Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.rampart.builder; import; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.rahas.EncryptedKeyToken; import org.apache.rahas.RahasConstants; import org.apache.rahas.TrustException; import org.apache.rampart.RampartConstants; import org.apache.rampart.RampartException; import org.apache.rampart.RampartMessageData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.RampartPolicyData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.model.KerberosConfig; import org.apache.rampart.util.RampartUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; public class SymmetricBindingBuilder extends BindingBuilder { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SymmetricBindingBuilder.class); private static Log tlog = LogFactory.getLog(RampartConstants.TIME_LOG); public void build(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { log.debug("SymmetricBindingBuilder build invoked"); RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); if (rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()) { this.addTimestamp(rmd); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { // Setup required tokens initializeTokens(rmd); } if (SPConstants.ENCRYPT_BEFORE_SIGNING.equals(rpd.getProtectionOrder())) { this.doEncryptBeforeSig(rmd); } else { this.doSignBeforeEncrypt(rmd); } log.debug("SymmetricBindingBuilder build invoked : DONE"); } private void doEncryptBeforeSig(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { long t0 = 0, t1 = 0, t2 = 0; RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); Vector signatureValues = new Vector(); if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Token encryptionToken = rpd.getEncryptionToken(); Vector encrParts = RampartUtil.getEncryptedParts(rmd); Vector sigParts = RampartUtil.getSignedParts(rmd); if (encryptionToken == null && encrParts.size() > 0) { throw new RampartException("encryptionTokenMissing"); } if (encryptionToken != null && encrParts.size() > 0) { // The encryption token can be an IssuedToken or a // SecureConversationToken String tokenId = null; org.apache.rahas.Token tok = null; if (encryptionToken instanceof IssuedToken) { tokenId = rmd.getIssuedEncryptionTokenId(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Issued EncryptionToken Id : " + tokenId); } } else if (encryptionToken instanceof SecureConversationToken) { tokenId = rmd.getSecConvTokenId(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SCT Id : " + tokenId); } } else if (encryptionToken instanceof X509Token) { if (rmd.isInitiator()) { tokenId = setupEncryptedKey(rmd, encryptionToken); } else { tokenId = getEncryptedKey(rmd); } } // TODO SAMLToken if (tokenId == null || tokenId.length() == 0) { throw new RampartException("noSecurityToken"); } // Hack to handle reference id issues // TODO Need a better fix if (tokenId.startsWith("#")) { tokenId = tokenId.substring(1); } /* * Get hold of the token from the token storage */ tok = this.getToken(rmd, tokenId); /* * Attach the token into the message based on token inclusion values */ boolean attached = false; Element encrTokenElement = null; Element refList = null; WSSecDKEncrypt dkEncr = null; WSSecEncrypt encr = null; Element encrDKTokenElem = null; if (SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == encryptionToken.getInclusion() || SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == encryptionToken.getInclusion() || (rmd.isInitiator() && SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT == encryptionToken.getInclusion())) { encrTokenElement = RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, tok.getToken()); attached = true; } else if (encryptionToken instanceof X509Token && rmd.isInitiator()) { encrTokenElement = RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, tok.getToken()); } Document doc = rmd.getDocument(); AlgorithmSuite algorithmSuite = rpd.getAlgorithmSuite(); if (encryptionToken.isDerivedKeys()) { log.debug("Use drived keys"); dkEncr = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); if (attached && tok.getAttachedReference() != null) { dkEncr.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), (Element) doc.importNode((Element) tok.getAttachedReference(), true)); } else if (tok.getUnattachedReference() != null) { dkEncr.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), (Element) doc.importNode((Element) tok.getUnattachedReference(), true)); } else { dkEncr.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), tok.getId()); } try { dkEncr.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(algorithmSuite.getEncryption()); dkEncr.setDerivedKeyLength(algorithmSuite.getEncryptionDerivedKeyLength() / 8); dkEncr.prepare(doc); encrDKTokenElem = dkEncr.getdktElement(); RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, encrDKTokenElem); refList = dkEncr.encryptForExternalRef(null, encrParts); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDKEncr"); } catch (ConversationException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDKEncr"); } } else { log.debug("NO derived keys, use the shared secret"); encr = new WSSecEncrypt(); encr.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); encr.setEncKeyId(tokenId); RampartUtil.setEncryptionUser(rmd, encr); encr.setEphemeralKey(tok.getSecret()); encr.setDocument(doc); encr.