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package org.apache.poi.hssf.model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ChartSubstreamRecordAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ConditionalFormattingTable;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.DataValidityTable;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.MergedCellsTable;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.PageSettingsBlock;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate.PositionTrackingVisitor;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RowRecordsAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.WorksheetProtectionBlock;
import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
import org.apache.poi.util.RecordFormatException;

 * Low level model implementation of a Sheet (one workbook contains many sheets)
 * This file contains the low level binary records starting at the sheets BOF and
 * ending with the sheets EOF.  Use HSSFSheet for a high level representation.
 * <P>
 * The structures of the highlevel API use references to this to perform most of their
 * operations.  Its probably unwise to use these low level structures directly unless you
 * really know what you're doing.  I recommend you read the Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's
 * Kit (Microsoft Press) and the documentation at
 * before even attempting to use this.
 * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.model.InternalWorkbook
 * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet
public final class InternalSheet {
    public static final short LeftMargin = 0;
    public static final short RightMargin = 1;
    public static final short TopMargin = 2;
    public static final short BottomMargin = 3;

    private static POILogger log = POILogFactory.getLogger(InternalSheet.class);

    private List<RecordBase> _records;
    protected PrintGridlinesRecord printGridlines;
    protected PrintHeadersRecord printHeaders;
    protected GridsetRecord gridset;
    private GutsRecord _gutsRecord;
    protected DefaultColWidthRecord defaultcolwidth = new DefaultColWidthRecord();
    protected DefaultRowHeightRecord defaultrowheight = new DefaultRowHeightRecord();
    private PageSettingsBlock _psBlock;

     * 'Worksheet Protection Block'<br>
     *  Aggregate object is always present, but possibly empty.
    private final WorksheetProtectionBlock _protectionBlock = new WorksheetProtectionBlock();

    protected WindowTwoRecord windowTwo;
    protected SelectionRecord _selection;
    /** java object always present, but if empty no BIFF records are written */
    private final MergedCellsTable _mergedCellsTable;
    /** always present in this POI object, not always written to Excel file */
    /*package*/ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate _columnInfos;
    /** the DimensionsRecord is always present */
    private DimensionsRecord _dimensions;
    /** always present */
    protected final RowRecordsAggregate _rowsAggregate;
    private DataValidityTable _dataValidityTable;
    private ConditionalFormattingTable condFormatting;

    private Iterator<RowRecord> rowRecIterator;

    /** Add an UncalcedRecord if not true indicating formulas have not been calculated */
    protected boolean _isUncalced;

    public static final byte PANE_LOWER_RIGHT = (byte) 0;
    public static final byte PANE_UPPER_RIGHT = (byte) 1;
    public static final byte PANE_LOWER_LEFT = (byte) 2;
    public static final byte PANE_UPPER_LEFT = (byte) 3;

     * read support  (offset used as starting point for search) for low level
     * API.  Pass in an array of Record objects, the sheet number (0 based) and
     * a record offset (should be the location of the sheets BOF record).  A Sheet
     * object is constructed and passed back with all of its initialization set
     * to the passed in records and references to those records held. This function
     * is normally called via Workbook.
     * @param rs the stream to read records from
     * @return Sheet object with all values set to those read from the file
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.model.InternalWorkbook
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
    public static InternalSheet createSheet(RecordStream rs) {
        return new InternalSheet(rs);

    private InternalSheet(RecordStream rs) {
        _mergedCellsTable = new MergedCellsTable();
        RowRecordsAggregate rra = null;

        List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList<>(128);
        _records = records; // needed here due to calls to findFirstRecordLocBySid before we're done
        int dimsloc = -1;

        if (rs.peekNextSid() != BOFRecord.sid) {
            throw new RecordFormatException("BOF record expected");

        BOFRecord bof = (BOFRecord) rs.getNext();
        if (bof.getType() == BOFRecord.TYPE_WORKSHEET) {
            // Good, well supported
        } else if (bof.getType() == BOFRecord.TYPE_CHART || bof.getType() == BOFRecord.TYPE_EXCEL_4_MACRO) {
            // These aren't really typical sheets... Let it go though,
            //  we can handle them roughly well enough as a "normal" one
        } else {
            // Not a supported type
            // Skip onto the EOF, then complain
            while (rs.hasNext()) {
                Record rec = rs.getNext();
                if (rec instanceof EOFRecord) {
            throw new UnsupportedBOFType(bof.getType());

        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            int recSid = rs.peekNextSid();

            if (recSid == CFHeaderRecord.sid || recSid == CFHeader12Record.sid) {
                condFormatting = new ConditionalFormattingTable(rs);

            if (recSid == ColumnInfoRecord.sid) {
                _columnInfos = new ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate(rs);
            if (recSid == DVALRecord.sid) {
                _dataValidityTable = new DataValidityTable(rs);

            if (RecordOrderer.isRowBlockRecord(recSid)) {
                //only add the aggregate once
                if (rra != null) {
                    throw new RecordFormatException("row/cell records found in the wrong place");
                RowBlocksReader rbr = new RowBlocksReader(rs);
                rra = new RowRecordsAggregate(rbr.getPlainRecordStream(), rbr.getSharedFormulaManager());
                records.add(rra); //only add the aggregate once

