Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.PrintSetupRecord;

 * Used to modify the print setup.
 * <P>
 * Paper size constants have been added for the ones I have access
 * to.  They follow as:<br>
 *  public static final short PRINTER_DEFAULT_PAPERSIZE   = 0;<br>
 *  public static final short LETTER_PAPERSIZE              = 1;<br>
 *  public static final short LEGAL_PAPERSIZE         = 5;<br>
 *  public static final short EXECUTIVE_PAPERSIZE      = 7;<br>
 *  public static final short A4_PAPERSIZE           = 9;<br>
 *  public static final short A5_PAPERSIZE         = 11;<br>
 *  public static final short ENVELOPE_10_PAPERSIZE      = 20;<br>
 *  public static final short ENVELOPE_DL_PAPERSIZE      = 27;<br>
 *  public static final short ENVELOPE_CS_PAPERSIZE      = 28;<br>
 *  public static final short ENVELOPE_MONARCH_PAPERSIZE  = 37;<br>
public class HSSFPrintSetup implements PrintSetup {
    PrintSetupRecord printSetupRecord;

     * Constructor.  Takes the low level print setup record.    
     * @param printSetupRecord the low level print setup record    
    protected HSSFPrintSetup(PrintSetupRecord printSetupRecord) {
        this.printSetupRecord = printSetupRecord;

     * Set the paper size.    
     * @param size the paper size.    
    public void setPaperSize(short size) {

     * Set the scale.    
     * @param scale the scale to use    
    public void setScale(short scale) {

     * Set the page numbering start.    
     * @param start the page numbering start    
    public void setPageStart(short start) {

     * Set the number of pages wide to fit the sheet in    
     * @param width the number of pages    
    public void setFitWidth(short width) {

     * Set the number of pages high to fit the sheet in    
     * @param height the number of pages    
    public void setFitHeight(short height) {

     * Sets the options flags.  Not advisable to do it directly.    
     * @param options The bit flags for the options    
    public void setOptions(short options) {

     * Set whether to go left to right or top down in ordering    
     * @param ltor left to right    
    public void setLeftToRight(boolean ltor) {

     * Set whether to print in landscape    
     * @param ls landscape    
    public void setLandscape(boolean ls) {

     * Valid settings.  I'm not for sure.    
     * @param valid Valid    
    public void setValidSettings(boolean valid) {

     * Set whether it is black and white    
     * @param mono Black and white    
    public void setNoColor(boolean mono) {

     * Set whether it is in draft mode    
     * @param d draft    
    public void setDraft(boolean d) {

     * Print the include notes    
     * @param printnotes print the notes    
    public void setNotes(boolean printnotes) {

     * Set no orientation. ?    
     * @param orientation Orientation.    
    public void setNoOrientation(boolean orientation) {

     * Set whether to use page start    
     * @param page Use page start    
    public void setUsePage(boolean page) {

     * Sets the horizontal resolution.    
     * @param resolution horizontal resolution    
    public void setHResolution(short resolution) {

     * Sets the vertical resolution.    
     * @param resolution vertical resolution    
    public void setVResolution(short resolution) {

     * Sets the header margin.    
     * @param headermargin header margin    
    public void setHeaderMargin(double headermargin) {

     * Sets the footer margin.    
     * @param footermargin footer margin    
    public void setFooterMargin(double footermargin) {

     * Sets the number of copies.    
     * @param copies number of copies    
    public void setCopies(short copies) {

     * Returns the paper size.    
     * @return paper size    
    public short getPaperSize() {
        return printSetupRecord.getPaperSize();

     * Returns the scale.    
     * @return scale    
    public short getScale() {
        return printSetupRecord.getScale();

     * Returns the page start.    
     * @return page start    
    public short getPageStart() {
        return printSetupRecord.getPageStart();

     * Returns the number of pages wide to fit sheet in.    
     * @return number of pages wide to fit sheet in    
    public short getFitWidth() {
        return printSetupRecord.getFitWidth();

     * Returns the number of pages high to fit the sheet in.    
     * @return number of pages high to fit the sheet in    
    public short getFitHeight() {
        return printSetupRecord.getFitHeight();

     * Returns the bit flags for the options.    
     * @return bit flags for the options    
    public short getOptions() {
        return printSetupRecord.getOptions();

     * Returns the left to right print order.    
     * @return left to right print order    
    public boolean getLeftToRight() {
        return printSetupRecord.getLeftToRight();

     * Returns the landscape mode.    
     * @return landscape mode    
    public boolean getLandscape() {
        return !printSetupRecord.getLandscape();

     * Returns the valid settings.    
     * @return valid settings    
    public boolean getValidSettings() {
        return printSetupRecord.getValidSettings();

     * Returns the black and white setting.    
     * @return black and white setting    
    public boolean getNoColor() {
        return printSetupRecord.getNoColor();

     * Returns the draft mode.    
     * @return draft mode    
    public boolean getDraft() {
        return printSetupRecord.getDraft();

     * Returns the print notes.    
     * @return print notes    
    public boolean getNotes() {
        return printSetupRecord.getNotes();

     * Returns the no orientation.    
     * @return no orientation    
    public boolean getNoOrientation() {
        return printSetupRecord.getNoOrientation();

     * Returns the use page numbers.    
     * @return use page numbers    
    public boolean getUsePage() {
        return printSetupRecord.getUsePage();

     * Returns the horizontal resolution.    
     * @return horizontal resolution    
    public short getHResolution() {
        return printSetupRecord.getHResolution();

     * Returns the vertical resolution.    
     * @return vertical resolution    
    public short getVResolution() {
        return printSetupRecord.getVResolution();

     * Returns the header margin.    
     * @return header margin    
    public double getHeaderMargin() {
        return printSetupRecord.getHeaderMargin();

     * Returns the footer margin.    
     * @return footer margin    
    public double getFooterMargin() {
        return printSetupRecord.getFooterMargin();

     * Returns the number of copies.    
     * @return number of copies    
    public short getCopies() {
        return printSetupRecord.getCopies();