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(algorithmSuite.getEncryption()); // SymmKey is already encrypted, no need to do it again encr.setEncryptSymmKey(false); if (!rmd.isInitiator() && tok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { encr.setUseKeyIdentifier(true); encr.setCustomReferenceValue(((EncryptedKeyToken) tok).getSHA1()); encr.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.ENCRYPTED_KEY_SHA1_IDENTIFIER); } try { encr.prepare(doc, RampartUtil.getEncryptionCrypto(rpd.getRampartConfig(), rmd.getCustomClassLoader())); // Encrypt, get hold of the ref list and add it refList = encr.encryptForExternalRef(null, encrParts); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInEncryption", e); } } this.mainRefListElement = RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, refList); if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Sometimes encryption token is not included in the the message if (encrTokenElement != null) { this.setInsertionLocation(encrTokenElement); } else if (timestampElement != null) { this.setInsertionLocation(timestampElement); } RampartUtil.handleEncryptedSignedHeaders(encrParts, sigParts, doc); HashMap sigSuppTokMap = null; HashMap endSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEndSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEncSuppTokMap = null; HashMap endEncSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEndEncSuppTokMap = null; if (this.timestampElement != null) { sigParts.add( new WSEncryptionPart(RampartUtil.addWsuIdToElement((OMElement) this.timestampElement))); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { // Now add the supporting tokens SupportingToken sgndSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens(); sigSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndSuppTokens); SupportingToken endSuppTokens = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens(); endSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, endSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEndSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens(); sgndEndSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEndSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEncryptedSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEncryptedSupportingTokens(); sgndEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEncryptedSuppTokens); SupportingToken endorsingEncryptedSuppTokens = rpd.getEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); endEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, endorsingEncryptedSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEndEncSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); sgndEndEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEndEncSuppTokens); Vector supportingToks = rpd.getSupportingTokensList(); for (int i = 0; i < supportingToks.size(); i++) { this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, (SupportingToken) supportingToks.get(i)); } SupportingToken encryptedSupportingToks = rpd.getEncryptedSupportingTokens(); this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, encryptedSupportingToks); // Setup signature parts sigParts = addSignatureParts(sigSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEncSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEndSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEndEncSuppTokMap, sigParts); } else { addSignatureConfirmation(rmd, sigParts); } // Sign the message // We should use the same key in the case of EncryptBeforeSig if (sigParts.size() > 0) { signatureValues.add(this.doSymmSignature(rmd, encryptionToken, tok, sigParts)); this.mainSigId = RampartUtil.addWsuIdToElement((OMElement) this.getInsertionLocation()); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { endSuppTokMap.putAll(endEncSuppTokMap); // Do endorsed signatures Vector endSigVals = this.doEndorsedSignatures(rmd, endSuppTokMap); for (Iterator iter = endSigVals.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { signatureValues.add(; } sgndEndSuppTokMap.putAll(sgndEndEncSuppTokMap); // Do signed endorsing signatures Vector sigEndSigVals = this.doEndorsedSignatures(rmd, sgndEndSuppTokMap); for (Iterator iter = sigEndSigVals.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { signatureValues.add(; } } if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tlog.debug("Encryption took :" + (t1 - t0) + ", Signature tool :" + (t2 - t1)); } // Check for signature protection and encryption of UsernameToken if (rpd.isSignatureProtection() && this.mainSigId != null || encryptedTokensIdList.size() > 0 && rmd.isInitiator()) { long t3 = 0, t4 = 0; if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } log.debug("Signature protection"); Vector secondEncrParts = new Vector(); // Now encrypt the signature using the above token if (rpd.isSignatureProtection()) { secondEncrParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(this.mainSigId, "Element")); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { for (int i = 0; i < encryptedTokensIdList.size(); i++) { secondEncrParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart((String) encryptedTokensIdList.get(i), "Element")); } } Element secondRefList = null; if (encryptionToken.isDerivedKeys()) { try { secondRefList = dkEncr.encryptForExternalRef(null, secondEncrParts); RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, encrDKTokenElem, secondRefList); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDKEncr"); } } else { try { // Encrypt, get hold of the ref list and add it secondRefList = encr.encryptForExternalRef(null, encrParts); RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, encrTokenElement, secondRefList); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInEncryption", e); } } if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tlog.debug("Signature protection took :" + (t4 - t3)); } } } else { throw new RampartException("encryptionTokenMissing"); } } private void doSignBeforeEncrypt(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { long t0 = 0, t1 = 0, t2 = 0; RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); Document doc = rmd.getDocument(); if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Token sigToken = rpd.getSignatureToken(); String encrTokId = null; String sigTokId = null; org.apache.rahas.Token encrTok = null; org.apache.rahas.Token sigTok = null; WSSecKerberosToken krbToken = null; Element sigTokElem = null; Vector signatureValues = new Vector(); if (sigToken != null) { if (sigToken instanceof SecureConversationToken) { sigTokId = rmd.getSecConvTokenId(); } else if (sigToken instanceof IssuedToken) { sigTokId = rmd.getIssuedSignatureTokenId(); } else if (sigToken instanceof X509Token) { if (rmd.isInitiator()) { sigTokId = setupEncryptedKey(rmd, sigToken); } else { sigTokId = getEncryptedKey(rmd); } } else if (sigToken instanceof KerberosToken) { Date created = new Date(); Date expires = new Date(); // TODO make this lifetime configurable ??? expires.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000); krbToken = getKerberosTokenBuilder(rmd, sigToken); sigTokId = krbToken.getBSTTokenId(); if (rmd.isInitiator()) { sigTokElem = krbToken.getBinarySecurityTokenElement(); } sigTok = new EncryptedKeyToken(sigTokId, created, expires); sigTok.setSecret(krbToken.getSessionKey().getEncoded()); } } else { throw new RampartException("signatureTokenMissing"); } if (sigTokId == null || sigTokId.length() == 0) { throw new RampartException("noSecurityToken"); } if (!(sigToken instanceof KerberosToken)) { sigTok = this.getToken(rmd, sigTokId); if (SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == sigToken.getInclusion() || SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == sigToken.getInclusion() || (rmd.isInitiator() && SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT == sigToken.getInclusion())) { sigTokElem = RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, sigTok.getToken()); } else if ((rmd.isInitiator() && sigToken instanceof X509Token) || sigToken instanceof SecureConversationToken) { sigTokElem = RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, sigTok.getToken()); } } if (sigTokElem != null) { // Set the insertion location this.setInsertionLocation(sigTokElem); } HashMap sigSuppTokMap = null; HashMap endSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEndSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEncSuppTokMap = null; HashMap endEncSuppTokMap = null; HashMap sgndEndEncSuppTokMap = null; Vector sigParts = RampartUtil.getSignedParts(rmd); if (this.timestampElement != null) { sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(RampartUtil.addWsuIdToElement((OMElement) this.timestampElement))); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { // Now add the supporting tokens SupportingToken sgndSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens(); sigSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndSuppTokens); SupportingToken endSuppTokens = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens(); endSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, endSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEndSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens(); sgndEndSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEndSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEncryptedSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEncryptedSupportingTokens(); sgndEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEncryptedSuppTokens); SupportingToken endorsingEncryptedSuppTokens = rpd.getEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); endEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, endorsingEncryptedSuppTokens); SupportingToken sgndEndEncSuppTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); sgndEndEncSuppTokMap = this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, sgndEndEncSuppTokens); Vector supportingToks = rpd.getSupportingTokensList(); for (int i = 0; i < supportingToks.size(); i++) { this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, (SupportingToken) supportingToks.get(i)); } SupportingToken encryptedSupportingToks = rpd.getEncryptedSupportingTokens(); this.handleSupportingTokens(rmd, encryptedSupportingToks); // Setup signature parts sigParts = addSignatureParts(sigSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEncSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEndSuppTokMap, sigParts); sigParts = addSignatureParts(sgndEndEncSuppTokMap, sigParts); } else { addSignatureConfirmation(rmd, sigParts); } if (sigParts.size() > 0) { if (sigToken instanceof KerberosToken) { krbToken.setParts(sigParts); try { krbToken.signMessage(); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInSignatureWithKerberosToken"); } this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), krbToken.getSignatureElement())); signatureValues.add(krbToken.getSignatureValue()); } else { // Sign the message signatureValues.add(this.doSymmSignature(rmd, sigToken, sigTok, sigParts)); } this.mainSigId = RampartUtil.addWsuIdToElement((OMElement) this.getInsertionLocation()); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { // Adding the endorsing encrypted supporting tokens to endorsing supporting tokens endSuppTokMap.putAll(endEncSuppTokMap); // Do endorsed signatures Vector endSigVals = this.doEndorsedSignatures(rmd, endSuppTokMap); for (Iterator iter = endSigVals.