond only to active tasks (since those of standby-tasks moved to side inputs above)
        return MapUtils.invertMap(changelogSSPToStore).entrySet().stream()
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, x -> x.getValue().getSystemStream()));

     *  Creates SystemConsumer objects for store restoration, creating one consumer per system.
    private static Map<String, SystemConsumer> createConsumers(Map<String, Set<SystemStream>> systemStreams,
            Map<String, SystemFactory> systemFactories, Config config, MetricsRegistry registry) {
        // Determine the set of systems being used across all stores
        Set<String> storeSystems = systemStreams.values().stream().flatMap(Set::stream).map(SystemStream::getSystem)

        // Create one consumer for each system in use, map with one entry for each such system
        Map<String, SystemConsumer> storeSystemConsumers = new HashMap<>();

        // Iterate over the list of storeSystems and create one sysConsumer per system
        for (String storeSystemName : storeSystems) {
            SystemFactory systemFactory = systemFactories.get(storeSystemName);
            if (systemFactory == null) {
                throw new SamzaException("Changelog system " + storeSystemName + " does not exist in config");
            storeSystemConsumers.put(storeSystemName, systemFactory.getConsumer(storeSystemName, config, registry));

        return storeSystemConsumers;


    private static Map<String, SystemConsumer> createStoreIndexedMap(
            Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams, Map<String, SystemConsumer> storeSystemConsumers) {
        // Map of each storeName to its respective systemConsumer
        Map<String, SystemConsumer> storeConsumers = new HashMap<>();

        // Populate the map of storeName to its relevant systemConsumer
        for (String storeName : changelogSystemStreams.keySet()) {
        return storeConsumers;

    private Map<TaskName, TaskRestoreManager> createTaskRestoreManagers(SystemAdmins systemAdmins, Clock clock,
            SamzaContainerMetrics samzaContainerMetrics) {
        Map<TaskName, TaskRestoreManager> taskRestoreManagers = new HashMap<>();
        containerModel.getTasks().forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
            taskRestoreManagers.put(taskName, new TaskRestoreManager(taskModel, changelogSystemStreams,
                    getNonSideInputStores(taskName), systemAdmins, clock));
        return taskRestoreManagers;

    // Helper method to filter active Tasks from the container model
    private static Map<TaskName, TaskModel> getTasks(ContainerModel containerModel, TaskMode taskMode) {
        return containerModel.getTasks().entrySet().stream()
                .filter(x -> x.getValue().getTaskMode().equals(taskMode))
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

     * Create taskStores for all stores in storageEngineFactories.
     * The store mode is chosen as bulk-load if its a non-sideinput store, and readWrite if its a side input store
    private Map<TaskName, Map<String, StorageEngine>> createTaskStores(ContainerModel containerModel,
            JobContext jobContext, ContainerContext containerContext,
            Map<String, StorageEngineFactory<Object, Object>> storageEngineFactories,
            Map<String, Serde<Object>> serdes, Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector> taskInstanceCollectors) {

        Map<TaskName, Map<String, StorageEngine>> taskStores = new HashMap<>();

        // iterate over each task in the containerModel, and each store in storageEngineFactories
        for (Map.Entry<TaskName, TaskModel> task : containerModel.getTasks().entrySet()) {
            TaskName taskName = task.getKey();
            TaskModel taskModel = task.getValue();

            if (!taskStores.containsKey(taskName)) {
                taskStores.put(taskName, new HashMap<>());

            for (String storeName : storageEngineFactories.keySet()) {

                StorageEngineFactory.StoreMode storeMode = this.sideInputSystemStreams.containsKey(storeName)
                        ? StorageEngineFactory.StoreMode.ReadWrite
                        : StorageEngineFactory.StoreMode.BulkLoad;

                StorageEngine storageEngine = createStore(storeName, taskName, taskModel, jobContext,
                        containerContext, storageEngineFactories, serdes, taskInstanceMetrics,
                        taskInstanceCollectors, storeMode);

