Source code

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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Utility class that builds on {@link CellRangeAddress}
 * Portions of this class may be moved to {@link CellRangeAddressBase}
public final class CellRangeUtil {
    private CellRangeUtil() {
        // no instance of this class

    public static final int NO_INTERSECTION = 1;
    public static final int OVERLAP = 2;
    /** first range is within the second range */
    public static final int INSIDE = 3;
    /** first range encloses or is equal to the second */
    public static final int ENCLOSES = 4;

     * Get the type of intersection between two cell ranges
     * @param crB - the specified range
     * @return code which reflects how the specified range is related to this range.<br>
     * Possible return codes are:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>{@link #NO_INTERSECTION} - the specified range is outside of this range;</li> 
     *     <li>{@link #OVERLAP} - both ranges partially overlap</li>
     *     <li>{@link #INSIDE} - the specified range is inside of this one</li>
     *     <li>{@link #ENCLOSES} - the specified range encloses (possibly exactly the same as) this range</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see CellRangeAddressBase#intersects(CellRangeAddressBase)
    public static int intersect(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB) {

        int firstRow = crB.getFirstRow();
        int lastRow = crB.getLastRow();
        int firstCol = crB.getFirstColumn();
        int lastCol = crB.getLastColumn();

        if (gt(crA.getFirstRow(), lastRow) || lt(crA.getLastRow(), firstRow) || gt(crA.getFirstColumn(), lastCol)
                || lt(crA.getLastColumn(), firstCol)) {
            return NO_INTERSECTION;
        } else if (contains(crA, crB)) {
            return INSIDE;
        } else if (contains(crB, crA)) {
            return ENCLOSES;
        } else {
            return OVERLAP;

     * Do all possible cell merges between cells of the list so that:<br>
     * <ul>
     *   <li>if a cell range is completely inside of another cell range, it gets removed from the list</li>
     *   <li>if two cells have a shared border, merge them into one bigger cell range</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param cellRanges the ranges to merge
     * @return list of merged cell ranges
    public static CellRangeAddress[] mergeCellRanges(CellRangeAddress[] cellRanges) {
        if (cellRanges.length < 1) {
            return new CellRangeAddress[] {};
        List<CellRangeAddress> list = toList(cellRanges);
        List<CellRangeAddress> temp = mergeCellRanges(list);
        return toArray(temp);

    private static List<CellRangeAddress> mergeCellRanges(List<CellRangeAddress> cellRangeList) {
        // loop until either only one item is left or we did not merge anything any more
        while (cellRangeList.size() > 1) {
            boolean somethingGotMerged = false;

            // look at all cell-ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < cellRangeList.size(); i++) {
                CellRangeAddress range1 = cellRangeList.get(i);

                // compare each cell range to all other cell-ranges
                for (int j = i + 1; j < cellRangeList.size(); j++) {
                    CellRangeAddress range2 = cellRangeList.get(j);

                    CellRangeAddress[] mergeResult = mergeRanges(range1, range2);
                    if (mergeResult == null) {
                    somethingGotMerged = true;
                    // overwrite range1 with first result
                    range1 = mergeResult[0];
                    cellRangeList.set(i, mergeResult[0]);
                    // remove range2
                    // add any extra results beyond the first
                    for (int k = 1; k < mergeResult.length; k++) {
                        cellRangeList.add(j, mergeResult[k]);
            if (!somethingGotMerged) {

        return cellRangeList;

