Source code

Java tutorial


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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;

 * <tt>Ptg</tt> represents a syntactic token in a formula.  'PTG' is an acronym for
 * '<b>p</b>arse <b>t</b>hin<b>g</b>'.  Originally, the name referred to the single
 * byte identifier at the start of the token, but in POI, <tt>Ptg</tt> encapsulates
 * the whole formula token (initial byte + value data).
 * <p>
 * <tt>Ptg</tt>s are logically arranged in a tree representing the structure of the
 * parsed formula.  However, in BIFF files <tt>Ptg</tt>s are written/read in
 * <em>Reverse-Polish Notation</em> order. The RPN ordering also simplifies formula
 * evaluation logic, so POI mostly accesses <tt>Ptg</tt>s in the same way.
public abstract class Ptg {
    public static final Ptg[] EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY = {};

     * Reads <tt>size</tt> bytes of the input stream, to create an array of <tt>Ptg</tt>s.
     * Extra data (beyond <tt>size</tt>) may be read if and <tt>ArrayPtg</tt>s are present.
    public static Ptg[] readTokens(int size, LittleEndianInput in) {
        List<Ptg> temp = new ArrayList<>(4 + size / 2);
        int pos = 0;
        boolean hasArrayPtgs = false;
        while (pos < size) {
            Ptg ptg = Ptg.createPtg(in);
            if (ptg instanceof ArrayPtg.Initial) {
                hasArrayPtgs = true;
            pos += ptg.getSize();
        if (pos != size) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Ptg array size mismatch");
        if (hasArrayPtgs) {
            Ptg[] result = toPtgArray(temp);
            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                if (result[i] instanceof ArrayPtg.Initial) {
                    result[i] = ((ArrayPtg.Initial) result[i]).finishReading(in);
            return result;
        return toPtgArray(temp);

    public static Ptg createPtg(LittleEndianInput in) {
        byte id = in.readByte();

        if (id < 0x20) {
            return createBasePtg(id, in);

        Ptg retval = createClassifiedPtg(id, in);

        if (id >= 0x60) {
        } else if (id >= 0x40) {
        } else {
        return retval;

    private static Ptg createClassifiedPtg(byte id, LittleEndianInput in) {

        int baseId = id & 0x1F | 0x20;

        switch (baseId) {
        case ArrayPtg.sid:
            return new ArrayPtg.Initial(in);//0x20, 0x40, 0x60
        case FuncPtg.sid:
            return FuncPtg.create(in); // 0x21, 0x41, 0x61
        case FuncVarPtg.sid:
            return FuncVarPtg.create(in);//0x22, 0x42, 0x62
        case NamePtg.sid:
            return new NamePtg(in); // 0x23, 0x43, 0x63
        case RefPtg.sid:
            return new RefPtg(in); // 0x24, 0x44, 0x64
        case AreaPtg.sid:
            return new AreaPtg(in); // 0x25, 0x45, 0x65
        case MemAreaPtg.sid:
            return new MemAreaPtg(in); // 0x26, 0x46, 0x66
        case MemErrPtg.sid:
            return new MemErrPtg(in); // 0x27, 0x47, 0x67
        case MemFuncPtg.sid:
            return new MemFuncPtg(in); // 0x29, 0x49, 0x69
        case RefErrorPtg.sid:
            return new RefErrorPtg(in); // 0x2a, 0x4a, 0x6a
        case AreaErrPtg.sid:
            return new AreaErrPtg(in); // 0x2b, 0x4b, 0x6b
        case RefNPtg.sid:
            return new RefNPtg(in); // 0x2c, 0x4c, 0x6c
        case AreaNPtg.sid:
            return new AreaNPtg(in); // 0x2d, 0x4d, 0x6d

        case NameXPtg.sid:
            return new NameXPtg(in); // 0x39, 0x49, 0x79
        case Ref3DPtg.sid:
            return new Ref3DPtg(in); // 0x3a, 0x5a, 0x7a
        case Area3DPtg.sid:
            return new Area3DPtg(in); // 0x3b, 0x5b, 0x7b
        case DeletedRef3DPtg.sid:
            return new DeletedRef3DPtg(in); // 0x3c, 0x5c, 0x7c
        case DeletedArea3DPtg.sid:
            return new DeletedArea3DPtg(in); // 0x3d, 0x5d, 0x7d
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                " Unknown Ptg in Formula: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(id) + " (" + (int) id + ")");

    private static Ptg createBasePtg(byte id, LittleEndianInput in) {
        switch (id) {
        case 0x00:
            return new UnknownPtg(id); // TODO - not a real Ptg
        case ExpPtg.sid:
            return new ExpPtg(in); // 0x01
        case TblPtg.sid:
            return new TblPtg(in); // 0x02
        case AddPtg.sid:
            return AddPtg.instance; // 0x03
        case SubtractPtg.sid:
            return SubtractPtg.instance; // 0x04
        case MultiplyPtg.sid:
            return MultiplyPtg.instance; // 0x05
        case DividePtg.sid:
            return DividePtg.instance; // 0x06
        case PowerPtg.sid:
            return PowerPtg.instance; // 0x07
        case ConcatPtg.sid:
            return ConcatPtg.instance; // 0x08
        case LessThanPtg.sid:
            return LessThanPtg.instance; // 0x09
        case LessEqualPtg.sid:
            return LessEqualPtg.instance; // 0x0a
        case EqualPtg.sid:
            return EqualPtg.instance; // 0x0b
        case GreaterEqualPtg.sid:
            return GreaterEqualPtg.instance;// 0x0c
        case GreaterThanPtg.sid:
            return GreaterThanPtg.instance; // 0x0d
        case NotEqualPtg.sid:
            return NotEqualPtg.instance; // 0x0e
        case IntersectionPtg.sid:
            return IntersectionPtg.instance;// 0x0f
        case UnionPtg.sid:
            return UnionPtg.instance; // 0x10
        case RangePtg.sid:
            return RangePtg.instance; // 0x11
        case UnaryPlusPtg.sid:
            return UnaryPlusPtg.instance; // 0x12
        case UnaryMinusPtg.sid:
            return UnaryMinusPtg.instance; // 0x13
        case PercentPtg.sid:
            return PercentPtg.instance; // 0x14
        case ParenthesisPtg.sid:
            return ParenthesisPtg.instance; // 0x15
        case MissingArgPtg.sid:
            return MissingArgPtg.instance; // 0x16

