Java tutorial
package org.apache.rya.api; import java.util.HashSet; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.rya.api.domain.RyaURI; import org.apache.rya.api.layout.TableLayoutStrategy; import org.apache.rya.api.layout.TablePrefixLayoutStrategy; import org.apache.rya.api.persist.RdfEvalStatsDAO; import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryOptimizer; import; import; import; /** * Rdf triple store specific configuration */ public abstract class RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration extends Configuration { // public static final String CONF_ISQUERYTIMEBASED = "query.timebased"; public static final String CONF_TTL = "query.ttl"; public static final String CONF_STARTTIME = "query.startTime"; // public static final String CONF_TIMEINDEXURIS = "query.timeindexuris"; public static final String CONF_NUM_THREADS = "query.numthreads"; public static final String CONF_PERFORMANT = "query.performant"; public static final String CONF_INFER = "query.infer"; public static final String CONF_USE_STATS = "query.usestats"; public static final String CONF_USE_COMPOSITE = "query.usecompositecard"; public static final String CONF_USE_SELECTIVITY = "query.useselectivity"; public static final String CONF_TBL_PREFIX = "query.tblprefix"; public static final String CONF_BATCH_SIZE = "query.batchsize"; public static final String CONF_OFFSET = "query.offset"; public static final String CONF_LIMIT = "query.limit"; public static final String CONF_QUERYPLAN_FLAG = "query.printqueryplan"; public static final String CONF_QUERY_AUTH = "query.auth"; public static final String CONF_RESULT_FORMAT = "query.resultformat"; public static final String CONF_CV = ""; public static final String CONF_TBL_SPO = "tbl.spo"; public static final String CONF_TBL_PO = "tbl.po"; public static final String CONF_TBL_OSP = "tbl.osp"; public static final String CONF_TBL_NS = "tbl.ns"; public static final String CONF_TBL_EVAL = "tbl.eval"; public static final String CONF_PREFIX_ROW_WITH_HASH = "tbl.hashprefix"; public static final String CONF_OPTIMIZERS = "query.optimizers"; public static final String CONF_PCJ_OPTIMIZER = "pcj.query.optimizer"; public static final String CONF_PCJ_TABLES = "pcj.index.tables"; public static final String CONF_STATEMENT_METADATA_PROPERTIES = "statement.metadata.properites"; public static final String CONF_USE_STATEMENT_METADATA = "use.statement.metadata"; public static final String STATS_PUSH_EMPTY_RDFTYPE_DOWN = "conf.stats.rdftype.down"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_ALL_VALUES_FROM = "infer.include.allvaluesfrom"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_RANGE = "infer.include.domainrange"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_SELF = "infer.include.hasself"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_VALUE = "infer.include.hasvalue"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_INTERSECTION_OF = "infer.include.intersectionof"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_INVERSEOF = "infer.include.inverseof"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_ONE_OF = "infer.include.oneof"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_PROPERTY_CHAIN = "infer.include.propertychain"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_REFLEXIVE_PROP = "infer.include.reflexiveprop"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_SOME_VALUES_FROM = "infer.include.somevaluesfrom"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_SAME_AS = "infer.include.sameas"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_SUBCLASSOF = "infer.include.subclassof"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_SUBPROPOF = "infer.include.subpropof"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_SYMMPROP = "infer.include.symmprop"; public static final String INFER_INCLUDE_TRANSITIVEPROP = "infer.include.transprop"; public static final String RDF_DAO_CLASS = "class.rdf.dao"; public static final String RDF_EVAL_STATS_DAO_CLASS = "class.rdf.evalstats"; public static final String REGEX_SUBJECT = "query.regex.subject"; public static final String REGEX_PREDICATE = "query.regex.predicate"; public static final String REGEX_OBJECT = "query.regex.object"; private static final String[] EMPTY_STR_ARR = new String[0]; private TableLayoutStrategy tableLayoutStrategy = new TablePrefixLayoutStrategy(); public RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration() { } public RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration(final Configuration other) { super(other); if (other instanceof RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) { setTableLayoutStrategy(((RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) other).getTableLayoutStrategy()); } } @Override public abstract RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration clone(); public TableLayoutStrategy getTableLayoutStrategy() { return tableLayoutStrategy; } public void setTableLayoutStrategy(final TableLayoutStrategy tableLayoutStrategy) { if (tableLayoutStrategy != null) { this.tableLayoutStrategy = tableLayoutStrategy; } else { this.tableLayoutStrategy = new TablePrefixLayoutStrategy(); //default } set(CONF_TBL_SPO, this.tableLayoutStrategy.getSpo()); set(CONF_TBL_PO, this.tableLayoutStrategy.getPo()); set(CONF_TBL_OSP, this.tableLayoutStrategy.getOsp()); set(CONF_TBL_NS, this.tableLayoutStrategy.getNs()); set(CONF_TBL_EVAL, this.tableLayoutStrategy.getEval()); } public Long getTtl() { final String val = get(CONF_TTL); if (val != null) { return Long.valueOf(val); } return null; } public void setTtl(final Long ttl) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ttl); Preconditions.checkArgument(ttl >= 0, "ttl must be non negative"); set(CONF_TTL, ttl.toString()); } public Long getStartTime() { final String val = get(CONF_STARTTIME); if (val != null) { return Long.valueOf(val); } return null; } public void setStartTime(final Long startTime) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(startTime); Preconditions.checkArgument(startTime >= 0, "startTime must be non negative"); set(CONF_STARTTIME, startTime.toString()); } public Integer getNumThreads() { return getInt(CONF_NUM_THREADS, 2); } public void setNumThreads(final Integer numThreads) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(numThreads); Preconditions.checkArgument(numThreads > 0, "numThreads must be greater than 0"); setInt(CONF_NUM_THREADS, numThreads); } public Boolean isPerformant() { return getBoolean(CONF_PERFORMANT, true); } public void setPerformant(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_PERFORMANT, val); } public Boolean isInfer() { return getBoolean(CONF_INFER, false); } public void setInfer(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_INFER, val); } public Boolean isUseStats() { return getBoolean(CONF_USE_STATS, false); } public void setUseStats(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_USE_STATS, val); } public Boolean isUseSelectivity() { return getBoolean(CONF_USE_SELECTIVITY, false); } public void setUseSelectivity(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_USE_SELECTIVITY, val); } public Boolean isPrefixRowsWithHash() { return getBoolean(CONF_PREFIX_ROW_WITH_HASH, false); } public void setPrefixRowsWithHash(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_PREFIX_ROW_WITH_HASH, val); } public String getTablePrefix() { return get(CONF_TBL_PREFIX, RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.TBL_PRFX_DEF); } public void setTablePrefix(final String tablePrefix) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(tablePrefix); set(CONF_TBL_PREFIX, tablePrefix); setTableLayoutStrategy(new TablePrefixLayoutStrategy(tablePrefix)); //TODO: Should we change the layout strategy } public Integer getBatchSize() { final String val = get(CONF_BATCH_SIZE); if (val != null) { return Integer.valueOf(val); } return null; } public void setBatchSize(final Long batchSize) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(batchSize); Preconditions.checkArgument(batchSize > 0, "Batch Size must be greater than 0"); setLong(CONF_BATCH_SIZE, batchSize); } public Long getOffset() { final String val = get(CONF_OFFSET); if (val != null) { return Long.valueOf(val); } return null; } public void setOffset(final Long offset) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(offset); Preconditions.checkArgument(offset >= 0, "offset must be positive"); setLong(CONF_OFFSET, offset); } public Long getLimit() { final String val = get(CONF_LIMIT); if (val != null) { return Long.valueOf(val); } return null; } public void setLimit(final Long limit) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(limit); Preconditions.checkArgument(limit >= 0, "limit must be positive"); setLong(CONF_LIMIT, limit); } public Boolean isDisplayQueryPlan() { return getBoolean(CONF_QUERYPLAN_FLAG, false); } public void setDisplayQueryPlan(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_QUERYPLAN_FLAG, val); } /** * @return * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public String getAuth() { return Joiner.on(",").join(getAuths()); } /** * @param auth * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void setAuth(final String auth) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(auth); setStrings(CONF_QUERY_AUTH, auth); } public String[] getAuths() { return getStrings(CONF_QUERY_AUTH, EMPTY_STR_ARR); } public void setAuths(final String... auths) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(auths); setStrings(CONF_QUERY_AUTH, auths); } public String getEmit() { return get(CONF_RESULT_FORMAT); } public void setEmit(final String emit) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(emit); set(CONF_RESULT_FORMAT, emit); } public String getCv() { return get(CONF_CV); } public void setCv(final String cv) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cv); set(CONF_CV, cv); } public Boolean isUseCompositeCardinality() { return getBoolean(CONF_USE_COMPOSITE, true); } public void setCompositeCardinality(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(CONF_USE_COMPOSITE, val); } public Boolean isStatsPushEmptyRdftypeDown() { return getBoolean(STATS_PUSH_EMPTY_RDFTYPE_DOWN, true); } public void setStatsPushEmptyRdftypeDown(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(STATS_PUSH_EMPTY_RDFTYPE_DOWN, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:allValuesFrom inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferAllValuesFrom() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_ALL_VALUES_FROM, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:allValuesFrom inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:allValuesFrom inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferAllValuesFrom(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_ALL_VALUES_FROM, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if rdfs:domain and rdfs:range inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferDomainRange() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_RANGE, true); } /** * Sets whether rdfs:domain and rdfs:range inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if rdfs:domain/range inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferDomainRange(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_RANGE, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:hasSelf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferHasSelf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_SELF, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:hasSelf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:hasSelf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferHasSelf(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_SELF, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:hasValue inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferHasValue() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_VALUE, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:hasValue inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:hasValue inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferHasValue(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_HAS_VALUE, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:intersectionOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferIntersectionOf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_INTERSECTION_OF, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:intersectionOf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:intersectionOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferIntersectionOf(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_INTERSECTION_OF, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:inverseOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferInverseOf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_INVERSEOF, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:inverseOf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:inverseOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferInverseOf(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_INVERSEOF, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:oneOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferOneOf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_ONE_OF, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:oneOf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:oneOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferOneOf(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_ONE_OF, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:propertyChainAxiom inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferPropertyChain() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_PROPERTY_CHAIN, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:propertyChainAxiom inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:propertyChainAxiom inferencing is * enabled. {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferPropertyChain(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_PROPERTY_CHAIN, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:ReflexiveProperty inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferReflexiveProperty() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_REFLEXIVE_PROP, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:ReflexiveProperty inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:ReflexiveProperty inferencing is * enabled. {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferReflexiveProperty(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_REFLEXIVE_PROP, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:sameAs inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferSameAs() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SAME_AS, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:sameAs inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:sameAs inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferSameAs(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SAME_AS, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:someValuesFrom inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferSomeValuesFrom() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SOME_VALUES_FROM, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:someValuesFrom inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:someValuesFrom inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferSomeValuesFrom(final Boolean value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SOME_VALUES_FROM, value); } /** * @return {@code true} if rdfs:subClassOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferSubClassOf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SUBCLASSOF, true); } /** * Sets whether rdfs:subClassOf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if