Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.rya.indexing.external; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriterConfig; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations; import; import org.apache.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration; import org.apache.rya.api.model.VisibilityBindingSet; import org.apache.rya.api.persist.RyaDAOException; import org.apache.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils; import org.apache.rya.indexing.external.PrecomputedJoinIndexerConfig.PrecomputedJoinStorageType; import org.apache.rya.indexing.external.tupleSet.ExternalTupleSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.rya.rdftriplestore.inference.InferenceEngineException; import org.apache.rya.sail.config.RyaSailFactory; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.BindingSet; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.MalformedQueryException; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryEvaluationException; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryLanguage; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQuery; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.BindingSetAssignment; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.QueryModelNode; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.TupleExpr; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.helpers.AbstractQueryModelVisitor; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryException; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.sail.SailRepository; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.sail.SailRepositoryConnection; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.Sail; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.SailException; import; import; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; public class PcjIntegrationTestingUtil { private static final AccumuloPcjSerializer converter = new AccumuloPcjSerializer(); public static Set<QueryModelNode> getTupleSets(final TupleExpr te) { final ExternalTupleVisitor etv = new ExternalTupleVisitor(); te.visit(etv); return etv.getExtTup(); } public static void deleteCoreRyaTables(final Connector accCon, final String prefix) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException { final TableOperations ops = accCon.tableOperations(); if (ops.exists(prefix + "spo")) { ops.delete(prefix + "spo"); } if (ops.exists(prefix + "po")) { ops.delete(prefix + "po"); } if (ops.exists(prefix + "osp")) { ops.delete(prefix + "osp"); } } public static SailRepository getAccumuloPcjRepo(final String tablePrefix, final String instance) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, RyaDAOException, RepositoryException, InferenceEngineException, NumberFormatException, UnknownHostException, SailException { final AccumuloRdfConfiguration pcjConf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration(); pcjConf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_PCJ, "true"); pcjConf.set(PrecomputedJoinIndexerConfig.PCJ_STORAGE_TYPE,; populateAccumuloConfig(instance, tablePrefix, pcjConf); final Sail pcjSail = RyaSailFactory.getInstance(pcjConf); final SailRepository pcjRepo = new SailRepository(pcjSail); return pcjRepo; } public static SailRepository getAccumuloNonPcjRepo(final String tablePrefix, final String instance) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, RyaDAOException, RepositoryException, InferenceEngineException, NumberFormatException, UnknownHostException, SailException { final AccumuloRdfConfiguration nonPcjConf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration(); populateAccumuloConfig(instance, tablePrefix, nonPcjConf); final Sail nonPcjSail = RyaSailFactory.getInstance(nonPcjConf); final SailRepository nonPcjRepo = new SailRepository(nonPcjSail); return nonPcjRepo; } private static void populateAccumuloConfig(final String instance, final String tablePrefix, final AccumuloRdfConfiguration config) { config.set(ConfigUtils.USE_MOCK_INSTANCE, "true"); config.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_INSTANCE, instance); config.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_USER, "test_user"); config.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_PASSWORD, "pswd"); config.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_ZOOKEEPERS, "localhost"); config.setTablePrefix(tablePrefix); } public static void closeAndShutdown(final SailRepositoryConnection connection, final SailRepository repo) throws RepositoryException { connection.close(); repo.shutDown(); } public static void deleteIndexDocuments(final MongoClient client, final String instance) { client.getDatabase(instance).getCollection(MongoPcjDocuments.PCJ_COLLECTION_NAME).drop(); } public static void deleteIndexTables(final Connector accCon, final int tableNum, final String prefix) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException { final TableOperations ops = accCon.tableOperations(); final String tablename = prefix + "INDEX_"; for (int i = 1; i < tableNum + 1; i++) { if (ops.exists(tablename + i)) { ops.delete(tablename + i); } } } public static class BindingSetAssignmentCollector extends AbstractQueryModelVisitor<RuntimeException> { private final Set<QueryModelNode> bindingSetList = Sets.newHashSet(); public Set<QueryModelNode> getBindingSetAssignments() { return bindingSetList; } public boolean containsBSAs() { return bindingSetList.size() > 0; } @Override public void meet(final BindingSetAssignment node) { bindingSetList.add(node);; } } public static class ExternalTupleVisitor extends AbstractQueryModelVisitor<RuntimeException> { private final Set<QueryModelNode> eSet = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void meetNode(final