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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNumber;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.markedcontent.PDPropertyList;

 * A PDF annotation.
 * @author Ben Litchfield
public abstract class PDAnnotation implements COSObjectable {
     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDAnnotation.class);

     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_INVISIBLE = 1 << 0;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_HIDDEN = 1 << 1;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_PRINTED = 1 << 2;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_NO_ZOOM = 1 << 3;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_NO_ROTATE = 1 << 4;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_NO_VIEW = 1 << 5;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_READ_ONLY = 1 << 6;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_LOCKED = 1 << 7;
     * An annotation flag.
    private static final int FLAG_TOGGLE_NO_VIEW = 1 << 8;
     * An annotation flag.
     * @see #setLockedContents(boolean)
    private static final int FLAG_LOCKED_CONTENTS = 1 << 9;

    private final COSDictionary dictionary;

     * Create the correct annotation from the base COS object.
     * @param base The COS object that is the annotation.
     * @return The correctly typed annotation object.
     * @throws IOException If the annotation type is unknown.
    public static PDAnnotation createAnnotation(COSBase base) throws IOException {
        PDAnnotation annot = null;
        if (base instanceof COSDictionary) {
            COSDictionary annotDic = (COSDictionary) base;
            String subtype = annotDic.getNameAsString(COSName.SUBTYPE);
            if (PDAnnotationFileAttachment.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationFileAttachment(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationLine.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationLine(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationLink.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationLink(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationPopup.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationPopup(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationRubberStamp.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationRubberStamp(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationSquare.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationSquare(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationCircle.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationCircle(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationPolygon.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationPolygon(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationPolyline.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationPolyline(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationInk.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationInk(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationText.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationText(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationHighlight.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationHighlight(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationUnderline.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationUnderline(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationStrikeout.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationStrikeout(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationSquiggly.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationSquiggly(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationWidget.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationWidget(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationFreeText.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationFreeText(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationCaret.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationCaret(annotDic);
            } else if (PDAnnotationSound.SUB_TYPE.equals(subtype)) {
                annot = new PDAnnotationSound(annotDic);
            } else {
                // TODO not yet implemented:
                // Movie, Screen, PrinterMark, TrapNet, Watermark, 3D, Redact
                annot = new PDAnnotationUnknown(annotDic);
                LOG.debug("Unknown or unsupported annotation subtype " + subtype);
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Error: Unknown annotation type " + base);

        return annot;

     * Constructor.
    public PDAnnotation() {
        dictionary = new COSDictionary();
        dictionary.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.ANNOT);

     * Constructor.
     * @param dict The annotations dictionary.
    public PDAnnotation(COSDictionary dict) {
        dictionary = dict;
        dictionary.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.ANNOT);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;

        if (!(o instanceof PDAnnotation)) {
            return false;

        COSDictionary toBeCompared = ((PDAnnotation) o).getCOSObject();
        return toBeCompared.equals(getCOSObject());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(dictionary);

     * This will set the sub type (and hence appearance, AP taking precedence) For this annotation. See the SUB_TYPE_XXX
     * constants for valid values.
     * @param subType The subtype of the annotation
    protected final void setSubtype(String subType) {
        getCOSObject().setName(COSName.SUBTYPE, subType);

     * This will retrieve the subtype of the annotation.
     * @return The subtype of this annotation, see the SUB_TYPE_XXX constants.
    public final String getSubtype() {
        return getCOSObject().getNameAsString(COSName.SUBTYPE);

     * The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. This
     * is usually required and should not return null on valid PDF documents. But where this is a parent form field with
     * children, such as radio button collections then the rectangle will be null.
     * @return The Rect value of this annotation.
    public PDRectangle getRectangle() {
        COSArray rectArray = (COSArray) dictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.RECT);
        PDRectangle rectangle = null;
        if (rectArray != null) {
            if (rectArray.size() == 4 && rectArray.getObject(0) instanceof COSNumber
                    && rectArray.getObject(1) instanceof COSNumber && rectArray.getObject(2) instanceof COSNumber
                    && rectArray.getObject(3) instanceof COSNumber) {
                rectangle = new PDRectangle(rectArray);
            } else {
                LOG.warn(rectArray + " is not a rectangle array, returning null");
        return rectangle;

     * This will set the rectangle for this annotation.
     * @param rectangle The new rectangle values.
    public void setRectangle(PDRectangle rectangle) {
        dictionary.setItem(COSName.RECT, rectangle.getCOSArray());

     * This will get the flags for this field.
     * @return flags The set of flags.
    public int getAnnotationFlags() {
        return getCOSObject().getInt(COSName.F, 0);

     * This will set the flags for this field.
     * @param flags The new flags.
    public void setAnnotationFlags(int flags) {
        getCOSObject().setInt(COSName.F, flags);

     * Interface method for COSObjectable.
     * @return This object as a standard COS object.
    public COSDictionary getCOSObject() {
        return dictionary;