            if (CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate.isBeginRecord(recSid)) {
                // This happens three times in test sample file "29982.xls"
                // Also several times in bugzilla samples 46840-23373 and 46840-23374
                records.add(new CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate(rs));

            if (PageSettingsBlock.isComponentRecord(recSid)) {
                if (_psBlock == null) {
                    // first PSB record encountered - read all of them:
                    _psBlock = new PageSettingsBlock(rs);
                } else {
                    // one or more PSB records found after some intervening non-PSB records
                // YK: in some cases records can be moved to the preceding
                // CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate blocks

            if (WorksheetProtectionBlock.isComponentRecord(recSid)) {

            if (recSid == MergeCellsRecord.sid) {
                // when the MergedCellsTable is found in the right place, we expect those records to be contiguous

            if (recSid == BOFRecord.sid) {
                ChartSubstreamRecordAggregate chartAgg = new ChartSubstreamRecordAggregate(rs);
                //                if (false) {
                //                    // TODO - would like to keep the chart aggregate packed, but one unit test needs attention
                //                    records.add(chartAgg);
                //                } else {
                spillAggregate(chartAgg, records);
                //                }

            Record rec = rs.getNext();
            if (recSid == IndexRecord.sid) {
                // ignore INDEX record because it is only needed by Excel,
                // and POI always re-calculates its contents

            if (recSid == UncalcedRecord.sid) {
                // don't add UncalcedRecord to the list
                _isUncalced = true; // this flag is enough

            if (recSid == FeatRecord.sid || recSid == FeatHdrRecord.sid) {

            if (recSid == EOFRecord.sid) {

            if (recSid == DimensionsRecord.sid) {
                // Make a columns aggregate if one hasn't ready been created.
                if (_columnInfos == null) {
                    _columnInfos = new ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate();

                _dimensions = (DimensionsRecord) rec;
                dimsloc = records.size();
            } else if (recSid == DefaultColWidthRecord.sid) {
                defaultcolwidth = (DefaultColWidthRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == DefaultRowHeightRecord.sid) {
                defaultrowheight = (DefaultRowHeightRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == PrintGridlinesRecord.sid) {
                printGridlines = (PrintGridlinesRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == PrintHeadersRecord.sid) {
                printHeaders = (PrintHeadersRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == GridsetRecord.sid) {
                gridset = (GridsetRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == SelectionRecord.sid) {
                _selection = (SelectionRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == WindowTwoRecord.sid) {
                windowTwo = (WindowTwoRecord) rec;
            } else if (recSid == GutsRecord.sid) {
                _gutsRecord = (GutsRecord) rec;

        if (windowTwo == null) {
            throw new RecordFormatException("WINDOW2 was not found");
        if (_dimensions == null) {
            // Excel seems to always write the DIMENSION record, but tolerates when it is not present
            // in all cases Excel (2007) adds the missing DIMENSION record
            if (rra == null) {
                // bug 46206 alludes to files which skip the DIMENSION record
                // when there are no row/cell records.
                // Not clear which application wrote these files.
                rra = new RowRecordsAggregate();
            } else {
                if (log.check(POILogger.WARN)) {
                    log.log(POILogger.WARN, "DIMENSION record not found even though row/cells present");
                // Not sure if any tools write files like this, but Excel reads them OK
            dimsloc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
            _dimensions = rra.createDimensions();
            records.add(dimsloc, _dimensions);
        if (rra == null) {
            rra = new RowRecordsAggregate();
            records.add(dimsloc + 1, rra);
        _rowsAggregate = rra;
        // put merged cells table in the right place (regardless of where the first MergedCellsRecord was found */
        RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(records, _mergedCellsTable);
        RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(records, _protectionBlock);
        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "sheet createSheet (existing file) exited");

    private static void spillAggregate(RecordAggregate ra, final List<RecordBase> recs) {
        ra.visitContainedRecords(new RecordVisitor() {
            public void visitRecord(Record r) {

    public static class UnsupportedBOFType extends RecordFormatException {
        private final int type;

        protected UnsupportedBOFType(int type) {
            super("BOF not of a supported type, found " + type);
            this.type = type;

        public int getType() {
            return type;

    private static final class RecordCloner implements RecordVisitor {

        private final List<Record> _destList;

        public RecordCloner(List<Record> destList) {
            _destList = destList;

        public void visitRecord(Record r) {
            try {
                _destList.add((Record) r.clone());
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new RecordFormatException(e);

     * Clones the low level records of this sheet and returns the new sheet instance.
     * This method is implemented by adding methods for deep cloning to all records that
     * can be added to a sheet. The <b>Record</b> object does not implement cloneable.
     * When adding a new record, implement a public clone method if and only if the record
     * belongs to a sheet.
     * @return the cloned sheet
    public InternalSheet cloneSheet() {
        List<Record> clonedRecords = new ArrayList<>(_records.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < _records.size(); i++) {
            RecordBase rb = _records.get(i);
            if (rb instanceof RecordAggregate) {
                ((RecordAggregate) rb).visitContainedRecords(new RecordCloner(clonedRecords));
            if (rb instanceof EscherAggregate) {
                 * this record will be removed after reading actual data from EscherAggregate
                rb = new DrawingRecord();
            try {
                Record rec = (Record) ((Record) rb).clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new RecordFormatException(e);
        return createSheet(new RecordStream(clonedRecords, 0));

