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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.end2end;

import static org.apache.phoenix.util.TestUtil.TEST_PROPERTIES;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.PropertiesUtil;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;


 * @since 1.2

public class SortOrderFIT extends BaseHBaseManagedTimeIT {

    private static final String TABLE = "DescColumnSortOrderTest";

    public void noOrder() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (pk VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)";
        runQueryTest(ddl, "pk", new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } },
                new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } });

    public void noOrderCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid, code))";
        Object[][] rows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o3", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), rows, rows);

    public void ascOrderInlinePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (pk VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ASC)";
        runQueryTest(ddl, "pk", new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } },
                new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } });

    public void ascOrderCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid ASC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 3 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 1 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows);

    public void descOrderInlinePK() throws Exception {
        for (String type : new String[] { "CHAR(2)", "VARCHAR" }) {
            String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                    + " (pk ${type} NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DESC)".replace("${type}", type);
            runQueryTest(ddl, "pk", new Object[][] { { "aa" }, { "bb" }, { "cc" } },
                    new Object[][] { { "cc" }, { "bb" }, { "aa" } });

    public void descOrderCompositePK1() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o3", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "o3", 3 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o1", 1 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows);

    public void descOrderCompositePK2() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 3 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 1 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows);

    public void equalityDescInlinePK() throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("pk"), new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } }, new Object[][] { { "b" } },
                new WhereCondition("pk", "=", "'b'"));

    public void equalityDescCompositePK1() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o3", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "o2", 2 } },
                new WhereCondition("oid", "=", "'o2'"));

    public void equalityDescCompositePK2() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "o1", 2 } },
                new WhereCondition("code", "=", "2"));

    public void inDescCompositePK1() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "o1", 2 } },
                new WhereCondition("code", "IN", "(2)"));

    public void inDescCompositePK2() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o3", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "o2", 2 } },
                new WhereCondition("oid", "IN", "('o2')"));

    public void likeDescCompositePK1() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "a1", 1 }, { "b2", 2 }, { "c3", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "b2", 2 } },
                new WhereCondition("oid", "LIKE", "('b%')"));

    public void likeDescCompositePK2() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code CHAR(2) NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "a1", "11" }, { "b2", "22" }, { "c3", "33" } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, new Object[][] { { "b2", "22" } },
                new WhereCondition("code", "LIKE", "('2%')"));

    public void greaterThanDescCompositePK3() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 2 }, { "o1", 1 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows, new WhereCondition("code", "<", "3"));

    public void substrDescCompositePK1() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(3) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code ASC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "ao1", 1 }, { "bo2", 2 }, { "co3", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "co3", 3 }, { "bo2", 2 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new WhereCondition("SUBSTR(oid, 3, 1)", ">", "'1'"));

    public void substrDescCompositePK2() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(4) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code ASC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "aaaa", 1 }, { "bbbb", 2 }, { "cccd", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "cccd", 3 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new WhereCondition("SUBSTR(oid, 4, 1)", "=", "'d'"));

    public void lTrimDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid VARCHAR NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { " o1 ", 1 }, { "  o2", 2 }, { "  o3", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "  o2", 2 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new WhereCondition("LTRIM(oid)", "=", "'o2'"));

    public void lPadDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid VARCHAR NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "aaaa", 1 }, { "bbbb", 2 }, { "cccc", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "bbbb", 2 } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new WhereCondition("LPAD(oid, 8, '123')", "=", "'1231bbbb'"));

    public void countDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (oid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (oid DESC, code ASC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "o1", 1 }, { "o2", 2 }, { "o3", 3 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 3l } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("oid", "code"), select("COUNT(oid)"), insertedRows, expectedRows);

    public void sumDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l }, { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l },
                { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 60l, bdec(60.6), 96l } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3"), select("SUM(n1), SUM(n2), SUM(n3)"), insertedRows,

    public void avgDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l }, { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l },
                { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] {
                { new BigDecimal(bint(2), -1), bdec(20.2), BigDecimal.valueOf(32) } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3"), select("AVG(n1), AVG(n2), AVG(n3)"), insertedRows,

    public void minDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l }, { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l },
                { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3"), select("MIN(n1), MIN(n2), MIN(n3)"), insertedRows,

    public void maxDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l }, { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l },
                { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3"), select("MAX(n1), MAX(n2), MAX(n3)"), insertedRows,

    public void havingSumDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (name CHAR(1) NOT NULL, code INTEGER NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (name DESC, code DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { "a", 10 }, { "a", 20 }, { "b", 100 } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { "a", 30l } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("name", "code"), select("name", "SUM(code)"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new HavingCondition("name", "SUM(code) = 30"));

