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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.pdfbox.util;

import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSFloat;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNumber;

import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;

 * This class will be used for matrix manipulation.
 * @author Ben Litchfield
public final class Matrix implements Cloneable {
    static final float[] DEFAULT_SINGLE = { 1, 0, 0, //  a  b  0     sx hy 0    note: hx and hy are reversed vs. the PDF spec as we use
            0, 1, 0, //  c  d  0  =  hx sy 0          AffineTransform's definition x and y shear
            0, 0, 1 //  tx ty 1     tx ty 1

    private final float[] single;

     * Constructor. This produces an identity matrix.
    public Matrix() {
        single = new float[DEFAULT_SINGLE.length];
        System.arraycopy(DEFAULT_SINGLE, 0, single, 0, DEFAULT_SINGLE.length);

     * Creates a matrix from a 6-element (a b c d e f) COS array.
     * @param array
    public Matrix(COSArray array) {
        single = new float[DEFAULT_SINGLE.length];
        single[0] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(0)).floatValue();
        single[1] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(1)).floatValue();
        single[3] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(2)).floatValue();
        single[4] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(3)).floatValue();
        single[6] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(4)).floatValue();
        single[7] = ((COSNumber) array.getObject(5)).floatValue();
        single[8] = 1;

     * Creates a transformation matrix with the given 6 elements. Transformation matrices are
     * discussed in 8.3.3, "Common Transformations" and 8.3.4, "Transformation Matrices" of the PDF
     * specification. For simple purposes (rotate, scale, translate) it is recommended to use the
     * static methods below.
     * @see Matrix#getRotateInstance(double, float, float)
     * @see Matrix#getScaleInstance(float, float)
     * @see Matrix#getTranslateInstance(float, float)
     * @param a the X coordinate scaling element (m00) of the 3x3 matrix
     * @param b the Y coordinate shearing element (m10) of the 3x3 matrix
     * @param c the X coordinate shearing element (m01) of the 3x3 matrix
     * @param d the Y coordinate scaling element (m11) of the 3x3 matrix
     * @param e the X coordinate translation element (m02) of the 3x3 matrix
     * @param f the Y coordinate translation element (m12) of the 3x3 matrix
    public Matrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) {
        single = new float[DEFAULT_SINGLE.length];
        single[0] = a;
        single[1] = b;
        single[3] = c;
        single[4] = d;
        single[6] = e;
        single[7] = f;
        single[8] = 1;

     * Creates a matrix with the same elements as the given AffineTransform.
     * @param at
    public Matrix(AffineTransform at) {
        single = new float[DEFAULT_SINGLE.length];
        System.arraycopy(DEFAULT_SINGLE, 0, single, 0, DEFAULT_SINGLE.length);
        single[0] = (float) at.getScaleX();
        single[1] = (float) at.getShearY();
        single[3] = (float) at.getShearX();
        single[4] = (float) at.getScaleY();
        single[6] = (float) at.getTranslateX();
        single[7] = (float) at.getTranslateY();

     * Convenience method to be used when creating a matrix from unverified data. If the parameter
     * is a COSArray with at least six numbers, a Matrix object is created from the first six
     * numbers and returned. If not, then the identity Matrix is returned.
     * @param base a COS object, preferably a COSArray with six numbers.
     * @return a Matrix object.
    public static Matrix createMatrix(COSBase base) {
        if (!(base instanceof COSArray)) {
            return new Matrix();
        COSArray array = (COSArray) base;
        if (array.size() < 6) {
            return new Matrix();
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            if (!(array.getObject(i) instanceof COSNumber)) {
                return new Matrix();
        return new Matrix(array);

     * Create an affine transform from this matrix's values.
     * @return An affine transform with this matrix's values.
    public AffineTransform createAffineTransform() {
        return new AffineTransform(single[0], single[1], // m00 m10 = scaleX shearY
                single[3], single[4], // m01 m11 = shearX scaleY
                single[6], single[7]); // m02 m12 = tx ty

     * This will get a matrix value at some point.
     * @param row The row to get the value from.
     * @param column The column to get the value from.
     * @return The value at the row/column position.
    public float getValue(int row, int column) {
        return single[row * 3 + column];

     * This will set a value at a position.
     * @param row The row to set the value at.
     * @param column the column to set the value at.
     * @param value The value to set at the position.
    public void setValue(int row, int column, float value) {
        single[row * 3 + column] = value;

     * Return a single dimension array of all values in the matrix.
     * @return The values of this matrix.
    public float[][] getValues() {
        float[][] retval = new float[3][3];
        retval[0][0] = single[0];
        retval[0][1] = single[1];
        retval[0][2] = single[2];
        retval[1][0] = single[3];
        retval[1][1] = single[4];
        retval[1][2] = single[5];
        retval[2][0] = single[6];
        retval[2][1] = single[7];
        retval[2][2] = single[8];
        return retval;

