Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.ZkUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException; import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.NamespaceBundleFactory; import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.NamespaceName; import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId; import; import; import; import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.ObjectMapperFactory; import; import; import; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperCache.Deserializer; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperCacheListener; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperChildrenCache; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperDataCache; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ModularLoadManagerImpl implements ModularLoadManager, ZooKeeperCacheListener<LocalBrokerData> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ModularLoadManagerImpl.class); // Path to ZNode whose children contain BundleData jsons for each bundle (new API version of ResourceQuota). public static final String BUNDLE_DATA_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/bundle-data"; // Default message rate to assume for unseen bundles. public static final double DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RATE = 50; // Default message throughput to assume for unseen bundles. // Note that the default message size is implicitly defined as DEFAULT_MESSAGE_THROUGHPUT / DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RATE. public static final double DEFAULT_MESSAGE_THROUGHPUT = 50000; // The number of effective samples to keep for observing long term data. public static final int NUM_LONG_SAMPLES = 1000; // The number of effective samples to keep for observing short term data. public static final int NUM_SHORT_SAMPLES = 10; // Path to ZNode whose children contain ResourceQuota jsons. public static final String RESOURCE_QUOTA_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/resource-quota/namespace"; // Path to ZNode containing TimeAverageBrokerData jsons for each broker. public static final String TIME_AVERAGE_BROKER_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/broker-time-average"; // ZooKeeper Cache of the currently available active brokers. // availableActiveBrokers.get() will return a set of the broker names without an http prefix. private ZooKeeperChildrenCache availableActiveBrokers; // Set of broker candidates to reuse so that object creation is avoided. private final Set<String> brokerCandidateCache; // ZooKeeper cache of the local broker data, stored in LoadManager.LOADBALANCE_BROKER_ROOT. private ZooKeeperDataCache<LocalBrokerData> brokerDataCache; // Broker host usage object used to calculate system resource usage. private BrokerHostUsage brokerHostUsage; // Map from brokers to namespaces to the bundle ranges in that namespace assigned to that broker. // Used to distribute bundles within a namespace evely across brokers. private final Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange; // Path to the ZNode containing the LocalBrokerData json for this broker. private String brokerZnodePath; // Strategy to use for splitting bundles. private BundleSplitStrategy bundleSplitStrategy; // Service configuration belonging to the pulsar service. private ServiceConfiguration conf; // The default bundle stats which are used to initialize historic data. // This data is overriden after the bundle receives its first sample. private final NamespaceBundleStats defaultStats; // Used to filter brokers from being selected for assignment. private final List<BrokerFilter> filterPipeline; // Timestamp of last invocation of updateBundleData. private long lastBundleDataUpdate; // LocalBrokerData available before most recent update. private LocalBrokerData lastData; // Pipeline used to determine what namespaces, if any, should be unloaded. private final List<LoadSheddingStrategy> loadSheddingPipeline; // Local data for the broker this is running on. private LocalBrokerData localData; // Load data comprising data available for each broker. private final LoadData loadData; // Used to determine whether a bundle is preallocated. private final Map<String, String> preallocatedBundleToBroker; // Strategy used to determine where new topics should be placed. private ModularLoadManagerStrategy placementStrategy; // Policies used to determine which brokers are available for particular namespaces. private SimpleResourceAllocationPolicies policies; // Pulsar service used to initialize this. private PulsarService pulsar; // Executor service used to regularly update broker data. private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler; // ZooKeeper belonging to the pulsar service. private ZooKeeper zkClient; private Map<String, String> brokerToFailureDomainMap; private