    public void queryDescDateWithExplicitOrderBy() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (c1 CHAR(1) NOT NULL, c2 CHAR(1) NOT NULL, d1 DATE NOT NULL, c3 CHAR(1) NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (c1, c2, d1 DESC, c3))";
        Object[] row1 = { "1", "2", date(10, 11, 2001), "3" };
        Object[] row2 = { "1", "2", date(10, 11, 2003), "3" };
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { row1, row2 };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("c1", "c2", "d1", "c3"), select("c1, c2, d1", "c3"), insertedRows,
                new Object[][] { row2, row1 }, null, null, new OrderBy("d1", OrderBy.Direction.DESC));

    public void additionOnDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL, d1 DATE NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC, d1 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l, date(1, 10, 2001) },
                { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l, date(2, 6, 2001) }, { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l, date(3, 1, 2001) } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 31l, bdec(32.2), 46l, date(3, 5, 2001) },
                { 21l, bdec(22.2), 35l, date(2, 10, 2001) }, { 11l, bdec(12.2), 24l, date(1, 14, 2001) } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3", "d1"), select("n1+1, n2+2, n3+3", "d1+4"), insertedRows,

    public void subtractionOnDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (n1 INTEGER NOT NULL, n2 DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, n3 BIGINT NOT NULL, d1 DATE NOT NULL "
                + "constraint pk primary key (n1 DESC, n2 DESC, n3 DESC, d1 DESC))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 10, bdec(10.2), 21l, date(1, 10, 2001) },
                { 20, bdec(20.2), 32l, date(2, 6, 2001) }, { 30, bdec(30.2), 43l, date(3, 10, 2001) } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 29l, bdec(28.2), 40l, date(3, 6, 2001) },
                { 19l, bdec(18.2), 29l, date(2, 2, 2001) }, { 9l, bdec(8.2), 18l, date(1, 6, 2001) } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("n1", "n2", "n3", "d1"), select("n1-1, n2-2, n3-3", "d1-4"), insertedRows,

    public void lessThanLeadingDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (id INTEGER NOT NULL, date DATE NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (id DESC, date))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 1, date(1, 1, 2012) }, { 3, date(1, 1, 2013) },
                { 2, date(1, 1, 2011) } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 1, date(1, 1, 2012) } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("id", "date"), insertedRows, expectedRows, new WhereCondition("id", "<", "2"));

    public void lessThanTrailingDescCompositePK() throws Exception {
        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE
                + " (id INTEGER NOT NULL, date DATE NOT NULL constraint pk primary key (id DESC, date))";
        Object[][] insertedRows = new Object[][] { { 1, date(1, 1, 2002) }, { 3, date(1, 1, 2003) },
                { 2, date(1, 1, 2001) } };
        Object[][] expectedRows = new Object[][] { { 2, date(1, 1, 2001) } };
        runQueryTest(ddl, upsert("id", "date"), insertedRows, expectedRows,
                new WhereCondition("date", "<", "TO_DATE('02-02-2001','mm-dd-yyyy')"));

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String columnName, Object[][] rows, Object[][] expectedRows)
            throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, new String[] { columnName }, rows, expectedRows, null);

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String[] columnNames, Object[][] rows, Object[][] expectedRows)
            throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, columnNames, rows, expectedRows, null);

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String[] columnNames, Object[][] rows, Object[][] expectedRows,
            WhereCondition condition) throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, columnNames, columnNames, rows, expectedRows, condition, null, null);

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String[] columnNames, String[] projections, Object[][] rows,
            Object[][] expectedRows) throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, columnNames, projections, rows, expectedRows, null, null, null);

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String[] columnNames, String[] projections, Object[][] rows,
            Object[][] expectedRows, HavingCondition havingCondition) throws Exception {
        runQueryTest(ddl, columnNames, projections, rows, expectedRows, null, havingCondition, null);

    private void runQueryTest(String ddl, String[] columnNames, String[] projections, Object[][] rows,
            Object[][] expectedRows, WhereCondition whereCondition, HavingCondition havingCondition,
            OrderBy orderBy) throws Exception {
        Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props);

        try {


            createTestTable(getUrl(), ddl);

            String columns = appendColumns(columnNames);
            String placeholders = appendPlaceholders(columnNames);
            String dml = "UPSERT INTO " + TABLE + " (" + columns + ") VALUES(" + placeholders + ")";
            PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(dml);

            for (int row = 0; row < rows.length; row++) {
                for (int col = 0; col < rows[row].length; col++) {
                    Object value = rows[row][col];
                    stmt.setObject(col + 1, value);

            String selectClause = "SELECT " + appendColumns(projections) + " FROM " + TABLE;

            for (WhereCondition whereConditionClause : new WhereCondition[] { whereCondition,
                    WhereCondition.reverse(whereCondition) }) {
                String query = WhereCondition.appendWhere(whereConditionClause, selectClause);
                query = HavingCondition.appendHaving(havingCondition, query);
                query = OrderBy.appendOrderBy(orderBy, query);
                runQuery(conn, query, expectedRows);

            if (orderBy != null) {
                orderBy = OrderBy.reverse(orderBy);
                String query = WhereCondition.appendWhere(whereCondition, selectClause);
                query = HavingCondition.appendHaving(havingCondition, query);
                query = OrderBy.appendOrderBy(orderBy, query);
                runQuery(conn, query, reverse(expectedRows));