     * Concatenates (premultiplies) the given matrix to this matrix.
     * @param matrix The matrix to concatenate.
    public void concatenate(Matrix matrix) {
        matrix.multiply(this, this);

     * Translates this matrix by the given vector.
     * @param vector 2D vector
    public void translate(Vector vector) {
        Matrix m = Matrix.getTranslateInstance(vector.getX(), vector.getY());

     * Translates this matrix by the given amount.
     * @param tx x-translation
     * @param ty y-translation
    public void translate(float tx, float ty) {
        Matrix m = Matrix.getTranslateInstance(tx, ty);

     * Scales this matrix by the given factors.
     * @param sx x-scale
     * @param sy y-scale
    public void scale(float sx, float sy) {
        Matrix m = Matrix.getScaleInstance(sx, sy);

     * Rotares this matrix by the given factors.
     * @param theta The angle of rotation measured in radians
    public void rotate(double theta) {
        Matrix m = Matrix.getRotateInstance(theta, 0, 0);

     * This will take the current matrix and multiply it with a matrix that is passed in.
     * @param b The matrix to multiply by.
     * @return The result of the two multiplied matrices.
    public Matrix multiply(Matrix b) {
        return this.multiply(b, new Matrix());

     * This method multiplies this Matrix with the specified other Matrix, storing the product in the specified
     * result Matrix. By reusing Matrix instances like this, multiplication chains can be executed without having
     * to create many temporary Matrix objects.
     * <p>
     * It is allowed to have (other == this) or (result == this) or indeed (other == result) but if this is done,
     * the backing float[] matrix values may be copied in order to ensure a correct product.
     * @param other the second operand Matrix in the multiplication
     * @param result the Matrix instance into which the result should be stored. If result is null, a new Matrix
     *               instance is created.
     * @return the product of the two matrices.
    public Matrix multiply(Matrix other, Matrix result) {
        if (result == null) {
            result = new Matrix();

        if (other != null && other.single != null) {
            // the operands
            float[] thisOperand = this.single;
            float[] otherOperand = other.single;

            // We're multiplying 2 sets of floats together to produce a third, but we allow
            // any of these float[] instances to be the same objects.
            // There is the possibility then to overwrite one of the operands with result values
            // and therefore corrupt the result.

            // If either of these operands are the same float[] instance as the result, then
            // they need to be copied.

            if (this == result) {
                final float[] thisOrigVals = new float[this.single.length];
                System.arraycopy(this.single, 0, thisOrigVals, 0, this.single.length);

                thisOperand = thisOrigVals;
            if (other == result) {
                final float[] otherOrigVals = new float[other.single.length];
                System.arraycopy(other.single, 0, otherOrigVals, 0, other.single.length);

                otherOperand = otherOrigVals;

            result.single[0] = thisOperand[0] * otherOperand[0] + thisOperand[1] * otherOperand[3]
                    + thisOperand[2] * otherOperand[6];
            result.single[1] = thisOperand[0] * otherOperand[1] + thisOperand[1] * otherOperand[4]
                    + thisOperand[2] * otherOperand[7];
            result.single[2] = thisOperand[0] * otherOperand[2] + thisOperand[1] * otherOperand[5]
                    + thisOperand[2] * otherOperand[8];
            result.single[3] = thisOperand[3] * otherOperand[0] + thisOperand[4] * otherOperand[3]
                    + thisOperand[5] * otherOperand[6];
            result.single[4] = thisOperand[3] * otherOperand[1] + thisOperand[4] * otherOperand[4]
                    + thisOperand[5] * otherOperand[7];
            result.single[5] = thisOperand[3] * otherOperand[2] + thisOperand[4] * otherOperand[5]
                    + thisOperand[5] * otherOperand[8];
            result.single[6] = thisOperand[6] * otherOperand[0] + thisOperand[7] * otherOperand[3]
                    + thisOperand[8] * otherOperand[6];
            result.single[7] = thisOperand[6] * otherOperand[1] + thisOperand[7] * otherOperand[4]
                    + thisOperand[8] * otherOperand[7];
            result.single[8] = thisOperand[6] * otherOperand[2] + thisOperand[7] * otherOperand[5]
                    + thisOperand[8] * otherOperand[8];

        return result;

     * Transforms the given point by this matrix.
     * @param point point to transform
    public void transform(Point2D point) {
        float x = (float) point.getX();
        float y = (float) point.getY();
        float a = single[0];
        float b = single[1];
        float c = single[3];
        float d = single[4];
        float e = single[6];
        float f = single[7];
        point.setLocation(x * a + y * c + e, x * b + y * d + f);

     * Transforms the given point by this matrix.
     * @param x x-coordinate
     * @param y y-coordinate
    public Point2D.Float transformPoint(float x, float y) {
        float a = single[0];
        float b = single[1];
        float c = single[3];
        float d = single[4];
        float e = single[6];
        float f = single[7];
        return new Point2D.Float(x * a + y * c + e, x * b + y * d + f);

