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package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;

import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;

 * Title: Beginning Of File (0x0809)<P>
 * Description: Somewhat of a misnomer, its used for the beginning of a set of
 *              records that have a particular purpose or subject.
 *              Used in sheets and workbooks.<P>
 * REFERENCE:  PG 289 Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit (ISBN: 1-57231-498-2)<P>
 * @author Andrew C. Oliver
 * @author Jason Height (jheight at chariot dot net dot au)
public final class BOFRecord extends StandardRecord implements Cloneable {
     * for BIFF8 files the BOF is 0x809. For earlier versions see
     *  {@link #biff2_sid} {@link #biff3_sid} {@link #biff4_sid} 
     *  {@link #biff5_sid}
    public final static short sid = 0x809;
    // SIDs from earlier BIFF versions
    public final static short biff2_sid = 0x009;
    public final static short biff3_sid = 0x209;
    public final static short biff4_sid = 0x409;
    public final static short biff5_sid = 0x809;

    /** suggested default (0x0600 - BIFF8) */
    public final static int VERSION = 0x0600;
    /** suggested default 0x10d3 */
    public final static int BUILD = 0x10d3;
    /** suggested default  0x07CC (1996) */
    public final static int BUILD_YEAR = 0x07CC; // 1996
    /** suggested default for a normal sheet (0x41) */
    public final static int HISTORY_MASK = 0x41;

    public final static int TYPE_WORKBOOK = 0x05;
    public final static int TYPE_VB_MODULE = 0x06;
    public final static int TYPE_WORKSHEET = 0x10;
    public final static int TYPE_CHART = 0x20;
    public final static int TYPE_EXCEL_4_MACRO = 0x40;
    public final static int TYPE_WORKSPACE_FILE = 0x100;

    private int field_1_version;
    private int field_2_type;
    private int field_3_build;
    private int field_4_year;
    private int field_5_history;
    private int field_6_rversion;

     * Constructs an empty BOFRecord with no fields set.
    public BOFRecord() {

    private BOFRecord(int type) {
        field_1_version = VERSION;
        field_2_type = type;
        field_3_build = BUILD;
        field_4_year = BUILD_YEAR;
        field_5_history = 0x01;
        field_6_rversion = VERSION;

    public static BOFRecord createSheetBOF() {
        return new BOFRecord(TYPE_WORKSHEET);

    public BOFRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
        field_1_version = in.readShort();
        field_2_type = in.readShort();

        // Some external tools don't generate all of
        //  the remaining fields
        if (in.remaining() >= 2) {
            field_3_build = in.readShort();
        if (in.remaining() >= 2) {
            field_4_year = in.readShort();
        if (in.remaining() >= 4) {
            field_5_history = in.readInt();
        if (in.remaining() >= 4) {
            field_6_rversion = in.readInt();

     * Version number - for BIFF8 should be 0x06
     * @see #VERSION
     * @param version version to be set
    public void setVersion(int version) {
        field_1_version = version;

     * type of object this marks
     * @see #TYPE_WORKBOOK
     * @see #TYPE_VB_MODULE
     * @see #TYPE_WORKSHEET
     * @see #TYPE_CHART
     * @see #TYPE_EXCEL_4_MACRO
     * @param type type to be set
    public void setType(int type) {
        field_2_type = type;

     * build that wrote this file
     * @see #BUILD
     * @param build build number to set
    public void setBuild(int build) {
        field_3_build = build;

     * Year of the build that wrote this file
     * @see #BUILD_YEAR
     * @param year build year to set
    public void setBuildYear(int year) {
        field_4_year = year;

     * set the history bit mask (not very useful)
     * @see #HISTORY_MASK
     * @param bitmask bitmask to set for the history
    public void setHistoryBitMask(int bitmask) {
        field_5_history = bitmask;

     * set the minimum version required to read this file
     * @see #VERSION
     * @param version version to set
    public void setRequiredVersion(int version) {
        field_6_rversion = version;

     * Version number - for BIFF8 should be 0x06
     * @see #VERSION
     * @return version number of the generator of this file
    public int getVersion() {
        return field_1_version;

     * type of object this marks
     * @see #TYPE_WORKBOOK
     * @see #TYPE_VB_MODULE
     * @see #TYPE_WORKSHEET
     * @see #TYPE_CHART
     * @see #TYPE_EXCEL_4_MACRO
     * @return type of object
    public int getType() {
        return field_2_type;

     * get the build that wrote this file
     * @see #BUILD
     * @return short build number of the generator of this file
    public int getBuild() {
        return field_3_build;

     * Year of the build that wrote this file
     * @see #BUILD_YEAR
     * @return short build year of the generator of this file
    public int getBuildYear() {
        return field_4_year;

     * get the history bit mask (not very useful)
     * @see #HISTORY_MASK
     * @return int bitmask showing the history of the file (who cares!)
    public int getHistoryBitMask() {
        return field_5_history;

     * get the minimum version required to read this file
     * @see #VERSION
     * @return int least version that can read the file
    public int getRequiredVersion() {
        return field_6_rversion;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        buffer.append("[BOF RECORD]\n");
        buffer.append("    .version  = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getVersion())).append("\n");
        buffer.append("    .type     = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getType()));
        buffer.append(" (").append(getTypeName()).append(")").append("\n");
        buffer.append("    .build    = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getBuild())).append("\n");
        buffer.append("    .buildyear= ").append(getBuildYear()).append("\n");
        buffer.append("    .history  = ").append(HexDump.intToHex(getHistoryBitMask())).append("\n");
        buffer.append("    .reqver   = ").append(HexDump.intToHex(getRequiredVersion())).append("\n");
        buffer.append("[/BOF RECORD]\n");
        return buffer.toString();

    private String getTypeName() {
        switch (field_2_type) {
        case TYPE_CHART:
            return "chart";
        case TYPE_EXCEL_4_MACRO:
            return "excel 4 macro";
        case TYPE_VB_MODULE:
            return "vb module";
        case TYPE_WORKBOOK:
            return "workbook";
        case TYPE_WORKSHEET:
            return "worksheet";
            return "workspace file";
        return "#error unknown type#";

    public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {

    protected int getDataSize() {
        return 16;

    public short getSid() {
        return sid;

    public BOFRecord clone() {
        BOFRecord rec = new BOFRecord();
        rec.field_1_version = field_1_version;
        rec.field_2_type = field_2_type;
        rec.field_3_build = field_3_build;
        rec.field_4_year = field_4_year;
        rec.field_5_history = field_5_history;
        rec.field_6_rversion = field_6_rversion;
        return rec;