     * Creates a sheet with all the usual records minus values and the "index"
     * record (not required).  Sets the location pointer to where the first value
     * records should go.  Use this to create a sheet from "scratch".
     * @return Sheet object with all values set to defaults
    public static InternalSheet createSheet() {
        return new InternalSheet();

    private InternalSheet() {
        _mergedCellsTable = new MergedCellsTable();
        List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList<>(32);

        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "Sheet createsheet from scratch called");


        printHeaders = createPrintHeaders();
        printGridlines = createPrintGridlines();
        gridset = createGridset();
        _gutsRecord = createGuts();
        defaultrowheight = createDefaultRowHeight();

        // 'Page Settings Block'
        _psBlock = new PageSettingsBlock();

        // 'Worksheet Protection Block' (after 'Page Settings Block' and before DEFCOLWIDTH)
        records.add(_protectionBlock); // initially empty

        defaultcolwidth = createDefaultColWidth();
        ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate columns = new ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate();
        _columnInfos = columns;
        _dimensions = createDimensions();
        _rowsAggregate = new RowRecordsAggregate();
        // 'Sheet View Settings'
        records.add(windowTwo = createWindowTwo());
        _selection = createSelection();

        records.add(_mergedCellsTable); // MCT comes after 'Sheet View Settings'

        _records = records;
        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "Sheet createsheet from scratch exit");

    public RowRecordsAggregate getRowsAggregate() {
        return _rowsAggregate;

    private MergedCellsTable getMergedRecords() {
        // always present
        return _mergedCellsTable;

     * Updates formulas in cells and conditional formats due to moving of cells
     * @param shifter the formular shifter
     * @param externSheetIndex the externSheet index of this sheet
    public void updateFormulasAfterCellShift(FormulaShifter shifter, int externSheetIndex) {
        getRowsAggregate().updateFormulasAfterRowShift(shifter, externSheetIndex);
        if (condFormatting != null) {
            getConditionalFormattingTable().updateFormulasAfterCellShift(shifter, externSheetIndex);
        // TODO - adjust data validations

    public int addMergedRegion(int rowFrom, int colFrom, int rowTo, int colTo) {
        // Validate input
        if (rowTo < rowFrom) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The 'to' row (" + rowTo + ") must not be less than the 'from' row (" + rowFrom + ")");
        if (colTo < colFrom) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The 'to' col (" + colTo + ") must not be less than the 'from' col (" + colFrom + ")");

        MergedCellsTable mrt = getMergedRecords();
        mrt.addArea(rowFrom, colFrom, rowTo, colTo);
        return mrt.getNumberOfMergedRegions() - 1;

    public void removeMergedRegion(int index) {
        //safety checks
        MergedCellsTable mrt = getMergedRecords();
        if (index >= mrt.getNumberOfMergedRegions()) {

    public CellRangeAddress getMergedRegionAt(int index) {
        //safety checks
        MergedCellsTable mrt = getMergedRecords();
        if (index >= mrt.getNumberOfMergedRegions()) {
            return null;
        return mrt.get(index);

    public int getNumMergedRegions() {
        return getMergedRecords().getNumberOfMergedRegions();

    public ConditionalFormattingTable getConditionalFormattingTable() {
        if (condFormatting == null) {
            condFormatting = new ConditionalFormattingTable();
            RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(_records, condFormatting);
        return condFormatting;

     * Per an earlier reported bug in working with Andy Khan's excel read library.  This
     * sets the values in the sheet's DimensionsRecord object to be correct.  Excel doesn't
     * really care, but we want to play nice with other libraries.
     * @param firstrow the first row index
     * @param firstcol the first column index
     * @param lastrow the last row index
     * @param lastcol the last column index
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DimensionsRecord
    public void setDimensions(int firstrow, short firstcol, int lastrow, short lastcol) {
        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG)) {
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "Sheet.setDimensions");
                    (new StringBuffer("firstrow")).append(firstrow).append("firstcol").append(firstcol)
        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "Sheet.setDimensions exiting");

    public void visitContainedRecords(RecordVisitor rv, int offset) {

        PositionTrackingVisitor ptv = new PositionTrackingVisitor(rv, offset);

        boolean haveSerializedIndex = false;

        for (int k = 0; k < _records.size(); k++) {
            RecordBase record = _records.get(k);

            if (record instanceof RecordAggregate) {
                RecordAggregate agg = (RecordAggregate) record;
            } else {
                ptv.visitRecord((Record) record);

            // If the BOF record was just serialized then add the IndexRecord
            if (record instanceof BOFRecord) {
                if (!haveSerializedIndex) {
                    haveSerializedIndex = true;
                    // Add an optional UncalcedRecord. However, we should add
                    //  it in only the once, after the sheet's own BOFRecord.
                    // If there are diagrams, they have their own BOFRecords,
                    //  and one shouldn't go in after that!
                    if (_isUncalced) {
                        ptv.visitRecord(new UncalcedRecord());
                    //Can there be more than one BOF for a sheet? If not then we can
                    //remove this guard. So be safe it is left here.
                    if (_rowsAggregate != null) {
                        // find forward distance to first RowRecord
                        int initRecsSize = getSizeOfInitialSheetRecords(k);
                        int currentPos = ptv.getPosition();
                        ptv.visitRecord(_rowsAggregate.createIndexRecord(currentPos, initRecsSize));