QueryModelNode node) throws RuntimeException { if (node instanceof ExternalTupleSet) { eSet.add(node); } super.meetNode(node); } public Set<QueryModelNode> getExtTup() { return eSet; } } //****************************Creation and Population of PcjTables Accumulo*************************** /** * Creates a new PCJ Table in Accumulo and populates it by scanning an * instance of Rya for historic matches. * <p> * If any portion of this operation fails along the way, the partially * create PCJ table will be left in Accumulo. * * @param ryaConn - Connects to the Rya that will be scanned. (not null) * @param accumuloConn - Connects to the accumulo that hosts the PCJ results. (not null) * @param pcjTableName - The name of the PCJ table that will be created. (not null) * @param sparql - The SPARQL query whose results will be loaded into the table. (not null) * @param resultVariables - The variables that are included in the query's resulting binding sets. (not null) * @param pcjVarOrderFactory - An optional factory that indicates the various variable orders * the results will be stored in. If one is not provided, then {@link ShiftVarOrderFactory} * is used by default. (not null) * @throws PcjException The PCJ table could not be create or the values from * Rya were not able to be loaded into it. */ public static void createAndPopulatePcj(final RepositoryConnection ryaConn, final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final String sparql, final String[] resultVariables, final Optional<PcjVarOrderFactory> pcjVarOrderFactory) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(ryaConn); checkNotNull(accumuloConn); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(sparql); checkNotNull(resultVariables); checkNotNull(pcjVarOrderFactory); final PcjTables pcj = new PcjTables(); // Create the PCJ's variable orders. final PcjVarOrderFactory varOrderFactory = pcjVarOrderFactory.or(new ShiftVarOrderFactory()); final Set<VariableOrder> varOrders = varOrderFactory.makeVarOrders(new VariableOrder(resultVariables)); // Create the PCJ table in Accumulo. pcj.createPcjTable(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, varOrders, sparql); // Load historic matches from Rya into the PCJ table. populatePcj(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, ryaConn); } /** * Scan Rya for results that solve the PCJ's query and store them in the PCJ * table. * <p> * This method assumes the PCJ table has already been created. * * @param accumuloConn * - A connection to the Accumulo that hosts the PCJ table. (not * null) * @param pcjTableName * - The name of the PCJ table that will receive the results. * (not null) * @param ryaConn * - A connection to the Rya store that will be queried to find * results. (not null) * @throws PcjException * If results could not be written to the PCJ table, the PCJ * table does not exist, or the query that is being execute was * malformed. */ public static void populatePcj(final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final RepositoryConnection ryaConn) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(accumuloConn); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(ryaConn); try { // Fetch the query that needs to be executed from the PCJ table. final PcjMetadata pcjMetadata = new PcjTables().getPcjMetadata(accumuloConn, pcjTableName); final String sparql = pcjMetadata.getSparql(); // Query Rya for results to the SPARQL query. final TupleQuery query = ryaConn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, sparql); final TupleQueryResult results = query.evaluate(); // Load batches of 1000 of them at a time into the PCJ table final Set<BindingSet> batch = new HashSet<>(1000); while (results.hasNext()) { batch.add(; if (batch.size() == 1000) { addResults(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, batch); batch.clear(); } } if (!batch.isEmpty()) { addResults(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, batch); } } catch (RepositoryException | MalformedQueryException | QueryEvaluationException e) { throw new PcjException( "Could not populate a PCJ table with Rya results for the table named: " + pcjTableName, e); } } public static void addResults(final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final Collection<BindingSet> results) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(accumuloConn); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(results); // Write a result to each of the variable orders that are in the table. writeResults(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, results); } /** * Add a collection of results to a specific PCJ table. * * @param accumuloConn * - A connection to the Accumulo that hosts the PCJ table. (not * null) * @param pcjTableName * - The name of the PCJ table that will receive the results. * (not null) * @param results * - Binding sets that will be written to the PCJ table. (not * null) * @throws PcjException * The provided PCJ table doesn't exist, is missing the PCJ * metadata, or the result could not be written to it. */ private static void writeResults(final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final Collection<BindingSet> results) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(accumuloConn); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(results); // Fetch the variable orders from the PCJ table. final PcjMetadata metadata = new PcjTables().getPcjMetadata(accumuloConn, pcjTableName); // Write each result formatted using each of the variable orders. BatchWriter writer = null; try { writer = accumuloConn.createBatchWriter(pcjTableName, new BatchWriterConfig()); for (final BindingSet result : results) { final Set<Mutation> addResultMutations = makeWriteResultMutations(metadata.getVarOrders(), result); writer.addMutations(addResultMutations); } } catch (TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException e) { throw new PcjException("Could not add results to the PCJ table named: " + pcjTableName, e); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) { throw new PcjException( "Could not add results to a PCJ table because some of the mutations were rejected.", e); } } } } /** * Create the {@link Mutations} required to write a new {@link BindingSet} * to a PCJ table for each {@link VariableOrder} that is provided. * * @param varOrders * - The variables orders the result will be written to. (not * null) * @param result * - A new PCJ result. (not null) * @return Mutation that will write the result to a PCJ table. * @throws PcjException * The binding set could not be encoded. */ private static Set<Mutation> makeWriteResultMutations(final Set<VariableOrder> varOrders, final BindingSet result) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(varOrders); checkNotNull(result); final Set<Mutation> mutations = new HashSet<>(); for (final VariableOrder varOrder : varOrders) { try { // Serialize the result to the variable order. final byte[] serializedResult = converter.convert(result, varOrder); // Row ID = binding set values, Column Family = variable order // of the binding set. final Mutation addResult = new Mutation(serializedResult); addResult.put(varOrder.toString(), "", ""); mutations.add(addResult); } catch (final BindingSetConversionException e) { throw new PcjException("Could not serialize a result.", e); } } return mutations; } //****************************Creation and Population of PcjTables Mongo *********************************** public static void deleteCoreRyaTables(final MongoClient client, final String instance, final String collName) { final boolean bool = client.isLocked(); client.getDatabase(instance).getCollection(collName).drop(); } /** * Creates a new PCJ Table in Accumulo and populates it by scanning an * instance of Rya for historic matches. * <p> * If any portion of this operation fails along the way, the partially * create PCJ table will be left in Accumulo. * * @param ryaConn - Connects to the Rya that will be scanned. (not null) * @param mongoClient - Connects to the mongoDB that hosts the PCJ results. (not null) * @param pcjName - The name of the PCJ table that will be created. (not null) * @param sparql - The SPARQL query whose results will be loaded into the table. (not null) * @throws PcjException The PCJ table could not be create or the values from Rya were * not able to be loaded into it. */ public static void createAndPopulatePcj(final RepositoryConnection ryaConn, final MongoClient mongoClient, final String pcjName, final String instanceName, final String sparql) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(ryaConn); checkNotNull(mongoClient); checkNotNull(pcjName); checkNotNull(instanceName); checkNotNull(sparql); final MongoPcjDocuments pcj = new MongoPcjDocuments(mongoClient, instanceName); pcj.createPcj(pcjName, sparql); // Load historic matches from Rya into the PCJ table. populatePcj(pcj, pcjName, ryaConn); } /** * Scan Rya for results that solve the PCJ's query and store them in the PCJ * table. * <p> * This method assumes the PCJ table has already been created. * * @param mongoClient - A connection to the mongoDB that hosts the PCJ table. (not null) * @param pcjTableName - The name of the PCJ table that will receive the results. (not null) * @param ryaConn - A connection to the Rya store that will be queried to find results. (not null) * @throws PcjException * If results could not be written to the PCJ table, the PCJ * table does not exist, or the query that is being execute was * malformed. */ public static void populatePcj(final MongoPcjDocuments pcj, final String pcjTableName, final RepositoryConnection ryaConn) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(pcj); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(ryaConn); try { // Fetch the query that needs to be executed from the PCJ table. final PcjMetadata pcjMetadata = pcj.getPcjMetadata(pcjTableName); final String sparql = pcjMetadata.getSparql(); // Query Rya for results to the SPARQL query. final TupleQuery query = ryaConn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, sparql); final TupleQueryResult results = query.evaluate(); // Load batches of 1000 of them at a time into the PCJ table final Set<BindingSet> batch = new HashSet<>(1000); while (results.hasNext()) { batch.add(; if (batch.size() == 1000) { writeResults(pcj, pcjTableName, batch); batch.clear(); } } if (!batch.isEmpty()) { writeResults(pcj, pcjTableName, batch); } } catch (RepositoryException | MalformedQueryException | QueryEvaluationException e) { throw new PcjException( "Could not populate a PCJ table with Rya results for the table named: " + pcjTableName, e); } } /** * Add a collection of results to a specific PCJ table. * * @param accumuloConn - A connection to the Accumulo that hosts the PCJ table. (not null) * @param pcjTableName - The name of the PCJ table that will receive the results. (not null) * @param results - Binding sets that will be written to the PCJ table. (not null) * @throws PcjException The provided PCJ table doesn't exist, is missing the * PCJ metadata, or the result could not be written to it. */ private static void writeResults(final MongoPcjDocuments pcj, final String pcjTableName, final Collection<BindingSet> results) throws PcjException { checkNotNull(pcj); checkNotNull(pcjTableName); checkNotNull(results); final Collection<VisibilityBindingSet> visRes = new ArrayList<>(); results.forEach(bindingSet -> { visRes.add(new VisibilityBindingSet(bindingSet)); }); pcj.addResults(pcjTableName, visRes); } }