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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSObject;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.WrappedIOException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.fdf.FDFDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.persistence.util.COSObjectKey;

 * This class will handle the parsing of the PDF document.
 * @author <a href="">Ben Litchfield</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.53 $
public class PDFParser extends BaseParser {

     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDFParser.class);

    private static final int SPACE_BYTE = 32;

    private static final String PDF_HEADER = "%PDF-";
    private static final String FDF_HEADER = "%FDF-";
     * A list of duplicate objects found when Parsing the PDF
     * File.
    private List<ConflictObj> conflictList = new ArrayList<ConflictObj>();

    /** Collects all Xref/trailer objects and resolves them into single
     *  object using startxref reference. 
    protected XrefTrailerResolver xrefTrailerResolver = new XrefTrailerResolver();

     * Temp file directory.
    private File tempDirectory = null;

    private RandomAccess raf = null;

     * Constructor.
     * @param input The input stream that contains the PDF document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error initializing the stream.
    public PDFParser(InputStream input) throws IOException {
        this(input, null, FORCE_PARSING);

     * Constructor to allow control over RandomAccessFile.
     * @param input The input stream that contains the PDF document.
     * @param rafi The RandomAccessFile to be used in internal COSDocument
     * @throws IOException If there is an error initializing the stream.
    public PDFParser(InputStream input, RandomAccess rafi) throws IOException {
        this(input, rafi, FORCE_PARSING);

     * Constructor to allow control over RandomAccessFile.
     * Also enables parser to skip corrupt objects to try and force parsing
     * @param input The input stream that contains the PDF document.
     * @param rafi The RandomAccessFile to be used in internal COSDocument
     * @param force When true, the parser will skip corrupt pdf objects and
     * will continue parsing at the next object in the file
     * @throws IOException If there is an error initializing the stream.
    public PDFParser(InputStream input, RandomAccess rafi, boolean force) throws IOException {
        super(input, force);
        this.raf = rafi;

     * This is the directory where pdfbox will create a temporary file
     * for storing pdf document stream in.  By default this directory will
     * be the value of the system property
     * @param tmpDir The directory to create scratch files needed to store
     *        pdf document streams.
    public void setTempDirectory(File tmpDir) {
        tempDirectory = tmpDir;

     * Returns true if parsing should be continued. By default, forceParsing is returned.
     * This can be overridden to add application specific handling (for example to stop
     * parsing when the number of exceptions thrown exceed a certain number).
     * @param e The exception if vailable. Can be null if there is no exception available
     * @return true if parsing could be continued, otherwise false
    protected boolean isContinueOnError(Exception e) {
        return forceParsing;

     * This will parse the stream and populate the COSDocument object.  This will close
     * the stream when it is done parsing.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream or corrupt data
     * is found.
    public void parse() throws IOException {
        try {
            if (raf == null) {
                if (tempDirectory != null) {
                    document = new COSDocument(tempDirectory);
                } else {
                    document = new COSDocument();
            } else {
                document = new COSDocument(raf);


            //Some PDF files have garbage between the header and the
            //first object

            boolean wasLastParsedObjectEOF = false;
            while (true) {
                if (pdfSource.isEOF()) {
                try {
                    wasLastParsedObjectEOF = parseObject();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                     * PDF files may have random data after the EOF marker. Ignore errors if
                     * last object processed is EOF.
                    if (wasLastParsedObjectEOF) {
                    if (isContinueOnError(e)) {
                         * Warning is sent to the PDFBox.log and to the Console that
                         * we skipped over an object
                        LOG.warn("Parsing Error, Skipping Object", e);
                    } else {
                        throw e;

            // set xref to start with

            // get resolved xref table + trailer

            if (!document.isEncrypted()) {
            ConflictObj.resolveConflicts(document, conflictList);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //so if the PDF is corrupt then close the document and clear
            //all resources to it
            if (document != null) {
            if (t instanceof IOException) {
                throw (IOException) t;
            } else {
                throw new WrappedIOException(t);
        } finally {