     * 'initial sheet records' are between INDEX and the 'Row Blocks'
     * @param bofRecordIndex index of record after which INDEX record is to be placed
     * @return count of bytes from end of INDEX record to first ROW record.
    private int getSizeOfInitialSheetRecords(int bofRecordIndex) {

        int result = 0;
        // start just after BOF record (INDEX is not present in this list)
        for (int j = bofRecordIndex + 1; j < _records.size(); j++) {
            RecordBase tmpRec = _records.get(j);
            if (tmpRec instanceof RowRecordsAggregate) {
            result += tmpRec.getRecordSize();
        if (_isUncalced) {
            result += UncalcedRecord.getStaticRecordSize();
        return result;

     * Adds a value record to the sheet's contained binary records
     * (i.e. LabelSSTRecord or NumberRecord).
     * <P>
     * This method is "loc" sensitive.  Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
     * want it to start searching.  If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
     * When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
     * at what this sets it to.
     * @param row the row to add the cell value to
     * @param col the cell value record itself.
    public void addValueRecord(int row, CellValueRecordInterface col) {

        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG)) {
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "add value record  row" + row);
        DimensionsRecord d = _dimensions;

        if (col.getColumn() >= d.getLastCol()) {
            d.setLastCol((short) (col.getColumn() + 1));
        if (col.getColumn() < d.getFirstCol()) {

     * remove a value record from the records array.
     * This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
     * @param row - the row of the value record you wish to remove
     * @param col - a record supporting the CellValueRecordInterface.
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface
    public void removeValueRecord(int row, CellValueRecordInterface col) {

        log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "remove value record row " + row);

     * replace a value record from the records array.
     * This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
     * @param newval - a record supporting the CellValueRecordInterface.  this will replace
     *                the cell value with the same row and column.  If there isn't one, one will
     *                be added.

    public void replaceValueRecord(CellValueRecordInterface newval) {

        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "replaceValueRecord ");
        //The ValueRecordsAggregate use a tree map underneath.
        //The tree Map uses the CellValueRecordInterface as both the
        //key and the value, if we dont do a remove, then
        //the previous instance of the key is retained, effectively using
        //double the memory

     * Adds a row record to the sheet
     * <P>
     * This method is "loc" sensitive.  Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
     * want it to start searching.  If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
     * When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
     * at what this sets it to.
     * @param row the row record to be added

    public void addRow(RowRecord row) {
        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "addRow ");
        DimensionsRecord d = _dimensions;

        if (row.getRowNumber() >= d.getLastRow()) {
            d.setLastRow(row.getRowNumber() + 1);
        if (row.getRowNumber() < d.getFirstRow()) {

        //If the row exists remove it, so that any cells attached to the row are removed
        RowRecord existingRow = _rowsAggregate.getRow(row.getRowNumber());
        if (existingRow != null) {


        if (log.check(POILogger.DEBUG))
            log.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "exit addRow");

     * Removes a row record
     * This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
     * @param row  the row record to remove
    public void removeRow(RowRecord row) {

     * Get all the value records (from LOC). Records will be returned from the first
     *  record (starting at LOC) which is a value record.
     * <P>
     * This method is "loc" sensitive.  Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
     * want it to start searching.  If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
     * When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
     * at what this sets it to.  For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with,
     * subsequent calls will return values in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
     * @return Iterator of CellValueRecordInterface representing the value records
    public Iterator<CellValueRecordInterface> getCellValueIterator() {
        return _rowsAggregate.getCellValueIterator();

     * get the NEXT RowRecord (from LOC).  The first record that is a Row record
     * (starting at LOC) will be returned.
     * <P>
     * This method is "loc" sensitive.  Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
     * want it to start searching.  If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
     * When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
     * at what this sets it to.  For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with.
     * subsequent calls will return rows in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
     * @return RowRecord representing the next row record or NULL if there are no more
    public RowRecord getNextRow() {
        if (rowRecIterator == null) {
            rowRecIterator = _rowsAggregate.getIterator();
        if (!rowRecIterator.hasNext()) {
            return null;

     * get the NEXT (from LOC) RowRecord where rownumber matches the given rownum.
     * The first record that is a Row record (starting at LOC) that has the
     * same rownum as the given rownum will be returned.
     * <P>
     * This method is "loc" sensitive.  Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
     * want it to start searching.  If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
     * When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
     * at what this sets it to.  For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with.
     * subsequent calls will return rows in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
     * @param rownum   which row to return (careful with LOC)
     * @return RowRecord representing the next row record or NULL if there are no more
    public RowRecord getRow(int rownum) {
        return _rowsAggregate.getRow(rownum);

     * creates the BOF record
    /* package */ static BOFRecord createBOF() {
        BOFRecord retval = new BOFRecord();

        retval.setVersion((short) 0x600);
        retval.setType((short) 0x010);

        retval.setBuild((short) 0x0dbb);
        retval.setBuildYear((short) 1996);
        return retval;

     * creates the CalcMode record and sets it to 1 (automatic formula caculation)
    private static CalcModeRecord createCalcMode() {
        CalcModeRecord retval = new CalcModeRecord();

        retval.setCalcMode((short) 1);
        return retval;