static final Deserializer<LocalBrokerData> loadReportDeserializer = (key, content) -> jsonMapper() .readValue(content, LocalBrokerData.class); /** * Initializes fields which do not depend on PulsarService. initialize(PulsarService) should subsequently be called. */ public ModularLoadManagerImpl() { brokerCandidateCache = new HashSet<>(); brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange = new HashMap<>(); defaultStats = new NamespaceBundleStats(); filterPipeline = new ArrayList<>(); loadData = new LoadData(); loadSheddingPipeline = new ArrayList<>(); loadSheddingPipeline.add(new OverloadShedder()); preallocatedBundleToBroker = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); scheduler = Executors .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new DefaultThreadFactory("pulsar-modular-load-manager")); this.brokerToFailureDomainMap = Maps.newHashMap(); } /** * Initialize this load manager using the given PulsarService. Should be called only once, after invoking the * default constructor. * * @param pulsar * The service to initialize with. */ public void initialize(final PulsarService pulsar) { this.pulsar = pulsar; availableActiveBrokers = new ZooKeeperChildrenCache(pulsar.getLocalZkCache(), LoadManager.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT); availableActiveBrokers.registerListener(new ZooKeeperCacheListener<Set<String>>() { @Override public void onUpdate(String path, Set<String> data, Stat stat) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Update Received for path {}", path); } reapDeadBrokerPreallocations(data); scheduler.submit(ModularLoadManagerImpl.this::updateAll); } }); brokerDataCache = new ZooKeeperDataCache<LocalBrokerData>(pulsar.getLocalZkCache()) { @Override public LocalBrokerData deserialize(String key, byte[] content) throws Exception { return ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().readValue(content, LocalBrokerData.class); } }; brokerDataCache.registerListener(this); if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) { brokerHostUsage = new LinuxBrokerHostUsageImpl(pulsar); } else { brokerHostUsage = new GenericBrokerHostUsageImpl(pulsar); } bundleSplitStrategy = new BundleSplitterTask(pulsar); conf = pulsar.getConfiguration(); // Initialize the default stats to assume for unseen bundles (hard-coded for now). defaultStats.msgThroughputIn = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_THROUGHPUT; defaultStats.msgThroughputOut = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_THROUGHPUT; defaultStats.msgRateIn = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RATE; defaultStats.msgRateOut = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RATE; lastData = new LocalBrokerData(pulsar.getWebServiceAddress(), pulsar.getWebServiceAddressTls(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrl(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrlTls()); localData = new LocalBrokerData(pulsar.getWebServiceAddress(), pulsar.getWebServiceAddressTls(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrl(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrlTls()); localData.setBrokerVersionString(pulsar.getBrokerVersion()); placementStrategy = ModularLoadManagerStrategy.create(conf); policies = new SimpleResourceAllocationPolicies(pulsar); zkClient = pulsar.getZkClient(); filterPipeline.add(new BrokerVersionFilter()); refreshBrokerToFailureDomainMap(); // register listeners for domain changes pulsar.getConfigurationCache().failureDomainListCache() .registerListener((path, data, stat) -> scheduler.execute(() -> refreshBrokerToFailureDomainMap())); pulsar.getConfigurationCache().failureDomainCache() .registerListener((path, data, stat) -> scheduler.execute(() -> refreshBrokerToFailureDomainMap())); } /** * Initialize this load manager. * * @param pulsar * Client to construct this manager from. */ public ModularLoadManagerImpl(final PulsarService pulsar) { this(); initialize(pulsar); } // Attempt to create a ZooKeeper path if it does not exist. private static void createZPathIfNotExists(final ZooKeeper zkClient, final String path) throws Exception { if (zkClient.exists(path, false) == null) { try { ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(zkClient, path, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { // Ignore if already exists. } } } // For each broker that we have a recent load report, see if they are still alive private void reapDeadBrokerPreallocations(Set<String> aliveBrokers) { for (String broker : loadData.getBrokerData().keySet()) { if (!aliveBrokers.contains(broker)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Broker {} appears to have stopped; now reclaiming any preallocations", broker); } final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iterator = preallocatedBundleToBroker.entrySet() .iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; final