     * Skip to the start of the next object.  This is used to recover
     * from a corrupt object. This should handle all cases that parseObject
     * supports. This assumes that the next object will
     * start on its own line.
     * @throws IOException
    private void skipToNextObj() throws IOException {
        byte[] b = new byte[16];
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+obj.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
        /* Read a buffer of data each time to see if it starts with a
         * known keyword. This is not the most efficient design, but we should
         * rarely be needing this function. We could update this to use the
         * circular buffer, like in readUntilEndStream().
        while (!pdfSource.isEOF()) {
            int l =;
            if (l < 1) {
            String s = new String(b, "US-ASCII");
            if (s.startsWith("trailer") || s.startsWith("xref") || s.startsWith("startxref")
                    || s.startsWith("stream") || p.matcher(s).matches()) {
            } else {
                pdfSource.unread(b, 1, l - 1);

    private void parseHeader() throws IOException {
        // read first line
        String header = readLine();
        // some pdf-documents are broken and the pdf-version is in one of the following lines
        if ((header.indexOf(PDF_HEADER) == -1) && (header.indexOf(FDF_HEADER) == -1)) {
            header = readLine();
            while ((header.indexOf(PDF_HEADER) == -1) && (header.indexOf(FDF_HEADER) == -1)) {
                // if a line starts with a digit, it has to be the first one with data in it
                if ((header.length() > 0) && (Character.isDigit(header.charAt(0)))) {
                header = readLine();

        // nothing found
        if ((header.indexOf(PDF_HEADER) == -1) && (header.indexOf(FDF_HEADER) == -1)) {
            throw new IOException("Error: Header doesn't contain versioninfo");

        //sometimes there are some garbage bytes in the header before the header
        //actually starts, so lets try to find the header first.
        int headerStart = header.indexOf(PDF_HEADER);
        if (headerStart == -1) {
            headerStart = header.indexOf(FDF_HEADER);

        //greater than zero because if it is zero then
        //there is no point of trimming
        if (headerStart > 0) {
            //trim off any leading characters
            header = header.substring(headerStart, header.length());

         * This is used if there is garbage after the header on the same line
        if (header.startsWith(PDF_HEADER)) {
            if (!header.matches(PDF_HEADER + "\\d.\\d")) {
                String headerGarbage = header.substring(PDF_HEADER.length() + 3, header.length()) + "\n";
                header = header.substring(0, PDF_HEADER.length() + 3);
        } else {
            if (!header.matches(FDF_HEADER + "\\d.\\d")) {
                String headerGarbage = header.substring(FDF_HEADER.length() + 3, header.length()) + "\n";
                header = header.substring(0, FDF_HEADER.length() + 3);

        try {
            if (header.startsWith(PDF_HEADER)) {
                float pdfVersion = Float.parseFloat(
                        header.substring(PDF_HEADER.length(), Math.min(header.length(), PDF_HEADER.length() + 3)));
            } else {
                float pdfVersion = Float.parseFloat(
                        header.substring(FDF_HEADER.length(), Math.min(header.length(), FDF_HEADER.length() + 3)));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new IOException("Error getting pdf version:" + e);

     * This will get the document that was parsed.  parse() must be called before this is called.
     * When you are done with this document you must call close() on it to release
     * resources.
     * @return The document that was parsed.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error getting the document.
    public COSDocument getDocument() throws IOException {
        if (document == null) {
            throw new IOException("You must call parse() before calling getDocument()");
        return document;

     * This will get the PD document that was parsed.  When you are done with
     * this document you must call close() on it to release resources.
     * @return The document at the PD layer.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error getting the document.
    public PDDocument getPDDocument() throws IOException {
        return new PDDocument(getDocument());