                // add created store to map
                taskStores.get(taskName).put(storeName, storageEngine);

      "Created store {} for task {} in mode {}", storeName, taskName, storeMode);

        return taskStores;

     * Recreate all non-sideInput persistent stores in ReadWrite mode.
    private void recreatePersistentTaskStoresInReadWriteMode(ContainerModel containerModel, JobContext jobContext,
            ContainerContext containerContext,
            Map<String, StorageEngineFactory<Object, Object>> storageEngineFactories,
            Map<String, Serde<Object>> serdes, Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector> taskInstanceCollectors) {

        // iterate over each task and each storeName
        for (Map.Entry<TaskName, TaskModel> task : containerModel.getTasks().entrySet()) {
            TaskName taskName = task.getKey();
            TaskModel taskModel = task.getValue();
            Map<String, StorageEngine> nonSideInputStores = getNonSideInputStores(taskName);

            for (String storeName : nonSideInputStores.keySet()) {

                // if this store has been already created then re-create and overwrite it only if it is a
                // persistentStore and a non-sideInputStore, because sideInputStores are always created in RW mode
                if (nonSideInputStores.get(storeName).getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk()) {

                    StorageEngine storageEngine = createStore(storeName, taskName, taskModel, jobContext,
                            containerContext, storageEngineFactories, serdes, taskInstanceMetrics,
                            taskInstanceCollectors, StorageEngineFactory.StoreMode.ReadWrite);

                    // add created store to map
                    this.taskStores.get(taskName).put(storeName, storageEngine);

          "Re-created store {} in read-write mode for task {} because it a persistent store",
                            storeName, taskName);
                } else {
          "Skipping re-creation of store {} for task {}", storeName, taskName);

     * Method to instantiate a StorageEngine with the given parameters, and populate the storeDirectory paths (used to monitor
     * disk space).
    private StorageEngine createStore(String storeName, TaskName taskName, TaskModel taskModel,
            JobContext jobContext, ContainerContext containerContext,
            Map<String, StorageEngineFactory<Object, Object>> storageEngineFactories,
            Map<String, Serde<Object>> serdes, Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector> taskInstanceCollectors, StorageEngineFactory.StoreMode storeMode) {

        StorageConfig storageConfig = new StorageConfig(config);

        SystemStreamPartition changeLogSystemStreamPartition = (changelogSystemStreams.containsKey(storeName))
                ? new SystemStreamPartition(changelogSystemStreams.get(storeName),
                : null;

        // Use the logged-store-base-directory for change logged stores and side input stores, and non-logged-store-base-dir
        // for non logged stores
        File storeDirectory;
        if (changeLogSystemStreamPartition != null || sideInputSystemStreams.containsKey(storeName)) {
            storeDirectory = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(this.loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName,
                    taskName, taskModel.getTaskMode());
        } else {
            storeDirectory = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(this.nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName,
                    taskName, taskModel.getTaskMode());


        Optional<String> storageKeySerde = storageConfig.getStorageKeySerde(storeName);
        if (!storageKeySerde.isPresent()) {
            throw new SamzaException("No key serde defined for store: " + storeName);

        Serde keySerde = serdes.get(storageKeySerde.get());
        if (keySerde == null) {
            throw new SamzaException("StorageKeySerde: No class defined for serde: " + storageKeySerde.get());

        Optional<String> storageMsgSerde = storageConfig.getStorageMsgSerde(storeName);
        if (!storageMsgSerde.isPresent()) {
            throw new SamzaException("No msg serde defined for store: " + storeName);

        Serde messageSerde = serdes.get(storageMsgSerde.get());
        if (messageSerde == null) {
            throw new SamzaException("StorageMsgSerde: No class defined for serde: " + storageMsgSerde.get());

