Java tutorial
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.pluto.driver.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.portlet.PortletConfig; import javax.portlet.PortletMode; import javax.portlet.WindowState; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.pluto.driver.AttributeKeys; import org.apache.pluto.driver.config.DriverConfiguration; import org.apache.pluto.driver.core.PortalRequestContext; import; import; import org.apache.pluto.driver.url.PortalURL; import org.apache.pluto.driver.url.PortalURLParameter; import org.apache.pluto.driver.url.PortalURLPublicParameter; import; /** * @author Scott Nicklous * @author Neil Griffin * * This is a utility class that collects all data needed by the portlet * hub in one location. The data is formatted appropriately for transmission to * the client. * */ public class PageState { private CsrfToken csrfToken; private DriverConfiguration drvrConfig; private PageConfig pageConfig; private PortalRequestContext portalRC; private PortalURL portalUrl; private ServletContext servletContext; private Map<String, RenderData> renderDataMap; /** * Constructor. Access the classes containing the necessary data. * * @param request */ public PageState(HttpServletRequest request) { portalRC = PortalRequestContext.getContext(request); portalUrl = portalRC.getRequestedPortalURL(); drvrConfig = (DriverConfiguration) portalRC.getServletContext().getAttribute(AttributeKeys.DRIVER_CONFIG); servletContext = portalRC.getServletContext(); pageConfig = portalUrl.getPageConfig(servletContext); csrfToken = (CsrfToken) request.getAttribute(CsrfToken.class.getName()); } public PageState(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, RenderData> renderDataMap) { this(request); this.renderDataMap = renderDataMap; } public String getCsrfParameterName() { if (csrfToken == null) { return ""; } return csrfToken.getParameterName(); } public String getCsrfParameterValue() { if (csrfToken == null) { return ""; } return csrfToken.getToken(); } /** * Returns the portal URL parameters that are set on the current URL. * * @return */ public Collection<PortalURLParameter> getParameters() { return portalUrl.getParameters(); } /** * Returns the public render parameters set on the current URL. * * @return */ public Map<String, String[]> getPublicParameters() { Map<String, String[]> tmp = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); PublicRenderParameterMapper prpMapper = portalUrl.getPublicRenderParameterMapper(); if (prpMapper != null) { for (int ind : prpMapper.getActiveIndexes()) { String name = prpMapper.getPublicParameterGroup(ind).get(0).getName(); String[] vals = prpMapper.getValues(ind); tmp.put(name, vals); } } return tmp; } /** * Returns a collection containing the portlet IDs for the portlets on the page. * * @return */ public Collection<String> getPortletIds() { return pageConfig.getPortletIds(); } /** * Returns a Pluto namespace string for the input portlet ID. * @param portletId * @return namespace string for the portlet ID */ public String getNameSpace(String portletId) { StringBuffer ns = new StringBuffer("Pluto_"); for (int ii = 0; ii < portletId.length(); ii++) { if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(portletId.charAt(ii))) { ns.append(portletId.charAt(ii)); } else { ns.append("_"); } } ns.append("_"); return ns.toString(); } /** * Returns the public render parameter names for the portlet ID as a set. * @param portletId * @return Set of string public render parameter names */ public Set<String> getPRPNames(String portletId) { Set<String> prpnames = new HashSet<String>(); PortletConfig pc = null; try { pc = drvrConfig.getPortletConfig(portletId); Enumeration<String> prps = pc.getPublicRenderParameterNames(); while (prps.hasMoreElements()) { String prp = prps.nextElement(); prpnames.add(prp); } } catch (Exception e) { } return prpnames; } /** * Returns the public render parameter names for the portlet ID as a * delimited string that can be used in a JSON array. * @param portletId * @return Delimited string of public render parameter names */ public String getPRPNamesAsString(String portletId) { PortletConfig pc = null; StringBuffer prpstring = new StringBuffer(); ; String sep = ""; try { pc = drvrConfig.getPortletConfig(portletId); Enumeration<String> prps = pc.getPublicRenderParameterNames(); while (prps.hasMoreElements()) { String prp = prps.nextElement(); prpstring.append(sep + "\"" + prp + "\""); sep = ", "; } } catch (Exception e) { } return prpstring.toString(); } /** * Returns the supported portlet mode names for the portlet ID as a * delimited string that can be used in a JSON array. * @param portletId * @return Delimited string of portlet mode names */ public String getPortletModesAsString(String portletId) { StringBuffer pmstring = new StringBuffer(); try { Set<PortletMode> allowedPMs = drvrConfig.getSupportedPortletModes(portletId); String sep = ""; for (PortletMode pm : allowedPMs) { pmstring.append(sep + "\"" + pm.toString() + "\""); sep = ", "; } } catch (Exception e) { } return pmstring.toString(); } /** * Returns the supported window state names for the portlet ID as a * delimited string that can be used in a JSON array. * @param portletId * @return Delimited string of window state names */ public String getWindowStatesAsString(String portletId) { StringBuffer wsstring = new StringBuffer(); try { Set<WindowState> allowedWSs = drvrConfig.getSupportedWindowStates(portletId, "text/html"); String sep = ""; for (WindowState ws : allowedWSs) { wsstring.append(sep + "\"" + ws.toString() + "\""); sep = ", "; } } catch (Exception e) { } return wsstring.toString(); } /** * Returns the current portlet mode for the portlet * * @param portletId * @return */ public String getPortletMode(String portletId) { return portalUrl.getPortletMode(portletId).toString(); } /** * Returns the current window state for the portlet * * @param portletId * @return */ public String getWindowState(String portletId) { return portalUrl.getWindowState(portletId).toString(); } /** * Returns a relative base base as needed by the portlet hub to generate * URLs. Must be encoded by the caller. * * @return */ public String getUrlBase() { StringBuffer ub = new StringBuffer(); ub.append(portalUrl.getServletPath().startsWith("/") ? "" : "/").append(portalUrl.getServletPath()) .append(portalUrl.getRenderPath()); return ub.toString(); } /** * Returns the page state needed by the portlet hub as a JSON string suitable * for transport to the client. * * @return JSON string representing the current page state */ public String toJSONString() { StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(1024); json.append("{\"portlets\" : {\n"); Collection<PortalURLParameter> pups = getParameters(); Map<String, String[]> pubparms = getPublicParameters(); PublicRenderParameterMapper mapper = portalUrl.getPublicRenderParameterMapper(); int numGroups = mapper.getNumberOfGroups(); boolean sep = false; for (String pid : getPortletIds()) { if (sep) { json.append(",\n"); } sep = true; json.append(" \"" + getNameSpace(pid) + "\" : {\n"); json.append(" \"state\" : {\n"); json.append(" \"parameters\" : {\n"); // Add the portlet parameters String c1 = " \""; for (PortalURLParameter pup : pups) { if (pup.getWindowId().equals(pid)) { json.append(c1 + pup.getName() + "\" : ["); String c2 = ""; for (String val : pup.getValues()) { json.append(c2 + " \"" + val + "\""); c2 = ","; } json.append("]"); c1 = ",\n \""; } } // Add the public render parameter values for this portlet for (PortalURLPublicParameter prp : mapper.getPRPsForWindow(pid, true)) { json.append(c1 + prp.getName() + "\" : ["); String c2 = ""; for (String val : prp.getValues()) { json.append(c2 + " \"" + val + "\""); c2 = ","; } json.append("]"); c1 = ",\n \""; } // Set<String> prpnames = getPRPNames(pid); // for (String prp : pubparms.keySet()) { // if (prpnames.contains(prp)) { // json.append(c1 + prp + "\" : ["); // String c2 = ""; // for (String val : (String[])pubparms.get(prp)) { // json.append(c2 + " \"" + val + "\""); // c2 = ","; // } // json.append("]"); // c1 = ",\n \""; // } // } json.append(" }, \n"); json.append(" \"portletMode\" : \"" + getPortletMode(pid) + "\", \n"); json.append(" \"windowState\" : \"" + getWindowState(pid) + "\"\n"); json.append(" },\n"); // json.append(" \"pubParms\" : [" + getPRPNamesAsString(pid) + "],\n"); json.append(" \"pubParms\" : {"); String c2 = ""; for (PortalURLPublicParameter prp : mapper.getPRPsForWindow(pid, false)) { int group = mapper.getIndex(prp); json.append(c2); json.append("\""); json.append(prp.getName()); json.append("\" : \""); json.append(String.valueOf(group)); json.append("\""); c2 = ", "; } json.append("},\n"); json.append(" \"allowedPM\" : [" + getPortletModesAsString(pid) + "],\n"); json.append(" \"allowedWS\" : [" + getWindowStatesAsString(pid) + "],\n"); json.append(" \"renderData\" : {\n"); RenderData renderData = null; if (renderDataMap != null) { renderData = renderDataMap.get(pid); } if (renderData == null) { json.append(" \"content\" : null,\n"); json.append(" \"mimeType\" : \"text/plain\"\n"); } else { json.append(" \"content\" : \""); String content = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(renderData.getContent()); json.append(content); json.append("\",\n"); json.append(" \"mimeType\" : \""); json.append(renderData.getContentType()); json.append("\"\n"); } json.append(" },\n"); json.append(" \"urlpid\" : \"" + pid + "\"\n"); json.append(" }"); } json.append("\n},\n\"prpMap\" : {"); String sep1 = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < mapper.getNumberOfGroups(); ii++) { json.append(sep1).append("\n \"").append(String.valueOf(ii)).append("\" : {"); sep1 = ","; String sep2 = ""; for (PortalURLPublicParameter prp : mapper.getPublicParameterGroup(ii)) { json.append(sep2).append("\n \"").append(getNameSpace(prp.getWindowId())).append("\" : \"") .append(prp.getName()).append("\""); sep2 = ", "; } json.append(" }"); } json.append("\n}}"); return json.toString(); } }