     * This will get the FDF document that was parsed.  When you are done with
     * this document you must call close() on it to release resources.
     * @return The document at the PD layer.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error getting the document.
    public FDFDocument getFDFDocument() throws IOException {
        return new FDFDocument(getDocument());

     * This will parse the next object from the stream and add it to
     * the local state.
     * @return Returns true if the processed object had an endOfFile marker
     * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
    private boolean parseObject() throws IOException {
        long currentObjByteOffset = pdfSource.getOffset();
        boolean isEndOfFile = false;
        //peek at the next character to determine the type of object we are parsing
        char peekedChar = (char) pdfSource.peek();

        //ignore endobj and endstream sections.
        while (peekedChar == 'e') {
            //there are times when there are multiple endobj, so lets
            //just read them and move on.
            currentObjByteOffset = pdfSource.getOffset();
            peekedChar = (char) pdfSource.peek();
        if (pdfSource.isEOF()) {
            //"Skipping because of EOF" );
            //end of file we will return a false and call it a day.
        //xref table. Note: The contents of the Xref table are currently ignored
        else if (peekedChar == 'x') {
        // Note: startxref can occur in either a trailer section or by itself
        else if (peekedChar == 't' || peekedChar == 's') {
            if (peekedChar == 't') {
                peekedChar = (char) pdfSource.peek();
            if (peekedChar == 's') {
                // readString() calls skipSpaces() will skip comments... that's
                // bad for us b/c the %%EOF flag is a comment
                while (isWhitespace(pdfSource.peek()) && !pdfSource.isEOF()) {
          ; // read (get rid of) all the whitespace
                String eof = "";
                if (!pdfSource.isEOF()) {
                    eof = readLine(); // if there's more data to read, get the EOF flag

                // verify that EOF exists (see PDFBOX-979 for documentation on special cases)
                if (!"%%EOF".equals(eof)) {
                    if (eof.startsWith("%%EOF")) {
                        // content after marker -> unread with first space byte for read newline
                        pdfSource.unread(SPACE_BYTE); // we read a whole line; add space as newline replacement
                    } else {
                        // PDF does not conform to spec, we should warn someone
                        LOG.warn("expected='%%EOF' actual='" + eof + "'");
                        // if we're not at the end of a file, just put it back and move on
                        if (!pdfSource.isEOF()) {
                            pdfSource.unread(SPACE_BYTE); // we read a whole line; add space as newline replacement
                isEndOfFile = true;
        //we are going to parse an normal object
        else {
            int number = -1;
            int genNum = -1;
            String objectKey = null;
            boolean missingObjectNumber = false;
            try {
                char peeked = (char) pdfSource.peek();
                if (peeked == '<') {
                    missingObjectNumber = true;
                } else {
                    number = readInt();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //ok for some reason "GNU Ghostscript 5.10" puts two endobj
                //statements after an object, of course this is nonsense
                //but because we want to support as many PDFs as possible
                //we will simply try again
                number = readInt();
            if (!missingObjectNumber) {
                genNum = readInt();

                objectKey = readString(3);
                //System.out.println( "parseObject() num=" + number +
                //" genNumber=" + genNum + " key='" + objectKey + "'" );
                if (!objectKey.equals("obj")) {
                    if (!isContinueOnError(null) || !objectKey.equals("o")) {
                        throw new IOException("expected='obj' actual='" + objectKey + "' " + pdfSource);
                    //assume that "o" was meant to be "obj" (this is a workaround for
                    // PDFBOX-773 attached PDF Andersens_Fairy_Tales.pdf).
            } else {
                number = -1;
                genNum = -1;

            COSBase pb = parseDirObject();
            String endObjectKey = readString();

            if (endObjectKey.equals("stream")) {
                pdfSource.unread(' ');
                if (pb instanceof COSDictionary) {
                    pb = parseCOSStream((COSDictionary) pb, getDocument().getScratchFile());