        // if taskInstanceMetrics are specified use those for store metrics,
        // otherwise (in case of StorageRecovery) use a blank MetricsRegistryMap
        MetricsRegistry storeMetricsRegistry = taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskName) != null
                ? taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskName).registry()
                : new MetricsRegistryMap();

        return storageEngineFactories.get(storeName).getStorageEngine(storeName, storeDirectory, keySerde,
                messageSerde, taskInstanceCollectors.get(taskName), storeMetricsRegistry,
                changeLogSystemStreamPartition, jobContext, containerContext, storeMode);

    // Create side input store processors, one per store per task
    private Map<TaskName, Map<String, SideInputsProcessor>> createSideInputProcessors(StorageConfig config,
            ContainerModel containerModel, Map<String, Set<SystemStream>> sideInputSystemStreams,
            Map<TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics> taskInstanceMetrics) {

        Map<TaskName, Map<String, SideInputsProcessor>> sideInputStoresToProcessors = new HashMap<>();
        getTasks(containerModel, TaskMode.Active).forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
            sideInputStoresToProcessors.put(taskName, new HashMap<>());
            for (String storeName : sideInputSystemStreams.keySet()) {
                Optional<String> sideInputsProcessorSerializedInstance = config
                if (sideInputsProcessorSerializedInstance.isPresent()) {
                    sideInputStoresToProcessors.get(taskName).put(storeName, SerdeUtils
                            .deserialize("Side Inputs Processor", sideInputsProcessorSerializedInstance.get()));
                } else {
                                    .getSideInputsProcessor(config, taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskName).registry()));

        // creating identity sideInputProcessor for stores of standbyTasks
        getTasks(containerModel, TaskMode.Standby).forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {
            sideInputStoresToProcessors.put(taskName, new HashMap<>());
            for (String storeName : sideInputSystemStreams.keySet()) {

                // have to use the right serde because the sideInput stores are created
                Serde keySerde = serdes.get(config.getStorageKeySerde(storeName).get());
                Serde msgSerde = serdes.get(config.getStorageMsgSerde(storeName).get());
                sideInputStoresToProcessors.get(taskName).put(storeName, new SideInputsProcessor() {
                    public Collection<Entry<?, ?>> process(IncomingMessageEnvelope message, KeyValueStore store) {
                        return ImmutableList.of(new Entry<>(keySerde.fromBytes((byte[]) message.getKey()),
                                msgSerde.fromBytes((byte[]) message.getMessage())));

        return sideInputStoresToProcessors;

    // Create task side input storage managers, one per task, index by the SSP they are responsible for consuming
    private Map<SystemStreamPartition, TaskSideInputStorageManager> createSideInputStorageManagers(Clock clock) {

        // creating side input store processors, one per store per task
        Map<TaskName, Map<String, SideInputsProcessor>> taskSideInputProcessors = createSideInputProcessors(
                new StorageConfig(config), this.containerModel, this.sideInputSystemStreams,

        Map<SystemStreamPartition, TaskSideInputStorageManager> sideInputStorageManagers = new HashMap<>();

        if (sideInputsPresent()) {
            containerModel.getTasks().forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> {

                Map<String, StorageEngine> sideInputStores = getSideInputStores(taskName);
                Map<String, Set<SystemStreamPartition>> sideInputStoresToSSPs = new HashMap<>();

                for (String storeName : sideInputStores.keySet()) {
                    Set<SystemStreamPartition> storeSSPs = taskSideInputSSPs.get(taskName).get(storeName);
                    sideInputStoresToSSPs.put(storeName, storeSSPs);

                TaskSideInputStorageManager taskSideInputStorageManager = new TaskSideInputStorageManager(taskName,
                        taskModel.getTaskMode(), streamMetadataCache, loggedStoreBaseDirectory, sideInputStores,
                        taskSideInputProcessors.get(taskName), sideInputStoresToSSPs, systemAdmins, config, clock);

                sideInputStoresToSSPs.values().stream().flatMap(Set::stream).forEach(ssp -> {
                    sideInputStorageManagers.put(ssp, taskSideInputStorageManager);