rdfs:subClassOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferSubClassOf(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SUBCLASSOF, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if rdfs:subPropertyOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferSubPropertyOf() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SUBPROPOF, true); } /** * Sets whether rdfs:subPropertyOf inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if rdfs:subPropertyOf inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferSubPropertyOf(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SUBPROPOF, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:SymmetricProperty inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferSymmetricProperty() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SYMMPROP, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:SymmetricProperty inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:SymmetricProperty inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferSymmetricProperty(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_SYMMPROP, val); } /** * @return {@code true} if owl:TransitiveProperty inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. Defaults to {@code true} if nothing is * specified. */ public Boolean isInferTransitiveProperty() { return getBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_TRANSITIVEPROP, true); } /** * Sets whether owl:TransitiveProperty inferencing is enabled or disabled. * @param value {@code true} if owl:TransitiveProperty inferencing is enabled. * {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setInferTransitiveProperty(final Boolean val) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(val); setBoolean(INFER_INCLUDE_TRANSITIVEPROP, val); } public void setRdfEvalStatsDaoClass(final Class<? extends RdfEvalStatsDAO> rdfEvalStatsDaoClass) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(rdfEvalStatsDaoClass); setClass(RDF_EVAL_STATS_DAO_CLASS, rdfEvalStatsDaoClass, RdfEvalStatsDAO.class); } public Class<? extends RdfEvalStatsDAO> getRdfEvalStatsDaoClass() { return getClass(RDF_EVAL_STATS_DAO_CLASS, null, RdfEvalStatsDAO.class); } public void setPcjTables(final List<String> indexTables) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(indexTables); setStrings(CONF_PCJ_TABLES, indexTables.toArray(new String[] {})); } public List<String> getPcjTables() { final List<String> pcjTables = Lists.newArrayList(); final String[] tables = getStrings(CONF_PCJ_TABLES); if (tables == null) { return pcjTables; } for (final String table : tables) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(table); pcjTables.add(table); } return pcjTables; } public void setUseStatementMetadata(final boolean useMetadata) { setBoolean(CONF_USE_STATEMENT_METADATA, useMetadata); } public boolean getUseStatementMetadata() { return getBoolean(CONF_USE_STATEMENT_METADATA, false); } public void setStatementMetadataProperties(final Set<RyaURI> metadataProperties) { final String[] propArray = new String[metadataProperties.size()]; int i = 0; for (final RyaURI uri : metadataProperties) { propArray[i] = uri.getData(); i++; } setStrings(CONF_STATEMENT_METADATA_PROPERTIES, propArray); } public Set<RyaURI> getStatementMetadataProperties() { final Set<RyaURI> uriSet = new HashSet<>(); final String[] uriStrings = getStrings(CONF_STATEMENT_METADATA_PROPERTIES); if (uriStrings != null) { for (final String s : uriStrings) { uriSet.add(new RyaURI(s)); } } return uriSet; } public void setPcjOptimizer(final Class<? extends QueryOptimizer> optimizer) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(optimizer); setClass(CONF_PCJ_OPTIMIZER, optimizer, QueryOptimizer.class); } public Class<QueryOptimizer> getPcjOptimizer() { final Class<? extends QueryOptimizer> opt = getClass(CONF_PCJ_OPTIMIZER, null, QueryOptimizer.class); if (opt != null) { Preconditions.checkArgument(QueryOptimizer.class.isAssignableFrom(opt)); return (Class<QueryOptimizer>) opt; } else { return null; } } public void setOptimizers(final List<Class<? extends QueryOptimizer>> optimizers) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(optimizers); final List<String> strs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final Class ai : optimizers) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ai); strs.add(ai.getName()); } setStrings(CONF_OPTIMIZERS, strs.toArray(new String[] {})); } public List<Class<QueryOptimizer>> getOptimizers() { final List<Class<QueryOptimizer>> opts = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final Class<?> clazz : getClasses(CONF_OPTIMIZERS)) { Preconditions.checkArgument(QueryOptimizer.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)); opts.add((Class<QueryOptimizer>) clazz); } return opts; } public String getRegexSubject() { return get(REGEX_SUBJECT); } public void setRegexSubject(final String regexSubject) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(regexSubject); set(REGEX_SUBJECT, regexSubject); } public String getRegexPredicate() { return get(REGEX_PREDICATE); } public void setRegexPredicate(final String regex) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(regex); set(REGEX_PREDICATE, regex); } public String getRegexObject() { return get(REGEX_OBJECT); } public void setRegexObject(final String regex) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(regex); set(REGEX_OBJECT, regex); } }