String preallocatedBundle = entry.getKey(); final String preallocatedBroker = entry.getValue(); if (broker.equals(preallocatedBroker)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removing old preallocation on dead broker {} for bundle {}", preallocatedBroker, preallocatedBundle); } iterator.remove(); } } } } } @Override public Set<String> getAvailableBrokers() { try { return availableActiveBrokers.get(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when trying to get active brokers", e); return loadData.getBrokerData().keySet(); } } // Attempt to local the data for the given bundle in ZooKeeper. // If it cannot be found, return the default bundle data. private BundleData getBundleDataOrDefault(final String bundle) { BundleData bundleData = null; try { final String bundleZPath = getBundleDataZooKeeperPath(bundle); final String quotaZPath = String.format("%s/%s", RESOURCE_QUOTA_ZPATH, bundle); if (zkClient.exists(bundleZPath, null) != null) { bundleData = readJson(zkClient.getData(bundleZPath, null, null), BundleData.class); } else if (zkClient.exists(quotaZPath, null) != null) { final ResourceQuota quota = readJson(zkClient.getData(quotaZPath, null, null), ResourceQuota.class); bundleData = new BundleData(NUM_SHORT_SAMPLES, NUM_LONG_SAMPLES); // Initialize from existing resource quotas if new API ZNodes do not exist. final TimeAverageMessageData shortTermData = bundleData.getShortTermData(); final TimeAverageMessageData longTermData = bundleData.getLongTermData(); shortTermData.setMsgRateIn(quota.getMsgRateIn()); shortTermData.setMsgRateOut(quota.getMsgRateOut()); shortTermData.setMsgThroughputIn(quota.getBandwidthIn()); shortTermData.setMsgThroughputOut(quota.getBandwidthOut()); longTermData.setMsgRateIn(quota.getMsgRateIn()); longTermData.setMsgRateOut(quota.getMsgRateOut()); longTermData.setMsgThroughputIn(quota.getBandwidthIn()); longTermData.setMsgThroughputOut(quota.getBandwidthOut()); // Assume ample history. shortTermData.setNumSamples(NUM_SHORT_SAMPLES); longTermData.setNumSamples(NUM_LONG_SAMPLES); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when trying to find bundle {} on zookeeper: {}", bundle, e); } if (bundleData == null) { bundleData = new BundleData(NUM_SHORT_SAMPLES, NUM_LONG_SAMPLES, defaultStats); } return bundleData; } // Get the ZooKeeper path for the given bundle full name. private static String getBundleDataZooKeeperPath(final String bundle) { return BUNDLE_DATA_ZPATH + "/" + bundle; } // Use the Pulsar client to acquire the namespace bundle stats. private Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> getBundleStats() { return pulsar.getBrokerService().getBundleStats(); } // Use the thread local ObjectMapperFactory to read the given json data into an instance of the given class. private static <T> T readJson(final byte[] data, final Class<T> clazz) throws IOException { return ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().readValue(data, clazz); } private double percentChange(final double oldValue, final double newValue) { if (oldValue == 0) { if (newValue == 0) { // Avoid NaN return 0; } return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return 100 * Math.abs((oldValue - newValue) / oldValue); } // Determine if the broker data requires an update by delegating to the update condition. private boolean needBrokerDataUpdate() { final long updateMaxIntervalMillis = TimeUnit.MINUTES .toMillis(conf.getLoadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes()); long timeSinceLastReportWrittenToZooKeeper = System.currentTimeMillis() - localData.getLastUpdate(); if (timeSinceLastReportWrittenToZooKeeper > updateMaxIntervalMillis) { "Writing local data to ZooKeeper because time since last update exceeded threshold of {} minutes", conf.getLoadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes()); // Always update after surpassing the maximum interval. return true; } final double maxChange = Math.max( 100.0 * (Math.abs(lastData.getMaxResourceUsage() - localData.getMaxResourceUsage())), Math.max( percentChange(lastData.getMsgRateIn() + lastData.getMsgRateOut(), localData.getMsgRateIn() + localData.getMsgRateOut()), Math.max( percentChange(lastData.getMsgThroughputIn() + lastData.getMsgThroughputOut(), localData.getMsgThroughputIn() + localData.getMsgThroughputOut()), percentChange(lastData.getNumBundles(), localData.getNumBundles())))); if (maxChange > conf.getLoadBalancerReportUpdateThresholdPercentage()) { "Writing local data to ZooKeeper because maximum change {}% exceeded threshold {}%; " + "time since last report written is {} seconds", maxChange, conf.getLoadBalancerReportUpdateThresholdPercentage(), timeSinceLastReportWrittenToZooKeeper / 1000.0); return true; } return false; } // Update both the broker data and the bundle data. public void updateAll() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating broker and bundle data for loadreport"); } updateAllBrokerData(); updateBundleData(); // broker has latest load-report: check if any bundle requires split checkNamespaceBundleSplit(); } // As the leader broker, update the broker data map in loadData by querying ZooKeeper for the broker data put there // by each broker via updateLocalBrokerData. private void updateAllBrokerData() { final Set<String> activeBrokers = getAvailableBrokers(); final Map<String, BrokerData> brokerDataMap = loadData.getBrokerData(); for (String broker : activeBrokers) { try { String key = String.format("%s/%s", LoadManager.