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { signatureValues.add(; } // Adding the signed endorsed encrypted tokens to signed endorsed supporting tokens sgndEndSuppTokMap.putAll(sgndEndEncSuppTokMap); // Do signed endorsing signatures Vector sigEndSigVals = this.doEndorsedSignatures(rmd, sgndEndSuppTokMap); for (Iterator iter = sigEndSigVals.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { signatureValues.add(; } } if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Encryption Token encrToken = rpd.getEncryptionToken(); boolean isIssuedToken = false; if (encrToken instanceof IssuedToken) { isIssuedToken = true; } Element encrTokElem = null; if (sigToken.equals(encrToken)) { // Use the same token encrTokId = sigTokId; encrTok = sigTok; encrTokElem = sigTokElem; } else { encrTokId = rmd.getIssuedEncryptionTokenId(); encrTok = this.getToken(rmd, encrTokId); if (SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == encrToken.getInclusion() || SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == encrToken.getInclusion() || (rmd.isInitiator() && SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT == encrToken.getInclusion())) { encrTokElem = (Element) encrTok.getToken(); // Add the encrToken element before the sigToken element RampartUtil.insertSiblingBefore(rmd, sigTokElem, encrTokElem); } } Vector encrParts = RampartUtil.getEncryptedParts(rmd); // Check for signature protection if (rpd.isSignatureProtection() && this.mainSigId != null) { // Now encrypt the signature using the above token encrParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(this.mainSigId, "Element")); } if (rmd.isInitiator()) { for (int i = 0; i < encryptedTokensIdList.size(); i++) { encrParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart((String) encryptedTokensIdList.get(i), "Element")); } } Element refList = null; if (encrParts.size() > 0) { // The sec conv token can be used without derived keys if (encrToken.isDerivedKeys()) { try { WSSecDKEncrypt dkEncr = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); // Check whether it is security policy 1.2 and use the secure conversation // accordingly if (SPConstants.SP_V12 == encrToken.getVersion()) { dkEncr.setWscVersion(ConversationConstants.VERSION_05_12); } if (encrTokElem != null && encrTok.getAttachedReference() != null) { dkEncr.setExternalKey(encrTok.getSecret(), (Element) doc.importNode((Element) encrTok.getAttachedReference(), true)); } else if (encrTok.getUnattachedReference() != null) { dkEncr.setExternalKey(encrTok.getSecret(), (Element) doc.importNode((Element) encrTok.getUnattachedReference(), true)); } else if (!rmd.isInitiator() && encrToken.isDerivedKeys()) { // If the Encrypted key used to create the derived key is not // attached use key identifier as defined in WSS1.1 section // 7.7 Encrypted Key reference SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(doc); if (encrTok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { tokenRef.setKeyIdentifierEncKeySHA1(((EncryptedKeyToken) encrTok).getSHA1()); } dkEncr.setExternalKey(encrTok.getSecret(), tokenRef.getElement()); } else { dkEncr.setExternalKey(encrTok.getSecret(), encrTok.getId()); } if (encrTok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { dkEncr.setCustomValueType( WSConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#" + WSConstants.ENC_KEY_VALUE_TYPE); } dkEncr.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getEncryption()); dkEncr.setDerivedKeyLength(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getEncryptionDerivedKeyLength() / 8); dkEncr.prepare(doc); Element encrDKTokenElem = null; encrDKTokenElem = dkEncr.getdktElement(); if (encrTokElem != null) { RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, encrTokElem, encrDKTokenElem); } else if (timestampElement != null) { RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.timestampElement, encrDKTokenElem); } else { RampartUtil.insertSiblingBefore(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), encrDKTokenElem); } refList = dkEncr.encryptForExternalRef(null, encrParts); RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, encrDKTokenElem, refList); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDKEncr"); } catch (ConversationException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDKEncr"); } } else { try { WSSecEncrypt encr = new WSSecEncrypt(); encr.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); // Hack to handle reference id issues // TODO Need a better fix if (encrTokId.startsWith("#")) { encrTokId = encrTokId.substring(1); } encr.setEncKeyId(encrTokId); if (krbToken == null) { encr.setEphemeralKey(encrTok.getSecret()); RampartUtil.setEncryptionUser(rmd, encr); encr.