Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.rampart.builder; import; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.rahas.EncryptedKeyToken; import org.apache.rahas.SimpleTokenStore; import org.apache.rahas.TrustException; import org.apache.rahas.TrustUtil; import org.apache.rampart.RampartConstants; import org.apache.rampart.RampartException; import org.apache.rampart.RampartMessageData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.RampartPolicyData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.SupportingPolicyData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.model.KerberosConfig; import org.apache.rampart.util.RampartUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; public abstract class BindingBuilder { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BindingBuilder.class); private Element insertionLocation; protected String mainSigId = null; protected ArrayList encryptedTokensIdList = new ArrayList(); protected Element timestampElement; protected Element mainRefListElement; /** * @param rmd */ protected void addTimestamp(RampartMessageData rmd) { log.debug("Adding timestamp"); WSSecTimestamp timestampBuilder = new WSSecTimestamp(); timestampBuilder.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); timestampBuilder.setTimeToLive(RampartUtil.getTimeToLive(rmd)); // add the Timestamp to the SOAP Enevelope, rmd.getSecHeader()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Timestamp id: " + timestampBuilder.getId()); } rmd.setTimestampId(timestampBuilder.getId()); this.timestampElement = timestampBuilder.getElement(); log.debug("Adding timestamp: DONE"); } /** * Add a UsernameToken to the security header * * @param rmd * @return The <code>WSSecUsernameToken</code> instance * @throws RampartException */ protected WSSecUsernameToken addUsernameToken(RampartMessageData rmd, UsernameToken token) throws RampartException { log.debug("Adding a UsernameToken"); RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); // Get the user // First try options Options options = rmd.getMsgContext().getOptions(); String user = options.getUserName(); if (user == null || user.length() == 0) { // Then try RampartConfig if (rpd.getRampartConfig() != null) { user = rpd.getRampartConfig().getUser(); } } if (user != null && !"".equals(user)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User : " + user); } // If NoPassword property is set we don't need to set the password if (token.isNoPassword()) { WSSecUsernameToken utBuilder = new WSSecUsernameToken(); utBuilder.setUserInfo(user, null); utBuilder.setPasswordType(null); if (rmd.getConfig() != null) { utBuilder.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); } return utBuilder; } // Get the password // First check options object for a password String password = options.getPassword(); if (password == null || password.length() == 0) { // Then try to get the password from the given callback handler CallbackHandler handler = RampartUtil.getPasswordCB(rmd); if (handler == null) { // If the callback handler is missing throw new RampartException("cbHandlerMissing"); } WSPasswordCallback[] cb = { new WSPasswordCallback(user, WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN) }; try { handler.handle(cb); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RampartException("errorInGettingPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }, e); } // get the password password = cb[0].getPassword(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Password : " + password); } if (password != null && !"".equals(password)) { // If the password is available then build the token WSSecUsernameToken utBuilder = new WSSecUsernameToken(); if (rmd.getConfig() != null) { utBuilder.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); } if (token.isHashPassword()) { utBuilder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_DIGEST); } else { utBuilder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT); } utBuilder.setUserInfo(user, password); return utBuilder; } else { // If there's no password then throw an exception throw new RampartException("noPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }); } } else { log.debug("No user value specified in the configuration"); throw new RampartException("userMissing"); } } /** * @param rmd * @param token * @return * @throws WSSecurityException * @throws RampartException */ protected WSSecEncryptedKey getEncryptedKeyBuilder(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); Document doc = rmd.getDocument(); WSSecEncryptedKey encrKey = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); try { RampartUtil.setKeyIdentifierType(rmd, encrKey, token); RampartUtil.setEncryptionUser(rmd, encrKey); encrKey.setKeySize(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getMaximumSymmetricKeyLength()); encrKey.setKeyEncAlgo(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getAsymmetricKeyWrap()); encrKey.prepare(doc, RampartUtil.getEncryptionCrypto(rpd.getRampartConfig(), rmd.getCustomClassLoader())); return