     * Returns the annotations appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance
     * subdictionary.
    public COSName getAppearanceState() {
        return getCOSObject().getCOSName(COSName.AS);

     * This will set the annotations appearance state name.
     * @param as The name of the appearance stream.
    public void setAppearanceState(String as) {
        getCOSObject().setName(COSName.AS, as);

     * This will get the appearance dictionary associated with this annotation. This may return null.
     * @return This annotations appearance.
    public PDAppearanceDictionary getAppearance() {
        COSBase base = dictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.AP);
        if (base instanceof COSDictionary) {
            return new PDAppearanceDictionary((COSDictionary) base);
        return null;

     * This will set the appearance associated with this annotation.
     * @param appearance The appearance dictionary for this annotation.
    public void setAppearance(PDAppearanceDictionary appearance) {
        dictionary.setItem(COSName.AP, appearance);

     * Returns the appearance stream for this annotation, if any. The annotation state is taken into account, if
     * present.
    public PDAppearanceStream getNormalAppearanceStream() {
        PDAppearanceDictionary appearanceDict = getAppearance();
        if (appearanceDict == null) {
            return null;

        PDAppearanceEntry normalAppearance = appearanceDict.getNormalAppearance();
        if (normalAppearance == null) {
            return null;

        if (normalAppearance.isSubDictionary()) {
            COSName state = getAppearanceState();
            return normalAppearance.getSubDictionary().get(state);
        } else {
            return normalAppearance.getAppearanceStream();

     * Get the invisible flag.
     * @return The invisible flag.
    public boolean isInvisible() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_INVISIBLE);

     * Set the invisible flag.
     * @param invisible The new invisible flag.
    public void setInvisible(boolean invisible) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_INVISIBLE, invisible);

     * Get the hidden flag.
     * @return The hidden flag.
    public boolean isHidden() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_HIDDEN);

     * Set the hidden flag.
     * @param hidden The new hidden flag.
    public void setHidden(boolean hidden) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_HIDDEN, hidden);

     * Get the printed flag.
     * @return The printed flag.
    public boolean isPrinted() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_PRINTED);

     * Set the printed flag.
     * @param printed The new printed flag.
    public void setPrinted(boolean printed) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_PRINTED, printed);

     * Get the noZoom flag.
     * @return The noZoom flag.
    public boolean isNoZoom() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_ZOOM);

     * Set the noZoom flag.
     * @param noZoom The new noZoom flag.
    public void setNoZoom(boolean noZoom) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_ZOOM, noZoom);

     * Get the noRotate flag.
     * @return The noRotate flag.
    public boolean isNoRotate() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_ROTATE);

     * Set the noRotate flag.
     * @param noRotate The new noRotate flag.
    public void setNoRotate(boolean noRotate) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_ROTATE, noRotate);

     * Get the noView flag.
     * @return The noView flag.
    public boolean isNoView() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_VIEW);

     * Set the noView flag.
     * @param noView The new noView flag.
    public void setNoView(boolean noView) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_NO_VIEW, noView);

     * Get the readOnly flag.
     * @return The readOnly flag.
    public boolean isReadOnly() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_READ_ONLY);

     * Set the readOnly flag.
     * @param readOnly The new readOnly flag.
    public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_READ_ONLY, readOnly);

     * Get the locked flag.
     * @return The locked flag.
    public boolean isLocked() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_LOCKED);

     * Set the locked flag.
     * @param locked The new locked flag.
    public void setLocked(boolean locked) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_LOCKED, locked);

     * Get the toggleNoView flag.
     * @return The toggleNoView flag.
    public boolean isToggleNoView() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_TOGGLE_NO_VIEW);

     * Set the toggleNoView flag.
     * @param toggleNoView The new toggleNoView flag.
    public void setToggleNoView(boolean toggleNoView) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_TOGGLE_NO_VIEW, toggleNoView);

     * Get the LockedContents flag.
     * @return The LockedContents flag.
     * @see #setLockedContents(boolean)
    public boolean isLockedContents() {
        return getCOSObject().getFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_LOCKED_CONTENTS);

     * Set the LockedContents flag. If set, do not allow the contents of the annotation to be
     * modified by the user. This flag does not restrict deletion of the annotation or changes to
     * other annotation properties, such as position and size.
     * @param lockedContents The new LockedContents flag value.
     * @see
     * <a href="">PDF
     * 32000-1:2008 12.5.3, Table 165</a>
     * @see #isLockedContents()
     * @since PDF 1.7
    public void setLockedContents(boolean lockedContents) {
        getCOSObject().setFlag(COSName.F, FLAG_LOCKED_CONTENTS, lockedContents);

     * Get the "contents" of the field.
     * @return the value of the contents.
    public String getContents() {
        return dictionary.getString(COSName.CONTENTS);

     * Set the "contents" of the field.
     * @param value the value of the contents.
    public void setContents(String value) {
        dictionary.setString(COSName.CONTENTS, value);

     * This will retrieve the date and time the annotation was modified.
     * @return the modified date/time (often in date format, but can be an arbitrary string).
    public String getModifiedDate() {
        return getCOSObject().getString(COSName.M);

