Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators; import static org.apache.pig.PigConfiguration.TIME_UDFS_PROP; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.pig.Accumulator; import org.apache.pig.Algebraic; import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc; import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.PigWarning; import org.apache.pig.TerminatingAccumulator; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.POStatus; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.Result; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhyPlanVisitor; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.util.MonitoredUDFExecutor; import org.apache.pig.builtin.MonitoredUDF; import org.apache.pig.builtin.RollupDimensions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.NodeIdGenerator; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorKey; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UDFContext; import; public class POUserFuncRollupSample extends ExpressionOperator { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(POUserFuncRollupSample.class); private final static String TIMING_COUNTER = "approx_microsecs"; private final static String INVOCATION_COUNTER = "approx_invocations"; private final static int TIMING_FREQ = 100; private final static TupleFactory tf = TupleFactory.getInstance(); private transient String counterGroup; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; transient EvalFunc func; transient private String[] cacheFiles = null; FuncSpec funcSpec; FuncSpec origFSpec; public static final byte INITIAL = 0; public static final byte INTERMEDIATE = 1; public static final byte FINAL = 2; private boolean initialized = false; private MonitoredUDFExecutor executor = null; private PhysicalOperator referencedOperator = null; private boolean isAccumulationDone; private String signature; private boolean haveCheckedIfTerminatingAccumulator; private long numInvocations = 0L; private boolean doTiming = false; private static final String ROLLUP_UDF = RollupDimensions.class.getName(); private boolean rollupH2IRGoptimizable = false; private int pivot = -1; protected int rollupFieldIndex = 0; private int rollupOldFieldIndex = 0; private int dimensionSize = 0; private boolean isSampler = false; private int chunkSize = -1; private double rate = 0; public static long tCastProj = 0; private long tPreCast = 0; public void setIsSampler(boolean is) { this.isSampler = is; } public boolean getIsSampler() { return this.isSampler; } public void setPivot(int pvt) { this.pivot = pvt; } public int getPivot() { return this.pivot; } public void setChunkSize(int cs) { this.chunkSize = cs; } public int getChunkSize() { return this.chunkSize; } public void setRate(double r) { this.rate = r; } public double getRate() { return this.rate; } public void setDimensionSize(int ds) { this.dimensionSize = ds; } public int getDimensionSize() { return this.dimensionSize; } public void setRollupH2IRGOptimizable(boolean check) { this.rollupH2IRGoptimizable = check; } public boolean getRollupH2IRGOptimizable() { return this.rollupH2IRGoptimizable; } public void setRollupOldFieldIndex(int rofi) { this.rollupOldFieldIndex = rofi; } public int getRollupOldFieldIndex() { return this.rollupOldFieldIndex; } public void setRollupFieldIndex(int rfi) { this.rollupFieldIndex = rfi; } public int getRollupFieldIndex() { return this.rollupFieldIndex; } public PhysicalOperator getReferencedOperator() { return referencedOperator; } public void setReferencedOperator(PhysicalOperator referencedOperator) { this.referencedOperator = referencedOperator; } public POUserFuncRollupSample(OperatorKey k, int rp, List<PhysicalOperator> inp) { super(k, rp); inputs = inp; } public POUserFuncRollupSample(OperatorKey k, int rp, List<PhysicalOperator> inp, FuncSpec funcSpec) { this(k, rp, inp, funcSpec, null); } public POUserFuncRollupSample(OperatorKey k, int rp, List<PhysicalOperator> inp, FuncSpec funcSpec, EvalFunc func) { super(k, rp); super.setInputs(inp); this.funcSpec = funcSpec; this.origFSpec = funcSpec; this.func = func; instantiateFunc(funcSpec); } public void changeToSumHIISample() { String longsum = "org.apache.pig.builtin.LongSum"; FuncSpec s = new FuncSpec(longsum); instantiateFunc(s); this.funcSpec = s; this.origFSpec = s; } public FuncSpec getOrigFSpec() { return this.origFSpec; } public void setOrigFSpec(FuncSpec s) { this.origFSpec = s; } public void setFuncSpec(FuncSpec s) { this.funcSpec = s; } public void setEvalFunc(EvalFunc s) { this.func = s; } public void instantiateFunc(FuncSpec fSpec) { this.func = (EvalFunc) PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(fSpec); this.setSignature(signature); this.setFuncInputSchema(signature); if (func.