        } finally {

    private String appendColumns(String[] columnNames) {
        String appendedColumns = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
            appendedColumns += columnNames[i];
            if (i < columnNames.length - 1) {
                appendedColumns += ",";
        return appendedColumns;

    private String appendPlaceholders(String[] columnNames) {
        String placeholderList = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
            placeholderList += "?";
            if (i < columnNames.length - 1) {
                placeholderList += ",";
        return placeholderList;

    private static void runQuery(Connection connection, String query, Object[][] expectedValues) throws Exception {
        PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        int rowCounter = 0;
        while ( {
            if (rowCounter == expectedValues.length) {
                Assert.assertEquals("Exceeded number of expected rows for query" + query, expectedValues.length,
                        rowCounter + 1);
            Object[] cols = new Object[expectedValues[rowCounter].length];
            for (int colCounter = 0; colCounter < expectedValues[rowCounter].length; colCounter++) {
                cols[colCounter] = rs.getObject(colCounter + 1);
            Assert.assertArrayEquals("Unexpected result for query " + query, expectedValues[rowCounter], cols);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of rows for query " + query, expectedValues.length, rowCounter);

    private static Object[][] reverse(Object[][] rows) {
        Object[][] reversedArray = new Object[rows.length][];
        System.arraycopy(rows, 0, reversedArray, 0, rows.length);
        return reversedArray;

    private static Date date(int month, int day, int year) {
        Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1);
        cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
        cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 10);
        cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 2);
        cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 5);
        cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 101);
        Date d = new Date(cal.getTimeInMillis());
        return d;

    private static String[] upsert(String... args) {
        return args;

    private static String[] select(String... args) {
        return args;

    private static BigDecimal bdec(double d) {
        return BigDecimal.valueOf(d);

    private static BigInteger bint(long l) {
        return BigInteger.valueOf(l);

    private static class WhereCondition {
        final String lhs;
        final String operator;
        final String rhs;

        WhereCondition(String lhs, String operator, String rhs) {
            this.lhs = lhs;
            this.operator = operator;
            this.rhs = rhs;

        static WhereCondition reverse(WhereCondition whereCondition) {

            if (whereCondition == null) {
                return null;

            if (whereCondition.operator.equalsIgnoreCase("IN")
                    || whereCondition.operator.equalsIgnoreCase("LIKE")) {
                return whereCondition;
            } else {
                return new WhereCondition(whereCondition.rhs, whereCondition.getReversedOperator(),

        static String appendWhere(WhereCondition whereCondition, String query) {
            if (whereCondition == null) {
                return query;
            return query + " WHERE " + whereCondition.lhs + " " + whereCondition.operator + " "
                    + whereCondition.rhs;

        private String getReversedOperator() {
            if (operator.equals("<")) {
                return ">";
            } else if (operator.equals(">")) {
                return "<";
            return operator;

    private static class HavingCondition {

        private String groupby;
        private String having;

        HavingCondition(String groupby, String having) {
            this.groupby = groupby;
            this.having = having;

        static String appendHaving(HavingCondition havingCondition, String query) {
            if (havingCondition == null) {
                return query;
            return query + " GROUP BY " + havingCondition.groupby + " HAVING " + havingCondition.having + " ";

    private static class OrderBy {

        enum Direction {

            ASC, DESC;

            Direction reverse() {
                if (this == ASC) {
                    return DESC;
                return ASC;

        private List<String> columnNames = Lists.newArrayList();
        private List<Direction> directions = Lists.newArrayList();

        OrderBy() {

        OrderBy(String columnName, Direction orderBy) {
            add(columnName, orderBy);

        void add(String columnName, Direction direction) {

        static OrderBy reverse(OrderBy orderBy) {

            if (orderBy == null) {
                return null;

            List<Direction> reversedDirections = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (Direction dir : orderBy.directions) {
            OrderBy reversedOrderBy = new OrderBy();
            reversedOrderBy.columnNames = orderBy.columnNames;
            reversedOrderBy.directions = reversedDirections;
            return reversedOrderBy;

        static String appendOrderBy(OrderBy orderBy, String query) {
            if (orderBy == null || orderBy.columnNames.isEmpty()) {
                return query;
            query += " ORDER BY ";
            for (int i = 0; i < orderBy.columnNames.size(); i++) {
                query += orderBy.columnNames.get(i) + " " + orderBy.directions.get(i).toString() + " ";

            query += " LIMIT 1000 ";

            return query;