                        "Created taskSideInputStorageManager for task {}, sideInputStores {} and loggedStoreBaseDirectory {}",
                        taskName, sideInputStores, loggedStoreBaseDirectory);
        return sideInputStorageManagers;

    private Map<String, StorageEngine> getSideInputStores(TaskName taskName) {
        return taskStores.get(taskName).entrySet().stream()
                .filter(e -> sideInputSystemStreams.containsKey(e.getKey()))
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

    private Map<String, StorageEngine> getNonSideInputStores(TaskName taskName) {
        return taskStores.get(taskName).entrySet().stream()
                .filter(e -> !sideInputSystemStreams.containsKey(e.getKey()))
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

    private Set<TaskSideInputStorageManager> getSideInputStorageManagers() {
        return this.sideInputStorageManagers.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet());

    public void start() throws SamzaException {
        if (sideInputsPresent()) {

    // Restoration of all stores, in parallel across tasks
    private void restoreStores() {"Store Restore started");

        // initialize each TaskStorageManager
        this.taskRestoreManagers.values().forEach(taskStorageManager -> taskStorageManager.initialize());

        // Start store consumers
        this.storeConsumers.values().forEach(systemConsumer -> systemConsumer.start());

        // Create a thread pool for parallel restores (and stopping of persistent stores)
        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.parallelRestoreThreadPoolSize,
                new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat(RESTORE_THREAD_NAME).build());

        List<Future> taskRestoreFutures = new ArrayList<>(this.taskRestoreManagers.entrySet().size());

        // Submit restore callable for each taskInstance
        this.taskRestoreManagers.forEach((taskInstance, taskRestoreManager) -> {
                    .submit(new TaskRestoreCallable(this.samzaContainerMetrics, taskInstance, taskRestoreManager)));

        // loop-over the future list to wait for each thread to finish, catch any exceptions during restore and throw
        // as samza exceptions
        for (Future future : taskRestoreFutures) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Exception when restoring ", e);
                throw new SamzaException("Exception when restoring ", e);


        // Stop store consumers
        this.storeConsumers.values().forEach(systemConsumer -> systemConsumer.stop());

        // Now re-create persistent stores in read-write mode, leave non-persistent stores as-is
        recreatePersistentTaskStoresInReadWriteMode(this.containerModel, jobContext, containerContext,
                storageEngineFactories, serdes, taskInstanceMetrics, taskInstanceCollectors);"Store Restore complete");

    // Read sideInputs until all sideInputStreams are caughtup, so start() can return
    private void startSideInputs() {"SideInput Restore started");

        // initialize the sideInputStorageManagers
        getSideInputStorageManagers().forEach(sideInputStorageManager -> sideInputStorageManager.init());

        // start the checkpointing thread at the commit-ms frequency
        sideInputsFlushFuture = sideInputsFlushExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                            .forEach(sideInputStorageManager -> sideInputStorageManager.flush());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error("Exception during flushing side inputs", e);
                    sideInputException = Optional.of(e);
        }, 0, new TaskConfig(config).getCommitMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        // set the latch to the number of sideInput SSPs
        this.sideInputsCaughtUp = new CountDownLatch(this.sideInputStorageManagers.keySet().size());

        // register all side input SSPs with the consumers
        for (SystemStreamPartition ssp : sideInputStorageManagers.keySet()) {
            String startingOffset = sideInputStorageManagers.get(ssp).getStartingOffset(ssp);

            if (startingOffset == null) {
                throw new SamzaException("No offset defined for SideInput SystemStreamPartition : " + ssp);

            // register startingOffset with the sysConsumer and register a metric for it
            sideInputSystemConsumers.register(ssp, startingOffset, null);
                            .toScalaFunction(() -> sideInputStorageManagers.get(ssp).getLastProcessedOffset(ssp)));

            SystemStreamMetadata systemStreamMetadata = streamMetadataCache
                    .getSystemStreamMetadata(ssp.getSystemStream(), false);
            SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata sspMetadata = (systemStreamMetadata == null) ? null
                    : systemStreamMetadata.getSystemStreamPartitionMetadata().get(ssp.getPartition());