     * @return the new range(s) to replace the supplied ones.  <code>null</code> if no merge is possible
    private static CellRangeAddress[] mergeRanges(CellRangeAddress range1, CellRangeAddress range2) {
        int x = intersect(range1, range2);
        switch (x) {
        case CellRangeUtil.NO_INTERSECTION:
            // nothing in common: at most they could be adjacent to each other and thus form a single bigger area  
            if (hasExactSharedBorder(range1, range2)) {
                return new CellRangeAddress[] { createEnclosingCellRange(range1, range2), };
            // else - No intersection and no shared border: do nothing 
            return null;
        case CellRangeUtil.OVERLAP:
            // commented out the cells overlap implementation, it caused endless loops, see Bug 55380
            // disabled for now, the algorithm will not detect some border cases this way currently!
            //return resolveRangeOverlap(range1, range2);
            return null;
        case CellRangeUtil.INSIDE:
            // Remove range2, since it is completely inside of range1
            return new CellRangeAddress[] { range1 };
        case CellRangeUtil.ENCLOSES:
            // range2 encloses range1, so replace it with the enclosing one
            return new CellRangeAddress[] { range2 };
        throw new RuntimeException("unexpected intersection result (" + x + ")");

    private static CellRangeAddress[] toArray(List<CellRangeAddress> temp) {
        CellRangeAddress[] result = new CellRangeAddress[temp.size()];
        return result;

    private static List<CellRangeAddress> toList(CellRangeAddress[] temp) {
        List<CellRangeAddress> result = new ArrayList<>(temp.length);
        for (CellRangeAddress range : temp) {
        return result;

     * Check if cell range A contains cell range B (B <= A)
     * TODO: move this into {@link CellRangeAddressBase}
     * @param crA cell range A
     * @param crB cell range B
     * @return true if cell range A contains cell range B
    public static boolean contains(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB) {
        return le(crA.getFirstRow(), crB.getFirstRow()) && ge(crA.getLastRow(), crB.getLastRow())
                && le(crA.getFirstColumn(), crB.getFirstColumn()) && ge(crA.getLastColumn(), crB.getLastColumn());

     * Check if the two cell ranges have a shared border.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the ranges have a complete shared border (i.e.
     * the two ranges together make a simple rectangular region.
    public static boolean hasExactSharedBorder(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB) {
        int oFirstRow = crB.getFirstRow();
        int oLastRow = crB.getLastRow();
        int oFirstCol = crB.getFirstColumn();
        int oLastCol = crB.getLastColumn();

        if (crA.getFirstRow() > 0 && crA.getFirstRow() - 1 == oLastRow
                || oFirstRow > 0 && oFirstRow - 1 == crA.getLastRow()) {
            // ranges have a horizontal border in common
            // make sure columns are identical:
            return crA.getFirstColumn() == oFirstCol && crA.getLastColumn() == oLastCol;

        if (crA.getFirstColumn() > 0 && crA.getFirstColumn() - 1 == oLastCol
                || oFirstCol > 0 && crA.getLastColumn() == oFirstCol - 1) {
            // ranges have a vertical border in common
            // make sure rows are identical:
            return crA.getFirstRow() == oFirstRow && crA.getLastRow() == oLastRow;
        return false;

     * Create an enclosing CellRange for the two cell ranges.
     * @return enclosing CellRange
    public static CellRangeAddress createEnclosingCellRange(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB) {
        if (crB == null) {
            return crA.copy();

        int minRow = lt(crB.getFirstRow(), crA.getFirstRow()) ? crB.getFirstRow() : crA.getFirstRow();
        int maxRow = gt(crB.getLastRow(), crA.getLastRow()) ? crB.getLastRow() : crA.getLastRow();
        int minCol = lt(crB.getFirstColumn(), crA.getFirstColumn()) ? crB.getFirstColumn() : crA.getFirstColumn();
        int maxCol = gt(crB.getLastColumn(), crA.getLastColumn()) ? crB.getLastColumn() : crA.getLastColumn();

        return new CellRangeAddress(minRow, maxRow, minCol, maxCol);

     * @return true if a < b
    private static boolean lt(int a, int b) {
        return a == -1 ? false : (b == -1 ? true : a < b);

     * @return true if a <= b
    private static boolean le(int a, int b) {
        return a == b || lt(a, b);

     * @return true if a > b
    private static boolean gt(int a, int b) {
        return lt(b, a);

     * @return true if a >= b
    private static boolean ge(int a, int b) {
        return !lt(a, b);