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import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Provides functionality for evaluating arguments to functions and operators.
 * @author Josh Micich
 * @author Brendan Nolan
public final class OperandResolver {

    // Based on regular expression defined in JavaDoc at {@link java.lang.Double#valueOf}
    // modified to remove support for NaN, Infinity, Hexadecimal support and floating type suffixes
    private static final String Digits = "(\\p{Digit}+)";
    private static final String Exp = "[eE][+-]?" + Digits;
    private static final String fpRegex = ("[\\x00-\\x20]*" + "[+-]?(" + "(" + Digits + "(\\.)?(" + Digits + "?)("
            + Exp + ")?)|" + "(\\." + Digits + "(" + Exp + ")?))" + "[\\x00-\\x20]*");

    private OperandResolver() {
        // no instances of this class

     * Retrieves a single value from a variety of different argument types according to standard
     * Excel rules.  Does not perform any type conversion.
     * @param arg the evaluated argument as passed to the function or operator.
     * @param srcCellRow used when arg is a single column AreaRef
     * @param srcCellCol used when arg is a single row AreaRef
     * @return a <tt>NumberEval</tt>, <tt>StringEval</tt>, <tt>BoolEval</tt> or <tt>BlankEval</tt>.
     * Never <code>null</code> or <tt>ErrorEval</tt>.
     * @throws EvaluationException if srcCellRow or srcCellCol do not properly index into
     *  an AreaEval.  If the actual value retrieved is an ErrorEval, a corresponding
     *  EvaluationException is thrown.
    public static ValueEval getSingleValue(ValueEval arg, int srcCellRow, int srcCellCol)
            throws EvaluationException {
        final ValueEval result;
        if (arg instanceof RefEval) {
            result = chooseSingleElementFromRef((RefEval) arg);
        } else if (arg instanceof AreaEval) {
            result = chooseSingleElementFromArea((AreaEval) arg, srcCellRow, srcCellCol);
        } else {
            result = arg;
        if (result instanceof ErrorEval) {
            throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval) result);
        return result;

     * Retrieves a single value from an area evaluation utilizing the 2D indices of the cell
     * within its own area reference to index the value in the area evaluation.
     * @param ae area reference after evaluation
     * @param cell the source cell of the formula that contains its 2D indices
     * @return a <tt>NumberEval</tt>, <tt>StringEval</tt>, <tt>BoolEval</tt> or <tt>BlankEval</tt>. or <tt>ErrorEval<tt>
     * Never <code>null</code>.

    public static ValueEval getElementFromArray(AreaEval ae, EvaluationCell cell) {
        CellRangeAddress range = cell.getArrayFormulaRange();
        int relativeRowIndex = cell.getRowIndex() - range.getFirstRow();
        int relativeColIndex = cell.getColumnIndex() - range.getFirstColumn();

        if (ae.isColumn()) {
            if (ae.isRow()) {
                return ae.getRelativeValue(0, 0);
            } else if (relativeRowIndex < ae.getHeight()) {
                return ae.getRelativeValue(relativeRowIndex, 0);
        } else if (!ae.isRow() && relativeRowIndex < ae.getHeight() && relativeColIndex < ae.getWidth()) {
            return ae.getRelativeValue(relativeRowIndex, relativeColIndex);
        } else if (ae.isRow() && relativeColIndex < ae.getWidth()) {
            return ae.getRelativeValue(0, relativeColIndex);

        return ErrorEval.NA;