     * creates the CalcCount record and sets it to 100 (default number of iterations)
    private static CalcCountRecord createCalcCount() {
        CalcCountRecord retval = new CalcCountRecord();

        retval.setIterations((short) 100); // default 100 iterations
        return retval;

     * creates the RefMode record and sets it to A1 Mode (default reference mode)
    private static RefModeRecord createRefMode() {
        RefModeRecord retval = new RefModeRecord();

        return retval;

     * creates the Iteration record and sets it to false (don't iteratively calculate formulas)
    private static IterationRecord createIteration() {
        return new IterationRecord(false);

     * creates the Delta record and sets it to 0.0010 (default accuracy)
    private static DeltaRecord createDelta() {
        return new DeltaRecord(DeltaRecord.DEFAULT_VALUE);

     * creates the SaveRecalc record and sets it to true (recalculate before saving)
    private static SaveRecalcRecord createSaveRecalc() {
        SaveRecalcRecord retval = new SaveRecalcRecord();

        return retval;

     * creates the PrintHeaders record and sets it to false (we don't create headers yet so why print them)
    private static PrintHeadersRecord createPrintHeaders() {
        PrintHeadersRecord retval = new PrintHeadersRecord();

        return retval;

     * creates the PrintGridlines record and sets it to false (that makes for ugly sheets).  As far as I can
     * tell this does the same thing as the GridsetRecord
    private static PrintGridlinesRecord createPrintGridlines() {
        PrintGridlinesRecord retval = new PrintGridlinesRecord();

        return retval;

     * creates the Gridset record and sets it to true (user has mucked with the gridlines)
    private static GridsetRecord createGridset() {
        GridsetRecord retval = new GridsetRecord();

        return retval;

     * creates the Guts record and sets leftrow/topcol guttter and rowlevelmax/collevelmax to 0
    private static GutsRecord createGuts() {
        GutsRecord retval = new GutsRecord();

        retval.setLeftRowGutter((short) 0);
        retval.setTopColGutter((short) 0);
        retval.setRowLevelMax((short) 0);
        retval.setColLevelMax((short) 0);
        return retval;

    private GutsRecord getGutsRecord() {
        if (_gutsRecord == null) {
            GutsRecord result = createGuts();
            RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(_records, result);
            _gutsRecord = result;

        return _gutsRecord;

     * creates the DefaultRowHeight Record and sets its options to 0 and rowheight to 0xff
    private static DefaultRowHeightRecord createDefaultRowHeight() {
        DefaultRowHeightRecord retval = new DefaultRowHeightRecord();

        retval.setOptionFlags((short) 0);
        return retval;

     * creates the WSBoolRecord and sets its values to defaults
    private static WSBoolRecord createWSBool() {
        WSBoolRecord retval = new WSBoolRecord();

        retval.setWSBool1((byte) 0x4);
        retval.setWSBool2((byte) 0xffffffc1);
        return retval;

     * creates the DefaultColWidth Record and sets it to 8
    private static DefaultColWidthRecord createDefaultColWidth() {
        DefaultColWidthRecord retval = new DefaultColWidthRecord();
        return retval;

     * get the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width)
     * @return default column width
    public int getDefaultColumnWidth() {
        return defaultcolwidth.getColWidth();

     * @return <code>true</code> if gridlines are printed
    public boolean isGridsPrinted() {
        if (gridset == null) {
            gridset = createGridset();
            //Insert the newlycreated Gridset record at the end of the record (just before the EOF)
            int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(EOFRecord.sid);
            _records.add(loc, gridset);
        return !gridset.getGridset();

     * set whether gridlines printed or not.
     * @param value     True if gridlines printed.
    public void setGridsPrinted(boolean value) {

     * set the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width)
     * @param dcw  default column width
    public void setDefaultColumnWidth(int dcw) {

     * set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height)
     * @param dch the default row height
    public void setDefaultRowHeight(short dch) {
        // set the bit that specifies that the default settings for the row height have been changed.
        defaultrowheight.setOptionFlags((short) 1);

     * get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height)
     * @return  default row height
    public short getDefaultRowHeight() {
        return defaultrowheight.getRowHeight();

     * get the width of a given column in units of 1/256th of a character width
     * @param columnIndex index
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DefaultColWidthRecord
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ColumnInfoRecord
     * @see #setColumnWidth(int, int)
     * @return column width in units of 1/256th of a character width
    public int getColumnWidth(int columnIndex) {

        ColumnInfoRecord ci = _columnInfos.findColumnInfo(columnIndex);
        if (ci != null) {
            return ci.getColumnWidth();
        //default column width is measured in characters
        return (256 * defaultcolwidth.getColWidth());

     * get the index to the ExtendedFormatRecord "associated" with
     * the column at specified 0-based index. (In this case, an
     * ExtendedFormatRecord index is actually associated with a
     * ColumnInfoRecord which spans 1 or more columns)
     * <p>
     * Returns the index to the default ExtendedFormatRecord (0xF)
     * if no ColumnInfoRecord exists that includes the column
     * index specified.
     * @param columnIndex the column index
     * @return index of ExtendedFormatRecord associated with
     * ColumnInfoRecord that includes the column index or the
     * index of the default ExtendedFormatRecord (0xF)
    public short getXFIndexForColAt(short columnIndex) {
        ColumnInfoRecord ci = _columnInfos.findColumnInfo(columnIndex);
        if (ci != null) {
            return (short) ci.getXFIndex();
        return 0xF;

