Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.phoenix.util; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair; import org.apache.phoenix.compile.QueryPlan; import org.apache.phoenix.expression.Expression; import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData; import org.apache.phoenix.query.BaseConnectionlessQueryTest; import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable; import org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableNotFoundException; import org.apache.phoenix.schema.types.PDataType; import org.junit.Test; import; public class PhoenixRuntimeTest extends BaseConnectionlessQueryTest { @Test public void testParseArguments_MinimalCase() { PhoenixRuntime.ExecutionCommand execCmd = PhoenixRuntime.ExecutionCommand .parseArgs(new String[] { "localhost", "test.csv" }); assertEquals("localhost", execCmd.getConnectionString()); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("test.csv"), execCmd.getInputFiles()); assertEquals(',', execCmd.getFieldDelimiter()); assertEquals('"', execCmd.getQuoteCharacter()); assertNull(execCmd.getEscapeCharacter()); assertNull(execCmd.getTableName()); assertNull(execCmd.getColumns()); assertFalse(execCmd.isStrict()); assertEquals(CSVCommonsLoader.DEFAULT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR, execCmd.getArrayElementSeparator()); } @Test public void testParseArguments_FullOption() { PhoenixRuntime.ExecutionCommand execCmd = PhoenixRuntime.ExecutionCommand .parseArgs(new String[] { "-t", "mytable", "myzkhost:2181", "--strict", "file1.sql", "test.csv", "file2.sql", "--header", "one, two,three", "-a", "!", "-d", ":", "-q", "3", "-e", "4" }); assertEquals("myzkhost:2181", execCmd.getConnectionString()); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("file1.sql", "test.csv", "file2.sql"), execCmd.getInputFiles()); assertEquals(':', execCmd.getFieldDelimiter()); assertEquals('3', execCmd.getQuoteCharacter()); assertEquals(Character.valueOf('4'), execCmd.getEscapeCharacter()); assertEquals("mytable", execCmd.getTableName()); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("one", "two", "three"), execCmd.getColumns()); assertTrue(execCmd.isStrict()); assertEquals("!", execCmd.getArrayElementSeparator()); } @Test public void testGetPkColsDataTypes() throws Exception { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), new Properties()); int i = 0; PDataType[] pTypes = PDataType.values(); int size = pTypes.length; StringBuilder sb = null; try { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { PDataType pType = pTypes[i]; String sqlTypeName = pType.getSqlTypeName(); if (sqlTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VARBINARY ARRAY")) { // we don't support VARBINARY ARRAYS yet // JIRA - continue; } if (pType.isArrayType() && PDataType.arrayBaseType(pType).isFixedWidth() && PDataType.arrayBaseType(pType).getByteSize() == null) { // Need to treat array type whose base type is of fixed width whose byte size is not known as a special case. // Cannot just use the sql type name returned by PDataType.getSqlTypeName(). String baseTypeName = PDataType.arrayBaseType(pType).getSqlTypeName(); sqlTypeName = baseTypeName + "(15)" + " " + PDataType.ARRAY_TYPE_SUFFIX; } else if (pType.isFixedWidth() && pType.getByteSize() == null) { sqlTypeName = sqlTypeName + "(15)"; } String columnName = "col" + i; String tableName = "t" + i; sb = new StringBuilder(100); // create a table by using the type name as returned by PDataType sb.append("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " ("); sb.append(columnName + " " + sqlTypeName + " NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, V1 VARCHAR)"); conn.createStatement().execute(sb.toString()); // generate the optimized query plan by going through the pk of the table. PreparedStatement stmt = conn .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + columnName + " = ?"); Integer maxLength = pType.isFixedWidth() && pType.getByteSize() == null ? 15 : null; stmt.setObject(1, pType.getSampleValue(maxLength)); QueryPlan plan = PhoenixRuntime.getOptimizedQueryPlan(stmt); // now go through the utility method, get column name and type name and // try creating another table with the returned info. Use the query plan generated above. // If table can be created with the returned sql type name, then great! // It would mean "Roundtrip" of column data type name works. List<Pair<String, String>> pkCols = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); List<String> dataTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); PhoenixRuntime.getPkColsDataTypesForSql(pkCols, dataTypes, plan, conn, true); tableName = "newt" + i; columnName = "newCol" + i; String roundTripSqlTypeName = dataTypes.get(0); // create a table by using the type name as returned by the utility method sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " ("); sb.append(columnName + " " + roundTripSqlTypeName + " NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); conn.createStatement().execute(sb.