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, broker); final LocalBrokerData localData = brokerDataCache.get(key) .orElseThrow(KeeperException.NoNodeException::new); if (brokerDataMap.containsKey(broker)) { // Replace previous local broker data. brokerDataMap.get(broker).setLocalData(localData); } else { // Initialize BrokerData object for previously unseen // brokers. brokerDataMap.put(broker, new BrokerData(localData)); } } catch (NoNodeException ne) { // it only happens if we update-brokerData before availableBrokerCache refreshed with latest data and // broker's delete-znode watch-event hasn't updated availableBrokerCache brokerDataMap.remove(broker); log.warn("[{}] broker load-report znode not present", broker, ne); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error reading broker data from cache for broker - [{}], [{}]", broker, e.getMessage()); } } // Remove obsolete brokers. for (final String broker : brokerDataMap.keySet()) { if (!activeBrokers.contains(broker)) { brokerDataMap.remove(broker); } } } // As the leader broker, use the local broker data saved on ZooKeeper to update the bundle stats so that better load // management decisions may be made. private void updateBundleData() { final Map<String, BundleData> bundleData = loadData.getBundleData(); // Iterate over the broker data. for (Map.Entry<String, BrokerData> brokerEntry : loadData.getBrokerData().entrySet()) { final String broker = brokerEntry.getKey(); final BrokerData brokerData = brokerEntry.getValue(); final Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsMap = brokerData.getLocalData().getLastStats(); // Iterate over the last bundle stats available to the current // broker to update the bundle data. for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> entry : statsMap.entrySet()) { final String bundle = entry.getKey(); final NamespaceBundleStats stats = entry.getValue(); if (bundleData.containsKey(bundle)) { // If we recognize the bundle, add these stats as a new // sample. bundleData.get(bundle).update(stats); } else { // Otherwise, attempt to find the bundle data on ZooKeeper. // If it cannot be found, use the latest stats as the first // sample. BundleData currentBundleData = getBundleDataOrDefault(bundle); currentBundleData.update(stats); bundleData.put(bundle, currentBundleData); } } // Remove all loaded bundles from the preallocated maps. final Map<String, BundleData> preallocatedBundleData = brokerData.getPreallocatedBundleData(); synchronized (preallocatedBundleData) { for (String preallocatedBundleName : brokerData.getPreallocatedBundleData().keySet()) { if (brokerData.getLocalData().getBundles().contains(preallocatedBundleName)) { final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, BundleData>> preallocatedIterator = preallocatedBundleData .entrySet().iterator(); while (preallocatedIterator.hasNext()) { final String bundle =; if (bundleData.containsKey(bundle)) { preallocatedIterator.remove(); preallocatedBundleToBroker.remove(bundle); } } } // This is needed too in case a broker which was assigned a bundle dies and comes back up. if (preallocatedBundleToBroker.containsKey(preallocatedBundleName)) { preallocatedBundleToBroker.remove(preallocatedBundleName); } } } // Using the newest data, update the aggregated time-average data for the current broker. brokerData.getTimeAverageData().reset(statsMap.keySet(), bundleData, defaultStats); final Map<String, Set<String>> namespaceToBundleRange = brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange .computeIfAbsent(broker, k -> new HashMap<>()); synchronized (namespaceToBundleRange) { namespaceToBundleRange.clear(); LoadManagerShared.fillNamespaceToBundlesMap(statsMap.keySet(), namespaceToBundleRange); LoadManagerShared.fillNamespaceToBundlesMap(preallocatedBundleData.keySet(), namespaceToBundleRange); } } } /** * As any broker, disable the broker this manager is running on. * * @throws PulsarServerException * If ZooKeeper failed to disable the broker. */ @Override public void disableBroker() throws PulsarServerException { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(brokerZnodePath)) { try { pulsar.getZkClient().delete(brokerZnodePath, -1); } catch (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { throw new PulsarServerException.NotFoundException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PulsarServerException(e); } } } /** * As the leader broker, select bundles for the namespace service to unload so that they may be reassigned to new * brokers. */ @Override public synchronized void doLoadShedding() { if (!LoadManagerShared.isLoadSheddingEnabled(pulsar)) { return; } if (getAvailableBrokers().size() <= 1) {"Only 1 broker available: no load shedding will be performed"); return; } // Remove bundles who have been unloaded for longer than the grace period from the recently unloaded // map. final long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(conf.getLoadBalancerSheddingGracePeriodMinutes()); final Map<String, Long> recentlyUnloadedBundles = loadData.getRecentlyUnloadedBundles(); recentlyUnloadedBundles.keySet().removeIf(e -> recentlyUnloadedBundles.get(e) < timeout); for (LoadSheddingStrategy strategy : loadSheddingPipeline) { final Multimap<String, String> bundlesToUnload = strategy.findBundlesForUnloading(loadData, conf); bundlesToUnload.asMap().forEach((broker, bundles) -> { bundles.forEach(bundle -> { final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundle); final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundle); if (!shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload(namespaceName, bundleRange, broker)) { return; }"[Overload shedder] Unloading bundle: {} from broker {}", bundle, broker); try { pulsar.getAdminClient().namespaces().unloadNamespaceBundle(namespaceName, bundleRange); loadData.getRecentlyUnloadedBundles().put(bundle, System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (PulsarServerException | PulsarAdminException e) { log.warn("Error when trying to perform load shedding on {} for broker {}", bundle, broker, e); } }); }); } } public boolean shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload(String namespace, String bundle, String currentBroker) { try { Optional<Policies> nsPolicies = pulsar.getConfigurationCache().policiesCache() .get(path(POLICIES, namespace)); if (!nsPolicies.isPresent() || StringUtils.isBlank(nsPolicies.get().antiAffinityGroup)) { return true; } synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) { brokerCandidateCache.clear(); ServiceUnitId serviceUnit = pulsar.getNamespaceService().getNamespaceBundleFactory() .getBundle(namespace, bundle); LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers()); return LoadManagerShared.shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload(namespace, bundle, currentBroker, pulsar, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange, brokerCandidateCache); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to check anti-affinity namespace ownership for {}/{}/{}, {}", namespace, bundle, currentBroker, e.getMessage()); } return true; } /** * As the leader broker, attempt to automatically detect and split hot namespace bundles. */ @Override public void checkNamespaceBundleSplit() { if (!conf.isLoadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled() || pulsar.getLeaderElectionService() == null || !pulsar.getLeaderElectionService().isLeader()) { return; } final boolean unloadSplitBundles = pulsar.getConfiguration().isLoadBalancerAutoUnloadSplitBundlesEnabled(); synchronized (bundleSplitStrategy) { final Set<String> bundlesToBeSplit = bundleSplitStrategy.findBundlesToSplit(loadData, pulsar); NamespaceBundleFactory namespaceBundleFactory = pulsar.getNamespaceService() .getNamespaceBundleFactory(); for (String bundleName : bundlesToBeSplit) { try { final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName); final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundleName); if (!namespaceBundleFactory .canSplitBundle(namespaceBundleFactory.getBundle(namespaceName, bundleRange))) { continue; }"Load-manager splitting bundle {} and unloading {}", bundleName, unloadSplitBundles); pulsar.getAdminClient().namespaces().splitNamespaceBundle(namespaceName, bundleRange, unloadSplitBundles); // Make sure the same bundle is not selected again. loadData.getBundleData().remove(bundleName); localData.getLastStats().remove(bundleName); // Clear namespace bundle-cache this.pulsar.getNamespaceService().getNamespaceBundleFactory() .invalidateBundleCache(NamespaceName.get(namespaceName)); deleteBundleDataFromZookeeper(bundleName);"Successfully split namespace bundle {}", bundleName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to split namespace bundle {}", bundleName, e); } } } } /** * When the broker data ZooKeeper nodes are updated, update the broker data map. */ @Override public void onUpdate(final String path, final LocalBrokerData data, final Stat stat) { scheduler.submit(this::updateAll); } /** * As the leader broker, find a suitable broker