     * This will set the date and time the annotation was modified.
     * @param m the date and time the annotation was created. Date values used in a PDF shall
     * conform to a standard date format, which closely follows that of the international standard
     * ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), defined in ISO/IEC 8824. A date shall be a text string
     * of the form (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm). Alternatively, use
     * {@link #setModifiedDate(java.util.Calendar)}
    public void setModifiedDate(String m) {
        getCOSObject().setString(COSName.M, m);

     * This will set the date and time the annotation was modified.
     * @param c the date and time the annotation was created.
    public void setModifiedDate(Calendar c) {
        getCOSObject().setDate(COSName.M, c);

     * This will get the name, a string intended to uniquely identify each annotation within a page. Not to be confused
     * with some annotations Name entry which impact the default image drawn for them.
     * @return The identifying name for the Annotation.
    public String getAnnotationName() {
        return getCOSObject().getString(COSName.NM);

     * This will set the name, a string intended to uniquely identify each annotation within a page. Not to be confused
     * with some annotations Name entry which impact the default image drawn for them.
     * @param nm The identifying name for the annotation.
    public void setAnnotationName(String nm) {
        getCOSObject().setString(COSName.NM, nm);

     * This will get the key of this annotation in the structural parent tree.
     * @return the integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree or -1 if
     * there isn't any.
    public int getStructParent() {
        return getCOSObject().getInt(COSName.STRUCT_PARENT);

     * This will set the key for this annotation in the structural parent tree.
     * @param structParent The new key for this annotation.
    public void setStructParent(int structParent) {
        getCOSObject().setInt(COSName.STRUCT_PARENT, structParent);

     * This will get the optional content group or optional content membership dictionary for the
     * annotation.
     * @return The optional content group or optional content membership dictionary or null if there
     * is none.
    public PDPropertyList getOptionalContent() {
        COSBase base = getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.OC);
        if (base instanceof COSDictionary) {
            return PDPropertyList.create((COSDictionary) base);
        return null;

     * Sets the optional content group or optional content membership dictionary for the annotation.
     * @param oc The optional content group or optional content membership dictionary.
    public void setOptionalContent(PDPropertyList oc) {
        getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.OC, oc);

     * This will retrieve the border array. If none is available then it will return the default,
     * which is [0 0 1]. The array consists of at least three numbers defining the horizontal corner
     * radius, vertical corner radius, and border width. The array may have a fourth element, an
     * optional dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing the
     * border. If the array has less than three elements, it will be filled with 0.
     * @return the border array, never null.
    public COSArray getBorder() {
        COSBase base = getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.BORDER);
        COSArray border;
        if (base instanceof COSArray) {
            border = (COSArray) base;
            if (border.size() < 3) {
                // create a copy to avoid altering the PDF
                COSArray newBorder = new COSArray();
                border = newBorder;
                // Adobe Reader behaves as if missing elements are 0.
                while (border.size() < 3) {
        } else {
            border = new COSArray();
        return border;

     * This will set the border array.
     * @param borderArray the border array to set.
    public void setBorder(COSArray borderArray) {
        getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.BORDER, borderArray);

     * This will set the color used in drawing various elements. As of PDF 1.6 these are : Background of icon when
     * closed Title bar of popup window Border of a link annotation
     * Colour is in DeviceRGB colourspace
     * @param c colour in the DeviceRGB colourspace
    public void setColor(PDColor c) {
        getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.C, c.toCOSArray());

     * This will retrieve the color used in drawing various elements. As of PDF 1.6 these are :
     * <ul>
     * <li>Background of icon when closed</li>
     * <li>Title bar of popup window</li>
     * <li>Border of a link annotation</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return Color object representing the colour
    public PDColor getColor() {
        return getColor(COSName.C);

    protected PDColor getColor(COSName itemName) {
        COSBase c = this.getCOSObject().getItem(itemName);
        if (c instanceof COSArray) {
            PDColorSpace colorSpace = null;
            switch (((COSArray) c).size()) {
            case 1:
                colorSpace = PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
            case 3:
                colorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
            case 4:
                colorSpace = PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
            return new PDColor((COSArray) c, colorSpace);
        return null;

     * This will set the corresponding page for this annotation.
     * @param page is the corresponding page
    public void setPage(PDPage page) {
        this.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.P, page);

     * This will retrieve the corresponding page of this annotation.
     * @return the corresponding page
    public PDPage getPage() {
        COSBase base = this.getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.P);
        if (base instanceof COSDictionary) {
            return new PDPage((COSDictionary) base);
        return null;

     * Create the appearance entry for this annotation. Not having it may prevent display in some
     * viewers. This method is for overriding in subclasses, the default implementation does
     * nothing.
     * @param document
    public void constructAppearances(PDDocument document) {

     * Create the appearance entry for this annotation. Not having it may prevent display in some
     * viewers. This method is for overriding in subclasses, the default implementation does
     * nothing.
    public void constructAppearances() {
