Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ranger.plugin.model.RangerPolicy.RangerPolicyResource; import org.apache.ranger.plugin.model.RangerServiceDef.RangerResourceDef; import org.apache.ranger.plugin.util.ServiceDefUtil; public abstract class RangerAbstractResourceMatcher implements RangerResourceMatcher { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RangerAbstractResourceMatcher.class); public final static String WILDCARD_ASTERISK = "*"; public final static String OPTION_IGNORE_CASE = "ignoreCase"; public final static String OPTION_WILD_CARD = "wildCard"; public final static String OPTION_REPLACE_TOKENS = "replaceTokens"; public final static String OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_START = "tokenDelimiterStart"; public final static String OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_END = "tokenDelimiterEnd"; public final static String OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_ESCAPE = "tokenDelimiterEscape"; public final static String OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_PREFIX = "tokenDelimiterPrefix"; protected RangerResourceDef resourceDef = null; protected RangerPolicyResource policyResource = null; protected boolean optIgnoreCase = false; protected boolean optWildCard = false; protected List<String> policyValues = null; protected boolean policyIsExcludes = false; protected boolean isMatchAny = false; protected ResourceMatcherWrapper resourceMatchers = null; protected boolean optReplaceTokens = false; protected char startDelimiterChar = '{'; protected char endDelimiterChar = '}'; protected char escapeChar = '\\'; protected String tokenPrefix = ""; @Override public void setResourceDef(RangerResourceDef resourceDef) { this.resourceDef = resourceDef; } @Override public void setPolicyResource(RangerPolicyResource policyResource) { this.policyResource = policyResource; } @Override public void init() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("==> RangerAbstractResourceMatcher.init()"); } Map<String, String> options = resourceDef != null ? resourceDef.getMatcherOptions() : null; optIgnoreCase = getOptionIgnoreCase(options); optWildCard = getOptionWildCard(options); policyValues = new ArrayList<String>(); policyIsExcludes = policyResource == null ? false : policyResource.getIsExcludes(); if (policyResource != null && policyResource.getValues() != null) { for (String policyValue : policyResource.getValues()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(policyValue)) { continue; } policyValues.add(policyValue); } } optReplaceTokens = getOptionReplaceTokens(options); if (optReplaceTokens) { startDelimiterChar = getOptionDelimiterStart(options); endDelimiterChar = getOptionDelimiterEnd(options); escapeChar = getOptionDelimiterEscape(options); tokenPrefix = getOptionDelimiterPrefix(options); if (escapeChar == startDelimiterChar || escapeChar == endDelimiterChar || tokenPrefix.indexOf(escapeChar) != -1 || tokenPrefix.indexOf(startDelimiterChar) != -1 || tokenPrefix.indexOf(endDelimiterChar) != -1) { String resouceName = resourceDef == null ? "" : resourceDef.getName(); String msg = "Invalid token-replacement parameters for resource '" + resouceName + "': { "; msg += (OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_START + "='" + startDelimiterChar + "'; "); msg += (OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_END + "='" + endDelimiterChar + "'; "); msg += (OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_ESCAPE + "='" + escapeChar + "'; "); msg += (OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_PREFIX + "='" + tokenPrefix + "' }. "); msg += "Token replacement disabled"; LOG.error(msg); optReplaceTokens = false; } } resourceMatchers = buildResourceMatchers(); isMatchAny = resourceMatchers == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(resourceMatchers.getResourceMatchers()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("<== RangerAbstractResourceMatcher.init()"); } } @Override public boolean isMatchAny() { return isMatchAny; } public boolean getNeedsDynamicEval() { return resourceMatchers != null && resourceMatchers.getNeedsDynamicEval(); } public static boolean getOptionIgnoreCase(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getBooleanOption(options, OPTION_IGNORE_CASE, true); } public static boolean getOptionWildCard(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getBooleanOption(options, OPTION_WILD_CARD, true); } public static boolean getOptionReplaceTokens(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getBooleanOption(options, OPTION_REPLACE_TOKENS, true); } public static char getOptionDelimiterStart(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getCharOption(options, OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_START, '{'); } public static char getOptionDelimiterEnd(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getCharOption(options, OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_END, '}'); } public static char getOptionDelimiterEscape(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getCharOption(options, OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_ESCAPE, '\\'); } public static String getOptionDelimiterPrefix(Map<String, String> options) { return ServiceDefUtil.getOption(options, OPTION_TOKEN_DELIMITER_PREFIX, ""); } protected ResourceMatcherWrapper buildResourceMatchers() { List<ResourceMatcher> resourceMatchers = new ArrayList<ResourceMatcher>(); boolean needsDynamicEval = false; for (String policyValue : policyValues) { ResourceMatcher matcher = getMatcher(policyValue); if (matcher != null) { if (matcher.isMatchAny()) { resourceMatchers.clear(); break; } if (!needsDynamicEval && matcher.getNeedsDynamicEval()) { needsDynamicEval = true; } resourceMatchers.add(matcher); } } Collections.sort(resourceMatchers); return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(resourceMatchers) ? new ResourceMatcherWrapper(needsDynamicEval, resourceMatchers) : null; } @Override public boolean isCompleteMatch(String resource, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("==> RangerAbstractResourceMatcher.isCompleteMatch(" + resource + ", " + evalContext + ")"); } boolean ret = false; if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(policyValues)) { ret = StringUtils.isEmpty(resource); } else if (policyValues.size() == 1) { String policyValue = policyValues.get(0); if (isMatchAny) { ret = StringUtils.containsOnly(resource, WILDCARD_ASTERISK); } else { ret = optIgnoreCase ? StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(resource, policyValue) : StringUtils.equals(resource, policyValue); } if (policyIsExcludes) { ret = !ret; } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("<== RangerAbstractResourceMatcher.isCompleteMatch(" + resource + ", " + evalContext + "): " + ret); } return ret; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toString(sb); return sb.toString(); } public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("RangerAbstractResourceMatcher={"); sb.append("resourceDef={"); if (resourceDef != null) { resourceDef.toString(sb); } sb.append("} "); sb.append("policyResource={"); if (policyResource != null) { policyResource.toString(sb); } sb.append("} "); sb.append("optIgnoreCase={").append(optIgnoreCase).append("} "); sb.append("optWildCard={").append(optWildCard).append("} "); sb.append("policyValues={"); if (policyValues != null) { for (String value : policyValues) { sb.append(value).append(","); } } sb.append("} "); sb.append("policyIsExcludes={").append(policyIsExcludes).append("} "); sb.append("isMatchAny={").append(isMatchAny).append("} "); sb.append("options={"); if (resourceDef != null && resourceDef.getMatcherOptions() != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : resourceDef.getMatcherOptions().entrySet()) { sb.append(e.getKey()).append("=").append(e.getValue()).append(';'); } } sb.append("} "); sb.append("}"); return sb; } boolean isAllValuesRequested(String resource) { boolean result = StringUtils.isEmpty(resource) || WILDCARD_ASTERISK.equals(resource); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("isAllValuesRequested(" + resource + "): " + result); } return result; } /** * The only case where excludes flag does NOT change the result is the following: * - Resource denotes all possible values (i.e. resource in (null, "", "*") * - where as policy does not allow all possible values (i.e. policy.values().contains("*") * */ public boolean applyExcludes(boolean allValuesRequested, boolean resultWithoutExcludes) { if (!policyIsExcludes) return resultWithoutExcludes; // not an excludes policy! if (allValuesRequested && !isMatchAny) return resultWithoutExcludes; // one case where excludes has no effect return !resultWithoutExcludes; // all other cases flip it } ResourceMatcher getMatcher(String policyValue) { final int len = policyValue != null ? policyValue.length() : 0; if (len == 0) { return null; } final ResourceMatcher ret; int wildcardStartIdx = -1; int wildcardEndIdx = -1; boolean needWildcardMatch = false; // If optWildcard is true // If ('?' found or non-contiguous '*'s found in policyValue) // needWildcardMatch = true // End // // wildcardStartIdx is set to index of first '*' in policyValue or -1 if '*' is not found in policyValue, and // wildcardEndIdx is set to index of last '*' in policyValue or -1 if '*' is not found in policyValue // Else // needWildcardMatch is set to false // End if (optWildCard) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final char c = policyValue.charAt(i); if (c == '?') { needWildcardMatch = true; break; } else if (c == '*') { if (wildcardEndIdx == -1 || wildcardEndIdx == (i - 1)) { wildcardEndIdx = i; if (wildcardStartIdx == -1) { wildcardStartIdx = i; } } else { needWildcardMatch = true; break; } } } } if (needWildcardMatch) { ret = optIgnoreCase ? new CaseInsensitiveWildcardMatcher(policyValue) : new CaseSensitiveWildcardMatcher(policyValue); } else if (wildcardStartIdx == -1) { ret = optIgnoreCase ? new CaseInsensitiveStringMatcher(policyValue) : new CaseSensitiveStringMatcher(policyValue); } else if (wildcardStartIdx == 0) { String matchStr = policyValue.substring(wildcardEndIdx + 1); ret = optIgnoreCase ? new CaseInsensitiveEndsWithMatcher(matchStr) : new CaseSensitiveEndsWithMatcher(matchStr); } else { String matchStr = policyValue.substring(0, wildcardStartIdx); ret = optIgnoreCase ? new CaseInsensitiveStartsWithMatcher(matchStr) : new CaseSensitiveStartsWithMatcher(matchStr); } if (optReplaceTokens) { ret.setDelimiters(startDelimiterChar, endDelimiterChar, escapeChar, tokenPrefix); } return ret; } } final class CaseSensitiveStringMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseSensitiveStringMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.equals(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 1 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseInsensitiveStringMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseInsensitiveStringMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 2 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseSensitiveStartsWithMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseSensitiveStartsWithMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.startsWith(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 3 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseInsensitiveStartsWithMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseInsensitiveStartsWithMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 4 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseSensitiveEndsWithMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseSensitiveEndsWithMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.endsWith(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 3 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseInsensitiveEndsWithMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseInsensitiveEndsWithMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext)); } int getPriority() { return 4 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseSensitiveWildcardMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseSensitiveWildcardMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext), IOCase.SENSITIVE); } int getPriority() { return 5 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class CaseInsensitiveWildcardMatcher extends ResourceMatcher { CaseInsensitiveWildcardMatcher(String value) { super(value); } @Override boolean isMatch(String resourceValue, Map<String, Object> evalContext) { return FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(resourceValue, getExpandedValue(evalContext), IOCase.INSENSITIVE); } int getPriority() { return 6 + (getNeedsDynamicEval() ? DYNAMIC_EVALUATION_PENALTY : 0); } } final class ResourceMatcherWrapper { private final boolean needsDynamicEval; private final List<ResourceMatcher> resourceMatchers; ResourceMatcherWrapper() { this(false, null); } ResourceMatcherWrapper(boolean needsDynamicEval, List<ResourceMatcher> resourceMatchers) { this.needsDynamicEval = needsDynamicEval; this.resourceMatchers = resourceMatchers; } boolean getNeedsDynamicEval() { return needsDynamicEval; } List<ResourceMatcher> getResourceMatchers() { return resourceMatchers; } }