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getEncryption()); } else { if (encrTok != null) { byte[] secret = encrTok.getSecret(); int factor = 0; if (rmd.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig() != null) { KerberosConfig config = null; String fac = null; config = rmd.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig().getKerberosConfig(); if ((fac = config.getProp() .getProperty(KerberosConfig.KDC_DES_AES_FACTOR)) != null) { try { factor = Integer.parseInt(fac); } catch (Exception e) { factor = 0; } } } if (factor > 1) { byte[] newSecret = new byte[secret.length * 4]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newSecret.length; i++) { newSecret[i] = secret[j++]; if (j == secret.length) j = 0; } encr.setEphemeralKey(newSecret); encrTok.setSecret(newSecret); } else { encr.setEphemeralKey(secret); encrTok.setSecret(secret); } ((EncryptedKeyToken) encrTok).setSHA1(krbToken.getKrbSession().getThumbPrintEncoded()); try { rmd.getTokenStorage().add(sigTok); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorAddingKerbTokenToStore"); } } } encr.setDocument(doc); encr.setEncryptSymmKey(false); // Use key identifier in the KeyInfo in server side if (!rmd.isInitiator()) { if (krbToken != null) { encr.setUseKeyIdentifier(true); encr.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.KERBEROS_KEY_IDENTIFIER); } else if (encrTok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { encr.setUseKeyIdentifier(true); encr.setCustomReferenceValue(((EncryptedKeyToken) encrTok).getSHA1()); encr.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.ENCRYPTED_KEY_SHA1_IDENTIFIER); } else if (isIssuedToken) { encr.setUseKeyIdentifier(true); encr.setCustomReferenceValue(encrTokId); encr.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.SAML_ASSERTION_IDENTIFIER); try { // RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd,this.timestampElement,getLLOMfromOM(encrTok.getToken())); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("error while converting SAML issued token to a dom element"); } } } encr.prepare(doc, RampartUtil.getEncryptionCrypto(rpd.getRampartConfig(), rmd.getCustomClassLoader())); // Encrypt, get hold of the ref list and add it refList = encr.encryptForExternalRef(null, encrParts); if (encrTokElem != null) { RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, encrTokElem, refList); } else { RampartUtil.insertSiblingBeforeOrPrepend(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), refList); } } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInEncryption", e); } } } if (tlog.isDebugEnabled()) { t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tlog.debug("Signature took :" + (t1 - t0) + ", Encryption took :" + (t2 - t1)); } } /** * @param rmd * @param sigToken * @return * @throws RampartException */ private String setupEncryptedKey(RampartMessageData rmd, Token sigToken) throws RampartException { try { WSSecEncryptedKey encrKey = this.getEncryptedKeyBuilder(rmd, sigToken); String id = encrKey.getId(); byte[] secret = encrKey.getEphemeralKey(); // Create a rahas token from this info and store it so we can use // it in the next steps Date created = new Date(); Date expires = new Date(); // TODO make this lifetime configurable ??? expires.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000); org.apache.rahas.EncryptedKeyToken tempTok = new org.apache.rahas.EncryptedKeyToken(id, (OMElement) encrKey.getEncryptedKeyElement(), created, expires); tempTok.setSecret(secret); // Set the SHA1 value of the encrypted key, this is used when the encrypted // key is referenced via a key identifier of type EncryptedKeySHA1 tempTok.setSHA1(getSHA1(encrKey.getEncryptedEphemeralKey())); rmd.getTokenStorage().add(tempTok); String bstTokenId = encrKey.getBSTTokenId(); // If direct ref is used to refer to the cert // then add the cert to the sec header now if (bstTokenId != null && bstTokenId.length() > 0) { RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, encrKey.getBinarySecurityTokenElement()); } return id; } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInAddingTokenIntoStore"); } } private String getSHA1(byte[] input) throws RampartException { MessageDigest sha = null; try { sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) { throw new RampartException("noSHA1availabe", e1); } sha.reset(); sha.update(input); byte[] data = sha.digest(); return Base64.encode(data); } private String getEncryptedKey(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { Vector results = (Vector) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.ENCR) { if (wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID) != null && ((String) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID)).length() != 0) { try { String encryptedKeyID = (String) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID); Date created = new Date(); Date expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000); EncryptedKeyToken tempTok = new EncryptedKeyToken(encryptedKeyID, created, expires); tempTok.setSecret((byte[]) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DECRYPTED_KEY)); tempTok.setSHA1( getSHA1((byte[]) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_EPHEMERAL_KEY))); rmd.getTokenStorage().add(tempTok); return encryptedKeyID; } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInAddingTokenIntoStore"); } } } } } return null; } }