     * Implements (some perhaps not well known) Excel functionality to select a single cell from an
     * area depending on the coordinates of the calling cell.  Here is an example demonstrating
     * both selection from a single row area and a single column area in the same formula.
     *    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary="sample spreadsheet">
     *      <tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;A&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;B&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;C&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;D&nbsp;</th></tr>
     *      <tr><th>1</th><td>15</td><td>20</td><td>25</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>2</th><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>200</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>3</th><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>300</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>3</th><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>400</td></tr>
     *    </table>
     * If the formula "=1000+A1:B1+D2:D3" is put into the 9 cells from A2 to C4, the spreadsheet
     * will look like this:
     *    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary="sample spreadsheet">
     *      <tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;A&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;B&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;C&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;D&nbsp;</th></tr>
     *      <tr><th>1</th><td>15</td><td>20</td><td>25</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>2</th><td>1215</td><td>1220</td><td>#VALUE!</td><td>200</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>3</th><td>1315</td><td>1320</td><td>#VALUE!</td><td>300</td></tr>
     *      <tr><th>4</th><td>#VALUE!</td><td>#VALUE!</td><td>#VALUE!</td><td>400</td></tr>
     *    </table>
     * Note that the row area (A1:B1) does not include column C and the column area (D2:D3) does
     * not include row 4, so the values in C1(=25) and D4(=400) are not accessible to the formula
     * as written, but in the 4 cells A2:B3, the row and column selection works ok.<p>
     * The same concept is extended to references across sheets, such that even multi-row,
     * multi-column areas can be useful.<p>
     * Of course with carefully (or carelessly) chosen parameters, cyclic references can occur and
     * hence this method <b>can</b> throw a 'circular reference' EvaluationException.  Note that
     * this method does not attempt to detect cycles.  Every cell in the specified Area <tt>ae</tt>
     * has already been evaluated prior to this method call.  Any cell (or cell<b>s</b>) part of
     * <tt>ae</tt> that would incur a cyclic reference error if selected by this method, will
     * already have the value <t>ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR</tt> upon entry to this method.  It
     * is assumed logic exists elsewhere to produce this behaviour.
     * @return whatever the selected cell's evaluated value is.  Never <code>null</code>. Never
     *  <tt>ErrorEval</tt>.
     * @throws EvaluationException if there is a problem with indexing into the area, or if the
     *  evaluated cell has an error.
    public static ValueEval chooseSingleElementFromArea(AreaEval ae, int srcCellRow, int srcCellCol)
            throws EvaluationException {
        ValueEval result = chooseSingleElementFromAreaInternal(ae, srcCellRow, srcCellCol);
        if (result instanceof ErrorEval) {
            throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval) result);
        return result;

     * @return possibly <tt>ErrorEval</tt>, and <code>null</code>
    private static ValueEval chooseSingleElementFromAreaInternal(AreaEval ae, int srcCellRow, int srcCellCol)
            throws EvaluationException {

        //        if(false) {
        //            // this is too simplistic
        //            if(ae.containsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.containsColumn(srcCellCol)) {
        //                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR);
        //            }
        //        /*
        //        Circular references are not dealt with directly here, but it is worth noting some issues.
        //        ANY one of the return statements in this method could return a cell that is identical
        //        to the one immediately being evaluated.  The evaluating cell is identified by srcCellRow,
        //        srcCellRow AND sheet.  The sheet is not available in any nearby calling method, so that's
        //        one reason why circular references are not easy to detect here. (The sheet of the returned
        //        cell can be obtained from ae if it is an Area3DEval.)
        //        Another reason there's little value in attempting to detect circular references here is
        //        that only direct circular references could be detected.  If the cycle involved two or more
        //        cells this method could not detect it.
        //        Logic to detect evaluation cycles of all kinds has been coded in EvaluationCycleDetector
        //        (and FormulaEvaluator).
        //         */
        //        }

        if (ae.isColumn()) {
            if (ae.isRow()) {
                return ae.getRelativeValue(0, 0);
            if (!ae.containsRow(srcCellRow)) {
                throw EvaluationException.invalidValue();
            return ae.getAbsoluteValue(srcCellRow, ae.getFirstColumn());
        if (!ae.isRow()) {
            // multi-column, multi-row area
            if (ae.containsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.containsColumn(srcCellCol)) {
                return ae.getAbsoluteValue(srcCellRow, srcCellCol);
            throw EvaluationException.invalidValue();
        if (!ae.containsColumn(srcCellCol)) {
            throw EvaluationException.invalidValue();
        return ae.getAbsoluteValue(ae.getFirstRow(), srcCellCol);

    private static ValueEval chooseSingleElementFromRef(RefEval ref) {
        return ref.getInnerValueEval(ref.getFirstSheetIndex());

     * Applies some conversion rules if the supplied value is not already an integer.<br>
     * Value is first coerced to a <tt>double</tt> ( See <tt>coerceValueToDouble()</tt> ).
     * Note - <tt>BlankEval</tt> is converted to <code>0</code>.<p>
     * Excel typically converts doubles to integers by truncating toward negative infinity.<br>
     * The equivalent java code is:<br>
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>return (int)Math.floor(d);</code><br>
     * <b>not</b>:<br>
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>return (int)d; // wrong - rounds toward zero</code>
    public static int coerceValueToInt(ValueEval ev) throws EvaluationException {
        if (ev == BlankEval.instance) {
            return 0;
        double d = coerceValueToDouble(ev);
        // Note - the standard java type conversion from double to int truncates toward zero.
        // but Math.floor() truncates toward negative infinity
        return (int) Math.floor(d);