                    // test for XRef type
                    final COSStream strmObj = (COSStream) pb;
                    final COSName objectType = (COSName) strmObj.getItem(COSName.TYPE);
                    if (objectType != null && objectType.equals(COSName.XREF)) {
                        // XRef stream
                        parseXrefStream(strmObj, currentObjByteOffset);
                } else {
                    // this is not legal
                    // the combination of a dict and the stream/endstream forms a complete stream object
                    throw new IOException("stream not preceded by dictionary");
                endObjectKey = readLine();

            COSObjectKey key = new COSObjectKey(number, genNum);
            COSObject pdfObject = document.getObjectFromPool(key);
            if (pdfObject.getObject() == null) {
             * If the object we returned already has a baseobject, then we have a conflict
             * which we will resolve using information after we parse the xref table.
            else {
                addObjectToConflicts(currentObjByteOffset, key, pb);

            if (!endObjectKey.equals("endobj")) {
                if (endObjectKey.startsWith("endobj")) {
                     * Some PDF files don't contain a new line after endobj so we
                     * need to make sure that the next object number is getting read separately
                     * and not part of the endobj keyword. Ex. Some files would have "endobj28"
                     * instead of "endobj"
                    pdfSource.unread(SPACE_BYTE); // add a space first in place of the newline consumed by readline()
                } else if (endObjectKey.trim().endsWith("endobj")) {
                     * Some PDF files contain junk (like ">> ", in the case of a PDF
                     * I found which was created by Exstream Dialogue Version 5.0.039)
                     * in which case we ignore the data before endobj and just move on
                    LOG.warn("expected='endobj' actual='" + endObjectKey + "' ");
                } else if (!pdfSource.isEOF()) {
                    //It is possible that the endobj is missing, there
                    //are several PDFs out there that do that so. Unread
                    //and assume that endobj was missing
                    pdfSource.unread(SPACE_BYTE); // add a space first in place of the newline consumed by readline()
        return isEndOfFile;

     * Adds a new ConflictObj to the conflictList.
     * @param offset the offset of the ConflictObj
     * @param key The COSObjectKey of this object
     * @param pb The COSBase of this conflictObj
     * @throws IOException
    private void addObjectToConflicts(long offset, COSObjectKey key, COSBase pb) throws IOException {
        COSObject obj = new COSObject(null);
        ConflictObj conflictObj = new ConflictObj(offset, key, obj);

     * This will parse the startxref section from the stream.
     * The startxref value is ignored.
     * @return false on parsing error
     * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
    protected boolean parseStartXref() throws IOException {
        if (pdfSource.peek() != 's') {
            return false;
        String startXRef = readString();
        if (!startXRef.trim().equals("startxref")) {
            return false;
        /* This integer is the byte offset of the first object referenced by the xref or xref stream
         * Needed for the incremental update (PREV)
        return true;

     * This will parse the xref table from the stream and add it to the state
     * The XrefTable contents are ignored.
     * @param startByteOffset the offset to start at
     * @return false on parsing error
     * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
    protected boolean parseXrefTable(long startByteOffset) throws IOException {
        if (pdfSource.peek() != 'x') {
            return false;
        String xref = readString();
        if (!xref.trim().equals("xref")) {
            return false;

        // signal start of new XRef

         * Xref tables can have multiple sections.
         * Each starts with a starting object id and a count.
        while (true) {
            int currObjID = readInt(); // first obj id
            int count = readInt(); // the number of objects in the xref table
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                if (pdfSource.isEOF() || isEndOfName((char) pdfSource.peek())) {
                if (pdfSource.peek() == 't') {
                //Ignore table contents
                String currentLine = readLine();
                String[] splitString = currentLine.split(" ");
                if (splitString.length < 3) {
                    LOG.warn("invalid xref line: " + currentLine);
                /* This supports the corrupt table as reported in
                 * PDFBOX-474 (XXXX XXX XX n) */
                if (splitString[splitString.length - 1].equals("n")) {
                    try {
                        long currOffset = Long.parseLong(splitString[0]);
                        int currGenID = Integer.parseInt(splitString[1]);
                        COSObjectKey objKey = new COSObjectKey(currObjID, currGenID);
                        xrefTrailerResolver.setXRef(objKey, currOffset);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
                } else if (!splitString[2].equals("f")) {
                    throw new IOException("Corrupt XRefTable Entry - ObjID:" + currObjID);
            char c = (char) pdfSource.peek();
            if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
        return true;