     * Transforms the given point by this matrix.
     * @param vector 2D vector
    public Vector transform(Vector vector) {
        float a = single[0];
        float b = single[1];
        float c = single[3];
        float d = single[4];
        float e = single[6];
        float f = single[7];
        float x = vector.getX();
        float y = vector.getY();
        return new Vector(x * a + y * c + e, x * b + y * d + f);

     * Convenience method to create a scaled instance.
     * @param sx The xscale operator.
     * @param sy The yscale operator.
     * @return A new matrix with just the x/y scaling
    public static Matrix getScaleInstance(float sx, float sy) {
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.single[0] = sx;
        matrix.single[4] = sy;
        return matrix;

     * Convenience method to create a translating instance.
     * @param tx The x translating operator.
     * @param ty The y translating operator.
     * @return A new matrix with just the x/y translating.
    public static Matrix getTranslateInstance(float tx, float ty) {
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.single[6] = tx;
        matrix.single[7] = ty;
        return matrix;

     * Convenience method to create a rotated instance.
     * @param theta The angle of rotation measured in radians
     * @param tx The x translation.
     * @param ty The y translation.
     * @return A new matrix with the rotation and the x/y translating.
    public static Matrix getRotateInstance(double theta, float tx, float ty) {
        float cosTheta = (float) Math.cos(theta);
        float sinTheta = (float) Math.sin(theta);

        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.single[0] = cosTheta;
        matrix.single[1] = sinTheta;
        matrix.single[3] = -sinTheta;
        matrix.single[4] = cosTheta;
        matrix.single[6] = tx;
        matrix.single[7] = ty;
        return matrix;

     * Produces a copy of the first matrix, with the second matrix concatenated.
     * @param a The matrix to copy.
     * @param b The matrix to concatenate.
    public static Matrix concatenate(Matrix a, Matrix b) {
        Matrix copy = a.clone();
        return copy;

     * Clones this object.
     * @return cloned matrix as an object.
    public Matrix clone() {
        Matrix clone = new Matrix();
        System.arraycopy(single, 0, clone.single, 0, 9);
        return clone;

     * Returns the x-scaling factor of this matrix. This is calculated from the scale and shear.
     * @return The x-scaling factor.
    public float getScalingFactorX() {
        float xScale = single[0];

         * BM: if the trm is rotated, the calculation is a little more complicated
         * The rotation matrix multiplied with the scaling matrix is:
         * (   x   0   0)    ( cos  sin  0)    ( x*cos x*sin   0)
         * (   0   y   0) *  (-sin  cos  0)  = (-y*sin y*cos   0)
         * (   0   0   1)    (   0    0  1)    (     0     0   1)
         * So, if you want to deduce x from the matrix you take
         * M(0,0) = x*cos and M(0,1) = x*sin and use the theorem of Pythagoras
         * sqrt(M(0,0)^2+M(0,1)^2) =
         * sqrt(x2*cos2+x2*sin2) =
         * sqrt(x2*(cos2+sin2)) = <- here is the trick cos2+sin2 is one
         * sqrt(x2) =
         * abs(x)
        if (!([1], 0.0f) == 0 &&[3], 0.0f) == 0)) {
            xScale = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(single[0], 2) + Math.pow(single[1], 2));
        return xScale;

     * Returns the y-scaling factor of this matrix. This is calculated from the scale and shear.
     * @return The y-scaling factor.
    public float getScalingFactorY() {
        float yScale = single[4];
        if (!([1], 0.0f) == 0 &&[3], 0.0f) == 0)) {
            yScale = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(single[3], 2) + Math.pow(single[4], 2));
        return yScale;

     * Returns the x-scaling element of this matrix.
     * @see #getScalingFactorX() 
    public float getScaleX() {
        return single[0];

     * Returns the y-shear element of this matrix.
    public float getShearY() {
        return single[1];

     * Returns the x-shear element of this matrix.
    public float getShearX() {
        return single[3];

     * Returns the y-scaling element of this matrix.
     * @see #getScalingFactorY()
    public float getScaleY() {
        return single[4];

     * Returns the x-translation element of this matrix.
    public float getTranslateX() {
        return single[6];

     * Returns the y-translation element of this matrix.
    public float getTranslateY() {
        return single[7];

     * Returns a COS array which represent the geometric relevant
     * components of the matrix. The last column of the matrix is ignored,
     * only the first two columns are returned. This is analog to the
     * Matrix(COSArray) constructor.
    public COSArray toCOSArray() {
        COSArray array = new COSArray();
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[0]));
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[1]));
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[3]));
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[4]));
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[6]));
        array.add(new COSFloat(single[7]));
        return array;

    public String toString() {
        return "[" + single[0] + "," + single[1] + "," + single[3] + "," + single[4] + "," + single[6] + ","
                + single[7] + "]";

    public int hashCode() {
        return Arrays.hashCode(single);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        return Arrays.equals(this.single, ((Matrix) obj).single);