     * set the width for a given column in 1/256th of a character width units
     * @param column -
     *            the column number
     * @param width
     *            (in units of 1/256th of a character width)
    public void setColumnWidth(int column, int width) {
        if (width > 255 * 256)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The maximum column width for an individual cell is 255 characters.");

        setColumn(column, null, Integer.valueOf(width), null, null, null);

     * Get the hidden property for a given column.
     * @param columnIndex column index
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DefaultColWidthRecord
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ColumnInfoRecord
     * @see #setColumnHidden(int, boolean)
     * @return whether the column is hidden or not.
    public boolean isColumnHidden(int columnIndex) {
        ColumnInfoRecord cir = _columnInfos.findColumnInfo(columnIndex);
        if (cir == null) {
            return false;
        return cir.getHidden();

     * Get the hidden property for a given column.
     * @param column - the column number
     * @param hidden - whether the column is hidden or not
    public void setColumnHidden(int column, boolean hidden) {
        setColumn(column, null, null, null, Boolean.valueOf(hidden), null);

    public void setDefaultColumnStyle(int column, int styleIndex) {
        setColumn(column, Short.valueOf((short) styleIndex), null, null, null, null);

    private void setColumn(int column, Short xfStyle, Integer width, Integer level, Boolean hidden,
            Boolean collapsed) {
        _columnInfos.setColumn(column, xfStyle, width, level, hidden, collapsed);

     * Creates an outline group for the specified columns.
     * @param fromColumn    group from this column (inclusive)
     * @param toColumn      group to this column (inclusive)
     * @param indent        if true the group will be indented by one level,
     *                      if false indenting will be removed by one level.
    public void groupColumnRange(int fromColumn, int toColumn, boolean indent) {

        // Set the level for each column
        _columnInfos.groupColumnRange(fromColumn, toColumn, indent);

        // Determine the maximum overall level
        int maxLevel = _columnInfos.getMaxOutlineLevel();

        GutsRecord guts = getGutsRecord();
        guts.setColLevelMax((short) (maxLevel + 1));
        if (maxLevel == 0) {
            guts.setTopColGutter((short) 0);
        } else {
            guts.setTopColGutter((short) (29 + (12 * (maxLevel - 1))));

     * creates the Dimensions Record and sets it to bogus values (you should set this yourself
     * or let the high level API do it for you)
    private static DimensionsRecord createDimensions() {
        DimensionsRecord retval = new DimensionsRecord();

        retval.setFirstCol((short) 0);
        retval.setLastRow(1); // one more than it is
        retval.setLastCol((short) 1); // one more than it is
        return retval;

     * creates the WindowTwo Record and sets it to:  <P>
     * options        = 0x6b6 <P>
     * toprow         = 0 <P>
     * leftcol        = 0 <P>
     * headercolor    = 0x40 <P>
     * pagebreakzoom  = 0x0 <P>
     * normalzoom     = 0x0 <p>
    private static WindowTwoRecord createWindowTwo() {
        WindowTwoRecord retval = new WindowTwoRecord();

        retval.setOptions((short) 0x6b6);
        retval.setTopRow((short) 0);
        retval.setLeftCol((short) 0);
        retval.setPageBreakZoom((short) 0);
        retval.setNormalZoom((short) 0);
        return retval;

     * Creates the Selection record and sets it to nothing selected
    private static SelectionRecord createSelection() {
        return new SelectionRecord(0, 0);

    public short getTopRow() {
        return (windowTwo == null) ? (short) 0 : windowTwo.getTopRow();

    public void setTopRow(short topRow) {
        if (windowTwo != null) {

     * Sets the left column to show in desktop window pane.
     * @param leftCol the left column to show in desktop window pane
    public void setLeftCol(short leftCol) {
        if (windowTwo != null) {

    public short getLeftCol() {
        return (windowTwo == null) ? (short) 0 : windowTwo.getLeftCol();

     * Returns the active row
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
     * @return row the active row index
    public int getActiveCellRow() {
        if (_selection == null) {
            return 0;
        return _selection.getActiveCellRow();

     * Sets the active row
     * @param row the row index
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
    public void setActiveCellRow(int row) {
        //shouldn't have a sheet w/o a SelectionRecord, but best to guard anyway
        if (_selection != null) {

     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
     * @return column of the active cell
    public short getActiveCellCol() {
        if (_selection == null) {
            return 0;
        return (short) _selection.getActiveCellCol();

     * Sets the active column
     * @param col the column index
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
    public void setActiveCellCol(short col) {
        //shouldn't have a sheet w/o a SelectionRecord, but best to guard anyway
        if (_selection != null) {

    public List<RecordBase> getRecords() {
        return _records;

     * Gets the gridset record for this sheet.
     * @return the gridset record for this sheet
    public GridsetRecord getGridsetRecord() {
        return gridset;

     * Returns the first occurrence of a record matching a particular sid.
     * @param sid the sid to search for
     * @return the matching record or {@code null} if it wasn't found
    public Record findFirstRecordBySid(short sid) {
        int ix = findFirstRecordLocBySid(sid);
        if (ix < 0) {
            return null;
        return (Record) _records.get(ix);

