Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.qpid.server.configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.plugins.AbstractConfiguration; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Broker; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class VirtualHostConfiguration extends AbstractConfiguration { private final String _name; private final Map<String, QueueConfiguration> _queues = new HashMap<String, QueueConfiguration>(); private final Map<String, ExchangeConfiguration> _exchanges = new HashMap<String, ExchangeConfiguration>(); private final Broker _broker; private final long _defaultHouseKeepingCheckPeriod; public VirtualHostConfiguration(String name, Configuration config, Broker broker) throws ConfigurationException { _name = name; _broker = broker; // store value of this attribute for running life of virtual host since updating of this value has no run-time effect _defaultHouseKeepingCheckPeriod = ((Number) _broker.getAttribute(Broker.HOUSEKEEPING_CHECK_PERIOD)) .longValue(); setConfiguration(config); } public VirtualHostConfiguration(String name, File configurationFile, Broker broker) throws ConfigurationException { this(name, loadConfiguration(name, configurationFile), broker); } private static Configuration loadConfiguration(String name, File configurationFile) throws ConfigurationException { Configuration configuration = null; if (configurationFile == null) { throw new IllegalConfigurationException("Virtualhost configuration file must be supplied!"); } else { Configuration virtualHostConfig = XmlConfigurationUtilities.parseConfig(configurationFile); // check if it is an old virtual host configuration file which has an element of the same name as virtual host Configuration config = virtualHostConfig .subset("virtualhost." + XmlConfigurationUtilities.escapeTagName(name)); if (config.isEmpty()) { // assume it is a new configuration which does not have an element of the same name as the virtual host configuration = virtualHostConfig; } else { configuration = config; } } return configuration; } /** * Apply the given configuration to this VirtualHostConfiguration * * @param config the config to apply * @throws ConfigurationException if a problem occurs with configuration */ public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { setConfiguration("virtualhosts.virtualhost", config); Iterator i = getListValue("").iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String queueName = (String); _queues.put(queueName, new QueueConfiguration(queueName, this)); } i = getListValue("").iterator(); int count = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { CompositeConfiguration mungedConf = new CompositeConfiguration(); mungedConf.addConfiguration(config.subset("" + count++ + ")")); mungedConf.addConfiguration(getConfig().subset("exchanges")); String exchName = (String); _exchanges.put(exchName, new ExchangeConfiguration(exchName, mungedConf)); } } public String getName() { return _name; } public long getHousekeepingCheckPeriod() { return getLongValue("housekeeping.checkPeriod", _defaultHouseKeepingCheckPeriod); } public Configuration getStoreConfiguration() { return getConfig().subset("store"); } public String getMessageStoreClass() { return getStringValue("store.class", MemoryMessageStore.class.getName()); } public void setMessageStoreClass(String storeFactoryClass) { getConfig().setProperty("store.class", storeFactoryClass); } public List getExchanges() { return getListValue(""); } public String[] getQueueNames() { return _queues.keySet().toArray(new String[_queues.size()]); } public ExchangeConfiguration getExchangeConfiguration(String exchangeName) { return _exchanges.get(exchangeName); } public QueueConfiguration getQueueConfiguration(String queueName) { // We might be asked for the config for a queue we don't know about, // such as one that's been dynamically created. Those get the defaults by default. if (_queues.containsKey(queueName)) { return _queues.get(queueName); } else { try { return new QueueConfiguration(queueName, this); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { // The configuration is empty so there can't be an error. return null; } } } public int getMaximumMessageAge() { return getIntValue("queues.maximumMessageAge", getBrokerAttributeAsInt(Broker.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_AGE)); } public Long getMaximumQueueDepth() { return getLongValue("queues.maximumQueueDepth", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.ALERT_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_DEPTH)); } public Long getMaximumMessageSize() { return getLongValue("queues.maximumMessageSize", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_SIZE)); } public Long getMaximumMessageCount() { return getLongValue("queues.maximumMessageCount", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_COUNT)); } public Long getMinimumAlertRepeatGap() { return getLongValue("queues.minimumAlertRepeatGap", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.ALERT_REPEAT_GAP)); } public long getCapacity() { return getLongValue("queues.capacity", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.FLOW_CONTROL_SIZE_BYTES)); } public long getFlowResumeCapacity() { return getLongValue("queues.flowResumeCapacity", getBrokerAttributeAsLong(Broker.FLOW_CONTROL_RESUME_SIZE_BYTES)); } public String[] getElementsProcessed() { return new String[] { "queues", "exchanges", "custom-exchanges", "store", "housekeeping" }; } @Override public void validateConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException { // QPID-3249. Support for specifying authentication name at vhost level is no longer supported. if (getListValue("").size() > 0) { String message = "Validation error : security/authentication/name is no longer a supported element within the configuration xml." + " It appears in virtual host definition : " + _name; throw new ConfigurationException(message); } // QPID-3266. Tidy up housekeeping configuration option for scheduling frequency if (contains("housekeeping.expiredMessageCheckPeriod")) { String message = "Validation error : housekeeping/expiredMessageCheckPeriod must be replaced by housekeeping/checkPeriod." + " It appears in virtual host definition : " + _name; throw new ConfigurationException(message); } } public int getHouseKeepingThreadCount() { return getIntValue("housekeeping.poolSize", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); } public long getTransactionTimeoutOpenWarn() { return getLongValue("transactionTimeout.openWarn", 0L); } public long getTransactionTimeoutOpenClose() { return getLongValue("transactionTimeout.openClose", 0L); } public long getTransactionTimeoutIdleWarn() { return getLongValue("transactionTimeout.idleWarn", 0L); } public long getTransactionTimeoutIdleClose() { return getLongValue("transactionTimeout.idleClose", 0L); } public int getMaxDeliveryCount() { return getIntValue("queues.maximumDeliveryCount", getBrokerAttributeAsInt(Broker.MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_ATTEMPTS)); } /** * Check if dead letter queue delivery is enabled, deferring to the broker configuration if not set. */ public boolean isDeadLetterQueueEnabled() { return getBooleanValue("queues.deadLetterQueues", getBrokerAttributeAsBoolean(Broker.DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_ENABLED)); } private long getBrokerAttributeAsLong(String name) { Number brokerValue = (Number) _broker.getAttribute(name); return brokerValue == null ? 0 : brokerValue.longValue(); } private int getBrokerAttributeAsInt(String name) { Number brokerValue = (Number) _broker.getAttribute(name); return brokerValue == null ? 0 : brokerValue.intValue(); } private boolean getBrokerAttributeAsBoolean(String name) { Boolean brokerValue = (Boolean) _broker.getAttribute(name); return brokerValue == null ? false : brokerValue.booleanValue(); } }