Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.rahas.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.rahas.TrustException; import org.apache.rahas.impl.util.SAMLCallbackHandler; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; /** * Configuration manager for the <code>SAMLTokenIssuer</code> * * @see SAMLTokenIssuer */ public class SAMLTokenIssuerConfig extends AbstractIssuerConfig { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SAMLTokenIssuerConfig.class); /** * The QName of the configuration element of the SAMLTokenIssuer */ public final static QName SAML_ISSUER_CONFIG = new QName("saml-issuer-config"); /** * Element name to include the alias of the private key to sign the response or * the issued token */ private final static QName ISSUER_KEY_ALIAS = new QName("issuerKeyAlias"); /** * Element name to include the password of the private key to sign the response or the issued * token */ private final static QName ISSUER_KEY_PASSWD = new QName("issuerKeyPassword"); /** * Element name of the attribute call-back handler */ private final static QName ATTR_CALLBACK_HANDLER_NAME = new QName("attrCallbackHandlerName"); /** * Element to specify the lifetime of the SAMLToken * Dafaults to 300000 milliseconds (5 mins) */ private final static QName TTL = new QName("timeToLive"); /** * Element to list the trusted services */ private final static QName TRUSTED_SERVICES = new QName("trusted-services"); private final static QName KEY_SIZE = new QName("keySize"); private final static QName SERVICE = new QName("service"); private final static QName ALIAS = new QName("alias"); public final static QName USE_SAML_ATTRIBUTE_STATEMENT = new QName("useSAMLAttributeStatement"); public final static QName ISSUER_NAME = new QName("issuerName"); public final static QName SAML_CALLBACK_CLASS = new QName("dataCallbackHandlerClass"); protected String issuerKeyAlias; protected String issuerKeyPassword; protected String issuerName; protected Map trustedServices = new HashMap(); protected String trustStorePropFile; protected SAMLCallbackHandler callbackHandler; protected String callbackHandlerName; protected OMElement persisterElement = null; protected String persisterClassName = null; protected Map<String, String> persisterPropertyMap = null; protected boolean tokenStoreDisabled = false; /** * Create a new configuration with issuer name and crypto information * @param issuerName Name of the issuer * @param cryptoProviderClassName WSS4J Crypto impl class name * @param cryptoProps Configuration properties of crypto impl */ public SAMLTokenIssuerConfig(String issuerName, String cryptoProviderClassName, Properties cryptoProps) { this.issuerName = issuerName; this.setCryptoProperties(cryptoProviderClassName, cryptoProps); } /** * Create a SAMLTokenIssuer configuration with a config file picked from the * given location. * @param configFilePath Path to the config file * @throws TrustException */ public SAMLTokenIssuerConfig(String configFilePath) throws TrustException { FileInputStream fis; StAXOMBuilder builder; try { fis = new FileInputStream(configFilePath); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(fis); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TrustException("errorLoadingConfigFile", new String[] { configFilePath }); } this.load(builder.getDocumentElement()); } /** * Create a SAMLTokenIssuer configuration using the give config element * @param elem Configuration element as an <code>OMElement</code> * @throws TrustException */ public SAMLTokenIssuerConfig(OMElement elem) throws TrustException { this.load(elem); } private void load(OMElement elem) throws TrustException { OMElement proofKeyElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(PROOF_KEY_TYPE); if (proofKeyElem != null) { this.proofKeyType = proofKeyElem.getText().trim(); } OMElement callbackNameElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ATTR_CALLBACK_HANDLER_NAME); if (callbackNameElem != null) { this.callbackHandlerName = callbackNameElem.getText().trim(); } //The alias of the private key OMElement userElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ISSUER_KEY_ALIAS); if (userElem != null) { this.issuerKeyAlias = userElem.getText().trim(); } if (this.issuerKeyAlias == null || "".equals(this.issuerKeyAlias)) { throw new TrustException("samlIssuerKeyAliasMissing"); } OMElement issuerKeyPasswdElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ISSUER_KEY_PASSWD); if (issuerKeyPasswdElem != null) { this.issuerKeyPassword = issuerKeyPasswdElem.getText().trim(); } if (this.issuerKeyPassword == null || "".equals(this.issuerKeyPassword)) { throw new TrustException("samlIssuerKeyPasswdMissing"); } OMElement issuerNameElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ISSUER_NAME); if (issuerNameElem != null) { this.issuerName = issuerNameElem.getText().trim(); } if (this.issuerName == null || "".equals(this.issuerName)) { throw new TrustException("samlIssuerNameMissing"); } this.cryptoPropertiesElement = elem.getFirstChildWithName(CRYPTO_PROPERTIES); if (this.cryptoPropertiesElement != null) { if ((this.cryptoElement = this.cryptoPropertiesElement.getFirstChildWithName(CRYPTO)) == null) { // no children. Hence, prop file should have been defined this.cryptoPropertiesFile = this.cryptoPropertiesElement.getText().trim(); } // else Props should be defined as children of a crypto element } OMElement keyCompElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(KeyComputation.KEY_COMPUTATION); if (keyCompElem != null && keyCompElem.getText() != null && !"".equals(keyCompElem.getText())) { this.keyComputation = Integer.parseInt(keyCompElem.getText()); } //time to live OMElement ttlElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(TTL); if (ttlElem != null) { try { this.ttl = Long.parseLong(ttlElem.getText().trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new TrustException("invlidTTL"); } } OMElement keySizeElem = elem.getFirstChildWithName(KEY_SIZE); if (keySizeElem != null) { try { this.keySize = Integer.parseInt(keySizeElem.getText().trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new TrustException("invalidKeysize"); } } this.addRequestedAttachedRef = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ADD_REQUESTED_ATTACHED_REF) != null; this.addRequestedUnattachedRef = elem.getFirstChildWithName(ADD_REQUESTED_UNATTACHED_REF) != null; //Process trusted services OMElement trustedServices = elem.getFirstChildWithName(TRUSTED_SERVICES); /* * If there are trusted services add them to a list * Only trusts myself to issue tokens to : * In this case the STS is embedded in the service as well and * the issued token can only be used with that particular service * since the response secret is encrypted by the service's public key */ if (trustedServices != null) { //Now process the trusted services Iterator servicesIter = trustedServices.getChildrenWithName(SERVICE); while (servicesIter.hasNext()) { OMElement service = (OMElement); OMAttribute aliasAttr = service.getAttribute(ALIAS); if (aliasAttr == null) { //The certificate alias is a must throw new TrustException("aliasMissingForService", new String[] { service.getText().trim() }); } if (this.trustedServices == null) { this.trustedServices = new HashMap(); } //Add the trusted service and the alias to the map of services this.trustedServices.put(service.getText().trim(), aliasAttr.getAttributeValue()); } //There maybe no trusted services as well, Therefore do not //throw an exception when there are no trusted in the list at the //moment } OMElement attrElemet = elem.getFirstChildWithName(SAML_CALLBACK_CLASS); if (attrElemet != null) { try { String value = attrElemet.getText(); Class handlerClass = Class.forName(value); this.callbackHandler = (SAMLCallbackHandler) handlerClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error("Error loading class", e); throw new TrustException("Error loading class", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.error("Error instantiating class", e); throw new TrustException("Error instantiating class", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("Illegal Access", e); throw new TrustException("Illegal Access", e); } } //read & set if