     * Sets the SCL record or creates it in the correct place if it does not
     * already exist.
     * @param sclRecord     The record to set.
    public void setSCLRecord(SCLRecord sclRecord) {
        int oldRecordLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(SCLRecord.sid);
        if (oldRecordLoc == -1) {
            // Insert it after the window record
            int windowRecordLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
            _records.add(windowRecordLoc + 1, sclRecord);
        } else {
            _records.set(oldRecordLoc, sclRecord);

     * Finds the first occurrence of a record matching a particular sid and
     * returns it's position.
     * @param sid   the sid to search for
     * @return  the record position of the matching record or -1 if no match
     *          is made.
    public int findFirstRecordLocBySid(short sid) { // TODO - remove this method
        int max = _records.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
            Object rb = _records.get(i);
            if (!(rb instanceof Record)) {
            Record record = (Record) rb;
            if (record.getSid() == sid) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    public WindowTwoRecord getWindowTwo() {
        return windowTwo;

     * Returns the PrintGridlinesRecord.
     * @return PrintGridlinesRecord for the sheet.
    public PrintGridlinesRecord getPrintGridlines() {
        return printGridlines;

     * Sets the PrintGridlinesRecord.
     * @param newPrintGridlines The new PrintGridlinesRecord for the sheet.
    public void setPrintGridlines(PrintGridlinesRecord newPrintGridlines) {
        printGridlines = newPrintGridlines;

     * Returns the PrintHeadersRecord.
     * @return PrintHeadersRecord for the sheet.
    public PrintHeadersRecord getPrintHeaders() {
        return printHeaders;

     * Sets the PrintHeadersRecord.
     * @param newPrintHeaders The new PrintHeadersRecord for the sheet.
    public void setPrintHeaders(PrintHeadersRecord newPrintHeaders) {
        printHeaders = newPrintHeaders;

     * Sets whether the sheet is selected
     * @param sel True to select the sheet, false otherwise.
    public void setSelected(boolean sel) {

     * Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.
     * <p>If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed</p>
     * @param colSplit      Horizonatal position of split.
     * @param rowSplit      Vertical position of split.
     * @param topRow        Top row visible in bottom pane
     * @param leftmostColumn   Left column visible in right pane.
    public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int topRow, int leftmostColumn) {
        int paneLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(PaneRecord.sid);
        if (paneLoc != -1)

        // If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed
        if (colSplit == 0 && rowSplit == 0) {
            SelectionRecord sel = (SelectionRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
            if (sel != null) {

        int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
        PaneRecord pane = new PaneRecord();
        pane.setX((short) colSplit);
        pane.setY((short) rowSplit);
        pane.setTopRow((short) topRow);
        pane.setLeftColumn((short) leftmostColumn);
        if (rowSplit == 0) {
            pane.setTopRow((short) 0);
            pane.setActivePane((short) 1);
        } else if (colSplit == 0) {
            pane.setLeftColumn((short) 0);
            pane.setActivePane((short) 2);
        } else {
            pane.setActivePane((short) 0);
        _records.add(loc + 1, pane);


        SelectionRecord sel = (SelectionRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
        if (sel != null) {
            sel.setPane((byte) pane.getActivePane());

     * Creates a split pane. Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.
     * @param xSplitPos      Horizonatal position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
     * @param ySplitPos      Vertical position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
     * @param topRow        Top row visible in bottom pane
     * @param leftmostColumn   Left column visible in right pane.
     * @param activePane    Active pane.  One of: PANE_LOWER_RIGHT,
     * @see #PANE_LOWER_LEFT
     * @see #PANE_LOWER_RIGHT
     * @see #PANE_UPPER_LEFT
     * @see #PANE_UPPER_RIGHT
    public void createSplitPane(int xSplitPos, int ySplitPos, int topRow, int leftmostColumn, int activePane) {
        int paneLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(PaneRecord.sid);
        if (paneLoc != -1)

        int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
        PaneRecord r = new PaneRecord();
        r.setX((short) xSplitPos);
        r.setY((short) ySplitPos);
        r.setTopRow((short) topRow);
        r.setLeftColumn((short) leftmostColumn);
        r.setActivePane((short) activePane);
        _records.add(loc + 1, r);


        SelectionRecord sel = (SelectionRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
        if (sel != null) {


     * Returns the information regarding the currently configured pane (split or freeze).
     * @return <code>null</code> if no pane configured, or the pane information.
    public PaneInformation getPaneInformation() {
        PaneRecord rec = (PaneRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(PaneRecord.sid);
        if (rec == null)
            return null;

        return new PaneInformation(rec.getX(), rec.getY(), rec.getTopRow(), rec.getLeftColumn(),
                (byte) rec.getActivePane(), windowTwo.getFreezePanes());

    public SelectionRecord getSelection() {
        return _selection;

    public void setSelection(SelectionRecord selection) {
        _selection = selection;

     * @return the {@link WorksheetProtectionBlock} for this sheet
    public WorksheetProtectionBlock getProtectionBlock() {
        return _protectionBlock;

     * Sets whether the gridlines are shown in a viewer.
     * @param show whether to show gridlines or not
    public void setDisplayGridlines(boolean show) {