            // record a copy of the sspMetadata, to later check if its caught up
            initialSideInputSSPMetadata.put(ssp, sspMetadata);

            // check if the ssp is caught to upcoming, even at start
            checkSideInputCaughtUp(ssp, startingOffset, SystemStreamMetadata.OffsetType.UPCOMING, false);

        // start the systemConsumers for consuming input

        // create a thread for sideInput reads
        Thread readSideInputs = new Thread(() -> {
            while (!shutDownSideInputRead) {
                IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope = sideInputSystemConsumers.choose(true);
                if (envelope != null) {

                    if (!envelope.isEndOfStream())

                    checkSideInputCaughtUp(envelope.getSystemStreamPartition(), envelope.getOffset(),
                            SystemStreamMetadata.OffsetType.NEWEST, envelope.isEndOfStream());

                } else {
                    LOG.trace("No incoming message was available");

        readSideInputs.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
            public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
                sideInputException = Optional.of(e);

        try {
            // Make the main thread wait until all sideInputs have been caughtup or thrown an exception

            if (sideInputException.isPresent()) { // Throw exception if there was an exception in catching-up sideInputs
                // TODO: SAMZA-2113 relay exception to main thread
                throw new SamzaException("Exception in restoring side inputs", sideInputException.get());
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            sideInputException = Optional.of(e);
            throw new SamzaException("Side inputs read was interrupted", e);
        }"SideInput Restore complete");

    private boolean sideInputsPresent() {
        return !this.sideInputSystemStreams.isEmpty();

    // Method to check if the given offset means the stream is caught up for reads
    private void checkSideInputCaughtUp(SystemStreamPartition ssp, String offset,
            SystemStreamMetadata.OffsetType offsetType, boolean isEndOfStream) {

        if (isEndOfStream) {
  "Side input ssp {} has caught up to offset {} ({}).", ssp, offset, offsetType);

        SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata sspMetadata = this.initialSideInputSSPMetadata.get(ssp);
        String offsetToCheck = sspMetadata == null ? null : sspMetadata.getOffset(offsetType);
        LOG.trace("Checking {} offset {} against {} for {}.", offsetType, offset, offsetToCheck, ssp);

        // Let's compare offset of the chosen message with offsetToCheck.
        Integer comparatorResult;
        if (offset == null || offsetToCheck == null) {
            comparatorResult = -1;
        } else {
            SystemAdmin systemAdmin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(ssp.getSystem());
            comparatorResult = systemAdmin.offsetComparator(offset, offsetToCheck);

        // The SSP is no longer lagging if the envelope's offset is greater than or equal to the
        // latest offset.
        if (comparatorResult != null && comparatorResult.intValue() >= 0) {

  "Side input ssp {} has caught up to offset {} ({}).", ssp, offset, offsetType);
            // if its caught up, we remove the ssp from the map, and countDown the latch

     * Get the {@link StorageEngine} instance with a given name for a given task.
     * @param taskName the task name for which the storage engine is desired.
     * @param storeName the desired store's name.
     * @return the task store.
    public Optional<StorageEngine> getStore(TaskName taskName, String storeName) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(this.taskStores.get(taskName).get(storeName));

     *  Get all {@link StorageEngine} instance used by a given task.
     * @param taskName  the task name, all stores for which are desired.
     * @return map of stores used by the given task, indexed by storename
    public Map<String, StorageEngine> getAllStores(TaskName taskName) {
        return this.taskStores.get(taskName);

     * Set of directory paths for all stores restored by this {@link ContainerStorageManager}.
     * @return the set of all store directory paths
    public Set<Path> getStoreDirectoryPaths() {
        return this.storeDirectoryPaths;

    public void stopStores() {
        this.taskStores.forEach((taskName, storeMap) -> storeMap.forEach((storeName, store) -> store.stop()));

    public void shutdown() {
        // stop all nonsideinputstores including persistent and non-persistent stores
        this.containerModel.getTasks().forEach((taskName, taskModel) -> getNonSideInputStores(taskName)
                .forEach((storeName, store) -> store.stop()));