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { fail("Failed sql: " + sb.toString() + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } @Test public void testGetTenantIdExpression() throws Exception { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl()); Expression e1 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_STATS_NAME); assertNull(e1); Expression e2 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME); assertNotNull(e2); Expression e3 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SEQUENCE_FULLNAME); assertNotNull(e3); conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE FOO (k VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY)"); Expression e4 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "FOO"); assertNull(e4); conn.createStatement().execute( "CREATE TABLE A.BAR (k1 VARCHAR NOT NULL, k2 VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY(K1,K2)) MULTI_TENANT=true"); Expression e5 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "A.BAR"); assertNotNull(e5); conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE INDEX I1 ON A.BAR (K2)"); Expression e5A = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "A.I1"); assertNotNull(e5A); conn.createStatement().execute( "CREATE TABLE BAS (k1 VARCHAR NOT NULL, k2 VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY(K1,K2)) MULTI_TENANT=true, SALT_BUCKETS=3"); Expression e6 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "BAS"); assertNotNull(e6); conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE INDEX I2 ON BAS (K2)"); Expression e6A = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "I2"); assertNotNull(e6A); try { PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(conn, "NOT.ATABLE"); fail(); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { // Expected } Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TestUtil.TEST_PROPERTIES); props.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.TENANT_ID_ATTRIB, "t1"); Connection tsconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props); tsconn.createStatement().execute("CREATE VIEW V(V1 VARCHAR) AS SELECT * FROM BAS"); Expression e7 = PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(tsconn, "V"); assertNotNull(e7); tsconn.createStatement().execute("CREATE LOCAL INDEX I3 ON V (V1)"); try { PhoenixRuntime.getTenantIdExpression(tsconn, "I3"); fail(); } catch (SQLFeatureNotSupportedException e) { // Expected } } @Test public void testTableNameWithoutSchema() throws Exception { String tableName = "tableName"; String tableNameNormalized = tableName.toUpperCase(); getTableTester(tableNameNormalized, tableName); } @Test public void testTableNameWithSchema() throws Exception { String tableName = "tableName"; String schemaName = "schemaName"; String fullName = schemaName + "." + tableName; String fullNameNormalized = fullName.toUpperCase(); getTableTester(fullNameNormalized, fullName); } @Test public void testCaseSensitiveTableNameWithoutSchema() throws Exception { String caseSensitiveTableName = "tableName"; getTableTester(caseSensitiveTableName, quoteString(caseSensitiveTableName)); } @Test public void testCaseSensitiveTableNameWithSchema() throws Exception { String caseSensitiveTableName = "tableName"; String schemaName = "schemaName"; String fullNameNormalized = schemaName.toUpperCase() + "." + caseSensitiveTableName; String fullNameQuoted = schemaName + "." + quoteString(caseSensitiveTableName); getTableTester(fullNameNormalized, fullNameQuoted); } @Test public void testCaseSensitiveTableNameWithCaseSensitiveSchema() throws Exception { String caseSensitiveTableName = "tableName"; String caseSensitiveSchemaName = "schemaName"; String fullName = caseSensitiveSchemaName + "." + caseSensitiveTableName; String fullNameQuoted = quoteString(caseSensitiveSchemaName) + "." + quoteString(caseSensitiveTableName); getTableTester(fullName, fullNameQuoted); } @Test public void testCaseSensitiveTableNameWithCaseSensitiveSchemaWithPeriod() throws Exception { String caseSensitiveTableName = "tableName"; String caseSensitiveSchemaName = "schema.Name"; String fullName = caseSensitiveSchemaName + "." + caseSensitiveTableName; String fullNameQuoted = quoteString(caseSensitiveSchemaName) + "." + quoteString(caseSensitiveTableName); getTableTester(fullName, fullNameQuoted); } private void getTableTester(String normalizedName, String sqlStatementName) throws SQLException { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl()); try { conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE " + sqlStatementName + " (k VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY)"); PTable aTable = PhoenixRuntime.getTable(conn, normalizedName); assertNotNull(aTable); } finally { if (null != conn) { conn.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + sqlStatementName); } } } private String quoteString(String string) { return "\"" + string + "\""; } }