     * @return <code>true</code> if gridlines are displayed
    public boolean isDisplayGridlines() {
        return windowTwo.getDisplayGridlines();

     * Sets whether the formulas are shown in a viewer.
     * @param show whether to show formulas or not
    public void setDisplayFormulas(boolean show) {

     * Returns if formulas are displayed.
     * @return whether formulas are displayed
    public boolean isDisplayFormulas() {
        return windowTwo.getDisplayFormulas();

     * Sets whether the RowColHeadings are shown in a viewer.
     * @param show whether to show RowColHeadings or not
    public void setDisplayRowColHeadings(boolean show) {

     * Returns if RowColHeadings are displayed.
     * @return whether RowColHeadings are displayed
    public boolean isDisplayRowColHeadings() {
        return windowTwo.getDisplayRowColHeadings();

     * Sets whether the RowColHeadings are shown in a viewer.
     * @param show whether to show RowColHeadings or not
    public void setPrintRowColHeadings(boolean show) {

     * Returns if RowColHeadings are displayed.
     * @return whether RowColHeadings are displayed
    public boolean isPrintRowColHeadings() {
        return windowTwo.getDisplayRowColHeadings();

     * @return whether an uncalced record must be inserted or not at generation
    public boolean getUncalced() {
        return _isUncalced;

     * @param uncalced whether an uncalced record must be inserted or not at generation
    public void setUncalced(boolean uncalced) {
        this._isUncalced = uncalced;

     * Finds the DrawingRecord for our sheet, and
     *  attaches it to the DrawingManager (which knows about
     *  the overall DrawingGroup for our workbook).
     * If requested, will create a new DrawRecord
     *  if none currently exist
     * @param drawingManager The DrawingManager2 for our workbook
     * @param createIfMissing Should one be created if missing?
     * @return location of EscherAggregate record. if no EscherAggregate record is found return -1
    public int aggregateDrawingRecords(DrawingManager2 drawingManager, boolean createIfMissing) {
        int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(DrawingRecord.sid);
        boolean noDrawingRecordsFound = (loc == -1);
        if (noDrawingRecordsFound) {
            if (!createIfMissing) {
                // None found, and not allowed to add in
                return -1;

            EscherAggregate aggregate = new EscherAggregate(true);
            loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(EscherAggregate.sid);
            if (loc == -1) {
                loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
            } else {
            getRecords().add(loc, aggregate);
            return loc;
        List<RecordBase> records = getRecords();

        EscherAggregate.createAggregate(records, loc);

        return loc;

     * Perform any work necessary before the sheet is about to be serialized.
     * For instance the escher aggregates size needs to be calculated before
     * serialization so that the dgg record (which occurs first) can be written.
    public void preSerialize() {
        for (RecordBase r : getRecords()) {
            if (r instanceof EscherAggregate) {
                // Trigger flattening of user model and corresponding update of dgg record.

    public PageSettingsBlock getPageSettings() {
        if (_psBlock == null) {
            _psBlock = new PageSettingsBlock();
            RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(_records, _psBlock);
        return _psBlock;

    public void setColumnGroupCollapsed(int columnNumber, boolean collapsed) {
        if (collapsed) {
        } else {

    public void groupRowRange(int fromRow, int toRow, boolean indent) {
        for (int rowNum = fromRow; rowNum <= toRow; rowNum++) {
            RowRecord row = getRow(rowNum);
            if (row == null) {
                row = RowRecordsAggregate.createRow(rowNum);
            int level = row.getOutlineLevel();
            if (indent)
            level = Math.max(0, level);
            level = Math.min(7, level);
            row.setOutlineLevel((short) (level));


    private void recalcRowGutter() {
        int maxLevel = 0;
        Iterator<RowRecord> iterator = _rowsAggregate.getIterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            RowRecord rowRecord =;
            maxLevel = Math.max(rowRecord.getOutlineLevel(), maxLevel);

        // Grab the guts record, adding if needed
        GutsRecord guts = getGutsRecord();
        // Set the levels onto it
        guts.setRowLevelMax((short) (maxLevel + 1));
        guts.setLeftRowGutter((short) (29 + (12 * (maxLevel))));

    public DataValidityTable getOrCreateDataValidityTable() {
        if (_dataValidityTable == null) {
            DataValidityTable result = new DataValidityTable();
            RecordOrderer.addNewSheetRecord(_records, result);
            _dataValidityTable = result;
        return _dataValidityTable;

     * Get the {@link NoteRecord}s (related to cell comments) for this sheet
     * @return never <code>null</code>, typically empty array
    public NoteRecord[] getNoteRecords() {
        List<NoteRecord> temp = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = _records.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            RecordBase rec = _records.get(i);
            if (rec instanceof NoteRecord) {
                temp.add((NoteRecord) rec);
        if (temp.size() < 1) {
            return NoteRecord.EMPTY_ARRAY;
        NoteRecord[] result = new NoteRecord[temp.size()];
        return result;

    public int getColumnOutlineLevel(int columnIndex) {
        return _columnInfos.getOutlineLevel(columnIndex);

    public int getMinColumnIndex() {
        return _columnInfos.getMinColumnIndex();

    public int getMaxColumnIndex() {
        return _columnInfos.getMaxColumnIndex();