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(MonitoredUDF.class)) { executor = new MonitoredUDFExecutor(func); } // the next couple of initializations do not work as intended for the // following reasons // the reporter and pigLogger are member variables of PhysicalOperator // when instanitateFunc is invoked at deserialization time, both // reporter and pigLogger are null. They are set during map and reduce // calls, // making the initializations here basically useless. Look at the // processInput // method where these variables are re-initialized. At that point, the // PhysicalOperator // is set up correctly with the reporter and pigLogger references this.func.setReporter(getReporter()); this.func.setPigLogger(pigLogger); } private transient TupleMaker inputTupleMaker; private boolean usingSchemaTupleFactory; @Override public Result processInput() throws ExecException { // Make sure the reporter is set, because it isn't getting carried // across in the serialization (don't know why). I suspect it's as // cheap to call the setReporter call everytime as to check whether I // have (hopefully java will inline it). if (!initialized) { func.setReporter(getReporter()); func.setPigLogger(pigLogger); Configuration jobConf = UDFContext.getUDFContext().getJobConf(); if (jobConf != null) { doTiming = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(jobConf.get(TIME_UDFS_PROP, "false")); counterGroup = funcSpec.toString(); } // We initialize here instead of instantiateFunc because this is // called // when actual processing has begun, whereas a function can be // instantiated // on the frontend potentially (mainly for optimization) Schema tmpS = func.getInputSchema(); if (tmpS != null) { // Currently, getInstanceForSchema returns null if no class was // found. This works fine... // if it is null, the default will be used. We pass the context // because if it happens that // the same Schema was generated elsewhere, we do not want to // override user expectations inputTupleMaker = SchemaTupleFactory.getInstance(tmpS, false, GenContext.UDF); if (inputTupleMaker == null) { LOG.debug("No SchemaTupleFactory found for Schema [" + tmpS + "], using default TupleFactory"); usingSchemaTupleFactory = false; } else { LOG.debug("Using SchemaTupleFactory for Schema: " + tmpS); usingSchemaTupleFactory = true; } // In the future, we could optionally use SchemaTuples for // output as well } if (inputTupleMaker == null) { inputTupleMaker = TupleFactory.getInstance(); } initialized = true; } Result res = new Result(); if (input == null && (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0)) { res.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_EOP; return res; } // Should be removed once the model is clear if (getReporter() != null) { getReporter().progress(); } if (isInputAttached()) { res.result = input; res.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_OK; detachInput(); return res; } else { // we decouple this because there may be cases where the size is // known and it isn't a schema // tuple factory boolean knownSize = usingSchemaTupleFactory; int knownIndex = 0; res.result = inputTupleMaker.newTuple(); Result temp = null; for (PhysicalOperator op : inputs) { tPreCast = System.currentTimeMillis(); temp = op.getNext(op.getResultType()); tCastProj += System.currentTimeMillis() - tPreCast; if (temp.returnStatus != POStatus.STATUS_OK) { return temp; } if (op instanceof POProject && op.getResultType() == DataType.TUPLE) { POProject projOp = (POProject) op; if (projOp.isProjectToEnd()) { Tuple trslt = (Tuple) temp.result; Tuple rslt = (Tuple) res.result; for (int i = 0; i < trslt.size(); i++) { if (knownSize) { rslt.set(knownIndex++, trslt.get(i)); } else { rslt.append(trslt.get(i)); } } continue; } } if (knownSize) { ((Tuple) res.result).set(knownIndex++, temp.result); } else { ((Tuple) res.result).append(temp.result); } } res.returnStatus = temp.returnStatus; return res; } } private boolean isEarlyTerminating = false; private void setIsEarlyTerminating() { isEarlyTerminating = true; } private boolean isEarlyTerminating() { return isEarlyTerminating; } private boolean isTerminated = false; private boolean hasBeenTerminated() { return isTerminated; } private void earlyTerminate() { isTerminated = true; } private Result getNext() throws ExecException { Result result = processInput(); long startNanos = 0; boolean timeThis = doTiming && (numInvocations++ % TIMING_FREQ == 0); if (timeThis) { startNanos = System.nanoTime(); PigStatusReporter.getInstance().getCounter(counterGroup, INVOCATION_COUNTER).increment(TIMING_FREQ); } try { if (result.returnStatus == POStatus.STATUS_OK) { Tuple t = (Tuple) result.result; // For backward compatibility, we short-circuit tuples whose // fields are all null. (See PIG-3679) boolean allNulls = true; for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { if (!t.isNull(i)) { allNulls = false; break; } } if (allNulls) { pigLogger.warn(this, "All the input values are null, skipping the invocation of UDF", PigWarning.SKIP_UDF_CALL_FOR_NULL); Schema outputSchema = func.outputSchema(func.getInputSchema()); // If the output schema is tuple (i.e. multiple fields are // to be returned), we return a tuple where every field is // null. if (outputSchema != null && outputSchema.getField(0).type == DataType.TUPLE) { result.result = tf.newTuple(outputSchema.getField(0).schema.size()); // Otherwise, we simply return null since it can be cast // to // any data type. } else { result.result = null; } return result; } if (isAccumulative()) { if (isAccumStarted()) { if (!haveCheckedIfTerminatingAccumulator) { haveCheckedIfTerminatingAccumulator = true; if (func instanceof TerminatingAccumulator<?>) setIsEarlyTerminating(); } if (!hasBeenTerminated() && isEarlyTerminating() && ((TerminatingAccumulator<?>) func).isFinished()) { earlyTerminate(); } if (hasBeenTerminated()) { result.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_EARLY_TERMINATION; result.result = null; isAccumulationDone = false; } else { ((Accumulator) func).accumulate((Tuple) result.result); result.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_BATCH_OK; result.result = null; isAccumulationDone = false; } } else { if (isAccumulationDone) { // PORelationToExprProject does not return // STATUS_EOP // so that udf gets called both when isAccumStarted // is first true and then set to false, even // when the input relation is empty. // so the STATUS_EOP has to be sent from POUserFunc, // after the results have been sent. result.result = null; result.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_EOP; } else { result.result = ((Accumulator) func).getValue(); result.returnStatus = POStatus.STATUS_OK; ((Accumulator) func).cleanup(); isAccumulationDone = true; } } } else { if (executor != null) { result.result = executor.monitorExec((Tuple) result.result); } else { if (funcSpec.getClassName().equals(ROLLUP_UDF) && this.rollupH2IRGoptimizable != false) { ((RollupDimensions) func).setPivot(this.pivot); ((RollupDimensions) func).setRollupH2IRGOptimizable(this.rollupH2IRGoptimizable); ((RollupDimensions) func).setIsSampler(this.isSampler); } result.result = func.exec((Tuple) result.result); } } } if (timeThis) { PigStatusReporter.getInstance().getCounter(counterGroup, TIMING_COUNTER) .increment((Math.round((System.nanoTime() - startNanos) / 1000)) * TIMING_FREQ); } return result; } catch (ExecException ee) { throw ee; } catch (IOException ioe) { int errCode = 2078; String msg = "Caught error from UDF: " + funcSpec.getClassName(); String footer = " [" + ioe.getMessage() + "]"; if (ioe instanceof PigException) { int udfErrorCode = ((PigException) ioe).getErrorCode(); if (udfErrorCode != 0) { errCode = udfErrorCode; msg = ((PigException) ioe).getMessage(); } else { msg += " [" + ((PigException) ioe).getMessage() + " ]"; } } else { msg += footer; } throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, ioe); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ie) { int errCode = 2078; String msg = "Caught error from UDF: " + funcSpec.getClassName() + ", Out of bounds access [" + ie.getMessage() + "]"; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, ie); } } @Override public Result getNextTuple() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextDataBag() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextInteger() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextBoolean() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextDataByteArray() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextDouble() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextBigInteger() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextBigDecimal() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextFloat() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextLong() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextDateTime() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextMap() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } @Override public