     * Applies some conversion rules if the supplied value is not already a number.
     * Note - <tt>BlankEval</tt> is converted to {@link NumberEval#ZERO}.
     * @param ev must be a {@link NumberEval}, {@link StringEval}, {@link BoolEval} or
     * {@link BlankEval}
     * @return actual, parsed or interpreted double value (respectively).
     * @throws EvaluationException if a StringEval is supplied and cannot be parsed
     * as a double (See <tt>parseDouble()</tt> for allowable formats).
     * @throws RuntimeException if the supplied parameter is not {@link NumberEval},
     * {@link StringEval}, {@link BoolEval} or {@link BlankEval}
    public static double coerceValueToDouble(ValueEval ev) throws EvaluationException {

        if (ev == BlankEval.instance) {
            return 0.0;
        if (ev instanceof NumericValueEval) {
            // this also handles booleans
            return ((NumericValueEval) ev).getNumberValue();
        if (ev instanceof StringEval) {
            String sval = ((StringEval) ev).getStringValue();
            Double dd = parseDouble(sval);
            if (dd == null)
                dd = parseDateTime(sval);
            if (dd == null) {
                throw EvaluationException.invalidValue();
            return dd.doubleValue();
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected arg eval type (" + ev.getClass().getName() + ")");

     * Converts a string to a double using standard rules that Excel would use.<br>
     * Tolerates leading and trailing spaces, <p>
     * Doesn't support currency prefixes, commas, percentage signs or arithmetic operations strings.  
     *  Some examples:<br>
     *  " 123 " -&gt; 123.0<br>
     *  ".123" -&gt; 0.123<br>
     *  "1E4" -&gt; 1000<br>
     *  "-123" -&gt; -123.0<br>
     *  These not supported yet:<br>
     *  " $ 1,000.00 " -&gt; 1000.0<br>
     *  "$1.25E4" -&gt; 12500.0<br>
     *  "5**2" -&gt; 500<br>
     *  "250%" -&gt; 2.5<br>
     * @return <code>null</code> if the specified text cannot be parsed as a number
    public static Double parseDouble(String pText) {

        if (Pattern.matches(fpRegex, pText))
            try {
                return Double.parseDouble(pText);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return null;
        else {
            return null;


    public static Double parseDateTime(String pText) {

        try {
            return DateUtil.parseDateTime(pText);
        } catch (DateTimeException e) {
            return null;


     * @param ve must be a <tt>NumberEval</tt>, <tt>StringEval</tt>, <tt>BoolEval</tt>, or <tt>BlankEval</tt>
     * @return the converted string value. never <code>null</code>
    public static String coerceValueToString(ValueEval ve) {
        if (ve instanceof StringValueEval) {
            StringValueEval sve = (StringValueEval) ve;
            return sve.getStringValue();
        if (ve == BlankEval.instance) {
            return "";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected eval class (" + ve.getClass().getName() + ")");

     * @return <code>null</code> to represent blank values
     * @throws EvaluationException if ve is an ErrorEval, or if a string value cannot be converted
    public static Boolean coerceValueToBoolean(ValueEval ve, boolean stringsAreBlanks) throws EvaluationException {

        if (ve == null || ve == BlankEval.instance) {
            // TODO - remove 've == null' condition once AreaEval is fixed
            return null;
        if (ve instanceof BoolEval) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(((BoolEval) ve).getBooleanValue());

        if (ve instanceof StringEval) {
            if (stringsAreBlanks) {
                return null;
            String str = ((StringEval) ve).getStringValue();
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
                return Boolean.FALSE;
            // else - string cannot be converted to boolean
            throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);

        if (ve instanceof NumericValueEval) {
            NumericValueEval ne = (NumericValueEval) ve;
            double d = ne.getNumberValue();
            if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
            return Boolean.valueOf(d != 0);
        if (ve instanceof ErrorEval) {
            throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval) ve);
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected eval (" + ve.getClass().getName() + ")");