Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. For additional information regarding * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level * directory of this distribution. */ package org.apache.roller.weblogger.ui.rendering.pagers; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerRuntimeConfig; import org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.Weblog; import org.apache.roller.util.DateUtil; import; import; import org.apache.roller.weblogger.util.I18nMessages; /** * An abstract implementation of a WeblogEntriesPager. * * This implementation lays out the basic functionality of an entries pager so * that subclasses can easily tweak only the few things necessary to handle * paging their own way. */ public abstract class AbstractWeblogEntriesPager implements WeblogEntriesPager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractWeblogEntriesPager.class); // message utils for doing i18n messages I18nMessages messageUtils = null; // url strategy for building urls URLStrategy urlStrategy = null; Weblog weblog = null; String locale = null; String pageLink = null; String entryAnchor = null; String dateString = null; String catPath = null; List tags = new ArrayList(); int offset = 0; int page = 0; int length = 0; public AbstractWeblogEntriesPager(URLStrategy strat, Weblog weblog, String locale, String pageLink, String entryAnchor, String dateString, String catPath, List tags, int page) { this.urlStrategy = strat; this.weblog = weblog; this.locale = locale; this.pageLink = pageLink; this.entryAnchor = entryAnchor; this.dateString = dateString; this.catPath = catPath; if (tags != null) this.tags = tags; // make sure offset, length, and page are valid int maxLength = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getIntProperty("site.pages.maxEntries"); length = weblog.getEntryDisplayCount(); if (length > maxLength) { length = maxLength; } if (page > 0) { = page; } this.offset = length * page; // get a message utils instance to handle i18n of messages Locale viewLocale = null; if (locale != null) { String[] langCountry = locale.split("_"); if (langCountry.length == 1) { viewLocale = new Locale(langCountry[0]); } else if (langCountry.length == 2) { viewLocale = new Locale(langCountry[0], langCountry[1]); } } else { viewLocale = weblog.getLocaleInstance(); } this.messageUtils = I18nMessages.getMessages(viewLocale); } public boolean hasMoreEntries() { return false; } public String getHomeLink() { return createURL(0, 0, weblog, locale, pageLink, entryAnchor, dateString, catPath, tags); } public String getHomeName() { return messageUtils.getString("weblogEntriesPager.latest.home"); } public String getNextLink() { if (hasMoreEntries()) { return createURL(page, 1, weblog, locale, pageLink, entryAnchor, dateString, catPath, tags); } return null; } public String getNextName() { if (hasMoreEntries()) { return messageUtils.getString(""); } return null; } public String getPrevLink() { if (page > 0) { return createURL(page, -1, weblog, locale, pageLink, entryAnchor, dateString, catPath, tags); } return null; } public String getPrevName() { if (page > 0) { return messageUtils.getString("weblogEntriesPager.latest.prev"); } return null; } public String getNextCollectionLink() { return null; } public String getNextCollectionName() { return null; } public String getPrevCollectionLink() { return null; } public String getPrevCollectionName() { return null; } /** * Parse data as either 6-char or 8-char format. */ protected Date parseDate(String dateString) { Date ret = null; SimpleDateFormat char8DateFormat = DateUtil.get8charDateFormat(); SimpleDateFormat char6DateFormat = DateUtil.get6charDateFormat(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(weblog.getTimeZoneInstance(), weblog.getLocaleInstance()); if (dateString != null && dateString.length() == 8 && StringUtils.isNumeric(dateString)) { char8DateFormat.setCalendar(cal); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); ret = char8DateFormat.parse(dateString, pos); // make sure the requested date is not in the future Date today = getToday(); if (ret.after(today)) ret = today; } if (dateString != null && dateString.length() == 6 && StringUtils.isNumeric(dateString)) { char6DateFormat.setCalendar(cal); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); ret = char6DateFormat.parse(dateString, pos); // make sure the requested date is not in the future Date today = getToday(); if (ret.after(today)) ret = today; } return ret; } /** * Return today based on current blog's timezone/locale. */ protected Date getToday() { Calendar todayCal = Calendar.getInstance(); todayCal = Calendar.getInstance(weblog.getTimeZoneInstance(), weblog.getLocaleInstance()); todayCal.setTime(new Date()); return todayCal.getTime(); } /** * Create URL that encodes pager state using most appropriate forms of URL. * @param pageAdd To be added to page number, or 0 for no page number */ protected String createURL(int page, int pageAdd, Weblog website, String locale, String pageLink, String entryAnchor, String dateString, String catPath, List tags) { int pageNum = page + pageAdd; if (pageLink != null) { return urlStrategy.getWeblogPageURL(website, locale, pageLink, entryAnchor, catPath, dateString, tags, pageNum, false); } else if (entryAnchor != null) { return urlStrategy.getWeblogEntryURL(website, locale, entryAnchor, true); } return urlStrategy.getWeblogCollectionURL(website, locale, catPath, dateString, tags, pageNum, false); } }