token storage is disabled OMElement storageDisabledElement = elem.getFirstChildWithName(TOKEN_STORE_DISABLED_QN); if (storageDisabledElement != null) { tokenStoreDisabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(storageDisabledElement.getText()); } //read token persister configuration persisterElement = elem.getFirstChildWithName(TOKEN_PERSISTER_QN); //read persister configuration only if they are set if (persisterElement != null) { persisterClassName = persisterElement.getAttributeValue(ATTR_CLASS_QN); persisterPropertyMap = readPropertyMap(persisterElement); } } /** * Util method to extract property names and values to a property map * @param propertySetElement * @return property map */ private Map<String, String> readPropertyMap(OMElement propertySetElement) { Map<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<?> ite = propertySetElement.getChildrenWithName(LOCAL_PROPERTY_QN); while (ite.hasNext()) { OMElement propertyElement = (OMElement); String propertyName = propertyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTR_PROP_NAME_QN); String propertyValue = propertyElement.getText(); propMap.put(propertyName, propertyValue); } return propMap; } /** * Generate an Axis2 parameter for this configuration * @return An Axis2 Parameter instance with configuration information */ public Parameter getParameter() { Parameter param = new Parameter(); OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement paramElem = fac.createOMElement("Parameter", null); paramElem.addAttribute("name", SAML_ISSUER_CONFIG.getLocalPart(), null); OMElement configElem = fac.createOMElement(SAML_ISSUER_CONFIG, paramElem); OMElement issuerNameElem = fac.createOMElement(ISSUER_NAME, configElem); issuerNameElem.setText(this.issuerName); OMElement issuerKeyAliasElem = fac.createOMElement(ISSUER_KEY_ALIAS, configElem); issuerKeyAliasElem.setText(this.issuerKeyAlias); OMElement issuerKeyPasswd = fac.createOMElement(ISSUER_KEY_PASSWD, configElem); issuerKeyPasswd.setText(this.issuerKeyPassword); OMElement callbackHandlerName = fac.createOMElement(ATTR_CALLBACK_HANDLER_NAME, configElem); callbackHandlerName.setText(this.callbackHandlerName); OMElement timeToLive = fac.createOMElement(TTL, configElem); timeToLive.setText(String.valueOf(this.ttl)); configElem.addChild(this.cryptoPropertiesElement); OMElement keySizeElem = fac.createOMElement(KEY_SIZE, configElem); keySizeElem.setText(Integer.toString(this.keySize)); if (this.addRequestedAttachedRef) { fac.createOMElement(ADD_REQUESTED_ATTACHED_REF, configElem); } if (this.addRequestedUnattachedRef) { fac.createOMElement(ADD_REQUESTED_UNATTACHED_REF, configElem); } OMElement keyCompElem = fac.createOMElement(KeyComputation.KEY_COMPUTATION, configElem); keyCompElem.setText(Integer.toString(this.keyComputation)); OMElement proofKeyTypeElem = fac.createOMElement(PROOF_KEY_TYPE, configElem); proofKeyTypeElem.setText(this.proofKeyType); OMElement trustedServicesElem = fac.createOMElement(TRUSTED_SERVICES, configElem); for (Iterator iterator = this.trustedServices.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String service = (String); OMElement serviceElem = fac.createOMElement(SERVICE, trustedServicesElem); serviceElem.setText(service); serviceElem.addAttribute("alias", (String) this.trustedServices.get(service), null); } //set storage disable parameter OMElement storageDisabledElement = fac.createOMElement(TOKEN_STORE_DISABLED_QN, configElem); storageDisabledElement.setText(Boolean.toString(tokenStoreDisabled)); //set the persister element if configured if (persisterClassName != null) { OMElement persisterElement = fac.createOMElement(TOKEN_PERSISTER_QN, configElem); persisterElement.addAttribute(LOCAL_PROPERTY_CLASS, this.getPersisterClassName(), null); if (this.persisterPropertyMap != null && this.persisterPropertyMap.size() != 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : persisterPropertyMap.entrySet()) { OMElement propElement = fac.createOMElement(LOCAL_PROPERTY_QN, persisterElement); propElement.addAttribute(ATTR_PROP_NAME, entry.getKey(), null); propElement.setText(entry.getValue()); } } } param.setName(SAML_ISSUER_CONFIG.getLocalPart()); param.setParameterElement(paramElem); param.setValue(paramElem); param.setParameterType(Parameter.OM_PARAMETER); return param; } public void setIssuerKeyAlias(String issuerKeyAlias) { this.issuerKeyAlias = issuerKeyAlias; } public String getIssuerKeyAlias() { return issuerKeyAlias; } public void setIssuerKeyPassword(String issuerKeyPassword) { this.issuerKeyPassword = issuerKeyPassword; } public String getIssuerKeyPassword() { return issuerKeyPassword; } public void setIssuerName(String issuerName) { this.issuerName = issuerName; } public void setTrustedServices(Map trustedServices) { this.trustedServices = trustedServices; } public void setTrustStorePropFile(String trustStorePropFile) { this.trustStorePropFile = trustStorePropFile; } /** * Add a new trusted service endpoint address with its certificate * @param address Service endpoint address * @param alias certificate alias */ public void addTrustedServiceEndpointAddress(String address, String alias) { this.trustedServices.put(address, alias); } /** * Set crypto information using WSS4J mechanisms * * @param providerClassName * Provider class - an implementation of * * @param props Configuration properties */ public void setCryptoProperties(String providerClassName, Properties props) { OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); this.cryptoPropertiesElement = fac.createOMElement(CRYPTO_PROPERTIES); OMElement cryptoElem = fac.createOMElement(CRYPTO, this.cryptoPropertiesElement); cryptoElem.addAttribute(PROVIDER.getLocalPart(), providerClassName, null); Enumeration keys = props.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String prop = (String) keys.nextElement(); String value = (String) props.get(prop); OMElement propElem = fac.createOMElement(PROPERTY, cryptoElem); propElem.setText(value); propElem.addAttribute("name", prop, null); } } /** * Return the list of trusted services as a <code>java.util.Map</code>. * The services addresses are the keys and cert aliases available under * those keys. * @return */ public Map getTrustedServices() { return trustedServices; } @Deprecated public SAMLCallbackHandler getCallbackHander() { return callbackHandler; } @Deprecated public void setCallbackHander(SAMLCallbackHandler callbackHandler) { this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler; } public SAMLCallbackHandler getCallbackHandler() { return callbackHandler; } public void setCallbackHandler(SAMLCallbackHandler callbackHandler) { this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler; } public String getCallbackHandlerName() { return callbackHandlerName; } public void setCallbackHandlerName(String callbackHandlerName) { this.callbackHandlerName = callbackHandlerName; } /** * Uses the <code>wst:AppliesTo</code> to figure out the certificate to * encrypt the secret in the SAML token * * @param crypto * @param serviceAddress * The address of the service * @return * @throws */ public X509Certificate getServiceCert(Crypto crypto, String serviceAddress) throws WSSecurityException { if (serviceAddress != null && !"".equals(serviceAddress)) { String alias = (String) this.trustedServices.get(serviceAddress); if (alias != null) { return crypto.getCertificates(alias)[0]; } else { alias = (String) this.trustedServices.get("*"); return crypto.getCertificates(alias)[0]; } } else { String alias = (String) this.trustedServices.get("*"); return crypto.getCertificates(alias)[0]; } } public String getPersisterClassName() { return persisterClassName; } public void setPersisterClassName(String persisterClassName) { this.persisterClassName = persisterClassName; } public Map getPersisterPropertyMap() { return persisterPropertyMap; } public void setPersisterPropertyMap(Map persisterPropertyMap) { this.persisterPropertyMap = persisterPropertyMap; } public OMElement getPersisterElement() { return persisterElement; } public boolean isTokenStoreDisabled() { return tokenStoreDisabled; } public void setTokenStoreDisabled(boolean tokenStoreDisabled) { this.tokenStoreDisabled = tokenStoreDisabled; } }