        case StringPtg.sid:
            return new StringPtg(in); // 0x17
        // not implemented yet: case SxNamePtg.sid:       return new SxNamePtg(in);       // 0x18
        case AttrPtg.sid:
            return new AttrPtg(in); // 0x19
        case ErrPtg.sid:
            return; // 0x1c
        case BoolPtg.sid:
            return; // 0x1d
        case IntPtg.sid:
            return new IntPtg(in); // 0x1e
        case NumberPtg.sid:
            return new NumberPtg(in); // 0x1f
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected base token id (" + id + ")");

    private static Ptg[] toPtgArray(List<Ptg> l) {
        if (l.isEmpty()) {
            return EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY;
        Ptg[] result = new Ptg[l.size()];
        return result;

     * This method will return the same result as {@link #getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(Ptg[])}
     * if there are no array tokens present.
     * @return the full size taken to encode the specified <tt>Ptg</tt>s
    public static int getEncodedSize(Ptg[] ptgs) {
        int result = 0;
        for (Ptg ptg : ptgs) {
            result += ptg.getSize();
        return result;

     * Used to calculate value that should be encoded at the start of the encoded Ptg token array;
     * @return the size of the encoded Ptg tokens not including any trailing array data.
    public static int getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(Ptg[] ptgs) {
        int result = 0;
        for (Ptg ptg : ptgs) {
            if (ptg instanceof ArrayPtg) {
                result += ArrayPtg.PLAIN_TOKEN_SIZE;
            } else {
                result += ptg.getSize();
        return result;

     * Writes the ptgs to the data buffer, starting at the specified offset.
     * <br>
     * The 2 byte encode length field is <b>not</b> written by this method.
     * @return number of bytes written
    public static int serializePtgs(Ptg[] ptgs, byte[] array, int offset) {
        LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(array, offset); // NOSONAR

        List<Ptg> arrayPtgs = null;

        for (Ptg ptg : ptgs) {
            if (ptg instanceof ArrayPtg) {
                if (arrayPtgs == null) {
                    arrayPtgs = new ArrayList<>(5);
        if (arrayPtgs != null) {
            for (Ptg arrayPtg : arrayPtgs) {
                ArrayPtg p = (ArrayPtg) arrayPtg;
        return out.getWriteIndex() - offset;

     * @return the encoded length of this Ptg, including the initial Ptg type identifier byte.
    public abstract int getSize();

    public abstract void write(LittleEndianOutput out);

     * return a string representation of this token alone
    public abstract String toFormulaString();

    /** Overridden toString method to ensure object hash is not printed.
     * This helps get rid of gratuitous diffs when comparing two dumps
     * Subclasses may output more relevant information by overriding this method
    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().toString();

    public static final byte CLASS_REF = 0x00;
    public static final byte CLASS_VALUE = 0x20;
    public static final byte CLASS_ARRAY = 0x40;

    private byte ptgClass = CLASS_REF; //base ptg

    public final void setClass(byte thePtgClass) {
        if (isBaseToken()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("setClass should not be called on a base token");
        ptgClass = thePtgClass;

     *  @return the 'operand class' (REF/VALUE/ARRAY) for this Ptg
    public final byte getPtgClass() {
        return ptgClass;

     * Debug / diagnostic method to get this token's 'operand class' type.
     * @return 'R' for 'reference', 'V' for 'value', 'A' for 'array' and '.' for base tokens
    public final char getRVAType() {
        if (isBaseToken()) {
            return '.';
        switch (ptgClass) {
        case Ptg.CLASS_REF:
            return 'R';
        case Ptg.CLASS_VALUE:
            return 'V';
        case Ptg.CLASS_ARRAY:
            return 'A';
        throw new RuntimeException("Unknown operand class (" + ptgClass + ")");

    public abstract byte getDefaultOperandClass();

     * @return <code>false</code> if this token is classified as 'reference', 'value', or 'array'
    public abstract boolean isBaseToken();

    public static boolean doesFormulaReferToDeletedCell(Ptg[] ptgs) {
        for (Ptg ptg : ptgs) {
            if (isDeletedCellRef(ptg)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private static boolean isDeletedCellRef(Ptg ptg) {
        if (ptg == ErrPtg.REF_INVALID) {
            return true;
        if (ptg instanceof DeletedArea3DPtg) {
            return true;
        if (ptg instanceof DeletedRef3DPtg) {
            return true;
        if (ptg instanceof AreaErrPtg) {
            return true;
        if (ptg instanceof RefErrorPtg) {
            return true;
        return false;