encrKey; } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorCreatingEncryptedKey", e); } } // Deprecated after 1.5 release @Deprecated protected WSSecSignature getSignatureBuider(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token) throws RampartException { return getSignatureBuilder(rmd, token, null); } // Deprecated after 1.5 release @Deprecated protected WSSecSignature getSignatureBuider(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token, String userCertAlias) throws RampartException { return getSignatureBuilder(rmd, token, userCertAlias); } protected WSSecSignature getSignatureBuilder(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token) throws RampartException { return getSignatureBuilder(rmd, token, null); } protected WSSecSignature getSignatureBuilder(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token, String userCertAlias) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); WSSecSignature sig = new WSSecSignature(); checkForX509PkiPath(sig, token); sig.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Token inclusion: " + token.getInclusion()); } RampartUtil.setKeyIdentifierType(rmd, sig, token); String user = null; if (userCertAlias != null) { user = userCertAlias; } // Get the user - First check whether userCertAlias present if (user == null) { user = rpd.getRampartConfig().getUserCertAlias(); } // If userCertAlias is not present, use user property as Alias if (user == null) { user = rpd.getRampartConfig().getUser(); } String password = null; if (user != null && !"".equals(user)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User : " + user); } // Get the password CallbackHandler handler = RampartUtil.getPasswordCB(rmd); if (handler == null) { // If the callback handler is missing throw new RampartException("cbHandlerMissing"); } WSPasswordCallback[] cb = { new WSPasswordCallback(user, WSPasswordCallback.SIGNATURE) }; try { handler.handle(cb); if (cb[0].getPassword() != null && !"".equals(cb[0].getPassword())) { password = cb[0].getPassword(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Password : " + password); } } else { // If there's no password then throw an exception throw new RampartException("noPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInGettingPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }, e); } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInGettingPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }, e); } } else { log.debug("No user value specified in the configuration"); if (token instanceof IssuedToken) { throw new RampartException("userMissing"); } } sig.setUserInfo(user, password); sig.setSignatureAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getAsymmetricSignature()); sig.setSigCanonicalization(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getInclusiveC14n()); try { sig.prepare(rmd.getDocument(), RampartUtil.getSignatureCrypto(rpd.getRampartConfig(), rmd.getCustomClassLoader()), rmd.getSecHeader()); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInSignatureWithX509Token", e); } return sig; } /** * @param rmd * @param suppTokens * @throws RampartException */ protected HashMap handleSupportingTokens(RampartMessageData rmd, SupportingToken suppTokens) throws RampartException { // Create the list to hold the tokens HashMap endSuppTokMap = new HashMap(); if (suppTokens != null && suppTokens.getTokens() != null && suppTokens.getTokens().size() > 0) { log.debug("Processing supporting tokens"); ArrayList tokens = suppTokens.getTokens(); for (Iterator iter = tokens.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Token token = (Token); org.apache.rahas.Token endSuppTok = null; if (token instanceof IssuedToken && rmd.isInitiator()) { String id = RampartUtil.getIssuedToken(rmd, (IssuedToken) token); try { endSuppTok = rmd.getTokenStorage().getToken(id); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInRetrievingTokenId", new String[] { id }, e); } if (endSuppTok == null) { throw new RampartException("errorInRetrievingTokenId", new String[] { id }); } // Add the token to the header Element siblingElem = RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), (Element) endSuppTok.getToken()); this.setInsertionLocation(siblingElem); if (suppTokens.isEncryptedToken()) { this.encryptedTokensIdList.add(endSuppTok.getId()); } //Create a SecurityTokenReference and add the token Element strElem = TrustUtil.createSecurityTokenReferenceWithTokenType( rmd.getSecHeader().getSecurityHeader().getOwnerDocument(), id, "http://docs.oasis-open" + ".org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLID", "http://docs.oasis-open" + ".org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLV2.0"); Element strElemInserted = RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, siblingElem, strElem); this.setInsertionLocation(strElemInserted); String elementID = RampartUtil.addWsuIdToElement((OMElement) strElemInserted); // Add the extracted token endSuppTokMap.put(elementID, strElemInserted); } else if (token instanceof X509Token) { // We have to use a cert // Prepare X509 signature WSSecSignature sig = this.getSignatureBuilder(rmd, token); Element bstElem = sig.getBinarySecurityTokenElement(); if (bstElem != null) { bstElem = RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), bstElem); this.setInsertionLocation(bstElem); SupportingPolicyData supportingPolcy = new SupportingPolicyData();; supportingPolcy.setSignatureToken(token); supportingPolcy.setEncryptionToken(token); rmd.getPolicyData().addSupportingPolicyData(supportingPolcy); if (suppTokens.isEncryptedToken()) { this.encryptedTokensIdList.add(sig.getBSTTokenId()); } } endSuppTokMap.put(token, sig); } else if (token instanceof UsernameToken) { WSSecUsernameToken utBuilder = addUsernameToken(rmd, (UsernameToken) token); utBuilder.prepare(rmd.getDocument()); // Add the UT Element elem = utBuilder.getUsernameTokenElement(); elem = RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), elem); if (suppTokens.isEncryptedToken()) { encryptedTokensIdList.add(utBuilder.getId()); } // Move the insert location to the next element this.setInsertionLocation(elem); Date now = new Date(); try { org.apache.rahas.Token tempTok = new org.apache.rahas.Token(utBuilder.getId(), (OMElement) elem, now, new Date(now.getTime() + 300000)); endSuppTokMap.put(token, tempTok); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorCreatingRahasToken", e); } } } } return endSuppTokMap; } /** * @param tokenMap * @param sigParts * @throws RampartException */ protected Vector addSignatureParts(HashMap tokenMap, Vector sigParts) throws RampartException { Set entrySet = tokenMap.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = entrySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object tempTok = ((Entry); WSEncryptionPart part = null; if (tempTok instanceof org.apache.rahas.Token) { part = new WSEncryptionPart(((org.apache.rahas.Token) tempTok).getId()); } else if (tempTok instanceof WSSecSignature) { WSSecSignature tempSig = (WSSecSignature) tempTok; if (tempSig.getBSTTokenId() != null) { part = new WSEncryptionPart(tempSig.getBSTTokenId()); } } else if (tempTok instanceof OMElement && SecurityTokenReference.SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE .equals(((OMElement) tempTok).getLocalName())) { String id = ((OMElement) tempTok).getAttributeValue(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id", "wsu")); if (id != null) { part = new WSEncryptionPart(id); part.setName(SecurityTokenReference.SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE); } } else { throw new RampartException("UnsupportedTokenInSupportingToken"); } sigParts.add(part); } return sigParts; } public Element getInsertionLocation() { return insertionLocation; } public void setInsertionLocation(Element insertionLocation) { this.insertionLocation = insertionLocation; } protected Vector doEndorsedSignatures(RampartMessageData rmd, HashMap tokenMap) throws RampartException { Set tokenSet = tokenMap.keySet(); Vector sigValues = new Vector(); for (Iterator iter = tokenSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Token token = (Token); Object tempTok = tokenMap.get(token); Vector sigParts = new Vector(); sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(this.mainSigId)); if (tempTok instanceof org.apache.rahas.Token) { org.apache.rahas.Token tok = (org.apache.rahas.Token) tempTok; if (rmd.getPolicyData().isTokenProtection()) { sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(tok.getId())); } this.doSymmSignature(rmd, token, (org.apache.rahas.Token) tempTok, sigParts); } else if (tempTok instanceof WSSecSignature) { WSSecSignature sig = (WSSecSignature) tempTok; if (rmd.getPolicyData().isTokenProtection() && sig.getBSTTokenId() != null) { sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(sig.getBSTTokenId())); } try { sig.addReferencesToSign(sigParts, rmd.getSecHeader()); sig.computeSignature(); this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), sig.getSignatureElement())); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInSignatureWithX509Token", e); } sigValues.add(sig.getSignatureValue()); } } return sigValues; } protected byte[] doSymmSignature(RampartMessageData rmd, Token policyToken, org.apache.rahas.Token tok, Vector sigParts) throws RampartException { Document doc = rmd.getDocument(); RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); if (policyToken.isDerivedKeys()) { try { WSSecDKSign dkSign = new WSSecDKSign(); // Check whether it is security policy 1.2 and use the secure conversation // accordingly if (SPConstants.SP_V12 == policyToken.getVersion()) { dkSign.setWscVersion(ConversationConstants.VERSION_05_12); } // Check for whether the token is attached in the message or not boolean attached = false; if (SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == policyToken.getInclusion() || SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == policyToken.getInclusion() || (rmd.isInitiator() && SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT == policyToken.getInclusion())) { attached = true; } // Setting the AttachedReference or the UnattachedReference according to the flag OMElement ref; if (attached == true) { ref = tok.getAttachedReference(); } else { ref = tok.getUnattachedReference(); } if (ref != null) { dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), (Element) doc.importNode((Element) ref, true)); } else if (!rmd.isInitiator() && policyToken.isDerivedKeys()) { // If the Encrypted key used to create the derived key is not // attached use key identifier as defined in WSS1.1 section // 7.7 Encrypted Key reference SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(doc); if (tok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { tokenRef.setKeyIdentifierEncKeySHA1(((EncryptedKeyToken) tok).getSHA1()); ; } dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), tokenRef.getElement()); } else { dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), tok.getId()); } // Set the algo info dkSign.setSignatureAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getSymmetricSignature()); dkSign.setDerivedKeyLength(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getSignatureDerivedKeyLength() / 8); if (tok instanceof EncryptedKeyToken) { // Set the value type of the reference dkSign.setCustomValueType(WSConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#" + WSConstants.ENC_KEY_VALUE_TYPE); } dkSign.prepare(doc, rmd.getSecHeader()); if (rpd.isTokenProtection()) { // Hack to handle reference id issues // TODO Need a better fix String sigTokId = tok.getId(); if (sigTokId.startsWith("#")) { sigTokId = sigTokId.substring(1); } sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(sigTokId)); } dkSign.setParts(sigParts); dkSign.addReferencesToSign(sigParts, rmd.getSecHeader()); // Do signature dkSign.computeSignature(); // Add elements to header if (rpd.getProtectionOrder().equals(SPConstants.ENCRYPT_BEFORE_SIGNING) && this.getInsertionLocation() == null) { this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil .insertSiblingBefore(rmd, this.mainRefListElement, dkSign.getdktElement())); this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), dkSign.getSignatureElement())); } else { this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil .insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), dkSign.getdktElement())); this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), dkSign.getSignatureElement())); } return dkSign.getSignatureValue(); } catch (ConversationException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDerivedKeyTokenSignature", e); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInDerivedKeyTokenSignature", e); } } else { try { WSSecSignature sig = new WSSecSignature(); sig.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); // If a EncryptedKeyToken is used, set the correct value type to // be used in the wsse:Reference in ds:KeyInfo if (policyToken instanceof X509Token) { if (rmd.isInitiator()) { sig.setCustomTokenValueType( WSConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#" + WSConstants.ENC_KEY_VALUE_TYPE); sig.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_SYMM_SIGNING); } else { // the tok has to be an EncryptedKey token sig.setEncrKeySha1value(((EncryptedKeyToken) tok).getSHA1()); sig.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.ENCRYPTED_KEY_SHA1_IDENTIFIER); } } else if (policyToken instanceof IssuedToken) { if ("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" .equals(((IssuedToken) policyToken).getRstTokenType())) { sig.setCustomTokenValueType( ""); } else { sig.setCustomTokenValueType( ""); } sig.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_SYMM_SIGNING); } String sigTokId; if (policyToken instanceof SecureConversationToken) { sig.