        // stop all sideinput consumers and stores
        if (sideInputsPresent()) {
            // stop reading sideInputs
            this.shutDownSideInputRead = true;


            // cancel all future sideInput flushes, shutdown the executor, and await for finish
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new SamzaException("Exception while shutting down side inputs", e);

            // stop all sideInputStores -- this will perform one last flush on the KV stores, and write the offset file
            this.getSideInputStorageManagers().forEach(sideInputStorageManager -> sideInputStorageManager.stop());
        }"Shutdown complete");

     * Callable for performing the restoreStores on a task restore manager and emitting the task-restoration metric.
     * After restoration, all persistent stores are stopped (which will invoke compaction in case of certain persistent
     * stores that were opened in bulk-load mode).
     * Performing stop here parallelizes this compaction, which is a time-intensive operation.
    private class TaskRestoreCallable implements Callable<Void> {

        private TaskName taskName;
        private TaskRestoreManager taskRestoreManager;
        private SamzaContainerMetrics samzaContainerMetrics;

        public TaskRestoreCallable(SamzaContainerMetrics samzaContainerMetrics, TaskName taskName,
                TaskRestoreManager taskRestoreManager) {
            this.samzaContainerMetrics = samzaContainerMetrics;
            this.taskName = taskName;
            this.taskRestoreManager = taskRestoreManager;

        public Void call() {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  "Starting stores in task instance {}", this.taskName.getTaskName());

            // Stop all persistent stores after restoring. Certain persistent stores opened in BulkLoad mode are compacted
            // on stop, so paralleling stop() also parallelizes their compaction (a time-intensive operation).

            long timeToRestore = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

            if (this.samzaContainerMetrics != null) {
                Gauge taskGauge = this.samzaContainerMetrics.taskStoreRestorationMetrics()
                        .getOrDefault(this.taskName, null);

                if (taskGauge != null) {
            return null;

     * Restore logic for all stores of a task including directory cleanup, setup, changelogSSP validation, registering
     * with the respective consumer, restoring stores, and stopping stores.
    private class TaskRestoreManager {
        private final Map<String, StorageEngine> taskStores; // Map of all StorageEngines for this task indexed by store name
        private final Set<String> taskStoresToRestore;
        // Set of store names which need to be restored by consuming using system-consumers (see registerStartingOffsets)

        private final TaskModel taskModel;
        private final Clock clock; // Clock value used to validate base-directories for staleness. See isLoggedStoreValid.
        private Map<SystemStream, String> changeLogOldestOffsets; // Map of changelog oldest known offsets
        private final Map<SystemStreamPartition, String> fileOffsets; // Map of offsets read from offset file indexed by changelog SSP
        private final Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams; // Map of change log system-streams indexed by store name
        private final SystemAdmins systemAdmins;

        public TaskRestoreManager(TaskModel taskModel, Map<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreams,
                Map<String, StorageEngine> taskStores, SystemAdmins systemAdmins, Clock clock) {
            this.taskStores = taskStores;
            this.taskModel = taskModel;
            this.clock = clock;
            this.changelogSystemStreams = changelogSystemStreams;
            this.systemAdmins = systemAdmins;
            this.fileOffsets = new HashMap<>();
            this.taskStoresToRestore = this.taskStores.entrySet().stream()
                    .filter(x -> x.getValue().getStoreProperties().isLoggedStore()).map(x -> x.getKey())

         * Cleans up and sets up store directories, validates changeLog SSPs for all stores of this task,
         * and registers SSPs with the respective consumers.
        public void initialize() {

