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/* ====================================================================
   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.unmarshallers;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Namespace;
import org.dom4j.QName;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageNamespaces;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageProperties;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.ZipPackage;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.PackagePropertiesPart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.PartUnmarshaller;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.ZipHelper;

 * Package properties unmarshaller.
 * @author Julien Chable
public final class PackagePropertiesUnmarshaller implements PartUnmarshaller {

    private final static Namespace namespaceDC = new Namespace("dc", PackageProperties.NAMESPACE_DC);

    private final static Namespace namespaceCP = new Namespace("cp", PackageNamespaces.CORE_PROPERTIES);

    private final static Namespace namespaceDcTerms = new Namespace("dcterms", PackageProperties.NAMESPACE_DCTERMS);

    private final static Namespace namespaceXML = new Namespace("xml", "");

    private final static Namespace namespaceXSI = new Namespace("xsi", "");

    protected static final String KEYWORD_CATEGORY = "category";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_CONTENT_STATUS = "contentStatus";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_CREATED = "created";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_CREATOR = "creator";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_DESCRIPTION = "description";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_KEYWORDS = "keywords";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_LANGUAGE = "language";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_LAST_MODIFIED_BY = "lastModifiedBy";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_LAST_PRINTED = "lastPrinted";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_MODIFIED = "modified";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_REVISION = "revision";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_SUBJECT = "subject";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_TITLE = "title";

    protected static final String KEYWORD_VERSION = "version";

    // TODO Load element with XMLBeans or dynamic table
    // TODO Check every element/namespace for compliance
    public PackagePart unmarshall(UnmarshallContext context, InputStream in)
            throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
        PackagePropertiesPart coreProps = new PackagePropertiesPart(context.getPackage(), context.getPartName());

        // If the input stream is null then we try to get it from the
        // package.
        if (in == null) {
            if (context.getZipEntry() != null) {
                in = ((ZipPackage) context.getPackage()).getZipArchive().getInputStream(context.getZipEntry());
            } else if (context.getPackage() != null) {
                // Try to retrieve the part inputstream from the URI
                ZipEntry zipEntry = ZipHelper.getCorePropertiesZipEntry((ZipPackage) context.getPackage());
                in = ((ZipPackage) context.getPackage()).getZipArchive().getInputStream(zipEntry);
            } else
                throw new IOException("Error while trying to get the part input stream.");

        SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader();
        Document xmlDoc;
        try {
            xmlDoc =;

            /* Check OPC compliance */

            // Rule M4.2, M4.3, M4.4 and M4.5/

            /* End OPC compliance */

        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            throw new IOException(e.getMessage());


        return coreProps;

    private String loadCategory(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_CATEGORY, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadContentStatus(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_CONTENT_STATUS, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadContentType(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_CONTENT_TYPE, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadCreated(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_CREATED, namespaceDcTerms));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadCreator(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_CREATOR, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadDescription(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_DESCRIPTION, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadIdentifier(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_IDENTIFIER, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadKeywords(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_KEYWORDS, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadLanguage(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_LANGUAGE, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadLastModifiedBy(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_LAST_MODIFIED_BY, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadLastPrinted(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_LAST_PRINTED, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadModified(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_MODIFIED, namespaceDcTerms));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadRevision(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_REVISION, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadSubject(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_SUBJECT, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadTitle(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_TITLE, namespaceDC));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    private String loadVersion(Document xmlDoc) {
        Element el = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_VERSION, namespaceCP));
        if (el == null) {
            return null;
        return el.getStringValue();

    /* OPC Compliance methods */

     * Check the element for the following OPC compliance rules:
     * <p>
     * Rule M4.2: A format consumer shall consider the use of the Markup
     * Compatibility namespace to be an error.
     * </p><p>
     * Rule M4.3: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
     * refinements to the Dublin Core elements, except for the two specified in
     * the schema: <dcterms:created> and <dcterms:modified> Consumers shall
     * consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.
     * </p><p>
     * Rule M4.4: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
     * the xml:lang attribute. Consumers shall consider a document element that
     * violates this constraint to be an error.
     *  </p><p>
     * Rule M4.5: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
     * the xsi:type attribute, except for a <dcterms:created> or
     * <dcterms:modified> element where the xsi:type attribute shall be present
     * and shall hold the value dcterms:W3CDTF, where dcterms is the namespace
     * prefix of the Dublin Core namespace. Consumers shall consider a document
     * element that violates this constraint to be an error.
     * </p>
    public void checkElementForOPCCompliance(Element el) throws InvalidFormatException {
        // Check the current element
        List<Namespace> declaredNamespaces = el.declaredNamespaces();
        Iterator<Namespace> itNS = declaredNamespaces.iterator();
        while (itNS.hasNext()) {
            Namespace ns =;

            // Rule M4.2
            if (ns.getURI().equals(PackageNamespaces.MARKUP_COMPATIBILITY))
                throw new InvalidFormatException(
                        "OPC Compliance error [M4.2]: A format consumer shall consider the use of the Markup Compatibility namespace to be an error.");

        // Rule M4.3
        if (el.getNamespace().getURI().equals(PackageProperties.NAMESPACE_DCTERMS)
                && !(el.getName().equals(KEYWORD_CREATED) || el.getName().equals(KEYWORD_MODIFIED)))
            throw new InvalidFormatException(
                    "OPC Compliance error [M4.3]: Producers shall not create a document element that contains refinements to the Dublin Core elements, except for the two specified in the schema: <dcterms:created> and <dcterms:modified> Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.");

        // Rule M4.4
        if (el.attribute(new QName("lang", namespaceXML)) != null)
            throw new InvalidFormatException(
                    "OPC Compliance error [M4.4]: Producers shall not create a document element that contains the xml:lang attribute. Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.");

        // Rule M4.5
        if (el.getNamespace().getURI().equals(PackageProperties.NAMESPACE_DCTERMS)) {
            // DCTerms namespace only use with 'created' and 'modified' elements
            String elName = el.getName();
            if (!(elName.equals(KEYWORD_CREATED) || elName.equals(KEYWORD_MODIFIED)))
                throw new InvalidFormatException("Namespace error : " + elName
                        + " shouldn't have the following naemspace -> " + PackageProperties.NAMESPACE_DCTERMS);

            // Check for the 'xsi:type' attribute
            Attribute typeAtt = el.attribute(new QName("type", namespaceXSI));
            if (typeAtt == null)
                throw new InvalidFormatException("The element '" + elName + "' must have the '"
                        + namespaceXSI.getPrefix() + ":type' attribute present !");

            // Check for the attribute value => 'dcterms:W3CDTF'
            if (!typeAtt.getValue().equals("dcterms:W3CDTF"))
                throw new InvalidFormatException("The element '" + elName + "' must have the '"
                        + namespaceXSI.getPrefix() + ":type' attribute with the value 'dcterms:W3CDTF' !");

        // Check its children
        Iterator<Element> itChildren = el.elementIterator();
        while (itChildren.hasNext())