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_SYMM_SIGNING); OMElement ref = tok.getAttachedReference(); if (ref == null) { ref = tok.getUnattachedReference(); } if (ref != null) { sigTokId = SimpleTokenStore.getIdFromSTR(ref); } else { sigTokId = tok.getId(); } } else { sigTokId = tok.getId(); } // Hack to handle reference id issues // TODO Need a better fix if (sigTokId.startsWith("#")) { sigTokId = sigTokId.substring(1); } sig.setCustomTokenId(sigTokId); sig.setSecretKey(tok.getSecret()); if (tok.getSecret() == null) { sig.setUserInfo(rpd.getRampartConfig().getUser(), rpd.getRampartConfig().getSigCryptoConfig() .getProp().getProperty("")); sig.setSignatureAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getAsymmetricSignature()); } else { sig.setSignatureAlgorithm(rpd.getAlgorithmSuite().getSymmetricSignature()); } sig.prepare(rmd.getDocument(), RampartUtil.getSignatureCrypto(rpd.getRampartConfig(), rmd.getCustomClassLoader()), rmd.getSecHeader()); sig.setParts(sigParts); sig.addReferencesToSign(sigParts, rmd.getSecHeader()); // Do signature sig.computeSignature(); if (rpd.getProtectionOrder().equals(SPConstants.ENCRYPT_BEFORE_SIGNING) && this.getInsertionLocation() == null) { this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingBefore(rmd, this.mainRefListElement, sig.getSignatureElement())); } else { this.setInsertionLocation(RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, this.getInsertionLocation(), sig.getSignatureElement())); } return sig.getSignatureValue(); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInSignatureWithACustomToken", e); } } } /** * Get hold of the token from the token storage * * @param rmd * @param tokenId * @return token from the token storage * @throws RampartException */ protected org.apache.rahas.Token getToken(RampartMessageData rmd, String tokenId) throws RampartException { org.apache.rahas.Token tok = null; try { tok = rmd.getTokenStorage().getToken(tokenId); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInRetrievingTokenId", new String[] { tokenId }, e); } if (tok == null) { throw new RampartException("errorInRetrievingTokenId", new String[] { tokenId }); } return tok; } protected void addSignatureConfirmation(RampartMessageData rmd, Vector sigParts) { if (!rmd.getPolicyData().isSignatureConfirmation()) { // If we don't require sig confirmation simply go back :-) return; } Document doc = rmd.getDocument(); Vector results = (Vector) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS); /* * loop over all results gathered by all handlers in the chain. For each handler result get * the various actions. After that loop we have all signature results in the * signatureActions vector */ Vector signatureActions = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult wshResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); WSSecurityUtil.fetchAllActionResults(wshResult.getResults(), WSConstants.SIGN, signatureActions); WSSecurityUtil.fetchAllActionResults(wshResult.getResults(), WSConstants.ST_SIGNED, signatureActions); WSSecurityUtil.fetchAllActionResults(wshResult.getResults(), WSConstants.UT_SIGN, signatureActions); WSSecurityUtil.fetchAllActionResults(wshResult.getResults(), WSConstants.KERBEROS_SIGN, signatureActions); } // prepare a SignatureConfirmation token WSSecSignatureConfirmation wsc = new WSSecSignatureConfirmation(); if (signatureActions.size() > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Signature Confirmation: number of Signature results: " + signatureActions.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < signatureActions.size(); i++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wsr = (WSSecurityEngineResult) signatureActions.get(i); byte[] sigVal = (byte[]) wsr.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SIGNATURE_VALUE); wsc.setSignatureValue(sigVal); wsc.prepare(doc); RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, wsc.getSignatureConfirmationElement()); if (sigParts != null) { sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(wsc.getId())); } } } else { // No Sig value wsc.prepare(doc); RampartUtil.appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, wsc.getSignatureConfirmationElement()); if (sigParts != null) { sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(wsc.getId())); } } } protected WSSecKerberosToken getKerberosTokenBuilder(RampartMessageData rmd, Token token) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); KerberosConfig krbConfig = rpd.getRampartConfig().getKerberosConfig(); if (krbConfig == null || krbConfig.getProp() == null) { throw new RampartException("noKerberosConfigDefined"); } WSSecKerberosToken krb = new WSSecKerberosToken(); krb.setWsConfig(rmd.getConfig()); log.debug("Token inclusion: " + token.getInclusion()); RampartUtil.setKeyIdentifierType(rmd, krb, token); String user = null; String passwordFromConfig = null; String clientPricipal = null; String servicePrincipal = null; String password = null; String service = null; clientPricipal = (String) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(KerberosConfig.CLIENT_PRINCIPLE_NAME); servicePrincipal = (String) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(KerberosConfig.SERVICE_PRINCIPLE_NAME); if (clientPricipal == null || servicePrincipal == null || rmd.isInitiator()) { // Get the user from kerberos configuration user = krbConfig.getProp().getProperty(KerberosConfig.CLIENT_PRINCIPLE_NAME); passwordFromConfig = krbConfig.getProp().getProperty(KerberosConfig.CLIENT_PRINCIPLE_PASSWORD); if (passwordFromConfig == null) { passwordFromConfig = krbConfig.getProp().getProperty(KerberosConfig.SERVICE_PRINCIPLE_PASSWORD); } // If kerberos user is not present, use user property as Alias if (user == null) { user = rpd.getRampartConfig().getUser(); } if (user != null && !"".equals(user)) { log.debug("User : " + user); // Get the password CallbackHandler handler = RampartUtil.getPasswordCB(rmd); if (handler != null) { WSPasswordCallback[] cb = { new WSPasswordCallback(user, WSPasswordCallback.KERBEROS_TOKEN) }; try { handler.handle(cb); if (cb[0].getPassword() != null && !"".equals(cb[0].getPassword())) { password = cb[0].getPassword(); log.debug("Password : " + password); } else { password = passwordFromConfig; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInGettingPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }, e); } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInGettingPasswordForUser", new String[] { user }, e); } } else { password = passwordFromConfig; } } service = krbConfig.getProp().getProperty(KerberosConfig.SERVICE_PRINCIPLE_NAME); } else { user = clientPricipal; service = servicePrincipal; } krb.setUserInfo(user, password); krb.setServicePrincipalName(service); if (!rmd.isInitiator()) { krb.setReceiver(true); } try {, rmd.getSecHeader()); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInBuilingKereberosToken", e); } if (!rmd.isInitiator()) { setKerberosToken(rmd, krb); } return krb; } protected void initializeTokens(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); MessageContext msgContext = rmd.getMsgContext(); if (!msgContext.isServerSide()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Processing symmetric binding: Setting up encryption token and signature token"); Token sigTok = null; Token encrTok = null; if (rpd.isAsymmetricBinding()) { sigTok = rpd.getInitiatorToken(); encrTok = rpd.getRecipientToken(); } else { sigTok = rpd.getSignatureToken(); encrTok = rpd.getEncryptionToken(); } if (sigTok instanceof IssuedToken) { log.debug("SignatureToken is an IssuedToken"); if (rmd.getIssuedSignatureTokenId() == null) { log.debug("No Issuedtoken found, requesting a new token"); IssuedToken issuedToken = (IssuedToken) sigTok; String id = RampartUtil.getIssuedToken(rmd, issuedToken); rmd.setIssuedSignatureTokenId(id); } } else if (sigTok instanceof SecureConversationToken) { log.debug("SignatureToken is a SecureConversationToken"); String secConvTokenId = rmd.getSecConvTokenId(); String action = msgContext.getOptions().getAction(); boolean cancelReqResp = action.equals("") || action.equals("") || action.equals("") || action.equals(""); if (secConvTokenId != null && cancelReqResp) try { rmd.getTokenStorage().getToken(secConvTokenId).setState(3); msgContext.setProperty("sctID", secConvTokenId); String contextIdentifierKey = RampartUtil.getContextIdentifierKey(msgContext); RampartUtil.getContextMap(msgContext).remove(contextIdentifierKey); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorExtractingToken"); } if (secConvTokenId == null || secConvTokenId != null && !RampartUtil.isTokenValid(rmd, secConvTokenId) && !cancelReqResp) { log.debug("No SecureConversationToken found, requesting a new token"); SecureConversationToken secConvTok = (SecureConversationToken) sigTok; try { String id = RampartUtil.getSecConvToken(rmd, secConvTok); rmd.setSecConvTokenId(id); } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInObtainingSct", e); } } } if (sigTok instanceof IssuedToken && sigTok.equals(encrTok)) { log.debug( "Symmetric binding uses a ProtectionToken, both SignatureToken and EncryptionToken are the same"); rmd.setIssuedEncryptionTokenId(rmd.getIssuedEncryptionTokenId()); } else { log.debug("Obtaining the Encryption Token"); if (rmd.getIssuedEncryptionTokenId() != null) { log.debug("EncrytionToken not alredy set"); IssuedToken issuedToken = (IssuedToken) encrTok; String id = RampartUtil.getIssuedToken(rmd, issuedToken); rmd.setIssuedEncryptionTokenId(id); } } } } /** * * @param rmd * @param krbToken * @throws RampartException */ private void setKerberosToken(RampartMessageData rmd, WSSecKerberosToken krbToken) throws RampartException { Vector results = (Vector) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); if (actInt.intValue() == { KerberosTokenPrincipal principal = (KerberosTokenPrincipal) wser .get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_PRINCIPAL); BinarySecurity token; try { token = new BinarySecurity(principal.getTokenElement()); krbToken.setBSTToken(token); } catch (WSSecurityException e) { throw new RampartException("errorExtractingKereberosToken"); } } } } } private void checkForX509PkiPath(WSSecSignature sig, Token token) { if (token instanceof X509Token) { X509Token x509Token = (X509Token) token; if (x509Token.getTokenVersionAndType().equals(Constants.WSS_X509_PKI_PATH_V1_TOKEN10) || x509Token.getTokenVersionAndType().equals(Constants.WSS_X509_PKI_PATH_V1_TOKEN11)) { sig.setUseSingleCertificate(false); } } } }