Result getNextString() throws ExecException { return getNext(); } public void setAlgebraicFunction(byte Function) throws ExecException { // This will only be used by the optimizer for putting correct functions // in the mapper, // combiner and reduce. This helps in maintaining the physical plan as // is without the // optimiser having to replace any operators. // You wouldn't be able to make two calls to this function on the same // algebraic EvalFunc as // func is being changed. switch (Function) { case INITIAL: funcSpec = new FuncSpec(getInitial()); break; case INTERMEDIATE: funcSpec = new FuncSpec(getIntermed()); break; case FINAL: funcSpec = new FuncSpec(getFinal()); break; } funcSpec.setCtorArgs(origFSpec.getCtorArgs()); instantiateFunc(funcSpec); setResultType(DataType.findType(((EvalFunc<?>) func).getReturnType())); } public String getInitial() throws ExecException { instantiateFunc(origFSpec); if (func instanceof Algebraic) { return ((Algebraic) func).getInitial(); } else { int errCode = 2072; String msg = "Attempt to run a non-algebraic function" + " as an algebraic function"; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } public String getIntermed() throws ExecException { instantiateFunc(origFSpec); if (func instanceof Algebraic) { return ((Algebraic) func).getIntermed(); } else { int errCode = 2072; String msg = "Attempt to run a non-algebraic function" + " as an algebraic function"; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } public String getFinal() throws ExecException { instantiateFunc(origFSpec); if (func instanceof Algebraic) { return ((Algebraic) func).getFinal(); } else { int errCode = 2072; String msg = "Attempt to run a non-algebraic function" + " as an algebraic function"; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } public Type getReturnType() { return func.getReturnType(); } public void finish() { func.finish(); if (executor != null) { executor.terminate(); } } public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) { return func.outputSchema(input); } public Boolean isAsynchronous() { return func.isAsynchronous(); } @Override public String name() { return "POUserFunc" + "(" + func.getClass().getName() + ")" + "[" + DataType.findTypeName(resultType) + "]" + " - " + mKey.toString(); } @Override public boolean supportsMultipleInputs() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsMultipleOutputs() { return false; } @Override public void visit(PhyPlanVisitor v) throws VisitorException { v.visitUserFuncRollupSample(this); } public FuncSpec getFuncSpec() { return funcSpec; } public String[] getCacheFiles() { return cacheFiles; } public void setCacheFiles(String[] cf) { cacheFiles = cf; } public boolean combinable() { return (func instanceof Algebraic); } @Override public POUserFuncRollupSample clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { // Inputs will be patched up later by PhysicalPlan.clone() POUserFuncRollupSample clone = new POUserFuncRollupSample( new OperatorKey(mKey.scope, NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator().getNextNodeId(mKey.scope)), requestedParallelism, null, funcSpec.clone()); clone.setResultType(resultType); clone.signature = signature; clone.setPivot(pivot); clone.setDimensionSize(dimensionSize); clone.setRollupFieldIndex(rollupFieldIndex); clone.setRollupOldFieldIndex(rollupOldFieldIndex); clone.setRollupH2IRGOptimizable(rollupH2IRGoptimizable); clone.setChunkSize(chunkSize); clone.setRate(rate); return clone; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { is.defaultReadObject(); instantiateFunc(funcSpec); } /** * Get child expression of this expression */ @Override public List<ExpressionOperator> getChildExpressions() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void setAccumStart() { if (isAccumulative() && !isAccumStarted()) { super.setAccumStart(); ((Accumulator) func).cleanup(); } } @Override public void setResultType(byte resultType) { this.resultType = resultType; } @Override public Tuple illustratorMarkup(Object in, Object out, int eqClassIndex) { return (Tuple) out; } public EvalFunc getFunc() { return func; } public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; if (this.func != null) { this.func.setUDFContextSignature(signature); } } /** * Sets EvalFunc's inputschema based on the signature * * @param signature */ public void setFuncInputSchema(String signature) { Properties props = UDFContext.getUDFContext().getUDFProperties(func.getClass()); Schema tmpS = (Schema) props.get("pig.evalfunc.inputschema." + signature); if (tmpS != null) { this.func.setInputSchema(tmpS); } } }