for the assignment of the given bundle. * * @param serviceUnit * ServiceUnitId for the bundle. * @return The name of the selected broker, as it appears on ZooKeeper. */ @Override public Optional<String> selectBrokerForAssignment(final ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) { // Use brokerCandidateCache as a lock to reduce synchronization. synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) { final String bundle = serviceUnit.toString(); if (preallocatedBundleToBroker.containsKey(bundle)) { // If the given bundle is already in preallocated, return the selected broker. return Optional.of(preallocatedBundleToBroker.get(bundle)); } final BundleData data = loadData.getBundleData().computeIfAbsent(bundle, key -> getBundleDataOrDefault(bundle)); brokerCandidateCache.clear(); LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers()); // filter brokers which owns topic higher than threshold LoadManagerShared.filterBrokersWithLargeTopicCount(brokerCandidateCache, loadData, conf.getLoadBalancerBrokerMaxTopics()); // distribute namespaces to domain and brokers according to anti-affinity-group LoadManagerShared.filterAntiAffinityGroupOwnedBrokers(pulsar, serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange, brokerToFailureDomainMap); // distribute bundles evenly to candidate-brokers LoadManagerShared.removeMostServicingBrokersForNamespace(serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange);"{} brokers being considered for assignment of {}", brokerCandidateCache.size(), bundle); // Use the filter pipeline to finalize broker candidates. try { for (BrokerFilter filter : filterPipeline) { filter.filter(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf); } } catch (BrokerFilterException x) { // restore the list of brokers to the full set LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers()); } if (brokerCandidateCache.isEmpty()) { // restore the list of brokers to the full set LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers()); } // Choose a broker among the potentially smaller filtered list, when possible Optional<String> broker = placementStrategy.selectBroker(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Selected broker {} from candidate brokers {}", broker, brokerCandidateCache); } if (!broker.isPresent()) { // No brokers available return broker; } final double overloadThreshold = conf.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage() / 100.0; final double maxUsage = loadData.getBrokerData().get(broker.get()).getLocalData().getMaxResourceUsage(); if (maxUsage > overloadThreshold) { // All brokers that were in the filtered list were overloaded, so check if there is a better broker LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers()); broker = placementStrategy.selectBroker(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf); } // Add new bundle to preallocated. loadData.getBrokerData().get(broker.get()).getPreallocatedBundleData().put(bundle, data); preallocatedBundleToBroker.put(bundle, broker.get()); final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundle); final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundle); brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange.get(broker.get()).computeIfAbsent(namespaceName, k -> new HashSet<>()) .add(bundleRange); return broker; } } /** * As any broker, start the load manager. * * @throws PulsarServerException * If an unexpected error prevented the load manager from being started. */ @Override public void start() throws PulsarServerException { try { // Register the brokers in zk list createZPathIfNotExists(zkClient, LoadManager.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT); String lookupServiceAddress = pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress() + ":" + conf.getWebServicePort().get(); brokerZnodePath = LoadManager.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT + "/" + lookupServiceAddress; final String timeAverageZPath = TIME_AVERAGE_BROKER_ZPATH + "/" + lookupServiceAddress; updateLocalBrokerData(); try { ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(zkClient, brokerZnodePath, localData.getJsonBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { long ownerZkSessionId = getBrokerZnodeOwner(); if (ownerZkSessionId != 0 && ownerZkSessionId != zkClient.getSessionId()) { log.error("Broker znode - [{}] is own by different zookeeper-ssession {} ", brokerZnodePath, ownerZkSessionId); throw new PulsarServerException( "Broker-znode owned by different zk-session " + ownerZkSessionId); } // Node may already be created by another load manager: in this case update the data. zkClient.setData(brokerZnodePath, localData.getJsonBytes(), -1); } catch (Exception e) { // Catching exception here to print the right error message log.error("Unable to create znode - [{}] for load balance on zookeeper ", brokerZnodePath, e); throw e; } createZPathIfNotExists(zkClient, timeAverageZPath); zkClient.setData(timeAverageZPath, (new TimeAverageBrokerData()).getJsonBytes(), -1); updateAll(); lastBundleDataUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to create znode - [{}] for load balance on zookeeper ", brokerZnodePath, e); throw new PulsarServerException(e); } } /** * As any broker, stop the load manager. * * @throws PulsarServerException * If an unexpected error occurred when attempting to stop the load manager. */ @Override public void stop() throws PulsarServerException { if (availableActiveBrokers != null) { availableActiveBrokers.close(); } if (brokerDataCache != null) { brokerDataCache.close(); brokerDataCache.clear(); } scheduler.shutdown(); } /** * As any broker, retrieve the namespace bundle stats and system resource usage to update data local to this broker. * @return */ @Override public LocalBrokerData updateLocalBrokerData() { try { final SystemResourceUsage systemResourceUsage = LoadManagerShared .getSystemResourceUsage(brokerHostUsage); localData.update(systemResourceUsage, getBundleStats()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when attempting to update local broker data: {}", e); } return localData; } /** * As any broker, write the local broker data to ZooKeeper. */ @Override public void writeBrokerDataOnZooKeeper() { try { updateLocalBrokerData(); if (needBrokerDataUpdate()) { localData.setLastUpdate(System.currentTimeMillis()); zkClient.setData(brokerZnodePath, localData.getJsonBytes(), -1); // Clear deltas. localData.getLastBundleGains().clear(); localData.getLastBundleLosses().clear(); // Update previous data. lastData.update(localData); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error writing broker data on ZooKeeper: {}", e); } } @Override public Deserializer<LocalBrokerData> getLoadReportDeserializer() { return loadReportDeserializer; } /** * As the leader broker, write bundle data aggregated from all brokers to ZooKeeper. */ @Override public void writeBundleDataOnZooKeeper() { updateBundleData(); // Write the bundle data to ZooKeeper. for (Map.Entry<String, BundleData> entry : loadData.getBundleData().entrySet()) { final String bundle = entry.getKey(); final BundleData data = entry.getValue(); try { final String zooKeeperPath = getBundleDataZooKeeperPath(bundle); createZPathIfNotExists(zkClient, zooKeeperPath); zkClient.setData(zooKeeperPath, data.getJsonBytes(), -1); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when writing data for bundle {} to ZooKeeper: {}", bundle, e); } } // Write the time average broker data to ZooKeeper. for (Map.Entry<String, BrokerData> entry : loadData.getBrokerData().entrySet()) { final String broker = entry.getKey(); final TimeAverageBrokerData data = entry.getValue().getTimeAverageData(); try { final String zooKeeperPath = TIME_AVERAGE_BROKER_ZPATH + "/" + broker; createZPathIfNotExists(zkClient, zooKeeperPath); zkClient.setData(zooKeeperPath, data.getJsonBytes(), -1); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Writing zookeeper report {}", data); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when writing time average broker data for {} to ZooKeeper: {}", broker, e); } } } private void deleteBundleDataFromZookeeper(String bundle) { final String zooKeeperPath = getBundleDataZooKeeperPath(bundle); try { if (zkClient.exists(zooKeeperPath, null) != null) { zkClient.delete(zooKeeperPath, -1); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to delete bundle-data {} from zookeeper", bundle, e); } } private long getBrokerZnodeOwner() { try { Stat stat = new Stat(); zkClient.getData(brokerZnodePath, false, stat); return stat.getEphemeralOwner(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to get stat of {}", brokerZnodePath, e); } return 0; } private void refreshBrokerToFailureDomainMap() { if (!pulsar.getConfiguration().isFailureDomainsEnabled()) { return; } final String clusterDomainRootPath = pulsar.getConfigurationCache().CLUSTER_FAILURE_DOMAIN_ROOT; try { synchronized (brokerToFailureDomainMap) { Map<String, String> tempBrokerToFailureDomainMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String domainName : pulsar.getConfigurationCache().failureDomainListCache().get()) { try { Optional<FailureDomain> domain = pulsar.getConfigurationCache().failureDomainCache() .get(clusterDomainRootPath + "/" + domainName); if (domain.isPresent()) { for (String broker : domain.get().brokers) { tempBrokerToFailureDomainMap.put(broker, domainName); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to get domain {}", domainName, e); } } this.brokerToFailureDomainMap = tempBrokerToFailureDomainMap; }"Cluster domain refreshed {}", brokerToFailureDomainMap); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to get domain-list for cluster {}", e.getMessage()); } } }