     * This will parse the trailer from the stream and add it to the state.
     * @return false on parsing error
     * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
    protected boolean parseTrailer() throws IOException {
        if (pdfSource.peek() != 't') {
            return false;
        //read "trailer"
        String nextLine = readLine();
        if (!nextLine.trim().equals("trailer")) {
            // in some cases the EOL is missing and the trailer immediately
            // continues with "<<" or with a blank character
            // even if this does not comply with PDF reference we want to support as many PDFs as possible
            // Acrobat reader can also deal with this.
            if (nextLine.startsWith("trailer")) {
                byte[] b = nextLine.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
                int len = "trailer".length();
                pdfSource.unread(b, len, b.length - len);
            } else {
                return false;

        // in some cases the EOL is missing and the trailer continues with " <<"
        // even if this does not comply with PDF reference we want to support as many PDFs as possible
        // Acrobat reader can also deal with this.

        COSDictionary parsedTrailer = parseCOSDictionary();

        // The version can also be specified within the document /Catalog

        return true;

     * The document catalog can also have a /Version parameter which overrides the version specified
     * in the header if, and only if it is greater.
     * @param parsedTrailer the parsed catalog in the trailer
    private void readVersionInTrailer(COSDictionary parsedTrailer) {
        COSObject root = (COSObject) parsedTrailer.getItem(COSName.ROOT);
        if (root != null) {
            COSName version = (COSName) root.getItem(COSName.VERSION);
            if (version != null) {
                float trailerVersion = Float.valueOf(version.getName());
                if (trailerVersion > document.getVersion()) {

     * Fills XRefTrailerResolver with data of given stream.
     * Stream must be of type XRef.
     * @param stream the stream to be read
     * @param objByteOffset the offset to start at
     * @throws IOException if there is an error parsing the stream
    public void parseXrefStream(COSStream stream, long objByteOffset) throws IOException {
        PDFXrefStreamParser parser = new PDFXrefStreamParser(stream, document, forceParsing, xrefTrailerResolver);

     * Used to resolve conflicts when a PDF Document has multiple objects with
     * the same id number. Ideally, we could use the Xref table when parsing
     * the document to be able to determine which of the objects with the same ID
     * is correct, but we do not have access to the Xref Table during parsing.
     * Instead, we queue up the conflicts and resolve them after the Xref has
     * been parsed. The Objects listed in the Xref Table are kept and the
     * others are ignored.
    private static class ConflictObj {

        private long offset;
        private COSObjectKey objectKey;
        private COSObject object;

        public ConflictObj(long offsetValue, COSObjectKey key, COSObject pdfObject) {
            this.offset = offsetValue;
            this.objectKey = key;
            this.object = pdfObject;

        public String toString() {
            return "Object(" + offset + ", " + objectKey + ")";

         * Sometimes pdf files have objects with the same ID number yet are
         * not referenced by the Xref table and therefore should be excluded.
         * This method goes through the conflicts list and replaces the object stored
         * in the objects array with this one if it is referenced by the xref
         * table.
         * @throws IOException
        private static void resolveConflicts(COSDocument document, List<ConflictObj> conflictList)
                throws IOException {
            Iterator<ConflictObj> conflicts = conflictList.iterator();
            while (conflicts.hasNext()) {
                ConflictObj o =;
                Long offset = new Long(o.offset);
                if (document.getXrefTable().containsValue(offset)) {
                    COSObject pdfObject = document.getObjectFromPool(o.objectKey);