         * For each store for this task,
         * a. Deletes the corresponding non-logged-store base dir.
         * b. Deletes the logged-store-base-dir if it not valid. See {@link #isLoggedStoreValid} for validation semantics.
         * c. If the logged-store-base-dir is valid, this method reads the offset file and stores each offset.
        private void cleanBaseDirsAndReadOffsetFiles() {
            LOG.debug("Cleaning base directories for stores.");

            taskStores.keySet().forEach(storeName -> {
                File nonLoggedStorePartitionDir = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(
                        nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(), taskModel.getTaskMode());
      "Got non logged storage partition directory as "
                        + nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());

                if (nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.exists()) {
          "Deleting non logged storage partition directory "
                            + nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());

                File loggedStorePartitionDir = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(loggedStoreBaseDirectory,
                        storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(), taskModel.getTaskMode());
                        "Got logged storage partition directory as " + loggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());

                // Delete the logged store if it is not valid.
                if (!isLoggedStoreValid(storeName, loggedStorePartitionDir)) {
          "Deleting logged storage partition directory "
                            + loggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());
                } else {

                    SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(
                            changelogSystemStreams.get(storeName), taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
                    Map<SystemStreamPartition, String> offset = StorageManagerUtil
                            .readOffsetFile(loggedStorePartitionDir, Collections.singleton(changelogSSP), false);
          "Read offset {} for the store {} from logged storage partition directory {}", offset,
                            storeName, loggedStorePartitionDir);

                    if (offset.containsKey(changelogSSP)) {
                        fileOffsets.put(changelogSSP, offset.get(changelogSSP));

         * Directory loggedStoreDir associated with the logged store storeName is determined to be valid
         * if all of the following conditions are true.
         * a) If the store has to be persisted to disk.
         * b) If there is a valid offset file associated with the logged store.
         * c) If the logged store has not gone stale.
         * @return true if the logged store is valid, false otherwise.
        private boolean isLoggedStoreValid(String storeName, File loggedStoreDir) {
            long changeLogDeleteRetentionInMs = new StorageConfig(config)

            if (changelogSystemStreams.containsKey(storeName)) {
                SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(
                        changelogSystemStreams.get(storeName), taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
                return this.taskStores.get(storeName).getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk()
                        && StorageManagerUtil.isOffsetFileValid(loggedStoreDir, Collections.singleton(changelogSSP),
                        && !StorageManagerUtil.isStaleStore(loggedStoreDir, changeLogDeleteRetentionInMs,
                                clock.currentTimeMillis(), false);

            return false;

         * Create stores' base directories for logged-stores if they dont exist.
        private void setupBaseDirs() {
            LOG.debug("Setting up base directories for stores.");
            taskStores.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
                if (storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isLoggedStore()) {

                    File loggedStorePartitionDir = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(loggedStoreBaseDirectory,
                            storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(), taskModel.getTaskMode());

          "Using logged storage partition directory: "
                            + loggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString() + " for store: " + storeName);

                    if (!loggedStorePartitionDir.exists()) {
                } else {
                    File nonLoggedStorePartitionDir = StorageManagerUtil.getStorePartitionDir(
                            nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(),
          "Using non logged storage partition directory: "
                            + nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString() + " for store: " + storeName);

         *  Validates each changelog system-stream with its respective SystemAdmin.
        private void validateChangelogStreams() {
  "Validating change log streams: " + changelogSystemStreams);

            for (SystemStream changelogSystemStream : changelogSystemStreams.values()) {
                SystemAdmin systemAdmin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(changelogSystemStream.getSystem());
                StreamSpec changelogSpec = StreamSpec.createChangeLogStreamSpec(changelogSystemStream.getStream(),
                        changelogSystemStream.getSystem(), maxChangeLogStreamPartitions);


         * Get the oldest offset for each changelog SSP based on the stream's metadata (obtained from streamMetadataCache).
        private void getOldestChangeLogOffsets() {

            Map<SystemStream, SystemStreamMetadata> changeLogMetadata = JavaConverters
                            .asScalaSetConverter(new HashSet<>(changelogSystemStreams.values())).asScala().toSet(),

