Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.client; import org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.type.AmqpErrorException; import org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.type.Section; import org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.type.UnsignedInteger; import org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.type.UnsignedLong; import org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.type.messaging.Properties; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import java.util.*; public class Respond extends Util { private static final String USAGE_STRING = "respond [options] <address>\n\nOptions:"; private Connection _conn; private Session _session; private Receiver _receiver; private Transaction _txn; private Map<String, Sender> _senders; private UnsignedLong _responseMsgId = UnsignedLong.ZERO; private Connection _conn2; private Session _session2; public Respond(final String[] args) { super(args); } @Override protected boolean hasLinkDurableOption() { return false; } @Override protected boolean hasLinkNameOption() { return false; } @Override protected boolean hasResponseQueueOption() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasSizeOption() { return false; } @Override protected boolean hasBlockOption() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasStdInOption() { return false; } @Override protected boolean hasTxnOption() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasModeOption() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasCountOption() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasSingleLinkPerConnectionMode() { return true; } @Override protected boolean hasWindowSizeOption() { return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { new Respond(args).run(); } public void run() { try { _senders = new HashMap<String, Sender>(); final String queue = getArgs()[0]; String message = ""; _conn = newConnection(); if (isUseMultipleConnections()) { _conn2 = newConnection(); _session2 = _conn2.createSession(); } _session = _conn.createSession(); _receiver = _session.createReceiver(queue, getMode()); _txn = null; int credit = 0; int receivedCount = 0; _responseMsgId = UnsignedLong.ZERO; Random random = null; int batch = 0; List<Message> txnMessages = null; if (useTran()) { if (getRollbackRatio() != 0) { random = new Random(); } batch = getBatchSize(); _txn = _session.createSessionLocalTransaction(); txnMessages = new ArrayList<Message>(batch); } for (int i = 0; receivedCount < getCount(); i++) { if (credit == 0) { if (getCount() - i <= getWindowSize()) { credit = getCount() - i; } else { credit = getWindowSize(); } _receiver.setCredit(UnsignedInteger.valueOf(credit), false); if (!isBlock()) _receiver.drain(); } Message m = isBlock() ? (receivedCount == 0 ? _receiver.receive() : _receiver.receive(10000L)) : _receiver.receive(1000L); credit--; if (m == null) { if (useTran() && batch != getBatchSize()) { _txn.commit(); } break; } System.out.println("Received Message: " + m.getPayload()); respond(m); if (useTran()) { txnMessages.add(m); if (--batch == 0) { if (getRollbackRatio() == 0 || random.nextDouble() >= getRollbackRatio()) { _txn.commit(); txnMessages.clear(); receivedCount += getBatchSize(); } else { System.out.println("Random Rollback"); _txn.rollback(); double result; do { _txn = _session.createSessionLocalTransaction(); for (Message msg : txnMessages) { respond(msg); } result = random.nextDouble(); if (result < getRollbackRatio()) { _txn.rollback(); } else { _txn.commit(); txnMessages.clear(); receivedCount += getBatchSize(); } } while (result < getRollbackRatio()); } _txn = _session.createSessionLocalTransaction(); batch = getBatchSize(); } } else { receivedCount++; } } for (Sender s : _senders.values()) { s.close(); } _receiver.close(); _session.close(); _conn.close(); System.out.println("Received: " + receivedCount); } catch (Connection.ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //TODO. } catch (Sender.SenderClosingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //TODO. } catch (Sender.SenderCreationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //TODO. } catch (AmqpErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //TODO. } } private void respond(Message m) throws Sender.SenderCreationException { List<Section> sections = m.getPayload(); String replyTo = null; Object correlationId = null; for (Section section : sections) { if (section instanceof Properties) { replyTo = getResponseQueue() == null ? ((Properties) section).getReplyTo() : getResponseQueue(); correlationId = ((Properties) section).getMessageId(); break; } } if (replyTo != null) { Sender s = _senders.get(replyTo); if (s == null) { s = (isUseMultipleConnections() ? _session2 : _session).createSender(replyTo, getWindowSize()); _senders.put(replyTo, s); } List<Section> replySections = new ArrayList<Section>(sections); ListIterator<Section> sectionIterator = replySections.listIterator(); while (sectionIterator.hasNext()) { Section section =; if (section instanceof Properties) { Properties newProps = new Properties(); newProps.setTo(replyTo); newProps.setCorrelationId(correlationId); newProps.setMessageId(_responseMsgId); _responseMsgId = _responseMsgId.add(UnsignedLong.ONE); sectionIterator.set(newProps); } } Message replyMessage = new Message(replySections); System.out.println("Sent Message: " + replySections); s.send(replyMessage, _txn); } _receiver.acknowledge(m.getDeliveryTag(), _txn); } protected void printUsage(Options options) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(USAGE_STRING, options); } }