  "Got change log stream metadata: {}", changeLogMetadata);

            changeLogOldestOffsets = getChangeLogOldestOffsetsForPartition(taskModel.getChangelogPartition(),
  "Assigning oldest change log offsets for taskName {} : {}", taskModel.getTaskName(),

         * Builds a map from SystemStreamPartition to oldest offset for changelogs.
        private Map<SystemStream, String> getChangeLogOldestOffsetsForPartition(Partition partition,
                Map<SystemStream, SystemStreamMetadata> inputStreamMetadata) {

            Map<SystemStream, String> retVal = new HashMap<>();

            // NOTE: do not use Collectors.Map because of
                    .filter(x -> x.getValue().getSystemStreamPartitionMetadata().get(partition) != null)
                    .forEach(e -> retVal.put(e.getKey(),

            return retVal;

         * Determines the starting offset for each store SSP (based on {@link #getStartingOffset(SystemStreamPartition, SystemAdmin)}) and
         * registers it with the respective SystemConsumer for starting consumption.
        private void registerStartingOffsets() {

            for (Map.Entry<String, SystemStream> changelogSystemStreamEntry : changelogSystemStreams.entrySet()) {
                SystemStreamPartition systemStreamPartition = new SystemStreamPartition(
                        changelogSystemStreamEntry.getValue(), taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
                SystemAdmin systemAdmin = systemAdmins
                SystemConsumer systemConsumer = storeConsumers.get(changelogSystemStreamEntry.getKey());

                String offset = getStartingOffset(systemStreamPartition, systemAdmin);

                if (offset != null) {
          "Registering change log consumer with offset " + offset + " for %"
                            + systemStreamPartition);
                    systemConsumer.register(systemStreamPartition, offset);
                } else {
                            "Skipping change log restoration for {} because stream appears to be empty (offset was null).",

         * Returns the offset with which the changelog consumer should be initialized for the given SystemStreamPartition.
         * If a file offset exists, it represents the last changelog offset which is also reflected in the on-disk state.
         * In that case, we use the next offset after the file offset, as long as it is newer than the oldest offset
         * currently available in the stream.
         * If there isn't a file offset or it's older than the oldest available offset, we simply start with the oldest.
         * @param systemStreamPartition  the changelog partition for which the offset is needed.
         * @param systemAdmin                  the [[SystemAdmin]] for the changelog.
         * @return the offset to from which the changelog consumer should be initialized.
        private String getStartingOffset(SystemStreamPartition systemStreamPartition, SystemAdmin systemAdmin) {
            String fileOffset = fileOffsets.get(systemStreamPartition);

            // NOTE: changeLogOldestOffsets may contain a null-offset for the given SSP (signifying an empty stream)
            // therefore, we need to differentiate that from the case where the offset is simply missing
            if (!changeLogOldestOffsets.containsKey(systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream())) {
                throw new SamzaException("Missing a change log offset for " + systemStreamPartition);

            String oldestOffset = changeLogOldestOffsets.get(systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream());
            return StorageManagerUtil.getStartingOffset(systemStreamPartition, systemAdmin, fileOffset,

         * Restore each store in taskStoresToRestore sequentially
        public void restoreStores() {
            LOG.debug("Restoring stores for task: {}", taskModel.getTaskName());

            for (String storeName : taskStoresToRestore) {
                SystemConsumer systemConsumer = storeConsumers.get(storeName);
                SystemStream systemStream = changelogSystemStreams.get(storeName);

                SystemStreamPartitionIterator systemStreamPartitionIterator = new SystemStreamPartitionIterator(
                        systemConsumer, new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream, taskModel.getChangelogPartition()));


         * Stop all stores.
        public void stop() {
            this.taskStores.values().forEach(storageEngine -> {

         * Stop only persistent stores. In case of certain stores and store mode (such as RocksDB), this
         * can invoke compaction.
        public void stopPersistentStores() {

            Map<String, StorageEngine> persistentStores = this.taskStores.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> {
                return e.getValue().getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk();
            }).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

            persistentStores.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
  "Stopped persistent stores {}", persistentStores);